  • Report:  #570092

Complaint Review: Anthem Blue Cross Of California - Newbury Park California

Reported By:
J - San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

Anthem Blue Cross Of California
2000 Corporate Center Dr. Newbury Park, 91320 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Talk about the biggest scam, every year I get a letter from Anthem Blue Cross Insurance how they are raising their rates and their rates are not nickels and dimes they are excessive. This year my insurance from from $155.00 from 2009 to $190.00 for 2010. However it doesn't end there back in 2004 I was paying $94.00 a month but with their increases that plan would cost over $500.00 today. Well in January 2005, I got an increase letter they were raising their rates to $145.00 a month than in January 2006, I got a letter they were raising their rates to $186.00 a month than in January 2007 I got a letter they were increasing to $224.00 a month, then in January 2008 I got a letter they were increasing to $256.00 a month. By that time I called them and complained, complained and complained, nothing absolutely nothing they would do. All they would do is take out any benefits and get less, so I took out the materity insurance and they lowered the price to $103.0 a month, then in 2009, I got a letter they were raising it to $155.00, where I called them again and they said we will have to raise your deductible and take out your physicals, raise your co-pay more and etc. I mean they raised my co-pay anyway before that.

I have missed going to the doctor for 18 months because I am so broke paying my premium every month, I couldn't afford to go anymore becuase my insurance is too dam expensive. Now that I went I have to pay so much now that I have to pay 90% of the bill now, a total RIPOFF. I mean is my medical bill is $300.00 including the $40 co pay I pay each time, Anthem Blue cross will only pay about $30.00 of it and I have to pay the raise.

I am mad as HELL! No wonder why these Democrats are trying to pass a universal health care bill and I am an angry Republican where the Republicans want to keep their own in insurance or consumers for example. My wife is from Russia, I can go to Russia and see my mother inlaw and go for a free MRI, CAT, EKG, physical, blood test, and more for under a $100.00 or sometimes for free. Since my wife gets free health care in Russia and my wife doesn't have health insurance here, she goes home to see the doctors in her own country where I am stuck and I can't go to the doctor but my wife can also go for free here in California on low income and she gets all the health care she wants and I have to pay my RIPOFF Anthem Blue Cross premium. IT is total Bullshit!!

It is unfair we are being Ripped Off by their a*****e health insurance companies when the US is in a massive economic recession they are making huge profits, I feel like a total sucker and my Congress woman is doing a crap worth of s**t to fix the dame problem.

Well the Vice President of Anthem Blue Cross James Oatman refuses to come forward to his customers about the increases, they tell us nothing. All they say is it is increase cost by inflation, well what about all those insurance lobbyist you send to Sacramento California or Washington?

Right now they should really pass Universal Health, even though I am against both Private and Universal, the situation will only get worse with these RIPOFF Insurance companies.

DON'T BUY OR BOTHER WITH ANTHEM BLUE CROSS, DO EVEN CALL THEM OR DO ANYTHING BUT WALK INTO A HOSPITAL CAN GET YOUR FREE HEALTH CARE, AMERICANS DO HAVE A RIGHT TO FREE HEALTH CARE. IF YOU PAY FOR INSURANCE YOU WILL ONLY MAKE THE PROBLEM WORSE! After all all the illegal immigrants are here in illegal getting free insurance anyway, you can't stop them because their is too many of them over here.

I HATE ANTHEM BLUE CROSS, In fact health care is better in Russian when I go over every year I get the best health care over there, it is cheaper to get a plan ticket and over there than waste my money with Ripoff Anthem Blue Cross insurance.

Total RIPOFF, Anthem Blue Cross is a TOTAL RIPOFF!


Ripoffreport, place this listing on Google's number listing so Anthem Blue Cross see's how angry their customers are.


4 Updates & Rebuttals

I am want to apologize for making this report

#2Author of original report

Wed, July 13, 2016

I want to make an apology for making this report as if I could remove it I would, I am not a fan of ripoff report as they don’t allow authors to remove or delete or alter reports. No one is perfect as when wrote this report I was upset and now time has passed I had a change of heart and that I want to say I am sorry for writing it.




San Francisco,
Anthem Blue Cross has not lowered their ripoff fees

#3Author of original report

Tue, April 20, 2010

Yeah they raising their prices some more this year after we just got a letter a few month ago they going to raise their prices even more.

Report Attachments


San Francisco,
Anthem Blue Cross has not lowered their ripoff fees

#4Author of original report

Wed, April 07, 2010

In the down times in this US economy, Anthem Blue Cross has down nothing but raised their rates each year, making more and more Americans pissed about the shitty health care system we have. No wonder why people want universal health care, it cost too much to pay for it privately. I mean the average salary in the US is $31.00 a year but the average private health care month bill is $450.00 a month. Really that is more than 2 car payments, even if you don't even use it, it is sucks and if you drop  your insurance, you have to pay more getting it but you maybe healthy and been paying years for health insurance for nothing. I mean if you want to pay $4,000.00 a year for one person and never use it and if you use it once, you have to pay too much on to pay the actual health bill from the doctor as Blue Cross doesn't pay for everything. If you want a universal health care service, it will cost you $1500.00 a month and even that you still have a copay.


Anthem Blue Cross is a total ripoff.

Report Attachments


San Francisco,
Anthem Blue Cross mistakes the bills

#5Author of original report

Wed, February 17, 2010

Anthem Blue Cross wanted me to pay for a sleep study for $2500.00 and all they did was they gave me a $250.00 check to me so I can pay the rest of the bill myself. Talk about being RIPPED OFF as I pay them more in the monthly premium. It suck having Anthem Ble Cross for health insurance and I am going to cyborpost as much as I can so they get the word they are ripping off too many of their customers and Americans when the economy is in a serious recession, it is ashame.

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