  • Report:  #278313

Complaint Review: Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corporation - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Milford, Massachusetts,

Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corporation
6110 Pinemont Houston, 77092 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for one of the most successful, profitable branches of Allied Mortgage in the country (Milford, MA) from March 2000 up until receiving my last paycheck the end of February 2007. During that time, the branch made MILLIONS of dollars under the branch manager Peter Belli. It was consistently in the Top 10 (many times number 1 or 2) month to month when compared to other branches nationwide. I worked first as a loan officer and was soon after promoted to a Division Manager, overseeing up to 15 people at a time.

At the time I received my last paycheck February 2007, I was still owed close to $500,000 in earned commissions (loans closed, funded, money in the bank down in Houston's corporate HQ). For reasons unknown to me, as I cannot get a straight answer from anyone in Houston, they have stopped paying me the money owed me and are forcing me to chase it in order to get it. The local employees at the Milford branch acknowledge this money was earned by me and is owed. I can only guess that Allied Houston/Jim Hodge, CEO thinks they can get away with theft of my money. As it stands now, I filed my complaint with the MA Attorney General's Office and have submitted a full report citing back-up documentation, along with the names of others who can corroborate my claim. In addition to not being paid the money owed me, I have never officially been given any information regarding my termination, COBRA, nothing. I also think this is a violation of labor laws and the way an employee is to be lawfully terminated, isn't it?

The intimidation tactics used by Allied Houston (Corporate HQ) since then to scare me away have not done anything to deter me. I first learned I would no longer get paid as a result of my direct deposit not showing up in my bank account on March 15, 2007. No warning, no notice, no nothing. After calling to investigate the situation with the local branch in Milford, MA, it became clear that Corporate/Jim Hodge pulled my payroll from being dispersed. Over the next several weeks I worked to try to amicably resolve this situation. During that time I was lied to and mislead by different individuals in Houston. I couldn't even find out my status to know whether or not I could file for unemployment. I was told from their legal counsel (Tony Musgrave) that I should go ahead and file for unemployment and then when this gets straightened out, I would be re-hired and payment would begin again. When I went to file for unemployment compensation through the state of Massachusetts, I was first denied compensation because Allied confirmed that I still worked for them when the state called and requested a report regarding my termination. I then was denied with a written report from Allied Corporate because they claimed I voluntarily resigned my postion and therefore was not eligible for unemployment compensation. This is completely untrue as many people know in the local Milford, MA branch. I supplied letters to MA DET from co-workers who knew the situation and my unemployment compensation began again. However, on one more ocassion Allied Corporate filed a subsequent report stating again, that I had not only voluntarily resigned, and that they are preparing legal action against me to recoup the money I was paid but not owed. This was the message told directly to Donna Clifford at Mass DET from the legal counsel representing Allied in this case. I have not seen or been served any lawsuit from Allied seeking reimbursement of money paid to me that I was not legally entitled to, because it's a lie on their part, again. Allied Corporate withdrew the challenge to my unemployment claim when Peter Belli (local Milford, MA branch manager) told their counsel I did not voluntarily resign and that Corporate had no way to support their claim that I did. Unemployment checks have continued since that time uninterrupted, but man did they try to squeeze me into getting nothing at all, even when they weren't the ones writing the check....... it's just one example of the lengths and lies they will go to in order to not pay money they ligitimately owe.

I am a divorced, single father of two handicapped twin 9 year old boys, one who is severly afflicted - he is a quadriplegic in a wheelchair, suffering from severe spastic Cerebal Palsy, who obviously is non ambulatory, non-verbal, unable to speak, toilet, or feed himself. He is also mentally retarded and requires care 24/7. He attends Kennedy Day School at Franciscan Children's Hospital in Boston. His twin brother is learning disabled but mainstreamed into the public schools. (Their identical triplet brother died prior to being delivered.) At this point in time we are in the process of losing our home to foreclosure due to Allied not paying me the money I earned, and it doesn't look like the AG's office is going to move quickly enough to save us. I just don't understand how a company can act criminally in my mind, and inflict this type of pain and suffering on a person, let alone children in this condition. Totally criminal and immoral and anyone in addition to Jim Hodge that supports this action is guilty as well. There is NO legal justification for NOT paying me this money that I earned and am owed.

I do know that Allied Mortgage has a habit of not dealing well with employees. Recently they settled with the US Dept of Labor wage issues for close to $2,000,000 paid out to current and former employees. When I contacted the MA Atty General's office, I was told I was not the first to lodge a complaint against them. I do think I am probably the largest, with the most to lose. I know of other employees who have not come forward because they've seen how Allied came after and tried to inimidate me and others, and are afraid of what might happen to them. Not only is this seemingly illegal, both civil and criminal, but it certainly is immoral in terms of what they've done and continue to do.

I would caution anyone looking to work with Allied Mortgage to completely investigage who you'll be working for and if they have the financial backing to pay you regularly. It seems the lending troubles may have spilled over and that's possibly why Allied Houston cannot or does not want to pay me the money I already brought in to them? Also, if I was a borrower I'd wonder the same thing. Will Allied be able to fund the loans to it's borrowers if they can't even afford to pay their employees or short cut them as the DOL action found out? Very troubling across the board, and I haven't been getting any feedback from the agencies I contacted to investigate my claim. All I know is, I legitimately earned the money but was not paid. It's that simple. Peter Belli, branch manager of Milford, MA, along with the Operations Manager, the bookkeeper, and the General manager can all attest to this, along with the computer and closed loan files. Jim Hodge, CEO in Houston also knows of the money owed me as do others in Houston, if not the exact details, they certainly know about the money owed to John R. I'm hopeful the Mass AG's office brings the full power of their authority and responsibility, and protects as well as secures the money owed to me, as well as sends a clear message to Jim Hodge and others in Houston that this type of business practice (whether it's criminal and/or civil) will not be tolerated here.

John R

Milford, Massachusetts


14 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
John R. you may finally have your justice!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 01, 2011

11/01/2011 Allied, Jim Hodge and Jeanne Stell are getting sued! So I have to believe most of your report since you named Petter Belli and he is the whistle blower named in the law suit. I hope you finally get your day but your probably not going to see any compensation unfortunately. I was there for 8 months and couldn't believe what was going on. Good luck with your battle!

John r

Branch manager reply

#3Author of original report

Thu, January 21, 2010

Thanks for sharing your experience with Allied as a branch manager yourself.  While what you say is generally true (that the branch manager could have spent my money himself), that is NOT what happened in my case.  As you know, you would submit your payroll to Allied-Houston each pay period to be dispersed out to each of your branch employees.  What would happen if Allied-Houston chose not to pay one of those employees you said should receive money?  What would you do?......What could you do?

This is exactly what happened in my case believe it or not (and I know you're having a hard time believing it, so am I).  Bottom line is I was owed a substantial amount of money and I could be wrong, but their thought was they were going to keep it and then make me chase them to get it.  And what could you do as a branch manager?  If you read your Employment Agreement, you are nothing more than an employee.  You have no ability or authority to cut payroll checks, do you?  Sure, you can bring it to the attention of payroll in Houston, but if the "decider" tells his payroll dept not to cut that check for that certain employee in your branch, I promise you it's not getting cut.  So, in my case it wasn't that the Branch Mgr spent my money.  It wasn't because the branch account didn't have enough funds in it to cover the entire payroll.  It's because a person in Houston told P/R not to pay me.  It's now tied up in the courts and Allied still has my money.  Pretty sweet deal for them so far, but stay tuned, because I hear some new things are just ahead.  I hope that sheds some light on the particular details of my situation, and how it differs from what you wrote.

FYI - I'm by far not the only person wronged by dealings with Allied Home Mortgage, but because we're so far spread out across the country, have comparatively little amounts of money (compared to Jim Hodge and Allied), AND haven't been able to freely exchange and share information in one forum (regarding law suits, state/federal investigations and findings, Allied's legal tactics and strategies, depositions from Allied personnel, etc) it's been difficult for us to coordinate our information with one another.  That's about to change from what I hear.  Shortly I understand there will be a website going up for everyone to access, that details some of the things I just mentioned.  If you're in CA you'll be able to communicate your story, share your ideas of what worked/didn't work, gain access to the lawsuit/arguments/evidence, with people, say in FL.  This way we'll all be able to benefit from proceedings, findings, discovery, testimony from all across the country.  I think it sounds great!!!  No longer will the "divide and conquer" attitude work, because we'll all be apprised of Allied's tactics, testimony, evidence, etc.  Think of it as a clearinghouse for all things "Allied".  I can't wait to see the look on Jim Hodge's face (and that of his legal defense team) when he sees this site up and running for the first time.........priceless.


United States of America

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 07, 2010

I am an ex Allied branch manager and it sounds like your branch manager spent your money.  All of the branch profit goes into the branch bank account, all payroll and branch expenses come out of that account.  Your branch manager is the one who authorizes payroll and pays expenses out of that account.  The branch manager could have paid himself that money or could have spent it on branch expenses like tv ads, radio, or something.  What I am trying to say is there is no way to single out one person and not pay them.  This is an issue with you and the branch manager

John Doe


#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 12, 2008

After reading your post it occurred to me: Why would you have a first and 2nd mortgage on your home when you were making so much money? Obviously you didn't save any money! Any person with a 1/2 of a brain would know that you should save your money for a rainy day. Why is it Allied's job to take care of your family? Why weren't you smart and saved some money? It scares me that you were advising people about mortgages but yet your own personal finances are in disarray! Stop using your kids as an excuse....you had them....you take care of them. It is not allied's job to take care of your kids. Why didn't you stay until they paid you your money! Your probably just another dumbass person looking to blame other people. Sell your porsche and get a bicycle.


My heart really bleeds for you David Z.

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 30, 2008

maybe if you hadn't ripped off all those borrowers in your pipeline (you know, the ones now losing their homes) they could actually provide you with some refinance income. you reap what you sow and i'm glad to see you 'reaping' what you deserve. if you have to sell your Porsche, not too many of us will lose sleep. Believe me.

David Z

maybe I should have posted with my own name insteda of Stef's

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 17, 2008

I have been telling everyone (X- Allied people) to read your story, and I have to say probably the reason you got burned was that you were too good of a guy to be working there. You were the only guy who didnt fit the Churn em and Burn em mentality, besides maybe Paul H and a few others. Did you know my appraiser Marco? My group still owes him 30k you think I am going to pay? Even with my 600k a year paycheck, the house I buit in Vermont mostly with cash and my other spending habits, Hermes shoes, Porsche, etc. left me with almost nothing. I had to lower my head and go back to my friend from High School Jimmy D in order to start writing loans again with American fsb mortgage. Unfortunatly I never kept up with my pipeline, most, if not all my subprime borrowers are maxed out or in forclosure, and I still have tons of bills to pay. I even thoght about an acting career as Gargamel in the new Smurfs movie. Anyways hope you get your money somehow.

John r

Your Answers Stephanie

#8Author of original report

Tue, November 27, 2007

You had some great thoughts and comments Stephanie. Because it is somewhat complex and I may have not given every detail Ill try to answer the questions you raised now. Up until February 2007 I was receiving checks twice a month from Allied Home Mortgage for money I was owed by them. It wasnt until they abruptly stopped sending me my check that I learned there was a problem. Working with the branch manager (Peter Belli) of the Milford office as well as the general manager and payroll clerk, I did ask the same questions you did. Was my payroll transmission submitted to Houston to be paid? Answer: Yes it was. I was also told from Peter Belli the detail of the loans (commission sheets) which closed and funded were also sent to Allied Houston, backing up the money which was owed me. The corporate office chose to ignore the paperwork. It has been told to me from others, now that the Milford office has closed, that they too have not been paid money which they earned while there. One loan officer told me that when she called the corporate office in Houston to find out where her check was, she was told from the HR department that because the branch was running a deficit and not profitable, that she would not be getting any money owed her. She told me she will be filing her claim with the Massachusetts Attorney Generas office as well. Im aware of at least four others who will be filing their claims with the AGs office too. The employment contract which we worked under never made any reference to not being paid if the branch we worked in wasnt profitable. Again, its one more instance where Allied/Jim Hodge has chosen to shortchange the very people that helped him make millions of dollars. Regarding the question of me being overpaid, as far as I can tell that was a ruse on their part when talking with Massachusetts DET in an attempt to get my unemployment compensation stopped (again). Its completely untrue and has no merit whatsoever. Its almost laughable given what the real facts of the case are (remember, I'm the one owed hundreds of thousands of dollars). Nothing has ever come of their verbal threats launched my way quite simply because there is NO evidence supporting that claim, and they know that as well. Again, it was just their feeble attempt to intimidate and/or harass me into backing down, as was the letter I posted here from Allieds attorney. Since then, they havent made any more threats my way. My guess is its because they know Ill just post them here for everyone to read. Its also quite curious that they havent filed a rebuttal to my claims, telling their side and providing the proof to show they dont owe this money. Don't you find that curious too? Knowing what I know (as well as many others), its because we know they dont have a story which can be substantiated with evidence. Its that simple. Lastly, I agree with you Stephanie that it all focuses on the actual complaint(s) as others are filing in to the AGs office (so Im told I even heard there is one larger than mine). As for the hearsay you refer to, I suppose youre right. My only thought about that is, even though I havent looked inside Grants tomb, I have a very good idea whats inside if we pulled out a shovel and started digging. The same thing can be said for the info Im told exists even though I havent seen it for myself I have no doubt its there, just like the late great General Grant himself. P.S. How or what prompted you to write a rebuttal about a company (Allied) and a person (me) that you don't even know? I find that interesting.

John r

Your Answers Stephanie

#9Author of original report

Tue, November 27, 2007

You had some great thoughts and comments Stephanie. Because it is somewhat complex and I may have not given every detail Ill try to answer the questions you raised now. Up until February 2007 I was receiving checks twice a month from Allied Home Mortgage for money I was owed by them. It wasnt until they abruptly stopped sending me my check that I learned there was a problem. Working with the branch manager (Peter Belli) of the Milford office as well as the general manager and payroll clerk, I did ask the same questions you did. Was my payroll transmission submitted to Houston to be paid? Answer: Yes it was. I was also told from Peter Belli the detail of the loans (commission sheets) which closed and funded were also sent to Allied Houston, backing up the money which was owed me. The corporate office chose to ignore the paperwork. It has been told to me from others, now that the Milford office has closed, that they too have not been paid money which they earned while there. One loan officer told me that when she called the corporate office in Houston to find out where her check was, she was told from the HR department that because the branch was running a deficit and not profitable, that she would not be getting any money owed her. She told me she will be filing her claim with the Massachusetts Attorney Generas office as well. Im aware of at least four others who will be filing their claims with the AGs office too. The employment contract which we worked under never made any reference to not being paid if the branch we worked in wasnt profitable. Again, its one more instance where Allied/Jim Hodge has chosen to shortchange the very people that helped him make millions of dollars. Regarding the question of me being overpaid, as far as I can tell that was a ruse on their part when talking with Massachusetts DET in an attempt to get my unemployment compensation stopped (again). Its completely untrue and has no merit whatsoever. Its almost laughable given what the real facts of the case are (remember, I'm the one owed hundreds of thousands of dollars). Nothing has ever come of their verbal threats launched my way quite simply because there is NO evidence supporting that claim, and they know that as well. Again, it was just their feeble attempt to intimidate and/or harass me into backing down, as was the letter I posted here from Allieds attorney. Since then, they havent made any more threats my way. My guess is its because they know Ill just post them here for everyone to read. Its also quite curious that they havent filed a rebuttal to my claims, telling their side and providing the proof to show they dont owe this money. Don't you find that curious too? Knowing what I know (as well as many others), its because we know they dont have a story which can be substantiated with evidence. Its that simple. Lastly, I agree with you Stephanie that it all focuses on the actual complaint(s) as others are filing in to the AGs office (so Im told I even heard there is one larger than mine). As for the hearsay you refer to, I suppose youre right. My only thought about that is, even though I havent looked inside Grants tomb, I have a very good idea whats inside if we pulled out a shovel and started digging. The same thing can be said for the info Im told exists even though I havent seen it for myself I have no doubt its there, just like the late great General Grant himself. P.S. How or what prompted you to write a rebuttal about a company (Allied) and a person (me) that you don't even know? I find that interesting.

John r

Your Answers Stephanie

#10Author of original report

Tue, November 27, 2007

You had some great thoughts and comments Stephanie. Because it is somewhat complex and I may have not given every detail Ill try to answer the questions you raised now. Up until February 2007 I was receiving checks twice a month from Allied Home Mortgage for money I was owed by them. It wasnt until they abruptly stopped sending me my check that I learned there was a problem. Working with the branch manager (Peter Belli) of the Milford office as well as the general manager and payroll clerk, I did ask the same questions you did. Was my payroll transmission submitted to Houston to be paid? Answer: Yes it was. I was also told from Peter Belli the detail of the loans (commission sheets) which closed and funded were also sent to Allied Houston, backing up the money which was owed me. The corporate office chose to ignore the paperwork. It has been told to me from others, now that the Milford office has closed, that they too have not been paid money which they earned while there. One loan officer told me that when she called the corporate office in Houston to find out where her check was, she was told from the HR department that because the branch was running a deficit and not profitable, that she would not be getting any money owed her. She told me she will be filing her claim with the Massachusetts Attorney Generas office as well. Im aware of at least four others who will be filing their claims with the AGs office too. The employment contract which we worked under never made any reference to not being paid if the branch we worked in wasnt profitable. Again, its one more instance where Allied/Jim Hodge has chosen to shortchange the very people that helped him make millions of dollars. Regarding the question of me being overpaid, as far as I can tell that was a ruse on their part when talking with Massachusetts DET in an attempt to get my unemployment compensation stopped (again). Its completely untrue and has no merit whatsoever. Its almost laughable given what the real facts of the case are (remember, I'm the one owed hundreds of thousands of dollars). Nothing has ever come of their verbal threats launched my way quite simply because there is NO evidence supporting that claim, and they know that as well. Again, it was just their feeble attempt to intimidate and/or harass me into backing down, as was the letter I posted here from Allieds attorney. Since then, they havent made any more threats my way. My guess is its because they know Ill just post them here for everyone to read. Its also quite curious that they havent filed a rebuttal to my claims, telling their side and providing the proof to show they dont owe this money. Don't you find that curious too? Knowing what I know (as well as many others), its because we know they dont have a story which can be substantiated with evidence. Its that simple. Lastly, I agree with you Stephanie that it all focuses on the actual complaint(s) as others are filing in to the AGs office (so Im told I even heard there is one larger than mine). As for the hearsay you refer to, I suppose youre right. My only thought about that is, even though I havent looked inside Grants tomb, I have a very good idea whats inside if we pulled out a shovel and started digging. The same thing can be said for the info Im told exists even though I havent seen it for myself I have no doubt its there, just like the late great General Grant himself. P.S. How or what prompted you to write a rebuttal about a company (Allied) and a person (me) that you don't even know? I find that interesting.

John r

Your Answers Stephanie

#11Author of original report

Tue, November 27, 2007

You had some great thoughts and comments Stephanie. Because it is somewhat complex and I may have not given every detail Ill try to answer the questions you raised now. Up until February 2007 I was receiving checks twice a month from Allied Home Mortgage for money I was owed by them. It wasnt until they abruptly stopped sending me my check that I learned there was a problem. Working with the branch manager (Peter Belli) of the Milford office as well as the general manager and payroll clerk, I did ask the same questions you did. Was my payroll transmission submitted to Houston to be paid? Answer: Yes it was. I was also told from Peter Belli the detail of the loans (commission sheets) which closed and funded were also sent to Allied Houston, backing up the money which was owed me. The corporate office chose to ignore the paperwork. It has been told to me from others, now that the Milford office has closed, that they too have not been paid money which they earned while there. One loan officer told me that when she called the corporate office in Houston to find out where her check was, she was told from the HR department that because the branch was running a deficit and not profitable, that she would not be getting any money owed her. She told me she will be filing her claim with the Massachusetts Attorney Generas office as well. Im aware of at least four others who will be filing their claims with the AGs office too. The employment contract which we worked under never made any reference to not being paid if the branch we worked in wasnt profitable. Again, its one more instance where Allied/Jim Hodge has chosen to shortchange the very people that helped him make millions of dollars. Regarding the question of me being overpaid, as far as I can tell that was a ruse on their part when talking with Massachusetts DET in an attempt to get my unemployment compensation stopped (again). Its completely untrue and has no merit whatsoever. Its almost laughable given what the real facts of the case are (remember, I'm the one owed hundreds of thousands of dollars). Nothing has ever come of their verbal threats launched my way quite simply because there is NO evidence supporting that claim, and they know that as well. Again, it was just their feeble attempt to intimidate and/or harass me into backing down, as was the letter I posted here from Allieds attorney. Since then, they havent made any more threats my way. My guess is its because they know Ill just post them here for everyone to read. Its also quite curious that they havent filed a rebuttal to my claims, telling their side and providing the proof to show they dont owe this money. Don't you find that curious too? Knowing what I know (as well as many others), its because we know they dont have a story which can be substantiated with evidence. Its that simple. Lastly, I agree with you Stephanie that it all focuses on the actual complaint(s) as others are filing in to the AGs office (so Im told I even heard there is one larger than mine). As for the hearsay you refer to, I suppose youre right. My only thought about that is, even though I havent looked inside Grants tomb, I have a very good idea whats inside if we pulled out a shovel and started digging. The same thing can be said for the info Im told exists even though I havent seen it for myself I have no doubt its there, just like the late great General Grant himself. P.S. How or what prompted you to write a rebuttal about a company (Allied) and a person (me) that you don't even know? I find that interesting.


Why wait until you leave or get terminated from the company to seek $500,000?

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, November 03, 2007

The entire complaint seems a little strange to me. First why wait until you are no longer working for this corporation to seek that much money? I would think if this money was owed to you, you would have tried to be paid in the week or period it was due to you. Was your commission sheet submitted properly by your branch? Do you have any documentation showing that you actually earned this money? AHMCC is established in all 50 states and I just can't imagine why they would target you. I do feel bad about your circumstances, however, AHMCC is stating that you were overpaid. How have they come to that determination? Maybe you need to get a copy of all your commission sheets if you haven't already done so and submit them to the corporate office. It seems to me that perhaps they did not receive copies. I hope everything works out for you. I have read threats on both sides. You in fact stated that you have info to turn over to the IRS and other agencies. If I read it correctly it is all based on hearsay. I think the attacks need to stop and everyone needs to stick to the actual complaint.

John r

Massachusetts AG's office negotiating with Allied Home Mortgage

#13Author of original report

Wed, October 24, 2007

I heard from the Massachusetts Attorney Generals office this week that they are currently negotiating with the attorney representing Allied Home Mortgage regarding my claim. I suppose thats a good thing in that it means it wasnt dismissed outright by the AGs office, and that my claim must have some merit if theyre in the negotiating stages? Im just curious for how many cents on the dollar Allied is going to try to cram down my claim of approximately $485,000 (plus accrued interest, legal fees, and Im not sure, but are punitive damages allowed in these cases?). Seems wrong to even contemplate getting paid less than what your rightful W-2 wages should be, doesnt it? The good news is I havent gotten any more threatening letters from Allied Home Mortgage, Jim Hodge, or their attorneys recently (like the last time I posted a message here on the ripoffreport.com). They either figured out there wasnt anything they could do to stop me, or it was the reference to important information coming forward to me from others that were wronged by Allied. Information that I still believe would be of great interest to the IRS and RESPA authorities. Well see how negotiations go I guess and then decide what additional steps are necessary to protect myself and others by contacting the proper agencies/authorities. All I can say is, anyone that feels they have been wronged by these characters should feel free to contact the respective agencies to lodge their own claim or complaint. Like I said before, the U.S. Dept of Labor took action against Allied regarding how employees were paid in the past, and it cost Allied close to $2m to settle that problem. They just dont seem to like to play by the rules. And the ethics that they seem to live and work by leave a lot to be desired. Speaking of threats, intimidation, and scare tactics, I find it consistent at least with how they market themselves. Right on their website in The Allied Story (http://www.alliedmortgagecorp.com/amc01About.html) they use a picture of Dirty Harry, the notorious cop played by Clint Eastwood during the early 70s. The picture they chose to display is of a grimacing Dirty Harry pointing his .45 caliber gun right at the viewer with the line: So the question youve got to ask yourself is Go ahead, click on the link and look for yourself. Im not making this stuff up go ahead! Make Allieds day. On a personal note, Ive talked with my current mortgage company and they actually arent a bad lot (Im three payments behind though). So, I know whats in store for me if I cant begin to come up with some money for them soon. That will hopefully be a whole new round of civil litigation against Allied Home Mortgage for the demonstrated loss, pain, suffering, and hardship that theyve caused me and my family over this. As Ive said to friends before, Im thinking/hoping this will have a favorable outcome for me monetarily. The unfortunate side to this is the check will probably have to be delivered to the box Im living in under the bridge overpass at route 495. And it all could have been avoided had they just done the right (and legal) thing right from the start. God I hope the AGs office (or some other agency) hits them hard again to send a strong and clear message this type of bullying will not be tolerated (just like the DOL did when they got hit for $1.9m I believe?). Hit em in the wallet - it seems to be the only language that gets them to sit up and take notice. How about you take away or ground Jim Hodges Citation jet? Thats a nice toy he could do without. I have problems believing between Jims toys, assets, offices (dont forget the offshore offices in the Caribbean and the offshore accounts that I would think are attached to those offices?) that he cant pay me the money that is owed. But up to this point, its either that he cant afford to or that he lacks the moral fortitude (look it up Jim) and chooses not to; and Jim, FYI, my sons wheelchair, the one with the broken rear wheel, well its still not fixed. Not even the decency to respond to a poor handicapped kids wheelchair issue Im sure theres a very special place being reserved for you Jim, and my guess is it will be warm, maybe even hot.. hotter than your Caribbean vacation getaway. Enjoy your time down there.

John r

More Threats from Allied Home Mortgage/Jim Hodge

#14Author of original report

Mon, October 15, 2007

UPATE: Its amazing how you can go months and months without hearing anything from the company (Allied Home Mortgage) and people (Jim Hodge) that have wronged you, and the moment you publicly post their wrong doing on the internet, out they come with their attorneys at their side. Allied Home Mortgage and Jim Hodge did just that. I just received via a FEDEX envelope the following letter, again trying to intimidate and scare me: Dear John R.: As you know, I am counsel for Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corporation (Allied). It has come to our attention that you have posted a defamatory and disparaging message using the pseudonym John R. on the above listed website/blog. In your posting, you accuse Allied and Jim Hodge of, among other things, criminal behavior. Such statements are libelous and could subject you to civil liability. I write this letter to demand that you retract your posting immediately. Please know that Allied and Mr. Hodge are prepared to take further action if necessary. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Very truly yours, Diane Saunders (Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP, Attorneys at Law, 200 State Street, Boston, MA 02109) This comes as no surprise as it is typical of the unscrupulous behavior taken by them in the past. Its funny that they dont have a problem with me pointing out their civil wrong doing and immoral acts, but the moment the word criminal pops up, well, now Ive just gone too far in their minds. It is fair to say that Mr. Hodge and Allied Home Mortgage have not yet been found guilty of any criminal wrong doing by the Massachusetts Attorney Generals office yet. That investigation is still on-going. I will say and reiterate that it is criminal (disgraceful see Webster dictionary definition of criminal) in MY mind that a company and its CEO would undertake to keep an employee from getting the money they rightfully earned and are owed, especially given whats at stake. Without any reservation, I stand by this contention, even in light of their threats against me again. I have an idea Jim Hodge pay me what is owed plus the accrued interest, legal fees, and damages incurred, and Ill be glad to post that you have paid me in full. I believe at that point the civil/criminal investigation being undertaken by the MA Attorney Generals office goes away? Sound fair? One last question for you Mr. Hodge and your attorney Diane Saunders. (By the way Diane, it was great hearing from you again. What ever came of the lengthy conversation we had I believe back in August, where you were trying to effect a settlement and get me paid the money Allied owes me. I never heard back from you after our telephone conversation. My guess is Jim Hodge wouldnt allow you to move forward with getting me paid since you never got back to me with any counter offer?) Anyway, here is my question for the two of you. Now that Allied is still holding my money and Im in the midst of foreclosure on my house, what are you going to threaten to come after and take next? (BTW - Get in line behind the 1st and 2nd mortgage holders on my house. The outstanding loans are for more than what the house is worth.) As I stated before, your intimidation and scare tactics might have worked well against others who were owed money from you. In fact, its amazing how quickly news travels after I made my first posting last week. A number of people came forward to congratulate me for calling you out (and wished me luck), and provided additional information and details regarding unrelated events about Allied that I believe possibly the IRS and what is it, RESPA would take great interest in receiving? Yes, its very interesting, the information that they provided to me. I know if only half of what they told me is true, that well, hmmm Lets just work at resolving my outstanding money issue first, shall we? P.S. My sons wheelchair (right rear wheel) broke over the weekend and I dont have the money to fix it. At what point do you do what is right and moral (as well as legal) and stop the unnecessary pain and suffering you are causing to me and my handicapped boys? Tell me Jim at what point? John R.

John r

More Threats from Allied Home Mortgage/Jim Hodge

#15Author of original report

Mon, October 15, 2007

UPATE: Its amazing how you can go months and months without hearing anything from the company (Allied Home Mortgage) and people (Jim Hodge) that have wronged you, and the moment you publicly post their wrong doing on the internet, out they come with their attorneys at their side. Allied Home Mortgage and Jim Hodge did just that. I just received via a FEDEX envelope the following letter, again trying to intimidate and scare me: Dear John R.: As you know, I am counsel for Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corporation (Allied). It has come to our attention that you have posted a defamatory and disparaging message using the pseudonym John R. on the above listed website/blog. In your posting, you accuse Allied and Jim Hodge of, among other things, criminal behavior. Such statements are libelous and could subject you to civil liability. I write this letter to demand that you retract your posting immediately. Please know that Allied and Mr. Hodge are prepared to take further action if necessary. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Very truly yours, Diane Saunders (Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP, Attorneys at Law, 200 State Street, Boston, MA 02109) This comes as no surprise as it is typical of the unscrupulous behavior taken by them in the past. Its funny that they dont have a problem with me pointing out their civil wrong doing and immoral acts, but the moment the word criminal pops up, well, now Ive just gone too far in their minds. It is fair to say that Mr. Hodge and Allied Home Mortgage have not yet been found guilty of any criminal wrong doing by the Massachusetts Attorney Generals office yet. That investigation is still on-going. I will say and reiterate that it is criminal (disgraceful see Webster dictionary definition of criminal) in MY mind that a company and its CEO would undertake to keep an employee from getting the money they rightfully earned and are owed, especially given whats at stake. Without any reservation, I stand by this contention, even in light of their threats against me again. I have an idea Jim Hodge pay me what is owed plus the accrued interest, legal fees, and damages incurred, and Ill be glad to post that you have paid me in full. I believe at that point the civil/criminal investigation being undertaken by the MA Attorney Generals office goes away? Sound fair? One last question for you Mr. Hodge and your attorney Diane Saunders. (By the way Diane, it was great hearing from you again. What ever came of the lengthy conversation we had I believe back in August, where you were trying to effect a settlement and get me paid the money Allied owes me. I never heard back from you after our telephone conversation. My guess is Jim Hodge wouldnt allow you to move forward with getting me paid since you never got back to me with any counter offer?) Anyway, here is my question for the two of you. Now that Allied is still holding my money and Im in the midst of foreclosure on my house, what are you going to threaten to come after and take next? (BTW - Get in line behind the 1st and 2nd mortgage holders on my house. The outstanding loans are for more than what the house is worth.) As I stated before, your intimidation and scare tactics might have worked well against others who were owed money from you. In fact, its amazing how quickly news travels after I made my first posting last week. A number of people came forward to congratulate me for calling you out (and wished me luck), and provided additional information and details regarding unrelated events about Allied that I believe possibly the IRS and what is it, RESPA would take great interest in receiving? Yes, its very interesting, the information that they provided to me. I know if only half of what they told me is true, that well, hmmm Lets just work at resolving my outstanding money issue first, shall we? P.S. My sons wheelchair (right rear wheel) broke over the weekend and I dont have the money to fix it. At what point do you do what is right and moral (as well as legal) and stop the unnecessary pain and suffering you are causing to me and my handicapped boys? Tell me Jim at what point? John R.

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