  • Report:  #106520

Complaint Review: Ameriplan USA - Plano Texas

Reported By:
- san jose, California,

Ameriplan USA
5700 Democracy Dr Plano, 75024 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I joined and paid $110 to be a broker for Ameriplan USA last 8/18/2004. I decided even after due diligence that this is not for me. So I cancelled 8/24/2004. I followed all instructions in cancelling my agreement including e-mailing them at [email protected], writing them via certified mail, returned all items unopened with delivery confirmation from the US Post Office. After all these, all they told me is there is no Refund on broker agreements! They will refund only $36 for an unopened broker kit and promised not to charge the monthly $50 fee starting 10/03/2004. I think this is just plain rip-off!! Whatever there policies are!

Ron san jose, California

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Cincinnati ,

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 12, 2013

  I joined Ameriplan and due to situations out of my control I could not continue. I was told horrible stories about how hard it is to get a refund from Ameriplan. I just got off the phone with a very friendly employee and was given my refund immediately. Yes, it will take a month to receive, but I am receiving the full amount. 


Cincinnati ,

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 12, 2013

I joined Ameriplan 12 days ago, the last three days I have not been able to speak to anyone because of conference! I have done no work and I haven't opened my IBO training package. I am asking for a refund until I am able to completely focus on my new business. Why am I not able to focus? Within these 12 days my grandmother has passed and my great grandmother had a horrible fall, breaking her whole right side of her body. Someone has to be with my great granny at all times so my focus is on her at the moment.  I have left several messages via phone and email, my trainer calls today and tells me there are no refunds and not only will they not close my account for 30 days I will be charged again!!! I paid 199.95 to get started and its all wasted and I will be charged again???? This is how the rip offs are getting thememo money!!!! I was seriously going to start fresh when my Grt. Granny heals, but they treated me this wa, there's no way ill reconsider!!!! Ill be sure to spread the word as well!!!!


Bay City,
Read the FINE LINES!

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 14, 2005

I have been an AmeriPlan Broker about a month and a half. I LOVE IT! I have recieved all my checks promised and even the BONUSES! All you who quit as soon as you join are DUMB! First of all you should have studied into it before you joined! Dont just join something that obviously you know nothing about! You dont deserve all you money back for wasting our time! On top of that there are mechant fees! Do you think its free to run your card or check? Do you think its free to send you out this broker package? I dont understand why you would spend $95 - $295 on something you know nothing about! This isnt a Get-Rich-Quick job as with any job it takes time. Which obviosly all you quitters are too laxy to commit to less than 20 hours a week...thats what I call LAZY! AmeriPlan is an awesome At-Home oppurtunity. I wouldnt quit for ANYTHING!


Point Pleasant Beach,
New Jersey,
AmeriPlan is legitimate business!

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 10, 2005

I have been with Ameri-Plan for one year now. I am a regional sales director and very soon to be Senior Regional Sales Director! I have 20 brokers in my down-line and 24 members who are using the plan, and they are all very happy, as am I with the money they have both SAVED and MADE with Ameri-Plan. I am a full time mom and spend 80% of my time with my boys, ages 2 and 5. In my spare time, I work my business, and the income comes in very handy with our mortgage payments and other bills! I found the company because we did not have a Dental Plan! My dentist accepts Ameri-Plan, and I needed major work done... I saved over 2,100.00 in 2004 on my Dental work alone! IF you either need an affordable Dental plan that offers Vision, Prescriptions and Chiropractic, email me! I can help you save $$$$! OR, if you are looking for a legitimate home based business that NOT only helps people save money on their healthcare, (we are currently rolling out a FULL MEDICAL Plan throught the U.S. in addition to our DVPC plan!) then contact me... I will be happy to answer any questions you have and go over your broker or member agreements BEFORE YOU SIGN UP...so you know exactly what you are getting into ahead of time! And, by the way, I had two brokers under me decide within 24 hours that they changed their minds and did not want to do the business... FYI - I contacted Ameri-Plan for them and BOTH received a FULL REFUND!!! (no questions asked!!) Theresa Dosch, RSD, New Jersey


don't stop at no

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 12, 2005

I used to work at Ameriplanusa. I was a supervisor and can tell you that we did have the option to refund your money (we just had to give the request to margaret). The director of customer service is margaret miles and her direct number is (469) 229-4033. She can issue refunds as well as bank and credit card services. I quit because they treat their employees way worse than these upset customers. The part about escorting female employees to the restroom is true. I can tell you that Dennis and Daniel Bloom have their secretary Katy Vacker handle all of their emails and phone calls. So you will never get them on the phone. They don't even have computers in their offices. Any supervisor can have ms.miles issue a refund,keep in mind they only make about $12 an hour so try to treat them nicely ms. miles already treats them horribly. Most executive decisions are made by anna dickerson and her direct number (469)229-4001 she can approve anything she is head of human resources and i.t. On a positive note I have personally heard stories of how ameriplan saved people money and you won't benefit from the program if you are too lazy to use it.


don't stop at no

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 12, 2005

I used to work at Ameriplanusa. I was a supervisor and can tell you that we did have the option to refund your money (we just had to give the request to margaret). The director of customer service is margaret miles and her direct number is (469) 229-4033. She can issue refunds as well as bank and credit card services. I quit because they treat their employees way worse than these upset customers. The part about escorting female employees to the restroom is true. I can tell you that Dennis and Daniel Bloom have their secretary Katy Vacker handle all of their emails and phone calls. So you will never get them on the phone. They don't even have computers in their offices. Any supervisor can have ms.miles issue a refund,keep in mind they only make about $12 an hour so try to treat them nicely ms. miles already treats them horribly. Most executive decisions are made by anna dickerson and her direct number (469)229-4001 she can approve anything she is head of human resources and i.t. On a positive note I have personally heard stories of how ameriplan saved people money and you won't benefit from the program if you are too lazy to use it.


don't stop at no

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 12, 2005

I used to work at Ameriplanusa. I was a supervisor and can tell you that we did have the option to refund your money (we just had to give the request to margaret). The director of customer service is margaret miles and her direct number is (469) 229-4033. She can issue refunds as well as bank and credit card services. I quit because they treat their employees way worse than these upset customers. The part about escorting female employees to the restroom is true. I can tell you that Dennis and Daniel Bloom have their secretary Katy Vacker handle all of their emails and phone calls. So you will never get them on the phone. They don't even have computers in their offices. Any supervisor can have ms.miles issue a refund,keep in mind they only make about $12 an hour so try to treat them nicely ms. miles already treats them horribly. Most executive decisions are made by anna dickerson and her direct number (469)229-4001 she can approve anything she is head of human resources and i.t. On a positive note I have personally heard stories of how ameriplan saved people money and you won't benefit from the program if you are too lazy to use it.


don't stop at no

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 12, 2005

I used to work at Ameriplanusa. I was a supervisor and can tell you that we did have the option to refund your money (we just had to give the request to margaret). The director of customer service is margaret miles and her direct number is (469) 229-4033. She can issue refunds as well as bank and credit card services. I quit because they treat their employees way worse than these upset customers. The part about escorting female employees to the restroom is true. I can tell you that Dennis and Daniel Bloom have their secretary Katy Vacker handle all of their emails and phone calls. So you will never get them on the phone. They don't even have computers in their offices. Any supervisor can have ms.miles issue a refund,keep in mind they only make about $12 an hour so try to treat them nicely ms. miles already treats them horribly. Most executive decisions are made by anna dickerson and her direct number (469)229-4001 she can approve anything she is head of human resources and i.t. On a positive note I have personally heard stories of how ameriplan saved people money and you won't benefit from the program if you are too lazy to use it.


Garden City,
Are you kidding me? Why do you people slander an outstanding company?

#10UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 19, 2005

This is to the lady claiming that Ameriplan(R) has a lot of problems. You have got to be so over exagerating on the whole bathroom break thing. If this person you say works at the Corporate office in Plano is experiencing these things, why is she still working for them? I have been an Ameriplan(r) Broker for 4 weeks and I consider this company a blessing! Not only do they have an outstanding benefits package for next to nothing, they also have the utmost integrity. I find it so hard to believe that anything even close to that nature is occuring at the corporate office. Why do you people slander an outstanding company? I have never even met Dennis and Daniel Bloom but I would consider it an honor if I did. Our company is an upstanding member of the BBB and if these so called no refunds are happening, it is because you people are not telling the whole story. There are two sides to every story. I am very satisfied with this amazing business opportunity and this is allowing me to stay home with my 4 kids and I get checks every week. (sometimes 2 and 3 a week) It is so sad that a person decides to make a change in his life then promplty reniggs before even trying. If you guys would of given it a shot instead of spending all of your energy whining and complaining of no refunds, you would be making a great living right now. God Bless you and all the others who feel the need to be so negative all the time. I'll pray for ya.


Just your opinions

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 30, 2004

I have been a broker with AmeriPlan USA for over 6 months now, and have enjoyed every moment of it. The product that we offer is a phenominal one, with the potential to save $1000's for those needing some type of coverage, as well as providing a nice income for those who broker for AmeriPlan. If you take a look at any company where consumers are involved, there is always bound to be some jerk who had some kind of bad experience with the company who sets out on a vengence. Attempting to ruin the reputation of the company based on their opinion. But if you look at the experiences of the over 70,000 brokers who enjoy working with AmeriPlan, and the satisfaction of the 1.7 Million lives that are covered under our program, I think that nothing else should be said. Just because you all have issues with the experience that YOU had, doesnt mean we're not reputable.


AmeriPlan had Plenty of Problems

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, September 18, 2004

I have a female relative who works in the Plano service center and they have lots of problems. What kind of company sends supervisors to the bathroom with female employees to ensure they dont' take to long? They are placing locks on the bathroom doors and are allowing only scheduled bathroom breaks - with escorts. They are only subjecting female employees to this abuse. These are the people who answer the phone when you call with a problem or to request a refund. This company is in it for the money. Don't stop at the first "no" you get. They are trained to do that hoping you will take it at that and go away.


San Jose,
Yes, The Facts were straight about Ameriplan

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 14, 2004

If you read my report, I have stated that I have sent all materials unopened!!with proof of delivery from the US Post Office. The $36 is not a misprint becasue this came from a customer service rep from Ameriplan Headquarters in Plano,Texas (469)229-4500. Yes, it is correct $40 refund BUT minus shipping and handling. I would not make this up to ruin the reputation of a company or anyone for that matter, but this is the truth and this is what happened. Anyway good luck to you too and thank you very much to John from New York. I will let you know if they settled.


So Sad

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, September 14, 2004

I really do feel sorry for you all....I have been in Ameriplan since February....Best move I have ever made....it is a great product!!! I get calls all the time from my members grateful because of the money I have saved them. By the way, members get 30 day money back guarantee. The money I have made, well lets just say I will be at a six figure income in less than a year.


Get your Facts straight about Ameriplan USA

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, September 13, 2004

I am a broker with Ameriplan USA and have been for 3 years. Let me start off by saying they are NOT a scam. For those that were charged $110~ $15 of that was for websites of which you knew going in because it is part of the application. $95 (or even $295) is for the entire kit, broker fee which includes the benefits we offer and a one time, non-refundable Registration fee. The Ameriplan Policy is plainly on every Application both on and off the internet. On both broker kits it is stated "removal of this seal will void a refund" Which means that if you open this package you own the contents. So just incase your upline did not explain this to you, it's on the package. Further more a $95 package includes a kit valued at $40 so where this $36 dollars comes from is unknown. If you cancel and do not open the pkg your $40 is refunded. The remaining is not. When joining a business of any type, you always read, research, and repeat. It is easy to come on this board or any other one and say whatever comes to mind because no one will can be held responsible for what someone else posts. The prices quoted here are incorrect. I have read many reports on this site that are the same. They carry no merit. If you review the policy which is available on all our sites even the ones you signed up for all these problems could have been prevented from day one. You have the right to speak your mind but just make it the truth. Just as I have the right to say that my pay check and that of Thousands speaks for itself. I have nothing to prove and neither does AmeriPlan. Best of Luck to you in the next opportunity that you try!


New York,
New York,
Another way to get your money back!

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 04, 2004

Ron, Here is an additional way to get your money back. Go to the Better Business Bureau website bbb.com Search for Ameriplan USA: You will get many different listings: Click on the one that has the following address: 5700 Democracy Drive PLANO, TX Then file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau explaining that you paid $110 for a broker kit, you promptly returned it to Ameriplan. However Ameriplan told you that they would only refund $36 of that $110 Assuming you have received the $36 refund Ameriplan still owes you $74. Make this very clear when you file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Within a week you should get a letter from the Better Business Bureau notifying you there are contacting Ameriplan to resolve the complaint, if Ameriplan is willing to cooperate. This tactic usually forces Ameriplan into responding to your complaint and will get you your FULL refund. Ameriplan's attorney is: Cecil Shelton Mathis Here is his information: Phone: 972-312-9540 Fax: 972-312-0052 E-mail: [email protected] ------ Ron... Follow the steps I have detailed above and you should not only get all your money back, but you should also get an apology from Ameriplan and their little attorney cecil. Consider this payback for Ameriplan telling you they would only refund $36 Now go sink your teeth in 'em!


New York,
New York,
How to get your money back, for the record, Ameriplans refund policy

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 02, 2004

Ron, I understand your situation completely. I went through the exact same thing about 2 weeks ago. I joined Ameriplan as a broker and bought their broker package for $295.00 I received the package, and sent it back the next day having decided that I no longer was interested in being a broker for Ameriplan. I called Ameriplan on the phone and asked where my $295.00 refund was after a few weeks had passed, and no refund had been posted to my bank account. They told me on the phone exactly the nonsense that they told you, that they would only refund $36 of the $295 I hung up the phone in disgust and promised myself I would get a full refund. for the record, Ameriplans refund policy stinks. In fact, you really have to wonder about a company that will not refund your money in full when you return a product within 30 days. This should be a clear warning sign to others that Ameriplan sucks!! Now, here is how I got my money back, and if you do the same thing, you will have your $110.00 refunded to you. Assuming you paid via debt card or credit card. Call your bank. Look for their number on the back of your card, call it and tell them you want to dispute a charge made by Ameriplan in the amount of $110.00 Your bank will mail you a dispute form to fill out. When you get it, immediately fill it out, and be sure to tell your bank that you tried contacting Ameriplan to resolve the refund dispute issue but they would not cooperate, and that they were only going to give you $36 of the $110 back. Tell your bank that you sent back the unopened broker kit within 1 week, and that by law you are entitled to a full and complete refund of the original purchase price: $110.00 Then once you have all that filled out and explained to your bank, **FAX** them that information, don't mail it. You should have your full refund within a matter of days. These are the steps I took to get my full refund and I had my refund within 2 days. Go get 'em!

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