  • Report:  #1315109

Complaint Review: American Made Solar and Wind - brownsville Texas

Reported By:
“America Made Solar and Wind” Ripping Off America - brownsville, Texas, USA

American Made Solar and Wind
brownsville, Texas, USA
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“America Made Solar and Wind” Ripping Off America


By: Pissed Off “REAL” Solar Contractors - Vote For Trump

American Solar and Wind is a lie from the first word “American”. Let’s talk about that. “Mardel Souza” or “Alex Pena” is from Mexico and he buys his junk solar from China. So what is American about that?

“American Made Solar and Wind” receives contracts from Local, City, and State governments when Alex or Mardel or the combinations of them both have NO CONTRACTORS LICENSE and his business American Made Solar and Wind is not even a registered business. So how does he get these contracts? Paying officials a kick back is one possible way? Fraudulent business practices are the only other way? American Made Solar and Wind Brownsville is stealing millions of dollars from American tax payers and it will not stand!

The documents below will show that Mardel Souza and Alex Pena (same person) accept City and State solar

contracts and then purchases cheap solar garbage from China not even approved for the U.S.A with mine and your tax money. In fact you will also see that after being paid for the contracts the install jobs never get finished and to make it worse he rips off his own sub contractors and doesn’t pay them. These are facts that the documentation below will show.

Mr. Pena or Mardel Souza will most likely get indicted by Washington Lawyers for falsifying his interest in anti dumping laws while peddling sub standard solar panels and garbage from China contradicting the exact laws he signed and pledged to abide by. Alex Pena is bypassing US laws and importing junk Chinese solar panels after signing a coalition to stop Chinese importation of unsafe or ecological damaging solar panels. He is killing our children, ripping us contractors off, importing sub standard junk and then laughing all the way to the bank. Well the joke is on us tax payers now but when his accounts are seized and his business shut down we will have the last laugh.

If you have purchased solar panels from America Made Solar and Wind take a real look at them and see where they came from. They were from a sweat shop in China and the people that installed them most likely get paid. Is that who you want to do business with?

We Trump supporters are creating a coalition against these exact people that decide its ok to put our jobs, family’s health and future on the line to make a buck! We will not stand for it! Brownsville Texas operates a little different than most USA cities and it is not on the We The People, it operates on 98% Mexicans spilling over the boarders into America, including corruption they bring.

This will be exposed by our large group that chooses not to be sucked into the black hole of Southern Texas stemming from Brownsville extending far North into America and South of the boarders of Mexico. We are watching you Mardel Souza Inc. American Made Solar and Wind Technologies, Mexico Whisky, Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Pena Diaz ”Including many other aliases”

You will be exposed with proof the real frauds you are and what you are taking away from me, my family, my fellow taxpayers and my country! No more companies will suffer or get sucked in by exposing the truth behind the Mexican WALL in the life of Mardel Souza, Alex Pena and Elizabeth Diaz Pena aka Ellie or Ely Diaz/ Pena



Support USA workers and LICENSED businesses and avoid “America made solar and wind” and “Mardel Souza”, “Alex Pena” and “Elizabeth Diaz Pena”

VOTE TRUMP! Make America Great Again!



Authorizing the City Manager to execute a design-build contract, not to exceed $250,000.00, with Mardel Souza, Inc., DBA Atlantis Solar Texas, of Brownsville, Texas, to provide for the design-build of a 21 Kilowatt photovoltaic solar array rooftop mounted read more:




Today we came out across a situation that is becoming more frequent than it should. A solar system produced more amps than its design was intended. This is good news/bad news. Good news because the customer will get more KWh per day as a result of the overproduction of solar panels. Bad news because the production of more than 60 amps is tripping the electrical protections that the read more:



Cameron Count y meeting Maredl Souza ripoff given over 1 MILLION DOLLARS whew! Read more:




American made wind and solar awarded contract read more:



American Made solar and wind robbing other people products and names. Watch the video:



A section 701 (countervailing duty) & 731 (antidumping duty) petition was filed on the last day of 2013 (12/31/2013) on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Products from People’s Republic of China (AD & CVD) and Taiwan (AD) by Wiley Rein LLP on behalf of SolarWorld Industries America Inc. A list of companies cited in the petition and a copy of the General Issues and Injury section narrative of the petition are below. READ MORE:



The honorable Rebecca M. Blank 2011 read more:



Document case number a-570-010 read more:



SEC. 846. PROCUREMENT OF PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES. (a) CONTRACT REQUIREMENT.—The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that each contract described in subsection (b) awarded by the Department of Defense includes a provision requiring the photovoltaic devices provided under the contract to comply with the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. 10a et seq.), subject to the exceptions to that Act provided in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (19 U.S.C. 2501 et seq.) or otherwise provided by law. READ MORE: http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/dod-must-buy-american-made-not-chinese-solar-panels

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Customer Service

Thanks for the recommendation!

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 05, 2016

At Mardel Souza, we are sorry that you came across this report. 

The author of this report, hides behind an IP address (which is embedded on this message so we know who he is) and does not provide his real name (which we could post).

He used to be a supplier for us, and he is mad that we didnt keep buying from him due to his deceptive practices and criminal behavior. 

We apologize, but this supplier didnt meet the quality and American Made  and ARRA compliant Standards that we require from our suppliers.

We also feel that this report actually helps us and recommend us, since the author is actually providing a list of proved and happy customers that you can contact to get the actual feedback.

Thank you for that!


If you want to contact us for more information please write to:

Mardel Souza Inc

**** *** *** **

Brownsville Texas




[email protected]

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