  • Report:  #167062

Complaint Review: American Eagle Corporation - Kirby Distributor - Cleveland Ft. Myers Ohio, Florida

Reported By:
- cape coral, Florida,

American Eagle Corporation - Kirby Distributor
American Eagle Corp., 2774 E. 1st Street, Fort Myers, Florida, 33916/ The Kirby Company,1920 West 114th St.,Cleveland, OH 44102, Toll Free: 1-800-494- Cleveland Ft. Myers, 44102/33916 Ohio, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Had some sales persons come to my home and gave me what I realize now, a total complete and overwhelming power sell. They said they would be selling a cleaning service, and never mentioned Kirby. Then before I knew it I had 6 strangers in my house at one point. I never had this happen to me before.

I just had a baby, and was stuck in the house all day, so having some adult company was welcome...and I realize now, pathetic. I realize I must have had a sign as big as the moon on me saying "sucker born yesterday".

I thought they were going to clean my house for free as a bonus, because they said they would, but they never did. When I signed the sales order no one explained the 3 business days thing, and the baby was crying, and kids were yelling to get dinner, and the sales persons were rushing me to finish the sale.

So I was left with a 1500 dollar albatross that I'm terrified of using because it costs to much. I'm going to try to sell it on eBay.

I advise anyone to not let sales persons in their homes. Even if I understood it, I think 3 days isn't long enough to decide if you want to actually keep it. If Kirby were such a 'great vacuum', they would have a money back guarrentee like a real company...which most companies have.

I think that the first thing they should be required to say is they have a 3 day return policy. They didn't say it at all.

I'm stuck with an albatross of a vacuum that no matter how 'good' it supposedly is, I can not use it.

I wont. I'm terrified of breaking it, or getting it dirty, or loosing parts of it. I stuck it in the back of my closet likes it's some kind of monster.

I'm very upset that they did not tell me about the 3 day policy. I actually remember hearing something along the lines of a month return policy, but I was never told I only had 3 days to return it.

They came on a friday before thanksgiving, and on saturday I had to put my dog down, and Sunday came and went, it was a total blur and when the finance company called that is when it hit me between the eys what I had done.

I called and told them I didn't want the machine. They told me that the state of florida will not allow them to take back machines sold in homes. I found a packet they left with a three day return policy disclosure...and never did I ever see that form.

**No one explained to me the 3 day policy....and even so...after 3 days I was not sure if I wanted to keep it...I didn't realize how overwhelming it was till the loan company called and reality hit that I just baught a 1500 dollar vacuum. I wont touch it now. I wont go near it. I never had such a visceral reaction to an object like I have to this stupid vacuum in my life. It's overwhelming.

All I want is them to take it back.

I can't use it...I'm terrified of it.

It has caused me many sleepless nights where I can't stop crying.

I'm so embarressed that I got 'taken'...so I don't know who to talk to about this.

If they had said they were Kirby sales persons, it is true...I would not have let them in. They never said it till I got the big sell, and by then it's really weird, but somehow you find yourself buying the darn thing!

Is there any hope for me to get out of this contract???????????


cape coral, Florida

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Kirby, Ft. Myers, FL

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 01, 2006

I was ripped off by James Joyce of Kirby Vacuum. The Judge awarded me a settlement and Mr. Joyce refuses to pay.


Cape Coral,
Coercive Persuasion and manipulation techniques

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, December 13, 2005

I know that that calling the police may seem the obvious solution, but I have read of so many people getting snagged by this I think a real psychological paradigm takes place, similar to manipulation techniques used by cults. They upset a persons equilibrium, use an organized peer group, make fantastic claims, invade a persons 'space', Apply interpersonal pressure to promote conformity, manipulate the the person's social environment by invasion of their home, ie safe place, and use guilt and other techniques to make the person submit to the sale. Why else would you read about house wives neglecting their kids or people putting up with this stuff for hours???? There has to be a real applied Coercive persuasion dynamic here. I totally agree that the these high pressure sales would loose a lot so steam if it were forced on them a law to allow a 30 day cooling off period...not 3 days. Thats just ridiculas. As it is...I personally would not pay. Just give them back the product and write to the credit agencies about the scam. It will be disregarded as it should be.


cape coral,
notarized letter to Charlie Crist, Florida's attorney general, and claimed protection as a consumer under Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.

#4Author of original report

Sat, December 10, 2005

Under the advise of a lawyer, I wrote a detailed notarized letter to Charlie Crist, Florida's attorney general, and claimed protection as a consumer under Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act. I also gave the vacuum back, got a receipt, albeit grudgingly given, along with registered letters to the credit companies stating I am a victim of a scam to offset any and all marks against my credit with a receipt for the returned vacuum. I also sent a copy of the letter I sent to Crist to Kirby. I only hope that the Attorney general puts a stop to this kind of thing. I think if everyone did this, Kirby would soon be reeling in unethical sales personal. Oh...and I also put a 'no solicitors' sign at my door. ~M~


You're right, Kirby is a ripoff

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 09, 2005

I was unemployed for several months one time, got suckered into working as a salesperson for a Kirby dealer in Washington. Even their hiring process is a ripoff, they make the product look like something you just can't live without. We were required to memorize a four page set of responses to excuses why the consumer can't buy, won't buy, or otherwise. Believe me, I could see this wasn't going to be an honest effort. I quit after just a few days. In my book, if a person wants the product, fine. If not then I'll go on my way. I just couldn't perform the ripoff tactics that were taught to salespeople in order to separate customers from their money. After-sales concern for a customer? HA. The manager had his own dictionary of names he used for customers...he was a real sleaze. The vacuum itself is a real overpriced, clumsy, heavy and hard to maintain piece of equipment. It doesn't work any better than your $200 vacuum you can get at walmart or sears. I really feel for the lady that got ripped off, and I hope she can sell it. I would suggest to anyone who is being pressured to buy anything they don't really want (be it a vacuum, car or whatever) to just be mean. THAT is what it takes to get rid of the pest. Don't worry about what they say or how rude they are, at least you aren't out any money. Great websites like this one can then be used to expose the critters for what they are and warn others to be wary. By the way, Kirby is a subsidiary of the Scott & Fetzer company. I've seen another product line that is sold by them using the same sleazy sales tactics. Everyone would be wise to avoid any product sold by Scott & Fetzer. They're a big company, but they didn't get that way by having a good product in any line...


About Not Using Your Kirby

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2005

Don't feel too bad about not using your Kirby, they don't work particularly well anyway. You can pretty much do as well with a broom, and you won't have to change the belt every 15 minutes.

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