  • Report:  #13224

Complaint Review: American Credit CCA CCS Capital CreditCapital Choice Titanium Blue First National Credit Etc. - Nationwide

Reported By:

American Credit CCA CCS Capital CreditCapital Choice Titanium Blue First National Credit Etc.
Nationwide, U.S.A.
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How to protect yourself from credit card scams

A start-to-finish analysis

by Rip-off Report.com


ED Magedson - Founder & Consumer Advocate

[email protected]

Maybe you have just received a credit card offer in the mail that sounds incredible. So incredible that it makes you wonder, "is this too good to be true?" Maybe you just paid good money for what you believe is a major credit card. Or maybe you paid for a credit card and got something unexpected in return, like an unsolicited phone card. If any of the above situations apply to you, it is imperative that you continue reading this chapter.

Ripoffreport Report Image

In this report, we will briefly describe the popular credit card scams; outline what some of the credit card scam warning signs are, and how you can find out if an offer is legitimate. However, we will mostly focus on what you, as the consumer, can do if you realize that you have "been had."

We will start by telling you what scams are very popular, and how the scams operate. This horrible trend is occurring not only across the United States, but also internationally. Many innocent consumers are being ripped off by fraudulent credit card companies every day. Here is a quick run down of what these companies are doing to steal hard-earned money from the pockets of citizens.

the Bait

The "companies" purposely seek out people with horrible credit or no credit, and offer them a major credit card in exchange for a start up fee. They take the customers bank account number over the phone, usually withdrawing between $150 to over $500 dollars from that persons account, and in most cases do not send anything to the consumer in return. Beyond that, they have been known to sell this private banking information to other companies who will, in turn, make repeated and unauthorized debits to consumer bank accounts. The scam companies themselves will often continue to access the consumers' bank accounts without permission.

There are some consumers who finally do receive a package in the mail, but it is not what they expected. The package will consist of No major credit card, just a folder full of flyers, some secured credit card applications that could be obtained without fee elsewhere, maybe a catalog, and on rare occasions, a "platinum" or "gold" card that can only be used to purchase items out of a catalog.

Even when a consumer does get all of the aforementioned items, they were just as well off not receiving anything at all. This is because the card can only be used if the consumer makes a hefty cash down payment (up to 60%) on overpriced and outdated catalog merchandise.

Ripoffreport Report Image

the Catch

Now, let's say you get a similar letter, or for that matter a phone call that is offering a credit card with a large credit line upwards of $10,000, and perhaps a low (or no) interest rate, regardless of past credit history, all in exchange for a "small" processing fee. Again, the only catch they say is the small "processing fee" ranging from $40 to $500, payable by check. They even tell you that for your convenience, you can pay via check-by-phone to instantly get your brand new platinum or gold card. All you have to do is give them your account number.

WARNING: Of course this sounds great, too good to be true even, but you may need the credit and want to give it a shot. If this is the case what do you do? If you want to determine if this great offer is real or not, you can follow a few easy steps, and look for some obvious credit card fraud warning signs.

Lets talk about warning signs first. Many of the fraudulent credit card companies use many of the same methods to get consumers to take the bait, but these methods are in many cases, also signs of fraud. Below are just a few of the warning sings.

*They claim to offer a very high unsecured credit lines, even to those with bad credit.

*They claim to offer major Gold or Platinum cards with little or no interest for up to the first 3 years

*They offer customers non-existent vacations, free computers, and other benefits in addition to the credit card.

*Their offers contain no real bank name

*There is no contact phone number on the offer OR they only provide an 800 phone number, with no other phone number with a bona fide area code OR vice versa.

*There is no web site, and if there is a web site, there is no further contact information and password protected.

*The company only lists a P.O. Box address

*There is no county business license filed; It is not registered with the State's Corporation entity (if incorporated)

*There is no physical address for the contact of an agent (Even if the business is incorporated in another state, they must have a registered agent in each state in which they do business)

*The name of the company is similar to that of a legitimate bank.

*The offers say "for limited time" or "must act today"

*The letter or phone rep stating "for today only"

*They offer this only in return for auto bank payment, and do not accept checks by mail or credit card payments.

If you receive an offer and it has these warning signs, our advice is to stay away. However, if you are still intent on finding out for sure, you can always check RipoffReport.com to read what other consumers are saying about a particular credit card company, or you can contact a Rip-off Report staff member by email. In addition to visiting Rip-off Report and using us as an asset, you can also check with your state's department consumer protection, the Federal Trade Commission, and even your state's Attorney General's Office. In our opinion, the Better Business Bureau (and their inaccurate files) is a bust, because they solicit membership in exchange for favorable status. But if you feel you must, you can always contact them as well.

By contacting these agencies, you will be able to find out if other consumers have filed complaints about the company you are researching. Finally, if the company checks out with all of the above check your state's Department of State to confirm that the company is active and permitted to do business within your state.

the Damage Done

What if it is too late? What if the offer just sounded too good to miss out on, and you just gave out your banking information to a card company before doing research? What do you do, what can you do?

First, before you come to any conclusions, research the company using the methods that we previously mentioned. However, do this research quickly because putting it off for even one day too many could mean the difference between the very easy way out, and the very difficult way out.

Don't let them get away with it!

If after doing research you find that a company is a scam, or is not offering what they promised, do not kick yourself and do not beat yourself up, take action immediately, and make them the sucker! These companies are good at selling you on their scam products, so don't feel too bad if you fell for it, just make sure you make them pay. Don't let them get away with it!

Obviously, most of you will want to get your money back and prevent the company from scamming you again before you do anything else, so we will discuss some ways that you can do so. If you paid over the phone with your checking account, get to your bank as soon as possible, and close that account. This will prevent the fraudulent company from making unauthorized debits to your account in the future. Thus, they will not be able to scam you again.

WARNING: Even if you are able to catch this in time by placing a stop payment on the transaction, if you leave your account open the scam artists can go back into your account and debit your account later.

Before you go any further you should also report your situation to law enforcement in an effort to make them aware of what may be a new scam. Some government agencies you may want to contact are the FTC, the FBI, the state Attorney General's Office, and even your local police. (You can usually find these phone numbers in the government listings of your local phone book.) If the offer was over the Internet or by phone you should also contact the FCC. Doing this will probably not get you a refund, but it may help protect others from being scammed in the future.

Last but not least, be sure to file a Rip-off Report at ripoffreport.com. Telling your story here will definitely help to warn others, and may also help you recoup your losses because you may provide Rip-off Report staff the information needed to go after the company!


Now, let's talk about getting that money back! If the company took money from your account less than 60 days ago, you have a good chance at getting an easy refund. So, once again, jump in that car, hop on the trolley, or even that pink huffy, and get to your bank ASAP. When you get there, tell your bank manager that a fraudulent company took money from your account, and that you wish to have the unauthorized Automated Clearing House (ACH) transaction reversed immediately. A nice touch would be to take printed copies of other Rip-off Reports filed on the company that victimized you.

Most banks will be cooperative, reverse the transaction and credit your account right away. However, there are some banks that are not helpful in this area, at all. These banks will treat you rudely and question you to no end they will ask "how did the company get your account number?", "why did you authorize this?", "we can not help", etc. Basically, they will try to make you feel like an idiot, but don't let that happen!

Getting a Refund

If the transaction was within 60 days, and you request a reversal, but you sense that your bank will not cooperate with you, here is what you do: Tell them that you did not authorize the debit, DEMAND that they reverse the ACH transaction in accordance with NACHA and Federal Regulation E rules, and let them know you wish to sign an affidavit of unauthorized/fraudulent account activity. Make it clear to the bank that if they do not assist you, legal and other appropriate actions will be taken against them. Even let the bank know that you will file a rip-off report on the Internet about them if they do not help you immediately. Don't be afraid to escalate the matter by speaking to the supervisor, the manager, etc. until you have even spoken to the president of the bank.

If you do all this, and they still do not cooperate, contact the RipOffReport.com EDitor's staff right away. They may be able to assist you further. In rare cases, the companies take payment via credit card, and if this happens the answers are even simpler. Call your credit card company right away and dispute the charge. These disputes are almost always effective.

Fraudulent companies are just that, fraudulent and they will not contest ACH reversals or credit card disputes. Therefore, if you are certain that you were scammed, do not let the scam company's reps scare you with threats of tape-recorded conversations that will show you are lying. This is because even if they did get your conversations on tape (they most likely didn't), the recorded conversations would only show that the company fully engaged in illegal and misleading activity.

Now, you should have a good idea of what to do if you realize that you were taken within 2 months of the debit or date of the scam dispute the charge at your bank, or with your credit card company, and most likely, all will be fine.

It's never too late!

BUT, what if you were busy or for some other reason, it took you more than 2 months to realize that you were a scam victim? Here is where it gets tricky Things CAN be done to get a refund and even a little revenge after the 2-month deadline. We will discuss those options later.

Before we get to that, please remember that if you are in the process of dealing with a company that appears to be fraudulent, do not accept their excuses, act before the 60-day deadline! These companies purposely try to hold you off by making excuses for what they call "delays," or technical problems, when in reality, they are just trying to get you past this 60-day deadline, in an effort to prevent you from disputing the transactions.

I am sure you are wondering what can be done if you waited too long? Let's talk about a few of your options. Keep in mind that this company ripped you off, and they now think they got away with it, so it is time to get real mean! Be determined, and do NOT be afraid to pull out all the stops.


Scam companies, just as terrorists and other clandestine organizations, need to have someone else move their money. Finding those who handle the money is the best way to put an end to their illegal activity. Finding the money source is also the best way to find out who is behind the scam, and definitely your best shot at a refund. I will explain what these scam companies do to get to your money and how to use that information to your advantage. It is too late to deal directly with the scam company now, they do not care who you report them to at this point, so you must go after the money processors.

The fraudulent credit card firms almost never have the capability to process your banking information without outside help. Therefore, they hire third party Automated Clearing House (ACH) processing companies to debit, and in extremely rare cases, credit bank accounts for them. Find the money processor, and in most cases, you've found your refund!

To do so, you will once again have to get to your bank. Tell the bank your situation, and tell them what you need, which is the name of the third party processor, who put the transaction through for the fraudulent credit card firm. The bank will usually have to do an ACH investigation and get back to you in a few days with the information. The bank will have no reason to be uncooperative, but if for some reason they are, it is definitely time that you find a new bank. If they refuse to get you this information, they are not worthy to receive your business.

Before you leave the bank, however, do not go out without a bang. Talk to the bank manager, demand he/she get you the information, and if necessary, even threaten them with a small claim lawsuit, something we will talk about later. Remember, now is the time to get mean! Now it's your turn to be sneaky. Give them a taste of their own medicine!!

It may also be helpful to let them know you intend to picket the bank with signs that they are aiding and abetting the deception and fraud of other customers and that the bank can not be bothered by giving this information which should be readily available anyway. Let the bank know you will also hold a press conference with all the local news media.

I am sure many of you are saying, "okay, suppose I am able to get the name and phone number of the third party ACH processing company, now what?" Well, here is what you do The third party processors are often pretty legitimate. They only make money by processing money. However, if they paid closer attention to their clients, you would not be in the situation you are in now, right? Well, let's remind them of that! BUT before we do, we need some information about the third party processor.

So, go to your phone and call the Secretary of State of the processor's home state, or any state in which they actively do business, and get a copy of the processor's annual status report. This report will have the processor's corporate director list, physical addresses, and registered agent information. You can usually get these same status reports on the appropriate state's Secretary of State web page.

While you are at it, you should also try to get a status report for the company that ripped you off, because you may need the information contained therein at a later date. If you have problems getting a report(s), please contact the RipOffReport.com EDitor's staff, as they may be able to help. However, only do so if you are able to send them the above pertinent information, or at least the name of the ACH processor.

After you get the aforementioned annual status report, it is time to do a little more research. Try calling 411, and getting home phone numbers and addresses for the processor's corporate officers and registered agent, if they are not listed on the corporation information page. Then see if the processor has a web site by doing an Internet search, and begin to collect email addresses for as many employees as possible.

Once you gather as much information about the third party ACH processor, and their staff, you need to call them (business line first), and ask to speak with their CEO. If you have their status report, you will already know the name of their CEO, so ask for him/her by name. They may not put you through at first but be persistent, do not stop calling until you get an executive on the line.

Tell the CEO or other corporate officer your story (nicely at first) and ask that they assist you in getting a refund. Who knows, they may be helpful. If not, remind him or her that their company is processing money for a company engaged in illegal activities. Then, inform him/her that if they do not assist you, you will add their name to the small claim you filed against the fraudulent credit card company. You may make this threat even if you have not yet filed a small claim! If the processing company wants to avoid sending an attorney half way across the U.S. to defend a lawsuit worth no more than a few thousand dollars, they will just refund you on behalf of their fraudulent client.

If they still are not cooperative, time to get a little nasty! Tell the processor that above and beyond the lawsuit, and a report to law enforcement, you will be repeatedly posting their legally-obtained home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, home addresses, email addresses, etc. on RipOffReport.com. Doing all or a combination of the above will usually work, especially if the processing company is legitimate and wants to protect their good name.

Sometimes, however, the processing company will just refuse to help you all together. Then what? Well, first do exactly what you said, file a Rip-off Report that contains all of the personal information you obtained legally. If you have trouble gathering this personal information, contact the ripoffreport.com staff for help.

Posting this personal information will get you partial revenge, and some satisfaction, but may not be enough to get a refund. By revealing their personal information in a Rip-off Report and faxing a copy to them, will probably get their attention enough to get them to talk to you about returning your money.

If all else fails, you can really file a small claim lawsuit against everyone involved. To do so, you will need the name and registered agent for both the scam company and their processor. This information will be on the status report you obtained earlier.

All you have to do to file this small claim is go to your local small claims courthouse (which are normally called justice of the peace courts, municipal courts, or district courts), and pay a small fee, if any. Then, take the company names, and list them on a small claim lawsuit using the registered agent addresses.

Filing a small claims lawsuit accomplishes a few things. First and foremost, they annoy and inconvenience the companies they are filed against! In addition, they are inexpensive to file, and will almost always get you a judgment. Many times, the companies will not even respond which means you will get an automatic default judgment, so ask for the state maximum! If you win by default (or otherwise), your local court will tell you how to execute the judgment (which means how to get your money back). Remember, that interest can accrue usually from the date of loss. In most states it is about 9 - 10% per annum, or about % per month. It adds up.

One other thing filing a small claim may help you do, is protects your credit. In some cases, fraudulent credit card companies have the nerve to send negative reports to credit bureaus. If this happens, your lawsuit judgment would help show that you do not owe them money!

If you really want to pay back a company that ripped you off, you could always go to your local municipal court and file a claim against the corporate officers personally using their home addresses. You may not win, but dragging their rears along with their lawyers to your home state sure would be fun, wouldn't it?

Hopefully, some of the above methods will help those of you who are on a quest to retrieve money that is rightfully yours. I also hope we helped to properly warn others about the horrible scams that are plaguing America.

Finally, visit the Rip-off Report and contact our staff if you feel that we can be of any help.

Remember, DON'T let them get away with it Make sure THEY make the Rip-off Report!

ED Magedson - Founder & Consumer Advocate

[email protected]



We are not lawyers.

We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.

...the victims' advocate

WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency

...by consumers, for consumers


You can read more information like this in the EDitor's Do-it-Yourself Guide Book on how to get Rip-off Revenge and your money back too, now ready for shipping!

This Do-it-yourself-guide with very specific detailed instructions will show you how to get what is owed to you. In most cases, this Do-it-yourself guide will show how to get compensation without having to resort to using expensive lawyers and waiting on the courts.

RipoffREVENGE.com was authored by the Founder of this website Rip-off Report.com. This book has a track record of using many different and unconventional, but legal concepts for consumers who have been victimized by an individual or business. For many years we have helped people get their money back, and in many cases, much more, and for free; badbusinessbureau.com relying mostly on donations.

There is a cost of $21.95 for Rip-off Revenge Do it yourself guide, providing badbusinessbureau.com with much needed advertising revenue from the sale of the book to higher more investigators, investigative reporters with their expenses. The book is now available.

RipoffRevenge.com was originally set up mainly to help victims get revenge and compensation. www.ripoffrevenge.com a long time ago we did advertise a $125.00 up front fee, but, we are proud to say that to date; we have never ever requested payment. In fact, we never intend to do so. We only advertise this fee in an effort to attract serious victims who are willing to put forth the necessary effort, and screen out the victims who just wish to take advantage of a free service.

Go now to www.ripoffREVENGE.com to get your Do-it-yourself guide to Rip-off Revenge and your money back too.


Another Consumers view, ....

a little harsh, unfortunately it's mostly true.

After reading about a thousand or so rip-off reports about credit card scams, I have to put in my two cents worth.

There seem to be two different scams but a lot of similarity. Both types offer to rebuild the victim's credit. Both require advance payment and neither delivers the service expected.

Scam number one is the phony credit card offer. The victim is told that he is pre-approved for a credit card with a very high limit, but he must pay in advance either with a check or by a debit from his checking account. The card is not delivered for at least two months, if ever. When it does arrive, the victim finds that the card is good only at issuer's store, where goods are vastly overpriced and require substantial pre-payment.

Scam number two is the secured credit card offer. The victim is required to pay in advance for a genuine VISA or Mastercard with a very low limit. When he receives the card, he finds that he owes additional processing fees that put his card over the limit, triggering the over-limit fee and, by the way, the first payment was due before the card was mailed so the victim now owes late fees, too.

I personally have never been the victim of either of these scams, probably because I have good credit. The victims who report these scams often say they were trying to re-establish credit, meaning that they have already demonstrated an inability to manage their finances. The sad truth is that the scammers prey on the society's losers. If you declared bankruptcy or went belly-up on a credit account in the past you are the scammer's target. No legitimate company is going to offer thousands of dollars worth of credit to someone with a history of not paying their bills. The system just does not work that way.

But suppose you are the victim of one of these scams. What can you do?

First of all, if you paid by check and the check has been cashed, you will never see that money again. It's gone for good and no one is going to get it back for you. Also, if they have taken money out of your checking account by debit and more than sixty days have passed, you have almost no chance of recovering that, either.

If you wrote a check to the scammers and it has not been cashed, you can try to put a stop payment order on your check. You will need to go to your bank to do this and they will charge you a fee.

If the scammers have taken money from your account by an electronic funds transfer and less than sixty days have passed, contact your bank, tell them you did not authorize this withdrawal, and ask for a return of the funds. You should also send a letter to your bank by Certified Mail asking for return of the funds. (The address where this should be sent is on your checking account statement.) Do not wait for your credit card as your time to act is limited. (The scammers drag out processing your card more than 60 days to prevent you from getting your money back from the bank.) Even if you did authorize the withdrawal, tell the bank you did not. The scammers will not speak to anyone on the phone, including the bank, so the bank will hear only your side of the story.

If you have fallen victim to scam number two the credit card that was over-limit and past-due when you got it, you will have to take a different approach. Again, whatever you already paid is gone for good. You need to stop them from continuing to rip you off and ruining your chances to re-establish your credit.

From a legal standpoint, these contracts can be invalidated for a number of reasons. Perhaps the clearest is failure of consideration. This means that one party gets nothing in return for his money. To legally rescind (cancel) a contract, you will have to go to court and obtain a judgment.

Most states have a small claims court of some type and exactly what kinds of cases they may hear will vary from state-to-state. Small claims courts are meant to allow individuals to sue without an attorney. What you should sue for is rescission of contract due to failure of consideration. The scammers are unlikely to appear and you should be awarded judgment by default. Remember, you are unlikely to recover the money you have already lost, but your judgment will be legal proof that you do not owe the scammers any money. You should send copies to the major credit bureaus.

One last thing that applies to both scams: since the scammers have your checking account number, close your account and open another one. It's the only way to stop them from picking your pockets again.

Now read the Rip-off Report investigation below:

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on First National Credit

CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. Consumer makes harsh but accurate statements. *Rip-off Report Investigation follow-up provides valuable information.

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports involving United Capturdyne - Voice Flash VFNX - Data Flash as the Credit Carde Processing Company (ACH)



EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back! ..Money that was wrongfully taken out of your bank account..


Go to your bank within 60 days of the charge, or as soon as you know about the charge, don't delay, and tell them that there has been fraudulent activity within your account. Explain that you wish to file a dispute, and demand that they assist you in accordance with Federal Regulation E.

According to the majority of victims interviewed by Rip-off Report, those who immediately called their banks to dispute the charges did not get very far. Many victims got the following responses from their banks: we could not do anything for you or you waited too long; it has been more than 60 days.

If the bank is says that you have waited too long, explain to them how you called their 800 number as soon as the charges were found, and were told by the bank that nothing could be done. Remind the bank that they failed to assist you properly at the 800 #, and instead, provided you with an inadequate explanation of your right to dispute. Tell the bank that it's their fault time has expired, and since they gave you the wrong info to begin with, they will just have to deal with it, take the loss and reverse the charges.

Tell them the truth; this was unauthorized and your account was NOT to be charged! Keep emphasizing how you never authorized anything! Direct them to the hundreds of victims reports that were filed on Rip-off Report.com. And if you're at the bank, walk them over to their computer and make them go to this site! If you are on the phone with them, tell them you will wait while they access this site! Either way, be persistent!


Let them know nicely, that you were advised to Report them (the Bank) and this situation to the Banking Commission in your state. Since each state has a different name for the agency/controller over banks, find that name before you call or get to the bank so you can throw it in their face. The more knowledgeable you appear to be, the further you will get.

And just continue to demand the Federal Regulation E form! The bank CAN, MUST and WILL reverse the charge! But, you must be persistent; ask to speak to the supervisor or the area manager for all the branches in the state.

Let the bank personnel know you are meeting with the media later in the day, that you would much rather they do the right thing (as most other banks have) by looking at the complaints and immediately reversing the charge(s) to your account; no matter how long ago it was. Be sure to call the Media if necessary so you are telling the truth.

If you have to, be loud (but nice) in front of other customers. If you are just calling by phone, the above tactics should still work. The bank can easily fax or mail to you the Federal Regulation E dispute form.


If the charge was to your credit card (not debit card, check card, or checking account), contact the credit card company as soon as possible to request a dispute form. Consumers usually have a little longer to dispute fraudulent credit card charges (up to 6 months), but it is better to act right away. In this type of situation, credit card disputes are usually successful since fraudulent companies often won't contest the disputed charge. In rare cases, credit card companies will review disputes, but refuse to reverse the charges. If this occurs, complain to a manager and let them know you will be filing a report here.

Remember Don't let them get away with it! Make sure they make the Rip-off Report .. The more Reports filed on a Company or individual, the more likely it is that the authorities, media and attorneys will want to take action.

And good luck Let us know how you do!

ED Magedson Founder, Rip-off Report.com & Author of www.ripoffrevenge.com

[email protected]



Don't let them get away with it.

Make sure they make the Rip-off Report!

We are not lawyers.

We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.

...the victims' advocate

WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Worldwide Consumer Reporting News Agency

...by consumers, for consumers

107 Updates & Rebuttals


in response ...

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 16, 2007

In regard to the complaints on this website. A number of these reports seem like haste, it DOESN'T MEAN they don't have validity but, if the prospective member/cardholder reads the paper the card is attached to, it clearly states that the membership card IS NOT a credit card, so this is a valid reason that the card number begins with '7' and doesn't have a "real magnetic strip". Also, another complaint stated that the catalogs would be shipped ten days after the card processing/activation fee is paid and according to one complaint. That complaintant wrote that they called asking that they were looking for the catalogs and again, had they rea dthe paper that this card is attached to, they could then deduct this fact, the catalogs are sent ten days after activation fees; etc. are paid off -- this complaintant also claims not to have recieved the catalogs in the mail. To this there is question only as to the customer service of the company, and the postal offices capability to perform their duties. As for the card not having a website, nowhere in the details of the cardholder information does CCS claim to have a website -- it is clearly stated that the merchandise catalog is to be sent via catalog after processing. These are some blemishes on behalf of the complaintants. Also, the fee inquired upon is naturally expected as this is a MEMBER CARD. Suggesting and persisting membership to a club or orginization, which often requires a fee such as AMWAY, or UCC, Sam's Club; etc. The complaints of 199.00 is stated to be the activation fee (debited) over two months in 99.00 installments as well as an additional 99.00 EACH for the extended services of credit monitoring, and no responsibility. There is an optional 29.00 rush fee. The most notable thing that suggests this card is a fraud is the minimum 300.00 monthly payment. How can one be sure their purchases will meet or exceed three-hundred dollars per month? Also, the request for a social security number, in order to speak with a live representative is another tip-off, because how does one pre-screen a person for a credit card without this information in order to assess their eligibility? identity theft is a likely candidate -- and the FBI and SS often post bulletins to be aware of such scams as well as commercials. So, if you were duped, I can only advise reading inbetween the lines and reading the cardholder agreement --- i.e. PAY ATTENTION! As for the money attainment by the company with regard to no interest; etc. -- you assume the club is issuing the card and that they are making their money off of the purchase and the incentive to the company is simply another customer. Remember companies are victims of flase representation as well, but hell its in Nevada -- isn't that gamble enough? (No Offense because I don't want to get sued for slander!) Also their is a noted interest for cash advances and that can generate a decent amount of revenue even with $150.00 maximum advance limits to all customer, let alone $1500.00 -- The process itself seems legitimate, regular debiting and withdrawals as for electronic transfers, the major tip off again is that the card demands a minimum $300.00 payment per month -- and this is not specified as a minimum purchase per month (which you'd have to be well off or they'd have to have a great selection to encourage this sort of purchase loyalty from members). Really, I think that if you've gotten this card you may already be a likely cadidate for identity theft, but with Homeland Security watching so closely, not just anyone can dip in your pockets -- there needs to be a viable agreement that alots a person/organization or person acting as an orginization to take this information from you --. Just a lesson, don't accept pre-screened unsolicited cards if the risk outweighs the benefit and particularly so if it is unclear. The most likely reason you recieved the card is that your information was purchased from other card applications and forms you've filled out over the web; etc. I myself never understood the security in electronic signature so -- Call first, find a live operator, if you can't don't join -- Search the web, as you people have, but don't expect a result automatically! The number of complaints spanning over the geographic region as it is though is alarming and the incosistencies and reports of unlawful debiting; etc. is THE FINAL TIP OFF! So don't do it -- unless you fully understand! This information isn't to dissolve the possibility that this is a scam, it is to encourage safe buying. I got the card and called the FBI and SS to check on notices about First National Bank, then searched the web. It didn't take more than an hour (including everything I've done inbetween), so investigate for your own safety, right? Take care! Note -- I'm not an employee! Just got the card in the mail! By the way, it's partly cloudy outside with a change of rain! GO FIGURE!


Thank you SO MUCH for maintaining this Web Site!

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, August 06, 2007

Wow. I just got my $6,500 card from First National (CCS) today and I KNEW that something was WRONG. I didn't ask for it, there's NO such thing as ZERO interest and a $200 annual fee???? But I am presently out of work and this was a VERY attractive offer...so I looked and looked...almost called them. But my wife told me...LOOK before you leap. So I googled CCS Credit Card and here YOU ARE!!! You just saved me hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars by giving me the information I needed BEFORE I called those scammers. God Bless...and Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!


I Too Was Ripped-Off

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 04, 2006

I think that the people who are responsible for the rip-offs she get sued and get punished for what they did because I too was one of the victims.


Lighthouse Point,
When bad things happen to good people - I am angry that these companies exist, that they are ruining so many people's life and that our government and enforcement entities have allowed this to develop into such a profitable, thriving industry.

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, December 24, 2005

I don't know exactly how I got to this site, as I was not searching~just ended up here...I am so glad I did. I am sorry that this is happening to so many good people. I am angry that these companies exist, that they are ruining so many people's life and that our government and enforcement entities have allowed this to develop into such a profitable, thriving industry. I am saddened that I, too, have been victimized. I am comforted to know that I am not alone. My situation is somewhat different that those that I have read. I hope that this will open the eyes of those delusional, maleficent individuals who conceive that bad things don't happen to good people ~ that bad people create their own bad situations and are deserving of such a cataclysm as is being discussed in this venue. While the freedom of speech and vastness of individual perception is an unforesaken liberty, the presumptuousness of these dogmatists is mere ignorance. I am the owner of a successful, 15-year old business. Over the past year or so, my company has been growing faster than checks were coming in. I have (well, had...) A+++ credit ratings; I had ridiculously extensive credit lines (bank and credit card-some of which I have been with for over 20 years) available to me. To meet the business' demands for capital, and with the expectation (however misguided) that the revenue from all of my hard work was soon forthcoming, I began to tap into those resources, justifiably, with little concern. Over the course of MAYBE 4 months - 5 months tops - I reached my limit on every possible extension of credit I had. The money still did not come as fast as the business demand, and the bills. Long story short, at this one relatively minuet point in my life, I can't meet the financial obligations, personally and professionally, nor can I get enough credit for a pack of gum right now. Does this, should this, moment thereby define me? The "scores" assigned to me, decided by the systematic processes of 3 entities, have dictated my ranking in the world of money. Unfairly, I am now-and for the next decade of my life will be-defined and bound by the opinion of a computer generated, socially stratifying system, which is under the control of someone who has no knowledge of the circumstances related to my "magic" number. Worse yet, is that no one objectively weighs the "why" or "how" of this individually, and no one will be overly anxious to afford me the opportunity to explain. I will be forced to fight and struggle for 7 years or more because life did not roll out the red carpet for me every single day in accordance with the almighty, socio-economic caste defining, system of judging individual worthiness. On top of these inequities, I (we) must now worry not only about such elements trying to bring/keep a person down, so-to-speak, but about the mass-producing, piteously regulated vultures that are thirstily eager to prey on the hapless likes of me...for a profit, no less!!! Leastways, my business is still thriving and, in a less than desirable proportion, the cash requirements are too. I am not naive, callow, unintelligent, puerile, irresponsible or otherwise qualified as a "loser". I was a target and fell victim to these (similar) scams. No one is "above" the likes of these predators. The resolution does not lie here, among the "subordinates", but with those "ranking" members of our nation-among our government and our enforcement agencies, which have enabled these companies to flourish and prosper at such an alarming rate. My situation, and I am certain that I speak for a fair percentage of the victims, has brought me to tears on a daily basis. It has made me MORE desperate than I was prior to these events. So, as I ponder every day, what is next??? In our advanced "civilization" (using the term lightly), with generous liberties and equally commonsensical boundaries, we should not have to live in this constant defensive situation. One marked by worry and fear of our aggressors, where we must plan for and seek out revenge, and all the while we continue to suffer from the, often harsh, course of life events and then the degrading "brand" bestowed on us It is a very sad state of affairs. Elimination, or at least control, of this discriminatory and blatantly abusive plague should be demanded of our elected officials. This should not be happening. Not to the good people...not to anyone.


Bossier City,

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2005

I just got a letter in the mail... opened it up and what do u know.... it was a credit card from first national 1.. or atleast i thought it was. i read the information they sent me (exactly like the first letter posted above with a card in it) and knew it cant be true..first of all noticeing how luck in my life falls in place i knew if "it sounds too good to be true" chances are im right. so i wanted to thank everyone for posting their comments on this site. with out yall chances are i might have become one of their victums. thanks again!! -not a victim

[email protected]

*EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back into your bank account that was wrongfully taken from you!

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 18, 2005

EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back! HERE IS WHAT RIP-OFF REPORT SUGGESTS YOU DO: Go to your bank within 60 days of the charge, or as soon as you know about the charge, don't delay, and tell them that there has been fraudulent activity within your account. Explain that you wish to file a dispute, and demand that they assist you in accordance with Federal Regulation E. According to the majority of victims interviewed by Rip-off Report, those who immediately called their banks to dispute the charges did not get very far. Many victims got the following responses from their banks: we could not do anything for you or you waited too long; it has been more than 60 days. If the bank is says that you have waited too long, explain to them how you called their 800 number as soon as the charges were found, and were told by the bank that nothing could be done. Remind the bank that they failed to assist you properly at the 800 #, and instead, provided you with an inadequate explanation of your right to dispute. Tell the bank that it's their fault time has expired, and since they gave you the wrong info to begin with, they will just have to deal with it, take the loss and reverse the charges. Tell them the truth; this was unauthorized and your account was NOT to be charged! Keep emphasizing how you never authorized anything! Direct them to the hundreds of victims reports that were filed on Rip-off Report.com. And if you're at the bank, walk them over to their computer and make them go to this site! If you are on the phone with them, tell them you will wait while they access this site! Either way, be persistent! DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! Let them know nicely, that you were advised to Report them (the Bank) and this situation to the Banking Commission in your state. Since each state has a different name for the agency/controller over banks, find that name before you call or get to the bank so you can throw it in their face. The more knowledgeable you appear to be, the further you will get. And just continue to demand the Federal Regulation E form! The bank CAN, MUST and WILL reverse the charge! But, you must be persistent; ask to speak to the supervisor or the area manager for all the branches in the state. Let the bank personnel know you are meeting with the media later in the day, that you would much rather they do the right thing (as most other banks have) by looking at the complaints and immediately reversing the charge(s) to your account; no matter how long ago it was. Be sure to call the Media if necessary so you are telling the truth. If you have to, be loud (but nice) in front of other customers. If you are just calling by phone, the above tactics should still work. The bank can easily fax or mail to you the Federal Regulation E dispute form. CHARGES TO YOUR CREDIT CARD If the charge was to your credit card (not debit card, check card, or checking account), contact the credit card company as soon as possible to request a dispute form. Consumers usually have a little longer to dispute fraudulent credit card charges (up to 6 months), but it is better to act right away. In this type of situation, credit card disputes are usually successful since fraudulent companies often won't contest the disputed charge. In rare cases, credit card companies will review disputes, but refuse to reverse the charges. If this occurs, complain to a manager and let them know you will be filing a report here. Remember Don't let them get away with it! Make sure they make the Rip-off Report .. The more Reports filed on a Company or individual, the more likely it is that the authorities, media and attorneys will want to take action. And good luck Let us know how you do! ED Magedson Founder, Rip-off Report.com & Author of www.ripoffrevenge.com [email protected] badbusinessbureau.com www.ripoffreport.com Don't let them get away with it. Make sure they make the Rip-off Report! We are not lawyers. We are not a collection agency. We are Consumer Advocates. ...the victims' advocate WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists We are a Worldwide Consumer Reporting News Agency ...by consumers, for consumers



#8Consumer Comment

Mon, September 12, 2005

ok ok im new here im a hillbilly i trust a bank like i trust the courts however without a d**n credit card if im given a chech i cant cash it without a credit card and D/L i feel the bank is a bad thing the credit card comany is worse im self employed i wouldt have either if the wifes auto pay didnt have to have a place to land

reall this is gonna be one of the things im not able to do w/o oh ya the d**n DMV those clowns please tell me what i need them for we gave our boat to the wifes bro so we dont need a reason to toss %%% in the drink why for any if a good reasonare we giving them money

anways cool site i found a local being done dirty by same bank listed here whats the odds



Baton Rouge,
The 3.25 Check Scam

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2005

I today got the good old scam with CCA and I laughted at it. No way am I going to get something that is not a credit card what a waste. The reason I am writing this is to let other people know of the scam with the check for 3.25 that Tamara - Lakewood, Washington was talking about the company name is Preferred Cardholder Division I still have the check and I am going to use it for toilet paper and lose out on 3.25. O well the best piece of advice is if you have a checking account through a bank go through them to get a credit card if you don't get one try again later you probably are better off without one.


San Francisco,
what should i do?

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, July 29, 2005

I just received this approval letter today. I already knew it was a scam since I never applied for it. I was wondering if I just send a letter to cancel the card would that be good enough. Is there anything else I should do? Thanks in advance


N Las Vegas,
My conscience got to me

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2005

I was looking for a simple, kind of brainless job, due to some other stresses in my life, and reading from a script to people calling in sounded like it would fit the bill.

So I went through a day and a half of training, and a half day taking calls, Friday and Saturday, with CCS.

As far as what happens afterwards, whether the catalogues are delivered in time, etc, or unauthorized fees are taken from account and so forth, I don't know.

I do know that the script for the people trying to activate the accounts is very carefully written. It does explicitly state the dates any debits would come out of the account, and dates account would need to be cancelled in order to avoid charges, and it also states that the card is only good for catalogue purchases. All calls are monitored for adherence to the scripts, and new employees are advised that repeated deviation from the scripts will result in termination. Additionally, if you look at the letter illustrated in this report, it also states that the card is only good for catalogue purchases, and does mention the down payment required. Anyone simply reading the letter and all the fine print SHOULD know exactly what they're getting into.

BUT even if the company delivers what IS promised, I grew increasingly uncomfortable pitching a product that I would never ever advise a friend or family member to buy into. I've often read that one should never pay to get a card or get a card that is good for catalog merchandise only. My gut told me that even if all the legal bases are covered, ethically, I felt this business was behaving in a predatory manner. A couple of the callers I had sounded so pathetically pleased and grateful to be extended credit, it just broke my heart.

So I googled the company this morning and found this site, with the reports of debits being taken when not authorized and the banking information being sold, and turned in my badge and feel immensely better about myself.

And if it makes anyone feel any better, the employees of this company are NOT treated well. They're still busting people back to minimum wages for attendance or tardiness issues, or not giving two weeks notice, they make people work tons of overtime, they've got a ridiculous dress code for people who are never seen by the public, they even go so far to require employees to take the stairs and not the elevator. VERY strange environment. And they do hire just about any schlub that'll come in the door.

I'm glad to be out of there.


Make them pay a little!

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2005

I also received the solicitation from Credicorp Inc and was imediately skeptical due to the fact that there was no contact information nor any statement regarding the terms and conditions of the offer. As a way to make the company pay a little for their misconception, I returned their offer with a note declining the offer using their own business reply envelope. Postage charges for bulk mailing envelopes like this are only charged to the corporation if they are returned through the USPS. Even though it only cost them a few cents for the return postage, it would begin to add up for them if everyone who receives these solicitations would return them, thus costing the company a little bit of money to pay for the postage to receive nothing from the consumers but refusal. I hope more people will begin doing the same.


Make them pay a little!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2005

I also received the solicitation from Credicorp Inc and was imediately skeptical due to the fact that there was no contact information nor any statement regarding the terms and conditions of the offer. As a way to make the company pay a little for their misconception, I returned their offer with a note declining the offer using their own business reply envelope. Postage charges for bulk mailing envelopes like this are only charged to the corporation if they are returned through the USPS. Even though it only cost them a few cents for the return postage, it would begin to add up for them if everyone who receives these solicitations would return them, thus costing the company a little bit of money to pay for the postage to receive nothing from the consumers but refusal. I hope more people will begin doing the same.


Make them pay a little!

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2005

I also received the solicitation from Credicorp Inc and was imediately skeptical due to the fact that there was no contact information nor any statement regarding the terms and conditions of the offer. As a way to make the company pay a little for their misconception, I returned their offer with a note declining the offer using their own business reply envelope. Postage charges for bulk mailing envelopes like this are only charged to the corporation if they are returned through the USPS. Even though it only cost them a few cents for the return postage, it would begin to add up for them if everyone who receives these solicitations would return them, thus costing the company a little bit of money to pay for the postage to receive nothing from the consumers but refusal. I hope more people will begin doing the same.


Make them pay a little!

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2005

I also received the solicitation from Credicorp Inc and was imediately skeptical due to the fact that there was no contact information nor any statement regarding the terms and conditions of the offer. As a way to make the company pay a little for their misconception, I returned their offer with a note declining the offer using their own business reply envelope. Postage charges for bulk mailing envelopes like this are only charged to the corporation if they are returned through the USPS. Even though it only cost them a few cents for the return postage, it would begin to add up for them if everyone who receives these solicitations would return them, thus costing the company a little bit of money to pay for the postage to receive nothing from the consumers but refusal. I hope more people will begin doing the same.


Los Angeles,
200$ activation fee100$ anual fee.having to read your rip-off report. before becoming a member price-less.

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, January 02, 2005

thank you John doe! for hellping me keep My money where it belongs.in my pocket.


Where's the Logo?

#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 06, 2004

I received a credit card and was told on the acceptance letter that I was getting $6,500 in credit I then had to call a 1-800 number and was informed that I had $8,500. I then was told to send $199.99 IMMEDIATELY so I did so I then realized after a couple of months that I had not heard anything from them or received the catalog they were suppose to send me for purchases. I then realized that I had been HAD. I then pulled out the card in question and realized that it had no logo from Visa, American Express, or Discover. I have been had then I found this website. I wish I had found it sooner



#18Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 12, 2004
















Eglin AFB,
A Bit Of Sanity

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2004

I live here in Florida at Eglin AFB. I am a male, military spouse. Our credit like so many others out there is horrible. We've had many medical bills pile up on us from my oldest son having severe complications at birth. Nothing that could be avoided, just the horrific things that can happen. We've paid on the $1.2Million debt for quite some time now. Nancy has a valid point, but I think it was expressed in the wrong way. She came off s****..


i had a card come today....

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, October 26, 2004

I had a card come in today and didnt even realize that there were any card scams. so i decided to look on the internet to see what they had in there "catalog" and cam up on this site. GLAD I DID! I have a couple of opinion to some of the people who resopnded to this site. I have really poor credit and yes it was all my fault and it turned bad befor i was 20. Of course i should have made better judgement but i didnt i was akid and some people are not fortunet to have parents that give a d**n. But it does not make me a loser of society. I have grown up and am trying to re-establish my credit and pay my bills at same time with a child ( that i would die for).and it seems to go no where. THe interest charges are out reageous.so i have bad credit and am not a loser of socity for somthing i did yrs ago at bad judgement. And for the comment bout Being a mother is not work yes it is work.women who say its work being a mom do not mean it in a bad way ,i think it is very emotionally draning and physically draining but i wouldnt trade it in for the world.I love having my child. And i give "props" to any female who has children and is staying home with them taking care of them and bringing them up in the world the way they want them to be brought up not the way some child day care wants to bringthem up. And by the way who knows what the day care is doing to them. Any ways i thank this web site alot, i had doubts on this so called, great card just by looking at what kinda paper it was on and how it looked like it had been the 10,000 copy, copied of a crappy copier. But had to make sure.


I used to work for Consumer's First

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, September 29, 2004

about a year ago I got a great paying job from consumer's first. I was 19 and 11.00/hr is good money for someone like me. I answered phones and I honestly thought that I was helping people with less than perfect credit.

The company was very strict on giving proprietary information. And after we had signed people up and put in their checking account info, they were 'no longer ours'. And if they had to contact us they couldnt contact us directly but a sub-company that also worked in the same building.

I knew a few supervisors that worked over there. Its called AAA I haven't heard anything bad about us until I got a letter in the mail from ccs.

I feel really really bad, I was just trying to pay for school. They have us just as fooled as you. Believe me!


No one is invisible we are all victims

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2004

This goes out to everyone who has ever had real money problems or just been ripped off. I am married, have three children and in serious debt. I dont only blame myself, or the companies themselves i blame the people and society. If there were not those out there who cared so less to actually work for these companies we could all be better off. How are you going to work for these companies that do this but can sit back and tell themselves that they hope this never happens to them.

I should have learned before but i continuosly let myself fall into these traps hoping that one of these were actually for real, that there was somebody out there that could actually help me. I was wrong. It seems that no matter where i turned everyone out there was coming after me. And now i am suffering from my own stupidity. Well should i say my children are. Me and my husband strive and both work very hard long hours to just scrape up what we can to pay the next bills. WE got married and had children young like many people and like them we wanted the best for ourselves and children, but the system got the best of us.

My husband serves in the Army , we see a lot of these problems come and go. New people new faces, new companies out to get those trying to make a living and provide for thier families. For us the army was the only way to seek help. Salaried income, a raise every year, no medical expenses it seemed to be the best way to get some help. But even the miltary scams thier soldiers.

These men wake every morning and train hard to fight for our country. They get shipped over seas to fight and risk thier lives.They have to spend months at a time in a desert away from thier families.things happen back home out of thier control , the money starts to disappear to pay these bills. yes people do it to themselves but nevertheless they are bills,we all have them you cant excape them. Rich or poor. So these men and women go into debt.

For doing so the military gives them an article 15 and deduct thier pay. Nothing like putting someone into more debt for being in debt. It happened to us we had to move out of our home. So my husbands punishment was loss of pay for a month. I could not buy diapers or food, no gas to get back and forth to work. couldnt pay any bills that month. now trying to catch back up is beyond difficult when a soldiers punishment is loss of pay.

Many families have to suffer this they get credit cards and loans to pay utilities or rent or maybe to just have emergencie cash. But what happens to the best of us things get alittle ruff, you use those loans and cards to provide for your children and yourself. Then the money doesnt seem to be enough, you just get deeper and deeper in the hole. We are not stupid nor our we societies failures. We are caring parents and family members who are looking out for our loved ones. My children or family will never suffer or go with out no matter how far i have to put my self in debt and im sure there are many others out there who feel the same way. This is reality, this is life. People make mistakes, lose jobs just go thru a hard time.

Why do we punish them with our rude comments and smart remarks we are all human. Not all of us were born into wealthy families or can get these great jobs. Some of us have responsibilites that are out of our control. My love and support goes out to all the men and women out there who continue to fight strong and keep there head up.
Relief will come for those who just try. wether you have to go bankrupt to do it or live in a car.

You made a mistake as do we all. Just remember you are not the only one. And to those who will continue to put us down about making those mistakes, when your day comes and you make that phone call for help just remember the person that is on the other line is going to be one of us. So as you sit back and critisize us just remember we will be the people you come to to get help. It must be nice to sit back in your nice house with nice things and not think about those people out there fighting for you and trying to make a difference. My greatest support is to the families and loved ones of any soldier, airmen or marine out there training and fighing for us so we have the freedom to get credit,buy cars and just to live. Thank you!!!!

There is no words and nothing as a country that we can give back to you, for the sacrifice that you have made for us. I would like those out there who have real issues or if any of you are a military spouse to email e-mail me. Real people with real problems can find ways to help eachother, even if its just someone to talk to. [DELETED]


No one is invisible we are all victims

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2004

This goes out to everyone who has ever had real money problems or just been ripped off. I am married, have three children and in serious debt. I dont only blame myself, or the companies themselves i blame the people and society. If there were not those out there who cared so less to actually work for these companies we could all be better off. How are you going to work for these companies that do this but can sit back and tell themselves that they hope this never happens to them.

I should have learned before but i continuosly let myself fall into these traps hoping that one of these were actually for real, that there was somebody out there that could actually help me. I was wrong. It seems that no matter where i turned everyone out there was coming after me. And now i am suffering from my own stupidity. Well should i say my children are. Me and my husband strive and both work very hard long hours to just scrape up what we can to pay the next bills. WE got married and had children young like many people and like them we wanted the best for ourselves and children, but the system got the best of us.

My husband serves in the Army , we see a lot of these problems come and go. New people new faces, new companies out to get those trying to make a living and provide for thier families. For us the army was the only way to seek help. Salaried income, a raise every year, no medical expenses it seemed to be the best way to get some help. But even the miltary scams thier soldiers.

These men wake every morning and train hard to fight for our country. They get shipped over seas to fight and risk thier lives.They have to spend months at a time in a desert away from thier families.things happen back home out of thier control , the money starts to disappear to pay these bills. yes people do it to themselves but nevertheless they are bills,we all have them you cant excape them. Rich or poor. So these men and women go into debt.

For doing so the military gives them an article 15 and deduct thier pay. Nothing like putting someone into more debt for being in debt. It happened to us we had to move out of our home. So my husbands punishment was loss of pay for a month. I could not buy diapers or food, no gas to get back and forth to work. couldnt pay any bills that month. now trying to catch back up is beyond difficult when a soldiers punishment is loss of pay.

Many families have to suffer this they get credit cards and loans to pay utilities or rent or maybe to just have emergencie cash. But what happens to the best of us things get alittle ruff, you use those loans and cards to provide for your children and yourself. Then the money doesnt seem to be enough, you just get deeper and deeper in the hole. We are not stupid nor our we societies failures. We are caring parents and family members who are looking out for our loved ones. My children or family will never suffer or go with out no matter how far i have to put my self in debt and im sure there are many others out there who feel the same way. This is reality, this is life. People make mistakes, lose jobs just go thru a hard time.

Why do we punish them with our rude comments and smart remarks we are all human. Not all of us were born into wealthy families or can get these great jobs. Some of us have responsibilites that are out of our control. My love and support goes out to all the men and women out there who continue to fight strong and keep there head up.
Relief will come for those who just try. wether you have to go bankrupt to do it or live in a car.

You made a mistake as do we all. Just remember you are not the only one. And to those who will continue to put us down about making those mistakes, when your day comes and you make that phone call for help just remember the person that is on the other line is going to be one of us. So as you sit back and critisize us just remember we will be the people you come to to get help. It must be nice to sit back in your nice house with nice things and not think about those people out there fighting for you and trying to make a difference. My greatest support is to the families and loved ones of any soldier, airmen or marine out there training and fighing for us so we have the freedom to get credit,buy cars and just to live. Thank you!!!!

There is no words and nothing as a country that we can give back to you, for the sacrifice that you have made for us. I would like those out there who have real issues or if any of you are a military spouse to email e-mail me. Real people with real problems can find ways to help eachother, even if its just someone to talk to. [DELETED]


No one is invisible we are all victims

#24Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2004

This goes out to everyone who has ever had real money problems or just been ripped off. I am married, have three children and in serious debt. I dont only blame myself, or the companies themselves i blame the people and society. If there were not those out there who cared so less to actually work for these companies we could all be better off. How are you going to work for these companies that do this but can sit back and tell themselves that they hope this never happens to them.

I should have learned before but i continuosly let myself fall into these traps hoping that one of these were actually for real, that there was somebody out there that could actually help me. I was wrong. It seems that no matter where i turned everyone out there was coming after me. And now i am suffering from my own stupidity. Well should i say my children are. Me and my husband strive and both work very hard long hours to just scrape up what we can to pay the next bills. WE got married and had children young like many people and like them we wanted the best for ourselves and children, but the system got the best of us.

My husband serves in the Army , we see a lot of these problems come and go. New people new faces, new companies out to get those trying to make a living and provide for thier families. For us the army was the only way to seek help. Salaried income, a raise every year, no medical expenses it seemed to be the best way to get some help. But even the miltary scams thier soldiers.

These men wake every morning and train hard to fight for our country. They get shipped over seas to fight and risk thier lives.They have to spend months at a time in a desert away from thier families.things happen back home out of thier control , the money starts to disappear to pay these bills. yes people do it to themselves but nevertheless they are bills,we all have them you cant excape them. Rich or poor. So these men and women go into debt.

For doing so the military gives them an article 15 and deduct thier pay. Nothing like putting someone into more debt for being in debt. It happened to us we had to move out of our home. So my husbands punishment was loss of pay for a month. I could not buy diapers or food, no gas to get back and forth to work. couldnt pay any bills that month. now trying to catch back up is beyond difficult when a soldiers punishment is loss of pay.

Many families have to suffer this they get credit cards and loans to pay utilities or rent or maybe to just have emergencie cash. But what happens to the best of us things get alittle ruff, you use those loans and cards to provide for your children and yourself. Then the money doesnt seem to be enough, you just get deeper and deeper in the hole. We are not stupid nor our we societies failures. We are caring parents and family members who are looking out for our loved ones. My children or family will never suffer or go with out no matter how far i have to put my self in debt and im sure there are many others out there who feel the same way. This is reality, this is life. People make mistakes, lose jobs just go thru a hard time.

Why do we punish them with our rude comments and smart remarks we are all human. Not all of us were born into wealthy families or can get these great jobs. Some of us have responsibilites that are out of our control. My love and support goes out to all the men and women out there who continue to fight strong and keep there head up.
Relief will come for those who just try. wether you have to go bankrupt to do it or live in a car.

You made a mistake as do we all. Just remember you are not the only one. And to those who will continue to put us down about making those mistakes, when your day comes and you make that phone call for help just remember the person that is on the other line is going to be one of us. So as you sit back and critisize us just remember we will be the people you come to to get help. It must be nice to sit back in your nice house with nice things and not think about those people out there fighting for you and trying to make a difference. My greatest support is to the families and loved ones of any soldier, airmen or marine out there training and fighing for us so we have the freedom to get credit,buy cars and just to live. Thank you!!!!

There is no words and nothing as a country that we can give back to you, for the sacrifice that you have made for us. I would like those out there who have real issues or if any of you are a military spouse to email e-mail me. Real people with real problems can find ways to help eachother, even if its just someone to talk to. [DELETED]


Pico Rivera,
dont get pulled in/credit card scam all merchandis is to be paid upfront

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2004

I recieved this latter for a credit card limit of $7000.00. With my bad credt history I thought this woulkd be good to rebuilt credit. Little did I know this was all Bull S***! I tried to purchase a television and was not able to, due to bargain blow outs. Stating that all purchases must be made in full. Again BS, what the hell is the card good for if you can't purchase anything with it. Searching through the interent everything is a bargain blowout and all merchandis is to be paid upfront.


Fort Collins,
charges on card this is one of the biggest scams

#26REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 15, 2004

i received my credit card statement and there were two different charges on my card. i am calling the bank and have this company blocked from charging anything else on my account. this is one of the biggest scams and they need to be dealt with most harshly. why would people want to be so dishonest in this great nation. we are set up as a nation to be free and make free choices, not have them put upon us without a vote or our knowledge.


Who Gives Anyone The Right...

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2004





East Brady,
Quick, fast and effecient ..Thank you so much Rip-off Report for being here

#28Consumer Comment

Mon, August 30, 2004

I recieved an offer in the mail today and it made me feel uncomfortable from the time I took it out of the envelope. It was from Credicorp, Member Satus: Gold, Credit Limit: 10,000.00: Intrest Rate: 12%, Credit Provider: Credicorp INC., Offer Expires: 09/15/04: Applicable Law: Pennsylvania.

I decided to use my Search Engine (right before going to bed), and the search engine brought me to "RIPOFF REPORT". Thank you so much for being here and giving me a place where I could participate and hopefully help someone else. You saved me $37.00 which I need very badly because I have terrible credit. Thank you.


Ponce De Leon,
Credit Card Scammed

#29REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 24, 2004

About four weeks ago a company named Small Business Alliance called our business and made an offer of $8,000 credit limit for our small business. I acitvated a check for $99,95 which was taken automatically from our checking account.

Three weeks later this company takes another $239. from our account with no information recieved or card. I had taken down part of the phone # but the rep talked so fast I could not get it all. I got on the web and started looking for small business alliance and to my surprise found some very disturbing news. I am trying to contact this company to either get the card or my money back.

Thank you for the information on this web site. I hope I am not one of the scammed reports and this company follows through.

Mel's Family Restaurant


Rip Off

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, August 08, 2004

my name is frank taylor. i was trying to clean up my credit, i got a call from united bebefits. they told me they could help me for a small fee.278.00. i did except it . they took the money out of my checking account. when they took it out ,i called the number they gave me and it was out of service, no longer existed. I was sad because i never been scamed be for and I still cant except, what has happen to me and my family. what can i do to get my money back from these people. can you help me ? 278.00 may not seem to be a lot of money, but at that time it was all i had to feed my family. Thinking I was going to get a 5000.00 card in 3 weeks. I took a stupid chance.


Rip Off

#31Consumer Comment

Sun, August 08, 2004

my name is frank taylor. i was trying to clean up my credit, i got a call from united bebefits. they told me they could help me for a small fee.278.00. i did except it . they took the money out of my checking account. when they took it out ,i called the number they gave me and it was out of service, no longer existed. I was sad because i never been scamed be for and I still cant except, what has happen to me and my family. what can i do to get my money back from these people. can you help me ? 278.00 may not seem to be a lot of money, but at that time it was all i had to feed my family. Thinking I was going to get a 5000.00 card in 3 weeks. I took a stupid chance.


Another Scam... cash the check, sign up for member benefits Thank You, Rip-off Report!

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

I can't remember the name of the company, but I received one of those "Urgent" or "Hurry!' Kind of offers. Inside was a check for about $3.25. It was for a credit card offer and that was their way of "Thanking" me for responding to the offer.

All I had to do was cash the check, and I'd get this card. Here was the catch: I had to enter my credit card or debit card number on the back of this check, which would sign me up for some member benefits. Of course I ripped it up! Has anyone else gotten this? I was wondering who the company is? Thanks!

By the way, I appreciate all the advice on this rip off report. I will definitely be more cautious in the future when it comes to these credit cards.


New Jersey,
United Kingdom
cancelation report

#33Consumer Comment

Mon, August 02, 2004

I have cancel my acc ,2 week ago, but they still taking money on my acc,and for my money back to my account thank you,[DELETED]$14.dollars

[Please provide information to assist in the restitution of this loss and place your comments below and be sure to include your FULL contact information so Rip-off Report can contact you.]


CCA Tried to hook me till i Found this Site

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, June 24, 2004

Received Card with letter saying i had been approved for 6,500 and said hmm i can use this.I called and they said it was 8,500 and just talked and talked my ear off. I then found this site with all this Negitive feedback on them, i then Turned down the offer.

To good to be true and we the people should file suit on this place. Shut them down before they hook lots more people and take all thier money.Thanks for this sites info it helped me from getting the hook.


trying to find out how to get my money back

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, May 25, 2004

well i filled out some thing on my computer and after all was said and done with it they then put the 159.95 after i accept it and i thing that is so wrong and now i am trying to find out how to get my money back


Los Angeles,
no one will give me credit how am I supposed to start? Its a catch 22!!

#36Consumer Comment

Fri, May 21, 2004

I agree with one of the posts about no credit. I have NO crdit even though Iv bought a car, finished paying I pay all my bills on time but this is not on my credit report!! so no one will give me credit how am I supposed to start? Its a catch 22!! you need credit to get credit and no NOONE gives you credit not home depot not macy NOONE and thats why the scammers are scamming I really thought the only way to start is to work with them, as they are the only ones offering credit and a way to establish a credit history. Did you know BAD crdit is worse than NO credit ... At least you can get credit even though it will be a high interest rate.

I always wanted to buy in cash thinking that one should not buy what one can not afford BUT THAT doen not work nowadays cars and homes are only so expensive BECAUSE of credit (look how much house prices go up when interest rates fall) if not for credit how much would one be able to spend .. very little our whole economy could not work because things are only worth what someone will pay and without credit they wont be able to pay . Thats why I think this whole credit report thing should be OUTLAWED instead the banks should look at your income to debt ratio/work history/savings ...

With this, maybe people would not get into trouble paying as banks would only lend if they see on your ratio that you can pay back.


A huge thank you.

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, March 24, 2004

I just want to say thank you. After doing an internet search on CCS credit service division I came to this site. I am so glad that all this information is here or I would have fallen for this. A million thank yous :)


What the hell is datesnow

#38REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 15, 2004

i guess that i used a age verifacation thing and thats how i'm being charged but i've never heard of datsnow and i'm getting screwed. and i'm in debt.


New Orleans,

#39Consumer Comment

Wed, January 14, 2004



New Jersey,
Victim of Aspire and an unnecessary bankruptcy

#40Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 15, 2003

Why are some of you so mean and self-righteous? Everyone has an individual life with a million variables and we are all just trying to make a life with some decency. Those who are not know who they are.Be careful before you judge. I have been victimized by an ignorant lawyer that I trusted and was led into a 2 year nightmare. I am trying to put the pieces back together and have inquired into Aspire. They are trash!! Turn all that meanness to where it belongs--to the rip-offs!--Not misogynist diatribes. The best advice to anyone for anything is to research and research and then research some more. It has saved me from some bad things but I was not savvy enough and I am punished now. No more! Good luck to everyone and keep fighting the s**mbags!!!


You're wrong ..Don't try and turn this around on the consumers who get these offers, because they're "losers" so they're "good targets

#41Consumer Comment

Wed, August 13, 2003

I resent the fact that you called people who receive these fraudulent credit card offers "losers," and the fact that you say these people have a habit of not paying their bills. My credit report is practically empty, even though I bought and made payments on TWO cars in the past few years, both of which I paid off in full and on time, but the companies I bought them from didn't bother to put this good mark on my credit rating. Meanwhile, I get treated like a second class citizen, categorized in the same boat as people with bankruptcies, refused any unsecured credit cards, even though I have never filed bankruptcy in my life and my credit is not bad! In fact it seems like consumers who have been consistently LATE in their current credit card payments have a better chance of getting credit than people who have not destroyed their credit report like they have, and I don't get it! So some of us receive these offers and believe it, because our credit is NOT that bad and we DO deserve an unsecured Visa or Mastercard! That does not give these fraudulent companies the right to take advantage of us, and outright lie about what we are getting while they suck our bank accounts dry! I mean, let's face it, rich people don't need these offers, so chances are the people who pay the $250. - $500. to get these credit cards cannot afford it, and it causes them a real hardship when they are ROBBED! Don't try and turn this around on the consumers who get these offers, because they're "losers" so they're "good targets," as if they "deserve" it for ruining their credit, especially when many of us don't even have ruined credit! The fault lies in these fraudulent companies and NO one else. No one deserves to be robbed, even people who have made mistakes in their life: which is just about everyone...



#42Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 27, 2003

I don't know what I was thinking---it was a weak moment right before Christmas and I thought that the gift catalogue might be a good idea. So I did pay them their up front fee of about $250 and I got a catalogue which turned out to be really cheesy. When you call customer service to repsond to the offer, you have this brod screaming at you from a boiler room and you can barely hear her. She is actually outlining a bunch of obnoxious charges and conditions....

The company also supposedly had a "cash advance" program which was unbelievably complicated and involved sending in all kinds of encyclopaedic information (cancelled checks, bank statements, tax returns, etc!). So I gave up on that.

After 30 days I said I wanted my money back and they said no, that's impossible. You didn't read your agreement. The fee is non-refundable. So I looked at their return address and noticed they were located in the State of Nevada. I contacted the State of Nevada, Department of Consumer Affairs, and copied them on all the correspondence (talk to Amparo in the office she is great!) You can send them everything via FAX which is a lot faster than snail mail.

Anyhow, as soon as I filed with the State of Nevada I got my money back pronto. Of course, the company copied me on correspondence to the State of Nevada which insisted they had done nothing wrong. But so what---I got back my money and that was the bottom line.

I am including this experience so that you know that yes, there is hope! Another company offered me a catalogue card AND a major credit card--but then the major credit card never showed up and all you got was a list of companies to APPLY to. I was livid. It turned out that the company had shut down and all correspondence was being handled by a Florida law firm. I got the name and address of the Florida firm and sent them a letter that could have burnt their skin off. I actually did get my money back, incredibly, wired back into my account.

Yes, kids, there IS hope---if they see you are a "fighter" they will back off. There are all kinds of scam artists operating in today's business climate and it is a crying shame. We do need better regulation but you can fight back and win on your own--it does take perserverance. Just make up your mind you will NOT QUIT until you get stisfaction. They are praying that you will get so frustrated you will give up, walk away, and say "Oh well, should have known better. Guess I was stupid." They are counting on your shame to keep you from fighting.

Believe me, getting ripped off is nothing to be ashamed of. It has happened to some of the smartest people in our society. Don't let anyone play "blame the victim" with you and make you feel like just because you fell for a scam, it serves you right, it was all your own fault, you're a loser, etc. Bull! A crook is a crook, whether in a stocking cap or a three-piece suit. Fight back and WIN--you will feel so much better. Good luck to all of you,



#43Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 27, 2003

I don't know what I was thinking---it was a weak moment right before Christmas and I thought that the gift catalogue might be a good idea. So I did pay them their up front fee of about $250 and I got a catalogue which turned out to be really cheesy. When you call customer service to repsond to the offer, you have this brod screaming at you from a boiler room and you can barely hear her. She is actually outlining a bunch of obnoxious charges and conditions....

The company also supposedly had a "cash advance" program which was unbelievably complicated and involved sending in all kinds of encyclopaedic information (cancelled checks, bank statements, tax returns, etc!). So I gave up on that.

After 30 days I said I wanted my money back and they said no, that's impossible. You didn't read your agreement. The fee is non-refundable. So I looked at their return address and noticed they were located in the State of Nevada. I contacted the State of Nevada, Department of Consumer Affairs, and copied them on all the correspondence (talk to Amparo in the office she is great!) You can send them everything via FAX which is a lot faster than snail mail.

Anyhow, as soon as I filed with the State of Nevada I got my money back pronto. Of course, the company copied me on correspondence to the State of Nevada which insisted they had done nothing wrong. But so what---I got back my money and that was the bottom line.

I am including this experience so that you know that yes, there is hope! Another company offered me a catalogue card AND a major credit card--but then the major credit card never showed up and all you got was a list of companies to APPLY to. I was livid. It turned out that the company had shut down and all correspondence was being handled by a Florida law firm. I got the name and address of the Florida firm and sent them a letter that could have burnt their skin off. I actually did get my money back, incredibly, wired back into my account.

Yes, kids, there IS hope---if they see you are a "fighter" they will back off. There are all kinds of scam artists operating in today's business climate and it is a crying shame. We do need better regulation but you can fight back and win on your own--it does take perserverance. Just make up your mind you will NOT QUIT until you get stisfaction. They are praying that you will get so frustrated you will give up, walk away, and say "Oh well, should have known better. Guess I was stupid." They are counting on your shame to keep you from fighting.

Believe me, getting ripped off is nothing to be ashamed of. It has happened to some of the smartest people in our society. Don't let anyone play "blame the victim" with you and make you feel like just because you fell for a scam, it serves you right, it was all your own fault, you're a loser, etc. Bull! A crook is a crook, whether in a stocking cap or a three-piece suit. Fight back and WIN--you will feel so much better. Good luck to all of you,



#44Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 27, 2003

I don't know what I was thinking---it was a weak moment right before Christmas and I thought that the gift catalogue might be a good idea. So I did pay them their up front fee of about $250 and I got a catalogue which turned out to be really cheesy. When you call customer service to repsond to the offer, you have this brod screaming at you from a boiler room and you can barely hear her. She is actually outlining a bunch of obnoxious charges and conditions....

The company also supposedly had a "cash advance" program which was unbelievably complicated and involved sending in all kinds of encyclopaedic information (cancelled checks, bank statements, tax returns, etc!). So I gave up on that.

After 30 days I said I wanted my money back and they said no, that's impossible. You didn't read your agreement. The fee is non-refundable. So I looked at their return address and noticed they were located in the State of Nevada. I contacted the State of Nevada, Department of Consumer Affairs, and copied them on all the correspondence (talk to Amparo in the office she is great!) You can send them everything via FAX which is a lot faster than snail mail.

Anyhow, as soon as I filed with the State of Nevada I got my money back pronto. Of course, the company copied me on correspondence to the State of Nevada which insisted they had done nothing wrong. But so what---I got back my money and that was the bottom line.

I am including this experience so that you know that yes, there is hope! Another company offered me a catalogue card AND a major credit card--but then the major credit card never showed up and all you got was a list of companies to APPLY to. I was livid. It turned out that the company had shut down and all correspondence was being handled by a Florida law firm. I got the name and address of the Florida firm and sent them a letter that could have burnt their skin off. I actually did get my money back, incredibly, wired back into my account.

Yes, kids, there IS hope---if they see you are a "fighter" they will back off. There are all kinds of scam artists operating in today's business climate and it is a crying shame. We do need better regulation but you can fight back and win on your own--it does take perserverance. Just make up your mind you will NOT QUIT until you get stisfaction. They are praying that you will get so frustrated you will give up, walk away, and say "Oh well, should have known better. Guess I was stupid." They are counting on your shame to keep you from fighting.

Believe me, getting ripped off is nothing to be ashamed of. It has happened to some of the smartest people in our society. Don't let anyone play "blame the victim" with you and make you feel like just because you fell for a scam, it serves you right, it was all your own fault, you're a loser, etc. Bull! A crook is a crook, whether in a stocking cap or a three-piece suit. Fight back and WIN--you will feel so much better. Good luck to all of you,


New Jersey,
I got a card in the mail today

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, June 02, 2003

I got a card in the mail today and never signed up for the card. I just so happen to go on the web to find out about it and saw this website. please help me to find out how I can get this people off my back. thanks again


New York,
Thank you

#46Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2003

Thanks to all these comments and complaints, I just ripped the card up from First National Credit AKA CCs!
Thanks Again!!!


thank you so much for the site

#47Consumer Comment

Tue, March 11, 2003

thank you so much for the site, i all most got ripped of. ADAM


thank you so much for the site

#48Consumer Comment

Tue, March 11, 2003

thank you so much for the site, i all most got ripped of. ADAM


thank you so much for the site

#49Consumer Comment

Tue, March 11, 2003

thank you so much for the site, i all most got ripped of. ADAM


thank you so much for the site

#50Consumer Comment

Tue, March 11, 2003

thank you so much for the site, i all most got ripped of. ADAM


New York,
Thanks for this information..

#51Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2003

I would like to thank you for this wonderful site. Sometimes it feels like you are against a brick wall when companies just simply don't care and they are just out to get theirs. I have always believed that laws will never adequately protect us from crooks...Only the light of the exposure.

I would like to also say that some of the comments here were disturbing to me. One comment was by Nancy who seems to suffer from the delusion that there is absolutely no excuse not to pay bills. That is simply wrong. You lose a job, you have no money. If you are one of the lucky ones that have a nest egg built up, you can ride the jobless wave a little longer than most but if you are like most people who don't have a savings, one or two months out of work past your severance pay and you have no money to pay. You cannot write bad checks. That would send you to jail. Please don't judge others who come across bad times. No one is immune to them.

I was also disturbed by the argument that came about as a result of stay at home moms being mooches. I think that is simply unfair. I also think that the term work is accurate. Work means Labor. To say that being a stay at home mother calling it work is disrespectful to kids is way out there and rather extreme. First work is not necessarily a chore. Work can be a labor of love a vocation.

Raising children is the most meaningful thing you can do in life. For those that think otherwise have to remember that the children you raise today will be the next generation of bankers, lawyers, husbands and wives. And it takes dedication to raise children with values who will be honest and decent bankers, lawyers, husbands and wives. For me it is a labor of love and I feel blessed and privileged that my husband is making enough for me to do that at this time becuase I know that it is important. With the division of labor--me taking care of the kids and the house and the bills, he has the time to come home and relax so we do have more time with each other. Time is a valuable commodity.

For those who are single parents, they have two full-time jobs and should be supported as much as they can becuase their sacrifices mean that they have very little time.

A lot of career professionals recognize the value of time and if they are two career household families with children, many hire nannies to take care of the children and housekeepers to do the work. Both the job titles of housekeepers (cleaning) and nannies are considered valid contributing jobs by the Department of Labor. Please, lets not get ugly with each other.

I would like to thank the owners of this site again for such a wonderful service. I too get all these offers from various credit cards all the time. I don't even look at them. I throw them away and when they call, I say "I don't do business over the phone." I agree. Never give your personal information out over the phone.

Now whether or not I have bad credit or not, I wouldn't really know. I haven't looked at my credit report in years. I do pay my bills on time for the most part but I have had occasions where I am late.

For my personal goal, I would like to get in a position where I won't need credit anymore for the most part. I don't want to buy a home ever. I don't want to be tied down to a particular place, and I would prefer to save up the money and buy a car with cash. I personally would like to get to the point where I won't need credit because I just don't see the point of paying someone interest to use their money. I know that is a lofty goal but one that I am seriously striving for.


Little Creek Va,
thank you

#52Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 04, 2003

I received a letter from Consumer First. I want to personally thank you for your website. I started to send them $45.00, One mind told me to
type in there address on the web..Needless to say
these fools came up.....I just want to say thank
you alot...I think company and people like this should be exposed to the fulliest.


Hyde Park,
New York,
glad i found this site

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2003

While searching through the mail today I found one of these consumer first credit card offers.I like many others have less than perfect credit ,so this sounded like a great deal.With a credit line of $5000 for a small processing fee of $45 it sounded to good to be true.I almost sent this back, but something told me to check this out on the internet, and thats when i found you. I am pleased to see sites like yours out there to help protect the consumers against these fraudulant companies.Good Show! THNKS!


Hyde Park,
New York,
glad i found this site

#54Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2003

While searching through the mail today I found one of these consumer first credit card offers.I like many others have less than perfect credit ,so this sounded like a great deal.With a credit line of $5000 for a small processing fee of $45 it sounded to good to be true.I almost sent this back, but something told me to check this out on the internet, and thats when i found you. I am pleased to see sites like yours out there to help protect the consumers against these fraudulant companies.Good Show! THNKS!


Hyde Park,
New York,
glad i found this site

#55Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2003

While searching through the mail today I found one of these consumer first credit card offers.I like many others have less than perfect credit ,so this sounded like a great deal.With a credit line of $5000 for a small processing fee of $45 it sounded to good to be true.I almost sent this back, but something told me to check this out on the internet, and thats when i found you. I am pleased to see sites like yours out there to help protect the consumers against these fraudulant companies.Good Show! THNKS!


Thanks for saving my money!

#56Consumer Comment

Mon, February 24, 2003

I am so happy that I did a search on-line when I received my "You are Already Approved" certificate in the mail. It looks exactly as pictured above & I can't believe it! I was ready to send my 49.00$ for rush processing and delivery. Then I read a few complaints and decided maybe I shouldn't do this. But I still wanted to know more, 49.00$ isn't that much and my credit is poor so I was willing to possibly take a small risk.

But when I heard about the other things that these scam artists could do and all the other money I could lose out on. And possibly hurt my credit even more. I changed my mind and it is because of this site!

I have used ripoffreport.com many times before with other scams that I have happened upon. It seems that M. Steven Perone is correct when stating that scammers seek the people who are "losers" or looking to find a deal that will solve their problems quickly because I receive credit card scams in the mail once or twice a week. However, this one I almost fell for. I am so happy to ripoffreport.com for helping me to save my hard earned money.


Royal Oak,
Thank you

#57Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2003

I am in the process of getting my first credit card. I have applied for many, only to be turned down for a 'lack of credit", go figure!

i recieved this letter in the mail and thought it was a great deal, too good.....

so i looked this 'company' up on the net and this scam report was the FIRST thing that came up!!!

Thank you for saving myself the $49 dollars and countless wasted hours of my life trying to get a card that never existed.


Thanks so much for this web site

#58Consumer Comment

Wed, January 22, 2003

I also received the exact letter shown. I can't believe it. Thanks so much for this web site. I almost sent this out with the $49.00 RUSH fee for the credit card.
How do these people get away with this!!??


mad as hell

#59REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 02, 2003

i though i was getting a good deal,the guy sounded so legit,he even gave me his name.i guess that is fake too,because i haven't heard anything sense.i paid my money in nov,$251.95to a mr.michel bolton.ext.465 phone #678 239 0133.every time i call he has already left for the day.now i am going to fight back.i wil be at my bank first thing in the morning,i found all of this information to late i think.i was getting ready to e-mail them to find out what is going on .i really don't knoe how they got money out of my account,because the check i gave them to use i accidently used it to pay my insurance. so the bank did no do their job,or they should have caught this.


Glad I Found This Site

#60Consumer Comment

Fri, December 13, 2002

I admit that I have some of the worse credit ever. Not my fault! Some of us do have problems: broke my leg at work (I deliver mail HA! can't do that in a cast for 10 weeks), doc screws up when setting it & never heals, after 1st surgery (another 14 weeks in a cast for pins and plates) husband leaves after 15 yrs of marriage & now I am on worker's comp of 3/4 pay and 4 children (1 in college) to support (and no child support by dad); meet someone and bill start to get caught up between both incomes; then comes the 2nd surgery (8 more weeks in cast) and boyfriend losed job due to company shutdown, 700 ppl unemployed. Now we're back to where we started. He went from $20/hr job to $7/hr job and pays same child support as the old job by order of court. So that take it down to a $3/hr job. I still so no support from my ex. Bankruptcy is my only option. Then I get this letter in mail from Signature Credit Corp ... approved credit line of $10,000 with 8% APR??!! No how do you get credit approval while in middle of bankruptcy that is 5 years long? Duh, you don't! Which led me to searching the internet & here is where I landed.

So, NANCY, has your life been this bad? Have your hard times come anywhere near the hell I've been through?

Thanks to ALL who gave me the information and answers to all these scamming companies! When you've been through what I have, you tend to look anywhere for help, and these companies are NOT the answer!


Never say never

#61Consumer Comment

Mon, November 25, 2002

I found this site when I was researching CCS and my so called pre approved 6500 line of credit. Yes I have bad credit because of bankruptcy.

While I certainly don't blame anyone else for my family's credit problems, I would suggest that nobody assume they can't fall on hard times. We were tooling along just fine until my blood tests showed some abnormalities.

New car, new boat, motorcycle and a wallet full of credit cards. Did anyone force us to aquire this credit? Of course not. It was a free will choice.

Being a truck driver though, I was always on the road, trying to make more and more money. I was getting home 5 days a month or so. Anyways the blood tests were positive for Hepatitis C. After a biopsy and a scope they determined I had end stage liver disease, (advanced Cirrhosis).

The drs told me the median survival time for someone with a liver in my shape was 12-18 months without a transplant. I felt fine though and was still working. But we have 2 children approaching their teenage years and decided right then that I would only work a 5 day week and try to be home as much as possible. I guess we could have given tiny amounts to our creditors each month but the late fees and such would keep adding up.

We made a decision to file chapter 7 as I felt I would be gone in a year or 2 and didn't want my wife to have to deal with this alone as she would certainly not be able to satisfy any of these creditors by herself. It's been 2 years now and im still kickin', waiting for a transplant but still workin' and feel okay.

I'm certainly not looking for sympathy, I'm just saying that IT CAN happen to anyone, so some of the people who would consider me a loser maybe ought to dismount from their high horse.

Another thing I want to point out is that while these scam companies ought to be burnt to the ground, the legitimate companies have to take some of the blame for people having credit troubles. For example, There is a bankruptcy reform bill that Bush will soon sign. Would've been signed already except for 9/11. Funny how MBNA was a huge contributor to the republican party which supported this bill.

It's funny too that when some congressmen wanted to add a rule to this bill that if passed would simply have the credit card companies state on their bills underneath the minimum payment due amount the amount of months it would take to pay the balance off paying that minimum amount. But the CC co's. fought to have this rule removed from the bill so it was.

I hope none of you who consider some of us the losers of society are naive enough to think that if not for people not paying their bills or filing for bankruptcy your interest rates will go down. They won't. Just more profit for CC co's who are already making huge profits. When this BR reform law goes into effect, it will mean bigger profits for them and less protection for the little guy who get's into trouble, sometimes aided by the Blue Sky marketing of credit cards.

I would urge anyone who feels they need a credit card but has bad credit and can't get good or fair rates to get a VISA or MC branded debit card from their bank. You can do anything with it that you can with a CC except rent a car. However you can use it to rent a car from RENT A WRECK which has locations nationwide. I have rented from them, and they have dependable vehicles 4-8 years old and are way more affordable than tha major rental agencies


Ocean Springs,
insult Thank You, Rip-Off Report!

#62Consumer Comment

Sat, November 16, 2002

I too was hard up enough to take a chance with this fraudulent offer. I did not find your rip off article until it was too late. The only suggestion I have is your reference to those people that have had to file bankruptcy or those that have suffered with credit problems.

It is not always a person's inablility to manage their money that causes some problems and not everyone that has suffered credit difficulties are losers. I became ill will a terminal diagnosis that I was fortunate enough to fly to another company and recieve treatment that was not offered in the United States.

I had immaculate credit and a professional relationship with most of my creditors. I am now working diligently trying to rebuild and re-establish my credit while at the same time funding college for three children. I did grasp at straws and took a chance that has proven to be deterimental to my checking account as well as self esteem. With this said I find your reference to those that have experienced credit difficulties as losers an insult.

However, I take my hat off to your standing up to these rip offs and also applaud your taking your time to offer advice to those who have suffered from these scam artists.

Sincerely Yours


Peoples Credit First Ripoff

#63Consumer Comment

Thu, November 14, 2002

I was contacted by mail concerning a Platinum Card with a credit line of $5,000.00. I am in the process of rebuilding my credit so I have had several credit companies contact me with different credit lines. Therefore when I was contacted with this one I didn't think anything of it.

However there was a lot more to it. I sent the $45.00 processing fee they asked for and waited. Then about a month later I received a big package in the mail from Peoples Credit First. I was a little thrown, because I was expecting a credit card and instead I received a catalog. I called the company and explained to them that I did not pay $45.00 for a catalog card and that the paper they had sent me did not say it was for a catalog. The person with whom I spoke with told me to return the package for a full refund. The package was returned to the mail to be returned to the sender- Peoples Credit First- two days later.

Two months have gone by and I have not received my money back so I called them this morning. I asked for the person that signed the paper that was sent to me, and was told that he did not exist. I said there must be some mistake because I was holding a letter from him.

I was put on hold for a second and the lady came back on and said she was sorry, that he did exist but he was out of the office today and asked if she could help. I told her yes that I wanted my money back that it has been almost two months. The lady asked if I sent it back to the sender. I said yes because the return address was Peoples Credit First PO Box 320366 Tampa, FL 33679-2366.

She said she was sorry but mail returned to sender did not come back to them. I asked why not since the return address was the same as the address on the paper I received from them. She said she was sorry but there was nothing she could do.

Needless to say I was curious about this company now so I decided to look it up on the Internet. I was not too surprised to find this website. Now I want to make sure others are safe from this scam.

I also think that this company should have to pay for everything they have done. I think that everyone this company has scamed deserves their money back.


Gullible .. Thank God I came across this website.

#64Consumer Comment

Wed, November 06, 2002

Although Perone seems to think that only losers get scammed, I felt really stupid when it happened to me. The caller told me it was an interest free card, so I thought it would be great to be able to get rid of a few of my credit cards with a higher interest. Sounded too good to be true. Guess it was. I almost missed the sixty day deadline. Thanks for the advice. I was so embarassed about being ripped off (I'm a lawyer, I should know better) that I almost didn't check into it in time. Funny thing was, when I went to my bank, they just told me how sorry they were. Now I know what to do. Thank God I came across this website.


bEATgirl-NOT a kid who's ska'd for life. Not by Consumer First at least.

#65Consumer Comment

Thu, October 31, 2002

I received an offer in the mail from Consumer First for a platinum card. My limit is $5,000.00 and I have to send $45.00 for standard shipping or $49.00 for RUSH processing. Needless to say I won't send them anything.

There's no web address on the letter so when I searched for them, this sight is what I found. They are also located in Tampa, Florida like many of the other scam related companies. There's no application or credit check and I Confess that sounded a little odd........It also said I could use this card for purchases from the credit provider and the terms and conditions would be sent with "the membership package".

Since those things weren't stated, I figured I'd Save it for Later and see if they were a real credit company. I found this and didn't see Consumer First listed, so WATCH OUT if you receive a letter from them!


des moines,
I got my money back ..Thanks to the information provided on this website

#66Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 22, 2002

I got my money back in my account from American Credit Solutions. Thanks to the information provided on this website, I let them know I knew what their real companys name is Central Intel Communications and I asked to speak to David Greer. I told them I was charging for my time if this was going to go to court and I gave them a time limit of 3 business days to respond by giving me my money back in full. I contacted the FBI in Tampa Florida and I put in my complaint. I also contacted the Attorney Generals office in my state and e mailed a complaint to them. They then forwarded my complaint to the Attorney General in Hollywood Florida. I also filed a complaint online with the Federal Trade Commission. What I did not do is give up. After 2 months my money is back into my account and my account is closed!


Newport News,

#67Consumer Comment

Fri, October 04, 2002

This message is to Nancy, Grace & kim:

To: Nancy in Haverford, PA:
How dare you make the comments on this board regarding people who went through bad times and then criticize them for not paying their debt. I don't believe you went through real rough times regarding your credit, because if you did, you would have been more sympathetic. Look at the Enron situation, where many employees lost wages and their 401k plan money. Many of them will lose their homes (they already lost their jobs). Some people became disabled and were unable to pay their debt. Does that make them bad people, since you mentioned you agreed with the first post--the person had a lot to say, but the coward wouldn't even list their name! The first post also was harsh, calling people with bad credit losers of society. I hope to God you never have to go through what many people have gone through regarding past mistakes concerning bad credit. I understand that we do have freedom of speech, but what is said on this post should make people feel better, but you and the person who wrote the first post (the coward) really didn't offer any positive ideas to the readers, only negative and critical words.

To Grace in Derry, NH:

I'm very sorry you were insulted by the comments made by Michael in Chadds Ford, PA, but they were not directed to you, unless you also go by the name of Nancy in Haverford, PA. I don't believe he was directing his statement to you at all. I believe if you would have read Nancy's statement, you would have understood why Michael said the things he said, and if you would read the first post that started this whole thing, you would really understand and say "hmmmmm." If you had read Nancy's post, you wouldn't have received the negative responses to your post regarding your children. Have you've ever heard of Haverford, PA? It's a real ritzy place, where many of the homes are about a quarter of a million dollars and up. Please read Nancy's response. I hope she doesn't really mean the things she said in her post. Because, if she does, she's an uncaring person. I'm very sorry for Jesse's resonse to you, I know you love your children, or else you wouldn't have sounded off like you did, and I dont believe you consider your children work. You just be the best wife and mother you can be.

To Kim in Tuscon, AZ:

I feel bad that you were insulted by the response Jesse gave Grace. I don't believe Grace meant to say that her children are work. I believe that she thought that Michael from Chadds Ford, PA was directing his remarks to all work at home mommies, but if you read the responses of Nancy in Haverford PA, regarding peopple who somehow have fallen into bad times, you would cringe. Once you've read Nancy's responses, you would get the feeling she really didn't fall into tough times, such as getting laid off, losing very important income that would be used to pay the bills, get cancer, needing to be hospitalized for months (or more) at a time or be ripped off by big trusted corporations, such as Enron and others. We need to help people get their lives and their credit back on track, not criticizing them when they fall down. Thanks for standing up for Grace, she seems like a good mom.


Thank God For This Website

#68Consumer Comment

Wed, October 02, 2002

i recieved an application for people's credit first today and i thought that i'd hit the jackpot, i've been looking for a long time to get a credit card and because of my credit, not a lot of companies would give one to me. i had it in my pocketbook with the intent to go to the bank and take out the money when i decided to look at the terms and conditions. when i noticed that it was only one page i got suspicious and wanted to investigate some more which is how i came across this website. thank god i read this or else i would have lost money!!

to all those that look down on people with credit problems, i don't think you know the circumstances that each and every one of us are in so you really shouldn't judge us. i applaud those of you who have good credit and i wish i did but i don't and there are a lot of us that do not. we are not idiots, losers, morons, etc. we are people who are going through a difficult time and i don't think that there is any reason for people to pass judgement on us. so please, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Greatful for your comments ..thank you

#69Consumer Comment

Tue, October 01, 2002

I received the CCA information in the mail yesterday. I am in need of credit, but however I just thought I would check to see if the company was legitamate. I don't have spare money laying around, but was about to call and give my checking information this afternoon. I appreciate the person(s) who came up with this site.


This report was a god send... thank you

#70Consumer Comment

Mon, September 16, 2002

I just recieved a Peoples Credit First credit card offer about 30 seconds ago. Thanks to this report I am safe. I am sorry for all those who were trapped. HAs anyone looked into a class action suit?

Thanks again,


File with your State Attorney General's Office, Consumer Protection Division

#71Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 04, 2002

If you have been the victim of a credit card scam, and don't know where to turn, consider your state government. Every state in the union has a Consumer Protection Division. Most of these divisions offer free mediation services to try and help you get an amicable resolution. You don't have to appear anywhere, and your complaint will remain on record. Plus, if you do go to SCC it looks good to have a letter from your Attorney General on file! You can find your AG's Office by visiting the following link:


Your AG's Office cannont give you legal advice, or act as your private attorney. But, they will be able to give you resources (Brochures, Refferals, etc.). So, If your a victim and want to put your state government to work for you, contact your AG's Office!



#72Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 20, 2002

I recieved a letter in the mail today from none other than,you guessed it "First National". The letter I recieved had a card attached and in big bold letters read "URGENT-APPROVED" call immediately to activate this card.I read the whole letter and realized that it was a merchandise card to be used only with their catalog. I was sceptical having been scammed before, even by half-way legitamate companies(legitamate just enough to escape the law) so here I am online type in caa shopping network and what pops up this website, needless to say I am not going to call and activate the card, but I do have a question.

Do these people(First National) have any of my other information,bank account #'s etc. I did not give them my information, I suspect that they are the same people that were calling me about two months ago , and I told them that I was not interested especially when they started asking me for private information.


Credit Fraud

#73REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 19, 2002

I was always told if there is no physical address or a telephone number to reach the company it is a scam. The term "Membership" refers to their merchandise or catalog shopping only. As far as the fees, there are companies that will help you rebuilt your credit but they do require a savings deposit that they will hold. Usually it is denominations of 50 or 100 dollars, and is considered a savings account that is set up. In my experience, some will ask you for a processing fee but they will write back and say sorry but we cant help you but then will give you 3 more companies to try. And they never send you back the fee. Always serch on line and see if they have a website ususally not.

Jay-Jay Shabazz

Grace, you are wrong

#74Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 09, 2002

Grace states: "Along with taken care of them, I do laundry, I do ALL the yard work, I take care of the pool, I take care of the dog, I clean the house and keep it running smoothly, I pay the bills, I do the grocery shopping, I cook the food......does that sound like work??? UMM yeah I think so!"

Quite simply Grace, NO! I do not think that is work. I am a single woman, and I do everything you listed above, PLUS go to school & work. Everyone has to cook, clean, etc, even single men. You are just lucky that those are the only things you have to do. If what you do is such hard work, I feel real bad for single 'working' moms.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in a nice neighborhood with parents that could afford to give me the nicer things in life. My mother was also very luck because she got to stay at home with me (and my siblings) instead of going to work. She took great care of us, but it was not work! While my father was at work, my mother took me along with her to run errands, and then, we would end up at one of her friend's houses.

I would watch TV & wait for my mom to get done her tea; that is not work. However, I would often hear her say "its such hard work being a mom", and to this day, I get offended whenever I remember her saying that. Other than that, she was a great mom, BUT it was not work. She was lucky, very lucky, that my father was able to take care of us. All she had to do is what every other working mother (or single man) does MINUS going to work.

Again, being a stay at home mom is NOT work, it is a blessing, and although a few of the posts have been a bit harsh, they are right on the nose. Ladies, next time you are about to call stay at home mommy-ing work, imagine if you had to do all of what you do now PLUS work 40 hours. If you think what you do now is work, you would have a RUDE awakening.

Oh, and like it says somewhere above, NEVER let your kids hear you call them work. It makes me cringe to this day, and I am 29.


To Jesse

#75Consumer Comment

Wed, July 31, 2002

This is in responce to your insulting comments directed to a work-at-home mom, Grace from NH.

First of all this site is for consumers to file their complaints. It's about real people with real life situations that are looking for remedy not more abuse.

Second, what IS ridiclous and needs to ceese are your ignorunt views on motherhood which obviously know NOTHING about.

Third, why don't you go to the spooting goods store and pucrhase a punching bag and use it a couple of hours, daily to reduce your anger level.

And last but not least, have a BUAETIFUL day!


New Hampshire,
Re: Is that what your kids are to you? Work?

#76Consumer Comment

Mon, July 29, 2002

Ok first off, my kids are not work, being a full time mother is a full time job and I don't give a rat's a*s if you think so or not. Yes I chose to have kids and I am chosing to stay home and take care of them also. Along with taken care of them, I do laundry, I do ALL the yard work, I take care of the pool, I take care of the dog, I clean the house and keep it running smoothly, I pay the bills, I do the grocery shopping, I cook the food......does that sound like work??? UMM yeah I think so! I enjoy my kids very much thank you! If you don't think that this is a full time, well to be quite honest with you I don't give a rats a*s.


Is that what your kids are to you? Work?

#77Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 27, 2002

Your comment "Being a full time mother is a FULL TIME job in itself" is indubitably ridiculous. You chose to have children, and now, instead of being grateful that you can spend time with them, you refer to THEM as work. This message is one that you, as well as many other stay at home mommies promulgate on a regular basis, and it needs to cease.

Some experts feel that women refer to their children in this manner because they have been unable to make any significant contributions to society. Therefore, women such as yourself, often attempt to validate themselves by calling homemaking a real job.

Hopefully, your children will not see these comments one day, and in turn, find out that you considered them a horrible full time job that no man could handle; not a blessing.

In any event, this is a great site, and I appreciate all of the comments. If I had not found this page, I would be out $200 dollars. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again!


Is that what your kids are to you? Work?

#78Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 27, 2002

Your comment "Being a full time mother is a FULL TIME job in itself" is indubitably ridiculous. You chose to have children, and now, instead of being grateful that you can spend time with them, you refer to THEM as work. This message is one that you, as well as many other stay at home mommies promulgate on a regular basis, and it needs to cease.

Some experts feel that women refer to their children in this manner because they have been unable to make any significant contributions to society. Therefore, women such as yourself, often attempt to validate themselves by calling homemaking a real job.

Hopefully, your children will not see these comments one day, and in turn, find out that you considered them a horrible full time job that no man could handle; not a blessing.

In any event, this is a great site, and I appreciate all of the comments. If I had not found this page, I would be out $200 dollars. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again!


Is that what your kids are to you? Work?

#79Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 27, 2002

Your comment "Being a full time mother is a FULL TIME job in itself" is indubitably ridiculous. You chose to have children, and now, instead of being grateful that you can spend time with them, you refer to THEM as work. This message is one that you, as well as many other stay at home mommies promulgate on a regular basis, and it needs to cease.

Some experts feel that women refer to their children in this manner because they have been unable to make any significant contributions to society. Therefore, women such as yourself, often attempt to validate themselves by calling homemaking a real job.

Hopefully, your children will not see these comments one day, and in turn, find out that you considered them a horrible full time job that no man could handle; not a blessing.

In any event, this is a great site, and I appreciate all of the comments. If I had not found this page, I would be out $200 dollars. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again!


Is that what your kids are to you? Work?

#80Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 27, 2002

Your comment "Being a full time mother is a FULL TIME job in itself" is indubitably ridiculous. You chose to have children, and now, instead of being grateful that you can spend time with them, you refer to THEM as work. This message is one that you, as well as many other stay at home mommies promulgate on a regular basis, and it needs to cease.

Some experts feel that women refer to their children in this manner because they have been unable to make any significant contributions to society. Therefore, women such as yourself, often attempt to validate themselves by calling homemaking a real job.

Hopefully, your children will not see these comments one day, and in turn, find out that you considered them a horrible full time job that no man could handle; not a blessing.

In any event, this is a great site, and I appreciate all of the comments. If I had not found this page, I would be out $200 dollars. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again!


New Hampshire,
Thanks for the site!

#81Consumer Comment

Sat, July 27, 2002

I received one of these "offers" in the mail and was about to send it in when I decided to do a little research first. Well I'm glad I did because I would have been out $49.00!

However, as I was reading through some of the post I did get a little ticked off at one particular post by "michael from Chadds Ford, PA", who wrote - You are just a middle class do-nothing who mooches off hubby and has coffee talk with the other worthless non-working mommies of Delco while a man is out making $$ to pay YOUR bills - NON WORKING MOMMIES???????? How dare you???? Being a full time mother is a FULL TIME job in itself!! I for one, have taken care of 5 children (3 of which are still here) and our house and our property while my husband works a 3rd shift job!

Don't ever criticise a "stay at home mom" because until you've done it, YOU DON'T KNOW! I work just as hard as my husband if not harder to keep this household running. There may be some "mommies" out there who DO fit your description but you know, 90% of us "stay at home mommies" are what keep you guys going!

If you had to do what I do in a day, you'd drop. Ok, I know this was directed at that one person but it hit a nerve and I had to get it out. We're not all just sitting around doing nothing while our husbands are out there making money.


New York,
SAVED BY THE BELL *Thank You Rip-off Report

#82REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 24, 2002

i received a letter from cca credit service division telling me that i have a $6500 credit, "that is awesome" i thought, because i was in the need of money since i'm working on bringing my wife and son to the US and i needed money.

So i was thinking" i can activate it, buy the tickets over the internet and then i'll pay the monthly payments" but i wanted to see where i could buy online so i searched for CCA SHOPPING NETWORK and i found this link, thank god i found it because i know now that this is just a scam and i'll get rid of the card. Thank you you just saved my life!


To JIM: Upfront fee always scam....

#83Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 23, 2002

Jim, any company asking upfront fee to start your credit card application, to give you "garanteed" credit line IS scam. Legit credit card companies first send you an application, or you fill a long application on-line, then offer you a credit line with detailed terms (describing fees, rates, etc.).

IF you accept te offered credit line, the offered terms, you have to call them to activate the card. Even if there is an annual or other fee, they do not ask you to send a check or give them your checking account number, they charge your new card.

If anybody calls you with a financial offer, HANG up the phone, or request the offer in mail. If you get an offer in mail, check the company on the NET. Search not only the company's name, but search "company name + scam", "company name + complain" too. If there is NO information about a compnay on the NET, it IS the SURE sign, that the offer is a scam. Legit companies never hide.


Another Victim of Credit Card Scam

#84Consumer Comment

Tue, July 16, 2002

I have lost my $180 because of credit card scams. Some one from Capital Advantage called me for the credit card offer. I gladly accepted even i knew i will have to pay fees for it, since i was rejected by many other credit card companies. I was told to recieve it within next three weeks, but now it has been almost four months and i havn't received my card.

I also received an offer from 'Peoples Credit first' Tampa, FL. They are asking for $45 to start my application process. And I am too scared to even think of it. Will some one tell me are they reliable?



Thank you for these comments

#85Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 14, 2002

While some people have been very nasty and mean spirited, and have clear;y never fallen on actual hard times, for which they should fell blessed, most have been amazingly helpful.

I too received the CCA card. I had received many in the past, had never accepted any of them, but could never put my finger on what felt bad, so I called them.

The woman I spoke to was not rude, just persistent. And a pest, which seems odd to say, as *I* called her, and yet.. I told her first and foremost, I never give out my social security number, my bank information, or any other personal identification numbers by phone. That it simply wasn't safe in this day and age. She was sympathetic, she understood, and if I would just be willing to give her a friend or family members information, they would still be happy to process my claims. A friend or family member??? Ok, now this was too much. I was amused in one of those watching a train wreck sort of ways. I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't hang up. I asked what sort of products they sold. THOUSANDS of household goods, I was told, by top name producers. MMM... ok... which ones. She did not seem to understand. WHICH companies are you the supplier for? She then asked if I was a reporter .. Well, I told her, to be frank, I AM a journalist, but that had nothing to do with why I was calling, and that I wanted a catalogue to view before agreeing to anything. I was told they get so many catalgue requests that it was impossible to fill them before their package was purchased. MMhhmmm. I of course by this time was fully aware it was a scam, and decided to let her off the hook, heck, she was just a woman doing a job, SHE wasn't responsible. She just worked at a telemarketing firm. I told her it was a scam, and that she should REALLY report it to her boss.

To recap, never ever ever give any information over the phone. If you need a credit card, go to your bank.


Palos Verdes Estates,
Bag of Tricks

#86Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 09, 2002


Once and a while i have been caught off-guard and, not paying attention, accepted one of these rip off's. In fact, this happend to me today (see my post on Beneficial Client Care).

None of these solutions for getting out of these scams is easy, but it's mostly perspiration involved rather than any financial/legal wizardry.

If you realize the scam before the draft or ACH posts, call your bank. Inform them of what is happening, start a savings account NOT connected to overdraft protection. Several days before the scam draft posts, transfer enough money from the account the scammers will make the draft on to the savings account. (by the way, un-link ANY overdraft protection linked to your account the scammers will debit. This is VERY important. you can link it back in a few weeks) When the scammers proces the draft or ACH, it won't clear and they wont get their money. You will incur NSF fees from your bank, but usually a call to customer service can get them reversed. Also file a disputed charge with your bank on the particular debit from the scammers if they somehow sneek by. The bank will credit your money back provisionally and then usually permanently after they complete their investigation--also any NSF fees are usually credited as well.

I have ( probably because I have been called a "constant hassler") never lost a dime to any scams i may have fallen into. As the gentleman in another post mentioned, there are several agencies and bureaus at many levels of government that will gladly help you. And these days, unless you are filing a Formal complaint with Justice Department, Consumer Affairs using an attorney, the paperwork has been reduced significantly to file informal complaints or reports against these companies.

Good luck to all. i hope this helps



Going to authorities

#87Consumer Comment

Sat, July 06, 2002

Today, I received a yellow card from American Credit Solutions.

Just for your information, I am not a stupid person nor is my credit "bad" I do, however, come from a place where credit cards are sent to people/childre/dogs/cats etc. in the mail. So , not knowing any better, I ran into the Titanium Blue Rip off.

I knew after 2 months of not receiving anything that I had been ripped off. What did I do? I contacted the Solicitor General's Office and submitted a complaint over the internet. They contacted me and followed up with a letter. It took some time and in between time, I contacted the FBI in both New Jersey and Florida .(I had to do some detective work on my own ie check which states the phone numbers originated from.) I figured that it had to be mail fraud as they were mailing their fraudulent invitations through the U.S. mail. The Solicitor General did contact me and provide me with the investigating office. They contacted me to say that that rip off had been shut down.

I am going to do the same with "American Credit Solutions" I will report both to the Socitor General's office and the FBI that these people are in action.

I did not get my money back but I am wiser for the experience. It is one thing to complain but if we don't DO something about it through the system, it will only continue. These agencies keep files and if they are contacted, they can give you the information about fraudulent companies. And it costs nothing but a phone call to talk to them.

People who are caught by these scams are just people who are trying their best to get through a credit system that is unfair and rewards those who pay for things without having the money.

And these fraudulent rip off artists get the names of people from mailing lists that are sold from other companies.

Don't just complain - contact the Solictor General in your State and the FBI - Shut them down!


lets flood them

#88Consumer Comment

Sat, July 06, 2002

if you get a letter from Peoples Credit First, why dont we all mail them back a letter saying you pay me a $49 processing fee to buy out of your catalogs. demand a website from them or documents that actully show they are of good buisness. bet you get no response


Thanks for the internet

#89REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 03, 2002

I also received a letter from Peoples Credit First offering a $5,000.00 credit limit. All i need to do is sent the $49.00 dollars fee. I was suspicios because other offers also include fine prints and explanation of terms. That is why I search the net ans thanks GOD I did.
Thank you. I sent my applicaiton to the trash can.


San antonio,

#90REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 25, 2002

I want to thank you so much I am a struggling United States AirForce member and recieved an application from "Peoples Credit First" . The last thing I need to do is send of money I don't have to get nothing in return .

I feel violated and pissed of there has to be something we can do they sent a fake document to a government installation thats fraud or something to that affect, even if it wasn't a government installation its still fraud, I went to there bogus web site, it said to enter account number, before you can do anything, well if they never send the card how can you go to the website?

So surf the net and came to this page, thank you so much..........................A1C Kendrick


San antonio,

#91REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 25, 2002

I want to thank you so much I am a struggling United States AirForce member and recieved an application from "Peoples Credit First" . The last thing I need to do is send of money I don't have to get nothing in return .

I feel violated and pissed of there has to be something we can do they sent a fake document to a government installation thats fraud or something to that affect, even if it wasn't a government installation its still fraud, I went to there bogus web site, it said to enter account number, before you can do anything, well if they never send the card how can you go to the website?

So surf the net and came to this page, thank you so much..........................A1C Kendrick


San antonio,

#92REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 25, 2002

I want to thank you so much I am a struggling United States AirForce member and recieved an application from "Peoples Credit First" . The last thing I need to do is send of money I don't have to get nothing in return .

I feel violated and pissed of there has to be something we can do they sent a fake document to a government installation thats fraud or something to that affect, even if it wasn't a government installation its still fraud, I went to there bogus web site, it said to enter account number, before you can do anything, well if they never send the card how can you go to the website?

So surf the net and came to this page, thank you so much..........................A1C Kendrick


San Diego,
Thank God For The Internet

#93Consumer Comment

Tue, June 11, 2002

Hello All,

I got this in the mail, and the first thing that came to mind was "This is too good to be true" I've received an offer such as this before, but with less credit limit. I've had that card for several months now, and it's helping me to rebuild my credit.

When I got this offer, I read it and re-read it. I got on the web and did a search for a site. I found it, and I'm glad that I did some investigation before I fell for the bait.

Thank you for reporting on this scam.

Thank you


Let's make these bogus low-life scums pay

#94Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 04, 2002

A few months ago, we received a credit offer from First National Credit. After looking into it I saw what they were all about and really didn't think any more about it.

Today, my husband received a credit offer from Peoples Credit First. I knew what it was before even coming to this web site, but here I am. The first indication to me that this was a bogus offer was the words Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, or any major credit card company was no where on the offer. I suggest looking for the major credit card names when you get offers. Maybe there are some bogus scams out there that do have a connection with one or any of them, but not to my knowledge.

My husband and I are still newlyweds and as goes for most folks in this world controlled by money, we have fallen into the bad credit trap. So, when we cannot even get a cell phone without a $300 deposit but we can get a "credit card" with a $5,000 limit? HELLO, wake up folks and pay attention. This is CRAZY.


Port Hueneme,
Perone you are the man!!

#95Consumer Comment

Fri, May 31, 2002

Perone you are the man!!I also have less than "good" credit and was also very close to sending peoples credit first the $49 quick process fee.

I in fact had the money order purchased and ready to mail. I decided to research the company first, just out of curiousity. I am 34 and in the process of starting up my own business and was told that a credit card is an almost absolute neccesity in todays business world.

Thank you very much for the insight and info on this total ripoff!! How is it that these people stay in "business"??

People are in prison for the rest of there lives for smoking/selling a little marijuana, and these people are practally "untouchable" and still keep your $$$ without so much as a ticket or simple summons??

What is our great country coming to? What can I do to help put SOB's like these out of "business" for good!?
D. Straw
Ventura county CA.


Bay Saint Louis,
avoid this company!

#96Consumer Comment

Wed, May 29, 2002

I came across this site, because earlier this evening I received a phone call from Capital First. They ask for my Bank account #no. and my social security #no. They were offering a un-secured Master Card with a $ 1,500 limit, with no processing fees, and a one time $ 19.95 debit from my account. To try for 7 days!

They spoke such broken English that it was very hard to understand them I repeatedly kept asking them questions. Yes these companies are all to be avoided. It is very difficult to try and re-establish your credit, and still live a normal life, as in purchasing a vehicle, or a home.

It can take years to do this. During the mean-time, cars age, and you can only re-pair them so much,or in my case, divorce can take a devasting effect on you financial statis, and credit. I wanted to say to the person who wrote about the people who have bad credit as if we are a lower class of indivuals, losers, or what ever the implication was,that sometimes its just about marriages that have gone sour.

It is not that we do not care, or are not concerned about our debts. I enjoy being able to pay my bills, however, I did not make the money that my husband did, when we were married. I also had my chilren to support, and being a single parent with only one income is not easy. When you have to make a decision, " do I pay on my loan payment, or put food in my house for my babies?"

Well, guess what? The loan payments get behind real quick, and sometimes there is just no avoiding it unless there is more money. No one should look down on anyone because they get an offer, and they want to believe that it is legitmate, simple because they really could use the leg up! It takes a credit card to rent a car, or to reserve a hotel room, etc.

It is not just poor people, or welfare cases who have bad credit. What about your large corporations that file Bankruptcy? Then come back and re-structure under a different name? My favorite store " Service Merchandise went out of business!

Why? So on a personal basis, do you not understand that any one of you, no matter how long you have had your good credit standing, if your company should ever fold, you may be one of us, your good standing will not last long, when you do not have a job! But you know what? There is a bright side to all of this too! Without credit, we are not heavily in debt,either.
Thank you, Reb


Secured and/or Dedicated Use Credit

#97Consumer Comment

Tue, May 21, 2002

The Scenario seems strangely familiar...

A couple of observations to offer that might shed some light on this issue.

1. The "application fees" or "processing fees" are really insurance premiums that the credit company pays on your account that they will collect if you default on the account.

2. The catalog items that are sold through some companies are usually overpriced and have been purchased at bulk and discount because they have been out of production for a while. Can you go find the same product at the mall or another local store? Probably not and if you would ask about a particular brand or model, it would have been discontinued.

3. Most credit card companies both secured and unsecured have the best game going: The charge the cardholder from 1 over prime to as high as 26 percent AND take anywhere from 6-10 percent from the deposit the merchant makes where you bought the item - all on the same amount! Do the math: we are talking potentially close to 40%!!! Sammy the loan shark would be in heaven!

4. Credit certainly rules our economy and society and has a manifested a firm grip on our lives over the last 50-60 years. In my opinion, your credit information is retained far too long and should be erased after 3 or 4 years. Convicted criminals have shorter sentences than the "sentence" of a bankruptcy. Yes, the rules of the game follow the "Golden Rule" - You know, he who has the gold makes the rules - but we ultimately have control, which is....

5. We might just have to do without some of those "wants", extras, have to have it now type purchases. I am not talking about the necessaries like a car and a home, but perhaps some thought, foresight, budgeting and a reality check once in a while would prevent some personal economic disaster.

6. Unforseen events can and do happen to all of us, and sometimes planning is impossible. Been there enough times myself to be a chartered member. All I can say is do what you can, but dont be too proud to ask for help - sometimes pride can cost you more than you can imagine.


thanks to you all

#98Consumer Comment

Wed, May 15, 2002

I sent a check to capital choice. Thank god i'm one of the lucky ones. I was online today and was looking for their phone number when i ran into the rip off reports.

I immediately called my bank and luckily the check did not clear.

This check was written in March so, I was very lucky thanks to the people who put the information on line. I would have never known with them.

I put a stop on the check so, it only costed me $7.00 rather than the $39.00 dollars I had mailed.MY only problem now is tring to reach the hartford group for the auto club so, that they don't bill me.


South Milwaukee,
Right On Perone & Michael!

#99Consumer Comment

Mon, May 13, 2002

I had absolutely perfect credit before I got married and I am now divorced. Bankruptcy was not my decision. My X filed and I was forced to since I could not afford the debt alone.

Our home was foreclosed on & sold. My family purchased it back at a civil price and I paid the mortgage. In hindsight, I put myself in a difficult position since I couldn't afford repairs needed later. I could not get a loan, but was approved for a CapitalOne Card ($200 limit) which I used sparingly for needs. I reached the limit in no time and paid cash for everything else including fix-ups. I struggled to keep up and with health problems and bills that led to unreasonable late fees and over-the-limit fees...(see my CapitalOne Rip Off Report, Penny from Milwaukee).

I am still trying to re-build my life and credit. Bad things happen to good people, so for those of you who think you have the "World by the a*s" take heed...maybe someone will screw you!


Chadds Ford,
Hey Nancy, go take a nap in the middle of Rt.3 !!! ..Perone, keep up the good work!

#100Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 17, 2002

Dear Nancy,

Go take a nap in the middle of Route 3, and then tell us about having no excuses for late bill payments.

People get cancer; they lose family members who earn part of the income, etc. Bad things happen, and because of those things people can't make their payments.

People like you are the problem with Delaware County. We have too my trashy, unsympathetic, morons here, and we don't need you, so BEAT IT!!

1- Either you came across a couple extra dollars, decided to migrate from Philly to Havertown (a close suburb), and now want to toot your own horn by way of this site.


2- You are just a middle class do-nothing who mooches of hubby and has coffee talk with the other worthless non-working mommies of Delco while a man is out making $$ to pay YOUR bills.

I mean, I don't want to offend you or anything but... Oh wait I do!! You jerk!

I was once in a bad position. I once had no credit, just like everyone else, including YOU.

Fortunately however, I was able to work through the difficult times, and earn a degree that allows me to net over 175g/yr, and I hope everyone else can do the same....except for you of course.

I hope that you will always NEED credit.. I hope that you will always NEED to have a mortgage and car loan, just like you do now. Why?? because you are a horrible person. Otherwise, you would not have written mean things on this site, especially when they are NOT productive in any way.

Keep driving that SUV Mommy Mobile, but direct the meanness towards someone else. Be mad at yourself for being such a turd!

These people made mistakes or were mislead and came here for help, your posting just makes them feel worse.

In addition, I believe that Mr. Perone's comments were excellent!! and he was 100% accurate in his statements.

Furthermore, I am aware of the packages that Mr. Perone spoke of, and I used a legit one myself years ago. It taught me how to use my existing credit to make my credit report look better. For instance, use my card monthly even if I didn't need to, but then pay off the entire balance if possible.

To all of you who came across one of these scams ... Don't feel bad, keep your head up, it happens to the best of us. Don't let inconsiderate people like Nancy from Newtown Sqaure/Havertown get you down.

Hey Perone... I saw your other posting. Keep up the good work! I will see you in a couple of years as a 'colleague'!!

Take care everyone


Common Sense

#101Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 14, 2002

I got one of these letters in the mail on 04/13/02, I do have bad credit, I DID NOT get there buy volunteering NOT to pay them. I did how ever did my best for several years to pay what I could. I was not able to and the intrest, late fees and collection call fees were adding up that what ever payment that I could afford dissapeared in those fees. As if no payment was ever made. Over time is just added up.

EVERYONE Starts out with NO credit! They get it either buy some credit/ department store company willing to start a small credit line OR Parents Giving their Kids a good start! Which is nothing wrong with that! I started with Fingerhut and now that my credit is not to good with bankruptcy on the charts I will again have to start small and try even harder! Some of us obvious did not go through hard enough times,(If they was able to keep up theire payments.)One day your words will turn around and bite you in the buttocks!(which I hope will never happen!) I knew something was up when I was offered $5000.00 line of credit. Plus wanted to know the differance between merchandise card and a credit card. I went to search engine typed in Capital Choice Consumer Credit and got this site amoung others.

I KNEW something was up, when I could not get a $200.00 credit and now was offered $5000.00???!!!!!!!! But wanted to check it out. Just curious!!!! I do like the fact I was forced to go bankrupt, but what is done is done and I will start this whole thing over again. Just a note... I always paid my bills 2 months in advance before this happened, and still was forced to go bankrupt after 5 years trying to avoid it.

The calls and mail became my worst nightmare. Thank you and start with some one like Providian. You may have to pay some fees but it will start you on your way to rebulding your credit and one day you will get a card with no fees! Good luck to all of you and God Bless!


Common Sense

#102Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 14, 2002

I got one of these letters in the mail on 04/13/02, I do have bad credit, I DID NOT get there buy volunteering NOT to pay them. I did how ever did my best for several years to pay what I could. I was not able to and the intrest, late fees and collection call fees were adding up that what ever payment that I could afford dissapeared in those fees. As if no payment was ever made. Over time is just added up.

EVERYONE Starts out with NO credit! They get it either buy some credit/ department store company willing to start a small credit line OR Parents Giving their Kids a good start! Which is nothing wrong with that! I started with Fingerhut and now that my credit is not to good with bankruptcy on the charts I will again have to start small and try even harder! Some of us obvious did not go through hard enough times,(If they was able to keep up theire payments.)One day your words will turn around and bite you in the buttocks!(which I hope will never happen!) I knew something was up when I was offered $5000.00 line of credit. Plus wanted to know the differance between merchandise card and a credit card. I went to search engine typed in Capital Choice Consumer Credit and got this site amoung others.

I KNEW something was up, when I could not get a $200.00 credit and now was offered $5000.00???!!!!!!!! But wanted to check it out. Just curious!!!! I do like the fact I was forced to go bankrupt, but what is done is done and I will start this whole thing over again. Just a note... I always paid my bills 2 months in advance before this happened, and still was forced to go bankrupt after 5 years trying to avoid it.

The calls and mail became my worst nightmare. Thank you and start with some one like Providian. You may have to pay some fees but it will start you on your way to rebulding your credit and one day you will get a card with no fees! Good luck to all of you and God Bless!


Common Sense

#103Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 14, 2002

I got one of these letters in the mail on 04/13/02, I do have bad credit, I DID NOT get there buy volunteering NOT to pay them. I did how ever did my best for several years to pay what I could. I was not able to and the intrest, late fees and collection call fees were adding up that what ever payment that I could afford dissapeared in those fees. As if no payment was ever made. Over time is just added up.

EVERYONE Starts out with NO credit! They get it either buy some credit/ department store company willing to start a small credit line OR Parents Giving their Kids a good start! Which is nothing wrong with that! I started with Fingerhut and now that my credit is not to good with bankruptcy on the charts I will again have to start small and try even harder! Some of us obvious did not go through hard enough times,(If they was able to keep up theire payments.)One day your words will turn around and bite you in the buttocks!(which I hope will never happen!) I knew something was up when I was offered $5000.00 line of credit. Plus wanted to know the differance between merchandise card and a credit card. I went to search engine typed in Capital Choice Consumer Credit and got this site amoung others.

I KNEW something was up, when I could not get a $200.00 credit and now was offered $5000.00???!!!!!!!! But wanted to check it out. Just curious!!!! I do like the fact I was forced to go bankrupt, but what is done is done and I will start this whole thing over again. Just a note... I always paid my bills 2 months in advance before this happened, and still was forced to go bankrupt after 5 years trying to avoid it.

The calls and mail became my worst nightmare. Thank you and start with some one like Providian. You may have to pay some fees but it will start you on your way to rebulding your credit and one day you will get a card with no fees! Good luck to all of you and God Bless!


Common Sense

#104Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 14, 2002

I got one of these letters in the mail on 04/13/02, I do have bad credit, I DID NOT get there buy volunteering NOT to pay them. I did how ever did my best for several years to pay what I could. I was not able to and the intrest, late fees and collection call fees were adding up that what ever payment that I could afford dissapeared in those fees. As if no payment was ever made. Over time is just added up.

EVERYONE Starts out with NO credit! They get it either buy some credit/ department store company willing to start a small credit line OR Parents Giving their Kids a good start! Which is nothing wrong with that! I started with Fingerhut and now that my credit is not to good with bankruptcy on the charts I will again have to start small and try even harder! Some of us obvious did not go through hard enough times,(If they was able to keep up theire payments.)One day your words will turn around and bite you in the buttocks!(which I hope will never happen!) I knew something was up when I was offered $5000.00 line of credit. Plus wanted to know the differance between merchandise card and a credit card. I went to search engine typed in Capital Choice Consumer Credit and got this site amoung others.

I KNEW something was up, when I could not get a $200.00 credit and now was offered $5000.00???!!!!!!!! But wanted to check it out. Just curious!!!! I do like the fact I was forced to go bankrupt, but what is done is done and I will start this whole thing over again. Just a note... I always paid my bills 2 months in advance before this happened, and still was forced to go bankrupt after 5 years trying to avoid it.

The calls and mail became my worst nightmare. Thank you and start with some one like Providian. You may have to pay some fees but it will start you on your way to rebulding your credit and one day you will get a card with no fees! Good luck to all of you and God Bless!


I Have To Agree With the First Post

#105Consumer Comment

Fri, April 12, 2002

I am not trying to offend anyone and I don't wish to insult those that were scammed. But I have to agree with some of his statements that "the system doesn't work that way."

First off, why would people ever consider PAYING for a credit card? An annual fee is one thing but paying upwards of $200 to get a credit card is just plain stupid. What are the reasons for this fee? The so-called bank makes their money from interest and annual fees not by 'processing fees' or whatever they are calling it. There is no legitimate reason to pay for a credit card.

The second post said, "You cocky, smart A$$!!! You did not always have good credit, unless your parents applied for, and paid off a car loan for you while you were still in the womb." My reply is, "Yes, I have always had good credit," and I will protect it at all costs. I started with a small department store card and worked my way up to a MC/Visa. I did not have co-signers or parents who paid my bills for me. I just used credit wisely and paid it off over time proving I was a good credit risk. I obtained my first loan by saving for a decent down payment on a car, got the car loan on my own, and paid it off over time and ON TIME. While I don't agree that those that have bad credit are 'society's losers', I do agree that they are not the ones that banks come looking for to give unsecured credit. The only way to establish or re-establish credit is to pay whatever you owe on time and over a period of time, whether it is a loan, a store charge, or even the electric bill. Yes, I know it is hard to get credit when you are young but most department stores or a Home Depot will give you credit if you have a job and some way to pay it back.

As for "coming across bad times," that is no excuse not to pay your bills. I have been there and still managed to pay something to each creditor on time so I didn't hurt my credit. But even if you do pay some things late, you can always build it back up by paying on time over an extended period of time. That is re-establishing your credit. But you also can't let things get so bad that they close your account or repossess your car or home. Even if they take away your charging privileges, you can still pay what you owe, little by little, to show you honor your debts. Again, that is re-establishing credit, which is showing that even though you hit hard times, you still pay.

One other question...the second poster said he ordered this package as it "teaches one how to manage credit responsibilities." How can a package do that? Any credit you get and pay back teaches you how to manage credit. There is no quick and easy way to do this. It happens over time, through prosperous and poor financial times, not by paying a fee for a magic cure.


Santa Barbara,
Updated: How to deal with phony credit cards

#106Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 11, 2002

I also have received in the mail this credit card from CCA. It had the credit limit of $6500. The difference with my situation is that I do not have bad credit nor do I need to establish my credit. I have an excellent credit rating and have had one for more than 20 years. The first thing I looked at was the membership fee's and saw that it was $99. Right then and there is when I thought to myself "They have got to be out of their minds!". I have a VISA Titanium and a VISA Platinum that have limits of $15,000 and $18,000 with NO annual membership fees. When also stated in the letter this was a way to build credit I thought it sure was an expensive way to go about it! The letter just had way to many warning flags that this was not all it was made up to be. So, I just wanted it known that not only people with bad credit standings are receiving these scam cards, but also people with outstanding credit that may know a little bit more about what to look for when receiving "Your Approved!" notices in the mail.
M.A. in Calif.


New York,
Mr. Perone's Comments ..Rip-off Report receives over 3,000 Thank You e-mails to date, like the one below.

#107Consumer Comment

Sun, March 24, 2002

Thanks for your very informative advice. I must admit that I was lucky to find this website as I had just received the approval certificate for the Capital Choice card in the mail.

I had read the terms and conditions on the other side which described the card as a merchandise card which puzzled me as I wasn't sure if there was a difference between that and any other credit card.

After all, the letter calls the card a "credit card." I don't know if merchandise cards are considered credit cards and just went online to see if there was a difference or exact distinction. At any rate, I found all the negative comments from all the posters here and am happy to have seen them.

I thought that the card might have been only usable through their catalog as I read the terms and conditions and was actually willing to live with that, but then saw all the posts about account deductions - terrible.

I'm glad I found this and very sorry that other people had become victim to this unfortunate scam. At any rate I thank you very much for your excellent advice and will save this posting in the event it could be heplful to me in the future.

Lastly as well, I felt slighted at the original poster's comments as well, feeling some of them unecessarily haughty and glad you made comment of that. Thanks and take care.

Mike S. Peterson

Rip-off Report Investigation **UPDATED info ..Many times you can get a refund

#108Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 14, 2002

Mike S. Peterson
Consumer Advocate / Investigative Reporter

Although the above Consumer's view was somewhat harsh, it was mostly true. However, the person who filed the above comments, neglected to include some important information.

As far as the phony catalog credit cards go, you CAN get your money back in some cases. The person who filed the original report says over and over again that you will NEVER see your money again. However, that is not necessarily the case, as I am living proof that it is possible.

If you have fallen victim to one of these scams, and you are not able to get a refund even after you have made repeated requests, there is what you should do:

First, these scam companies usually do not have the capability to make bank drafts on their own, so they hire outside debit processing companies to debit bank accounts for them. So you should immediately check with your bank and get the name & home state of the processing company, and then get the names and addresses of their directors and registered agent by way of a corporation search. To do this search, visit the state website where the processing company is located, and click on the "secretary of state", "dept of commercial recordings", OR the "corporation/LLC info" link, then enter the company name. You can also get this info by calling the Secretary of State or the Dept of Commercial Recordings in the appropriate state.

After you get these names, addresses, and phone numbers, call the processing company and try to get the director on the line, make repeated calls if necessary. Tell him/her your whole story, and let it be known that if they do not assist you in getting a refund, you will name them along with the scam credit card company as a co-defendant in a civil claim because of their involvement with the illegal draft to your bank account. Also let them know that you will be serving their registered agent with the claim at the address you have obtained from the search. Even though you really may not want to add them to a claim, pestering the processing company may help you to get a refund. These processing companies are "usually" pretty legitimate, so they will often give you your money back in an effort to avoid any legal involvement. In my case with Credit Enhancement/Liberty Benefits, I was able to get my money back by contacting United Capturdyne Technologies, Liberty's debit processing company. United Capturdyne ate the $219.00 just to avoid being involved in legal action. This may work for you just as it did for me, so give it a try, it can't hurt.

Second, if all of your attempts to get a refund through the scam credit card company, and the processing company are unsuccessful, file a civil claim in your state's small claims court. These small claims courts are usually referred to as "district court", "municipal court", or justice of the peace court". When you file, your claim does not have to be long, just give a brief description of what happened. Also, be sure to use the proper address for the defendant. You will need to name the scam company as the defendant, but you will have to use the address of their registered agent, otherwise, the company will probably never get served with the claim. To get the address of the scam company's registered agent, you will again have to do a Corporation/LLC search on the appropriate state's website. However, this will be a little bit more difficult since these companies use so many names. Therefore, you may also need to do a "fictitious name" search on the same website. After you get this address you can file, and wait for a court date.

There are minimal filing fees involved, but there is a very good chance you will win. Just as the person who filed the original report said, it is unlikely that the company will even appear in court to present a defense, and if that is the case, a default judgment will be entered on your behalf. However, I disagree with the original reporter's statement that you will never see money from this judgment, and that the only purpose for such a judgment is to protect your credit.

Being able to protect your credit is just one benefit of obtaining a judgment. There are plenty of ways you can attempt to execute a default judgment (or any judgment) if the defendant refuses to pay. Your local court can tell you what your execution options are. There is a good chance that you would recover at least some of money you are awarded.

Finally, I would like to respond to some of the comments made in the rip off report.

The original reporter stated: "I personally have never been the victim of either of these scams, probably because I have good credit. ME: You cocky, smart A$$!!! You did not always have good credit, unless your parents applied for, and paid off a car loan for you while you were still in the womb.

He/She also stated: The victims who report these scams often say they were trying to re-establish credit, meaning that they have already demonstrated an inability to manage their finances. The sad truth is that the scammers prey on the society's losers. If you declared bankruptcy or went belly-up on a credit account in the past you are the scammer's target. No legitimate company is going to offer thousands of dollars worth of credit to someone with a history of not paying their bills. The system just does not work that way

I take personal offense to the above comments. Just because someone has no/bad credit, or has fallen victim to one of these scams, does not make them "one of society's losers". At 24 years old, I probably have much more education than you do, yet I fell for a similar scam. In many cases, people are just trying to ESTABLISH credit so that they are able to qualify for auto or home loans in the future. That is what happened in my case, I enrolled as a way to prepare for any of my possible future credit needs. Furthermore, these victims, including myself, were outright misled. Yes, if someone offers me credit for no reason, I would be suspicious, but that was not that case. Just like everyone else, I was led to believe that the scam company had agreements with several banks, and that by signing up a package that teaches one how to manage credit responsibilities, I would receive a catalog card, and major credit card in return.

Finally, many people find themselves with bad credit because they have come across difficult financial times. This can happen for a variety reasons, including but not limited to: sickness, disability, and involuntary unemployment. The mismanaging of finances is not always the cause of bad credit as you have suggested. But no matter what the cause, late bill payments and/or loan defaults, and eventually bad credit reports are often the result. I appreciate the constructive comments that you included in the report, but you should have kept the insults and negativity to yourself.

The bottom line is this: Even though the toolbox/simpleton/ignoramous who posted the above report says you will never see your money again, don't give up. If you go about everything the right way, there is a chance that you can get your money back, maybe more.

Thanks for reading, and good luck!!

Mike S. Peterson
Consumer Advocate / Investigative Reporter
Rip-off Report

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