King of Prussia,#2UPDATE EX-employee responds
Wed, August 07, 2002
Reliable inside source has informed me that AmeriTrain is filing bankruptcy to avoid paying back refunds and creditors. They are presently removing physical assets from their sites without notifying students of the closings.
Charlotte,#3Consumer Comment
Tue, August 06, 2002
It is great that either Mr Davis or Mr Gouveia can point the finger in the other direction but here is the bottom line: You Interviewed Them... You Hired Them... You Trained them... You let them do their own thing... And in an effort to wash their hands of it you fired them and left town!!! O.K. Mr.'s Holier Than Thou what are you gonna do about it... Bottom line is they were YOUR employees and if they screwed us then It's YOUR responsibility to make it right. And faking a class and finding a temporary space for them to finish their classes because the loan company forced you to isn't gonna do it for me and the majority of other students you d*cked over. Give us our refunds and leave it be! But you cant do that since you already spent the cash!! Nice Try but NO DICE
Charlotte,#4UPDATE EX-employee responds
Mon, August 05, 2002
How Dare you use the name "GOD" when speaking of who did what and what he altimately knows. You better think twice about what you do down here on earth, because you will be judged on your actions one day. The employees worked hard to bennefit you and your company and did what they were told to do. You and only you knew what your intentions were when you made the decission to continue selling and taking the Money from individuals when knowing you were going to close your doors. You can't blame that on anyone but Yourself! Don't try and put off any wrong doing on the employees! There is only one person to blame for the wrong-doings of Ameritrain......and that name is Douglas Davis!!!
Atlanta,#5UPDATE EX-employee responds
Mon, August 05, 2002
I understand where you are coming from about the "sales" people only wanting one thing - their commission, but what about those of us that really did take pride in their job and doing everything according to the law! I know that I did everything by the book and was always looking out for the best interest of the students! I was told that "bending the rules" has to be done sometimes to close the sale, but I never let that happen! Mr. Gouveia and Mr. Davis "bended" the rules to meet their sales quota all of the time and then when the student didn't pay all of their money, they wanted to point fingers at someone besides themselves. I am not pointing fingers now, I am just worried about the innocent victims that were screwed in the end. God is the ultimate decider and cussing and bashing on this internet site will not serve justice. Good luck to all of you and I hope that everyone gets what they truly deserve in the end!
I know everything
Harrisburg,#6UPDATE Employee
Sat, August 03, 2002
I certainly do think this is quite comical! It is funny how so many people are willing to jump on the band wagon when a situation is seemingly bad and without fact, figure that what they type and what they have devised to be the fact is truth,..... well, this is false and naivet at it's finest. Let's take a good look here...disgrunteled ex-employee's with a big pill to swallow. Simple revenge! I know I just hit a soft spot with all of you...I knew most of you quite well. Aren't most of you forgetting that it was in fact YOU that signed the students up for these classes..I could easily accuse all you former sales persons for selling classes without care or regard for the students. I could point a factual finger at all your wrong doings! All Ameritrian was concerned with was the training of the students it enrolled...much to the dismay of all of you. Your only objective was to close that sale and cover up it's deceitfuil origin. A practice that was unfortunitaly found out to late. Wasn't it true that when these practices were IN FACT found out by corporate you were teminated? Bitter are we? So sorry we were not able to continue lining your pockets with commissions based on your sales you perprtrated based on false statements and lies. The blame falls on you with your shady sales practices that were ulimately caught. How many of you (all) were demoted for these such practices..ahhhhh...but yes....vengence does have it's sweetness for those that can speak no truth! I ask you as the sales representatives for all the students for Ameritrain....where should the blame lie!! Be honest now! Think back to the true reason you were asked to leave....bad salesmanship! Lying to your fellow sales partners! Lying and trying to cheat the entire school....each and every student! Ofcourse!....bow those heads low now and continue to fuel the flame that you started ....but untimately GOD knows what you did and to whom....there is no absolution in posting on this report. This report will no more forgive you from who you have wronged as it will allow you to pass through his door without question. Be very careful where the finger you points will untilmately speak the truth and lead straight back to you.
I know everything
Harrisburg,#7UPDATE Employee
Sat, August 03, 2002
I certainly do think this is quite comical! It is funny how so many people are willing to jump on the band wagon when a situation is seemingly bad and without fact, figure that what they type and what they have devised to be the fact is truth,..... well, this is false and naivet at it's finest. Let's take a good look here...disgrunteled ex-employee's with a big pill to swallow. Simple revenge! I know I just hit a soft spot with all of you...I knew most of you quite well. Aren't most of you forgetting that it was in fact YOU that signed the students up for these classes..I could easily accuse all you former sales persons for selling classes without care or regard for the students. I could point a factual finger at all your wrong doings! All Ameritrian was concerned with was the training of the students it enrolled...much to the dismay of all of you. Your only objective was to close that sale and cover up it's deceitfuil origin. A practice that was unfortunitaly found out to late. Wasn't it true that when these practices were IN FACT found out by corporate you were teminated? Bitter are we? So sorry we were not able to continue lining your pockets with commissions based on your sales you perprtrated based on false statements and lies. The blame falls on you with your shady sales practices that were ulimately caught. How many of you (all) were demoted for these such practices..ahhhhh...but yes....vengence does have it's sweetness for those that can speak no truth! I ask you as the sales representatives for all the students for Ameritrain....where should the blame lie!! Be honest now! Think back to the true reason you were asked to leave....bad salesmanship! Lying to your fellow sales partners! Lying and trying to cheat the entire school....each and every student! Ofcourse!....bow those heads low now and continue to fuel the flame that you started ....but untimately GOD knows what you did and to whom....there is no absolution in posting on this report. This report will no more forgive you from who you have wronged as it will allow you to pass through his door without question. Be very careful where the finger you points will untilmately speak the truth and lead straight back to you.
I know everything
Harrisburg,#8UPDATE Employee
Sat, August 03, 2002
I certainly do think this is quite comical! It is funny how so many people are willing to jump on the band wagon when a situation is seemingly bad and without fact, figure that what they type and what they have devised to be the fact is truth,..... well, this is false and naivet at it's finest. Let's take a good look here...disgrunteled ex-employee's with a big pill to swallow. Simple revenge! I know I just hit a soft spot with all of you...I knew most of you quite well. Aren't most of you forgetting that it was in fact YOU that signed the students up for these classes..I could easily accuse all you former sales persons for selling classes without care or regard for the students. I could point a factual finger at all your wrong doings! All Ameritrian was concerned with was the training of the students it enrolled...much to the dismay of all of you. Your only objective was to close that sale and cover up it's deceitfuil origin. A practice that was unfortunitaly found out to late. Wasn't it true that when these practices were IN FACT found out by corporate you were teminated? Bitter are we? So sorry we were not able to continue lining your pockets with commissions based on your sales you perprtrated based on false statements and lies. The blame falls on you with your shady sales practices that were ulimately caught. How many of you (all) were demoted for these such practices..ahhhhh...but yes....vengence does have it's sweetness for those that can speak no truth! I ask you as the sales representatives for all the students for Ameritrain....where should the blame lie!! Be honest now! Think back to the true reason you were asked to leave....bad salesmanship! Lying to your fellow sales partners! Lying and trying to cheat the entire school....each and every student! Ofcourse!....bow those heads low now and continue to fuel the flame that you started ....but untimately GOD knows what you did and to whom....there is no absolution in posting on this report. This report will no more forgive you from who you have wronged as it will allow you to pass through his door without question. Be very careful where the finger you points will untilmately speak the truth and lead straight back to you.
I know everything
Harrisburg,#9UPDATE Employee
Sat, August 03, 2002
I certainly do think this is quite comical! It is funny how so many people are willing to jump on the band wagon when a situation is seemingly bad and without fact, figure that what they type and what they have devised to be the fact is truth,..... well, this is false and naivet at it's finest. Let's take a good look here...disgrunteled ex-employee's with a big pill to swallow. Simple revenge! I know I just hit a soft spot with all of you...I knew most of you quite well. Aren't most of you forgetting that it was in fact YOU that signed the students up for these classes..I could easily accuse all you former sales persons for selling classes without care or regard for the students. I could point a factual finger at all your wrong doings! All Ameritrian was concerned with was the training of the students it enrolled...much to the dismay of all of you. Your only objective was to close that sale and cover up it's deceitfuil origin. A practice that was unfortunitaly found out to late. Wasn't it true that when these practices were IN FACT found out by corporate you were teminated? Bitter are we? So sorry we were not able to continue lining your pockets with commissions based on your sales you perprtrated based on false statements and lies. The blame falls on you with your shady sales practices that were ulimately caught. How many of you (all) were demoted for these such practices..ahhhhh...but yes....vengence does have it's sweetness for those that can speak no truth! I ask you as the sales representatives for all the students for Ameritrain....where should the blame lie!! Be honest now! Think back to the true reason you were asked to leave....bad salesmanship! Lying to your fellow sales partners! Lying and trying to cheat the entire school....each and every student! Ofcourse!....bow those heads low now and continue to fuel the flame that you started ....but untimately GOD knows what you did and to whom....there is no absolution in posting on this report. This report will no more forgive you from who you have wronged as it will allow you to pass through his door without question. Be very careful where the finger you points will untilmately speak the truth and lead straight back to you.