  • Report:  #840838

Complaint Review: All Seasons Auto - Grand Rapids Michigan

Reported By:
Jennifer - wyoming, Michigan, United States of America

All Seasons Auto
4523 Division Ave S. Grand Rapids, 49548 Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had responded to an ad on Craigslist for a 3-drawer Sterilite unit.  A lady wrote me back.  I had asked her if the item was new or used and its condition. She said "it is used, but in good condition".

So we arranged for a date and time for me to come pick it up.  But i realized on that day that i had the wrong vehicle. I had a small car and my husband had the van. So I sent my husband out to get it from her. I told him what it was and that she had said that it was in good condition, but to double check that there were no cracks in the plastic. He purchased it and brought it home.

I went to set it up in my sons room and found that it is not in anything close to GOOD conditon. As a matter of fact, the drawers in the unit dont close right and the whole thing is kind of sagging in the center.  When i said something to my husband about this, he said he saw that and asked her about it bc he wasnt sure if it was supposed to be like that, and she told him that it was supposed to be like that. SHE LIED!

I emailed her right away and pointed out the problems with the unit and asked her to do the right thing by taking the unit back and giving us our money back. I emailed her every day for the past 6 days and she never answered.  So i decided to call where she works, ALL SEASONS AUTO. 

 At that time, I did not have the ladies name beyond Ly DK and her email address that showed up after it.  So when a lady answered the phone at the auto store, i explained that i needed to talk to someone who works there but that i didnt have her full name. As soon as i said what i did have, the lady started questioning me. I gave her the readers digest version of what was going on and then she started playing stupid. SHe was acting like she didnt understand me and kept asking why i was calling there.  I eventually just asked her for the business hours and told her i would come up with my husband bc he can identify her, and the lady that answered the phone hung up on me! I tried calling back, but noone will answer. 

I threw out a Rant on CL about all this, and the next day she responded with "I got ya b*tch, just try and gets you money back. Hey Hey ha ha."

That pissed me off, so i started digging into the company. I found out that they are a $1-$2.5 million dollar company and that the lady Ly DK is the owners (Jack DeKorte) WIFE!! 

I have emailed her again, but she's still not responding. The unit was $10, which may not seem like a lot to a place that makes $1mil, but we are a poor MILITARY family and spending $10 on something broken, when i could go buy a brand new one from Walmart for $17, is just ridiculous.  We just want our money back, she can have the unit back.  

9 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
No Pic

#2Author of original report

Thu, February 23, 2012

I am not posting a pic b/c im not on trial here so i dont feel the need to present "evidence".  Also, any pic i can take of the unit wont turn out much of anything since the unit is white and clear! The seller had a pic on CL of the unit, supposively, and it looked just fine to me. 

I posted this b/c i dont want anyone else to be "taken" whether it is on a $10 CL item or a $10,000 car from their lot. And that is why i mentioned the name of the car lot, b/c as far as i am concered (and everyone i have told this to) this lady has shown me her business ethics side so whether its a storage unit or a car, i dont have any faith in her (aka the business) being HONEST!! And both my parents and  a friend of mine are in the market to purchase a "new" car and after hearing of this story they are going to stay FAR away from this lot. ANd that is outcome i was looking for. We lost $10, but maybe saved someone else from loosing thousands.

*And before someone wants to be a smart a** and say somethng about my parents purchasing a new car after giving us one of thiers, just be aware that they need a new car b/c my mother was in a roll over accident in her truck 2 weeks ago and totaled the truck out. It has NOTHING to do with their generosity towards us.


I'd have to agree

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, February 21, 2012

That unless the Seller was acting on behalf of the business there is no reason why this business needs to be listed in this "RipOff" report, and the OP has not shown that this is the case. 

The OP bought a $10 item that she could pick up at Walmart for $17.  Being thrifty is good, and I'll leave it at that as far as the OP is concerned.  Instead this brings up a good question about the seller.  Why would a woman who according to the OP is the wife of a person who owns a 1.5 Million Dollar business waste their time posting a $10 item on Craigslist? 

It becomes stranger when you realize that unlike other "Internet Sales", this is going to be picked up locally where the OP can view it BEFORE they pay for it.  So if this was a scam and this was a piece of junk no one would obviously pay for it.  So how would the seller know that given the circumstances it would be the husband, who apparently has never seen one of these storage containers before, would be the one who would pick it up?

The other issue is the definition of "good condition".  The OP said to check for cracks, and based on what was written there were no cracks.  The only thing wrong was that the whole thing was "kind of" sagging in the middle.  So how much sag is "kind of"?  She also stated that the drawers don't close "right".  Again so how wrong did they actually close?

I have seen these types of storage containers and you don't buy them for looks, and they are not meant to have heavy items stored on-top.  I've also seen NEW ones that have these same issues to some degree.  So the question becomes is this unit still useable?

I would hope that the OP would actually post a picture to show how "bad" it actually is.


Actually, pretty impressed that you send them to private school

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, February 21, 2012

That actually takes a lot of guts, and SMARTS, to lay out that kind of cash on a private school when times are lean - would never dog you for that. I find that most poor people make what I call "poor people's decisions," but footing the bill for private school is definitely a "smart person's decision". Takes discipline. A "poor person's" decision would be to spend that cash on a nicer car, tv, clothes, etc. 

FWIW, I've always thought that the elementary/middle school a child goes to is more important than the kind of college they go to, as the former is where they "learn how to learn". Also, more people in their peer group will have parents (like you) that give a cr#p about their education, and that makes all the difference in the world. 

Anyway, good luck to you. 


United States of America
Already tried that!

#5Author of original report

Mon, February 20, 2012

My husband is doing the right thing by being in the military. It will give him the career advancement that he needs to attain a position in the FBI, which is his goal, once his time in the military is done. THis is not a decision he made on his own, or lightly. We talked about it, and then prayed about it. And God gave us our answer and he enlisted.

We will be ok, eventually. Right now we are just having a hard time. And if you have never been where we are, then you have no idea what it is like. Last year we could support our kids. But this year, our oldest tuition went up to $7,800 b/c he is middle school now.  And before you start "dogging" us for paying for school when there is public, just know that we dont live in the best school district and we want the best education for our kids.

I did try emailing her. 6 times to be exact. I have never been mean to her. She is the one that comes back with the responses that call me a f-ing b*tch and, as of yesterday, she all but admitted that she knew the item was a piece of junk and called my husband a dipsh*t on Craigslist.

I dont beg. My parents gave us the car b/c they understand our situation, bc my dad was military as well, and b/c we believe in helping family whenever and however possible. Now they dont know the extent of our situation, and i prefer they dont, so that is why i am thrifty about everything.

And i will take this as a lessoned learned-never send a man to do a womans job : )  I am glad it was only $10, bc i dont think we are going to get it back. But i wouldnt want to see them do this to someone else for more money. 


Financial decisions

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, February 19, 2012

OK, the reason that I asked what he made is that, again, if a few bucks makes THAT much of a difference, something is wrong. 

Anyway, if he does not make as much being in the military as he would doing whatever he would full time, he needs to get his priorities in order as a husband and a father. He has seen fit to have at least 2 kids with you that he can not even support. In fact, he needed your parents to give you a car! I don't care how much fun he has killing people (who are just like you and me, save the skin color) in Iraq, Afghanistan, or wherever; he has a duty to support his family, which he is obviously not doing. 

I am sorry if I seem insensitive; I do feel for your plight. I happen to be blessed in the sense that I have never had to experience poverty, but I also make certain choices (e.g. not having kids I cannot easily support) that helped me get to where I am (again though, I was very fortunate to have been born into a family that made my current situation attainable). 

Forgetting the fact that she ripped you off, it is pretty amazing that the SELLER is as thrifty as she is. I wouldn't have bothered selling a $10 thing on Craigslist when I was a poor student, let alone if i was a millionaire! 

Maybe you should write her a letter, explaining your situation, and humbly asking for the money back. Or, even better yet, ask her for a gift certificate for the local grocery store - that should tug at her heart strings a bit, and you will probably actually get a lot more than $10 worth. It never hurts. 


United States of America
$10 is $10!

#7Author of original report

Sat, February 18, 2012

The reason i brought the company into it is b/c the lady that scammed us is the owners wife! Now, i dont know if the owner, her husband, has any knowledge of what is going on, but to me this kind of stuff relfects badly on a business. If this is how they deal w/ things, then what would make me, as a customer, trust that they wont rip me off when i am buying a car from them? Espcially if this lady has anything to do with the transaction!

And i know it is ONLY $10. But, as i said, we are on the poor side of things d/t my husband not being able to maintain a reg full time job w/ being gone for months at a time.  We do have 2 cars, and since someone wants to be so d**n personal, MY PARENTS GAVE US THE 2ND CAR so we can get our kids to school and us both, when he is home, to work. And it is none of your business what they pay him, just know that military families suffer financially when 1 of the head of households is gone. He does not make, being on active duty w/ the military, what he would be making if he was here working full time. 

So that is why i chose to pick this item up off of Craigslist for $10, b/c it saved us $7 (which is 2 gallons of gas!).  Its called being thrifty. When your budget is stretched so far beyond its means every month, you become very thrifty.

And for whomever mentioned us driving to go get it, All Seasons Auto is closer to our house than Wal-Mart!

I threw this out there for 2 reaons, 1-im pissed as all h*ll b/c this lady lied and wont do the right thing and 2-i dont want anyone else to be scammed by her and if someone is considering buying something from this dealership, id triple check everything, like i said, especially if SHE has anything to do with the transaction!



#8Consumer Comment

Fri, February 17, 2012

You could have bought a brand new one at WalMart for $17.00 but you drove your car and manually picked up a 'sight unseen' one for $10.00?

That does not seem a like good economic decision to me.   


This has nothing to do with the company

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, February 17, 2012

First off, note that even if you *were* taken, you would not have gotten taken for $10; you have gotten for $10 minus what the thing is actually worth. 

However, since your husband picked the thing up, you do not have much a case. And you did not buy it from the auto company named in your report, so bringing them into it is inappropriate. 

And if since one has to be pretty poor to sweat a $10 item, how poor does one have to be to spend time selling such an item on Craigslist? That's the part that makes absolutely NO sense. 

And one would indeed have to be really, REALLY poor to get this upset over a $10 item. You said you are a "military family". How much do they pay your husband, anyway? You can afford two cars. Now I'm not saying you are NOT poor, but you aren't starving either.

Let it go, and buy the new one at Walmart.


Sorry you got Ripped Off, but...

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, February 17, 2012

What does the following have to do with it?

"All Seasons Auto Linda Kay DeKorte Million dollar auto sales company rips off poor military family for $10! "

Are you contending that if you weren't a "poor military family" that you wouldn't have been Ripped Off?  How did she know you were a "poor military family" to Rip you off?

Thank you, though, for your ROR.   It may keep others, military and non-military from being scammed.

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