  • Report:  #1438656

Complaint Review: Alex Ansary - Colorado

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real - United States

Alex Ansary
Colorado, United States
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I discovered Mr. Ansary on his video channel online and seen a guy who wants to make the world a better place.  I have done years and years of research and figured out how to solve the world’s problems including aging and death.

Because Mr. Ansary proclaimed on his show that he wants to work with others in an activist way I contacted him and made an offer that would help him and the world by promoting the solution and so people would know what they can do to solve our world’s problems.  

Mr. Ansary’s response was, “I am already immortal webmaster.  This wouldn’t work out for me”.   A solution that would solve our world’s problems and save lives by the billions “is not for Alex Ansary”.  This is where the fraud comes in.  He calls himself an activists but he is against solutions.  

Over the next few months I listened to his podcasts and discovered disturbing truths about Alex Ansary I feel the public should know.  

I contacted him and informed him that his show of “creating awareness” is only about reporting on the ‘tail of the snake’, a metaphor that acknowledges the principle of cause (creation) and effect (physical manifestation).  If you only report on the effect/tail without a solution then you’re only fear mongering.  That’s not activism because it changes nothing and not only that there’s no useable or valuable information that would solve anything at all.  

Almost every single podcast he does includes the following 1. Bad thing happened.  2. He’s poor and needs your money and will brainwash you into thinking he’s an activist when he’s only commentator on already publicly available knowledge published else ware.  3.  (Pre)attacks people who do not agree with him (gaslighting).  4.  Complains condescendingly to the point of being psychologically abusive to his audience which guilt trips his listeners into financially supporting him (defrauding).  5. Plays the victim as he has been offered things that he has claimed to want but then publicly complains that no one support him (delusional/mental illness).  6.  The spirituality he promotes is a form of Satanism.  He is no master of life yet he teaches as if he knows the truth and that is an act of social irresponsibility.  His channel has the phrase, “THE PATH TO THE ULTIMATE TRUTH AND PLACE OF POWER LIES WITHIN”, as if he is some spiritual master, but his content is deranged Satanism.  Because of these facts, Alex Ansary is portraying himself as some kind of master of truth yet playing the role of an innocent victim when in reality; his situation has been created by his own choices.  

Many so-called activists like Alex Ansary and Alex Jones is that they promote that which they want personally in their lives but this is a selfish thing to do because what they choose to promote is not helpful to the world but to themselves.  To justify this selfishness these fake activists virtue signal publicly claiming that they want to work with others and make the world a better place, mentioning spirituality, god and Jesus, but their choices demonstrate that they do this as a way to manipulating/brainwashing the public to support their them, not the world, which makes them selfish.  

The only thing that Alex Ansary is interested in is that which makes his selfish interests bigger.  He only want to produce more content for his show so he can make more money from his audience and if people don’t want to just ‘go on his show’ or ‘be his friend’ then he doesn’t care about anything else including a movement that could solve every problem on earth.  Because he will not promote or engage solutions that benefit the world he has demonstrated/proven that he is a fraud.  

The problem with many people in a Capitalist society is that people are forced into poverty, which is violence against those who would not make the rich more money and power, and that makes people desperate to make money.  Because Capitalism is satanic in nature it is intolerable and so many people out there who give career advice tell people to find something you love to do.   When it comes to activism, this scenario forces amateurs and people who are not qualified to do the job to go out and do this job when they are inadequate to succeed and so the content market is full of people who have no idea how to solve the world’s problems, and because most people are not geniuses and masters of life they get suckered into people like Alex Ansary thinking that they’re helping the world but in reality they’re only helping themselves.  Mr. Ansary turning down my offer, but not only that, not even asking questions or attempting to investigate what I was offering, is evidence of this satanic economic system’s effect on people that make them selfish and tribalistic where they work out of fear of poverty for themselves vs. the world as a whole.  In the end, they pander to the problem which causes them to avoid the solution and result is defrauding their audience.  

I started a church where I work to facilitate self-awareness so they can know why suffering, aging, and death (mortality) exists and how to resolve mortality by becoming an immortal in exactly the same way Jesus did it.  This is a form of activism that solves every problem on earth including aging and death via consciousness, demonstrating immortality, and facilitating educational awareness of how society’s problems are affecting the consciousness of the population by enforcing mortality on to it.  If Alex Ansary promoted this it would unequivocally destroy his ‘career’ as no one is going to want to listen to him when there are people who are real masters who know what they’re talking about who are doing 100,000,000 times more powerful activist work.  This is why my offer “didn’t ‘work’ for him/his ego”.

When you know the holy truth of life you’re eyes are open and can see the fakes and fraudsters out there but if you don’t know the holy truth of life then people who ‘look’ like they’re activists doing good work will appear legitimate even when they’re not.  As an activist I knew that if you want to change the world that you better figure out how to do it and if you attempt to do it before you figure it out then you’re only trying.  Trying is failing and if you want people to support you because you’re failing then you are a fraud, defrauding your followers and that is a very, very foolish thing to do.  When people financially support mentally ill amateur activists who have no idea how to solve the world’s problems they are empowering them with the means to sucker others into their web of insanity.   Would it be wise to give money to businesses that ‘tries’ to make a quality product?  Then why would you support an amateur activist who’tries’?

My suggestion to Alex Ansary is to get a real job and figure out why the world’s problems are happening in the first place and know how to resolve it on a causal level with a realistic and effective solution before attempting to be an activist. Until you do this you are not an activist, but rather a business person just selling your commentary on issues for donations.   

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

#2General Comment

Mon, March 29, 2021

So, when I started having all kinds of weird things happening, I started looking into it and came across Alex, actually it probably came across to me as a timeline recommend, which, I couldnt really even watch a whole video of his I would only end up watching small parts, so boring and nonsensical. At times, I would agree with him, but his arrogance and pride is so strong, he acts like Zach Bagans trying to sound poetic but never does. Just sound like trying to hard.

Anyways, I made ONE comment on a MGTOW video of his ONE, and!, And! it was the FIRST video that I ever watched of his, he immediately attcked me and said something really really rude, like hateful I would say, he literally conveyed pure evil and hatred, So I was like wow Im done with this guys videos, anyways I gave it another go because at this point, I was going through it, so I ended up making some contributions because I was following instructions in the bible trying to be obedient and be good to my enemies ya know? anyways, again, I was really put off by his evil and violent response to my comment which, was not anything anyone should be upset by if they are living right.

Moving on, so, we started talking, like I emailed him, he emailed back, I started it,but, I never emailed like repeatedly unsolicited, and, his responses were always so contrived like they were coming off as psuedo intellectual philosopher vibes, but bad grammar misspellings, etcetera. So, ok fine I am not being extra just noticing details about his email,  but guy,  you are portraying this genius role, like you know how to handle it all, but you can't stand to be around anyone, or hold a job? Honey. Oh kay, hypocrisy method, like we are supposed to hold a job to support you in your quest to be "independent" but, really "delusional" because you are dependent on your contributions! like if you know everything and have it all figured out ok, no.

So, from there, even though l obviously can not stand you,  I like offered him to come by and hang out,  no, he was to afraid. I have already showed you who I am yet here we are. Then, I sent him an email one day and it was just like short sweet, like hi how are you hope your ok do you need anything, no, he was like, um yeah, this is just a courtesy reply like, as if to convey, I really dont even have to reply to you because I am a super genius, so you should like, worship me since I am a God. Uhhhhhh right. So, anyways he is very arrogant, rude, can not walk his talk or support any of his words with actions or behavioral "evidence" nor does he exhibit ANY humility.

He talks about how he is SO uber offended, like, this guy can NOT wait to get offended by literally anything, oh my god a woman thinks I am attractive I am terrified now and totally offended this is why I must be a "man going my own way" truth is like, alex, is not ALL your financial support coming from these greedy gold digging women, that expect everything from a man ,yet here they are supporting you? QUESTION MARK! you talk so much shat about women being greedy users, yet here you are doing the exact thing! you dont even give anyone any opportunity to do literally anything. 



United States
Alex Ansary

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, October 05, 2020

I have known Alex since 2008. I live in Portland, Oregon. I am a 46 year old female. I would like to defend Alex. He is honest. He is one of the few people in my life who never lied to me, stole from me or hurt me in any way. Did we get into some heated debates? Yes. We always remained friends, though. Never enemies. He would never hurt anyone.

Alex is a reporter. He is an interviewer. He doesn't pretend to know all the answers, nor does he tell other people what to do. If Alex doesn't want to hear a person's solutions, that's his right. Solutions, at least not right now, apparently, isn't his job.

The person who wrote this has some solutions, but how does one know the solution will work out in the end, until the end?

We all need support. No man is an island. I have never been taken advantage of by Alex, and I used to see him daily for many years. He is a caring person. He is intelligent and respectful. He will respect your negative opinion and your critisism of him. I am writting this to say, he's a solid person; and your solution as to how Alex can be a better person is not the only solution, which makes you simmilar to him: a reporter.

Thank you for reading.


United States
...and the saga continues!

#4Author of original report

Wed, May 02, 2018

My email was sent to three different email addresses simultaneously (i.e., CC), two of which were private, personal email addresses at a Hotmail and a Gmail email address, for which Alex Ansary publicly tells his audience to email him at in his videos.  These email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected].  I never received any response from the Hotmail or Gmail email addresses because Alex Ansary had already responded through another website email address (domain) that I never heard of before under the pseudonym “Immortal Webmaster”, whom I never heard of before, declining my offer as if I was making the offer to someone other than Alex, which I wasn’t.

Confused as to why Alex Ansary would respond pretending to be a webmaster and not signing his own name I replied back, “I'm going to take it that the following email (below)I received back on November 24 is your response, however, it was signed "The Immortal Webmaster". This was an email response I got from emailing you, Alex, but the email came from an email and domain I never heard of before, and was signed "The Immortal Webmaster" who I have no idea who that this. Unless you specify otherwise I will assume this is you responding.” Alex or “Immortal Webmaster” never contested this showing Ansary is responding as Immortal Webmaster.  

The .com email address that he responded to my offer from, this website does not have any information on it that informs who owns the site or operates it.  He has a problem using his name.  Here I email him and receive a response from a website I never heard of before that has no identifiable information, and he refuses to use his name and instead use a pseudonym. This is psychotically rude and unprofessional.  

I never emailed any webmaster and even so why would a webmaster respond to an email declining an offer that was not offered to this ‘webmaster’ in the first place? The only logical conclusion is that Alex Ansary answered his own email on his trip pretending to be someone else, a webmaster.  

Alex has never mentioned that when he asks people to email him that his email would ever go anyone but him as he says in his videos, “email me” not “email my webmaster, staff, or anyone else”.  He has never mentioned having any staff, and that is more than likely because he has no money to pay for any staff as he’s always badgering his audience for why he only make a couple hundred dollars per month and had to disconnect his internet just this last week because he’s broke.  

Alex Ansary has stated in his videos that he “does not have a single ally or friend for 1000 miles”.  If he actually had a webmaster that would qualify as an ally, would it not?  None of what he says and/or does adds up.  Any reasonable amount of deductive reasoning shows that he’s lying either in this rebuttal or in his videos, one or the other for certain.  For example, he implies that he’s too busy to read his own private email yet he asks his audience to email him privately wanting to collaborate, make documentaries, etc. He claims that he is looking for a job. How does he have any time for collaboration, making documentaries, or a job if he has no time to even read an email or ask someone questions?  It’s obvious that he is suffering some kind of mental psychosis.  I designed, operate, and do the graphics work for my church’s website, but there is no ‘webmaster’ as you don’t really need a webmaster nowadays with DIY sites, and I do all of this work myself yet I have time.  If a person values something enough they will make time.  The truth is he did not care about what I was offering because it wasn’t promoting the brand, Alex Ansary, and so it wasn’t about not having time, he just did not value it.  I would like to also point out that it’s been five months since I emailed him.  He had had plenty of time to do all the research in the world on it, yet he just care about anything but himself.  

About two months ago I sent him a message on facebook about economic activism, not church, and yet there was no response whatsoever.  I also made a few comments on his youtube channel, for which he claims to read them.  So by contacting him and there being no response whatsoever, this proves that his claim to want to work with people to make the world a better place is a total fraud.  

I also helped him understand why he’s failing as an activist.  The primary reason is he only addresses the outward effect, the individual events or faces, or what is known as “the tail of the snake”, but if you want to engage *real* activism and actually accomplish something instead of just endless talking and nothing happening then you need to address and resolve the head of the snake, for the purpose of eliminating the cause so the effects is not constantly created and/or being recreated.  Because he is assaulting is audience with the negativity of the ‘tail of the snake’ the only effect is fear mongering and nothing will ever change because of that, hence, he’s a fake, amateur activist who has no idea what he’s doing yet claiming to offer “THE ULTIMATE TRUTH”, yet only seeks to make money off of crisis.  That is not what activists do.  That’s what Satanists do.  

My church addresses the absolute cause of the world’s problems and organizes a strategic solution based on that, but by showing that he’s not even curious about it proves he does not care about the world at all for he never asked any questions and did not investigate anything for his misperception and/or labeling of my church using the descriptives, ‘spiritual’, ‘religion’, and ‘brand’, which are distorted perceptions/lies as my church is none of these things, is evidence that he doesn’t care, for he just blew off consciousness based activism with a plan to solve everything including aging and death because it did not serve Alex Ansary’s selfish monetary/career goals.  

Alex Ansary virtue signals by mentioning Jesus and god, yet he promotes the satanic doctrine of ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’, but there is no such thing.  What you call your truth is actually your belief system and because it’s ‘yours’, meaning an individual’s creation, shows that you are only interested in your way, which is ego, not life, and that is a deviation from truth.  Jesus called it the life the truth and the way. “Way” was singular, not plural, as there is only one way to everlasting life, yet there can be thousands of ways to die by believing in and/or inventing delusions, whatever you want – aka “my and your truth”.  Truth is life and deviation from life is death.  So “my truth” constitutes the way of death and because a false belief is what satan is then by him promoting the concept of ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’ Ansary is promoting Satanism.  Because all world problems are manifestations of satanic beliefs in the collective consciousness of mankind, promoting Satanism is like fighting fire with fire, which means you’re going to fail as a fraud claiming THE ULTIMATE TRUTH when he does not understand the problem.

Being a Satanist is to be selfish, which is why Alex Ansary only cares about Alex Ansary and not the world, for the presence of a real activist that does not promote his or her way but rather the way of life, which is purely selfless, they can’t handle it because the truth of their being selfish and satanic being publicly known is intolerable, just sitting next to it makes their fraudulent nature come into conscious awareness in the public eye, exposing them as a fraud.  All spirituality is a fraud as virtually all spiritual teachers only care about peddling books and consumable content as that is what they do, wasting other people’s time with their self-absorbed opinions all because that’s how they want to make money in a satanic economic system all the while they are not conscious or awakened to the truth that no spirituality has ever solved the world’s problems for thousands of years making that absolute proof that all spirituality is fake, fraudulent, and a failure.  

My church only engages life’s way and god’s way and we follow god’s will directly from god as he puts the instructions and truth embedded in life itself on the planet which has existed since the beginning, for billions of years, at least.  This is absolute evidence that my church is not a ‘religion’ nor does it have a ‘brand’ or any form of ‘spirituality’.  A real church is an activist movement, not a religion, for if you want to succeed at solving world problems then you need to do things the way life works and not the way your ego prefers.

If people only pursue their own selfish way of life then they divide themselves from each other (i.e., culture, religion, ways of living, etc) and these ways give evil power through the principle of divide and concur.  So Alex is promoting what is harmful to society, which is one of the reasons why he’s a fraud, and then he wants people to financially support this fraud. 

AATV Graphics Web

United States
Webmaster Response from AATV Brand

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 30, 2018

This is the webmaster of all AATV brands. It was explained to this person that they were actually talking to the webmaster and that Alex was on vacation. It is unfortunate that this person did not believe it could be possible that A.A. had a web/graphics person to manage multiple websites. There was an attempt by me to explain that e-mailing one website copies all the rest as an average method of dealing with multiple websites and brands when managing alerts etc. This is normal for paid host services.

Regardless of my explanation, this person found it still reasonable to only e-mail A.A. personal e-mail after this. I am assuming he understood, then continued to write a report here.

Alex A. the video editor and the Webmaster are two different people.

Note that I am not posting his full name or email or website from which he promotes his religion or any other details as a courtesy. What I do understand is he offers his own brand of immortality and solutions to the planet's problems. As far as offering solutions to Mr. Ansary, he is swamped enough with his own work and is quite busy. Hence the need for an immortal webmaster. Consider the possibility that the staff of AATV also has a form of spirituality, and please share in the respect of eachothers views. Thank you.

I will paste my exact response here:

Good Afternoon, Mr. Ansary is out on vacation.

As I am already immortal webmaster. It seems maybe this wouldn't work out for me. 

I wish you the best of luck.

-The Immortal Webmaster-

Excerpt from e-mail from Mr. T f

My church is not like any other church.  I have nothing to do with the bible or any other book, worship, praising, bands, or anything typical of the common church.  My definition of a church is a group of people, led by a lord (one who understands life and is not blind), who are unified on a mission to manifest the kingdom of god (healthy consciousness) and become born again (an immortal). 

With the affiliate program I was thinking of giving members who refer others to sign up as a member a $100 payout per referral.  This way the church can raise money, which is tax deductible for donors, and members can help promote the church and make money as I have noticed the most decent people on earth are the poor!

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