  • Report:  #1346858

Complaint Review: Amp Exposure - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
anonymous - Orlando, Florida, USA

Amp Exposure
7800 Southland Blvd #150 Orlando, 32809 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Well, I was a former employee of Amplify Management Inc, that changed its name only a few months to Amp Exposure. I can't begin to describe the bold faced scam this business is and how illegal their business practices are.

The company is run by Greyson Fesperman, a solid "dream seller" who hails from North Carolina and has opened and closed multiple offices including Winston Grey, and she started out of Bear Claw Events (same horrible reviews) up in North Carolina and brought the scam down here. 

I'm going to explain the interview process and how nothing adds up. The interview process is a 3 part process, the first of which you come into their "office" and meet with the "CEO" herself. (I use quotations because both words are from what what they are, it is neither an office and she is not a CEO) She will begin to tell you that she personally has a contract with top box retailers and shes looking to grow her company. That this is a management in training position and that after 6-9months (its now changed to 7-12months) you will be given a client list to handle everything she can't. Let me be clear, there is no contract she personally has. She is one of many incorporated offices working for The Smart Cirlce, Innovage, and multiple other parent companies. Her company makes no decisions on what products they represent and she has no control of the growth for individuals coming into the company.

The second round of the interview she will send you out to a Sam's Club where you will spend an hour speaking to someone in the "Event Management" side of the company. (I know this because I was an "event manager" for the company and regularly conducted these interviews.) You will be shown an event, which is just a table set up with no name, and horribly made products and a banner. The interview is conducted by people with no knowledge in any of the legal laws pertaining to interviewing (causing many illegial questions to be asked) and their main goal is to paint a piture of success. They regularly lie saying this is the "ugliest part of the business" because this entire business is ugly and there's no other part to it. Then they will go into how a person moves up in the company. They expalin a 4 part process where the base pay for the first two parts (brand amabssador and event manager) are exactly the same pay structure, they will say its 8.05 and hr plus a commision. This is a lie, it is whatever is higher, and gerenally you will never see a paycheck with any commsion because you are forced to work overtime and once the overtime kicks in you have to sell more than the time an a half to make commsion. Tip, this is the only person who matters as they are selecting indiviuals to build their team so they can move up in the company, just like a pyramid scheme and MLM, minus the "intial buy-in"

The third round interview is mainly to clear up questions you have because the untrained employees who are doing the second round interviews have no actual skill doing it so she will try to lock you into the business by making you feel at ease. 

Once you become an employee you will be in "morning atomosphere" where they will tell you that you are above the grain and contantly force the idea of time now for time later. This is to force you to work harder for slave wages in hopes you will eventually make it to that grand 6 figure salary that doesn't exist. You will be told a "good leader" is someone who goes above an beyond. This is so they don't have to make it a job requirement for you to have to set up business dinners, 1on1's, and work for free because if they made it a job requirement for promotion they'd have to pay you for all of this. This has been said by Greyson herself in leaders meetings. The whole idea is to get you brainwashed to being a work mule.

Greyson will brag about her 6 figure salary however, during the interview process they explain each client portfolio she runs will pay her 25k. She runs between 7-15 events yearly so her pay should be well above 100k right? Not the case, she let it slip that she was on track to make 120k this year (still more than likely a lie) which doesn't correlate to 25k a show.

You will be responsible for your own gas and car matienence, being paid for travel ONLY when you travel from the office to an event from 10am to 11am. If you are scheduled anytime that doesn't have an office meeting, or after that 11am from the office you will not recieve compensation for it. Stores range from Tampa, to Cocoa Beach to Daytona to Lady Lake and you are expected to travel there over 60+ miles without correct compensation. Oh, and that hotel room they say you rent you when you travel over 35miles is a lie. They didn't and I've made many "roadtrips" they talked about. 

You will contatly have to network with people within the company at differernt offices so that when you discuss anything negative about the job they will turn it around to try to keep you around. They call this "feeding yourself" This is to keep the "mentality" they speak about in check, its to keep you working hard by giving you dreams of grandeur. 

No one in this office (which has been around nearly a year) has been promoted to this "ownership" role even though they've been through the program over a year. (Many of these "top leaders" have been in the business over two years because Smart Cirlce has had to come to Orlando to close past offices, or these people have moved from other states that offices have closed at.) The company also changed its name because it keeps recieving too many negative reviews. When you ask why they will always say "there were too many other companies named Amplify it made people confused." or they'll flat out ask you why it matters? It matters because reputatble companies don't just change their names.

Oh and if you ever have the misfortune of starting at this company and they tell you to call them to "break down your day" be aware someone else is listening on mute on the other line to help better assess how to keep you in the business (they call it coaching) which is illegal. 

I can go on and on about this company but, I'll leave it at this. This is a scam from start to finish, there is no amazing job at the end of the rainbow, they force you to work hard for little pay and its under the Smart Cirlce parent company. IF you need any more information google The Devil Corp, or The Smart Circle Scam and read the amazing articles written about this. It's truly unsettling how many people come into this business and shame on each and everyone of these people for tricking people into this business.

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