  • Report:  #160230

Complaint Review: Albertsons Drug Stores - American Drug Stores - Osco Drug Stores - Homewood Illinois

Reported By:
- matteson, Illinois,

Albertsons Drug Stores - American Drug Stores - Osco Drug Stores
17705 South Halsted Homewood, 60430 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was employed with Osco Drugs Store #671/3188 form 8/1/77 to 5/7/77. (26+ years) I was shocked to learn that the company supported racial profiling. I complained and all HELL broke out.

I was demoted from an Assistant Manager to a Supervisor. I was given a terrible work schedule. My duties were re-assigned to those of a clerk. I was purposely given janitorial duties. Keys were taken from me. I was denied advancement training and special classes. Younger women were assigned.

I was terminated in 1998, but put back to work due to the concern and demonstration out-side of the store of customers, friends,and family.

My personnel files were tentured with bad and negative reports. I was given a choice to like it or hit the door. I was subjected to extreme racial slurs in the presence of an immediate top Supervisor. I followed Osco's complaint procedure and filed through internal affairs. I was accused of complaining, because I had a bad work record and performance.

I filed a law suit which went to the U.S. Supreme and was ruled not to be heard. I was called into the office of my Store Director and give an altimatium. (Quit, Retire, or be Fired). I retired only to find that their is no pension. I need legal/public awareness and help. I welcome media coverage. Please let me know of other victims. I know of several such individual. Lets put an end to this!!!


matteson, Illinois

17 Updates & Rebuttals


"Juanita" "Juanita"

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 31, 2005

Juanita, I do not feel you were subjected to improper behavior. You just have to understand that some people are ghetto no matter what color or creed they are. In reference to the word ni--ah being used in public, I have to agree with Robert that this has been going on for years. When I grew up in Boston in the 80's this term was used all the time as a greeting between two persons or more of the black decent. I used to work for Osco drug 20 years ago and never had a problem with them or overheard any racial overtones or profiling as you say it. I do wish you good luck in going against a large company such as Osco Drug. I hope you have a lot of money for Lawyers and filing fees. Oh and Robert from Jacksonville, you really do need to get a life as most of the time your comments are way off course on the actual subject. Peace out.


I suggest that you contact your local union

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 31, 2005

To Carol Ann and others. I was a part of management when I worked for Osco and it was stated to me that anyone that had access to the safes, keys, drugs, or alcohol had to be finger printed. Now if they are finger printing the cashiers, clerks, or stock, I don't know what their reason is. I suggest that you contact your local union if you have one in your store(s). I always questioned anything that they did out of the oridinary. They do have big I(s) and little u(s). Anyone out there that knows anything different, give us a shout out. Thanks!


Now that's what I'm talking About!

#4Author of original report

Mon, October 31, 2005

When I first decided to post my story on the internet, I did it not for sympathy. I had hopes that someone might have a positive suggestion. Thanks Carol Ann. Several of the organizations that you suggested, I have already tried. Believe it or not Politics play a major role in cases of this type. I'm seeking justice not only for myself, but also for others that might find themselves caught up in similar situations. I'm interested in knowing if someone know of a person or they themselves have suffered at the hands of Jewel/Osco/Albertson. Carol Ann is right. If they get away with one certain group of people, it possible will spread to others. Getting back to my pension. Osco pay scale is so low that your bring home pay can hardly get you home. I worked there basicly for the health benefits, which we did have. I had a nice 401k, but I've spent a great deal on legal fees, plus I lost my home to a fire 1 month after I was forced into retirement. I'm not giving up! Thanks All..

Carol Ann

Las Vegas,
Additional Information

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 30, 2005

Juanita, You may also have grounds to file an additional complaint for Retaliation with EEOC. Also try the Southern Poverty Law Center, you'll find them online.



#6Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

YOU said you found out AFTER taking early retirement there was no pension. This insinuates you have none at all. YOU did not say you have a 401K. If you do, THAT is your pension. As for respect, I give as I get. I do not call anyone by a slur, no matter what they do. It prove nothing. My point was, if it is so terrible, why do black people call each other it? That makes no sense to me, and most whites.



#7Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

YOU said you found out AFTER taking early retirement there was no pension. This insinuates you have none at all. YOU did not say you have a 401K. If you do, THAT is your pension. As for respect, I give as I get. I do not call anyone by a slur, no matter what they do. It prove nothing. My point was, if it is so terrible, why do black people call each other it? That makes no sense to me, and most whites.



#8Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

YOU said you found out AFTER taking early retirement there was no pension. This insinuates you have none at all. YOU did not say you have a 401K. If you do, THAT is your pension. As for respect, I give as I get. I do not call anyone by a slur, no matter what they do. It prove nothing. My point was, if it is so terrible, why do black people call each other it? That makes no sense to me, and most whites.



#9Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

YOU said you found out AFTER taking early retirement there was no pension. This insinuates you have none at all. YOU did not say you have a 401K. If you do, THAT is your pension. As for respect, I give as I get. I do not call anyone by a slur, no matter what they do. It prove nothing. My point was, if it is so terrible, why do black people call each other it? That makes no sense to me, and most whites.

Carol Ann

Las Vegas,
Tell me, why does a grocery store need your fingerprints to purchase groceries? That is called profiling and they are not law enforcement or a branch of the government.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 29, 2005

Jewel/Osco/Albertson's is known for their Civil Rights Violations and are now fingerprinting people in California and Illinois in a pilot program that they want to go nationwide. Tell me, why does a grocery store need your fingerprints to purchase groceries? That is called profiling and they are not law enforcement or a branch of the government. For those that are laughing at these Civil rights violations, if they get away with it with one group, it will not be long before they are doing it to others for whatever the reason, just as they are in California. I suggest you contact Operation PUSH, the NAACP and the National Organization of Women (NOW), ACLU and appeal until there are no more appeals to be made. Tell your story to the news media directly. Good luck


"Something to be learned by Everyone"

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, October 29, 2005

I invite each of the responses to my detail of racial profiling to give me your true and believed definition of "Racial Profiling" To Robert, you assumed that I did not take out a 401k. Well you know that old saying about people that "a*s-u-me". I invite all of you to go to the dictionary and look up the word n****r/Niggah or which ever word that you have heard black people or anyone else use. It's about respect. If I had enough respect not to make racial derogatory remarks in front of this former employee, then she should have refrained from going out of her way showing just how low and indignant of a character she possess. She must not have had any type of a proper guidance in her child hood. There is a time and place to all things. She had no right to say what she said. I must say luck was on her side. I considered myself to be too much of a lady to lower myself to her level. Most work places alledge that they do not permit such behavior including Osco, yet they retailated against me because I complained.


Any City,
North Carolina,
Robert is right

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

If you listen to music made by and for african-americans, the use of the N word is common. Very common. I have black friends and co-workers and I constantly hear them call each other the N word. And no, its not just the current crop of friends/co-workers I have because I've lived all over the world and always found it to be the case, i.e. blacks using the N word.... Now, I'm not debating whether its appropriate or not. I don't want to even go there. I'm just saying, yeah, a lot of blacks use the N word. A LOT.


I guess there are no blacks in Oregon

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

I have heard them call each other n****r for over 20 yrs. There was a time when they didn't. You can call it niggah if you want, the meaning is the same. Ebonics be damned. Pick up a CD at a record shop and look at the titles. n****r this, h*o that, b***h this, Kill that. Great stuff for everyone to hear. Bill Cosby spoke out about it and was shot down in flames by the blacks. They smeared him for no other reason than HE WAS RIGHT! As for saving nothing and then being surprised that there is nothing saved for retirement, that is just asinine. No s**t, there's no money if you don't save up. DUUUUUUUHHHH!!!!!


Robert---there are no words to describe...

#14Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 28, 2005

I have NEVER heard one black person call another a n****r (with an er at the end)...an 'ah' at the end, maybe, but never the other way around...and if you have heard it, then my apologies...and, BTW---I call my sister a honkey all the time, just so you know...lol...


This is goofy

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, October 28, 2005

So, you put nothing toward you retirement. Now, you are shocked to learn you have nothing saved for your retirement. As for the use of the term "n****r", untill I hear at least one other black(Bill Cosby was ridiculed by every so-called black leader) tell the rest to stop using the term, I don't see what the problem is. Whites don't go around calling each other "cracker" or "honky". Every song played on the Urban stations has that along with other wonderful terms of endearment, especially towrd the women in the listening audience. You people slay me. I need a drink.


That's not profiling

#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 28, 2005

To Juanita, I'm sorry that happened to you, but what you experienced is not profiling, it's just plain bigotry.


answer to "profiling works"

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, October 28, 2005

This re-buttal is to answer Marc of Hawaii and anyone else that do not understand the term Racial Profiling. I shared an office with several other employees. while sitting at my desk doing my work, another employee was loudly commenting to her immediate supervisor about her work situation. "I'm sick of these god-d--mn lazy a--people round here trying to work me like I'm a Mother-f--king, black a--, son of a bi-th, N-gger." Need I say that I happened to be black and the other two associates were caucasian. I rose to my feet and exited the room. Her supervisor just looked at me and said nothing to her. She said "Oh, I'm sorry." I saw her the next day and I just kept my distance and did not say anything to her. She said "what's wrong with you, I said I'm sorry, oh get over it." I decided after that comment her actions should be reported, since her immediate supervisor had fail to chastize her. I reported the incident, loss prevention was call in. I was told by my supervisor she has been given time off without pay and that's all you need to know. I later learned that she had taken a weeks vacation with pay. After I reported the incident, I became the victim. I was written up for every little thing. After 25 years of an excellent work record, I was told that my work habits were not meeting standards. I was demoted from my senior job status. I was told that I should either quit, retire or get fired. It's hard to work under humiliating circumstances. I took an early retirement, only to find out that the company do not have a pension plan. If you do not save under your 401k plan you are doomed. I hope this answers any questions that anyone might have. There's a lot more since I have endured this for over ll years.


Profiling works

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, October 11, 2005

What sort of profiling are you complaining about? Profiling can be bad if mis-used but in general it's a tried and true tactic that cannot be dis-allowed by the leftist whackos and their lawyers. We live in a violent world, and it would be stupid to let ourselves be further victimized by NOT profiling just to appease someone's concept of political correctness. Perhaps you could explain what happened in your situation?

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