  • Report:  #336282

Complaint Review: Amecautocare - Brisbane Other

Reported By:
- Brisbane, Other,

55 Cavendish Road Brisbane, Other, Australia
07-3324 2400
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a car owner is to think that people who drive the same car as you, or feel passionately about the same car, are the same sort of person in someway as you are. Well they're not. I found out the hard way that placing your trust in a so called enthusiast/specialist leads to nothing but frustration, anger and disappointment.

The sorry story begins towards the end of 2007 when my long term partner and I went our separate ways. I had slowly been acquiring bits and pieces for my Zed from here in Australia and from the US with a date in my mind where I would take it to someone here in Brisbane who appeared to be knowledgable about Z32's, and after reading through the aus300zx forum I had decided upon amec auto care at Coopooroo. There were no votes of confidence or recommendations on the website but it appeared they were the only ones who specialized in my type of car. (If only the alarm bells had gone off then!!).

Anyway, all my plans of getting the Zed done were thrown into chaos by the breakdown in my relationship and I decided to put it all on hold and go and visit a friend on the Sunshine coast to try and unwind.

I took off in the Zed which at this stage was pissing me off a bit because it kept on clunking during gear changes and leaking gallons of power steering fluid. (I knew it was the worn upper and lower diff carrier bushes that were creating the clunk and so I had bought a master bushing kit and the power steering fluid leak was due to a split in a high pressure hose. But I digress, sorry on the way to the Sunshine coast my battery light suddenly came on. I immediately pulled off the road and checked what had happened. One of my drive belts had shredded itself and then wrapped around the other belts, pulling them all into the thermo fan. Bugger. But nothing major so I called a tow truck and decided there and then to get the Zed taken to Amec auto and bite the bullet and get them to replace the belts and fit the various items I had been collecting for the big day.

After several hours I finally arrived at Amec with my Zed on the tow truck. It was a Sunday afternoon so I didn't expect anyone to be there. What I had forgotten was that there was no where secure to leave it, so I parked it directly around the first side street and hoped it would be ok till the following morning. $200 later I finally made it to my brothers place. I gathered up all the parts and set the alarm in preparation to ring Amec first thing and get them to retrieve the car from around the corner.

After a sleepless night, morning finally arrived, and it was then that I first started to question my decision. I rang Peter Walsh up and described the situation to him and said I would be in as soon as possible to drop off the other parts. He was rude and surly but, at least he was going to help me. Or so I thought. I waited nearly an hour for him to call back and his first words were

It's not there. I nearly s**t myself.

What, you mean its stolen?

Nu, its on a truck isn't it?

No, it's the first car parked on the kerb as you go round the corner I repeated.

I thought to myself, the only black 300zx with my rego in the street, you knob. Right, I'll have a look when I get a chance

He didn't bother ringing me back to let me know they had found it. Just another surly call hours later to say it was ready to be picked up. I reminded him of our earlier conversation where I had described the numerous other jobs I'd like them to do. He reluctantly agreed to do the work and I stupidly thanked him before heading over in a borrowed car to deliver the parts.

I arrived at Amec and met someone completely different to the unpleasant person I had been speaking to on the phone. It's kind of creepy in hindsight how greasy and willing to please he was, although another warning sign I missed was how little he seemed to know about Zeds in general. In nutting out what I wanted done I got a lot of blank looks, for example he didn't really understand what I meant by port matching the exhaust manifold or what it means to do an EGR bypass. Fk. If only I'd seen the signs then. Anyway I described the frustration at not having had the time to get all this done earlier and even shared a joke about needing double jointed wrists to work on the engine, which again I dont think he quite understood.

What he did understand however was that he had a captive audience. He knew I had money to spend on the Zed and he was going to get as much out of me for the least amount of effort.

He started by sneering at the list of things that I wanted done (which included port matching and bypassing the EGR) and insisting that they weren't necessary.

What you need done are the cam seals, I noticed that they're leaking something I assumed he had noticed when replacing the drive belts. I took his word for it at that stage. He also said I needed the rear ball joints replaced and even talked me into having the rear upper arms replaced with a set of Tuneagent upper arms. Nave I hear you say? Too fking right. He obviously needed to get rid of them and lied about them being on special to rope me in. I eventually got him to tally up what it would cost to do the following jobs on my car plus the cam seals, rear ball joints and Tuneagents.

Install engine harness(provided)

Install diff carrier upper and lower bushes(provided)

Install steering rack bushes (provided)

Install front sway bar bushes(provided)

Install engine mounts(provided)

Install Iridium plugs(provided)

Replace boots on steering rack

Change faulty O2 sensors( provided)

Check coil packs

Reset idle and Throttle Position Sensor

Clean injectors

Fix power steering leak

EGR bypass

PCV valve bypass oil catch tank

Port match

Compression test

Front Brake Pads replace

He came up with an astounding quote of $5800!!

Holy s**t! I could have almost bought a cheap imported Zed for that. I noticed the little smirk on his face again. He knew he had me. I started the painful process of slashing the list down to the bear essentials, keeping in mind the things he (as the specialist) felt were necessary.

Again. Fk! If only I'd seen this guy was a lying con artist. The smirking, sneering attitude on its own should have alerted me to this swindler but I was blinded for reasons that I still don't understand. I guess in someway I was giving him the benefit of the doubt with the expectation that no matter how weird this guy is, he'll do a good job. I've lived and worked in a host of asian countries and have been ripped off on a few occasions, but I guess I never expected that kind of underhanded behaviour from a fellow Aussie and a supposed Zed enthusiast!

But getting back to it, I finally cut the list down to the following

Replace alternator, A/C, powersteering belts ($170)

Compression test motor $85 labour

Replace wiring harness (provided) $650 labour

Replace spark plugs (provided) $40 labour

Replace O2 sensors (provided) $40 labour

Replace rear ball joints $40 labour/$100 parts

Install Tuneagent rear upper arms (on special)$250 installed

Replace upper and lower diff carrier bushes (provided)$200

Replace RHF lower control arm bush (provided) $40 labour

Replace anti roll bar bushes (provided) $40 labour

Replace cam seals $600 parts & labour

Repair powersteering leak $120 parts & labour

Scan for error codes $60

Adjust idle/TPS $80

Replace FPCU $80 (According to Peter they had one they could sell me for $80 installed)

Somewhere around the $2500 mark was what I was aiming for and I unfortunately told Peter that too. Doh! Its then that I left for my long awaited R&R on the North Coast. I actually overstayed, giving Amec an extra three days on top of the agreed four, to do the work.

When I went to pick the car up it was all systems go. I had a borrowed car which had to meet its owners at the airport and then drop me off back at Amec and then I had to rush to beat the traffic on my way to Toowoomba to see my son. (Sorry about the long sentence)I had called Peter in advance letting him know that I would be late. He turned on the charm and said it was no problem because he was working back anyway.When I got there he was slightly furtive but still doing his best to be amiable. He informed me that the car had been test driven and they had not felt the need to adjust the idle or TPS, but for some strange reason this appears on the job description (which Ill get to later). While hurriedly looking through the invoice I noticed that I had also been charged nearly $150 for a set of spark plugs that I had provided. Too quickly, Peter agreed to give me a credit. He also gave me back the many(unknown to me at the time) uninstalled bushes along with the O2 sensors I had provided which indicated that the job of replacing them had not occurred either.(It didnt occur to me either. Bugger) It wasnt until much later in the piece that I noticed that the cam seal replacement job had been logged in the job description as repair oil leak from front of motor ($600) followed much later by the mechanics report saying need to return to reveal oil leaks,which indicates again that I was swindled by this lowlife.

Seeing that I was in a rush Peter waffled on about Looking after me because I spent so much money and that he would do me a cheap knock sensor job, give me credit, name his first baby after me, blah blah. I unwisely signed off on the bill and quickly headed off to try and avoid the traffic. This is when I noticed the HICAS light on and assumed incorrectly that the float in the reservoir was stuck. As you can guess, another job had not been done. While driving to Toowoomba Peter rang me and informed me somewhat late, that the steering, front and rear, would need an alignment and that it was unsafe to drive. I still didn't smell the rat. Doh! As I got closer to Toowoomba I started hearing some strange noises and religiously watched the temperature. It was as I pulled in to Tbar that a loud noise from the valve train suddenly became very obvious. I immediately switched off the motor and allowed 15 minutes for the oil to drain to the sump. To my horror the dipstick did not register any oil at all. I quickly checked the powersteering reservoir and it was empty. Then to cap it off I noticed green radiator fluid splattered all over the motor. The radiator had lost nearly half its fluid. Again. Fk! He hadn't put the radiator hoses on correctly. He had somehow drained the bulk of the motor oil, and he hadnt touched the powersteering! The alarm bells were now ringing very loudly. I quickly set up a power lead and light and discovered the following mess.

Plastic caps missing from brand new coil pack plugs. All OEM grounding wires loose. Horn/driving light wiring disconnected and shoved down behind battery.

After market grounding wire loom disconnected and shoved down side of battery.

TPS plug wires severed and copper exposed. Engine harness connectors detached from brackets. Coil packs covered in a thick coating of oil/grime indicating they had not been removed for spark plug replacement at all.

I refilled the radiator and went to bleed off any air only to find the air bleeding plug on my brand new radiator had been stripped out.

I replaced nearly 3 litres of motor oil before it showed up on the dip stick!

Triple fk!

Needless to say, I had a bad night. The following morning I rang them up and they actually had the gaul to blame it on me for daring to drive my car 150k to Tmba. After some sturn words about the plethora of f*k ups the turkey I spoke to (not Peter)admitted that they had not checked any of the fluid levels before releasing the car. He reluctantly said they'd take a look at it, but not before repeating the crap about driving to Tbar probably being the cause of all my problems. The penny had dropped, I was dealing with con men. I limped back to Brisbane, with the valve noise even louder despite the fresh oil. I was now really pissed off and thought it wise to cover my butt by taking my video camera along. Well, what a performance. Peter was suddenly very concerned with the crap job they'd done (and the numerous jobs they hadn't done) and fell over himself promising to fix it all up within 3 days. He swore that he had a super oil that would cure the noise in the valve train and said that he would immediately get started. I left feeling less than confident but believing he would stand by his word and make amends. I had to hire a car for a few days, but didn't mind if it all ended happily.

Quad Fk!

A week later(yes I gave them 4 extra days) I rang to see how it was all going. His first words to me were oh right, yeah we're about to take a look at it to which I said are you fking joking to which he quickly replied actually mate you can come and get your car and f*k off.

I wont repeat what I said but you can imagine I was very unhappy. Actually I would say murderous, but I knew kicking the s**t out of this creep would be playing into his hand. So I set off again with the video camera to try and document what sort of arsehole this guy really was. Seeing I had returned the rental car I had to call upon my ex girlfriend to drive me there. She's a tough negotiater having run several businesses, and I was glad to have her along. One, because she new what had gone down, two, because she new how to grill people, and three, to stop me decking the p***k.

When we got there, the ferret was hiding out the back. He told me he wasn't going to speak to me and to get out of there. When it came to crunch time and he had to come up with an excuse he said somewhat unconvincingly that the engine harness had taken longer than expected to install and thus all the other jobs had been neglected. That was it! He hadn't even been honest enough to contact me and let me know that they were having trouble installing it and that they would need to charge me extra. As you'll see on the video he had NEVER installed an engine wiring harness! The Zed specialists my hairy arse. You'll also see the arrogance of this fukwit when he turns to camera and smugly says I can't be bothered with you, I have to attend to a paying customer. I nearly lost it there and then, but I hung on and recorded the turd in action. He began threatening to ring the police to which I said go ahead. The wanker actually rang 000 and as you'll see in the video, the operator tore him a new arsehole for misusing an emergency number. The pathetic excuses and denials of responsibility continued on until I finally thought I had enough evidence to bring the fuker down. His final words, directed to my ex after I had left the office with the video, were So what, the jobs we didn't do only add up to five hundred bucks or so. Wrong Pete. To repair the damaged bearings in the motor alone has been quoted at $2000+. The jobs not done comes close to $1000. Why not sue him you say? The judgements issued in small claims court aren't worth the paper they're written on. So how do I get satisfaction? I don't. I just hope that at least one unsuspecting Zed owner reads this and gives Amecautocare a very, very wide berth.




17 Updates & Rebuttals


You've made my day Jim! Fantastic news!

#2Author of original report

Wed, March 04, 2009

Finally Peter Walsh got what was coming to him. Good riddance to the crook and hopefully a future employer will read these posts and send him on his way. Peter, if you're reading this. Fck you very much!!!!


amec no longer

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 02, 2009

amec has now closed down. i used to take my car to amec thinking it was a good place to go as it is a 300zx specialist and had heard good things on the website. only now after going over the work that was carried out have i realised the poor quality and obvious corner cutting. some things that were done there left the car in a dangerous state and were obviously the result of a lazy mechanic or a mechanic who was incompetent. i was pleased to find out that amec no longer operates.


Amec auto care still pretending to be honest.

#4Author of original report

Fri, February 06, 2009

Hi to all those concerned with automotive businesses being kept honest. This still obviously doesn't apply to Peter Walsh and Amecautocare who have done nothing to rectify the damage they inflicted on my 300zx. After checking back regularly to see if Peter would take the opportunity to repair his battered reputation I felt it necessary to remind those involved and those interested, that not a peep has come out of the Amec camp. In reading the posts again I couldn't help but laugh at the illiterate ramblings of Chilli. To clarify what he means by "the little known McZed" I'll describe a humorous moment on the aus330zx forum some years ago when I had first joined. It all began with a conversation between myself and some other members regarding the possibility of an intercooler bypass which theoretically may have eliminated throttle lag. But no no no. Chilli know it all jumped in and dramatically, although somewhat clumsily began trashing the discussion. I suspect because he hadn't thought of it himself. I reasoned with him in a good natured way and thats when he started the blustering about how little known I was on the forum and thus had no opinion. Dickhead I muttered to myself but then I received a threatening PM telling me to fk off to another forum etc etc. It was at this moment in the open forum that he became abusive to which I replied f*k your mother, I did. Needless to say I received several PMs congratulating me and of course got myself suspended..but not the sacred cow of the forum. Oh no. He was promoted to chief dickhead knowitall. Thanks all Won't hold my breath waiting for the dodgy mechanic to do the right thing David


Advice from professional mechanic. Why has this gone on so long?

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, June 30, 2008

Having looked at Davids car more or less immediately after he had driven up here to Toowoomba and also taking it for a short test drive (after replenishing the oil and coolant to an acceptable level) I was shocked by the loud valve train noises. I have known this car for some time and although not being a real fan of zeds (I work mainly on performance and high-end cars, HSV's especially) I was always impressed with the level of maintenance and care taken with this vehicle. I have previously done the odd small job on this car (e.g. oil changes, spark plugs etc) and given advice to David where I felt it was warranted. I have also always been impressed with Davids knowledge of the Zed series cars. Anyway, back on track. Firstly, whenever a mechanic, (should I qualify the description by prefacing that with professional?) does a job however small it is just good business practice and sensible work ethic to check the fluids. It takes but a moment and if necessary you can tell the customer that their oil/coolant/power steering level is a little low and 9 times out of 10 you will get the OK to top it off thus giving the customer piece of mind and confidence in the work done. To not even check engine oil level after supposedly "replacing cam seals" is not only negligent but just plain stupid. Was the apprentice just working on this car unsupervised? If so, you have just let yourself in for a world of bad news. It seems this mechanic was supplied with parts by the customer, a fairly common practice and one which I endorse up to a point. But, these parts were either not used, falsely claimed to have been used or just plain stolen by the mechanic. It would be interesting to see a copy of the job card/RO (Repair Order) that was actually signed off on, if there was one to start with. Not replacing bushes, or just replacing bushes that are easy to do and then not performing a wheel alignment is out and out negligence. But then having the audacity to tell the customer that the car may be unsafe to drive AFTER they have left your premises leaves you (Amecautocare) open to all sorts of legal ramifications. This is probably the most important and potentially salient point; that the owner of a motor vehicle repair business allowed a customer to leave the premises with not only very little of the invoiced work done but to let them do so in an UNSAFE vehicle beggars belief. I will happily do the work to rectify this travesty, but rest-assured, the invoice will be sent directly via our motor vehicle specialist solicitors to AmecAutocare, or, in the name of ethical professional mechanics everywhere Peter, do the right thing. Set aside the petty squabbles and name calling and do the work to set this right. You don't even have to see David, just ensure the work is done to the standard that you as an owner and fellow enthusiast would like to see leaving your business. I assure you that this is the easiest and most logical way. Do we really have to keep fighting like children over a few hours work and parts that have already been supplied. You will find the David is a good bloke really and if the work is done he will be the first person to jump to your defence in the future and will not gloat. God forbid, you might even get repeat business or word of mouth business from up here in Toowoomba where there are a lot of fast fours getting around and no real specialists in tuning and repair. I offer myself to both Peter Walsh and David to act as a mediator before this thing gets completely and stupidly out of control. We can sort this out amicably. Get back to me if you wish to take up the offer of mediation as soon as you wish. This can be sorted out like the professional adults we should be acting like. Regards Tim.


Advice from professional mechanic. Why has this gone on so long?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, June 30, 2008

Having looked at Davids car more or less immediately after he had driven up here to Toowoomba and also taking it for a short test drive (after replenishing the oil and coolant to an acceptable level) I was shocked by the loud valve train noises. I have known this car for some time and although not being a real fan of zeds (I work mainly on performance and high-end cars, HSV's especially) I was always impressed with the level of maintenance and care taken with this vehicle. I have previously done the odd small job on this car (e.g. oil changes, spark plugs etc) and given advice to David where I felt it was warranted. I have also always been impressed with Davids knowledge of the Zed series cars. Anyway, back on track. Firstly, whenever a mechanic, (should I qualify the description by prefacing that with professional?) does a job however small it is just good business practice and sensible work ethic to check the fluids. It takes but a moment and if necessary you can tell the customer that their oil/coolant/power steering level is a little low and 9 times out of 10 you will get the OK to top it off thus giving the customer piece of mind and confidence in the work done. To not even check engine oil level after supposedly "replacing cam seals" is not only negligent but just plain stupid. Was the apprentice just working on this car unsupervised? If so, you have just let yourself in for a world of bad news. It seems this mechanic was supplied with parts by the customer, a fairly common practice and one which I endorse up to a point. But, these parts were either not used, falsely claimed to have been used or just plain stolen by the mechanic. It would be interesting to see a copy of the job card/RO (Repair Order) that was actually signed off on, if there was one to start with. Not replacing bushes, or just replacing bushes that are easy to do and then not performing a wheel alignment is out and out negligence. But then having the audacity to tell the customer that the car may be unsafe to drive AFTER they have left your premises leaves you (Amecautocare) open to all sorts of legal ramifications. This is probably the most important and potentially salient point; that the owner of a motor vehicle repair business allowed a customer to leave the premises with not only very little of the invoiced work done but to let them do so in an UNSAFE vehicle beggars belief. I will happily do the work to rectify this travesty, but rest-assured, the invoice will be sent directly via our motor vehicle specialist solicitors to AmecAutocare, or, in the name of ethical professional mechanics everywhere Peter, do the right thing. Set aside the petty squabbles and name calling and do the work to set this right. You don't even have to see David, just ensure the work is done to the standard that you as an owner and fellow enthusiast would like to see leaving your business. I assure you that this is the easiest and most logical way. Do we really have to keep fighting like children over a few hours work and parts that have already been supplied. You will find the David is a good bloke really and if the work is done he will be the first person to jump to your defence in the future and will not gloat. God forbid, you might even get repeat business or word of mouth business from up here in Toowoomba where there are a lot of fast fours getting around and no real specialists in tuning and repair. I offer myself to both Peter Walsh and David to act as a mediator before this thing gets completely and stupidly out of control. We can sort this out amicably. Get back to me if you wish to take up the offer of mediation as soon as you wish. This can be sorted out like the professional adults we should be acting like. Regards Tim.


Airlie Beach,

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, June 17, 2008

As a former Z owner and long time friend of David (30 years), I have sat on the sideline while he has patiently tried to deal with this character who is obviously in serious need of advice on how to run a business. In light of recent threats made against David by this individuals' associates I find it necessary now to shed some light on the matter. I have witnessed this dispute intimately and have subsequently offered my services in a court of law should the need arise. Firstly in relation to David's character: David is a full time teacher employed to assist, develop and nurture children with special needs, David has an impeccable reputation amongst his friends, teachers, associates and the wider community, many of whom take great offence to the recent threats against David. Luckily for these individuals and I can't stress luckily enough, David has chosen to deal with this like a grown man and expose his plight anyway he can legally. The description offered by David in relation to the damage inflicted by Amec auto care obviously belies a deep and thorough understanding of the 300z and far exceeds the everyday knowledge of typical motorists. David outlines a very clear and concise series of events in relation to the damage administered to the 300zx engine, and provides documented evidence devoid of the erroneous ramblings offered in the reply from Amec auto care. It is incomprehensible that a supposed business owner would deal with a customer in this fashion. It is impossible to dismiss the video and print evidence gathered by David and you have to ask yourself why no effort has been made on behalf of Amec auto care to resolve this dispute in a manner befitting a reputable business. It is inconceivable that any business of substance, could, or would, allow a dispute to degrade to this level Its time for Amec auto care to step up, and take responsibility for one very very unhappy customer. A good, hardworking and well respected teacher who simply wants the damage inflicted by Amec auto care REPAIRED. Paul Queensland Australia


More lies, denials and misrepresentations by David

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, June 16, 2008

I draw your attention once again, to the terms of use AND the stated intent of such usage of this web site. Keep denying the obvious if you must, just stop playing the perenial victim. You have chosen to implicate numerous people who played no part in this alleged event. They are the true innocent victims here. "Sanctimonious windbag"? A lofty title indeed for someone who until yesterday, had never heard of you or your halucinatory behaviour(and one I will wear with pride). "Cane Toad's ballbag" would seem a much more fitting title for your good self David. NOTICE FOR USERS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: The Ripoff Report website is intended solely for use inside the United States. This site should not be used to post information regarding foreign (non-U.S.-based) companies unless the report involves a transaction which took place inside the United States. This site complies with all applicable United States laws including, but not limited to, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 512. Different countries have very different laws regarding, among other things, intellectual property, free speech rights and what may or may not constitute defamation. Because Rip-off Report cannot and does not investigate the accuracy of statements on this site, use of the site to publish and/or review reports is limited to only United States residents regarding United States companies. Any other use of the site is expressly prohibited.


Don't Mess With McZed

#9Author of original report

Mon, June 16, 2008

A recent forum discussion.... Chad: DOES ANY1 KNOW McZed ?????? does anyone know this guy? i was purchasing a fpcu from a for sale thread he put up this week. But now for some reason his profile is banned ??????? i need to get in contact to him as i need the fpcu anyone ???? email , phone anything ??? he was from QLD... Chrispy:If you got an adress I'm sure a few of us could go and "pick it up" if need be Fleet aka Peter Walsh:I have his address, and believe me, for a bunch of us to go around to do just that would please me no end. however, I feel I must resist such a tempting thought. Pexzed: Firstly PM sent to you Chad with some details for contact.Secondly. I have banned this member.I won't go into excessive detail, as it would make the ban useless in it's intent. Lets just say, this member had a disagreement with a business member. After this, disagreement, the banned member then started to make it very public on the forum. He was warned / asked to desist, so he then linked to a website he created via his signature that bashed this business. I wouldn't have cared if it was a personal attack on a non business member that ban would still have been imposed. Fancy buying a domain name, and going to all the trouble of creating a web page just to ruin a person's reputation!! Pete, it would take more than a bunch of you, but if you'd like to try your luck, go for it. In fact I'll publish a full retraction of my complaint if you agree to meet me somewhere so I can teach you a long overdue lesson. You can even bring Chrispy along to make it a bit more of a challenge. As for you peckerhead, you offered no warnings before banning me and yes I think it was a bargain buying amecautocare.com for ten bucks, and no I didn't have to go to any trouble creating this web page. Rippoff report did it all for me! The wonders of technology.


Feeble Rebuttal Part 2

#10Author of original report

Mon, June 16, 2008

Good to hear from you Chili, you sanctimonious bag of wind. It's good to have you on board and a good indication of how widely this report has now spread. As for dishonourable and shameful, oh and lets not forget deceitful goals, Peter Walsh has demonstrated all of the above plus much, much more. Thankfully for me this site unlike the aus300zx forum is not subject to censorship and as you'll note on the home page 'Ripoff Report is a worldwide consumer reporting Web site and publication, by consumers, for consumers, to file and document complaints about companies or individuals'. Frankly I don't see any misuse on my part. This report and all your shrill denials will remain on this website permanently as a warning to any prospective customers of amecautocare. If I'm THE only customer he has ripped off, then it is one too many and does not relieve him of his responsibility in this matter. As for my naming and shaming the sycophants and bullies on the forum I make no apologies for exposing them to the unshielded eye of public scrutiny. Sorry Peter, two examples of 'success' hardly constitute a list of success stories.



#11Consumer Comment

Sat, June 14, 2008

I have no personal knowledge in respect of the inflamatory claims and statements being made by the little known "McZed". I do however have personal experience of some 4-5 years of aquaintance with Peter Walsh, and have always found him to be trustworthy and approachable on all levels. I do not have any connection with this current issue, and therefore I am angered by the uncalled for comments being directed toward me under the psuedonym "CHILI" (my forum nickname on aus300zx.com). That he has made similar insulting attacks on the Moderators of the said aus300zx.com forum (presumably because THEY have enforced that sites rules), speaks volumes about the deceitful and shameful methods this individual is prepared use to achieve his dishonourable goals. Such unwarranted and insulting comments, give a clear indication of the character of the author of this preceding load of rubbish, and it is no surprise to me that he is prepared to breach this sites clear and concise 'Rules & Conditions' regarding use of the site. I strongly support the aims of this site, I DO NOT support the blatant misuse of those aims.

Peter Walsh

AMEC success stories

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, June 14, 2008

I like the way David just dismisses the fact that he started this thread on this web site, even though it is prohibited by this web site. This indicates the type of person he is and the disregard he has for the proper and legal procedures. recent AMEC success stories include: 1. a Nissan Silvia that had been to 3 other workshops because they couldnt correct the problem of the car not starting. It took AMEC to fix it. 2. a Nissan 300ZX, of which the owner complained of a low frequency vibration at 110 km/h. The car had been to 2 other workshops but the vibration remained. It took AMEC to fix it. we have hundreds of happy customers. the David Goodmans of this world, quite frankly, can please themselves. I will make no more contributions or rebuttals to this thread.


Peter Walsh's Feeble Rebuttal

#13Author of original report

Fri, June 13, 2008

Surely you can do better than that. But then again I guess you don't have the forum moderators cleaning up after you. Too bad. If you really believe its defamatory then take me to court. I would welcome the publicity. As for the illegality of posting a legitimate case of fraud on this website, I say tough t**s. You must have known that eventually your shoddy practices would come back to haunt you. I literally laughed out loud when I read the bit about me continually harassing you while you did the job, or lack thereof. Phone records would easily dismiss that silly claim in court. As for not checking the fluid levels, didn't you say the cam seals where leaking oil? An engine fluid? You remember. That other job you didn't do because you were arduously learning how to install the wiring loom at my expense. The other arduous task of installing the bushes is a bit of a laugh too considering you only changed the lower diff carrier bushes because they're easy to access and neglected the obviously worn upper bushes. If the job was to perform the jobs on the list then you've failed miserably. It should also be noted that Peter has not even offered to compensate me for the spark plugs he incorrectly charged me for, let alone owning up to and making amends for the countless stuff ups he is responsible for. Shame on you Peter.

Peter Walsh

AMEC Auto Care response

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 12, 2008

it states clearly on this web site the following: ************************************** NOTICE FOR USERS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: The Ripoff Report website is intended solely for use inside the United States. This site should not be used to post information regarding foreign (non-U.S.-based) companies unless the report involves a transaction which took place inside the United States. This site complies with all applicable United States laws including, but not limited to, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 512. Different countries have very different laws regarding, among other things, intellectual property, free speech rights and what may or may not constitute defamation. Because Rip-off Report cannot and does not investigate the accuracy of statements on this site, use of the site to publish and/or review reports is limited to only United States residents regarding United States companies. Any other use of the site is expressly prohibited. ************************************** so the consumer has already performed an action here that is strictly prohibited. Not only that, this report is quite defamatory. We were given a budget of around $2500 to perform what we could on David's list. The invoice ended up being some $2600 which included installation of the wiring loom and suspension bushings. Both of which are long and arduous tasks. We were continually harassed while this job was being performed by this impatient and rude customer, demanding that the job be completed as soon as possible. NOTE that the job did NOT include a basic service, that is, replacing engine oil or checking fluid levels. The job was simply to perform what the customer had on the list, and do it as soon as possible or else there will be hell to pay! And as it turns out there was anyway. Any claim that the engine oil level being too low is somehow our responsibility must be dismissed, as the list of job items did not include any kind of fluid check or fluid service. So consequently any engine damage claim due to low oil level must also be dismissed. Given my experience with this customer, I am glad to say that he is not a customer of ours any more. Peter Walsh Manager AMEC Auto Care Brisbane, Australia


aus300zx forum cronyism

#15Author of original report

Thu, June 12, 2008

The aus300zx forum have taken it upon themselves to protect amecautocare from criticism by censoring and banning members who speak out against them on the aus300zx forum. It is quite apparent after reading through many of the posts that amecautocare do the forum moderators favours in exchange for silencing any criticism directed at amec auto care. aus300zx.com and amecautocare.com.au are complicit in duping the members of the forum to facilitate amec automotive's business interests.


aus300zx forum cronyism

#16Author of original report

Wed, June 11, 2008

Certain moderators on the aus300zx forum have taken it upon themselves to protect Peter Walsh and his business interests on the website by censoring and banning members who criticize Amec Auto. It would appear after reading through many of the posts that Peter Walsh does favors for the moderators to keep them on side. I was banned for inserting www.amecautocare.com as my signature. This in no way contravened their rules as it took the reader to this page you are reading. The link itself did not openly criticize amec auto in any way. Pexzed, the main culprit, bans people for arbitrary reasons and is very lenient towards sanctimonious older members like Chilli who gas bag on unscathed. amecautocare.com.au aus300zx.com amecautocare.com.au aus300zx.com.au amecautocare.com.au aus300zx.com amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au amecautocare.com.au More to come...


Amec Automotive Performance Pty Ltd

#17Author of original report

Sat, June 07, 2008

Hello again to you all especially Peter Walsh. The following are words I've included to ensure this report ranks somewhere near amecs search engine results. brisbane mechanical repairs 300zx z32 amec auto care skyline 280z 350z 180sx twin turbo speed performance motor engine queensland mechanic dupe fraud scam rip off ripped dishonest dodgy shifty sneaky underhanded crook con weasel unethical amecautocare automotive upgrade high servicing parts aftermarket specialist quality vg30dett. Thanks and soon have the new site up and running.


Amec Auto Care Coorparoo Queensland z32 300zx

#18Author of original report

Mon, June 02, 2008

Peter Walsh the proprietor of Amec auto care goes to great lengths to hide his identity. His name appears no where on his website and despite having pictures of himself winning trophies, his face is obscurred. Why I wonder? In my next update I'll be able to reveal this shady character once and for all. Foolishly Peter forget to buy his dotcom i.e. amecautocare dotcom. So I've grabbed it myself and will soon have a site dedicated to Peter complete with video and photos.

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