  • Report:  #205318

Complaint Review: American Towel; Towel Daddy; Eric Larson - myway.com - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Greensbo, North Carolina,

American Towel; Towel Daddy; Eric Larson - myway.com
2134 W. Sunset Blvd Ste 112A Los Angeles, 90012 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Approximately 3 weeks ago I was searching the internet for a business opportunity. I went to google and typed in keywords affordable franchises. I went to a site called franchises.com, and chose the lower end $100-$1000 investment opportunities.

I came across one that was titled American Towel USA. if you go to americantowelusa.com, you will see a nice website with products that you can readily order and then down on the bottom right corner is the business opportunity. First of all, I checked on franchise.com that I wanted to be contacted by this company; However I went a step further, and contacted the name of the contact person given on the site, Eric Larson.

I called him, and he then directed me to americantowel.net, which he said was all about the opportunity. So I forgot about the original site I was at, and began reading his site, americantowel.net. I didn't make an immediate decision, I waited a couple of weeks and thought about it, and after a few weeks had totally forgotten about the initial site I was at to compare the two sites. By the way, a few days after I checked that I wanted to be contacted I did get another call from Eric , so I was put further at ease, thinking this is all ok, this is the same guy.

Eric told at the initial conversation that he had a new site built for distributors, that was going to hold 900 products, but he has 250,000. He claims he has 20-30 years experience in the business.

Let me just briefly explain what the opportunity is. This is a towel and scrub supply business. "Eric" told me that for $100 I was buying a distributorship another $100.00 I was getting a sample kit of products, $300 were for 500 post cards and labels which were to be sent to targeted businesses in my area, and $600.00 was for my own website and hosting for 1 year. So for $1100.00 I was starting my business.

First flag, I asked to see one of his distributor sites, he never supplied that. he has a sample site, on his site, but there are no products there. On July 28th I mailed a check to him for $100.00 for the application/distributorship made out to Towel Daddy on August 5th he emailed me and said I was accepted and for me to contact him. he gave me a link to his back office where I could get the price list.

He asked me to overnight a check to him for $1000.00 for the remainder. I wondered why he wanted it so quickly and all of a sudden there was a rush. He promised to send me a link that night to start on the training. I went ahead and overnighted the check to him.

The next morning I had not heard anything from him, he did not send the link nor returned any emails. I checked my bank account and the $100.00 check had cleared. I have access on my bank acct, where I can view my checks online, so I viewed the check, and he had altered the check, I had to enlarge the check to see that he had added, GOLFDUDE INCORPORATED. I thought o my gosh what is this. So I immediately went to golfdude.com. and these words I read kinda made me sick "I am an aspiring PGA TOUR professional and play everyday. I need money for tournaments, pay my bills, food, and have fun. I also have a family" He had another business going on, which nothing is wrong with having more than one business, but if he golfs all day and needs someone to pay his bills, where was the time to help me in mine?

At this point I didn't know whether it was on the up and up or not, so until I could really know for sure, I stopped payment on the $1000.00 check and began to investigate further.

I began googling his business names, and his name. First of all he is using a Los Angeles Cell phone,213-880-7863

and also he has on his website to contact him at 718-502-6233. The 718 is the number he had me calling him at, when I checked that number out, it is a landline in New York, New York, I am waiting on a report to find out where exactly that number is located and who it belongs to. If I am calling a land line in New York, and mailing a check to California, am I dealing with two people?

With the assistance of my best friend, we found news wires submitted by americantowel.net about an exploding opportunity in the towel and scrub industry, and mentioned that the system was started by a Howard Leventhal 20 years ago and combined they have 30 years experience. At this point I also began trying to find out something about Howard Leventhal.

After hours and hours of researching I couldn't come up with anything except I didn't have a good feeling, I had an altered check, and I had a New York landline, when he said he lived in Los Angeles. It didn't all add up, but it just wasn't enough.

Finally the two word business I never googled or searched was American supply. I went to google and I got it, http://www.towels-scrubs.com/ American supply. THIS was the website I originally saw, my adrenaline was pumping. It came back to me, THIS was the business I originally wanted to get in. What had happened? what went wrong?

When I clicked on Business information and Contact information, THERE IT WAS, Howard Leventhal

. I sat there and read everything, looking for some kind of affiliation with Eric Larson. Are they partners? What the heck is going on?

After reading and overcoming my shock, I emailed Howard Leventhal and asked him if he was affiliated with Eric Larson?

Howard Leventhal's site plan was as follows:

Distributor: $250

500 Cards: $200

500 Labels: $100

Webstore: $500

Hosting: $100

Total: $1150

Eric had only charged me only $100 for the distributorship. The plans were different and Howard's site was so nice and the products were all there, and the plan was so simply laid out.

I even went a step further, Howard's phone number was on the site, I decided to call him. He answered. I asked him if he was partners with Eric Larson. He said that Eric Larson bought a distributorship from him a few months ago and has yet to fulfill his terms of the agreement.

The facts I have since learned from a very lengthy conversation with Mr Leventhal put the pieces all together for me.

The day I went to franchise.com i went to The distributorship site that Eric Larson bought from Howard leventhal through American Supply. That site is listed on the internet as americantowelusa.com That is the site that a distributor coming into American Supply will receive. You get to name your own site, YOU are the contact person and get full credit for everything that is purchased on that site. If someone joins American Supply through your site, you receive a commission and Howard trains them and you receive a percentage of their sales.

What eric has done, He has created a copy site, he has actually take some of Howard's pictures, and has even used the references from Howard's site on his own site. Eric has 0 experience in the towel business, his 0 experience combined with Howard's 30 years gives him 30 years experience (LOL)

What Eric is doing is copying Howards proven system to validate his own and has broken his agreement with Howard. I thought I was signing up for American Supply, but Eric used the pretense and store front of American Supply to take my money and place me in American Towel, Towel Daddy or "GOLFDUDE" I dont know what his plans were, I didn't let him take the $1000.00 for me to find out.

I will tell you that, while on the phone with Howard on that call, Howard three wayed a call to Eric with me listening,(Eric did not know I was listening) He asked Eric where was the sample kits? where was he going to get his post cards and labels? Eric never answered.

Bottom line, Eric is using the American Supply website to draw you, and then placing you into his own business, that he has no experience in, and has no website in place and no cards and labels ready or in place. Tell me, Would you invest???


Greensbo, North Carolina

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
More From The Owner

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 28, 2006

Apparently Howard does not like that I own my own Towel Supply Business. That and the fact he said 9 out of ten of his distributors fail was unacceptable to me. That's why I have partnered with friends who have been in the business for over 21 years. We deliver. I have been in sales and marketing for 30 years, and know the car wash industry inside and out. I understand this business, and can help anyone start a successful home based towel supply business. Since Howard has elected to post here, I will handle his comments in 3 steps. 1) About the above customer Kim who started this complaint, I will post her last three most recent e-mails to me. 2) My story and relationship with Howard. 3) My complaints to the better business bureau on Howard, and to Paypal for my refund of $800 I am asking for. Now here are my posts on these three issues. 1) Here is the 1st email I received from Kim after I refunded her $100. Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 02:43:04 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: Your Business well, it's quite funny, I hear more from you than I do from Howard :/ Honestly, I gave my very last extra cash to get into this, finally got the post cards corrected, and sent back to me. I had spent $240 to send the first ones out, and they all had the wrong info on them. So, now I am having to make extra cash to be able to remail them out. I have been just giving the cards out to business's in the area, and many say the next time they order they will order from me. WE have a huge super flea here at the coliseum once a month, and I want to be able to buy enough product to do a display and also sell from there and get some exposure. (sorry) I didnt mean to rattle here, (but you asked ;) I am sorry I misjudged you Eric, I do think there was some miscommunication, and I think maybe you were just starting and breaking away from Howard. I am not sure, but I think that is what was happening. If that is the case, and I had known, I think I could have really helped, but I have been burned in so many business's its unbelievable, and here again, I have no support and I can make this work, but I feel I am out here alone. I am bipolar, I have for the most part gotten it under control, more good days than bad, I have to work something that when I do have a bad day, I have the choice of staying home. On the good days, I am an incredible producer. I have learned how to live with it, and live life the best I can, I just need the tools and support to make that happen. sorry if that sounded whiny, I just wanted you to know where I am coming from. Take care and thank you for responding to everything so wonderfully, wish I had done things differently. KIM Now her second e-mail to me: Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 09:27:35 PM EDT From: To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Howard made the mistake, not me, and all he said was sorry, and when I said you should refund the postage, all he said was to go and contact the people I mailed them to. I thought the purpose of the cards was to get instant business. I am not lazy and fully intend on going out and working, but my plan was to make a call on the leads that were interested. Not only did he mess up the post cards, but every label was printed on the back of the sheet, they were printed on the side that could not be peeled, which also caused another delay. Just seems everything was done very unprofessionally. Eric, I have a best friend who is an expert on website design and graphics, and she can read the back page (whatever you call it),, and she went in, and Howard had disable my site from being able to be found on search engines. My best friend, took hours and hours and did the work to put me on all the major search engines, and when all was said and done, he had my site deactivated from being put on search engines. When I question him, he always gives me a one word answer something to the effect of just do the business. I am just put out with it, dont even know where to go with it, and I am sure you are saying I told you so, and I am just sitting here feeling like an idiot, that I paid $800 for the original plus the $240 in postage and still dont have anything. Am I missing something? I looked at your site a few weeks ago, i saw the new one you are talking about, the only question I have is I didnt see where there was a buy now and checkout plan. Has that been added, and if not when do you plan to add it. I am very methodical Eric, I need a step by step plan, and if given that I can go to town with it, I thought Howard had the experience and had paved the way, but all I got was a one page guide, that basically told me nothing. I want some real expertise, maybe thats not out there, maybe I am grasping for something that doesn't exist. I have always just wanted to make an honest living in MY own business, the only hold back I have not had the capital to get started, that is why I was interested in this to start with. I will check out your site tonite, Thanks Kim Her Last e-mail to me: Date: Thu 19 Oct 2006 04:53:52 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Hi Eric, I received the check today, thank you so much. I haven't had time this week to take a look at your new site, my daughter has been home on fall break and this has been the first time she has ever left home, so I have spent all my time with her. So things are calming down, and I will look again. I would like to know what your involvement is with Howard now, and how much time you would be willing to devote to me and my business. I guarantee you I don't want something for nothing, I just need the support and expertise, I am and always have been a 100% go getter. I just feel I need the support and guidance at this, seeing as I have never been in this industry before, and a one page manual and saying"just do the business" is not enough for me. I would like to know why you would even be interested in working with me after all that has happened. I must say, if you had been a con, you woulda been long gone by now, but you have stuck right in there and I must say that has impressed me quite a bit. On the other hand, you coulda washed your hands of me and are still willing to make a generous offer to help and that honestly blows me away. Again I do apologize for the way I handled things and for rushing into making accusations without just coming to you with my concerns. If I were to come on board with you, I just don't want anymore of the pull between the two businesses. I want one or the other. I don't like confusion, and I tend to run. Is Howard completely out of the picture or is he someone who will be an affiliate of yours and someone that I will contstanly running up with? sorry, Part of me wants to say screw all this, but somehow I am just amazed and finally believe someone would trully help me and teach me to be successful. Thanks for you time Kim I wish I had Kim as a customer. I think she is a really nice person and I wish her all the luck, she will do good. 2) My story with Howard: This is a rather lengthy summary of my relations with Howard Leventhall and American supply, however this is important information. I urge you to read all of this to get a better idea of all the facts. Some of the most important information is at the bottom of the page, so please read all the way through... Then you will be able to make an intelligent decision about our companies. Here is my relationship with Howard Leventhal. On 3/2006 I purchased a Towel distributorship from Howard at American Supply, I spent $800, and received a website for my money. I was also to receive training. After having the site for about a month, Howard began to get agitated, because I wasn??t selling any of his business opportunity packages to the general public. He seemed annoyed that I wasn??t successfully marketing his business opportunity. I told him if I never sold a package ever, he should be happy, because I sent him his $800, and he was richer for that. I told him this was my site I paid for it, and any sales that I made were gravy on his plate for him. Then about a month later, as I was looking at my site, I noticed that Howard put his paypal information on my site. In other words if someone were to send money for the business opportunity, Howard would now receive the money, not me, as we agreed. This would cut me out of my share of the money. I was spending cash on advertising, however being cut out of the most important part-??the money??. I am not sure how long this went on, or if he even had any sales from my site. However he did put this information on my site, so I must ask what were his intentions? I could only guess. Also, I have no way of tracking any sales he made. When I confronted Howard, he denied this happened, became very mad then hung up the phone. I tried calling him back 3 times, however he never answered. Later he said that he didn??t do this Heather his web designer did. When I asked why she would do this, he really didn??t have an answer. I reminded him any actions by his employees are his responsibility. Also it didn??t make any sense to me why she would do this at all unless instructed to do so. I told Howard that because of these actions, and others detailed below, I was pursuing other factories, options, and developing my own website. I also joined forces with friends who have been in the import export business for 21 years. Howard didn??t like this, and removed my website from the internet. When I bought this business distributorship package from Howard, he told me if I sold his various business plans he would pay me a set commission. To get off on the right foot I asked Howard if he had a contract, a written document to verify our relationship. He said no, however that I could write him an e-mail and he would agree to that. These e-mails between Howard and I are posted here. In these e-mails you will see our agreement and how Howard has breeched this contract 3 times Other than these e-mails there is no contract, no non-compete clauses, no written document at all. After coming to terms we later settled our differences. I decided to give his business opportunity another try. We kissed and made up, and then he reposted my website at the end of July 06. I sent him several e-mails detailing an outline and guidelines of our agreement, an email contract if you will, and he seemed to agree with them all. So off we went again. When I called him on 9-03-06 to inform him my new site was complete at www.toweldaddy.com he must have flipped after he got off the phone. This is is why I??m writing this document today. My site located at www.americantowelusa.com is no longer mine, which I paid $800 for, now the domain name is forwarded into his site for the second time he has dropped me. However when I phoned him on Monday, September 3rd he seemed in a good mood. I had just paid him $350 in agreed royalties on businesses I had just sold, and our conversation was cordial. Then two days later he took my site down again, apparently mad that I had my own company. In fact my site from him has worked for only a total of 2 months out of the 6 months I have ??owned?? the site. Seems like a refund is due here. That means any customers of mine that have my web address, or any potential customers of mine will be sent to him. Any money that I have spent from advertising he would benefit from. Because of his actions, and his breach of his verbal contracts, I have created my own company, separate of his located at Howard has agreed to the creation of this company. Here I will detail the e-mails of our agreement, and the e-mails that followed after he took my site down again. I can only figure that he is jealous that I have my own site. Howard feels he has a corner on the market, and doesn??t want any competition. He also says that he ??wrote the book?? on the towel supply business. Not really. Howard??s claim to fame is that he once owned two towel stores, not anymore. Then he figured out an easier way to make money. Sell distributorships, not towels, then sell more distributorships. I think Howard kind of forgot about the towels. I have friends in the import export business I am affiliated to, that has been around for 21 years. We import towels, supplies, and all kinds of products. A real business. I think he just couldn??t handle that. Other than his breach of verbal contract, there were two other disturbing events that led me to the creation of my own website. As part of my $800 package that I bought, Howard sent me a sample pack, of his towels, and supplies. I was dismayed when I saw the towels, paper thin and of poor quality, the threads were running and the chef hat was flimsy at best. I realized then that I could never sell his product to anyone and really feel good about it. They were terrible. I have a best friend that owns one of the biggest Car washes in California. I know this business inside and out. I could never even think of selling these towels to him. The weight of the towels, the quality, the fact that they are not lint free towels and the price truly was way out of line. I was sick thinking about selling these towels, and that knowing there wouldn??t be anybody making money from the business opportunity. Also the car washes etc. would never even buy these towels. At all. Howard always claims that cheap hotels need cheap towels. This is kind of true. I must say while the cheap hotels need a less expensive towel. They certainly don??t need a poor quality towel. A cheap towel would also be a good quality towel, like a white 22 x 44 6lb towel. This towel is perfect for a cheap hotel, where the towels walk, however if manufactured correctly, the right quality can still be a good towel. There were several other disturbing things that Howard said to me. On different phone calls over time, on various occasions he said the following to me. He said that he sells all of his new clients using the ??puppy dog close?? He said that people like to feel in control, and that he discovered this is the easiest way they would buy from him. Call him and you??ll see, he will be ??sweet as apple pie?? Then if any of his clients complain or are not doing well, or if they confront Howard, as you will see in the following e-mails, he is no puppy dog at all. So much so that people really don??t like to deal with him, and can??t handle the abuse to pursue their money back. That is his MO. Which is how he has survived for so many years. I hate to say this because it is kind of funny, but sounds like Jekyll & Hyde. However I can??t fault Howard. Maybe it??s all the pain medication he said he is taking everyday for his bad back. Must be making him crazy. However this is a bitter combination that most people can not handle. Look if Howard has been around 30 years, and has been selling distributorships like crazy, then he has enough money from selling towels and supplies through his distributorships to retire. His 4% royalty should be more than enough for him to live comfortably for a long time. However this is not the case. Because nobody is selling product. Howard told me that 9 out of ten of his distributors fail. That is an alarming rate, and made me sick. However he told me more. He said that he didn??t have a business checking account. That he cashes his distributors checks at the local market and gas station. That really sounded fly by night to me. He laughed when he told me he made only $11,500 on the books last year. (Howard mentioned in another conversation he actually makes $20,000 a month selling distributorships.) He laughed even more when he said to me ??Eric, I only made $11,500 by the books last year?? then said ??give me a break, I just remolded my kitchen for $3500, this business is great, I love this?? I am sure the government would love to hear about this. Howard went on to say that he had to keep selling businesses, because this is the only way he could make money. When you put this all together, all combined, very shaky at best. I couldn??t sell his system and feel at all good. This is why I chose to build my own site. Before revealing the confidential e-mails between Howard and myself, I would like to back track a little. I was introduced to this business by a good friend of mine, Bob Armstrong. Bob is one of the nicest people I know. He is a family man, has several children, one is currently in the military, the other just graduated and is a chiropractor. Great person, and has been involved in his local community, coaching children??s baseball, basketball, and sells advertising for the local TV station. Bob was also excited about this business. This is going back about 1-2 years ago in 2004. He was so excited in fact he and his wife drove to Ash Fork, Az. To meet Howard. Bob told me Howard doesn??t have an office and met Bob at a greasy spoon restaurant outside of Ash Fork where Howard lives. Bob came away from the meeting hopefully optimistic. However when he got home, Howard mailed him a sample box of towels, he also became dismayed over the quality of the towels. He also decided right then and there he would fully research Howard??s system to see if it was viable. Bob then began crunching numbers based on the cost of the towels, the selling price of the towels, the profit margins, and comparables and realized that this business wouldn??t work. Bob told me about this business a year later and I was also intrigued. Against my better judgment I joined Howard??s program. I liked the simplicity of the system. However I soon realized this was fools Gold. Not real money. Howard trips on many spots. He makes income claims all over the website, which can??t be proved, and which are shaky at best according to FTC regulations. The Attorney General shuns such claims, especially when unsubstantiated and the apparent ease in which to make the money. Any opportunity seeker can easily fall into this trap and purchase his program. Think about it, big money, easy business, puppy dog close. Tempting right? If you don??t believe me try him. Read his website then call him, and you decide. See if you fall under his spell. Truly Hard for even the savviest business people to resist trying. Now here are all the emails between Howard and I, since March: Here is the original transaction payment from paypal to Howard for the $800 Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:17:02 -0800 Subject: Receipt for your Payment To: "Eric Larson" From: "[email protected]" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Dear Eric Larson, Your payment for $800.00 USD to howardleventhal@( left blank )has been sent. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $800.00 USD Transaction ID: 6A2002208U8 Subject: Money Note: Hello Howard. Here is the $800 for the Biz pkg. Eric Larson After that we had many phone conversations as documented above. The next e-mail correspondence began in May 2006 after Howard took my site down for the first time, then re-posted to the internet. Here are the conversations that followed: On this first e-mail, Howard and I spoke on the phone to resolve our differences, and to agree on a commission amount he would pay me for each sale. Here is his e-mail: I will call this e-mail: Howard 1 Date: Tue 20 May 2003 01:44:00 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: contract hi Eric per converstion, you will get on plan 1. a 200 comm, on plan 2 you get a 275 dollar comm, on plan 3 you get a 575 comm, on plan 4 you get a 900 dollar comm, and on plan 5 you get a 1,800 comm, the balance goes to howard leventhal on each plan, write it up and sign it and send it in, also if any of my people purchase any of your other products i would like a 2 percent per month on that volume, maybe we can expand even more. howard we make more money together, thanks howard My response to this email was as follows: I will call e-mail: Eric 1 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 12:02:20 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello Howard. I have no problem agreeing to the commission amount you have set forth. However I want you to know that this is not an exclusive agreement. I have other factories I have contracted, and do work with them also. I am having another site built to sell these products, this site will have no information of yours. If this is fine with you we can move foward with our agreement and you can repost my website to the internet. Any sales generated from this site we will share. If this is not agreeable, you can reduce my website to a wholesale site only and I will not sell business. I will also remove anything from my website that is business related to your site. Please let me know how you want to proceed with this matter. Eric Howard 2 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 01:52:42 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi, i have no problem with you selling other products, i am only interested in you setting people up in the business with my system and flyers and web site and my pictures etc. thats my focus, i wrote you our deal, write it up and send it and start sending in orders for new distributors. i get 50 per dist, 250 for web site, 50 for hosting, 75 for labels and the post cards vary a little depending on volume which i wrote in the larger deals. thanks h Eric 2 Here I am not sure if Howard understands what I am doing. So I try to be perfectly clear. Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:29:04 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Let me be sure again Howard. I have contracts with other factories. These contracted products are also sold by distributorships. These will be done by a seperate website not related to yours. In this case I will be selling another business opportunity - other than yours. I will have two business opportunity websites. The website I bought from you will be shared orders, and dollars with you. If somebody orders from my other business opportunity website that will be for my other factories. Your website will only contain your information and the customer will get your postcards website and service. We will divide the money as you have proposed. The second website will have none of your business information and will not cantain any references to your company, this customer will get a different website different postcards and different information. Eric Howard 3 He finally agrees to me selling my other business opportunity website, Then he kind of avoids the issue by saying, ??if you want to sell other products?? changing the issue again. However my e-mail is clear, and he agrees to my e-mail by saying ??that??s fine.?? Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:47:39 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail thats fine, as i said my pictures , my business info and you pay me for those people you set up that buy my business set up, that has been the deal since day one, now you get a little more, i will have 2 sites for you. thanks h i only set the people up with dade towel as per original agreement, if you want to sell other products i have never said no, so lets move on, send me people and money and i will build the sites and get the cards and labels done. thanks h Eric 3 I figured I would give it the old college try, just in case Howard did not understand me. Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 03:08:33 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Howard To clarify. Website #1 from your company includes business info everything. Website # 2 is a wesite I am having built - another business opportunity website - not from you. I only need the one website from you. Do you see? Eric Howard 4 Finally a complete agreement Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 01:21:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail whatever you want. like i said if you use my business info and pictures , i have the new business plans in which you make more money, whatever else you want to sell on the side is your business. you are not allowed to use my pictures , or business plan on any other site without my agreement , you know that. . so if you want to sell my businesses then lets do it, thanks h Eric 4 Now I confirm our agreement Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 05:31:30 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Looks like we have a Deal Howard. I will write commission schedule and foward to you. I need to redesign sales page on other site. I will work on that now then foward agreement. Be a few days to redesign-talk to you soon. Eric Larson After I wrote this e-mail I realized we already had a written agreement. He wrote an e-mail about commissions, to which I had agreed. I wrote an e-mail saying I was going to have a separate website to sell my own Business Opportunities. He agreed. I was done. I finished corrections on my site and we were on our way. I am not even sure if these e-mail contracts are legal and binding, however I am sure they were clear agreements and we understood each other??s intentions.- Eric Howard 5 I always get the feeling he is avoiding the subject, because he only wants to talk about me selling products, not the business opportunity on my website. However my e-mails are clear, and I have to go with this. Here is his response: Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 07:03:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail sounds ok, i have been ready since day one, and now you want to handle more items, thats fine , but remember having the drop shipping system is what we sell, i hope you sell a lot of products. thanks h Now we will fast forward to August our next e-mail correspondence. We continued to talk on the phone, so at times was not necessary to do e-mails. After this June 14th (above) e-mail from Howard, he verbally told me that he was making some changes to his site, and my new site would be running on August 6th. I remember when he told me this because I was on my cell phone at the time, and was playing Golf on July 3rd - he said ??also I hope you have a happy fourth of July?? to me. I waited three weeks after that and had no site working. Finally at the end of July Howard phoned me and said he would have my new site at www.americantowel.com running soon. I thought he disappeared and backed out of our contract. He said no just busy making changes to his site. I told him fine, get my site running, anybody that buys from his site I would share commissions with him. Here are the e-mails that followed after my site was posted at the end of July, 2006. Eric 5 After I spoke to him on the phone, I wrote this e-mail Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 01:37:48 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello, I thought you left. 3 weeks ago my site was to be running... Anyway I will run a few small ads next month for this site. Hopefully somthing will happen The home page has a one word sentence that needs to be corrected, and all postcards not showing on links Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 6 His response, nice and cordial Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 02:04:48 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi eric, glad you are ok, i will get those things fixed, we have re done the entire site now with 1000 items, i am selling stores now also, so you should do real well. thanks h Now we fast forward to August: While my site (Howard??s and mine) was down, I began selling distributorships on my own website, as agree to by Howard. Because I wanted a good working relationship with him, I phoned him and also said that any business opportunities I sell from my website at I would give him a royalty. This way he would make money from my website shared with him and my website too. I threw this in a sign of good faith, and thought this would help further our relationship. We help each other and we both succeed. However the reality of my new website must have started sinking in. He seemed to forget our previous agreement. I think this is called ??selective memory?? Anyway I told him on a couple of deals I sold I would pay him a royalty, because these two new distributors never saw his site, and did not want to switch to another site or factory. They were perfectly happy with my site, my company, and my products. So I forwarded him a $350 royalty payment for these two accounts. This is why I agreed to pay Howard a royalty each time. He couldn??t loose, and made money either way when I sold a business. I thought he was happy, however I found out differently as shown in the following e-mails. Howard 7 Date: Thu 24 Aug 2006 09:01:10 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: remind you over 2 weeks ago you told me there was a 300 dollar check coming to do a website and cards, also you said when the big check cleared i would have 1800 and do the web site and cards and labels, now it seems that you are doing your own thing, you agreed that after the check cleared you would change your web site, you can alway put in whatever words you have now on my site, but now you want your own postcard company, so it seems, that i worked many years to fine tune this and you are doing your own thing, you agreed to be with me, and now you are making another web site, so tomorrow, you said i would have money , i am hoping you do what you said and we move forward, i cannot support another web site that competes with me, and that seems to be whats happening, if you are going to have another site, then thats fine but none of my pictures are allowed by law without my approval which i have not given, so i feel as of today , not to positive i will see what you promissed several times, tomorrow in the deals you said dont worry , howard Eric 7 Here I confirm my phone conversation with Howard about the Royalties. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:14:01 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Helo Howard, I run ads for your site www.americantowelusa.com, any deals I get we share as agreed. If anyone buys from my other site, I will still pay you a royalty, and you do nothing. Either way you make money. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 8 Again Howard forgets we have a contract that we both must follow. Now he says he can??t compete with me??? He already agreed to the second site and looks like he wants to change the rules. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:22:08 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you eric, my focus was that , you promissed 2 deals which are not here, and if you want to add some products we can to my site, i cant compete and work with you, you are stealing my business plan which up until you spoke with me, knew nothing about this business, now i am getting nothing, i havent seen a dime, so i hope you keep your word that today i will see the money, h Here Howard seems to think you can patent a business idea. - Eric Eric 8 He wants more money-doesn??t like the idea I have my own site, and doesn??t like the idea I have two companies, so I sent this e-mail. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:36:32 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Howard, These two accounts came in when we were on sabattical from each other. They have never seen your site. When I showed t to them, they said no-they want my site my products etc...Nothing I can do. I will foward $200 royalty for the $3800.00 plan, and you can keep the full $150 commission from the Kimberly Bullis plan. Let me know how you want me to send the money. Keep an open heart Howard, we will both do very well this year. The other alternative is to sever the relationship, remove the www.americantowelusa.com site, return my $800 then we will go our seperate ways. Since you have already receive $800 from me, you shouldnn't even care if I ever send you another deal. My site right? I paid $800 for the site. Mine. If I don't use it don't worry. Mine. If I do we both make money. I plan on using your site to advertise and make money. You call the shots, let me know if you want to continue our relationship. The pictures are all mine on my current website, and on my new website, don't worry about that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 9 Now he is waiting for money from the two deals I offered to him while I had no website running. I sent him $200 through paypal, and he receivied another $150 from me from a shared deal from a client named ??Kim?? Therefore he received a Royalty of $350 from me, and these two clients never even saw his site. Not a bad deal, or so I thought, just look at what happens here in the following e-mails. Date: Sat 26 Aug 2006 07:55:10 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: money well your check cleared tuesday, and now you have not kept your word 2 times, so western union me my money this morning, my name in williams arizona, every penny you have taken in, is because i taught you this business, you really have a funny way of thanking someone, h. Yes I did thank him, by giving him $800 for a website and for training, now another $350, this is not free you know. - Eric Eric 9 Howard called me in a panic on August 26th, looking for his money; I was at Universal Studios at the time. He said he received no money and wanted desperately me to send the cash. I told him it was sent, and to look in his e-mail receipt payment from my wife??s account. He called back a few minutes later and apologized he had received his money. Also he kept $150 of mine from the Kim account. Receipt for your Payment Inbox [email protected] to meMore options Aug 26 Your payment for $200.00 USD to [email protected] has been sent. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $200.00 USD Transaction ID: 59G891365M80 Subject: Royalty Note: This is Royalty Payment #1 $200.00 for a gold account. Let's have a good year Thanks Howard. Eric Larson Now he waits for 2 weeks to respond to me. I phone him on Tuesday, Sept. 5th to tell him my new site at www.toweldaddy.com was fully functional and working. I knew he probably wouldn??t like this; however deals a deal, and I wanted to be the first to tell him. He seemed to accept what I was saying, and I only discovered days later he cut my site off at www.americantowelusa.com again. Never called me, never discussed anything, never asked me any questions, just shut my site down again. I called him on the 7th after discovering my site was down. He seemed agitated and said to me ??when you just want to do business with me, call me, otherwise I can??t work with you.?? A clear breach of his contract. HERE ARE THE E-MAILS THAT FOLLOWED THIS Phone Call on September 7th, 2006 ?V THIS IS WHERE IT GETS REALLY GOOD: Howard told me on the phone that there were 2 pictures on my site that were his. He told me the two and I have removed them. Again he claims these are 2 out of the hundreds if not thousands of pictures on my site. If he were really only mad about these two pictures, it wouldn??t make sense to me that he would remove my site. I had just paid Howard a $350 royalty, so he stood to make money, my site is pure from his pictures and was created from the ground floor. You compare the two sites, his at www.americantowelusa.com, and mine at www.toweldaddy.com I think he was just jealous, and didn??t want the competition, even though he was making money from me!!!???. Who else would cut their head off in spite of themselves? My site is obviously different than his, and all he had to do was talk to me, I would have gladly removed the two pictures he ??claims?? are his. However I removed them anyway. Now take a look at the following e-mails as Howard??s true color comes out. I must warn you however this is not a pretty site. Eric 10 Trying to save relationship Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 01:38:46 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of my site at towel daddy is free from your pictures. You claim there is 1 scrub picture that you own the rights to. If this is true I will remove that picture from my website. Now your telling me because there is 1 picture out of over 5000 products on my site that you take down my other shared site at american towel USA, doesn't make any logical sense to me. Logical is the word here. You've already agreed in an e-mail that I could do this. Your getting royalities even if I sell from my site. Any sales from American Towea USA site we have made an agreement for the numbers to be shared. You make money any way you look at it. Nobody would cut a site off because of one picture if these arangements were made. Doesn't make any sense. I think the real reason you took my site down without even informing me was because you didn't like the fact that I have my own site. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Nobody would cut their head off, especially if they were going to make money-royalities, or shared sales. This is why I had to build my site in the first place. You put on my origional site "Send all PayPal payments to [email protected]. You claim to have no knowledge of this happening. I suppose you have no knowledge of my site being pilled a second time. "Heather must of made a mistake again" right Howard. Come on give me a break. Let's review. I paid you $800.00 for a website and training. I have had my site for a total of 2 months out of 6 months. I asked for a contract when we started ouyt , you said"I don't do contracts" however you said if you "want to write somthing out I will agree to it". I have written 5 e-mails detailing my intentions and you agreed to every e-mail. You have shut my site down twice, this time in the middle of advertising-are you stealing my clients again. Third if this continues I have to ask for my $800 returned -this way I don't have to send a letter to PayPal disputing claims, and fowarding all documentation and e-mails to them. Let them figure this out. I do have a better solution. Get my website back and working. Leave it there, do not ever remove it again. We then go back to our agreement, help each other, and make money. By the way, I don't know any Ted, never have spoken to Ted, never was told I couldn't speak to Ted, have no working relationship at all with Ted. )Ted apparently is a competitor of Howards) A better idea is to ask me first, discuss any situation, then we can both take the appropriate action, don't just cut my website off. Doesn't make any sense. My web designer said he found the '1' Scrub picture you are referring to on a free source on the internet. He is not sure where it is now. If you would like me to remove it I would be happy to. However if were all making money and you would like to grant me permission to use the picture, I would be grateful and happy to keep it on the site. Let's make one final resolution and settle this nonsense bickering. Eric Larson Howard 10 He still seems to forget we have a contract. He alludes here that I have his files; I guess he??s thinking I can recreate his site, then not being obligated to refund my $800 from my paypal account. This is not true as you will see in a later e-mail. You decide. Note: Affordable med scrubs are his competition. Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 02:41:27 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, you have all the files plus the knowledge of how to sell businesses , which is what you paid for, when you want to have my site only we can work together, thanks howard i dont trust your web person about those kids pictures, so i will not work with anyone i cant trust, aand as far as the one page put of 3 that had my info by mistake, i out of 3 , so it was not intentional, and if you had called it would of been fixed in one minute, now you have duplicated my site and business form , with changing the pictures, i have no control over what you sell, or any commission like you were going to get a 2 percent overide on all the volume , so i have nothing to gain , only losses for helping you, my aggreement stands , you called and said you wanted to sell business with me, if you do then get rid of those other sites and we move forward, be honest, you didnit need to copy my site , you could of stayed focused with me, i know you can do very well, but now you will see how much is involved in what i do, i agreed to everything you asked, but when you stuck it in my face with affordablemedscrubs, i am sure you and them got a good laugh, so good luck and if you ever decide to play it straight with me, i welcome that, but not until you stick to our agreement, thanks and good luck, you will need, it, h Eric 11 He want??s me to be honest, so I will. Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:04:31 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I will be honest. If I hadn't received the crummy samples in the beginning, and you hadn't changed the paypal info I wouldn't have built my own site. That's the truth, weather you accept it or not. Your 1 out of 3 pages changed doesn't make sense either. The page you changed was on the business plans page after the discussion of the money. This is the only place on the site or the three pages you mentioned that talks about paypal. The most important part-who gets the money. I know you didn't change any contact info, however the contact info is not about the money, only the paypal page is about the money. This 2nd time around follows the same pattern. No discussion with me what so ever. None. Didn't bother to call me nothing. Just removed my site at www.americantowelusa.com Did it occor to you that I was running ads. Not cool. Secondly if your paranoid - I never spoke to Ted who ever he is, and never laughed with anyone about you - I can't help that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 11 Now he says I can only have 1 site. What happened to our agreement? Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:48:43 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money like i said you want to play straight and sell business with me, no problem, but i am not going to make you money when i have no control over proof who joins or not, so either we keep to the plan or not, and the bs, about the kids scrubs , i wasnt born yesterday, you havent sold a deal in a month so, what are you doing,? h if you think bras, and electronics and the micro fiber towel which is now sold in every dollar store is special then great, my honest way or none, thanks h with me you could make 100k with about 1 hour a day at the most, hate to waist all my training , but i do not play second fiddle , my site must be the same , and my new sellers are doing great, no problems or changes , or site i wasnt told about, its your call, i have a great life already, tried to help you, went out of my way for you, and this is what i get, , so door is open when you tell the truth about the scrub pictures, there are many scrub sites , the chances of your web site person just finding them is bs. and if it is on your site then you must have made arrangements to deliver them , so where are you going to get them from, ? can have your site up and info on in 1 minute , but only one site, thanks h you can put my site on as many names as you want, but only my site, h it doesnt look good to outside people and will harm sales, its that simple, and you dont seem to understand that, but i have been where you are before and understand you are trying to make a buck anywhere, stay focused with me and you will make more that you need and in less time, h Eric 12 I guess I must be getting a little agitated also Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:05:53 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Howard, This isn't about 1 picture, 1 scrub. So let's get off that. If it was about 1 picture one scrub, you would of asked me to remove it, not take my site down. You agreed to everything I'm doing in my e-mails to you. I call you on tuesday, ask that you visit my new site, then never heard from you again. Obviously you didn't like the fact that I had my own site. I will say again you never called. You still have not addressed this issue. Must not be important to you. You have already started receiving royalties from me, that was all fine and well. Only after I showed you my site did you drop me. Only then. Never called. never called. Stick to the issues you still have not answered me. Also why would you tell me in all my e-mails it was ok to have two sites two companies I represent, then do a 180 and drop me. Now if you need copies of the e-mails I have the exact wording and agreement. Do not dispute these issues because I have the e-mails. So what, any other reason you never bothered to call me and just drop me. Especially after you just received a royalty payment from me, and you knew I was running ads. How come you never address these issues in your return e-mail. How come? Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 12 Still am wondering why he never called me. Let??s see if he answers?K Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:15:20 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money because of me , every dime you have taken in is from my teaching, i will work with you, you can sell your products on e bay, it just does not work that you have a site like the one you do, thats all, my door is open, and still waiting to see who you were going to get the scrubs from, you knew all along about that company, if you want to become a retailer and not use my sources, then whats in it for me, and on a 3800 dollar deal you would of gotten 2000 , i got 200, whats that about, and how many other deals have you done, so if you want to work with me and my sources , i welcome that , but it does not look good for us to have 2 sites, its that simple, i dont need the extra explanations, i will gladley send to every new distributor any products you want to handle . on a separate page, so thats the best i can do. h Eric 13 Need final resolution to move on Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:30:44 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I can see your not going to answer my questions. So I will leave you with this, so I can final resolution this situation. You alluded that I have the files to my americantowelusa site. Are you suggesting that I am allowed to use these files to recreate my site. Are you saying this to fulfill your obligation with paypal that you have supplied me with a product. If that is the case I will recreate the site myself. If you say that I cannot have these files to recreate the site, then I have to go through paypal for a resolution to this matter. You decide. Tell me what you wish to do, site or no site I will honor your wishes. As of now I do not have a product for my $800. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 13 Now he say??s he??s not avoiding questions. Not avoiding questions? You decide Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:52:54 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric i have not avoided one question, i told you how you could sell your other items, and that the copy of my web site with different pictures, is already done, so what are you talking about, if you want to keep to the original deal, then its open, you have the same site as me and we work together, why do you keep refering to the money, are you saying you do not know how to sell the business, i think you do, so why do you keep bringing up the money, i am the one that is out money, every sale you made i only saw 1 comm. so who did what, now if you want to get back to business i will, one site, and you could sell on ebay or list your products elswhere, but you have duplicated my business plans, and you know it, so who is getting ripped off, you dont even want to give me the post card orders or the labels, stick to the original agreement, and remember you built the other site without my knowledge, or approval, and before the problem with the wrong bottom of a page, that you could of called in one minute and it would of been fixed, that is not an uncommom error, when making fast changes, or whatever she was doing, i had nothing to do with it, i would of had the site point to me, why in the world would i put it on 1 page and try and slip it in, i dont know what kind of people you do business with, but i have been in this industry for 30 years and owned 4 stores , 2 of which are here in arizona and do almost a million each, i have the best system for helping people get started, why do you have to go crazy, just stick to your original agreement, forget all the other bullshit, and i can have your site up in one minute and you make 100k easy with me, ?? Origional deal, original contract?- He must have selective memory. We made a deal.- Eric I think he likes to ramble. Eric 14 I guess I want my questions answered here Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:49:31 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Great. You havn't avoided one question. Then here's three of them. 1) Why did you not call me to talk to me before dropping my site for the second time? 2)Why did you agree that I could have my second website, then change your mind when you looked at my new site? (Agreement according to our previous e-mails) 3)Am I allowed to use the files you sent me to recreate the my site now? If you can please answer these questions in a: 1) 2) 3) format so I can clearly read your answers. Here's to no avoidance. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 14 Let??s see how he does - Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 04:43:55 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric you do not have any permission to duplicate or sell any of my site, either you want to have one site or good luck, howard Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal. I have nothing to show for my $800, and he refuses to let me use the files he sent me. I am still wondering about questions 1 and 2??? Eric Eric 15 Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:21:44 PM EDT From: Eric To: Subject: RE: money Howard, I figured this much. Three questions and no answers. I guess paypal is next. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson Actually he did answer the third question my bad ?? Now the action gets really good Howard 15 Here Howard wants me to open the books (e-mails) for everyone to see. Watch out what you ask for!!! I guess he got his wish?K?? Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:36:15 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, i answered every question, what do you want, if you want to work with me as agreed from day one, then lets go, but i will not support any other scrub or towel factories, something called loyalty, which you have none, so send me my money for all the training, 5k, and we will call it even or send me a contract stating what you proposed, in writing, and that all books are open to inspection, lets see if you are a man, why are you tryting to do everything to f**k with me/ all books (e-mails here for everybody to see.) Your right Howard, these books are open for inspection. Contract agreed in the earlier e-mails. 5k is he delusional here? You decide. I guess he??s getting a little bit testy here. - Eric Eric Larson 16 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 02:25:16 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: < left blank Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Swearing is not becomming of you. Thanks Sincerely Eric Larson Howard 16 He responds about his good side I guess he has a bad case of selective memory. No sweat he can read all the e-mails right here again!!! Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:30:00 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money when people lie, cheat and steal it brings out the best in me. Eric 17 Nothing wrong with a little review, a history lesson if you will?K?? Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 03:07:23 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Look, I don't think you are a bad person. We had a verbal agreement. This was broken when you (or somebody you are responsible for) put your paypal info on my site. I had no contract, and chose to build my own site. That's all. Very simple. Actually Howard you agreed to let me do this in our e-mail conversations. There was no restrictions as to where I could find my suppliers, you never mentioned any names or companies. I can't assume I can't work with other companies. However I am not working with Ted, whoever he is Howard. Anyway there was no contract, our verbal was broken. After agreeing to let me do what I am doing, you took my site off at americantowelusa again. Two times. I have your files for $800 however I don't have permission to use them. If I never sold from your site again you have made $800 + $350 royalty. Not bad. However I have nothing to show for my $1150. If you want to send me a check for $800 we can call this a day. Or better I give this to Paypal, let them figure this thing out. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 17 In this e-mail Howard refers to ??my piece of s-- flier. This would be a good time for you to visit my site at (left blank), and his site (left blank) and look at his fliers and look at mine. You decide who has the piece of s-- fliers! ?? Anyway Howards true colors come flying out here. Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:44:27 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money hey f**k you, we never agreed on getting eason suppliers, you went behind my back, and now have copied my entire system, some cheap nerve, you never sent me one dime as per agreed, sent 200 why , beause you are guilty of lieing, if you want to wrk with my program, I will stick to the agreement, so its up to you, after you finally tell me how those scrubs pictures are on your site, that are mine, and my entire business plan, if you want me to do postcards, and labels and web site as agreed then give me the orders, as of yet you have never given me one order, you went out on your own created a piece of s**t flyer and now want my postcard company, how low do you go, either straight or nothing, I bullshit me about anything else, I run a hones ship, and the page that you keep hinging on, was an accident , not done by me, and I fixed in one minute like we did everything else, and I tell me I am a nice guy while you ar f**king me, how could you ask for a penny when you now run a large distribution business from my teachings, I the truth and I forget it, I gave you all you have . remember, you were never in the business, and now you have all these items, so use your suppliers, or use mine , its one or the other, I eason deal with crooks, if you want to sell businesses as you first asked, then get rid of the lousy site and get back to business, and from what I have seen in the last month, you are still not telling the truth I had 2 of your peole call and they will not be doing business with you, they all hear and see through you, I have told you how to do this, but you know better so pay me the 5k and we will end this, I have done my job and you are a distributor, and have already copied my site, you can only use it to sell businesses with me, that option is still available, but for some eason you I do it, so stop bothering me, you are a lousy lier, and a bad father to steal from me, the person who opened the doors for you new business, have some honest respect, if any of my web site ends up om any new people be preparre to refund some money, as these people will have no choice but to call you, its easier to be honest, why do you choose to have backhanded deals, / this is how you want your children to see their father, no more emails I will not answer any more, I have waisted to much time with a crook, I guess Howard doesn??t like history class. And no Howard, this is how I choose my children to see me, please read all previous e-mails again. They can read this when they get older too.- Eric Eric 18 I sent one final e-mail and have not heard from him since. What a day for this bomb to go off 9-11-2006 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 12:14:43 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money I never said you were a nice person Howard, I said I didn't think you were a bad person. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson So here you have the full story. All e-mails are in original unedited condition. I have a copy for any authorities or consumer if they are needed. They appear as they were written, word for word. No changes. So what??s my point here? My point is if you honor an agreement from the beginning, and stick to the issues I believe any partnership can make money. If not clear communication is critical to work things out. Snap judgments are not good. If one can stay away from greed and help each other, then the chances of a relationship lasting art much better. Believe it or not I still like Howard. He may be a little misguided, however I will say again ??I don??t think he is a bad person?? I really feel that way. Who knows what his past is to make him like this. Hopefully we all could learn from this lesson. The moral of the story, have a big heart, be kind and gentle, and usually good things will come your way. What am I doing now? I have two accounts that were interested in joining my business before this mess. Howard said both of these accounts ??called him?? recently (look in e-mail above) and said they will not be joining my organization anymore. Who knows what he said to them... God only knows. I have come to find out from one of them, Chuck that Howard actually telephoned them, and they didn??t call him. Sounds like sabotage to me. I have since spoken to Chuck, he seems to be coming around, and I will speak to the other Gentleman Buddy to try to rectify this situation. Hopefully they will be able to figure this thing out so we can make good money together and have long profitable relationship. These are two talented and wonderful people, so hopefully we can rectify this situation. In the future anybody that talks to Howard, and is also interested in my Business Opportunity, I will direct to this website so they can get the facts. Talk is cheap. I hope this helps, and any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Eric Larson, anytime at left blank) or visit my website at (left blank) Anybody that joins my website from here will receive a 20% discount on all Business Opportunity Business Plans. Thanks again and God Bless. Sincerely, Eric Larson Here are what a few others are saying obout his opportunity: Howard Leventhal - Towels-uniforms - American Supply He got me too. Lies, lies, Lies ripoff Ash Fork Arizona *REBUTTAL Owner of company ..di not give it a chance Company Towels-uniforms.com - American Supply Address: P.O. Box 960 Ash Fork Arizona 86320 U.S.A. Phone Number I talked to him on the phone for a long time before investing, seemed all good. He promised a business plan and training. Invested $1500.00 for a web store, advertising materials and "training". His "training" was one sheet of paper telling me to go hire other people to sell towels for me and take a commission. I ordered postcards from him which turned out to be snapshots of towels on the shelves a cheesy looking store somewhere. Hideous- looking. I ordered a $100.00 sample box from his supplier, which was made up of the lowest quality products you have ever seen. Towels so thin you could see through them! The website never worked, and his support guy did not return my calls for 3 months, nor did he. Once I demanded a refund via email and he informed me that his web guy had a new address and try again...and said he tried the site and it was fine. It wasn't. I had to pay for a company to take credit cards online and they were billing me like crazy and no money was coming in because the site DID NOT WORK!!!! As soon as he got my money his "support" ended immediately and he was all about trying to get me to order more materials. I continued to demand a refund and he got all defensive, and stopped returning my calls and emails. He has his rap down and he just repeats it over and over, just like he did here. Howard, you owe us our money back. If you have so many success stories. WHERE ARE THEY Name ONE, get ONE of your happy students to write you a glowing reccomendation. I will report you to EVERY agency in this country until I get my money back. I will NEVER STOP. If you are not a crook then PAY US BACK. That's what honorable business people do. If Gary and I are truly the ONLY two that have had a bad experience with you , I'd think it would be worth it to you to clear your company's name. I won't hold my breath. But you aren't going to get away with it, I assure you. Lauren Manchester, New Hampshire U.S.A. Howard responds in kind: Rebuttal REBUTTAL Owner of company Submitted: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM Modified: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM di not give it a chance yes i did have a web site person problem, it is difficult sometimes to get good , smart web site people, that has been fully taken care of, as per the light towel, if you have ever been in a real cheap hotel, which there are many of, thats what they use, we also have the largest thickest towels, so as a hotel supplier we have both, there is no complaint about our fast service, or anything else, so i suggest you get the post cards out and start taking orders, and i will give you the latest best version of our weg site now with over 1000 items, remember we only handle to


Los Angeles,
More From The Owner

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 28, 2006

Apparently Howard does not like that I own my own Towel Supply Business. That and the fact he said 9 out of ten of his distributors fail was unacceptable to me. That's why I have partnered with friends who have been in the business for over 21 years. We deliver. I have been in sales and marketing for 30 years, and know the car wash industry inside and out. I understand this business, and can help anyone start a successful home based towel supply business. Since Howard has elected to post here, I will handle his comments in 3 steps. 1) About the above customer Kim who started this complaint, I will post her last three most recent e-mails to me. 2) My story and relationship with Howard. 3) My complaints to the better business bureau on Howard, and to Paypal for my refund of $800 I am asking for. Now here are my posts on these three issues. 1) Here is the 1st email I received from Kim after I refunded her $100. Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 02:43:04 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: Your Business well, it's quite funny, I hear more from you than I do from Howard :/ Honestly, I gave my very last extra cash to get into this, finally got the post cards corrected, and sent back to me. I had spent $240 to send the first ones out, and they all had the wrong info on them. So, now I am having to make extra cash to be able to remail them out. I have been just giving the cards out to business's in the area, and many say the next time they order they will order from me. WE have a huge super flea here at the coliseum once a month, and I want to be able to buy enough product to do a display and also sell from there and get some exposure. (sorry) I didnt mean to rattle here, (but you asked ;) I am sorry I misjudged you Eric, I do think there was some miscommunication, and I think maybe you were just starting and breaking away from Howard. I am not sure, but I think that is what was happening. If that is the case, and I had known, I think I could have really helped, but I have been burned in so many business's its unbelievable, and here again, I have no support and I can make this work, but I feel I am out here alone. I am bipolar, I have for the most part gotten it under control, more good days than bad, I have to work something that when I do have a bad day, I have the choice of staying home. On the good days, I am an incredible producer. I have learned how to live with it, and live life the best I can, I just need the tools and support to make that happen. sorry if that sounded whiny, I just wanted you to know where I am coming from. Take care and thank you for responding to everything so wonderfully, wish I had done things differently. KIM Now her second e-mail to me: Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 09:27:35 PM EDT From: To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Howard made the mistake, not me, and all he said was sorry, and when I said you should refund the postage, all he said was to go and contact the people I mailed them to. I thought the purpose of the cards was to get instant business. I am not lazy and fully intend on going out and working, but my plan was to make a call on the leads that were interested. Not only did he mess up the post cards, but every label was printed on the back of the sheet, they were printed on the side that could not be peeled, which also caused another delay. Just seems everything was done very unprofessionally. Eric, I have a best friend who is an expert on website design and graphics, and she can read the back page (whatever you call it),, and she went in, and Howard had disable my site from being able to be found on search engines. My best friend, took hours and hours and did the work to put me on all the major search engines, and when all was said and done, he had my site deactivated from being put on search engines. When I question him, he always gives me a one word answer something to the effect of just do the business. I am just put out with it, dont even know where to go with it, and I am sure you are saying I told you so, and I am just sitting here feeling like an idiot, that I paid $800 for the original plus the $240 in postage and still dont have anything. Am I missing something? I looked at your site a few weeks ago, i saw the new one you are talking about, the only question I have is I didnt see where there was a buy now and checkout plan. Has that been added, and if not when do you plan to add it. I am very methodical Eric, I need a step by step plan, and if given that I can go to town with it, I thought Howard had the experience and had paved the way, but all I got was a one page guide, that basically told me nothing. I want some real expertise, maybe thats not out there, maybe I am grasping for something that doesn't exist. I have always just wanted to make an honest living in MY own business, the only hold back I have not had the capital to get started, that is why I was interested in this to start with. I will check out your site tonite, Thanks Kim Her Last e-mail to me: Date: Thu 19 Oct 2006 04:53:52 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Hi Eric, I received the check today, thank you so much. I haven't had time this week to take a look at your new site, my daughter has been home on fall break and this has been the first time she has ever left home, so I have spent all my time with her. So things are calming down, and I will look again. I would like to know what your involvement is with Howard now, and how much time you would be willing to devote to me and my business. I guarantee you I don't want something for nothing, I just need the support and expertise, I am and always have been a 100% go getter. I just feel I need the support and guidance at this, seeing as I have never been in this industry before, and a one page manual and saying"just do the business" is not enough for me. I would like to know why you would even be interested in working with me after all that has happened. I must say, if you had been a con, you woulda been long gone by now, but you have stuck right in there and I must say that has impressed me quite a bit. On the other hand, you coulda washed your hands of me and are still willing to make a generous offer to help and that honestly blows me away. Again I do apologize for the way I handled things and for rushing into making accusations without just coming to you with my concerns. If I were to come on board with you, I just don't want anymore of the pull between the two businesses. I want one or the other. I don't like confusion, and I tend to run. Is Howard completely out of the picture or is he someone who will be an affiliate of yours and someone that I will contstanly running up with? sorry, Part of me wants to say screw all this, but somehow I am just amazed and finally believe someone would trully help me and teach me to be successful. Thanks for you time Kim I wish I had Kim as a customer. I think she is a really nice person and I wish her all the luck, she will do good. 2) My story with Howard: This is a rather lengthy summary of my relations with Howard Leventhall and American supply, however this is important information. I urge you to read all of this to get a better idea of all the facts. Some of the most important information is at the bottom of the page, so please read all the way through... Then you will be able to make an intelligent decision about our companies. Here is my relationship with Howard Leventhal. On 3/2006 I purchased a Towel distributorship from Howard at American Supply, I spent $800, and received a website for my money. I was also to receive training. After having the site for about a month, Howard began to get agitated, because I wasn??t selling any of his business opportunity packages to the general public. He seemed annoyed that I wasn??t successfully marketing his business opportunity. I told him if I never sold a package ever, he should be happy, because I sent him his $800, and he was richer for that. I told him this was my site I paid for it, and any sales that I made were gravy on his plate for him. Then about a month later, as I was looking at my site, I noticed that Howard put his paypal information on my site. In other words if someone were to send money for the business opportunity, Howard would now receive the money, not me, as we agreed. This would cut me out of my share of the money. I was spending cash on advertising, however being cut out of the most important part-??the money??. I am not sure how long this went on, or if he even had any sales from my site. However he did put this information on my site, so I must ask what were his intentions? I could only guess. Also, I have no way of tracking any sales he made. When I confronted Howard, he denied this happened, became very mad then hung up the phone. I tried calling him back 3 times, however he never answered. Later he said that he didn??t do this Heather his web designer did. When I asked why she would do this, he really didn??t have an answer. I reminded him any actions by his employees are his responsibility. Also it didn??t make any sense to me why she would do this at all unless instructed to do so. I told Howard that because of these actions, and others detailed below, I was pursuing other factories, options, and developing my own website. I also joined forces with friends who have been in the import export business for 21 years. Howard didn??t like this, and removed my website from the internet. When I bought this business distributorship package from Howard, he told me if I sold his various business plans he would pay me a set commission. To get off on the right foot I asked Howard if he had a contract, a written document to verify our relationship. He said no, however that I could write him an e-mail and he would agree to that. These e-mails between Howard and I are posted here. In these e-mails you will see our agreement and how Howard has breeched this contract 3 times Other than these e-mails there is no contract, no non-compete clauses, no written document at all. After coming to terms we later settled our differences. I decided to give his business opportunity another try. We kissed and made up, and then he reposted my website at the end of July 06. I sent him several e-mails detailing an outline and guidelines of our agreement, an email contract if you will, and he seemed to agree with them all. So off we went again. When I called him on 9-03-06 to inform him my new site was complete at www.toweldaddy.com he must have flipped after he got off the phone. This is is why I??m writing this document today. My site located at www.americantowelusa.com is no longer mine, which I paid $800 for, now the domain name is forwarded into his site for the second time he has dropped me. However when I phoned him on Monday, September 3rd he seemed in a good mood. I had just paid him $350 in agreed royalties on businesses I had just sold, and our conversation was cordial. Then two days later he took my site down again, apparently mad that I had my own company. In fact my site from him has worked for only a total of 2 months out of the 6 months I have ??owned?? the site. Seems like a refund is due here. That means any customers of mine that have my web address, or any potential customers of mine will be sent to him. Any money that I have spent from advertising he would benefit from. Because of his actions, and his breach of his verbal contracts, I have created my own company, separate of his located at Howard has agreed to the creation of this company. Here I will detail the e-mails of our agreement, and the e-mails that followed after he took my site down again. I can only figure that he is jealous that I have my own site. Howard feels he has a corner on the market, and doesn??t want any competition. He also says that he ??wrote the book?? on the towel supply business. Not really. Howard??s claim to fame is that he once owned two towel stores, not anymore. Then he figured out an easier way to make money. Sell distributorships, not towels, then sell more distributorships. I think Howard kind of forgot about the towels. I have friends in the import export business I am affiliated to, that has been around for 21 years. We import towels, supplies, and all kinds of products. A real business. I think he just couldn??t handle that. Other than his breach of verbal contract, there were two other disturbing events that led me to the creation of my own website. As part of my $800 package that I bought, Howard sent me a sample pack, of his towels, and supplies. I was dismayed when I saw the towels, paper thin and of poor quality, the threads were running and the chef hat was flimsy at best. I realized then that I could never sell his product to anyone and really feel good about it. They were terrible. I have a best friend that owns one of the biggest Car washes in California. I know this business inside and out. I could never even think of selling these towels to him. The weight of the towels, the quality, the fact that they are not lint free towels and the price truly was way out of line. I was sick thinking about selling these towels, and that knowing there wouldn??t be anybody making money from the business opportunity. Also the car washes etc. would never even buy these towels. At all. Howard always claims that cheap hotels need cheap towels. This is kind of true. I must say while the cheap hotels need a less expensive towel. They certainly don??t need a poor quality towel. A cheap towel would also be a good quality towel, like a white 22 x 44 6lb towel. This towel is perfect for a cheap hotel, where the towels walk, however if manufactured correctly, the right quality can still be a good towel. There were several other disturbing things that Howard said to me. On different phone calls over time, on various occasions he said the following to me. He said that he sells all of his new clients using the ??puppy dog close?? He said that people like to feel in control, and that he discovered this is the easiest way they would buy from him. Call him and you??ll see, he will be ??sweet as apple pie?? Then if any of his clients complain or are not doing well, or if they confront Howard, as you will see in the following e-mails, he is no puppy dog at all. So much so that people really don??t like to deal with him, and can??t handle the abuse to pursue their money back. That is his MO. Which is how he has survived for so many years. I hate to say this because it is kind of funny, but sounds like Jekyll & Hyde. However I can??t fault Howard. Maybe it??s all the pain medication he said he is taking everyday for his bad back. Must be making him crazy. However this is a bitter combination that most people can not handle. Look if Howard has been around 30 years, and has been selling distributorships like crazy, then he has enough money from selling towels and supplies through his distributorships to retire. His 4% royalty should be more than enough for him to live comfortably for a long time. However this is not the case. Because nobody is selling product. Howard told me that 9 out of ten of his distributors fail. That is an alarming rate, and made me sick. However he told me more. He said that he didn??t have a business checking account. That he cashes his distributors checks at the local market and gas station. That really sounded fly by night to me. He laughed when he told me he made only $11,500 on the books last year. (Howard mentioned in another conversation he actually makes $20,000 a month selling distributorships.) He laughed even more when he said to me ??Eric, I only made $11,500 by the books last year?? then said ??give me a break, I just remolded my kitchen for $3500, this business is great, I love this?? I am sure the government would love to hear about this. Howard went on to say that he had to keep selling businesses, because this is the only way he could make money. When you put this all together, all combined, very shaky at best. I couldn??t sell his system and feel at all good. This is why I chose to build my own site. Before revealing the confidential e-mails between Howard and myself, I would like to back track a little. I was introduced to this business by a good friend of mine, Bob Armstrong. Bob is one of the nicest people I know. He is a family man, has several children, one is currently in the military, the other just graduated and is a chiropractor. Great person, and has been involved in his local community, coaching children??s baseball, basketball, and sells advertising for the local TV station. Bob was also excited about this business. This is going back about 1-2 years ago in 2004. He was so excited in fact he and his wife drove to Ash Fork, Az. To meet Howard. Bob told me Howard doesn??t have an office and met Bob at a greasy spoon restaurant outside of Ash Fork where Howard lives. Bob came away from the meeting hopefully optimistic. However when he got home, Howard mailed him a sample box of towels, he also became dismayed over the quality of the towels. He also decided right then and there he would fully research Howard??s system to see if it was viable. Bob then began crunching numbers based on the cost of the towels, the selling price of the towels, the profit margins, and comparables and realized that this business wouldn??t work. Bob told me about this business a year later and I was also intrigued. Against my better judgment I joined Howard??s program. I liked the simplicity of the system. However I soon realized this was fools Gold. Not real money. Howard trips on many spots. He makes income claims all over the website, which can??t be proved, and which are shaky at best according to FTC regulations. The Attorney General shuns such claims, especially when unsubstantiated and the apparent ease in which to make the money. Any opportunity seeker can easily fall into this trap and purchase his program. Think about it, big money, easy business, puppy dog close. Tempting right? If you don??t believe me try him. Read his website then call him, and you decide. See if you fall under his spell. Truly Hard for even the savviest business people to resist trying. Now here are all the emails between Howard and I, since March: Here is the original transaction payment from paypal to Howard for the $800 Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:17:02 -0800 Subject: Receipt for your Payment To: "Eric Larson" From: "[email protected]" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Dear Eric Larson, Your payment for $800.00 USD to howardleventhal@( left blank )has been sent. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $800.00 USD Transaction ID: 6A2002208U8 Subject: Money Note: Hello Howard. Here is the $800 for the Biz pkg. Eric Larson After that we had many phone conversations as documented above. The next e-mail correspondence began in May 2006 after Howard took my site down for the first time, then re-posted to the internet. Here are the conversations that followed: On this first e-mail, Howard and I spoke on the phone to resolve our differences, and to agree on a commission amount he would pay me for each sale. Here is his e-mail: I will call this e-mail: Howard 1 Date: Tue 20 May 2003 01:44:00 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: contract hi Eric per converstion, you will get on plan 1. a 200 comm, on plan 2 you get a 275 dollar comm, on plan 3 you get a 575 comm, on plan 4 you get a 900 dollar comm, and on plan 5 you get a 1,800 comm, the balance goes to howard leventhal on each plan, write it up and sign it and send it in, also if any of my people purchase any of your other products i would like a 2 percent per month on that volume, maybe we can expand even more. howard we make more money together, thanks howard My response to this email was as follows: I will call e-mail: Eric 1 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 12:02:20 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello Howard. I have no problem agreeing to the commission amount you have set forth. However I want you to know that this is not an exclusive agreement. I have other factories I have contracted, and do work with them also. I am having another site built to sell these products, this site will have no information of yours. If this is fine with you we can move foward with our agreement and you can repost my website to the internet. Any sales generated from this site we will share. If this is not agreeable, you can reduce my website to a wholesale site only and I will not sell business. I will also remove anything from my website that is business related to your site. Please let me know how you want to proceed with this matter. Eric Howard 2 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 01:52:42 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi, i have no problem with you selling other products, i am only interested in you setting people up in the business with my system and flyers and web site and my pictures etc. thats my focus, i wrote you our deal, write it up and send it and start sending in orders for new distributors. i get 50 per dist, 250 for web site, 50 for hosting, 75 for labels and the post cards vary a little depending on volume which i wrote in the larger deals. thanks h Eric 2 Here I am not sure if Howard understands what I am doing. So I try to be perfectly clear. Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:29:04 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Let me be sure again Howard. I have contracts with other factories. These contracted products are also sold by distributorships. These will be done by a seperate website not related to yours. In this case I will be selling another business opportunity - other than yours. I will have two business opportunity websites. The website I bought from you will be shared orders, and dollars with you. If somebody orders from my other business opportunity website that will be for my other factories. Your website will only contain your information and the customer will get your postcards website and service. We will divide the money as you have proposed. The second website will have none of your business information and will not cantain any references to your company, this customer will get a different website different postcards and different information. Eric Howard 3 He finally agrees to me selling my other business opportunity website, Then he kind of avoids the issue by saying, ??if you want to sell other products?? changing the issue again. However my e-mail is clear, and he agrees to my e-mail by saying ??that??s fine.?? Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:47:39 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail thats fine, as i said my pictures , my business info and you pay me for those people you set up that buy my business set up, that has been the deal since day one, now you get a little more, i will have 2 sites for you. thanks h i only set the people up with dade towel as per original agreement, if you want to sell other products i have never said no, so lets move on, send me people and money and i will build the sites and get the cards and labels done. thanks h Eric 3 I figured I would give it the old college try, just in case Howard did not understand me. Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 03:08:33 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Howard To clarify. Website #1 from your company includes business info everything. Website # 2 is a wesite I am having built - another business opportunity website - not from you. I only need the one website from you. Do you see? Eric Howard 4 Finally a complete agreement Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 01:21:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail whatever you want. like i said if you use my business info and pictures , i have the new business plans in which you make more money, whatever else you want to sell on the side is your business. you are not allowed to use my pictures , or business plan on any other site without my agreement , you know that. . so if you want to sell my businesses then lets do it, thanks h Eric 4 Now I confirm our agreement Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 05:31:30 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Looks like we have a Deal Howard. I will write commission schedule and foward to you. I need to redesign sales page on other site. I will work on that now then foward agreement. Be a few days to redesign-talk to you soon. Eric Larson After I wrote this e-mail I realized we already had a written agreement. He wrote an e-mail about commissions, to which I had agreed. I wrote an e-mail saying I was going to have a separate website to sell my own Business Opportunities. He agreed. I was done. I finished corrections on my site and we were on our way. I am not even sure if these e-mail contracts are legal and binding, however I am sure they were clear agreements and we understood each other??s intentions.- Eric Howard 5 I always get the feeling he is avoiding the subject, because he only wants to talk about me selling products, not the business opportunity on my website. However my e-mails are clear, and I have to go with this. Here is his response: Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 07:03:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail sounds ok, i have been ready since day one, and now you want to handle more items, thats fine , but remember having the drop shipping system is what we sell, i hope you sell a lot of products. thanks h Now we will fast forward to August our next e-mail correspondence. We continued to talk on the phone, so at times was not necessary to do e-mails. After this June 14th (above) e-mail from Howard, he verbally told me that he was making some changes to his site, and my new site would be running on August 6th. I remember when he told me this because I was on my cell phone at the time, and was playing Golf on July 3rd - he said ??also I hope you have a happy fourth of July?? to me. I waited three weeks after that and had no site working. Finally at the end of July Howard phoned me and said he would have my new site at www.americantowel.com running soon. I thought he disappeared and backed out of our contract. He said no just busy making changes to his site. I told him fine, get my site running, anybody that buys from his site I would share commissions with him. Here are the e-mails that followed after my site was posted at the end of July, 2006. Eric 5 After I spoke to him on the phone, I wrote this e-mail Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 01:37:48 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello, I thought you left. 3 weeks ago my site was to be running... Anyway I will run a few small ads next month for this site. Hopefully somthing will happen The home page has a one word sentence that needs to be corrected, and all postcards not showing on links Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 6 His response, nice and cordial Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 02:04:48 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi eric, glad you are ok, i will get those things fixed, we have re done the entire site now with 1000 items, i am selling stores now also, so you should do real well. thanks h Now we fast forward to August: While my site (Howard??s and mine) was down, I began selling distributorships on my own website, as agree to by Howard. Because I wanted a good working relationship with him, I phoned him and also said that any business opportunities I sell from my website at I would give him a royalty. This way he would make money from my website shared with him and my website too. I threw this in a sign of good faith, and thought this would help further our relationship. We help each other and we both succeed. However the reality of my new website must have started sinking in. He seemed to forget our previous agreement. I think this is called ??selective memory?? Anyway I told him on a couple of deals I sold I would pay him a royalty, because these two new distributors never saw his site, and did not want to switch to another site or factory. They were perfectly happy with my site, my company, and my products. So I forwarded him a $350 royalty payment for these two accounts. This is why I agreed to pay Howard a royalty each time. He couldn??t loose, and made money either way when I sold a business. I thought he was happy, however I found out differently as shown in the following e-mails. Howard 7 Date: Thu 24 Aug 2006 09:01:10 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: remind you over 2 weeks ago you told me there was a 300 dollar check coming to do a website and cards, also you said when the big check cleared i would have 1800 and do the web site and cards and labels, now it seems that you are doing your own thing, you agreed that after the check cleared you would change your web site, you can alway put in whatever words you have now on my site, but now you want your own postcard company, so it seems, that i worked many years to fine tune this and you are doing your own thing, you agreed to be with me, and now you are making another web site, so tomorrow, you said i would have money , i am hoping you do what you said and we move forward, i cannot support another web site that competes with me, and that seems to be whats happening, if you are going to have another site, then thats fine but none of my pictures are allowed by law without my approval which i have not given, so i feel as of today , not to positive i will see what you promissed several times, tomorrow in the deals you said dont worry , howard Eric 7 Here I confirm my phone conversation with Howard about the Royalties. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:14:01 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Helo Howard, I run ads for your site www.americantowelusa.com, any deals I get we share as agreed. If anyone buys from my other site, I will still pay you a royalty, and you do nothing. Either way you make money. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 8 Again Howard forgets we have a contract that we both must follow. Now he says he can??t compete with me??? He already agreed to the second site and looks like he wants to change the rules. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:22:08 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you eric, my focus was that , you promissed 2 deals which are not here, and if you want to add some products we can to my site, i cant compete and work with you, you are stealing my business plan which up until you spoke with me, knew nothing about this business, now i am getting nothing, i havent seen a dime, so i hope you keep your word that today i will see the money, h Here Howard seems to think you can patent a business idea. - Eric Eric 8 He wants more money-doesn??t like the idea I have my own site, and doesn??t like the idea I have two companies, so I sent this e-mail. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:36:32 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Howard, These two accounts came in when we were on sabattical from each other. They have never seen your site. When I showed t to them, they said no-they want my site my products etc...Nothing I can do. I will foward $200 royalty for the $3800.00 plan, and you can keep the full $150 commission from the Kimberly Bullis plan. Let me know how you want me to send the money. Keep an open heart Howard, we will both do very well this year. The other alternative is to sever the relationship, remove the www.americantowelusa.com site, return my $800 then we will go our seperate ways. Since you have already receive $800 from me, you shouldnn't even care if I ever send you another deal. My site right? I paid $800 for the site. Mine. If I don't use it don't worry. Mine. If I do we both make money. I plan on using your site to advertise and make money. You call the shots, let me know if you want to continue our relationship. The pictures are all mine on my current website, and on my new website, don't worry about that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 9 Now he is waiting for money from the two deals I offered to him while I had no website running. I sent him $200 through paypal, and he receivied another $150 from me from a shared deal from a client named ??Kim?? Therefore he received a Royalty of $350 from me, and these two clients never even saw his site. Not a bad deal, or so I thought, just look at what happens here in the following e-mails. Date: Sat 26 Aug 2006 07:55:10 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: money well your check cleared tuesday, and now you have not kept your word 2 times, so western union me my money this morning, my name in williams arizona, every penny you have taken in, is because i taught you this business, you really have a funny way of thanking someone, h. Yes I did thank him, by giving him $800 for a website and for training, now another $350, this is not free you know. - Eric Eric 9 Howard called me in a panic on August 26th, looking for his money; I was at Universal Studios at the time. He said he received no money and wanted desperately me to send the cash. I told him it was sent, and to look in his e-mail receipt payment from my wife??s account. He called back a few minutes later and apologized he had received his money. Also he kept $150 of mine from the Kim account. Receipt for your Payment Inbox [email protected] to meMore options Aug 26 Your payment for $200.00 USD to [email protected] has been sent. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $200.00 USD Transaction ID: 59G891365M80 Subject: Royalty Note: This is Royalty Payment #1 $200.00 for a gold account. Let's have a good year Thanks Howard. Eric Larson Now he waits for 2 weeks to respond to me. I phone him on Tuesday, Sept. 5th to tell him my new site at www.toweldaddy.com was fully functional and working. I knew he probably wouldn??t like this; however deals a deal, and I wanted to be the first to tell him. He seemed to accept what I was saying, and I only discovered days later he cut my site off at www.americantowelusa.com again. Never called me, never discussed anything, never asked me any questions, just shut my site down again. I called him on the 7th after discovering my site was down. He seemed agitated and said to me ??when you just want to do business with me, call me, otherwise I can??t work with you.?? A clear breach of his contract. HERE ARE THE E-MAILS THAT FOLLOWED THIS Phone Call on September 7th, 2006 ?V THIS IS WHERE IT GETS REALLY GOOD: Howard told me on the phone that there were 2 pictures on my site that were his. He told me the two and I have removed them. Again he claims these are 2 out of the hundreds if not thousands of pictures on my site. If he were really only mad about these two pictures, it wouldn??t make sense to me that he would remove my site. I had just paid Howard a $350 royalty, so he stood to make money, my site is pure from his pictures and was created from the ground floor. You compare the two sites, his at www.americantowelusa.com, and mine at www.toweldaddy.com I think he was just jealous, and didn??t want the competition, even though he was making money from me!!!???. Who else would cut their head off in spite of themselves? My site is obviously different than his, and all he had to do was talk to me, I would have gladly removed the two pictures he ??claims?? are his. However I removed them anyway. Now take a look at the following e-mails as Howard??s true color comes out. I must warn you however this is not a pretty site. Eric 10 Trying to save relationship Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 01:38:46 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of my site at towel daddy is free from your pictures. You claim there is 1 scrub picture that you own the rights to. If this is true I will remove that picture from my website. Now your telling me because there is 1 picture out of over 5000 products on my site that you take down my other shared site at american towel USA, doesn't make any logical sense to me. Logical is the word here. You've already agreed in an e-mail that I could do this. Your getting royalities even if I sell from my site. Any sales from American Towea USA site we have made an agreement for the numbers to be shared. You make money any way you look at it. Nobody would cut a site off because of one picture if these arangements were made. Doesn't make any sense. I think the real reason you took my site down without even informing me was because you didn't like the fact that I have my own site. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Nobody would cut their head off, especially if they were going to make money-royalities, or shared sales. This is why I had to build my site in the first place. You put on my origional site "Send all PayPal payments to [email protected]. You claim to have no knowledge of this happening. I suppose you have no knowledge of my site being pilled a second time. "Heather must of made a mistake again" right Howard. Come on give me a break. Let's review. I paid you $800.00 for a website and training. I have had my site for a total of 2 months out of 6 months. I asked for a contract when we started ouyt , you said"I don't do contracts" however you said if you "want to write somthing out I will agree to it". I have written 5 e-mails detailing my intentions and you agreed to every e-mail. You have shut my site down twice, this time in the middle of advertising-are you stealing my clients again. Third if this continues I have to ask for my $800 returned -this way I don't have to send a letter to PayPal disputing claims, and fowarding all documentation and e-mails to them. Let them figure this out. I do have a better solution. Get my website back and working. Leave it there, do not ever remove it again. We then go back to our agreement, help each other, and make money. By the way, I don't know any Ted, never have spoken to Ted, never was told I couldn't speak to Ted, have no working relationship at all with Ted. )Ted apparently is a competitor of Howards) A better idea is to ask me first, discuss any situation, then we can both take the appropriate action, don't just cut my website off. Doesn't make any sense. My web designer said he found the '1' Scrub picture you are referring to on a free source on the internet. He is not sure where it is now. If you would like me to remove it I would be happy to. However if were all making money and you would like to grant me permission to use the picture, I would be grateful and happy to keep it on the site. Let's make one final resolution and settle this nonsense bickering. Eric Larson Howard 10 He still seems to forget we have a contract. He alludes here that I have his files; I guess he??s thinking I can recreate his site, then not being obligated to refund my $800 from my paypal account. This is not true as you will see in a later e-mail. You decide. Note: Affordable med scrubs are his competition. Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 02:41:27 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, you have all the files plus the knowledge of how to sell businesses , which is what you paid for, when you want to have my site only we can work together, thanks howard i dont trust your web person about those kids pictures, so i will not work with anyone i cant trust, aand as far as the one page put of 3 that had my info by mistake, i out of 3 , so it was not intentional, and if you had called it would of been fixed in one minute, now you have duplicated my site and business form , with changing the pictures, i have no control over what you sell, or any commission like you were going to get a 2 percent overide on all the volume , so i have nothing to gain , only losses for helping you, my aggreement stands , you called and said you wanted to sell business with me, if you do then get rid of those other sites and we move forward, be honest, you didnit need to copy my site , you could of stayed focused with me, i know you can do very well, but now you will see how much is involved in what i do, i agreed to everything you asked, but when you stuck it in my face with affordablemedscrubs, i am sure you and them got a good laugh, so good luck and if you ever decide to play it straight with me, i welcome that, but not until you stick to our agreement, thanks and good luck, you will need, it, h Eric 11 He want??s me to be honest, so I will. Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:04:31 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I will be honest. If I hadn't received the crummy samples in the beginning, and you hadn't changed the paypal info I wouldn't have built my own site. That's the truth, weather you accept it or not. Your 1 out of 3 pages changed doesn't make sense either. The page you changed was on the business plans page after the discussion of the money. This is the only place on the site or the three pages you mentioned that talks about paypal. The most important part-who gets the money. I know you didn't change any contact info, however the contact info is not about the money, only the paypal page is about the money. This 2nd time around follows the same pattern. No discussion with me what so ever. None. Didn't bother to call me nothing. Just removed my site at www.americantowelusa.com Did it occor to you that I was running ads. Not cool. Secondly if your paranoid - I never spoke to Ted who ever he is, and never laughed with anyone about you - I can't help that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 11 Now he says I can only have 1 site. What happened to our agreement? Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:48:43 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money like i said you want to play straight and sell business with me, no problem, but i am not going to make you money when i have no control over proof who joins or not, so either we keep to the plan or not, and the bs, about the kids scrubs , i wasnt born yesterday, you havent sold a deal in a month so, what are you doing,? h if you think bras, and electronics and the micro fiber towel which is now sold in every dollar store is special then great, my honest way or none, thanks h with me you could make 100k with about 1 hour a day at the most, hate to waist all my training , but i do not play second fiddle , my site must be the same , and my new sellers are doing great, no problems or changes , or site i wasnt told about, its your call, i have a great life already, tried to help you, went out of my way for you, and this is what i get, , so door is open when you tell the truth about the scrub pictures, there are many scrub sites , the chances of your web site person just finding them is bs. and if it is on your site then you must have made arrangements to deliver them , so where are you going to get them from, ? can have your site up and info on in 1 minute , but only one site, thanks h you can put my site on as many names as you want, but only my site, h it doesnt look good to outside people and will harm sales, its that simple, and you dont seem to understand that, but i have been where you are before and understand you are trying to make a buck anywhere, stay focused with me and you will make more that you need and in less time, h Eric 12 I guess I must be getting a little agitated also Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:05:53 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Howard, This isn't about 1 picture, 1 scrub. So let's get off that. If it was about 1 picture one scrub, you would of asked me to remove it, not take my site down. You agreed to everything I'm doing in my e-mails to you. I call you on tuesday, ask that you visit my new site, then never heard from you again. Obviously you didn't like the fact that I had my own site. I will say again you never called. You still have not addressed this issue. Must not be important to you. You have already started receiving royalties from me, that was all fine and well. Only after I showed you my site did you drop me. Only then. Never called. never called. Stick to the issues you still have not answered me. Also why would you tell me in all my e-mails it was ok to have two sites two companies I represent, then do a 180 and drop me. Now if you need copies of the e-mails I have the exact wording and agreement. Do not dispute these issues because I have the e-mails. So what, any other reason you never bothered to call me and just drop me. Especially after you just received a royalty payment from me, and you knew I was running ads. How come you never address these issues in your return e-mail. How come? Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 12 Still am wondering why he never called me. Let??s see if he answers?K Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:15:20 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money because of me , every dime you have taken in is from my teaching, i will work with you, you can sell your products on e bay, it just does not work that you have a site like the one you do, thats all, my door is open, and still waiting to see who you were going to get the scrubs from, you knew all along about that company, if you want to become a retailer and not use my sources, then whats in it for me, and on a 3800 dollar deal you would of gotten 2000 , i got 200, whats that about, and how many other deals have you done, so if you want to work with me and my sources , i welcome that , but it does not look good for us to have 2 sites, its that simple, i dont need the extra explanations, i will gladley send to every new distributor any products you want to handle . on a separate page, so thats the best i can do. h Eric 13 Need final resolution to move on Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:30:44 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I can see your not going to answer my questions. So I will leave you with this, so I can final resolution this situation. You alluded that I have the files to my americantowelusa site. Are you suggesting that I am allowed to use these files to recreate my site. Are you saying this to fulfill your obligation with paypal that you have supplied me with a product. If that is the case I will recreate the site myself. If you say that I cannot have these files to recreate the site, then I have to go through paypal for a resolution to this matter. You decide. Tell me what you wish to do, site or no site I will honor your wishes. As of now I do not have a product for my $800. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 13 Now he say??s he??s not avoiding questions. Not avoiding questions? You decide Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:52:54 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric i have not avoided one question, i told you how you could sell your other items, and that the copy of my web site with different pictures, is already done, so what are you talking about, if you want to keep to the original deal, then its open, you have the same site as me and we work together, why do you keep refering to the money, are you saying you do not know how to sell the business, i think you do, so why do you keep bringing up the money, i am the one that is out money, every sale you made i only saw 1 comm. so who did what, now if you want to get back to business i will, one site, and you could sell on ebay or list your products elswhere, but you have duplicated my business plans, and you know it, so who is getting ripped off, you dont even want to give me the post card orders or the labels, stick to the original agreement, and remember you built the other site without my knowledge, or approval, and before the problem with the wrong bottom of a page, that you could of called in one minute and it would of been fixed, that is not an uncommom error, when making fast changes, or whatever she was doing, i had nothing to do with it, i would of had the site point to me, why in the world would i put it on 1 page and try and slip it in, i dont know what kind of people you do business with, but i have been in this industry for 30 years and owned 4 stores , 2 of which are here in arizona and do almost a million each, i have the best system for helping people get started, why do you have to go crazy, just stick to your original agreement, forget all the other bullshit, and i can have your site up in one minute and you make 100k easy with me, ?? Origional deal, original contract?- He must have selective memory. We made a deal.- Eric I think he likes to ramble. Eric 14 I guess I want my questions answered here Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:49:31 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Great. You havn't avoided one question. Then here's three of them. 1) Why did you not call me to talk to me before dropping my site for the second time? 2)Why did you agree that I could have my second website, then change your mind when you looked at my new site? (Agreement according to our previous e-mails) 3)Am I allowed to use the files you sent me to recreate the my site now? If you can please answer these questions in a: 1) 2) 3) format so I can clearly read your answers. Here's to no avoidance. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 14 Let??s see how he does - Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 04:43:55 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric you do not have any permission to duplicate or sell any of my site, either you want to have one site or good luck, howard Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal. I have nothing to show for my $800, and he refuses to let me use the files he sent me. I am still wondering about questions 1 and 2??? Eric Eric 15 Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:21:44 PM EDT From: Eric To: Subject: RE: money Howard, I figured this much. Three questions and no answers. I guess paypal is next. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson Actually he did answer the third question my bad ?? Now the action gets really good Howard 15 Here Howard wants me to open the books (e-mails) for everyone to see. Watch out what you ask for!!! I guess he got his wish?K?? Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:36:15 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, i answered every question, what do you want, if you want to work with me as agreed from day one, then lets go, but i will not support any other scrub or towel factories, something called loyalty, which you have none, so send me my money for all the training, 5k, and we will call it even or send me a contract stating what you proposed, in writing, and that all books are open to inspection, lets see if you are a man, why are you tryting to do everything to f**k with me/ all books (e-mails here for everybody to see.) Your right Howard, these books are open for inspection. Contract agreed in the earlier e-mails. 5k is he delusional here? You decide. I guess he??s getting a little bit testy here. - Eric Eric Larson 16 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 02:25:16 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: < left blank Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Swearing is not becomming of you. Thanks Sincerely Eric Larson Howard 16 He responds about his good side I guess he has a bad case of selective memory. No sweat he can read all the e-mails right here again!!! Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:30:00 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money when people lie, cheat and steal it brings out the best in me. Eric 17 Nothing wrong with a little review, a history lesson if you will?K?? Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 03:07:23 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Look, I don't think you are a bad person. We had a verbal agreement. This was broken when you (or somebody you are responsible for) put your paypal info on my site. I had no contract, and chose to build my own site. That's all. Very simple. Actually Howard you agreed to let me do this in our e-mail conversations. There was no restrictions as to where I could find my suppliers, you never mentioned any names or companies. I can't assume I can't work with other companies. However I am not working with Ted, whoever he is Howard. Anyway there was no contract, our verbal was broken. After agreeing to let me do what I am doing, you took my site off at americantowelusa again. Two times. I have your files for $800 however I don't have permission to use them. If I never sold from your site again you have made $800 + $350 royalty. Not bad. However I have nothing to show for my $1150. If you want to send me a check for $800 we can call this a day. Or better I give this to Paypal, let them figure this thing out. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 17 In this e-mail Howard refers to ??my piece of s-- flier. This would be a good time for you to visit my site at (left blank), and his site (left blank) and look at his fliers and look at mine. You decide who has the piece of s-- fliers! ?? Anyway Howards true colors come flying out here. Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:44:27 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money hey f**k you, we never agreed on getting eason suppliers, you went behind my back, and now have copied my entire system, some cheap nerve, you never sent me one dime as per agreed, sent 200 why , beause you are guilty of lieing, if you want to wrk with my program, I will stick to the agreement, so its up to you, after you finally tell me how those scrubs pictures are on your site, that are mine, and my entire business plan, if you want me to do postcards, and labels and web site as agreed then give me the orders, as of yet you have never given me one order, you went out on your own created a piece of s**t flyer and now want my postcard company, how low do you go, either straight or nothing, I bullshit me about anything else, I run a hones ship, and the page that you keep hinging on, was an accident , not done by me, and I fixed in one minute like we did everything else, and I tell me I am a nice guy while you ar f**king me, how could you ask for a penny when you now run a large distribution business from my teachings, I the truth and I forget it, I gave you all you have . remember, you were never in the business, and now you have all these items, so use your suppliers, or use mine , its one or the other, I eason deal with crooks, if you want to sell businesses as you first asked, then get rid of the lousy site and get back to business, and from what I have seen in the last month, you are still not telling the truth I had 2 of your peole call and they will not be doing business with you, they all hear and see through you, I have told you how to do this, but you know better so pay me the 5k and we will end this, I have done my job and you are a distributor, and have already copied my site, you can only use it to sell businesses with me, that option is still available, but for some eason you I do it, so stop bothering me, you are a lousy lier, and a bad father to steal from me, the person who opened the doors for you new business, have some honest respect, if any of my web site ends up om any new people be preparre to refund some money, as these people will have no choice but to call you, its easier to be honest, why do you choose to have backhanded deals, / this is how you want your children to see their father, no more emails I will not answer any more, I have waisted to much time with a crook, I guess Howard doesn??t like history class. And no Howard, this is how I choose my children to see me, please read all previous e-mails again. They can read this when they get older too.- Eric Eric 18 I sent one final e-mail and have not heard from him since. What a day for this bomb to go off 9-11-2006 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 12:14:43 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money I never said you were a nice person Howard, I said I didn't think you were a bad person. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson So here you have the full story. All e-mails are in original unedited condition. I have a copy for any authorities or consumer if they are needed. They appear as they were written, word for word. No changes. So what??s my point here? My point is if you honor an agreement from the beginning, and stick to the issues I believe any partnership can make money. If not clear communication is critical to work things out. Snap judgments are not good. If one can stay away from greed and help each other, then the chances of a relationship lasting art much better. Believe it or not I still like Howard. He may be a little misguided, however I will say again ??I don??t think he is a bad person?? I really feel that way. Who knows what his past is to make him like this. Hopefully we all could learn from this lesson. The moral of the story, have a big heart, be kind and gentle, and usually good things will come your way. What am I doing now? I have two accounts that were interested in joining my business before this mess. Howard said both of these accounts ??called him?? recently (look in e-mail above) and said they will not be joining my organization anymore. Who knows what he said to them... God only knows. I have come to find out from one of them, Chuck that Howard actually telephoned them, and they didn??t call him. Sounds like sabotage to me. I have since spoken to Chuck, he seems to be coming around, and I will speak to the other Gentleman Buddy to try to rectify this situation. Hopefully they will be able to figure this thing out so we can make good money together and have long profitable relationship. These are two talented and wonderful people, so hopefully we can rectify this situation. In the future anybody that talks to Howard, and is also interested in my Business Opportunity, I will direct to this website so they can get the facts. Talk is cheap. I hope this helps, and any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Eric Larson, anytime at left blank) or visit my website at (left blank) Anybody that joins my website from here will receive a 20% discount on all Business Opportunity Business Plans. Thanks again and God Bless. Sincerely, Eric Larson Here are what a few others are saying obout his opportunity: Howard Leventhal - Towels-uniforms - American Supply He got me too. Lies, lies, Lies ripoff Ash Fork Arizona *REBUTTAL Owner of company ..di not give it a chance Company Towels-uniforms.com - American Supply Address: P.O. Box 960 Ash Fork Arizona 86320 U.S.A. Phone Number I talked to him on the phone for a long time before investing, seemed all good. He promised a business plan and training. Invested $1500.00 for a web store, advertising materials and "training". His "training" was one sheet of paper telling me to go hire other people to sell towels for me and take a commission. I ordered postcards from him which turned out to be snapshots of towels on the shelves a cheesy looking store somewhere. Hideous- looking. I ordered a $100.00 sample box from his supplier, which was made up of the lowest quality products you have ever seen. Towels so thin you could see through them! The website never worked, and his support guy did not return my calls for 3 months, nor did he. Once I demanded a refund via email and he informed me that his web guy had a new address and try again...and said he tried the site and it was fine. It wasn't. I had to pay for a company to take credit cards online and they were billing me like crazy and no money was coming in because the site DID NOT WORK!!!! As soon as he got my money his "support" ended immediately and he was all about trying to get me to order more materials. I continued to demand a refund and he got all defensive, and stopped returning my calls and emails. He has his rap down and he just repeats it over and over, just like he did here. Howard, you owe us our money back. If you have so many success stories. WHERE ARE THEY Name ONE, get ONE of your happy students to write you a glowing reccomendation. I will report you to EVERY agency in this country until I get my money back. I will NEVER STOP. If you are not a crook then PAY US BACK. That's what honorable business people do. If Gary and I are truly the ONLY two that have had a bad experience with you , I'd think it would be worth it to you to clear your company's name. I won't hold my breath. But you aren't going to get away with it, I assure you. Lauren Manchester, New Hampshire U.S.A. Howard responds in kind: Rebuttal REBUTTAL Owner of company Submitted: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM Modified: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM di not give it a chance yes i did have a web site person problem, it is difficult sometimes to get good , smart web site people, that has been fully taken care of, as per the light towel, if you have ever been in a real cheap hotel, which there are many of, thats what they use, we also have the largest thickest towels, so as a hotel supplier we have both, there is no complaint about our fast service, or anything else, so i suggest you get the post cards out and start taking orders, and i will give you the latest best version of our weg site now with over 1000 items, remember we only handle to


Los Angeles,
More From The Owner

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 28, 2006

Apparently Howard does not like that I own my own Towel Supply Business. That and the fact he said 9 out of ten of his distributors fail was unacceptable to me. That's why I have partnered with friends who have been in the business for over 21 years. We deliver. I have been in sales and marketing for 30 years, and know the car wash industry inside and out. I understand this business, and can help anyone start a successful home based towel supply business. Since Howard has elected to post here, I will handle his comments in 3 steps. 1) About the above customer Kim who started this complaint, I will post her last three most recent e-mails to me. 2) My story and relationship with Howard. 3) My complaints to the better business bureau on Howard, and to Paypal for my refund of $800 I am asking for. Now here are my posts on these three issues. 1) Here is the 1st email I received from Kim after I refunded her $100. Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 02:43:04 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: Your Business well, it's quite funny, I hear more from you than I do from Howard :/ Honestly, I gave my very last extra cash to get into this, finally got the post cards corrected, and sent back to me. I had spent $240 to send the first ones out, and they all had the wrong info on them. So, now I am having to make extra cash to be able to remail them out. I have been just giving the cards out to business's in the area, and many say the next time they order they will order from me. WE have a huge super flea here at the coliseum once a month, and I want to be able to buy enough product to do a display and also sell from there and get some exposure. (sorry) I didnt mean to rattle here, (but you asked ;) I am sorry I misjudged you Eric, I do think there was some miscommunication, and I think maybe you were just starting and breaking away from Howard. I am not sure, but I think that is what was happening. If that is the case, and I had known, I think I could have really helped, but I have been burned in so many business's its unbelievable, and here again, I have no support and I can make this work, but I feel I am out here alone. I am bipolar, I have for the most part gotten it under control, more good days than bad, I have to work something that when I do have a bad day, I have the choice of staying home. On the good days, I am an incredible producer. I have learned how to live with it, and live life the best I can, I just need the tools and support to make that happen. sorry if that sounded whiny, I just wanted you to know where I am coming from. Take care and thank you for responding to everything so wonderfully, wish I had done things differently. KIM Now her second e-mail to me: Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 09:27:35 PM EDT From: To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Howard made the mistake, not me, and all he said was sorry, and when I said you should refund the postage, all he said was to go and contact the people I mailed them to. I thought the purpose of the cards was to get instant business. I am not lazy and fully intend on going out and working, but my plan was to make a call on the leads that were interested. Not only did he mess up the post cards, but every label was printed on the back of the sheet, they were printed on the side that could not be peeled, which also caused another delay. Just seems everything was done very unprofessionally. Eric, I have a best friend who is an expert on website design and graphics, and she can read the back page (whatever you call it),, and she went in, and Howard had disable my site from being able to be found on search engines. My best friend, took hours and hours and did the work to put me on all the major search engines, and when all was said and done, he had my site deactivated from being put on search engines. When I question him, he always gives me a one word answer something to the effect of just do the business. I am just put out with it, dont even know where to go with it, and I am sure you are saying I told you so, and I am just sitting here feeling like an idiot, that I paid $800 for the original plus the $240 in postage and still dont have anything. Am I missing something? I looked at your site a few weeks ago, i saw the new one you are talking about, the only question I have is I didnt see where there was a buy now and checkout plan. Has that been added, and if not when do you plan to add it. I am very methodical Eric, I need a step by step plan, and if given that I can go to town with it, I thought Howard had the experience and had paved the way, but all I got was a one page guide, that basically told me nothing. I want some real expertise, maybe thats not out there, maybe I am grasping for something that doesn't exist. I have always just wanted to make an honest living in MY own business, the only hold back I have not had the capital to get started, that is why I was interested in this to start with. I will check out your site tonite, Thanks Kim Her Last e-mail to me: Date: Thu 19 Oct 2006 04:53:52 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Hi Eric, I received the check today, thank you so much. I haven't had time this week to take a look at your new site, my daughter has been home on fall break and this has been the first time she has ever left home, so I have spent all my time with her. So things are calming down, and I will look again. I would like to know what your involvement is with Howard now, and how much time you would be willing to devote to me and my business. I guarantee you I don't want something for nothing, I just need the support and expertise, I am and always have been a 100% go getter. I just feel I need the support and guidance at this, seeing as I have never been in this industry before, and a one page manual and saying"just do the business" is not enough for me. I would like to know why you would even be interested in working with me after all that has happened. I must say, if you had been a con, you woulda been long gone by now, but you have stuck right in there and I must say that has impressed me quite a bit. On the other hand, you coulda washed your hands of me and are still willing to make a generous offer to help and that honestly blows me away. Again I do apologize for the way I handled things and for rushing into making accusations without just coming to you with my concerns. If I were to come on board with you, I just don't want anymore of the pull between the two businesses. I want one or the other. I don't like confusion, and I tend to run. Is Howard completely out of the picture or is he someone who will be an affiliate of yours and someone that I will contstanly running up with? sorry, Part of me wants to say screw all this, but somehow I am just amazed and finally believe someone would trully help me and teach me to be successful. Thanks for you time Kim I wish I had Kim as a customer. I think she is a really nice person and I wish her all the luck, she will do good. 2) My story with Howard: This is a rather lengthy summary of my relations with Howard Leventhall and American supply, however this is important information. I urge you to read all of this to get a better idea of all the facts. Some of the most important information is at the bottom of the page, so please read all the way through... Then you will be able to make an intelligent decision about our companies. Here is my relationship with Howard Leventhal. On 3/2006 I purchased a Towel distributorship from Howard at American Supply, I spent $800, and received a website for my money. I was also to receive training. After having the site for about a month, Howard began to get agitated, because I wasn??t selling any of his business opportunity packages to the general public. He seemed annoyed that I wasn??t successfully marketing his business opportunity. I told him if I never sold a package ever, he should be happy, because I sent him his $800, and he was richer for that. I told him this was my site I paid for it, and any sales that I made were gravy on his plate for him. Then about a month later, as I was looking at my site, I noticed that Howard put his paypal information on my site. In other words if someone were to send money for the business opportunity, Howard would now receive the money, not me, as we agreed. This would cut me out of my share of the money. I was spending cash on advertising, however being cut out of the most important part-??the money??. I am not sure how long this went on, or if he even had any sales from my site. However he did put this information on my site, so I must ask what were his intentions? I could only guess. Also, I have no way of tracking any sales he made. When I confronted Howard, he denied this happened, became very mad then hung up the phone. I tried calling him back 3 times, however he never answered. Later he said that he didn??t do this Heather his web designer did. When I asked why she would do this, he really didn??t have an answer. I reminded him any actions by his employees are his responsibility. Also it didn??t make any sense to me why she would do this at all unless instructed to do so. I told Howard that because of these actions, and others detailed below, I was pursuing other factories, options, and developing my own website. I also joined forces with friends who have been in the import export business for 21 years. Howard didn??t like this, and removed my website from the internet. When I bought this business distributorship package from Howard, he told me if I sold his various business plans he would pay me a set commission. To get off on the right foot I asked Howard if he had a contract, a written document to verify our relationship. He said no, however that I could write him an e-mail and he would agree to that. These e-mails between Howard and I are posted here. In these e-mails you will see our agreement and how Howard has breeched this contract 3 times Other than these e-mails there is no contract, no non-compete clauses, no written document at all. After coming to terms we later settled our differences. I decided to give his business opportunity another try. We kissed and made up, and then he reposted my website at the end of July 06. I sent him several e-mails detailing an outline and guidelines of our agreement, an email contract if you will, and he seemed to agree with them all. So off we went again. When I called him on 9-03-06 to inform him my new site was complete at www.toweldaddy.com he must have flipped after he got off the phone. This is is why I??m writing this document today. My site located at www.americantowelusa.com is no longer mine, which I paid $800 for, now the domain name is forwarded into his site for the second time he has dropped me. However when I phoned him on Monday, September 3rd he seemed in a good mood. I had just paid him $350 in agreed royalties on businesses I had just sold, and our conversation was cordial. Then two days later he took my site down again, apparently mad that I had my own company. In fact my site from him has worked for only a total of 2 months out of the 6 months I have ??owned?? the site. Seems like a refund is due here. That means any customers of mine that have my web address, or any potential customers of mine will be sent to him. Any money that I have spent from advertising he would benefit from. Because of his actions, and his breach of his verbal contracts, I have created my own company, separate of his located at Howard has agreed to the creation of this company. Here I will detail the e-mails of our agreement, and the e-mails that followed after he took my site down again. I can only figure that he is jealous that I have my own site. Howard feels he has a corner on the market, and doesn??t want any competition. He also says that he ??wrote the book?? on the towel supply business. Not really. Howard??s claim to fame is that he once owned two towel stores, not anymore. Then he figured out an easier way to make money. Sell distributorships, not towels, then sell more distributorships. I think Howard kind of forgot about the towels. I have friends in the import export business I am affiliated to, that has been around for 21 years. We import towels, supplies, and all kinds of products. A real business. I think he just couldn??t handle that. Other than his breach of verbal contract, there were two other disturbing events that led me to the creation of my own website. As part of my $800 package that I bought, Howard sent me a sample pack, of his towels, and supplies. I was dismayed when I saw the towels, paper thin and of poor quality, the threads were running and the chef hat was flimsy at best. I realized then that I could never sell his product to anyone and really feel good about it. They were terrible. I have a best friend that owns one of the biggest Car washes in California. I know this business inside and out. I could never even think of selling these towels to him. The weight of the towels, the quality, the fact that they are not lint free towels and the price truly was way out of line. I was sick thinking about selling these towels, and that knowing there wouldn??t be anybody making money from the business opportunity. Also the car washes etc. would never even buy these towels. At all. Howard always claims that cheap hotels need cheap towels. This is kind of true. I must say while the cheap hotels need a less expensive towel. They certainly don??t need a poor quality towel. A cheap towel would also be a good quality towel, like a white 22 x 44 6lb towel. This towel is perfect for a cheap hotel, where the towels walk, however if manufactured correctly, the right quality can still be a good towel. There were several other disturbing things that Howard said to me. On different phone calls over time, on various occasions he said the following to me. He said that he sells all of his new clients using the ??puppy dog close?? He said that people like to feel in control, and that he discovered this is the easiest way they would buy from him. Call him and you??ll see, he will be ??sweet as apple pie?? Then if any of his clients complain or are not doing well, or if they confront Howard, as you will see in the following e-mails, he is no puppy dog at all. So much so that people really don??t like to deal with him, and can??t handle the abuse to pursue their money back. That is his MO. Which is how he has survived for so many years. I hate to say this because it is kind of funny, but sounds like Jekyll & Hyde. However I can??t fault Howard. Maybe it??s all the pain medication he said he is taking everyday for his bad back. Must be making him crazy. However this is a bitter combination that most people can not handle. Look if Howard has been around 30 years, and has been selling distributorships like crazy, then he has enough money from selling towels and supplies through his distributorships to retire. His 4% royalty should be more than enough for him to live comfortably for a long time. However this is not the case. Because nobody is selling product. Howard told me that 9 out of ten of his distributors fail. That is an alarming rate, and made me sick. However he told me more. He said that he didn??t have a business checking account. That he cashes his distributors checks at the local market and gas station. That really sounded fly by night to me. He laughed when he told me he made only $11,500 on the books last year. (Howard mentioned in another conversation he actually makes $20,000 a month selling distributorships.) He laughed even more when he said to me ??Eric, I only made $11,500 by the books last year?? then said ??give me a break, I just remolded my kitchen for $3500, this business is great, I love this?? I am sure the government would love to hear about this. Howard went on to say that he had to keep selling businesses, because this is the only way he could make money. When you put this all together, all combined, very shaky at best. I couldn??t sell his system and feel at all good. This is why I chose to build my own site. Before revealing the confidential e-mails between Howard and myself, I would like to back track a little. I was introduced to this business by a good friend of mine, Bob Armstrong. Bob is one of the nicest people I know. He is a family man, has several children, one is currently in the military, the other just graduated and is a chiropractor. Great person, and has been involved in his local community, coaching children??s baseball, basketball, and sells advertising for the local TV station. Bob was also excited about this business. This is going back about 1-2 years ago in 2004. He was so excited in fact he and his wife drove to Ash Fork, Az. To meet Howard. Bob told me Howard doesn??t have an office and met Bob at a greasy spoon restaurant outside of Ash Fork where Howard lives. Bob came away from the meeting hopefully optimistic. However when he got home, Howard mailed him a sample box of towels, he also became dismayed over the quality of the towels. He also decided right then and there he would fully research Howard??s system to see if it was viable. Bob then began crunching numbers based on the cost of the towels, the selling price of the towels, the profit margins, and comparables and realized that this business wouldn??t work. Bob told me about this business a year later and I was also intrigued. Against my better judgment I joined Howard??s program. I liked the simplicity of the system. However I soon realized this was fools Gold. Not real money. Howard trips on many spots. He makes income claims all over the website, which can??t be proved, and which are shaky at best according to FTC regulations. The Attorney General shuns such claims, especially when unsubstantiated and the apparent ease in which to make the money. Any opportunity seeker can easily fall into this trap and purchase his program. Think about it, big money, easy business, puppy dog close. Tempting right? If you don??t believe me try him. Read his website then call him, and you decide. See if you fall under his spell. Truly Hard for even the savviest business people to resist trying. Now here are all the emails between Howard and I, since March: Here is the original transaction payment from paypal to Howard for the $800 Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:17:02 -0800 Subject: Receipt for your Payment To: "Eric Larson" From: "[email protected]" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Dear Eric Larson, Your payment for $800.00 USD to howardleventhal@( left blank )has been sent. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $800.00 USD Transaction ID: 6A2002208U8 Subject: Money Note: Hello Howard. Here is the $800 for the Biz pkg. Eric Larson After that we had many phone conversations as documented above. The next e-mail correspondence began in May 2006 after Howard took my site down for the first time, then re-posted to the internet. Here are the conversations that followed: On this first e-mail, Howard and I spoke on the phone to resolve our differences, and to agree on a commission amount he would pay me for each sale. Here is his e-mail: I will call this e-mail: Howard 1 Date: Tue 20 May 2003 01:44:00 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: contract hi Eric per converstion, you will get on plan 1. a 200 comm, on plan 2 you get a 275 dollar comm, on plan 3 you get a 575 comm, on plan 4 you get a 900 dollar comm, and on plan 5 you get a 1,800 comm, the balance goes to howard leventhal on each plan, write it up and sign it and send it in, also if any of my people purchase any of your other products i would like a 2 percent per month on that volume, maybe we can expand even more. howard we make more money together, thanks howard My response to this email was as follows: I will call e-mail: Eric 1 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 12:02:20 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello Howard. I have no problem agreeing to the commission amount you have set forth. However I want you to know that this is not an exclusive agreement. I have other factories I have contracted, and do work with them also. I am having another site built to sell these products, this site will have no information of yours. If this is fine with you we can move foward with our agreement and you can repost my website to the internet. Any sales generated from this site we will share. If this is not agreeable, you can reduce my website to a wholesale site only and I will not sell business. I will also remove anything from my website that is business related to your site. Please let me know how you want to proceed with this matter. Eric Howard 2 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 01:52:42 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi, i have no problem with you selling other products, i am only interested in you setting people up in the business with my system and flyers and web site and my pictures etc. thats my focus, i wrote you our deal, write it up and send it and start sending in orders for new distributors. i get 50 per dist, 250 for web site, 50 for hosting, 75 for labels and the post cards vary a little depending on volume which i wrote in the larger deals. thanks h Eric 2 Here I am not sure if Howard understands what I am doing. So I try to be perfectly clear. Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:29:04 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Let me be sure again Howard. I have contracts with other factories. These contracted products are also sold by distributorships. These will be done by a seperate website not related to yours. In this case I will be selling another business opportunity - other than yours. I will have two business opportunity websites. The website I bought from you will be shared orders, and dollars with you. If somebody orders from my other business opportunity website that will be for my other factories. Your website will only contain your information and the customer will get your postcards website and service. We will divide the money as you have proposed. The second website will have none of your business information and will not cantain any references to your company, this customer will get a different website different postcards and different information. Eric Howard 3 He finally agrees to me selling my other business opportunity website, Then he kind of avoids the issue by saying, ??if you want to sell other products?? changing the issue again. However my e-mail is clear, and he agrees to my e-mail by saying ??that??s fine.?? Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:47:39 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail thats fine, as i said my pictures , my business info and you pay me for those people you set up that buy my business set up, that has been the deal since day one, now you get a little more, i will have 2 sites for you. thanks h i only set the people up with dade towel as per original agreement, if you want to sell other products i have never said no, so lets move on, send me people and money and i will build the sites and get the cards and labels done. thanks h Eric 3 I figured I would give it the old college try, just in case Howard did not understand me. Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 03:08:33 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Howard To clarify. Website #1 from your company includes business info everything. Website # 2 is a wesite I am having built - another business opportunity website - not from you. I only need the one website from you. Do you see? Eric Howard 4 Finally a complete agreement Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 01:21:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail whatever you want. like i said if you use my business info and pictures , i have the new business plans in which you make more money, whatever else you want to sell on the side is your business. you are not allowed to use my pictures , or business plan on any other site without my agreement , you know that. . so if you want to sell my businesses then lets do it, thanks h Eric 4 Now I confirm our agreement Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 05:31:30 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Looks like we have a Deal Howard. I will write commission schedule and foward to you. I need to redesign sales page on other site. I will work on that now then foward agreement. Be a few days to redesign-talk to you soon. Eric Larson After I wrote this e-mail I realized we already had a written agreement. He wrote an e-mail about commissions, to which I had agreed. I wrote an e-mail saying I was going to have a separate website to sell my own Business Opportunities. He agreed. I was done. I finished corrections on my site and we were on our way. I am not even sure if these e-mail contracts are legal and binding, however I am sure they were clear agreements and we understood each other??s intentions.- Eric Howard 5 I always get the feeling he is avoiding the subject, because he only wants to talk about me selling products, not the business opportunity on my website. However my e-mails are clear, and I have to go with this. Here is his response: Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 07:03:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail sounds ok, i have been ready since day one, and now you want to handle more items, thats fine , but remember having the drop shipping system is what we sell, i hope you sell a lot of products. thanks h Now we will fast forward to August our next e-mail correspondence. We continued to talk on the phone, so at times was not necessary to do e-mails. After this June 14th (above) e-mail from Howard, he verbally told me that he was making some changes to his site, and my new site would be running on August 6th. I remember when he told me this because I was on my cell phone at the time, and was playing Golf on July 3rd - he said ??also I hope you have a happy fourth of July?? to me. I waited three weeks after that and had no site working. Finally at the end of July Howard phoned me and said he would have my new site at www.americantowel.com running soon. I thought he disappeared and backed out of our contract. He said no just busy making changes to his site. I told him fine, get my site running, anybody that buys from his site I would share commissions with him. Here are the e-mails that followed after my site was posted at the end of July, 2006. Eric 5 After I spoke to him on the phone, I wrote this e-mail Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 01:37:48 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello, I thought you left. 3 weeks ago my site was to be running... Anyway I will run a few small ads next month for this site. Hopefully somthing will happen The home page has a one word sentence that needs to be corrected, and all postcards not showing on links Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 6 His response, nice and cordial Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 02:04:48 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi eric, glad you are ok, i will get those things fixed, we have re done the entire site now with 1000 items, i am selling stores now also, so you should do real well. thanks h Now we fast forward to August: While my site (Howard??s and mine) was down, I began selling distributorships on my own website, as agree to by Howard. Because I wanted a good working relationship with him, I phoned him and also said that any business opportunities I sell from my website at I would give him a royalty. This way he would make money from my website shared with him and my website too. I threw this in a sign of good faith, and thought this would help further our relationship. We help each other and we both succeed. However the reality of my new website must have started sinking in. He seemed to forget our previous agreement. I think this is called ??selective memory?? Anyway I told him on a couple of deals I sold I would pay him a royalty, because these two new distributors never saw his site, and did not want to switch to another site or factory. They were perfectly happy with my site, my company, and my products. So I forwarded him a $350 royalty payment for these two accounts. This is why I agreed to pay Howard a royalty each time. He couldn??t loose, and made money either way when I sold a business. I thought he was happy, however I found out differently as shown in the following e-mails. Howard 7 Date: Thu 24 Aug 2006 09:01:10 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: remind you over 2 weeks ago you told me there was a 300 dollar check coming to do a website and cards, also you said when the big check cleared i would have 1800 and do the web site and cards and labels, now it seems that you are doing your own thing, you agreed that after the check cleared you would change your web site, you can alway put in whatever words you have now on my site, but now you want your own postcard company, so it seems, that i worked many years to fine tune this and you are doing your own thing, you agreed to be with me, and now you are making another web site, so tomorrow, you said i would have money , i am hoping you do what you said and we move forward, i cannot support another web site that competes with me, and that seems to be whats happening, if you are going to have another site, then thats fine but none of my pictures are allowed by law without my approval which i have not given, so i feel as of today , not to positive i will see what you promissed several times, tomorrow in the deals you said dont worry , howard Eric 7 Here I confirm my phone conversation with Howard about the Royalties. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:14:01 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Helo Howard, I run ads for your site www.americantowelusa.com, any deals I get we share as agreed. If anyone buys from my other site, I will still pay you a royalty, and you do nothing. Either way you make money. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 8 Again Howard forgets we have a contract that we both must follow. Now he says he can??t compete with me??? He already agreed to the second site and looks like he wants to change the rules. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:22:08 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you eric, my focus was that , you promissed 2 deals which are not here, and if you want to add some products we can to my site, i cant compete and work with you, you are stealing my business plan which up until you spoke with me, knew nothing about this business, now i am getting nothing, i havent seen a dime, so i hope you keep your word that today i will see the money, h Here Howard seems to think you can patent a business idea. - Eric Eric 8 He wants more money-doesn??t like the idea I have my own site, and doesn??t like the idea I have two companies, so I sent this e-mail. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:36:32 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Howard, These two accounts came in when we were on sabattical from each other. They have never seen your site. When I showed t to them, they said no-they want my site my products etc...Nothing I can do. I will foward $200 royalty for the $3800.00 plan, and you can keep the full $150 commission from the Kimberly Bullis plan. Let me know how you want me to send the money. Keep an open heart Howard, we will both do very well this year. The other alternative is to sever the relationship, remove the www.americantowelusa.com site, return my $800 then we will go our seperate ways. Since you have already receive $800 from me, you shouldnn't even care if I ever send you another deal. My site right? I paid $800 for the site. Mine. If I don't use it don't worry. Mine. If I do we both make money. I plan on using your site to advertise and make money. You call the shots, let me know if you want to continue our relationship. The pictures are all mine on my current website, and on my new website, don't worry about that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 9 Now he is waiting for money from the two deals I offered to him while I had no website running. I sent him $200 through paypal, and he receivied another $150 from me from a shared deal from a client named ??Kim?? Therefore he received a Royalty of $350 from me, and these two clients never even saw his site. Not a bad deal, or so I thought, just look at what happens here in the following e-mails. Date: Sat 26 Aug 2006 07:55:10 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: money well your check cleared tuesday, and now you have not kept your word 2 times, so western union me my money this morning, my name in williams arizona, every penny you have taken in, is because i taught you this business, you really have a funny way of thanking someone, h. Yes I did thank him, by giving him $800 for a website and for training, now another $350, this is not free you know. - Eric Eric 9 Howard called me in a panic on August 26th, looking for his money; I was at Universal Studios at the time. He said he received no money and wanted desperately me to send the cash. I told him it was sent, and to look in his e-mail receipt payment from my wife??s account. He called back a few minutes later and apologized he had received his money. Also he kept $150 of mine from the Kim account. Receipt for your Payment Inbox [email protected] to meMore options Aug 26 Your payment for $200.00 USD to [email protected] has been sent. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $200.00 USD Transaction ID: 59G891365M80 Subject: Royalty Note: This is Royalty Payment #1 $200.00 for a gold account. Let's have a good year Thanks Howard. Eric Larson Now he waits for 2 weeks to respond to me. I phone him on Tuesday, Sept. 5th to tell him my new site at www.toweldaddy.com was fully functional and working. I knew he probably wouldn??t like this; however deals a deal, and I wanted to be the first to tell him. He seemed to accept what I was saying, and I only discovered days later he cut my site off at www.americantowelusa.com again. Never called me, never discussed anything, never asked me any questions, just shut my site down again. I called him on the 7th after discovering my site was down. He seemed agitated and said to me ??when you just want to do business with me, call me, otherwise I can??t work with you.?? A clear breach of his contract. HERE ARE THE E-MAILS THAT FOLLOWED THIS Phone Call on September 7th, 2006 ?V THIS IS WHERE IT GETS REALLY GOOD: Howard told me on the phone that there were 2 pictures on my site that were his. He told me the two and I have removed them. Again he claims these are 2 out of the hundreds if not thousands of pictures on my site. If he were really only mad about these two pictures, it wouldn??t make sense to me that he would remove my site. I had just paid Howard a $350 royalty, so he stood to make money, my site is pure from his pictures and was created from the ground floor. You compare the two sites, his at www.americantowelusa.com, and mine at www.toweldaddy.com I think he was just jealous, and didn??t want the competition, even though he was making money from me!!!???. Who else would cut their head off in spite of themselves? My site is obviously different than his, and all he had to do was talk to me, I would have gladly removed the two pictures he ??claims?? are his. However I removed them anyway. Now take a look at the following e-mails as Howard??s true color comes out. I must warn you however this is not a pretty site. Eric 10 Trying to save relationship Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 01:38:46 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of my site at towel daddy is free from your pictures. You claim there is 1 scrub picture that you own the rights to. If this is true I will remove that picture from my website. Now your telling me because there is 1 picture out of over 5000 products on my site that you take down my other shared site at american towel USA, doesn't make any logical sense to me. Logical is the word here. You've already agreed in an e-mail that I could do this. Your getting royalities even if I sell from my site. Any sales from American Towea USA site we have made an agreement for the numbers to be shared. You make money any way you look at it. Nobody would cut a site off because of one picture if these arangements were made. Doesn't make any sense. I think the real reason you took my site down without even informing me was because you didn't like the fact that I have my own site. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Nobody would cut their head off, especially if they were going to make money-royalities, or shared sales. This is why I had to build my site in the first place. You put on my origional site "Send all PayPal payments to [email protected]. You claim to have no knowledge of this happening. I suppose you have no knowledge of my site being pilled a second time. "Heather must of made a mistake again" right Howard. Come on give me a break. Let's review. I paid you $800.00 for a website and training. I have had my site for a total of 2 months out of 6 months. I asked for a contract when we started ouyt , you said"I don't do contracts" however you said if you "want to write somthing out I will agree to it". I have written 5 e-mails detailing my intentions and you agreed to every e-mail. You have shut my site down twice, this time in the middle of advertising-are you stealing my clients again. Third if this continues I have to ask for my $800 returned -this way I don't have to send a letter to PayPal disputing claims, and fowarding all documentation and e-mails to them. Let them figure this out. I do have a better solution. Get my website back and working. Leave it there, do not ever remove it again. We then go back to our agreement, help each other, and make money. By the way, I don't know any Ted, never have spoken to Ted, never was told I couldn't speak to Ted, have no working relationship at all with Ted. )Ted apparently is a competitor of Howards) A better idea is to ask me first, discuss any situation, then we can both take the appropriate action, don't just cut my website off. Doesn't make any sense. My web designer said he found the '1' Scrub picture you are referring to on a free source on the internet. He is not sure where it is now. If you would like me to remove it I would be happy to. However if were all making money and you would like to grant me permission to use the picture, I would be grateful and happy to keep it on the site. Let's make one final resolution and settle this nonsense bickering. Eric Larson Howard 10 He still seems to forget we have a contract. He alludes here that I have his files; I guess he??s thinking I can recreate his site, then not being obligated to refund my $800 from my paypal account. This is not true as you will see in a later e-mail. You decide. Note: Affordable med scrubs are his competition. Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 02:41:27 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, you have all the files plus the knowledge of how to sell businesses , which is what you paid for, when you want to have my site only we can work together, thanks howard i dont trust your web person about those kids pictures, so i will not work with anyone i cant trust, aand as far as the one page put of 3 that had my info by mistake, i out of 3 , so it was not intentional, and if you had called it would of been fixed in one minute, now you have duplicated my site and business form , with changing the pictures, i have no control over what you sell, or any commission like you were going to get a 2 percent overide on all the volume , so i have nothing to gain , only losses for helping you, my aggreement stands , you called and said you wanted to sell business with me, if you do then get rid of those other sites and we move forward, be honest, you didnit need to copy my site , you could of stayed focused with me, i know you can do very well, but now you will see how much is involved in what i do, i agreed to everything you asked, but when you stuck it in my face with affordablemedscrubs, i am sure you and them got a good laugh, so good luck and if you ever decide to play it straight with me, i welcome that, but not until you stick to our agreement, thanks and good luck, you will need, it, h Eric 11 He want??s me to be honest, so I will. Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:04:31 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I will be honest. If I hadn't received the crummy samples in the beginning, and you hadn't changed the paypal info I wouldn't have built my own site. That's the truth, weather you accept it or not. Your 1 out of 3 pages changed doesn't make sense either. The page you changed was on the business plans page after the discussion of the money. This is the only place on the site or the three pages you mentioned that talks about paypal. The most important part-who gets the money. I know you didn't change any contact info, however the contact info is not about the money, only the paypal page is about the money. This 2nd time around follows the same pattern. No discussion with me what so ever. None. Didn't bother to call me nothing. Just removed my site at www.americantowelusa.com Did it occor to you that I was running ads. Not cool. Secondly if your paranoid - I never spoke to Ted who ever he is, and never laughed with anyone about you - I can't help that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 11 Now he says I can only have 1 site. What happened to our agreement? Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:48:43 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money like i said you want to play straight and sell business with me, no problem, but i am not going to make you money when i have no control over proof who joins or not, so either we keep to the plan or not, and the bs, about the kids scrubs , i wasnt born yesterday, you havent sold a deal in a month so, what are you doing,? h if you think bras, and electronics and the micro fiber towel which is now sold in every dollar store is special then great, my honest way or none, thanks h with me you could make 100k with about 1 hour a day at the most, hate to waist all my training , but i do not play second fiddle , my site must be the same , and my new sellers are doing great, no problems or changes , or site i wasnt told about, its your call, i have a great life already, tried to help you, went out of my way for you, and this is what i get, , so door is open when you tell the truth about the scrub pictures, there are many scrub sites , the chances of your web site person just finding them is bs. and if it is on your site then you must have made arrangements to deliver them , so where are you going to get them from, ? can have your site up and info on in 1 minute , but only one site, thanks h you can put my site on as many names as you want, but only my site, h it doesnt look good to outside people and will harm sales, its that simple, and you dont seem to understand that, but i have been where you are before and understand you are trying to make a buck anywhere, stay focused with me and you will make more that you need and in less time, h Eric 12 I guess I must be getting a little agitated also Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:05:53 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Howard, This isn't about 1 picture, 1 scrub. So let's get off that. If it was about 1 picture one scrub, you would of asked me to remove it, not take my site down. You agreed to everything I'm doing in my e-mails to you. I call you on tuesday, ask that you visit my new site, then never heard from you again. Obviously you didn't like the fact that I had my own site. I will say again you never called. You still have not addressed this issue. Must not be important to you. You have already started receiving royalties from me, that was all fine and well. Only after I showed you my site did you drop me. Only then. Never called. never called. Stick to the issues you still have not answered me. Also why would you tell me in all my e-mails it was ok to have two sites two companies I represent, then do a 180 and drop me. Now if you need copies of the e-mails I have the exact wording and agreement. Do not dispute these issues because I have the e-mails. So what, any other reason you never bothered to call me and just drop me. Especially after you just received a royalty payment from me, and you knew I was running ads. How come you never address these issues in your return e-mail. How come? Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 12 Still am wondering why he never called me. Let??s see if he answers?K Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:15:20 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money because of me , every dime you have taken in is from my teaching, i will work with you, you can sell your products on e bay, it just does not work that you have a site like the one you do, thats all, my door is open, and still waiting to see who you were going to get the scrubs from, you knew all along about that company, if you want to become a retailer and not use my sources, then whats in it for me, and on a 3800 dollar deal you would of gotten 2000 , i got 200, whats that about, and how many other deals have you done, so if you want to work with me and my sources , i welcome that , but it does not look good for us to have 2 sites, its that simple, i dont need the extra explanations, i will gladley send to every new distributor any products you want to handle . on a separate page, so thats the best i can do. h Eric 13 Need final resolution to move on Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:30:44 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I can see your not going to answer my questions. So I will leave you with this, so I can final resolution this situation. You alluded that I have the files to my americantowelusa site. Are you suggesting that I am allowed to use these files to recreate my site. Are you saying this to fulfill your obligation with paypal that you have supplied me with a product. If that is the case I will recreate the site myself. If you say that I cannot have these files to recreate the site, then I have to go through paypal for a resolution to this matter. You decide. Tell me what you wish to do, site or no site I will honor your wishes. As of now I do not have a product for my $800. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 13 Now he say??s he??s not avoiding questions. Not avoiding questions? You decide Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:52:54 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric i have not avoided one question, i told you how you could sell your other items, and that the copy of my web site with different pictures, is already done, so what are you talking about, if you want to keep to the original deal, then its open, you have the same site as me and we work together, why do you keep refering to the money, are you saying you do not know how to sell the business, i think you do, so why do you keep bringing up the money, i am the one that is out money, every sale you made i only saw 1 comm. so who did what, now if you want to get back to business i will, one site, and you could sell on ebay or list your products elswhere, but you have duplicated my business plans, and you know it, so who is getting ripped off, you dont even want to give me the post card orders or the labels, stick to the original agreement, and remember you built the other site without my knowledge, or approval, and before the problem with the wrong bottom of a page, that you could of called in one minute and it would of been fixed, that is not an uncommom error, when making fast changes, or whatever she was doing, i had nothing to do with it, i would of had the site point to me, why in the world would i put it on 1 page and try and slip it in, i dont know what kind of people you do business with, but i have been in this industry for 30 years and owned 4 stores , 2 of which are here in arizona and do almost a million each, i have the best system for helping people get started, why do you have to go crazy, just stick to your original agreement, forget all the other bullshit, and i can have your site up in one minute and you make 100k easy with me, ?? Origional deal, original contract?- He must have selective memory. We made a deal.- Eric I think he likes to ramble. Eric 14 I guess I want my questions answered here Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:49:31 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Great. You havn't avoided one question. Then here's three of them. 1) Why did you not call me to talk to me before dropping my site for the second time? 2)Why did you agree that I could have my second website, then change your mind when you looked at my new site? (Agreement according to our previous e-mails) 3)Am I allowed to use the files you sent me to recreate the my site now? If you can please answer these questions in a: 1) 2) 3) format so I can clearly read your answers. Here's to no avoidance. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 14 Let??s see how he does - Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 04:43:55 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric you do not have any permission to duplicate or sell any of my site, either you want to have one site or good luck, howard Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal. I have nothing to show for my $800, and he refuses to let me use the files he sent me. I am still wondering about questions 1 and 2??? Eric Eric 15 Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:21:44 PM EDT From: Eric To: Subject: RE: money Howard, I figured this much. Three questions and no answers. I guess paypal is next. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson Actually he did answer the third question my bad ?? Now the action gets really good Howard 15 Here Howard wants me to open the books (e-mails) for everyone to see. Watch out what you ask for!!! I guess he got his wish?K?? Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:36:15 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, i answered every question, what do you want, if you want to work with me as agreed from day one, then lets go, but i will not support any other scrub or towel factories, something called loyalty, which you have none, so send me my money for all the training, 5k, and we will call it even or send me a contract stating what you proposed, in writing, and that all books are open to inspection, lets see if you are a man, why are you tryting to do everything to f**k with me/ all books (e-mails here for everybody to see.) Your right Howard, these books are open for inspection. Contract agreed in the earlier e-mails. 5k is he delusional here? You decide. I guess he??s getting a little bit testy here. - Eric Eric Larson 16 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 02:25:16 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: < left blank Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Swearing is not becomming of you. Thanks Sincerely Eric Larson Howard 16 He responds about his good side I guess he has a bad case of selective memory. No sweat he can read all the e-mails right here again!!! Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:30:00 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money when people lie, cheat and steal it brings out the best in me. Eric 17 Nothing wrong with a little review, a history lesson if you will?K?? Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 03:07:23 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Look, I don't think you are a bad person. We had a verbal agreement. This was broken when you (or somebody you are responsible for) put your paypal info on my site. I had no contract, and chose to build my own site. That's all. Very simple. Actually Howard you agreed to let me do this in our e-mail conversations. There was no restrictions as to where I could find my suppliers, you never mentioned any names or companies. I can't assume I can't work with other companies. However I am not working with Ted, whoever he is Howard. Anyway there was no contract, our verbal was broken. After agreeing to let me do what I am doing, you took my site off at americantowelusa again. Two times. I have your files for $800 however I don't have permission to use them. If I never sold from your site again you have made $800 + $350 royalty. Not bad. However I have nothing to show for my $1150. If you want to send me a check for $800 we can call this a day. Or better I give this to Paypal, let them figure this thing out. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 17 In this e-mail Howard refers to ??my piece of s-- flier. This would be a good time for you to visit my site at (left blank), and his site (left blank) and look at his fliers and look at mine. You decide who has the piece of s-- fliers! ?? Anyway Howards true colors come flying out here. Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:44:27 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money hey f**k you, we never agreed on getting eason suppliers, you went behind my back, and now have copied my entire system, some cheap nerve, you never sent me one dime as per agreed, sent 200 why , beause you are guilty of lieing, if you want to wrk with my program, I will stick to the agreement, so its up to you, after you finally tell me how those scrubs pictures are on your site, that are mine, and my entire business plan, if you want me to do postcards, and labels and web site as agreed then give me the orders, as of yet you have never given me one order, you went out on your own created a piece of s**t flyer and now want my postcard company, how low do you go, either straight or nothing, I bullshit me about anything else, I run a hones ship, and the page that you keep hinging on, was an accident , not done by me, and I fixed in one minute like we did everything else, and I tell me I am a nice guy while you ar f**king me, how could you ask for a penny when you now run a large distribution business from my teachings, I the truth and I forget it, I gave you all you have . remember, you were never in the business, and now you have all these items, so use your suppliers, or use mine , its one or the other, I eason deal with crooks, if you want to sell businesses as you first asked, then get rid of the lousy site and get back to business, and from what I have seen in the last month, you are still not telling the truth I had 2 of your peole call and they will not be doing business with you, they all hear and see through you, I have told you how to do this, but you know better so pay me the 5k and we will end this, I have done my job and you are a distributor, and have already copied my site, you can only use it to sell businesses with me, that option is still available, but for some eason you I do it, so stop bothering me, you are a lousy lier, and a bad father to steal from me, the person who opened the doors for you new business, have some honest respect, if any of my web site ends up om any new people be preparre to refund some money, as these people will have no choice but to call you, its easier to be honest, why do you choose to have backhanded deals, / this is how you want your children to see their father, no more emails I will not answer any more, I have waisted to much time with a crook, I guess Howard doesn??t like history class. And no Howard, this is how I choose my children to see me, please read all previous e-mails again. They can read this when they get older too.- Eric Eric 18 I sent one final e-mail and have not heard from him since. What a day for this bomb to go off 9-11-2006 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 12:14:43 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money I never said you were a nice person Howard, I said I didn't think you were a bad person. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson So here you have the full story. All e-mails are in original unedited condition. I have a copy for any authorities or consumer if they are needed. They appear as they were written, word for word. No changes. So what??s my point here? My point is if you honor an agreement from the beginning, and stick to the issues I believe any partnership can make money. If not clear communication is critical to work things out. Snap judgments are not good. If one can stay away from greed and help each other, then the chances of a relationship lasting art much better. Believe it or not I still like Howard. He may be a little misguided, however I will say again ??I don??t think he is a bad person?? I really feel that way. Who knows what his past is to make him like this. Hopefully we all could learn from this lesson. The moral of the story, have a big heart, be kind and gentle, and usually good things will come your way. What am I doing now? I have two accounts that were interested in joining my business before this mess. Howard said both of these accounts ??called him?? recently (look in e-mail above) and said they will not be joining my organization anymore. Who knows what he said to them... God only knows. I have come to find out from one of them, Chuck that Howard actually telephoned them, and they didn??t call him. Sounds like sabotage to me. I have since spoken to Chuck, he seems to be coming around, and I will speak to the other Gentleman Buddy to try to rectify this situation. Hopefully they will be able to figure this thing out so we can make good money together and have long profitable relationship. These are two talented and wonderful people, so hopefully we can rectify this situation. In the future anybody that talks to Howard, and is also interested in my Business Opportunity, I will direct to this website so they can get the facts. Talk is cheap. I hope this helps, and any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Eric Larson, anytime at left blank) or visit my website at (left blank) Anybody that joins my website from here will receive a 20% discount on all Business Opportunity Business Plans. Thanks again and God Bless. Sincerely, Eric Larson Here are what a few others are saying obout his opportunity: Howard Leventhal - Towels-uniforms - American Supply He got me too. Lies, lies, Lies ripoff Ash Fork Arizona *REBUTTAL Owner of company ..di not give it a chance Company Towels-uniforms.com - American Supply Address: P.O. Box 960 Ash Fork Arizona 86320 U.S.A. Phone Number I talked to him on the phone for a long time before investing, seemed all good. He promised a business plan and training. Invested $1500.00 for a web store, advertising materials and "training". His "training" was one sheet of paper telling me to go hire other people to sell towels for me and take a commission. I ordered postcards from him which turned out to be snapshots of towels on the shelves a cheesy looking store somewhere. Hideous- looking. I ordered a $100.00 sample box from his supplier, which was made up of the lowest quality products you have ever seen. Towels so thin you could see through them! The website never worked, and his support guy did not return my calls for 3 months, nor did he. Once I demanded a refund via email and he informed me that his web guy had a new address and try again...and said he tried the site and it was fine. It wasn't. I had to pay for a company to take credit cards online and they were billing me like crazy and no money was coming in because the site DID NOT WORK!!!! As soon as he got my money his "support" ended immediately and he was all about trying to get me to order more materials. I continued to demand a refund and he got all defensive, and stopped returning my calls and emails. He has his rap down and he just repeats it over and over, just like he did here. Howard, you owe us our money back. If you have so many success stories. WHERE ARE THEY Name ONE, get ONE of your happy students to write you a glowing reccomendation. I will report you to EVERY agency in this country until I get my money back. I will NEVER STOP. If you are not a crook then PAY US BACK. That's what honorable business people do. If Gary and I are truly the ONLY two that have had a bad experience with you , I'd think it would be worth it to you to clear your company's name. I won't hold my breath. But you aren't going to get away with it, I assure you. Lauren Manchester, New Hampshire U.S.A. Howard responds in kind: Rebuttal REBUTTAL Owner of company Submitted: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM Modified: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM di not give it a chance yes i did have a web site person problem, it is difficult sometimes to get good , smart web site people, that has been fully taken care of, as per the light towel, if you have ever been in a real cheap hotel, which there are many of, thats what they use, we also have the largest thickest towels, so as a hotel supplier we have both, there is no complaint about our fast service, or anything else, so i suggest you get the post cards out and start taking orders, and i will give you the latest best version of our weg site now with over 1000 items, remember we only handle to


Los Angeles,
More From The Owner

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 28, 2006

Apparently Howard does not like that I own my own Towel Supply Business. That and the fact he said 9 out of ten of his distributors fail was unacceptable to me. That's why I have partnered with friends who have been in the business for over 21 years. We deliver. I have been in sales and marketing for 30 years, and know the car wash industry inside and out. I understand this business, and can help anyone start a successful home based towel supply business. Since Howard has elected to post here, I will handle his comments in 3 steps. 1) About the above customer Kim who started this complaint, I will post her last three most recent e-mails to me. 2) My story and relationship with Howard. 3) My complaints to the better business bureau on Howard, and to Paypal for my refund of $800 I am asking for. Now here are my posts on these three issues. 1) Here is the 1st email I received from Kim after I refunded her $100. Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 02:43:04 PM EDT From: To: Subject: Re: Your Business well, it's quite funny, I hear more from you than I do from Howard :/ Honestly, I gave my very last extra cash to get into this, finally got the post cards corrected, and sent back to me. I had spent $240 to send the first ones out, and they all had the wrong info on them. So, now I am having to make extra cash to be able to remail them out. I have been just giving the cards out to business's in the area, and many say the next time they order they will order from me. WE have a huge super flea here at the coliseum once a month, and I want to be able to buy enough product to do a display and also sell from there and get some exposure. (sorry) I didnt mean to rattle here, (but you asked ;) I am sorry I misjudged you Eric, I do think there was some miscommunication, and I think maybe you were just starting and breaking away from Howard. I am not sure, but I think that is what was happening. If that is the case, and I had known, I think I could have really helped, but I have been burned in so many business's its unbelievable, and here again, I have no support and I can make this work, but I feel I am out here alone. I am bipolar, I have for the most part gotten it under control, more good days than bad, I have to work something that when I do have a bad day, I have the choice of staying home. On the good days, I am an incredible producer. I have learned how to live with it, and live life the best I can, I just need the tools and support to make that happen. sorry if that sounded whiny, I just wanted you to know where I am coming from. Take care and thank you for responding to everything so wonderfully, wish I had done things differently. KIM Now her second e-mail to me: Date: Tue 17 Oct 2006 09:27:35 PM EDT From: To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Howard made the mistake, not me, and all he said was sorry, and when I said you should refund the postage, all he said was to go and contact the people I mailed them to. I thought the purpose of the cards was to get instant business. I am not lazy and fully intend on going out and working, but my plan was to make a call on the leads that were interested. Not only did he mess up the post cards, but every label was printed on the back of the sheet, they were printed on the side that could not be peeled, which also caused another delay. Just seems everything was done very unprofessionally. Eric, I have a best friend who is an expert on website design and graphics, and she can read the back page (whatever you call it),, and she went in, and Howard had disable my site from being able to be found on search engines. My best friend, took hours and hours and did the work to put me on all the major search engines, and when all was said and done, he had my site deactivated from being put on search engines. When I question him, he always gives me a one word answer something to the effect of just do the business. I am just put out with it, dont even know where to go with it, and I am sure you are saying I told you so, and I am just sitting here feeling like an idiot, that I paid $800 for the original plus the $240 in postage and still dont have anything. Am I missing something? I looked at your site a few weeks ago, i saw the new one you are talking about, the only question I have is I didnt see where there was a buy now and checkout plan. Has that been added, and if not when do you plan to add it. I am very methodical Eric, I need a step by step plan, and if given that I can go to town with it, I thought Howard had the experience and had paved the way, but all I got was a one page guide, that basically told me nothing. I want some real expertise, maybe thats not out there, maybe I am grasping for something that doesn't exist. I have always just wanted to make an honest living in MY own business, the only hold back I have not had the capital to get started, that is why I was interested in this to start with. I will check out your site tonite, Thanks Kim Her Last e-mail to me: Date: Thu 19 Oct 2006 04:53:52 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: Re: Your Business Hi Eric, I received the check today, thank you so much. I haven't had time this week to take a look at your new site, my daughter has been home on fall break and this has been the first time she has ever left home, so I have spent all my time with her. So things are calming down, and I will look again. I would like to know what your involvement is with Howard now, and how much time you would be willing to devote to me and my business. I guarantee you I don't want something for nothing, I just need the support and expertise, I am and always have been a 100% go getter. I just feel I need the support and guidance at this, seeing as I have never been in this industry before, and a one page manual and saying"just do the business" is not enough for me. I would like to know why you would even be interested in working with me after all that has happened. I must say, if you had been a con, you woulda been long gone by now, but you have stuck right in there and I must say that has impressed me quite a bit. On the other hand, you coulda washed your hands of me and are still willing to make a generous offer to help and that honestly blows me away. Again I do apologize for the way I handled things and for rushing into making accusations without just coming to you with my concerns. If I were to come on board with you, I just don't want anymore of the pull between the two businesses. I want one or the other. I don't like confusion, and I tend to run. Is Howard completely out of the picture or is he someone who will be an affiliate of yours and someone that I will contstanly running up with? sorry, Part of me wants to say screw all this, but somehow I am just amazed and finally believe someone would trully help me and teach me to be successful. Thanks for you time Kim I wish I had Kim as a customer. I think she is a really nice person and I wish her all the luck, she will do good. 2) My story with Howard: This is a rather lengthy summary of my relations with Howard Leventhall and American supply, however this is important information. I urge you to read all of this to get a better idea of all the facts. Some of the most important information is at the bottom of the page, so please read all the way through... Then you will be able to make an intelligent decision about our companies. Here is my relationship with Howard Leventhal. On 3/2006 I purchased a Towel distributorship from Howard at American Supply, I spent $800, and received a website for my money. I was also to receive training. After having the site for about a month, Howard began to get agitated, because I wasnt selling any of his business opportunity packages to the general public. He seemed annoyed that I wasnt successfully marketing his business opportunity. I told him if I never sold a package ever, he should be happy, because I sent him his $800, and he was richer for that. I told him this was my site I paid for it, and any sales that I made were gravy on his plate for him. Then about a month later, as I was looking at my site, I noticed that Howard put his paypal information on my site. In other words if someone were to send money for the business opportunity, Howard would now receive the money, not me, as we agreed. This would cut me out of my share of the money. I was spending cash on advertising, however being cut out of the most important part-the money. I am not sure how long this went on, or if he even had any sales from my site. However he did put this information on my site, so I must ask what were his intentions? I could only guess. Also, I have no way of tracking any sales he made. When I confronted Howard, he denied this happened, became very mad then hung up the phone. I tried calling him back 3 times, however he never answered. Later he said that he didnt do this Heather his web designer did. When I asked why she would do this, he really didnt have an answer. I reminded him any actions by his employees are his responsibility. Also it didnt make any sense to me why she would do this at all unless instructed to do so. I told Howard that because of these actions, and others detailed below, I was pursuing other factories, options, and developing my own website. I also joined forces with friends who have been in the import export business for 21 years. Howard didnt like this, and removed my website from the internet. When I bought this business distributorship package from Howard, he told me if I sold his various business plans he would pay me a set commission. To get off on the right foot I asked Howard if he had a contract, a written document to verify our relationship. He said no, however that I could write him an e-mail and he would agree to that. These e-mails between Howard and I are posted here. In these e-mails you will see our agreement and how Howard has breeched this contract 3 times Other than these e-mails there is no contract, no non-compete clauses, no written document at all. After coming to terms we later settled our differences. I decided to give his business opportunity another try. We kissed and made up, and then he reposted my website at the end of July 06. I sent him several e-mails detailing an outline and guidelines of our agreement, an email contract if you will, and he seemed to agree with them all. So off we went again. When I called him on 9-03-06 to inform him my new site was complete at www.toweldaddy.com he must have flipped after he got off the phone. This is is why Im writing this document today. My site located at www.americantowelusa.com is no longer mine, which I paid $800 for, now the domain name is forwarded into his site for the second time he has dropped me. However when I phoned him on Monday, September 3rd he seemed in a good mood. I had just paid him $350 in agreed royalties on businesses I had just sold, and our conversation was cordial. Then two days later he took my site down again, apparently mad that I had my own company. In fact my site from him has worked for only a total of 2 months out of the 6 months I have owned the site. Seems like a refund is due here. That means any customers of mine that have my web address, or any potential customers of mine will be sent to him. Any money that I have spent from advertising he would benefit from. Because of his actions, and his breach of his verbal contracts, I have created my own company, separate of his located at Howard has agreed to the creation of this company. Here I will detail the e-mails of our agreement, and the e-mails that followed after he took my site down again. I can only figure that he is jealous that I have my own site. Howard feels he has a corner on the market, and doesnt want any competition. He also says that he wrote the book on the towel supply business. Not really. Howards claim to fame is that he once owned two towel stores, not anymore. Then he figured out an easier way to make money. Sell distributorships, not towels, then sell more distributorships. I think Howard kind of forgot about the towels. I have friends in the import export business I am affiliated to, that has been around for 21 years. We import towels, supplies, and all kinds of products. A real business. I think he just couldnt handle that. Other than his breach of verbal contract, there were two other disturbing events that led me to the creation of my own website. As part of my $800 package that I bought, Howard sent me a sample pack, of his towels, and supplies. I was dismayed when I saw the towels, paper thin and of poor quality, the threads were running and the chef hat was flimsy at best. I realized then that I could never sell his product to anyone and really feel good about it. They were terrible. I have a best friend that owns one of the biggest Car washes in California. I know this business inside and out. I could never even think of selling these towels to him. The weight of the towels, the quality, the fact that they are not lint free towels and the price truly was way out of line. I was sick thinking about selling these towels, and that knowing there wouldnt be anybody making money from the business opportunity. Also the car washes etc. would never even buy these towels. At all. Howard always claims that cheap hotels need cheap towels. This is kind of true. I must say while the cheap hotels need a less expensive towel. They certainly dont need a poor quality towel. A cheap towel would also be a good quality towel, like a white 22 x 44 6lb towel. This towel is perfect for a cheap hotel, where the towels walk, however if manufactured correctly, the right quality can still be a good towel. There were several other disturbing things that Howard said to me. On different phone calls over time, on various occasions he said the following to me. He said that he sells all of his new clients using the puppy dog close He said that people like to feel in control, and that he discovered this is the easiest way they would buy from him. Call him and youll see, he will be sweet as apple pie Then if any of his clients complain or are not doing well, or if they confront Howard, as you will see in the following e-mails, he is no puppy dog at all. So much so that people really dont like to deal with him, and cant handle the abuse to pursue their money back. That is his MO. Which is how he has survived for so many years. I hate to say this because it is kind of funny, but sounds like Jekyll & Hyde. However I cant fault Howard. Maybe its all the pain medication he said he is taking everyday for his bad back. Must be making him crazy. However this is a bitter combination that most people can not handle. Look if Howard has been around 30 years, and has been selling distributorships like crazy, then he has enough money from selling towels and supplies through his distributorships to retire. His 4% royalty should be more than enough for him to live comfortably for a long time. However this is not the case. Because nobody is selling product. Howard told me that 9 out of ten of his distributors fail. That is an alarming rate, and made me sick. However he told me more. He said that he didnt have a business checking account. That he cashes his distributors checks at the local market and gas station. That really sounded fly by night to me. He laughed when he told me he made only $11,500 on the books last year. (Howard mentioned in another conversation he actually makes $20,000 a month selling distributorships.) He laughed even more when he said to me Eric, I only made $11,500 by the books last year then said give me a break, I just remolded my kitchen for $3500, this business is great, I love this I am sure the government would love to hear about this. Howard went on to say that he had to keep selling businesses, because this is the only way he could make money. When you put this all together, all combined, very shaky at best. I couldnt sell his system and feel at all good. This is why I chose to build my own site. Before revealing the confidential e-mails between Howard and myself, I would like to back track a little. I was introduced to this business by a good friend of mine, Bob Armstrong. Bob is one of the nicest people I know. He is a family man, has several children, one is currently in the military, the other just graduated and is a chiropractor. Great person, and has been involved in his local community, coaching childrens baseball, basketball, and sells advertising for the local TV station. Bob was also excited about this business. This is going back about 1-2 years ago in 2004. He was so excited in fact he and his wife drove to Ash Fork, Az. To meet Howard. Bob told me Howard doesnt have an office and met Bob at a greasy spoon restaurant outside of Ash Fork where Howard lives. Bob came away from the meeting hopefully optimistic. However when he got home, Howard mailed him a sample box of towels, he also became dismayed over the quality of the towels. He also decided right then and there he would fully research Howards system to see if it was viable. Bob then began crunching numbers based on the cost of the towels, the selling price of the towels, the profit margins, and comparables and realized that this business wouldnt work. Bob told me about this business a year later and I was also intrigued. Against my better judgment I joined Howards program. I liked the simplicity of the system. However I soon realized this was fools Gold. Not real money. Howard trips on many spots. He makes income claims all over the website, which cant be proved, and which are shaky at best according to FTC regulations. The Attorney General shuns such claims, especially when unsubstantiated and the apparent ease in which to make the money. Any opportunity seeker can easily fall into this trap and purchase his program. Think about it, big money, easy business, puppy dog close. Tempting right? If you dont believe me try him. Read his website then call him, and you decide. See if you fall under his spell. Truly Hard for even the savviest business people to resist trying. Now here are all the emails between Howard and I, since March: Here is the original transaction payment from paypal to Howard for the $800 Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:17:02 -0800 Subject: Receipt for your Payment To: "Eric Larson" From: "[email protected]" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Dear Eric Larson, Your payment for $800.00 USD to howardleventhal@( left blank )has been sent. ------------------------------ Payment Details ----------------------------- Amount: $800.00 USD Transaction ID: 6A2002208U8 Subject: Money Note: Hello Howard. Here is the $800 for the Biz pkg. Eric Larson After that we had many phone conversations as documented above. The next e-mail correspondence began in May 2006 after Howard took my site down for the first time, then re-posted to the internet. Here are the conversations that followed: On this first e-mail, Howard and I spoke on the phone to resolve our differences, and to agree on a commission amount he would pay me for each sale. Here is his e-mail: I will call this e-mail: Howard 1 Date: Tue 20 May 2003 01:44:00 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: contract hi Eric per converstion, you will get on plan 1. a 200 comm, on plan 2 you get a 275 dollar comm, on plan 3 you get a 575 comm, on plan 4 you get a 900 dollar comm, and on plan 5 you get a 1,800 comm, the balance goes to howard leventhal on each plan, write it up and sign it and send it in, also if any of my people purchase any of your other products i would like a 2 percent per month on that volume, maybe we can expand even more. howard we make more money together, thanks howard My response to this email was as follows: I will call e-mail: Eric 1 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 12:02:20 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello Howard. I have no problem agreeing to the commission amount you have set forth. However I want you to know that this is not an exclusive agreement. I have other factories I have contracted, and do work with them also. I am having another site built to sell these products, this site will have no information of yours. If this is fine with you we can move foward with our agreement and you can repost my website to the internet. Any sales generated from this site we will share. If this is not agreeable, you can reduce my website to a wholesale site only and I will not sell business. I will also remove anything from my website that is business related to your site. Please let me know how you want to proceed with this matter. Eric Howard 2 Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 01:52:42 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi, i have no problem with you selling other products, i am only interested in you setting people up in the business with my system and flyers and web site and my pictures etc. thats my focus, i wrote you our deal, write it up and send it and start sending in orders for new distributors. i get 50 per dist, 250 for web site, 50 for hosting, 75 for labels and the post cards vary a little depending on volume which i wrote in the larger deals. thanks h Eric 2 Here I am not sure if Howard understands what I am doing. So I try to be perfectly clear. Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:29:04 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Let me be sure again Howard. I have contracts with other factories. These contracted products are also sold by distributorships. These will be done by a seperate website not related to yours. In this case I will be selling another business opportunity - other than yours. I will have two business opportunity websites. The website I bought from you will be shared orders, and dollars with you. If somebody orders from my other business opportunity website that will be for my other factories. Your website will only contain your information and the customer will get your postcards website and service. We will divide the money as you have proposed. The second website will have none of your business information and will not cantain any references to your company, this customer will get a different website different postcards and different information. Eric Howard 3 He finally agrees to me selling my other business opportunity website, Then he kind of avoids the issue by saying, if you want to sell other products changing the issue again. However my e-mail is clear, and he agrees to my e-mail by saying thats fine. Date: Mon 12 Jun 2006 06:47:39 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail thats fine, as i said my pictures , my business info and you pay me for those people you set up that buy my business set up, that has been the deal since day one, now you get a little more, i will have 2 sites for you. thanks h i only set the people up with dade towel as per original agreement, if you want to sell other products i have never said no, so lets move on, send me people and money and i will build the sites and get the cards and labels done. thanks h Eric 3 I figured I would give it the old college try, just in case Howard did not understand me. Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 03:08:33 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Howard To clarify. Website #1 from your company includes business info everything. Website # 2 is a wesite I am having built - another business opportunity website - not from you. I only need the one website from you. Do you see? Eric Howard 4 Finally a complete agreement Date: Tue 13 Jun 2006 01:21:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail whatever you want. like i said if you use my business info and pictures , i have the new business plans in which you make more money, whatever else you want to sell on the side is your business. you are not allowed to use my pictures , or business plan on any other site without my agreement , you know that. . so if you want to sell my businesses then lets do it, thanks h Eric 4 Now I confirm our agreement Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 05:31:30 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Looks like we have a Deal Howard. I will write commission schedule and foward to you. I need to redesign sales page on other site. I will work on that now then foward agreement. Be a few days to redesign-talk to you soon. Eric Larson After I wrote this e-mail I realized we already had a written agreement. He wrote an e-mail about commissions, to which I had agreed. I wrote an e-mail saying I was going to have a separate website to sell my own Business Opportunities. He agreed. I was done. I finished corrections on my site and we were on our way. I am not even sure if these e-mail contracts are legal and binding, however I am sure they were clear agreements and we understood each others intentions.- Eric Howard 5 I always get the feeling he is avoiding the subject, because he only wants to talk about me selling products, not the business opportunity on my website. However my e-mails are clear, and I have to go with this. Here is his response: Date: Wed 14 Jun 2006 07:03:17 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail sounds ok, i have been ready since day one, and now you want to handle more items, thats fine , but remember having the drop shipping system is what we sell, i hope you sell a lot of products. thanks h Now we will fast forward to August our next e-mail correspondence. We continued to talk on the phone, so at times was not necessary to do e-mails. After this June 14th (above) e-mail from Howard, he verbally told me that he was making some changes to his site, and my new site would be running on August 6th. I remember when he told me this because I was on my cell phone at the time, and was playing Golf on July 3rd - he said also I hope you have a happy fourth of July to me. I waited three weeks after that and had no site working. Finally at the end of July Howard phoned me and said he would have my new site at www.americantowel.com running soon. I thought he disappeared and backed out of our contract. He said no just busy making changes to his site. I told him fine, get my site running, anybody that buys from his site I would share commissions with him. Here are the e-mails that followed after my site was posted at the end of July, 2006. Eric 5 After I spoke to him on the phone, I wrote this e-mail Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 01:37:48 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail Hello, I thought you left. 3 weeks ago my site was to be running... Anyway I will run a few small ads next month for this site. Hopefully somthing will happen The home page has a one word sentence that needs to be corrected, and all postcards not showing on links Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 6 His response, nice and cordial Date: Fri 28 Jul 2006 02:04:48 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: Re: The E-mail hi eric, glad you are ok, i will get those things fixed, we have re done the entire site now with 1000 items, i am selling stores now also, so you should do real well. thanks h Now we fast forward to August: While my site (Howards and mine) was down, I began selling distributorships on my own website, as agree to by Howard. Because I wanted a good working relationship with him, I phoned him and also said that any business opportunities I sell from my website at I would give him a royalty. This way he would make money from my website shared with him and my website too. I threw this in a sign of good faith, and thought this would help further our relationship. We help each other and we both succeed. However the reality of my new website must have started sinking in. He seemed to forget our previous agreement. I think this is called selective memory Anyway I told him on a couple of deals I sold I would pay him a royalty, because these two new distributors never saw his site, and did not want to switch to another site or factory. They were perfectly happy with my site, my company, and my products. So I forwarded him a $350 royalty payment for these two accounts. This is why I agreed to pay Howard a royalty each time. He couldnt loose, and made money either way when I sold a business. I thought he was happy, however I found out differently as shown in the following e-mails. Howard 7 Date: Thu 24 Aug 2006 09:01:10 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: remind you over 2 weeks ago you told me there was a 300 dollar check coming to do a website and cards, also you said when the big check cleared i would have 1800 and do the web site and cards and labels, now it seems that you are doing your own thing, you agreed that after the check cleared you would change your web site, you can alway put in whatever words you have now on my site, but now you want your own postcard company, so it seems, that i worked many years to fine tune this and you are doing your own thing, you agreed to be with me, and now you are making another web site, so tomorrow, you said i would have money , i am hoping you do what you said and we move forward, i cannot support another web site that competes with me, and that seems to be whats happening, if you are going to have another site, then thats fine but none of my pictures are allowed by law without my approval which i have not given, so i feel as of today , not to positive i will see what you promissed several times, tomorrow in the deals you said dont worry , howard Eric 7 Here I confirm my phone conversation with Howard about the Royalties. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:14:01 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Helo Howard, I run ads for your site www.americantowelusa.com, any deals I get we share as agreed. If anyone buys from my other site, I will still pay you a royalty, and you do nothing. Either way you make money. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 8 Again Howard forgets we have a contract that we both must follow. Now he says he cant compete with me??? He already agreed to the second site and looks like he wants to change the rules. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:22:08 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you eric, my focus was that , you promissed 2 deals which are not here, and if you want to add some products we can to my site, i cant compete and work with you, you are stealing my business plan which up until you spoke with me, knew nothing about this business, now i am getting nothing, i havent seen a dime, so i hope you keep your word that today i will see the money, h Here Howard seems to think you can patent a business idea. - Eric Eric 8 He wants more money-doesnt like the idea I have my own site, and doesnt like the idea I have two companies, so I sent this e-mail. Date: Fri 25 Aug 2006 12:36:32 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: remind you Howard, These two accounts came in when we were on sabattical from each other. They have never seen your site. When I showed t to them, they said no-they want my site my products etc...Nothing I can do. I will foward $200 royalty for the $3800.00 plan, and you can keep the full $150 commission from the Kimberly Bullis plan. Let me know how you want me to send the money. Keep an open heart Howard, we will both do very well this year. The other alternative is to sever the relationship, remove the www.americantowelusa.com site, return my $800 then we will go our seperate ways. Since you have already receive $800 from me, you shouldnn't even care if I ever send you another deal. My site right? I paid $800 for the site. Mine. If I don't use it don't worry. Mine. If I do we both make money. I plan on using your site to advertise and make money. You call the shots, let me know if you want to continue our relationship. The pictures are all mine on my current website, and on my new website, don't worry about that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 9 Now he is waiting for money from the two deals I offered to him while I had no website running. I sent him $200 through paypal, and he receivied another $150 from me from a shared deal from a client named Kim Therefore he received a Royalty of $350 from me, and these two clients never even saw his site. Not a bad deal, or so I thought, just look at what happens here in the following e-mails. Date: Sat 26 Aug 2006 07:55:10 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: money well your check cleared tuesday, and now you have not kept your word 2 times, so western union me my money this morning, my name in williams arizona, every penny you have taken in, is because i taught you this business, you really have a funny way of thanking someone, h. Yes I did thank him, by giving him $800 for a website and for training, now another $350, this is not free you know. - Eric Eric 9 Howard called me in a panic on August 26th, looking for his money; I was at Universal Studios at the time. He said he received no money and wanted desperately me to send the cash. I told him it was sent, and to look in his e-mail receipt payment from my wifes account. He called back a few minutes later and apologized he had received his money. Also he kept $150 of mine from the Kim account. Receipt for your Payment Inbox [email protected] to meMore options Aug 26 Your payment for $200.00 USD to [email protected] has been sent. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Amount: $200.00 USD Transaction ID: 59G891365M80 Subject: Royalty Note: This is Royalty Payment #1 $200.00 for a gold account. Let's have a good year Thanks Howard. Eric Larson Now he waits for 2 weeks to respond to me. I phone him on Tuesday, Sept. 5th to tell him my new site at www.toweldaddy.com was fully functional and working. I knew he probably wouldnt like this; however deals a deal, and I wanted to be the first to tell him. He seemed to accept what I was saying, and I only discovered days later he cut my site off at www.americantowelusa.com again. Never called me, never discussed anything, never asked me any questions, just shut my site down again. I called him on the 7th after discovering my site was down. He seemed agitated and said to me when you just want to do business with me, call me, otherwise I cant work with you. A clear breach of his contract. HERE ARE THE E-MAILS THAT FOLLOWED THIS Phone Call on September 7th, 2006 V THIS IS WHERE IT GETS REALLY GOOD: Howard told me on the phone that there were 2 pictures on my site that were his. He told me the two and I have removed them. Again he claims these are 2 out of the hundreds if not thousands of pictures on my site. If he were really only mad about these two pictures, it wouldnt make sense to me that he would remove my site. I had just paid Howard a $350 royalty, so he stood to make money, my site is pure from his pictures and was created from the ground floor. You compare the two sites, his at www.americantowelusa.com, and mine at www.toweldaddy.com I think he was just jealous, and didnt want the competition, even though he was making money from me!!!???. Who else would cut their head off in spite of themselves? My site is obviously different than his, and all he had to do was talk to me, I would have gladly removed the two pictures he claims are his. However I removed them anyway. Now take a look at the following e-mails as Howards true color comes out. I must warn you however this is not a pretty site. Eric 10 Trying to save relationship Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 01:38:46 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of my site at towel daddy is free from your pictures. You claim there is 1 scrub picture that you own the rights to. If this is true I will remove that picture from my website. Now your telling me because there is 1 picture out of over 5000 products on my site that you take down my other shared site at american towel USA, doesn't make any logical sense to me. Logical is the word here. You've already agreed in an e-mail that I could do this. Your getting royalities even if I sell from my site. Any sales from American Towea USA site we have made an agreement for the numbers to be shared. You make money any way you look at it. Nobody would cut a site off because of one picture if these arangements were made. Doesn't make any sense. I think the real reason you took my site down without even informing me was because you didn't like the fact that I have my own site. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Nobody would cut their head off, especially if they were going to make money-royalities, or shared sales. This is why I had to build my site in the first place. You put on my origional site "Send all PayPal payments to [email protected]. You claim to have no knowledge of this happening. I suppose you have no knowledge of my site being pilled a second time. "Heather must of made a mistake again" right Howard. Come on give me a break. Let's review. I paid you $800.00 for a website and training. I have had my site for a total of 2 months out of 6 months. I asked for a contract when we started ouyt , you said"I don't do contracts" however you said if you "want to write somthing out I will agree to it". I have written 5 e-mails detailing my intentions and you agreed to every e-mail. You have shut my site down twice, this time in the middle of advertising-are you stealing my clients again. Third if this continues I have to ask for my $800 returned -this way I don't have to send a letter to PayPal disputing claims, and fowarding all documentation and e-mails to them. Let them figure this out. I do have a better solution. Get my website back and working. Leave it there, do not ever remove it again. We then go back to our agreement, help each other, and make money. By the way, I don't know any Ted, never have spoken to Ted, never was told I couldn't speak to Ted, have no working relationship at all with Ted. )Ted apparently is a competitor of Howards) A better idea is to ask me first, discuss any situation, then we can both take the appropriate action, don't just cut my website off. Doesn't make any sense. My web designer said he found the '1' Scrub picture you are referring to on a free source on the internet. He is not sure where it is now. If you would like me to remove it I would be happy to. However if were all making money and you would like to grant me permission to use the picture, I would be grateful and happy to keep it on the site. Let's make one final resolution and settle this nonsense bickering. Eric Larson Howard 10 He still seems to forget we have a contract. He alludes here that I have his files; I guess hes thinking I can recreate his site, then not being obligated to refund my $800 from my paypal account. This is not true as you will see in a later e-mail. You decide. Note: Affordable med scrubs are his competition. Date: Sat 09 Sep 2006 02:41:27 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, you have all the files plus the knowledge of how to sell businesses , which is what you paid for, when you want to have my site only we can work together, thanks howard i dont trust your web person about those kids pictures, so i will not work with anyone i cant trust, aand as far as the one page put of 3 that had my info by mistake, i out of 3 , so it was not intentional, and if you had called it would of been fixed in one minute, now you have duplicated my site and business form , with changing the pictures, i have no control over what you sell, or any commission like you were going to get a 2 percent overide on all the volume , so i have nothing to gain , only losses for helping you, my aggreement stands , you called and said you wanted to sell business with me, if you do then get rid of those other sites and we move forward, be honest, you didnit need to copy my site , you could of stayed focused with me, i know you can do very well, but now you will see how much is involved in what i do, i agreed to everything you asked, but when you stuck it in my face with affordablemedscrubs, i am sure you and them got a good laugh, so good luck and if you ever decide to play it straight with me, i welcome that, but not until you stick to our agreement, thanks and good luck, you will need, it, h Eric 11 He wants me to be honest, so I will. Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:04:31 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I will be honest. If I hadn't received the crummy samples in the beginning, and you hadn't changed the paypal info I wouldn't have built my own site. That's the truth, weather you accept it or not. Your 1 out of 3 pages changed doesn't make sense either. The page you changed was on the business plans page after the discussion of the money. This is the only place on the site or the three pages you mentioned that talks about paypal. The most important part-who gets the money. I know you didn't change any contact info, however the contact info is not about the money, only the paypal page is about the money. This 2nd time around follows the same pattern. No discussion with me what so ever. None. Didn't bother to call me nothing. Just removed my site at www.americantowelusa.com Did it occor to you that I was running ads. Not cool. Secondly if your paranoid - I never spoke to Ted who ever he is, and never laughed with anyone about you - I can't help that. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 11 Now he says I can only have 1 site. What happened to our agreement? Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:48:43 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money like i said you want to play straight and sell business with me, no problem, but i am not going to make you money when i have no control over proof who joins or not, so either we keep to the plan or not, and the bs, about the kids scrubs , i wasnt born yesterday, you havent sold a deal in a month so, what are you doing,? h if you think bras, and electronics and the micro fiber towel which is now sold in every dollar store is special then great, my honest way or none, thanks h with me you could make 100k with about 1 hour a day at the most, hate to waist all my training , but i do not play second fiddle , my site must be the same , and my new sellers are doing great, no problems or changes , or site i wasnt told about, its your call, i have a great life already, tried to help you, went out of my way for you, and this is what i get, , so door is open when you tell the truth about the scrub pictures, there are many scrub sites , the chances of your web site person just finding them is bs. and if it is on your site then you must have made arrangements to deliver them , so where are you going to get them from, ? can have your site up and info on in 1 minute , but only one site, thanks h you can put my site on as many names as you want, but only my site, h it doesnt look good to outside people and will harm sales, its that simple, and you dont seem to understand that, but i have been where you are before and understand you are trying to make a buck anywhere, stay focused with me and you will make more that you need and in less time, h Eric 12 I guess I must be getting a little agitated also Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:05:53 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Howard, This isn't about 1 picture, 1 scrub. So let's get off that. If it was about 1 picture one scrub, you would of asked me to remove it, not take my site down. You agreed to everything I'm doing in my e-mails to you. I call you on tuesday, ask that you visit my new site, then never heard from you again. Obviously you didn't like the fact that I had my own site. I will say again you never called. You still have not addressed this issue. Must not be important to you. You have already started receiving royalties from me, that was all fine and well. Only after I showed you my site did you drop me. Only then. Never called. never called. Stick to the issues you still have not answered me. Also why would you tell me in all my e-mails it was ok to have two sites two companies I represent, then do a 180 and drop me. Now if you need copies of the e-mails I have the exact wording and agreement. Do not dispute these issues because I have the e-mails. So what, any other reason you never bothered to call me and just drop me. Especially after you just received a royalty payment from me, and you knew I was running ads. How come you never address these issues in your return e-mail. How come? Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 12 Still am wondering why he never called me. Lets see if he answersK Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 12:15:20 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money because of me , every dime you have taken in is from my teaching, i will work with you, you can sell your products on e bay, it just does not work that you have a site like the one you do, thats all, my door is open, and still waiting to see who you were going to get the scrubs from, you knew all along about that company, if you want to become a retailer and not use my sources, then whats in it for me, and on a 3800 dollar deal you would of gotten 2000 , i got 200, whats that about, and how many other deals have you done, so if you want to work with me and my sources , i welcome that , but it does not look good for us to have 2 sites, its that simple, i dont need the extra explanations, i will gladley send to every new distributor any products you want to handle . on a separate page, so thats the best i can do. h Eric 13 Need final resolution to move on Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:30:44 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, I can see your not going to answer my questions. So I will leave you with this, so I can final resolution this situation. You alluded that I have the files to my americantowelusa site. Are you suggesting that I am allowed to use these files to recreate my site. Are you saying this to fulfill your obligation with paypal that you have supplied me with a product. If that is the case I will recreate the site myself. If you say that I cannot have these files to recreate the site, then I have to go through paypal for a resolution to this matter. You decide. Tell me what you wish to do, site or no site I will honor your wishes. As of now I do not have a product for my $800. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 13 Now he says hes not avoiding questions. Not avoiding questions? You decide Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 01:52:54 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric i have not avoided one question, i told you how you could sell your other items, and that the copy of my web site with different pictures, is already done, so what are you talking about, if you want to keep to the original deal, then its open, you have the same site as me and we work together, why do you keep refering to the money, are you saying you do not know how to sell the business, i think you do, so why do you keep bringing up the money, i am the one that is out money, every sale you made i only saw 1 comm. so who did what, now if you want to get back to business i will, one site, and you could sell on ebay or list your products elswhere, but you have duplicated my business plans, and you know it, so who is getting ripped off, you dont even want to give me the post card orders or the labels, stick to the original agreement, and remember you built the other site without my knowledge, or approval, and before the problem with the wrong bottom of a page, that you could of called in one minute and it would of been fixed, that is not an uncommom error, when making fast changes, or whatever she was doing, i had nothing to do with it, i would of had the site point to me, why in the world would i put it on 1 page and try and slip it in, i dont know what kind of people you do business with, but i have been in this industry for 30 years and owned 4 stores , 2 of which are here in arizona and do almost a million each, i have the best system for helping people get started, why do you have to go crazy, just stick to your original agreement, forget all the other bullshit, and i can have your site up in one minute and you make 100k easy with me, Origional deal, original contract?- He must have selective memory. We made a deal.- Eric I think he likes to ramble. Eric 14 I guess I want my questions answered here Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 02:49:31 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Great. You havn't avoided one question. Then here's three of them. 1) Why did you not call me to talk to me before dropping my site for the second time? 2)Why did you agree that I could have my second website, then change your mind when you looked at my new site? (Agreement according to our previous e-mails) 3)Am I allowed to use the files you sent me to recreate the my site now? If you can please answer these questions in a: 1) 2) 3) format so I can clearly read your answers. Here's to no avoidance. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 14 Lets see how he does - Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 04:43:55 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric you do not have any permission to duplicate or sell any of my site, either you want to have one site or good luck, howard Great one question answered. Anyway this is my ticket to a refund from paypal. I have nothing to show for my $800, and he refuses to let me use the files he sent me. I am still wondering about questions 1 and 2??? Eric Eric 15 Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:21:44 PM EDT From: Eric To: Subject: RE: money Howard, I figured this much. Three questions and no answers. I guess paypal is next. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson Actually he did answer the third question my bad Now the action gets really good Howard 15 Here Howard wants me to open the books (e-mails) for everyone to see. Watch out what you ask for!!! I guess he got his wishK Date: Sun 10 Sep 2006 09:36:15 PM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money eric, i answered every question, what do you want, if you want to work with me as agreed from day one, then lets go, but i will not support any other scrub or towel factories, something called loyalty, which you have none, so send me my money for all the training, 5k, and we will call it even or send me a contract stating what you proposed, in writing, and that all books are open to inspection, lets see if you are a man, why are you tryting to do everything to f**k with me/ all books (e-mails here for everybody to see.) Your right Howard, these books are open for inspection. Contract agreed in the earlier e-mails. 5k is he delusional here? You decide. I guess hes getting a little bit testy here. - Eric Eric Larson 16 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 02:25:16 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: < left blank Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Swearing is not becomming of you. Thanks Sincerely Eric Larson Howard 16 He responds about his good side I guess he has a bad case of selective memory. No sweat he can read all the e-mails right here again!!! Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:30:00 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money when people lie, cheat and steal it brings out the best in me. Eric 17 Nothing wrong with a little review, a history lesson if you willK Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 03:07:23 AM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money Hello Howard, Look, I don't think you are a bad person. We had a verbal agreement. This was broken when you (or somebody you are responsible for) put your paypal info on my site. I had no contract, and chose to build my own site. That's all. Very simple. Actually Howard you agreed to let me do this in our e-mail conversations. There was no restrictions as to where I could find my suppliers, you never mentioned any names or companies. I can't assume I can't work with other companies. However I am not working with Ted, whoever he is Howard. Anyway there was no contract, our verbal was broken. After agreeing to let me do what I am doing, you took my site off at americantowelusa again. Two times. I have your files for $800 however I don't have permission to use them. If I never sold from your site again you have made $800 + $350 royalty. Not bad. However I have nothing to show for my $1150. If you want to send me a check for $800 we can call this a day. Or better I give this to Paypal, let them figure this thing out. Sincerely, Eric Larson Howard 17 In this e-mail Howard refers to my piece of s-- flier. This would be a good time for you to visit my site at (left blank), and his site (left blank) and look at his fliers and look at mine. You decide who has the piece of s-- fliers! Anyway Howards true colors come flying out here. Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 08:44:27 AM EDT From: [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money hey f**k you, we never agreed on getting eason suppliers, you went behind my back, and now have copied my entire system, some cheap nerve, you never sent me one dime as per agreed, sent 200 why , beause you are guilty of lieing, if you want to wrk with my program, I will stick to the agreement, so its up to you, after you finally tell me how those scrubs pictures are on your site, that are mine, and my entire business plan, if you want me to do postcards, and labels and web site as agreed then give me the orders, as of yet you have never given me one order, you went out on your own created a piece of s**t flyer and now want my postcard company, how low do you go, either straight or nothing, I bullshit me about anything else, I run a hones ship, and the page that you keep hinging on, was an accident , not done by me, and I fixed in one minute like we did everything else, and I tell me I am a nice guy while you ar f**king me, how could you ask for a penny when you now run a large distribution business from my teachings, I the truth and I forget it, I gave you all you have . remember, you were never in the business, and now you have all these items, so use your suppliers, or use mine , its one or the other, I eason deal with crooks, if you want to sell businesses as you first asked, then get rid of the lousy site and get back to business, and from what I have seen in the last month, you are still not telling the truth I had 2 of your peole call and they will not be doing business with you, they all hear and see through you, I have told you how to do this, but you know better so pay me the 5k and we will end this, I have done my job and you are a distributor, and have already copied my site, you can only use it to sell businesses with me, that option is still available, but for some eason you I do it, so stop bothering me, you are a lousy lier, and a bad father to steal from me, the person who opened the doors for you new business, have some honest respect, if any of my web site ends up om any new people be preparre to refund some money, as these people will have no choice but to call you, its easier to be honest, why do you choose to have backhanded deals, / this is how you want your children to see their father, no more emails I will not answer any more, I have waisted to much time with a crook, I guess Howard doesnt like history class. And no Howard, this is how I choose my children to see me, please read all previous e-mails again. They can read this when they get older too.- Eric Eric 18 I sent one final e-mail and have not heard from him since. What a day for this bomb to go off 9-11-2006 Date: Mon 11 Sep 2006 12:14:43 PM EDT From: Eric [ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ] To: Subject: RE: money I never said you were a nice person Howard, I said I didn't think you were a bad person. Thanks. Sincerely, Eric Larson So here you have the full story. All e-mails are in original unedited condition. I have a copy for any authorities or consumer if they are needed. They appear as they were written, word for word. No changes. So whats my point here? My point is if you honor an agreement from the beginning, and stick to the issues I believe any partnership can make money. If not clear communication is critical to work things out. Snap judgments are not good. If one can stay away from greed and help each other, then the chances of a relationship lasting art much better. Believe it or not I still like Howard. He may be a little misguided, however I will say again I dont think he is a bad person I really feel that way. Who knows what his past is to make him like this. Hopefully we all could learn from this lesson. The moral of the story, have a big heart, be kind and gentle, and usually good things will come your way. What am I doing now? I have two accounts that were interested in joining my business before this mess. Howard said both of these accounts called him recently (look in e-mail above) and said they will not be joining my organization anymore. Who knows what he said to them... God only knows. I have come to find out from one of them, Chuck that Howard actually telephoned them, and they didnt call him. Sounds like sabotage to me. I have since spoken to Chuck, he seems to be coming around, and I will speak to the other Gentleman Buddy to try to rectify this situation. Hopefully they will be able to figure this thing out so we can make good money together and have long profitable relationship. These are two talented and wonderful people, so hopefully we can rectify this situation. In the future anybody that talks to Howard, and is also interested in my Business Opportunity, I will direct to this website so they can get the facts. Talk is cheap. I hope this helps, and any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Eric Larson, anytime at left blank) or visit my website at (left blank) Anybody that joins my website from here will receive a 20% discount on all Business Opportunity Business Plans. Thanks again and God Bless. Sincerely, Eric Larson Here are what a few others are saying obout his opportunity: Howard Leventhal - Towels-uniforms - American Supply He got me too. Lies, lies, Lies ripoff Ash Fork Arizona *REBUTTAL Owner of company ..di not give it a chance Company Towels-uniforms.com - American Supply Address: P.O. Box 960 Ash Fork Arizona 86320 U.S.A. Phone Number I talked to him on the phone for a long time before investing, seemed all good. He promised a business plan and training. Invested $1500.00 for a web store, advertising materials and "training". His "training" was one sheet of paper telling me to go hire other people to sell towels for me and take a commission. I ordered postcards from him which turned out to be snapshots of towels on the shelves a cheesy looking store somewhere. Hideous- looking. I ordered a $100.00 sample box from his supplier, which was made up of the lowest quality products you have ever seen. Towels so thin you could see through them! The website never worked, and his support guy did not return my calls for 3 months, nor did he. Once I demanded a refund via email and he informed me that his web guy had a new address and try again...and said he tried the site and it was fine. It wasn't. I had to pay for a company to take credit cards online and they were billing me like crazy and no money was coming in because the site DID NOT WORK!!!! As soon as he got my money his "support" ended immediately and he was all about trying to get me to order more materials. I continued to demand a refund and he got all defensive, and stopped returning my calls and emails. He has his rap down and he just repeats it over and over, just like he did here. Howard, you owe us our money back. If you have so many success stories. WHERE ARE THEY Name ONE, get ONE of your happy students to write you a glowing reccomendation. I will report you to EVERY agency in this country until I get my money back. I will NEVER STOP. If you are not a crook then PAY US BACK. That's what honorable business people do. If Gary and I are truly the ONLY two that have had a bad experience with you , I'd think it would be worth it to you to clear your company's name. I won't hold my breath. But you aren't going to get away with it, I assure you. Lauren Manchester, New Hampshire U.S.A. Howard responds in kind: Rebuttal REBUTTAL Owner of company Submitted: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM Modified: 8/16/2006 3:55:58 PM di not give it a chance yes i did have a web site person problem, it is difficult sometimes to get good , smart web site people, that has been fully taken care of, as per the light towel, if you have ever been in a real cheap hotel, which there are many of, thats what they use, we also have the largest thickest towels, so as a hotel supplier we have both, there is no complaint about our fast service, or anything else, so i suggest you get the post cards out and start taking orders, and i will give you the latest best version of our weg site now with over 1000 items, remember we only handle towels from the largets mills , so they have all qu


Ash Fork,

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 22, 2006

eric larson, has nothing to do with american supply whom has been in busines for over 30 years, eric states he has been in business for 20 years, thats not true, he says he has a friend, he claims has been in the towel supply. so he came to me a few months ago and said he wanted to sell businesses with me, my site is (((link ROR redacted))), and you will see , i trained him well, only he is a liar and a crook, he has stolen my business plan, and copied the web site, making very easy changes, and claims he did it all himself, ask him what he was doing last year, or the last 10 years , he was selling craftmatic beds, , so be careful he is trying to claim we have some relations, when we dont, and he never puts you in direct contact with his suppliers, so when he is playing golf you are out of luck, , what would stop him from cutting you out from your customer,? be careful he has really ripped me off, several times now, thank you howard ****** american supply CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Ash Fork,
eric larson is a liar

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 22, 2006

my name is howard ******, and my site is (((ROR redacted))), and i have been in business for over 30 years now, a few months ago a eric larson called me and said he would like to sell businesses with me, he was never in this busines before, as he states he has for 20 years, his friend has, whom he will never put you in direct contact with for supplies, he has copied my site, and changed the pictures and many other things, and claims he spent all kinds of time, i taught him everything , and now he distorts , and makes up statements, to make him look good, please realize he , has nothing to do with me or my company, and i have several of his people coming to me with complaints this month already, i help these people, he has never been in the business, he rather play golf, ask him the truth, he is real good on the phone, but you will never be dealing direct with the supplier, remember that, thak you howard **** he has never run this type of business, or owned a store, but is copying my 30 plus years, only in america, watch out howard CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Los Angeles,

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 19, 2006

I am making the following corrections so a misunderstanding like the one with Kimberly will never happen again. First however I would like to correct a few misconceptions. We advertise with Best franchiseopportunities.com not franchises.com, or franchise.com as Kimberly suggested. Kimberly logged on to bestfranchiseopportunities on or about July 14, 2006. She requested information from them about our towel supply business. Customers cannot contact us directly from this site, but must submit an information request form - then wait for an e-mail from best franchise opportunities for our contact information. Here is the lead we received from best franchise opportunities on July 14, 2006- LEADSOURCE: BestFranchiseOpportunities.com Inbox [email protected] to towel usa, me More options Jul 14 To: AMERICAN TOWEL We appreciate the opportunity to help you expand your franchise network. ------Lead Information Submitted-------- First Name: Kimberly Last Name: xxxxxx Email: [email protected] [email protected] Address: abc Road City: your city State: New York Zip: xxxxx Country: United States Day Phone Number: 336-xxx-xxxx Evening Phone Number: 336-xxx-xxxx Best time to call: Evening Capital To Invest: $9,999 or Less Net Worth: $50,000 - $100,000 Investment Timeframe: 0 - 3 Months Preference of Location: Greensboro, NC 27406 Education Level: Bachelors Career Background: Marketing I have omitted some information for privacy purposes. Best Franchise Opportunities sends an auto responder out to each customer that submits a request form. For the purpose of illustration: I submitted a dummy information request to best franchise opportunities today on August, 19, 2006 with the test name called Eric-Kim Test, to generate the letter that is automatically e-mailed to anyone that submits a request form. Here is a copy of the e-mail that their auto responders sent to me at another address (eagleair003@yahoo) I own. Here is the e-mail I received for this test: From: [email protected] Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert To: [email protected] Subject: Confirmation on Receipt of Information Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 03:23:42 -0400 Dear Eric - Kim, Thank you for your interest in American Towel. We look forward to speaking with you soon. In the meantime, please feel free to visit americantowel.net to learn more about our opportunity. Have a great day. This is the same exact e-mail Kim received on July 14, 2006. Clearly she was directed to www.americantowel.net site, not americantowelusa.com as she suggested. We take pride in our site at americantowel.net, and want people to visit. We deliver a good product at an outstanding price, including full support and training. We do not need any other site to enhance our sales. Here also is a letter verifying our relationship with bestfranchiseopportunities: From: Lee Payne [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 9:05 AM Subject: American Towel Good Morning, I wanted to check in with you and confirm the American Towel/Eric Larson account. They indeed advertise with us and have done so since March 17th. We are an online lead generation portal (bestfranchiseopportunities.com), and have been helping generate interest for his business opportunity. Our site is one of the top in the industry. Please let me know if you need anything else from me or if there is anything else I can do. Do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. Have a great day. Thanks, Lee Payne Best Franchise Opportunities We do not advertise with any other franchise web site at this time. However, I still understand Kimberly's confusion, and do no fault her for anything. If she visited both of our sites, there could be confusion as to which site she visited first. Especially if you liked one site over the other, or maybe ran into our site surfing the internet. Because of this we are instituting the following changes to avoid such confusion in the future. We contract with many factories, and two of them have different websites. Therefore we will do the following 1) Anybody that visits americantowel.net will be given a choice of two different websites they may choose to start their distributorship. Option 1-will be the toweldaddy.com site Soon to be completed within the next week. 2)My other site at americantowelusa.com Each applicant must send an e-mail to confirm their choice of the web-site they would like. 3) Also each applicant will be asked where they heard about us, because we run ad's for both sites for new distributors 4)A new corporate account in the name of American Towel Inc. and maybe Towel Daddy Inc. Will be opened in the next week or two. We will follow through with a post when the new website at toweldaddy.com is open and the new corporations have been created. 5) We will refund the $100 investment deposit Kimberly has sent us for the business opportunity 6) We will continually review standards and procedures through our growing pains, and incorporate a suggestions page on our website americantowel.net These changes take effect immediately and will be instituted by august, 31, 2006. As far as Kim goes, I have e-mailed her to notify the rebuttal post we made here, and have promised her a $100 refund. She has finally begun to e-mail us, and hopefully we can all move on from this lesson...


Los Angeles,
Response to Online Complaint

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 17, 2006

Around 7-27-06 I received an application from Kimberly Bullis about her interest in our business opportunity located at www.americantowel.net We spoke a little and advised her that there is an application for a distributorship located at this site, to print it out then foward to our company for review. I told her the $100 check would not be cashed unless she was accepted as a distributor for americantowel.net About a week later I e-mailed her that her application was still under review and that she would be notified shortly about her acceptance. Here is the e-mail I sent her on 8-2 after receiving her application in the mail: Hello Kimberly, Thank you for your application, which is under review. We take many things into consideration when selecting a distributor. The most important of which is "why do you want to do this business". This motivating factor is the drive that makes this business run. This business works, and can be very lucrative if the business is applied correctly. Learning-working-being motivated are all factors in making a good distributor. If you are selected we will work with you directly to help ensure your success, and we feel that you will do very very well. Just one large national account could bring in a sizeable dollar account. A combination of wit, drive, humor, vision and beleif is required to get this business off the ground, to gain momentum. If you have all of this, then this business may be right for you. I just wanted to say hello, and that we are in receipt of your application. You will be hearing from us shortly, by the end of the week. I really like that you sell your client with your charm. I look foward to talking with you again. Thanks again Kimberly for your interest. Sincerely, Eric Larson After this e-mail I sent her another e-mail on 8/05/06 Hello Kimberly, Congratulations. Your application fot A Towel Daddy Distributorship has been approved. Welecome aboard! Your application was approved for the followiong reasons: 1) We beleive you are committed, and will work hard at being successful 2)You past experience in owning a business 3)You have the drive ambition and desire 4)Your willingness to learn 5)Our beleif that you will be successful Please contact us at your earliest convienence, M-F 8Am - 5Pm PST. Contact Eric Larson at 718-502-6233. From the whole Towel Daddy Team, we look foward to a great 06, and a fanatistic 07. Sincerely, Eric Larson I have many distributorshios in The NY metro area and have a dedicated line (718) for these distributors to use. Make no bones about it, we are not hiding, our address is clearly stated on our website at www.americantowel.net This phone number was obtained through speechphone.com, and is a great company to work with, the line adds speach to your phone, will track you wherever you are, and if speechphone cannot locate you they will take a message for you. I give this number out because many times it is easiest to locate me through this number. I tell all my distributors that have been accepted and join our organization to write their checks out to american towel/ G.D. Inc Because american towel (at least temporarily) is a division of Golf Dude Inc. I may have forgotten to mention this to Kimberly, and I appologize for this. However I am the owner of both of these companies, and a the funds do belong to me, so I asked my banker that her check was made out incorectly and what should I do. He said as long as the check belonged to me I could add more information on the top line. I even Initialed the change to be sure I had added the change and not Kimberly or anyone else. When asked by kimberly who is Golf Dude I sent her the following e-mail: Hello Kimberly, My dream is to play on the PGA Tour. My livelyhood is towel and import business. We have been doing this for twenty years. However I still have my dreams. Let me know if this is a problem. Sincerely, Eric Larson Sensing that this was not good enough for her, I sent the following e-mail to her on 8/09/06 Hello Kimberly, I hope your day is going well. After careful consideration, I beleive this is just a credibility problem. I can give you my Banker for 20 years to speak with, also various personal and business references if you wish. The other information you asked for (distriutors names) is confidential. These other distributors are your competition. There is no gain for them to talk with you. They just want to run their business and keep making money. As I mentioned I am a Towel broker. Please visit the contact us page at www.americantowel.net I broker with many different factories to get the best price available. Another company I work with is American Supply run by Howard Leventhal. If you not comfortable working directly with my company, you could always join through Howards company at my site www.americantowelusa.com Howard has been around 35 years, I'm sure you won't have a problem working directly with Howard and myself through his organization. My other factory has been around 21 years and also offers superior merchandise. Howard however does not offer the container select your own product business like dresses, Komonos, carbon Minoxide detectors, or any product you want manufactured by sample from around the world. However if you would rather join through Howards organization, I will still offer this opportunity to do so. I hope this helps, 718-502-6233 I then phone her about 5 seperate times to resolve this issue, I think I spoke to her daughter once and left many messages, she never returned my call. I tried to rectify this situation to the best of my ability, and Kimberly I guess wanted no part of any reasonable conversation. She did e-mail me and said dhe acted to hastily, and needed to consult with her advisor before joining my program. Her advisor must of given her the green light to Join Howard Leventhals program immediatly, because the very next day she sent Howard $800 to join his Towel Supply company. Howard and I work closely together, and Howard has agreed to pay me $150 commission for this account because I was orgionally working with Kim. Now some information about my company and my relationship with Howard Leventhall. I was a distributor for Howard Leventhall, paid him $800 to get one of his cloned websites training and the ability to sell his business opportunity The "Towel Supply" business. I still have the website which is located at www.americantowelusa.com There was a breech of a verbal agreement when Howard posted to my site, "Send all paypal payments to "HowardLeventhall at Earthlink.net" This made me realize I had no control over my own website, and was at the wims of his decisions. He claims that he had nothing to do with this change,however he is ultimately responsible for his company, and this action falls squearily on his shoulders. His samples I received were less than adequate, and I had to be responsible for my customers selling good quality towels at a fair price. Being around the car wash industry for 5 years-I met my wife there-I have good friends that have taught me the towel business, what they need, the quality and type of towels they need the weight etc..Also the prices must be low at factory direct prices. I also have friends that I partenered with in the import-export industry that have been in business for over 21 years. They import all the towels you find on my site at www.americantowel.net and all the supplies. These are truly factory direct prices and we can actually guarantee the lowest advertised or invoiced price around the country. I have gained a wealth of information and marketing of these products over the last five years, ad have been in marketing and sales all of my Life and financial services with Roy Battaglia who is posted on my referals on my web site. The problem I had with Howard, the necissity for quality towels at fantastic prices drove me to create my own website at www.americantowel.net This site was created from scratch by myself working until 2Am on many nights. This site is all orgional content, pictures, and referalls and success stories. I have no idea where Kim said I have the same referrals as Howards. There is no truth to this whatsoever. The content all came out of my brain, and the pictures are none of Howards. There is on picture the same as Howards on my home page which is a picture of a scrub shop, and this picture can be found under images in the google.com website and is listed as pittsburgh towels. I can offer my distributers the best prices on Lint free 3.0 lb, china car wash towels, micro fiber towels, Nail and beauty salon towels and a host of resturaunt towels. Please check our supplies out on www.americatowel.net Our New website being created by our web developer will be finished in about a week or two which contains all factory direct products from around the world all factory direct, whic s our Towel Daddy site, a creative 900 product website which will be finished in two weeks. If anybody would like to see the almosst completed site please e-mail me and I will give you an address to see this site. We are very excited about this site and look foward to the completition any day. I have contracted with an agency in the United States that has currently over 40 factories on contract that offers wholesale factory direct prices. Through these concerns I have online access to over 250,000 products worldwide. This association cost me money, and I have a 16 month contract with this firm. Also through my import export business we are currently working on importing satin Komonos from china, Carbon Detectors for the republic of Georgia, I received a call for 20,000 black hand towels for a rally, the new sleveless tennis shirts, hotel towels for a resort in the Bahamas needing 250Dz, Towels and Bed Linen for their remodeling, and a call from a gentelman that needs 100 thousand sheets for hospitals. Now they are throwing them away because the cost is less to buy new sheets than clean, sanitize and have them shipped back. This is becoming more of a paper towel type throw away business rather than the traditional type of linen business. We also have access to all the hospital gowns you need at just $2.25 each, these are the thick heavy duty gowns in assorted prints. A nice profit margin to be made here. Visit our website at www.americantowel.net and look at our bulk bin section for volume buys. Also look at our container section you will see me standing there by a recent container of factory direct below wholesale towels we just got in. As far as Howard is concerned, he has restored my affiliate website www.americantowelusa.com We have tried to work out our differences, and have agreed that anybody buying a distributorship from his affiliaate site we would share the commissions. I remain on guard because he mentioned recently to me that 9 out of his 10 distributorships fail. (He told me he mentioned that to Kim and she still Bought???!!!) Anyway 10% success rate is not acceptable to me. He has said he does not have a business checking account, and he cashes distributors checks at the local market. This is not acceptable to me. Howard will take any distributor that has money, then go sell another distributor. I will not. I screen interview, fill out an application then accept my distributors if it is good for both of us. I am directly responsible for all my distributors, and must spend the time to make them successful. I cannot waste my time, nor do I wish to waste the time of my distributors. That is why I am very selective. I also limit the number of Gold distributorships I will work with. We stand behind our product and challange anybody to find a better value for their money. In fact I say on my home page at www.americantowel.net that if your not sure of starting your business, then order a sample pack. We put our money where our mouth is, and will accept a returned package if your not 100% satisfied. The moral of this story? I beleive communication would have resolved this issue. I certainly was open to talk to Kim. Simple, clear communication can resolve the smallest of discrepiencies. To rectify this problem in the future, I am in the process of opening another corporation under the American Towel name, and remove from an "division of corporation" I always try to find the good in situations, and this was a very valuable lesson for me. I have since sent Kim an e-mail congratulating her on her decision to Join Howards team, and that if there was anything I could do to help to let me Know. I wish her the best of success there. I will also send her an e-mail that I have posted a response to her posting here. Thanks, Eric Larson

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