  • Report:  #220049

Complaint Review: Alliance Advertising - Gurnee Illinois

Reported By:
- Waukegan, Illinois,

Alliance Advertising
1401 Delany Road Gurnee, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am warning EVERYONE out there! All ages! If you are a young adult like me trying to find your place in the world and trying to gt on your feet, DONT do it with Alliance Advertising!!! It is a road to disaster!!

You will cut off your relationships, ruin your self worth, be broke and have distress in your life, it will lead you to jail! ITS ILLEGAL The FBI is looking into it everyday and other companies like them!! It is the road to hell!!!

They lie through their teeth. They are a CULT and you will be brainwashed without even knowing it! you wont have time for anyone else. THEY are your life!!! They will enslave you to them and you will have NO way out!! Its a WASTE of time. HAVE RESPECT for your self DONT DO THIS! Please take my advice


Waukegan, Illinois

15 Updates & Rebuttals


You have got to be kidding me

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 19, 2008

You must have gone completely outside of your mind. You are definately one of those losers - either chad or mike - and if mike's car got keyed that is really really funny! i wish i could have seen it! he is the scum of the earth and ruins peoples lives - and you are full of it too - EVERYONE that is willing to carry one of those bags over their shoulder is taken in - they dont care if you have one leg - you still better be there at 6:45 and be practicing your pitch and then be ready to load cars... and additionally, you are not being talked about because you're doing something right - its clearly because you all deserve to die a slow painful death - mike kriss can go to hell


You have got to be kidding me

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 19, 2008

You must have gone completely outside of your mind. You are definately one of those losers - either chad or mike - and if mike's car got keyed that is really really funny! i wish i could have seen it! he is the scum of the earth and ruins peoples lives - and you are full of it too - EVERYONE that is willing to carry one of those bags over their shoulder is taken in - they dont care if you have one leg - you still better be there at 6:45 and be practicing your pitch and then be ready to load cars... and additionally, you are not being talked about because you're doing something right - its clearly because you all deserve to die a slow painful death - mike kriss can go to hell


You have got to be kidding me

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 19, 2008

You must have gone completely outside of your mind. You are definately one of those losers - either chad or mike - and if mike's car got keyed that is really really funny! i wish i could have seen it! he is the scum of the earth and ruins peoples lives - and you are full of it too - EVERYONE that is willing to carry one of those bags over their shoulder is taken in - they dont care if you have one leg - you still better be there at 6:45 and be practicing your pitch and then be ready to load cars... and additionally, you are not being talked about because you're doing something right - its clearly because you all deserve to die a slow painful death - mike kriss can go to hell


You have got to be kidding me

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 19, 2008

You must have gone completely outside of your mind. You are definately one of those losers - either chad or mike - and if mike's car got keyed that is really really funny! i wish i could have seen it! he is the scum of the earth and ruins peoples lives - and you are full of it too - EVERYONE that is willing to carry one of those bags over their shoulder is taken in - they dont care if you have one leg - you still better be there at 6:45 and be practicing your pitch and then be ready to load cars... and additionally, you are not being talked about because you're doing something right - its clearly because you all deserve to die a slow painful death - mike kriss can go to hell


Mt. Prospect,
You guys are Dumb..

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 09, 2008

First off, This is NOT Mike Kriss, Chad Powers, Ellen Winter, ect. ect. I didn't know about this website until Mike Kriss laughed about half of the things that are posted on here..stuff like keying his Benz, hes a scum bag, makes you pay rent, blah blah blah. Do you seriously think he has time to start writing back to each and every post? NO. I find this website funny. All companies that are successful get written up on, so Im happy that not only GQ Imports, but Global Advertising, Midwest Marketing, and hopefully soon my company gets written up on. They're obviously doing SOMETHING right. Yes..the 2nd round interview is deffinatly kinda scripted, but all interviews have to follow guidelines. And not everyone gets a call back. I bet half of you guys were called back for 'pratice' days of observation for new people who just got promoted to the level where they can take out interviews. Not everyone makes it to the 3rd round interview..you know the whole "dumb questionaire" part. I've had plently hang around all day, but I figured out they werent worth my time so I tell them nicely how I had fun with them, but they arint the right fit for the company. I personally don't go buisness to business. Im event-based so im not making someone run around all day with me selling stuff. Weather or not the interview sells any products or not doesnt determine if they are "the right fit". So basically, all you guys are just mad that you didn't get the position/3rd round interview or don't understand how it works.



#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 20, 2008

I get such a kick out of it when guys like mike ryeburg (who I used to consider a friend back when we were in the boston office together) and mike kriss (biggest scum bag ever) send in rebuttals to make it sound like its an employee writing this stuff about them... dont be fooled - its them - trying to make themselves look good... if they had a half a sack then they would just say its them... but they dont....


Answer to Amy and some info on who "makes it" and who "doesn't"

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 02, 2008

To Amy, It is possible they now have an exclusive warehouse position. Before it was usually one of the Leads who handled maintaining the warehouse. Also, some inside information about Chris.... The reason he had it so easy? He was living with the owner and some of the leaders... For anyone who has to maintain their own household it is a totally different story. I have seen people get promoted and move on to better things.... Here is the deal...if you live at home or have a super nice nest egg I do believe you might have a chance at succeeding (if you don't mind lying and manipulating people at the cost of your own self-respect) However, if you are someone who has to pay your own way and whatever this company will suck you dry.


alliance advertising?

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, January 26, 2008

just have a few questions about what type of job people responded to was it for sales, my nephew has a interview for a warehouse position, will he be lured to the outside sales or is there a warhouse position????? he does not need to be3 caught in another scam he was already in the kirby scam.


New York,
The System Works!

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 11, 2008

I hear and see alot of people criticize these types of companies. First and foremost I worked for a1 imports in Harrisburg PA. When I came into the business I was a young. I was lured in by the fact that I could make 6 figures in less than a year. If my owner would have told me that I could make $100,000 in less than a year for selling toys out of a duffel bag I would have gotten up and walked out with out asking any questions. The interview process is designed to give almost anyone a chance if they believe in themselves. YES you have to instill fear of loss into candidates or else they wouldnt take it seriously. Anybody can complete the program with the right amount of time and patience and tough skin. But not everyone will. They tell you that from the start. The hardest workers and fastest learners will excel quicker. If you are young, single, patient, and self motivated with no maor obligations (kids) this is the best move you can make in your life. Call a pyramid scam or what ever but during my time at A-1 I saw many poeple get promoted to owner, regional and national positions. No I my self did not become an owner (for family issues) but I learned many valuable skills that help me and will continue to help me in every aspect of life. I work long hours and I made good money. As a distributor who almost made it to asst. mgmt. I can say I made at least 50,000 in a year at A-1 imports. I even went on an all expense paid Labor Day Wknd. vacation . When my personal issues are resolved Im going back, how about that! so you lazy people can keep on flipping burgers and you will be at Walmart handing out smiley face stickers in 40 years. Peace, Love, and Harmony


Busted them

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 21, 2007

I feel bad for the people scammed by this company, but I figured it out the second I walked through the door. The other people there were straight out of the ghetto and no respectable company would dare hire these people to be the face of their company, let along brings them on as entry-level management. I doubt that these people had a resume, let alone management abilities. I noticed that every piece of furniture could be removed from this location in fifteen minutes and this is coming from an owner of a moving company. The signs they had on the wall were all generic novelties from such companies as MLB and Disney. When I was called in for the interview, the first thing I did was drill Mike Ryberg and I think I caught him off guard. Last thing I expected was a phone call back, since there was no interview conducted. Like I said, I drilled the guy and I could see it in his face that he was lying. Sure enough, less than two hours later I received the call. By this time I researched the company and read the comments here on RIP off report. I'm very good at reading people, mostly from my training with the 82nd in the Army, but I can see how people get caught up in this. The come at you so quick that they don't give you time to ask questions or to allow it to sink in. Most people come in tense with a mindset of a "Got to Impress" attitude, that they are caught off guard of how cool and laid back the atmosphere is. All from the rock music cranked up to the friendly face greeting you with an attitude that you're a life long friend. This is a great example of if it sounds too good to be true, it is. If you truly have an impressive resume, you will be their main focus and they will want to pick your brain and spend the time to get to know who you are. Even factory jobs don't hire without a proper interview. In this economy, nobody is just handing out jobs. You got to respect what they do though. They're getting rich from basically doing nothing and they figured out how to get pass the law. This is considered a white collar crime and the areas that they set up camp in, are all in areas that are not equipped to deal with white collar crimes. Not only that, but they prey on people that don't have the capabilities to take them down. It takes money and detailed proof to take them down. These people will never be caught and these are probably not even their real names. They owners/manager make it extremely hard to locate them. They do not sit in an office all day. They just come in to do their scam, collect their money and go home to live it up. This is why school teaches you to research your companies that you apply and I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I don't. Good luck, and hopefully people don't get scammed. I even confronted the receptionist when she called be back and I was very professional with her and told her that I know what they do, I respect it, but can't get caught up it the scam. She became rude and flat out told me, my loss and that I shouldn't believe what I read, lol. If there was only one complaint and if they really wanted me, they would have provided proof and verification of their credentials and business practices.

Michael P


#12Consumer Comment

Wed, January 24, 2007

I worked there for one day. Had a night time interview, was given zero info (they called me in under the premise of an interview for a customer service manager). I was told of the 40 people they interviewed they wanted me back in the morning to observe a full day of what they do. So, I went in waited in the waiting area filled with curse filled music. After an hour I was told I'd be training with Steve. We got in a car, that's when I was told we would be selling overstocked product business to business. They don't want salesmen, he said, but everyone started this way to prove themseleves. We spent the entire day in South Chicgo, going door to door, despite the no soliciting signs, selling duffle bags, coloring books and flash lights. We went in to buger Kings with bullet proof glass and height charts on the doors. We finally returned at 7:30pm they told me they were impressed and I had the job. Ofcourse, I never went back. They want you to "proe" you can sell", then lead and eventually "the company will make you an owner in your own business". While it might be legal, it's a pyramid scam folks. Beware of their ad on employment sites and don't waste your time.


Are you Flippin' Kidding me???

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 20, 2006

Chris is so full of BS that its coming out each and every hole in his body. They NEED you to run around for 12 hours a day, hawking their garbage.... here's the low down... first call - you call and tell them you saw their ad on 'wherever' and they'll tell you to come in right away for an interview REASON: they NEED you, they dont want you getting a different job first interview: they dont even LOOK at your resume.. they ask what you're interested in and ask you to rate your people skills REASON: they will hire a bum off the street just so long as he'll work 12 hours a day and he has atleast ONE interest "we'll call you and let you know, we're interviewing like 500 people and we're only calling back 1 or 2" LIE they call EVERYONE back and say that to get you to come in for a second "interview" Second Interview: You show up, sit on a couch and you hear loud music in the background, the ditzy receptionist tells you they have a motivational speaker in the room.... clearly one that motivates like Jay-Z You get paired up with someone JUST LIKE YOU who was the same interests that you do so they can LURE you in. Go ahead, ask questions, this is what you'll hear "oh, dont ask now, lets wait till lunch and i'll answer your questions" hopefully you've left before lunch.... but if not.... then you get back to the office at the end of the day and you sit on the couch even longer.... and you fill out some super lame questionaire that the person who you spent the day with gave you all the answers to.... REASON: if you're dumb enough to fill out the questionaire, you're dumb enough to think its a legit company then you have to come in at sunrise till way past sunset everyday but sunday..... and on sundays, you get a phone call from one of them to see 'how your weekend's been going.... your weekend consists of ONE day.... and they just saw you the day before....what the frick could they possibly want to talk to you about now..... REASON: to keep your mind set on coming in the next day.... its a CULT... BEWARE AND RUN....WORDS TO RUN FROM: JUICE, INNOVAGE, GQ IMPORTS, IMAGE IMPORTS, MIKE KRISS, DAVE LEVIN, MIKE RYBURG, CHAD POWERS, PAUL EM.... ETC ETC ETC.... if you hear any of those words, get the HECK out of dodge as fast as you can....


weak minded possibility

#14UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 16, 2006

I had worked here for 4 months and all is good.All the people being ragged on are now owners of there own business. yes it is long hours and yes it takes time. everyone can bicker what is said ( juice and opportunity) but the one thing they tell you is it is hard for the first few months but it gets better. and it did. all say you make nickles a day. then i made alot of nickles. maybe the non business minded people shouldnt try this.maybe it isnt all the company but the individual. understand how it works before guessing. no fbi, not illegal, no jail. all heresay. been around for 30 years


Run away as fast as you can from GQ IMPORTS

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 27, 2006

This company and companies just like it frequently change their names to hide their past and make it easier to recruit their 'slaves' If you come into contact with any company that sounds remotely like this and you hear the names MIKE KRISS or MIKE RYEBURG .... RUN OUT THE DOOR as fast as you can. If you call for an interview, they will ask you to come in that day... (so you cant go to any other job interviews). If you do go to it, you will be told 'someone will call you back' Of course, you WILL get a call back, even if you tell them your hobby is picking your a*s crack! They'll say something like "you did so great on your interview, we'd love for you to come in tomorrow for a 2nd round interview" this is where you'll follow two mindless donkey's around all day while watching them sell their cheap crap to every business in town. Then....if you're a sucker, (like i was back then) you will be told that you need to 'stand out from the crowd' if you want to get the position..... its a crock... RUN.... its lies, and you're doing illegal s**t, selling their crap w/o any sort of liscence... for nickles a day.....RUN if you dont believe me, see for yourself...but then be sure to post here again if you agree that i was right!


UNHOLY-Alliance Advertising

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, November 11, 2006

Geeze, Alliance Advertising sounds a lot like the Mormon Church. Makes me wonder if one is a front for the other. Cheers!!

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