  • Report:  #936244

Complaint Review: Anne M Santos & Dave V Santos - Bolingbrook Illinois

Reported By:
Alex/Sandra - Joliet, Illinois, United States of America

Anne M Santos & Dave V Santos
223 Hampshire lane Bolingbrook, 60440 Illinois, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Sandra Cardenas of joliet illinois who is hearing impaired gets scammed out of 1,695 dollars by Anne M Santos who is a state employee with illinois tollway of bolingbrook illinois and with her Husband Dave v Santos they rent a home to group home for mentaly retarded adults at 267 Sunshine drive bolingbrook where Anne santos facilitated using her daughter to run this scam while planing on leaving her husband taking Sandra Cardenas for 1,695 dollars playing on Sandra Cardenas physicaly chalange puting her in the same room with her criminal daughter with long criminal history using her daughter as the fall guy in her theft,

Her husband Dave V Santos accessory after the fact justify"s by bashing who they victimized by discriminating on her hearing impairement and physical chalange saying she is not a real woman as she has a handicap and bashes me her significant other of 12 years for my spine injury resulting to be forced on ssdi, Dave V Santos hate towards Americans with disability is very concerning as he facilitates renting a home to group home @ 267 Sunshine drive bolingbrook Il. Same location this scam took place on Sandra Cardenas just before it became a group home for the mentaly retarded adults,

Police report was filed with bolingbrook police dep: august: 14 th and States attorneys Office was notified along with Attorney general crime division among other agency,s,

No action has been taken as we seek criminal charges at this point on said fraud on a physicly chalanged female Sandra Cardenas by State employee Anne M Santos and her husband Dave V Santos who now live at 223 Hampshire lane Bolingbrook Illinois,

After we filed police report and us trying to locate there new adress to send demand letter of payment. We read article of the assult and battrey in said group home 267 Sunshine drive bolingbrook resulting in death, Theft that took place on Sandra cardenas at that same location raises suspission as same 2 own the home that comited theft on her,

We raised this concern to all agency but we are kept out of the loop as nothing hapened to this date as far as we know and we have concern for those people as well being mentaly chalanged living in that home and knowing the owner of the home has this kind of hate towards Americans with disability but has no issue collecting gov: Funding to pay the mortgage on said home,

His words in responce to the demand letter in a text show he sees anyone with a physical chalange as less human in nature and less worthy and borderline hate crime attitude should not be allowed to facilitate having acess to disabled people in that home and jepardize there safety as him and his wife and daughter are thiefs by nature,

We seek justice for Sandra Cardenas and others who they may facilitate similar crime against and seek safety and healthy enviorment for all Americans with disability ,as they deserve that right,!

Cc:States Attorney of will county, Cc:Attorney general office Cc:Chief of police bolingbrook, Cc:chicago.tribune Cc:heraldnews Cc:Mysuburbunlife news CcChicago . suntimes

Sandra Cardenas/ Alex Ollosi

4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Fri, March 15, 2013

Sandra dont lie ' Only criminals and thieves have reason to lie for there selfish greed personal gain at other peoples expense '

Report Attachments


Picture of a text says a thousand words,

#3Author of original report

Fri, March 15, 2013

Text confirms every part of this complaint filed to every agency and rip-off report ! As States Attorney being too bussy back logged with criminal maters advised to notify Dupage County probation officer we did our job in this mater with further bringing forth further proof of perjury, conspiracy fraud, theft ,slander ,discriminatory defimation of character, And further harrassment while trying to recover funds and get justice due to the defendants perjury /conspire to defraud along with witness probation violation !

Copy of text from there own witness which points the finger back at Anne Santos (Sorry Ann betrayed you) With further confirming daughters actions are controlled by Mom and the stepfather Dave Santos as they are her only lifeline means of support and her actions are based on there financial control over her ! Picture will be provided of text confirming the real truth to the States Attorneys office along with other documents as most text contains vulgar language from both Victoria and the defendants to post !

We did our job and we expect the state of Illinois /Will County States Attorney to there job proceeding with criminal charges in this mater !


No such services were provided !

#4Author of original report

Fri, February 22, 2013


State and local courts are subject to Title II of the ADA, 42 U.S.C . Sections12131-12134, which applies to "public entities." The U.S. Department of Justice has issued regulations explaining the requirements of that Act, 28 C.F.R. Part 35, 56 Fed. Reg. 35694 (July 26,1991) (U.S. Department of Justice Final Rule: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services).

Title II of the ADA requires local and state courts to provide qualified sign language interpreters, and other auxiliary aids such as transcription or assistive listening systems, to ensure effective communication with deaf and hard of hearing individuals. 28 C.F.R. Section 35.160. Deference must be given to the deaf or hard of hearing individual's choice of what auxiliary aid he or she needs:

In determining what type of auxiliary aid and service is necessary, a public entity shall give primary consideration to the requests of the individual with disabilities.

This was brought to the attention of the chief judge ! No such service is provided in a small claims trial ! No deaf person can have a fair trial in a small claim trial without such services/ unless judge gives some latitude to person speaking on deaf persons behalf based on information and facts provided by a deaf plaintiff before the trial !

Lack of awareness of not creating an even playing field in the justice system with anyone with a disability opens the door to criminals con artists favor ! This open door needs to be closed and closed fast ! Any kind of crime on a disabled needs to be taken serious , More so then on a person without a disability ,

Cc:UCLU of Illinois Cc: Attorney General Cc:OIG Cc: Will County States Attorney Office,


Sandra Cardenas vs Anne&Dave Santos

#5Author of original report

Sat, February 09, 2013

Conspiracy fraud&Perjury ! Anne M Santos/ Dave V Santos &Daughter Victoria Garcia!

Theft along with further conspiracy to defraud by perjury to the court by Anne M Santos/Dave V Santos/Victoria Garcia daughter of Anne M Santos during Sandra Cardenas small claim trial as Victoria Garcia is on 2 year probation by Dupage County court while her mom forces her to comit perjury to defraud Sandra Cardenas of her money taken from her by Anne M Santos as Anne Santos deposits Sandra Cardenas check for 1,695 dollars !

Due to there perjury to the court as they conspired this criminal act denying Victoria was not allowed to live with them due to her theft on family members along her stealing from them with in there own home and me Alex Ollosi forced to be in part of being a plaintiff as Sandra Cardenas my significant other of 12 years Who is hearing impairement/ speech impairement without legal council or provided interpreter for the deaf I was the only 1 to help her state her case as I known the defendants for close to 30 years and I am the only 1 who was aware of Victorias criminal history ,

Anne M Santos con game to help her daughter Victoria gain access to Sandra Cardenas money by drawing up a contract between Sandra Cardenas and Victoria while assuring Sandra Cardenas Anne Santos will make sure it's payed in full as Anne Santos text clearly says that as everyone knows Victoria has no ability to pay other then the judge as he ignores this text which is the closest comunication to this transaction between Anne Santos and Sandra Cardenas and judge ignores Sandra is legaly deaf and text communication is her only communication and this should have been taken in to consideration by the judge,

Alex Ollosi being not only part of the plaintiff with Sandra as he is also her witness and judge ignoring Alex Ollosi testimony all together as hearsay due to he can't prove his claiming this was theft by deception and that Victoria was not living within there home because she stole from Anne Santos and Dave Santos which this was a fact told to him by his so called close friends Anne Santos and Dave Santos in 2007 and Alex Ollosi been to there home many times and witness Victoria was not living with them as her room was turned in to an arts and craft room,back in 2007'

Alex was close enough to the defendants as he took Anne Santos to a doctor appointment for her medical procedure colonoscopy as a close friend of the family never thinking they were capable of scam con artists facilitating theft on others using Victoria Garcia as a pawn taking money from others pretending she is the thief when them facilitating the act makes them the thief more so then Victoria,

This is conspiracy to comit fraud and there perjury in court is proof as there testimony on record under oath is Victoria lived with them to try to build a relationship between Sandra Cardenas and Victoria Garcia when there was none as Victoria lived in Plainfield Illinois apartment during our latest associations with Anne Santos & Dave Santos, from 2007 to 2010 when this con game of theft took place Anne Santos seting up Sandra Cardenas after Anne borrowed 1200 dollars made to her in a check, simply never cashed it bringing Sandra back in to there home simply doing the old pump and dump con game,

Anne Santos raised the loan to $ 1,695 dollars now that Sandra Cardenas took the bait and makes false promise to pay while gaining Sandra Cardenas trust and asks her to sighn contract with Victoria and make check to Victoria simply so her husband don't see any record of withdraw from there account during there so called divorse as Anne deposits the check in her account anyways,

This is simply a scam and fraud that only works on someone who does not have the ability to recognize a scam such as Sandra Cardenas hearing impairement lack of awareness of people pretending to be friends while they prey on her disability geting access to her money,

Conspiracy to defraud Sandra Cardenas by such thieves con artists Pathological liers who will comit perjury under oath and help Victoria Garcia further her criminal activity even while she is on probation is a criminal act by all 3 Dave V Santos and Anne M Santos and the daughter Victoria Garcia,

We still demand these thieves are brought to justice as Will County small claim court judge awarded for the thieves and failed to see the fact that Sandra can't cross examin the defendents with her impairement legaly deaf/speech impaired ! And if her significant other Alex Ollosi testimony on her behalf him knowing the defendants close to 30 years is all hearsay then trial should not of continued without an interpreter or legal council,

He is not a lawyer but his statement in a civil mater judge wanting proof of everything he stated which was true is absurd ! This was a civil trial not a criminal trial, At least not yet, Alex Ollosi being even aware Victoria has a bullet in her that can't be removed by surgery maybe judge would of wanted an xray for proof,

His job was to state what he knows to be true in open court not shot down by the judge telling him he can't say that he has no proof,

Criminal trial states attorney can find all the proof they need on there lead computer on Victoria Garcia, And only reason defendants comited perjury as they are in it to win it at all cost !

Even if it means conspire to defraud the court and Sandra Cardenas,

And they have the nerve to taunt there victim after there perjury the thieves act as they are the victims, Narcissistic Sociopaths liars and thieves !

Criminal charges is the only thing these people understand and State of Illinois needs to protect victims to such fraud and discrimination from people like these who prey on the lesss fortunate as they bash there victim as they are cought in there own web of lies, Slandering defaming Sandra Cardenas character simply due to her hearing impairement/speech impairement her inability to recognize a scam as Sandra Cardenas became there victim in there con game !

We want these people prosecuted for there crime and see justice served,,!!! We had faith in the justice system and swore in to tell the truth in small claim court of Will County and we did just that to the best of our ability, But a judge can't expect a legaly deaf female to cross egamin the defendants to get to the truth as he did and ignore her significant others testimony on her behalf ! This was not a trial it was a circus, How is this not giving the thieves a License to continue to steal and scam , Has our justice system got so bad to where simply conspiring to perjury by thieves is awarded by the courts ,

Cc: states attorney office, Cc: Attorney general Cc OIG

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