  • Report:  #872996

Complaint Review: American Credit Legal Services - New York New York

Reported By:
spinnsetter - pink hill, North Carolina, United States of America

American Credit Legal Services
New York, New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
American Credit Legal Services are a scam ... Don't buy in to this ...!!!!  

I was contacted (4-24-12) by an individual from (American Credit Legal Services by the name of Jeff Morgan claiming to be out of New York) phone number 214 884 6006, that claimed I owed payments to the amount of 545.36, from a online loan that I took out from some company they were representing.  I have used once in the past  payday loans, which I don't recommend, so I listened to his statements about this issue.  This company or claimed to be attourny office working for a online loan company in this case (US Advance / or something simular, the man on the phone said it only once and very quickly). This individual was very fast talking, hard to understand with thick accent. 

Now understand that this company he claimed to work for was NOT one of the companies I used.  I also knew that all of these loans have been paid in full, so how could I owe money to anyone, but I continued to listen.  "Jeff" explaining how I would have to go to court in New York and I live in North Carolina mind you and how I could loose my job, be placed in jail, loose my bank accounts and all kinds of other horrible stuff.  All these terrible things were going to happen to me (and I really didn't even understand why) if I did not get them this money or agree to some sort of deal with them.  So I continued to listen and be polite as I could while digging for more information and agreeing to listen to his terms.  He claimed that he "had" to read from a legal document that claims what I owe the company and when / how severe the charges were for stealing money from a company.  He also explained Federal Banking Laws, Check Fraud and Theft Deception in the court of New York and why I was in so much trouble.  He claimed that if I did not comply with him the information would be faxed to my employer and I would be served papers and be sent to jail.

He was very rude and constantly raised his voice to out speak me when I asked questions.  Getting information from this guy was very hard and I only could get information when I agreed that this issue needed to be settled out of court.  Mind you that he constantly said that if we went to court I would loose everything and I would go to jail and total court costs would be around 5,000 dollars.  This is when everything started to make less and less sense.  He stated that the company would pay for transportation to court and the court fees for me to be brought to court totaling 5,000 plus dollars but I only needed to settle the issue for around 5000 dollars?  This made no sense, no business in there right mind would do this and loose all this money.  Well why was he so eager the make me settle out of court for only 545.36.  So agreed to send him and email stating a payment arrangment but I had to get a email from him to do so, so he stated ([email protected]).  Remind you that "Jeff" said that all of this was time sensitive and important to handle before legal papers were submitted on me to appear in court and pay huge fines.

  When I finally got off of the phone (45mns later) I began to research this company and found many claims of scams online that matched very closely to mine.  So I emailed the guy back (who clamined to be Jeff Morgan) links to the scam addresses and a long email that explained why he needed to stop calling me and contacting me or I was going to report him.  This is the mail that I sent.  It has posts from other scam sites and situations that are so closely familar to mine that it makes them hard to ignore.  Any information that I left out can be filled in by these posting listing below that situations are almost identical.

  I did some research on your company and the results were astounding.  Please read further to see what I am refering too.  Also if you like, use the hyperlinks to follow the pages to the internet to read them for yourself. 



  This is the shocking information that I found ... it shows up on this list American Credit Legal Services, (The name changes but the motive is also the same and methods too) a payday loan collection scam, has come to my attention and Id like to alert readers to the outline of how these fraudsters work.
Basically, the company is calling people and telling them they owe money on one or more payday loans. Some of the common characteristics of these fake collection calls are:

Invariably the so-called collectors have moderate to heavy Indian accents. Presumably they are operating out of one of the thousands of offshore call centers in India.
They start the call in most cases by telling the victim that they need to call their lawyer and appear in court the next day.

These collection agents usually claim to be from some government agency, even claiming to be prosecutors in many cases. For some reason, they usually claim to be associated with the state of California.  These fraudsters have a good bit of personal information on the people they are calling. They usually have some combination of Social Security Number, bank account and date of birth for the victim.

They usually ask for a relatively large sum of money, about $1500 in most cases Ive heard of.
In some cases, through coincidence or otherwise, they actually claim to be representing a payday loan company that the victim actually owes money to.

The disturbing thing about this collection scam is that they actually appear to have a great deal of information and are targeting payday loan customers. I believe that they must have posed as a lender trying to buy information from payday loan lead generators in order to have so much information on people. Alternatively, they may be gathering information illicitly from insecure payday loan websites.

It is likely that they may change their name or some of their tactics since the word is getting out about this scam. However, it would seem unlikely that they will be able to change the accented workforce that they are using to perpetuate this fraud on innocent payday loan customers.
We have TONS of information on this scam, here are some of our other articles:

Payday Loan Fraud Phone Numbers
Indian Payday Fraud Company Using Emails
New Information on Indian Payday Loan Scam
Payday Loan Fraud UPDATE
They also appear to be using the following phone numbers often:

214-884-6006  this is the number "Jeff" called me from

 Read the next story it sounds oddly familar to what I heard on the phone this morning from your company representative.
  On Friday 5/22/09 "Andy Hunt" from American Credit Legal Services called my place of employment. He told the secretary that the number I had supplied to him had been disconnected and asked her for my phone number. She obviously did not tell him and he asked her to have me return his call at 818-296-4015. She sent me a message immediately. I already knew something was wrong because only my close family numbers have my work number for emergencies only.

I called the number back and asked to speak to Andy. I was told I was talking to attorney "Joe Brown", and that Andy was his assistant. I asked what this was in regards to. He said he was from the Crime Monitoring Division of ACS and that this issue was time sensitive. "Joe Brown" had a very heavy accent and was hard to understand. There was lots of background noise as well. I requested to speak with someone else because I could not understand him very well and he said he was the only person I could discuss this with.

He first asked me for my lawyer's information. I told him I didn't have a lawyer. He had all of my personal information including my home address, email address and the last four numbers of my SSN. He told me that I had an outstanding debt with Fast Cash International for a payday loan in the amount of $300, and that they had tried to contact me several times over the phone and had also sent 17 emails. He gave me my previous bank name and an account number that the money had supposedly been deposited into.

Flags went off again as my accounts with that bank had been closed for almost a year and the account number didn't match. He said that because I did not pay it back I now owed almost $5000 in late fees and penalties and that he needed to read me an affidavit before he could continue with the conversation. I told him to continue and he informed me I was being charged with Violation of Federal Banking Laws, Check Fraud and Theft Deception in the court of California. If I did not comply with him the information would be faxed to my employer and I would be served papers on Tuesday morning (Monday morning being a holiday, Memorial Day) along with a letter that would terminate my employment.

"Joe" continued on saying that I would lose my job, my driver's license, all of my credit/debit cards and never be eligible for loans or mortgages in the future. He also said I would be going to prison if I didn't comply. He even said that two of my references would be sued because of this. He was extremely condescending and rude and would not let me talk. I immediately began panicking because I had never taken out a payday loan from this place. This was the first time I had ever even heard of them!

He continued on, saying I had the right to seek legal counsel and that the only way to avoid going to court would be if I paid an OOCR (Out of Court Restitution) of $986.00 immediately. I told him I could not pay that. He told me then that I should enjoy the Memorial Day weekend with my family because I would never see them again after Tuesday. He went on to say I would have to pay $1900 in court fees plus bail and any transportation costs because Tuesday morning he would be sending two of his investigators to pick me up from work.

I asked him if I could call him back in half an hour because I wanted to speak with an attorney. He said ok but that I better call him back as promised as our call was being recorded and if I did not return his call I would be in even more legal trouble.

I immediately spoke with some friends and family members and also researched this "ACS" company on the internet. I first searched the phone number and found out it was a land line phone. I also went to the bank and had them look through my account history and they found nothing. I found this site and immediately felt relieved that this was a scam- I had a feeling it was but with the information he had (I'm still trying to figure out how he got my work number!) and the personal information he had I was very concerned.

I contacted my aunt who is a lawyer and I also contacted her father as he works for the FBI. I called "Joe Brown" back and told him I could prove that I had never received the money. (I wanted to see what he'd say.) He said that he had all the proof he needed to take me to court and that he had never lost a case, that this one would be no different. He said shame on me for taking out a loan and not paying it back and that this was stealing.

I then told him I knew it was a scam and that while it was a nice try, I had contacted my attorney, the FBI and would also be calling the police. He quick said "See you in court!" and disconnected the call. When I tried to call the number back again it was busy.

DO NOT FALL FOR THIS! I called the police right away and they said several of these scams have been going on lately. I also reported them to the Department of Homeland Security and I will be filing a report with the Better Business Bureau.
  ME - Do me a favor and please don't contact me anymore, if you guys call me one more time Im going to my local law officers and reporting your company.  I will foraward them this email, phone number, names, and persons I talked to.  I also plan to file a complaint online and post this email for all to see if you contact me again, through email, phone (Work, Office, or Cell), or mailed letter.  I called a lwayer and accountant (Kenansville, NC) that handles credit / tax / debt law and they recommended that I report this imediately to the FBI and asked for your companies information so I gave it to them, so if you do not stop harrassing me I will report you to the FBI.  Consider my warning and read everything carefully, Im very serious and I m not to be toyed with.  Have a blessed day ... """

Guys please do not fall for this scam, they almost got me because they has so much information about me but I learned that companies (like this scam one) can get actual loan applications from online / or out of a database and have all your info and make it sound very offical.  The goal is to scare you and get money out of you.  Never give in, never give bank account number or more up to date information.  Lets get everyone aware of this scam ASAP.

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