  • Report:  #10326

Complaint Review: allstate insurance co. and affilliates - Oklahoma

Reported By:

allstate insurance co. and affilliates
Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
in july of 95 we bought our first new home since we had been married (in 88).while in the process gmac mortgage said it was time to get the insurance taken care of. my boss at the time MR.FRENCH told me about his agent(which i wont say his name here),I called his agent and bought a premium policy 100% full replacement in any case the insurance was paid for at that time by pesonal check which was cashed within 7 days. we moved in to our home when it was completed in late july got the policy in the mail in august.

well on november 1st we got broke into and lost over $12,000.00 in personal items some of which were not replaceable(jewelry handed down from my wife's grandmother and some items of her fathers ,he passed away in april of 95). when we called in the claim to our agent they told us to bring all the appropriate papers in and a list of things stolen and damaged. we did this and was treated great by the girls in his office. that was the last of the good treatment.

a few days later i got a call at work by allstate's underwriters, they stated that the insurance was cancelled on october 30 for non-payment(this was on the 13th of november.) well 4 years later and lots of greif and time spent off work dealing with lawyers(mine and theirs)we went into depositions with everyone involved, come to find out they had forged documents,forged my signature to many documents,and destroyed several more. we found this out from two seperate people that had worked the case in late 95 and early 96,that have since left the company to work for other insurance companies.

well when we finally got to sit in the fedral court in oklahoma city in front of a judge for a possible settlement the companies lawyer offered me a measly $5000.00 settlement, we inturn said no. but for all their lying,cheating and illegal activities would take no less than $250,000.00(ha ha ha)like thats a reasonable amount.

we finally settled on a figure over three times what it would have cost them in the first place to pay the claim in 95.

these folks are shady crooked liars and will break all the laws they want to deny your claim. my advise to all who have this co. for their insurance needs to switch to any other co.

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