  • Report:  #193835

Complaint Review: Ameriquest - New York New York

Reported By:
- New York, New York,

All Offices New York, 11749 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a recently laid off employee from Ameriscum. I am interested if anyone has heard of a civil suit being brought against Ameriquest for the way the recently laid off over 4,000 employees. I have heard that this layoff may have broken several labor laws. Has anyone been in contact with an attorney or heard anything about this? I would sign with my own blood. Thanks.


New York, New York

18 Updates & Rebuttals


Oh please

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 04, 2006

I just love it how almost every exAmeriquest employee tells us they knew there was fraud being committed at Ameriquest but they were never part of it, or they were "one of the good ones." A company can not be sued by 49 states and close all of its branches because of a FEW bad apples. Like Kathleen said, you had me going there for a minute, I truly believed that there might have been an Ameriquest employee who hadn't been brainwashed..but I was wrong. I am not nor have I ever been "subprime material." And to anyone who you would consider subprime material WHAT DOES THAT MATTER!?! Is it ok to rip off people because they had bad credit? That's a pathetic attempt to excuse Ameriquest from their crimes. I love how it's always our fault because we signed the paperwork and we knew what we were getting into. You weren't at my 20 minute closing - you weren't there to hear the BS I was told. And until you have been in any of our places, don't assume you know anything about our stories. I suggest you forget everything you ever learned from Ameriquest and start fresh. 229 branches down......clock is ticking for corporate.


Palm Bay,
buyer beware

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, June 04, 2006

Ben. When you go out on your own, for a broker, or even a reputable lender, you are probably going to change your tune. You do realize this isnt BUYING A PAIR OF SHOES right? This is the biggest financial transaction people usually make. Getting burned on this type of transaction can have HUGE concequences. You also realize 99% of all homeowners are NOT banking professionals, and dont know all the ins and outs of how they are getting scammed. They have to TRUST the very people who are goading them into some sucker loan. You do realize that they sign MOUNTAINS of paperwork that would take literally 12 hours to sit and read etc.... and the closing monkey is programmed to just swiftly move them thru it as fast as possible, so he can get home before midnight. I have been to several closings in my tenure, and not one person has ever been able to go from start to finish reading every single document and asking pointed questions so that they understand every little thing. There is way to much information to absorb. Saying 'hey you signed it' is very COLD hearted. Homeowners have no idea how it really works, and with the bait and switch tactics, it gets to be too much. How many Ameriquest employees have said 'sorry you only have a 799 fico -need 800 for the best rate......' like the homeowner, especially older people have any idea whether you are lying or not. They WANT to believe you. There are so many tricks and scams from the professionals, and you somehow in your mind think 'serves em right'????? Lets face it. When a homeowner contacts you, YOU dictate the terms. YOU tell them what docs they need. YOU tell them their fico. YOU tell em what rate they can get. YOU tell them 'ya cant do better anywhere else'... Yet somehow, you feel no responsibility for controlling the thing, overinflating their rate , hammering em with a huge prepay, overappraising their house etc.... and all you have to say in the end is 'YOU SIGNED IT' I think over time, you may feel increasingly 'dissapointed' in yourself when you reread your comments.


you are just like all the rest ...

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, June 04, 2006

I began reading your comments and thought, for once, maybe there were a few decent employees. Your first two paragraphs had me going for a minute. And then what do you do? The same as all your ex-cronies by putting customers down with the same old crap I have heard time and time again. How can you even state that customers didn't shop around. You weren't there. And, as you surely know, the reps make Ameriquest sound like God's gift to society. I certainly don't care if you are sorry or not. Nothing anyone says that has been, or is, associated with this company has any value so why even comment. It only shows the ignorance you have been bottle fed at Ameriquest. So you believe people just sign documents they have not read? Get real. I read my contract from front to back before I signed but, hmmm, somehow the contract I was given at closing changed and the lying reps told me it was the same. Oh, and your "let's hurry the customer through closing so they have no time to think, let alone question" training is something else. I must admit, it worked but now it has only given the screwed customers the ammunition they need to screw THEM in court. If you were proud to be working at this scum *&*, fraudulent, theiving, lying company, well, all I can say is you fit right in with the scum they employed. I guess Ameritheft does not conduct background investigations before hiring the scum. There are comments on this site by an ex-stripper working there and, needless to say, had nothing intelligent to say along with the rest of you. Fraud-free ... now that's a good one. Let me give you a more appropriate phrase like Guilt-free. This is what employees/ex- employees experience after ripping off yet another poor soul who was unfortunate enough to become a SCREWED customer because of your LIES. After collecting your ill-gained paycheck and laughing with other co-worker scumbags of how you GOT ANOTHER ONE, you cannot possibly have one ounce of conscience or guilt. You were employed in 2005 and 2006 and you saw NOTHING? Give me a break. If Ameriscum was operating as most reputable mortgage companies don't you think there would not be so many class action suits? If you want sympathy, you have come to the wrong place. So you didn't receive your last paycheck? I did but it all went to your scum company. Go out and get a DECENT job for once. You may make a little less money but you wouldn't be screwing people over everyday. You seem pretty knowledgeable about the 5 day past due calls. I guess your job was to make these calls and harass a customer when they have experienced some kind of hardship. You didn't care then did you? I guess you are feeling a little hardship right now. I can't honestly say I care. Good luck with your job search because you are going to need it after working where you did.


My Feedback

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 03, 2006

To all here that have commented, first and foremost my hearts go out to you. I was an employee of Ameriquest from Aug 2005 to May 2006 when the doors were shut. Allow me to inform you all on an insiders perspective. First and foremost, I would like to start out by saying that I was not apart of the "fraud or deception" that is being stated here in this forum nor were we ever asked to do fraudulant activity. As we all know, there are sour apples in whatever office/industry you do business in. For me, I sat in my corner office and did my work in an ethical order. Yes, there were things I found odd - like, we could not do loans for family and we could not do a loan for ourself. Since I have been reading this, my heart wreaps - so I guess in some ways I am with you all, however, in other terms I am not. The majority of you who are complaining in here are sub-prime material and for the most part did not shop around for the best deal, so I can not say sorry to that. Second, 1/2 the people that I talked with did not know details of their current loan before they refi'd with me, so again, you signed something without reading the fine print so I can not feel sorry for you either. Trust me, everyday that I went to work, I was proud to be working for the company. I knew that our office was fraud-free, hell, the company cracked down heavily on it after the AG settlement. I know that before I got there, about a year prior, there was a lot of bad stuff going on, but when I was there, nothing went unseen. As an ex-employee, I share your grief. I am out of dignity. I worked my a** off for eight months just to be handed a box and told to leave the office. Our paychecks were due yesterday and I have still yet to receive it. A company that will call you if you are 5 days past due and yet, they can not get their own paychecks out.


My Feedback

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 03, 2006

To all here that have commented, first and foremost my hearts go out to you. I was an employee of Ameriquest from Aug 2005 to May 2006 when the doors were shut. Allow me to inform you all on an insiders perspective. First and foremost, I would like to start out by saying that I was not apart of the "fraud or deception" that is being stated here in this forum nor were we ever asked to do fraudulant activity. As we all know, there are sour apples in whatever office/industry you do business in. For me, I sat in my corner office and did my work in an ethical order. Yes, there were things I found odd - like, we could not do loans for family and we could not do a loan for ourself. Since I have been reading this, my heart wreaps - so I guess in some ways I am with you all, however, in other terms I am not. The majority of you who are complaining in here are sub-prime material and for the most part did not shop around for the best deal, so I can not say sorry to that. Second, 1/2 the people that I talked with did not know details of their current loan before they refi'd with me, so again, you signed something without reading the fine print so I can not feel sorry for you either. Trust me, everyday that I went to work, I was proud to be working for the company. I knew that our office was fraud-free, hell, the company cracked down heavily on it after the AG settlement. I know that before I got there, about a year prior, there was a lot of bad stuff going on, but when I was there, nothing went unseen. As an ex-employee, I share your grief. I am out of dignity. I worked my a** off for eight months just to be handed a box and told to leave the office. Our paychecks were due yesterday and I have still yet to receive it. A company that will call you if you are 5 days past due and yet, they can not get their own paychecks out.


My Feedback

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 03, 2006

To all here that have commented, first and foremost my hearts go out to you. I was an employee of Ameriquest from Aug 2005 to May 2006 when the doors were shut. Allow me to inform you all on an insiders perspective. First and foremost, I would like to start out by saying that I was not apart of the "fraud or deception" that is being stated here in this forum nor were we ever asked to do fraudulant activity. As we all know, there are sour apples in whatever office/industry you do business in. For me, I sat in my corner office and did my work in an ethical order. Yes, there were things I found odd - like, we could not do loans for family and we could not do a loan for ourself. Since I have been reading this, my heart wreaps - so I guess in some ways I am with you all, however, in other terms I am not. The majority of you who are complaining in here are sub-prime material and for the most part did not shop around for the best deal, so I can not say sorry to that. Second, 1/2 the people that I talked with did not know details of their current loan before they refi'd with me, so again, you signed something without reading the fine print so I can not feel sorry for you either. Trust me, everyday that I went to work, I was proud to be working for the company. I knew that our office was fraud-free, hell, the company cracked down heavily on it after the AG settlement. I know that before I got there, about a year prior, there was a lot of bad stuff going on, but when I was there, nothing went unseen. As an ex-employee, I share your grief. I am out of dignity. I worked my a** off for eight months just to be handed a box and told to leave the office. Our paychecks were due yesterday and I have still yet to receive it. A company that will call you if you are 5 days past due and yet, they can not get their own paychecks out.


My Feedback

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 03, 2006

To all here that have commented, first and foremost my hearts go out to you. I was an employee of Ameriquest from Aug 2005 to May 2006 when the doors were shut. Allow me to inform you all on an insiders perspective. First and foremost, I would like to start out by saying that I was not apart of the "fraud or deception" that is being stated here in this forum nor were we ever asked to do fraudulant activity. As we all know, there are sour apples in whatever office/industry you do business in. For me, I sat in my corner office and did my work in an ethical order. Yes, there were things I found odd - like, we could not do loans for family and we could not do a loan for ourself. Since I have been reading this, my heart wreaps - so I guess in some ways I am with you all, however, in other terms I am not. The majority of you who are complaining in here are sub-prime material and for the most part did not shop around for the best deal, so I can not say sorry to that. Second, 1/2 the people that I talked with did not know details of their current loan before they refi'd with me, so again, you signed something without reading the fine print so I can not feel sorry for you either. Trust me, everyday that I went to work, I was proud to be working for the company. I knew that our office was fraud-free, hell, the company cracked down heavily on it after the AG settlement. I know that before I got there, about a year prior, there was a lot of bad stuff going on, but when I was there, nothing went unseen. As an ex-employee, I share your grief. I am out of dignity. I worked my a** off for eight months just to be handed a box and told to leave the office. Our paychecks were due yesterday and I have still yet to receive it. A company that will call you if you are 5 days past due and yet, they can not get their own paychecks out.


St. Louis,

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, June 03, 2006

We will close them down, all of us together, plus the 210.000 others, Thing were doing OK so far 229 branches, 4 or 5 more to go. This site has been wonderful for us all to talk and vent to each other, We all know what the other is going thru. I agree with Kathleen we have become family.You ladies keep writing, love hearing your statements, You too Ken and David. We need to keep each others spirits up and positive. Because like I said before, WE WILL BE WINNERS


Tracy ...

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, June 03, 2006

I am also lucky since I have not YET lost my home but Ameritheft is working on it. Monthly payments are going up and up. But, doesn't matter. Like I've said before, I will get 3 jobs if that is what it takes to keep my home. Theiving Ameriquest will NEVER get it. You are awesome as well for being on here for four years! Whew! That is a long time. I'm ready for the long haul also. I will keep on fighting against this horrible company AND their scumbag employees even AFTER I win my lawsuit AND refinance. I have been fortunate but others have not. I am sickened by what I read everyday. You are right Tracy, there are new postings every single day with more pain and heartache that Ameriquest has inflicted on their customers. Yes, Tracy, Ameriquest cannot win and will not win if we stick together and stay strong. I'm with you and I believe Laura, Ken, David, Kay, yourself and many others will prevail in the long run.


To all who have suffered because of Ameriquest

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 02, 2006

I have been in the same boat as all of you. I was lucky because I did not lose my house and I was fortunate enough to have a realtor friend to help us sell our house for free because we would not be able to pay him due to the prepayment penalty. That was two years ago and I still will not give up the fight against them. What they do to their customers is disgusting and the fact that people OTHER than the customers are starting to notice is great! Keep fighting until we close them down. To Kathleen and Laura and all the others - don't give up (I know Kathleen won't and that is AWESOME! :) ). No matter what people say to you on this site you are speaking the truth, no matter how harsh it seems. Every day I see a new Ameriquest victim post on this site...KEEP POSTING! Lawyers read this site, AMERIQUEST reads this site - help us tell them that you are not giving up until they close their doors forever!!! I've been posting on ROR about Ameriquest now for about 4 years and thanks to people like us something is finally happening...you guys stay strong and don't let Ameriquest get you!


St. Louis,

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, June 02, 2006

KEN,It breaks my heart to read your last statement. DON'T GET DOWN, YOU WILL WIN. Do you still have my home e-mail, e-mail me if you want, I know how you feel. I lost my job over this, I couldn't work anymore, panic/depression, trying to hide the fear from the kids. crying yourself to sleep at night. Hang in there Ken. GOD will take care of all of us. His strength has gotten my family thry this, now over 2 yrs. He will see all of us thru, Kathleen, David, Laura, and all the others. I have been on medication for a year now. Believe me please, WE ARE ALL WINNERS. The truth will set us all free.Please get the positive back in you. Don't let this Co. rob you of your health. We will win!!!!!!!!!!


Ken, Laura, Kay and all customers ...

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

I so know how you feel and I wish the very best for you. It's a shame that this horrible company has put us in the situations we are in now. I, also, have s**t credit when my credit was great when I became a customer. I had no idea that this company was for people with poor credit. I'm not saying anything bad for the people who have or had bad credit either. Believe me, I am in the same boat now. I also had a great payment, $545 a month with a 4% fixed interest rate. I also believed in what the Ameriquest rep told me. A big mistake on our part but we have paid dearly for it. And, yes, continue to pay everyday. You can take the BS Ken. We must all put up with the BS. This site and stories like yours, Laura's, Kay's, Marge's and David's are what keeps me going. We are all fighting to keep our homes, homes that are rightfully ours. And we will continue to fight. I understand the pain and agony you feel and I hate that your son, and my daughter, have to feel it too. It's hard to pretend all is good and right when you know everything is falling apart due only to ONE company screwing over people every single day. I look forward to your uplifting comments and cannot wait to hear of your win against this company. I must admit I got a little scared after reading this last one but, believe me, I so understand. I just don't want you to become so discouraged you feel you cannot go on much longer. It IS hard to wait, I'm doing the same. My attorney has not even gone through even half of the documentation I've given him. I want Ameriquest to pay for what they've put me, and so many others through, NOW, today but I know it's a long waiting game. It's just hard. Take care and Laura, I hope soon you will find an attorney to help you. It took me almost a year to find one that I somewhat trust. I spent hours copying documentation for an attorney only to find out he was best friends with Ameriquest's attorney and was not about to help me at all. So keep lookin' and don't get discouraged. I know that was stupid to say because it is very hard not to become discouraged and depressed. But, if we all stick together, that will help. When one gets down, the others can bring them up. And Ken, that's what I want to do for you now. You take care and keep in touch with everyone. I care about you and everyone else as if you were family.


Apple Valley,
I will fight Any Lawyers out there? contact me please

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, June 01, 2006

Thanks again Kathleen. Everyone on here say they have lawyers where can I find one that will listen to me and atleast go over my docs. Only one has contacted me but they only do class action but he said by what I explained to him I may have a case. the more I get involved in this the more i am becoming suspicious. if a lawyer and not one bulls***ing could honestly say I have no case then I will stop. (after I get a second opinion) has anyone heard about the AMC office in Rancho Cordova Ca. thats where my loan originated. I'll persue more when AMC sends me my signed docs. I sent a certified letter yesterday. Thanks again everyone but I still have a lot more questions so please I beg you to help me any info to my questions will be greatly appreciated.


I Agree

#15Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 01, 2006

Since all of this BS with ameriquest i have gotten tons of phone calls from other mortgage companys and banks.They all want me to refinance but since ameriquest stopped takeing my payments (at no fault of my own) my credit turned into a pile of s**t and they cant help me. I had a great credit score great payments, everything life was good until i got talked into a refi and was lied to big time!!!!!! Now my credit is shot i cant sleep night im depressed and i dont even know who to trust because of all this BS ameriquest had put me through. Not to mention what my family is going through. My son asks my wife why is dad always crying and stairing into space.Why dosent dad play with me like he used to. He is a child and knows thiers something not right. Ameriquest needs to quit stalling and answer my attorneys letters and court filings. But like my attorney has said its going to take time but i dont have time i just dont know how long i can take this BS. Well got to get take care everyone and GOD BLESS !


You go girls!

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, May 31, 2006

Laura, you say it like it is and I like it. You keep at it. And Kay, you are right. We will all be winners. I believe that. Yes, I am being bombarded with loan companies sending letters and email too. This one company sends me at least 4 emails a day. I called just out of curiosity and the phone was temporarily out of service but they wanted a voice mail. I didn't leave one. I am waiting on my attorney to review all my documents (and that's going to take him at least a month) and see what he says first. Anyway, keep on fighting and I look forward to reading both of your comments. It's people like you who keep me going. Thank you very much!


St. Louis,
What about the homeless

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, May 31, 2006

I have been reading this site for months, and have read the horriable stories of how people have lost their homes, and are about ready to lose their home, And then I read the x-employees, saying now what about us. Did you guys think about us. I have been going thru this over 2 yrs, my health is shot, You have no idal what you employees have done to people, I know there are good and bad people that worked for Ameriquest. Plain and simple like the BIBLE SAYS (QUOTE)"Wealth obtained by fraud dwindles."Look what is happening now this Co. is dwindling. I myself believe God will take care of all of us. He knows the truth what was done. Maybe all of you that have deliberatly hurt people to make that big dollar, should simple just ask God what you should do now to help. Now you know what it's like to have sleepless nights worring yourself sick. I'm not a mean person and I don't wish bad on no one. As another lady quoted on this site you reap what you sow.And as for mean people in their customer service, only i was nice, they called and called even after I told them to call my attorney, she said YA RIGHT. well after my attorney got ahold of them I have never received another call. To all the regulars writing and the new ones coming aboard. WE WILL BE WINNERS. Has anyone else on this site been bombarded with different loan companys sending letters to try and get you to refi with their co. I get at least 3 a day. GOD BLESS KAY


Apple Valley,
Blah Blah

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, May 30, 2006

You all deserve to be laid off. You mention you want a lawyer because they broke labor laws. What a crock. That is the least important issue. AMC has destroyed the lives of thousands of innocent customers I am one. Yes CUSTOMERS. What about us. The ones YOU deceaved and manipulated to get YOUR huge commission. What's wrong no job can't afford your big house now. You say Ameriscum is it because you're mad you got laid off do you even think about the customers who have lost their homes or are in the process of losing their homes or the equity that is no longer in the house because AMC raped them of it or the outragious closing costs ($13000.00 for me)not to mention an employee of AMC leaked my social security to third party brokers. Thank God for the layoffs maybe someday the whole entire company will be gone. I can only hope more of you AMC employees will be in the dog house my opinion you all deserve what is comming. Labor laws blah blah.



#19Consumer Comment

Tue, May 30, 2006

I have not heard of any civil suit by ex-employees - although I wouldn't be surprised. The one thing I have heard of is the possible legal action that several states are threatening to take against AMC. Most states have financial and insurance regulatory state agencies that REQUIRE any financial company that is licensed, and doing business in their state, to give that state agency 30 days MINIMUM notice before that company closes down any of their branches in that state. Obviously Ameriquest ran roughshod all over those laws. This, as you can imagine, had a tendency to irritate many States...

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