  • Report:  #1107186

Complaint Review: Antonio Diaz - Internet Select State/Province

Reported By:
Antonio Diaz - Lake Worth , Florida,

Antonio Diaz
Internet, Select State/Province, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA FORT LAUDERDALE DIVISION CASE NO: 12-24855-JKO CHAPTER 13 lNRE: HANS WERGEN FALCK, Debtor _________________________ To Judge Honorable John K. Olson 299 E. Broward Blvd. Room 301 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Motion and Information for Honorable Judge John K. Olson As for the advice of my attorney Kevin P. Tynan I disclose the following to Judge Honorable Olson: 1. Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez was hire by me and Saving Homes Inc. on February 15, 2013. 2. Copy of original contract attaché. Partnership Agreement. 3. Copies of cancelled checks attaché. 4. After last payment from Saving Homes Inc. Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez open a new account under her name and continue paying herself $1,000.00 a week. Her reasoning for doing this was because it will look better for the Florida Bar and me as the manager of the account. Also another contract was signed to comply with the Florida Bar on May 24, 2013, copy attaché. 5. Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez close this account and open up another account under her name alone and has complete control of all the customers because the customers pay Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez. 6. After this was done The Law Firm and Diana E. Rodriguez enter into and agreement with me Antonio Diaz for early retirement and severance pay from her firm. I agree and signed the agreement with collateral checks as collateral. Agreement signed and notarized at PNC Bank. Copies attaché of both. 7. As of today Diana E. Rodriguez has paid only 3 payments of the Agreement and the checks as collateral, "Account Close" Copies attaché. Also several payroll checks bounce. Copies attaché. Page l of 24 8. It is my opinion that attorney Diana E. Rodriguez is A Criminal, A Thief, Lying, Deceptive with no Ethics or Morals and I have the Evidence to Prove It. 9. Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez lie under oath to Judge Honorable Olson on March 22, 2013 and committed perjury. Evidence to this will be found on: UNITED STATES TRUSTEE'S EXHIBIT REGISTER. I ask Honorable Judge John K. Olson for the following: 1. Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez to pay my severance pay as agree on contract. 2. Return all my customers. 3. According to Law to enforce any laws that attorney Diana E. Rodriguez broke. 4. Pay for 2 vacations paid by me, one to Cuba and another for a cruise on the Caribbean for about $4,000.00 5. Balance of Invoices for about $20,000.00 payable to NBC TV, NBC Chanel 5 and PIP Printing of Fort Lauderdale and her Website build by me. Sincerely, Signature on Originals ,. Antonio Diaz Date: 11/21/2013 Copies mailed to: Diana E. Rodriguez, Esq. 200 S.E. 15th Street, Dania Beach FL 33004 Diana E. Rodriguez, Esq. P.L. 100 E. Linton Blvd. Suite 407 B Delray Beach FL 33483 Andres Montejo, Esq. 6157 NW 167 St., Suite F-21, Miami FL 33015 Phone:305-817-3677 Fax: 305-675-0666 Damaris D. Rosich-Schwartz, Esq. Trial Attorney, United States Department of Justice Office of the United States Trustee 51 S.W. 1st Ave., Suite 1204 Miami, Florida 33130 Phone: (305) 536-6665 Fax:305-536-7360 Page 2 Agreement between Antonio Diaz and Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez This AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 15lh day of February 2013, by and between Antonio Diaz with office at 5300 W. Atlantic Ave. Suite 501 Delray Beach FL 33484 and Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez with office at 200 SE 15th Street Dania Beach FL 33304. "ANTONIO DlAZ From herein called "DIAZ" and Attorney Diana E. Rodriguez From herein called '~A TTORNEY'. DIAZ and ATTORNEY agree as following: DIAZ will pay ATTORNEY Sl,OOO.OO a week to take care of DIAZ clients, about 250 clients. 1. DIAZ will pay for ATTORNEY's advertisements up to $10,000 a month. 2. Profits from DIAZ Advertisements will be divided as follow: a. For new CLIENTS related to Foreclosure Defense profits for ATTORl\~Y will be 40 and DIAZ's profits will be 60 after expenses, salaries, 1099, etc are pay. h. For new Clients Profits related to any other work done by ATTORNEY not related to foreclosure defense cases shall be 60 for ATTORNEY and 40 for DLt\Z. c. The above shall be paid after aU business expenses are Paid. d. Profits for ATTORNEY fees won by ATTORNEY against plaintiff shall be 60 for Attorney and 40 for Diaz, e. AU advertizing must be approved by the Florida Bar and Attorney. f. This agreement may be assign by Antonio Diaz, Agree by: ~- ------&_ •. -- ~ .. . ' Antonio Diaz and companies PNC Online BanlQng 0311512013 Check 10288 Ameu;"'!! $1.000.00 1201125;47 lhfs is an image of a check, slb",ib!: ::',1~ :,:, or deposit ticket. Refer to your posted transactions to venfy the status of the item. For more irnormation about image delivery ci;c, .. ,,?;~ or to speak v.ilh a reprosentari"le call: 1-888-PNC-BANK \1-888-762-2265) Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 10 p.rn. fT, Saturday & Sunday: 8 arn, - 5 p.m. ET. SAVING HOMES. INC. !-300 W ATLANTIC AVe STI 203 DElAAY BEACH, i'll3<l&1 "'/11:_ FO~rD1 Ptt:G''''';n,P;'' J~~~~ e$.!4t~~'~ 010288 Law Office of Dlana E Rodriguez" L!..C 5300 W Attantic: Ave Suite 501 Delray Beach, FL 33484 , .. '. 593303056191 TRN_DEB!T Hollywood 0933 193121 20130314 000000001207125147 SGOWOIE 100000 94{)04 5933 7 0097 ,0, .. J ~. - dt::f: Hli21l13 t-.mo:.wt PNC Online Banjqng {l3i2212013 Check 10290 $1 GOO.OO 1207125147 This is an image of a check. s""'•';::lt•,,".:•,s,,~., or deposit ticket. Refer to your posted transactions to verify the status of the item. For more information about image deli\ery . ';~~ (;2!C or to speak with a rapreseniaiillE! cal!: Hl38-PNC-BANK (1--888-762-2265) MDnday "Friday: 7 arn. " 10 p.m. ET, Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET. 8. 1~"~"'---~"'- SAVIHG HOMeS INC. SaooWAllJ.N!IC AVESTE 2()3 DW!A" oEACH. H 3"J4S4 Law OffICe of Diana E Rodrigl.oez, Esq 5300 W A!lan~1C Ave SuIte 501 De'IaY Beach FL 33464 .• l'lICUIIK,._ 0080.01);1 j:'''!!'lh:l;f'. Pit. ,~~a e.-IItlJ,"n'Q 010290 3120/2013 ;.; . .. .: fr ... FOR uaC.02qOn' ': 2G 7DBt.. qql: • CO? ~ 25.4 ? .• ":';;~-"~~~..::._~:}~~ l~::!~' .'.:!:1""~:~-'''::~''~:?io~~:~~ 9. 593310284001 193937 20130321 OOOCOOOO1207125147 ~- -.T-RN_OEBlT BGAR~.. 10COOO - -~~. ,- . \/ r ~. ~: ; cJ rr- HcJlywood 0933 94004 5933 1 0209 10121/13 D~ltt 021£)1!2013 Check 10257 $1.000.00 PNC Online BanJqng 12Q7125147 This is an image of a check, :;(jb;~I'.l:tc .:r:cK, or deposit tickel. Refer to your posted transactions to \\')rify Hie status of the item. For more information about image deli\~ry c» ~•"rc or to speak with a rtlpresenlaU\ti! call: H&8-PNC•8ANK (1-888-762-2265) Monday• Friday: 7 a.m, - 10 p.m, ET. Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m, ET. 10. 11. . . 5 -1.000.00 Diana E. ROdrtgueZ. LLC .• __ PJlc._ PC Snxi!O:lQ F("~r;-h..Qs\t~7"3$ ~1fl~7Q 21'1f2013 010257 One Thousand and OO/100 •. a- •..• -" •. ~» •..•. •~'• •. • .• --"" •. •"••,."•~• .• ,,•~~- •.•. "' •.•.• ~N-"' •.• ~ •• H.k •.•••.••••• " •••.•• " •••••••• • ~ .• .•.•. _. _. . O(')u..MlS Law Office Of Diana E Rodrigue, LtC 200 SE 15th ST Dania Baach, Fl 33004 FOft LegaiFee ."Ol.Q(lS7u• 1:2l;?GCil..J.!i'iI: 1.20?~~5*,•.?n• ';' .;~'?: ••}Jt~~,•.:>:;;.•;-:,io:\:;. ;~~~":t _.:"H "-'«o,"",~,*:", .. ¢ 593310263425160509 20130201 000000001207125147 ~._ .... LRN,::;-DEBlT CROLLE2:...-.._UX)(k,'1O _ Hollywood ~33 94004 5933 3 0158 JCilp~-ngh12D10. The ?f'I!C Fimmc.mi SOMI>}sGmup. 10,;;,. All RJfhtsRe~~/ed. HY.11f13 PNC Online BanlOng 0211'112013 Check 10265 4mcunl $1,000,00 1207125147 Ihis is an image of a check, ,. .,j" ,I" ',: ::~i:c!;. or deposit ticket. Refer to your posted transactions to ;erify the status of the item, For more information about image delivelY:i ~~ ;',0)"(,' or to speak with a representati-.e call: 1-888-PNC-BANK (1~88-762-2:i65) Monday - Friday: 7 a.rn. - 10 p.rn. ET. Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.rn. ET. SAVING HOMES tHe. 5300 W ";?";.ArvTIC AVE Sf I'. 203 m,LiiAY BEAC". J'L 3'3.18iI ~~ B#E Olana E. Rodriguez, LLC ~-.~-- '-'~ I'HC1IJlJliC 1'0 __ _ghl'AI52:l<l-= 0!>-04•114 Leg2iFee .•.. ~ •.•• _ •• t:""':', f I 593310269~27 195312 20130215000000001207125147 ---...:r:g-N-DESh BGARGlt,2 100000 ... ----._...::... ... - , Hollywood ~33 94004 5933 1 0202 j ! 010266 1()J21f13 o:]{(' 02!2212013 Check 10277 51.000.00 PNC Online BanWng 1207125147 Thrs is an image of a check, SI.:C5m~tt, <'1';;(:; • or deposit ticket. Refer to your posted transactions to ~rify the status of the item. For more information about image delivery :~rc~ here or to speak Wilh a representatoe call: 1-a88-?NC-SANK (1-<188-762-2265) Monday - Friday: 7 a.rn. - 10 p.m, ET. Saturday & Sunday: 8 am, - 5 p.m, ET. t;l~ .• ----.- SAVING HOMES. INC. SSOO 'I AnAh'T!CAVESTE2G'3 OElM v BEACH. Fl ~ ~ P4YTOTHE , OlWER OF Otam> e. Rodriguez. LlC PI/,"llItlili._ 1'0 I;,,, I!OO -C:~~lHJ"!Zr.~ ~r. ~~V:1V ~3-.a4~'"3!m s "1,000.00 010277 law Office of DIana E. Rooriguez, LLC 200 SEt5tl1 $T Dania Beach, FL 33004 15. Lega!Fee 16. FOR - ' ~.,-:::--7~~-- ::..-=-_ !j&OI.Oi?7?na ':2b?OB4l.gql! .207125lt1.7ll" ,. ,~•~~~.;;.-~.\'~~ta i~~:~:r.~~ ' .•..•... ~'1ii.- •• ~..: . ,> I I 59331027~9 164936 20130221 000l.."lOOOO1207125147 .. --T.RN::DE~IT 8GAReJA2•• 100000 ------ Hollywood 0033 94004 5933 1 0154 1: c 'j.J ( c O .. .;.....~ tv' t-<;'~~ r- .. , .~ N c •. :;• \1: '1:> "" .., ! ~) ,.., -;: , i _.' 1Q121113 PNC OnlineSan)Qng il,H!.' 0310112013 Check 10281 $1.000.CO 1207125147 This is an image of a check, s Jts:j'-':l~.- ~C!" or deposit ticket. Reier to your posted transactions to wn!)' the status of the item. For more information about image deJi\ery ';i:::,; re!e or to speak '}Ath a representatne call: 1-888-PNC-BANK (1-888-76.2-2265} Monday - Friday: 7 a.rn. -10 p.m. ET, ~a!urday & Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET. 010281 PMe 11"'"- l'O_$~ ~,~sb~1Jh 'P~ t~Q733 ;sw.11g,= 212812013 -------_. 17. "--:"----.-~- Law Office of D'3J-,a E.. Rodriguez. lLC . 200SE 1~mST Dania Beac!1. FL 33004 Lega!Fet; 18. ... (: ;1t ::~ • -,' ~I ~ •• \.t• ~ .• . " ~, i 5933041411f.5 173057 20130228000000001207125147 TRN_DEBfT JTHOMPS2 100000 Hollvwood 0933 94004 5933 2 0065 - I •••••.... -------------- ;-?'•C.:)r)Y1'!9p1 20Hi. Tht; PNC Fm3r'1ciat Senm;esGroup. Inc. AU RtshtsReserve-d. .- -; " ..... ""PN(' ., ,. " ., .~ J • .mune !.1;:;n~?ng 03/0812013 Description Check 10286 Amouilt $1.000.00 Account 1207125147 This is an image of a check. sebsthule check. or deposit ticket. Refer to your posted transactions to \~rify the status of the item. For more information about image delilleiY d**k here or to speak with a repreSentative call: 1-888-PNC-BANK (1-888-762-2265) Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 10 p.rn. ET. Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET. 19. OiaT!~ E. Rodriguez.LL~w - ! Hollyv•/ood 0fJ33 94004 5933 6 0112 I I I C'1pyngtlt 2010. The PNe Financial Services Group. toe, AU Righ!sResc!Ve"$. -C !J EMPLOYMENT AGREKMENT This Agreement (Agreement) made this 2'-\, day of May, 2013, by and between ANTONIO DlAZ. whose address is 5300 W. Atlantic Ave .. Suite SOL Delray Beach, FL 33484 (hereinafter "DIAl') and THE LAW OFfICE OF DL ~~\ day of May. 2013. A~TONIO DIAl - ;. - 24. Employee Retirement and Severance Agreement with Employer The Employee Retirement Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is entered into effective September 06, 2013 by and between Law Office Of Diana E. Rodriguez, L.L.C. ("Law Film") located at 200 SE 15th Street, Dania Beach. Florida. 33004 and Antonio Diaz ("Employee"), 7403 Heathley Dr., Lake Worth, Florida, 33467 or collectively) lithe Parties". WHEREAS, Employee has been employed by Law Firm holding the position of Legal Assistance/Office Manager; WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge it is in their individual and mutual best interests for Employee to retire as an employee of the Law Film effective September 06, 2013; WHEREAS. the parties wish to define the terms and conditions of Employee's retirement and separation from employment with the Law Firm; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the undersigned patties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: 1. Retirement Employee agrees to retire from, and thereby terminate, his employment with the Law Firm effective September 06, 2013. On the Retirement Date, Employee's employment with the Law Firm and all further compensation, remuneration, and eligibility of Employee under Law Firm benefit plans shall terminate, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or by applicable law. 2. Employment Prior to Retirement Date Until the Retirement Date, Employee shall continue to be employed by the Law Firm in the position of Legal Assistance/Office Manager, and shall continue to receive base salary payments totaling $4,000.00 per month along with all current employment benefits. Any retroactive payment in connection with the adjustment of base salary shall be paid to Employee on or before September 06, 2013. 3. Severance Benefits F ollowing Retirement Hate For the 3 year period commencing on the Retirement Date on 09/13/2013, the Law Firm will pay Employee $2,000.00 dollars weekly for the next] 56 week for a total amount $312,000.00 dollars 4. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and enforce the laws of the State of Florida. This Agreement will become effective on September 06,2013 following signature by the parties. IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, both the parties have hereto set his hand this September 06,2013. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BY ON THIS C).: day Of~~~ -11 (.,. l~CASSANQRelOUrrus -- NvTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA ~ _--.,......17"'~,- . . Comm# EE161201 ' t - Expires 1i18/2Q16 (W~)13 NOTARY PUBLIC IV t, 11/1 NOTARY PUBliC STATE OF FLORIDA - ••••••••• ~o:.r_~ Comm# EE161201 25. 1'11£. .lAw 0 fje£ of 02•1:J Diana f;. ROlf1iqu&, LLC. 5S00 W Atlantic AVIl Ste 50! Ddmy Beach, It'lJ 33484• . (56.1) 594-1687 1vww.i,awl952.r:01n PNCBANK 5017 West Atlanlic Avenue Delray Beach, FL 3:;1484 fax: 561-694•1765 63-8419j2670 9/612013 010139 PAY ~~;~fOf_A_nt_o_ni_o_D_ia_Z . $**100,000.00 One Hundred Thousand and 00/100******* •..• **"***** •..• ***************** •..• ************"*** .••. **************** •..• *******"**** _______________________________________________________________ DOL~RS 26. Antonio Diaz 7403 Heathley Dr Lake Worth, FL 33467 FOR Collateral for severance pay The Law Office of Q2•13!Oiana E. Rodriguez. LLC. ~~#.i ~ ~'<!#~ ~n $~~~-.I~ ... ." •. d i\4)t'"t«4~INA. I / \. 010139 Antonio Diaz Collateral for severance pay 9/6/2013 100,000.00 Law Office of Diana R Collateral for severance pay 100,000.00 PAY ~n: OF Antonio Dlaz Tlie l""w 0 fJu Q f 02-U DutJlI~ E. IUlarigu&J L('C. SSOO W Mlm'l.tic /tve Ste 501 Det"l'ay Beach, fi'L 8348.4 (5fJl) .59Jrl687 MIJ1J1./,awI9.r;f.com PNCSANK 5017 W~t Atlantic Avenue Defray Sooch, FL 33484 Fax: 5&1-594-1755 63-841912670 9/6/2014 ________ " $**100,000.00 One Hundred Thousand and 00/1 00************ •. ************* .••.•. ***,.****** •. *******..,.,***** •. ******* •. **********"******* •.•...• * .•.• Antonio Diaz 7403 Heathley Dr Lake Worth, FL 33467 . FOR Collateral for severance pay u80 .0 .1.,0111 J: 2 b 708 •.••• q q,: Antonio Diaz The Law Office of 02-13/Diana E. Rodriguez, LLC. DOLLARS >--...- •• " ",..aa r;-: ¢. •••••••• ,..t ".¢""_~M If. 27. 9/612014 Collateral for severance pay Law Office of Diana R Collateral for severance pay 100,000.00 100,000.00 \~ 010140 28. 29. 30. The Law 0 Jh ,)f fY2-T,~ DiafUl .l~. Iwliriqtw:} LtC. 5300 W Atlantw At'/l Ste 501 Delmy Beach, ["£ .1$1,.81,. (561)594-1087 •1I.!'I!IW.Luw195'2.()fYm PNCBANK 5017 Wost Aflentic Avenue ~lr!lY Besch, FL 3!l4-S4 Fax; 561-594-1755 ~ 63-8419/2670 9/6/2015 010141 31. One Hundred Thousand and 00/1 OO**************"*********""*-**,,,,*********,,*******,,*~,**********"'*********"*"*"""***** ______ OOLLARS .. Antonio Diaz 7403 Heathley Dr Lake Worth, FL 33467 FOR Collateral for severance pay 11-0 .0 •••.•• 115 I: 2 b 70S •.••• q qr: The Law Oftice of 02-13/Diana E. Rodriguez, LLC. Antonio Diaz Collateral for severance pay Law Office of Diana R Collateral for severance pay 9f6f2015 010141 100,000.00 100,000.00 1004113 PNC Online Banking '!/ PNC Online Banking ~/ ~/., r=: Close Window 32. Account: )00000(1997 08i27f2013 $2,476.50 3 33. The Returned Deposited item Listsummarypro'vided here consists of the individual returned items listed below. Date: Amount: Total Items: Image List DBt6 Amount ~ image AvailabfiHty 106177 106177 08/27/2013 08/27/2013 08i27J2013 $825.50 $825.50 $825.50 Avaiiable - Vh?!w Now /l,vailabie - \iie'!, NON 106177 Available - View Now Print Page © Copyright 2013. The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 10124113 batt:: 08l2i12013 5825.50 PNC Online BanlQng 1216331997 Ihis is an image oi a check, 5UQS1'IU(l' ch'!i;':, or deposit ticket. Re:er to your posted transecuces to \erit" :he status of the item. For more information about image delivery :i;cI; 1erc ()f to speak with a representativ" call: 1-8S8•PNG-BANK (1-888-762-2265) Monday - Friday: 7 a.rn. - 10 p.m. ET, Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m, - 5 p.m. ET. 34. ~ .•.•.....•.• - .... ---- '11i.e tAlW 0 JJ~c vI iJ':!./$ I)itmll. 1;. Rtltlrip=, U.C S;;/}{J W lltlanLie ;'\1'. Ste .',01 J)t'lmy 8Mc". n. :f::I.3J (fjt;1) 594• test www./:',,,,i9Sz.com. "HeIlANI': ilQ17 W~!:t A.tianlle AWl~UO CC-{"Y n""ch. FI..3Ubt F.x; ~a f -5il~•115S e~•1I4111t'2ll70 811512013 010128 PAY :;~~~ __ An_t_o_ni_O_D_ia_7. _ Eight Hundred Twenty .. Five and 50/1GO •.. •~* .. *• .. * .•.•.• • .• *•*:t:~:tr*-.e .•. ~ .•..•..•.• ••• •..•..•.•• •••• •• ••.•*',.u*.* ••• ~ •..••••. 4 ••.•.•• ...,.. ••• lJ;. •.•.••• __________ OOLLARS 35. 36. FOR Antonio Oiaz 7403 Healhley Or lake Worth. Fl33-467 Pay Period: C8i05!2013 - 0&'0912013 11-0 ~O ~ 2a~' t: 2& 7081. ~qql: ... , ~., •• ~-. ~. t'" ~. ; -. "1!. !:'Ll:", U '}::' i .: •• ~ -, -, -, .' 1 \'~_J t.l~.j . ,. - - : ,- ;', •... .; .- ..... ".. -''''''' - .i'j l; .: "'i 1..;. ~ ~...: ..:.. to: ~ .:- J t ~j 10124i13 PNC Online BarJOng ••• - PNC Ol'll;[)c- Bal'lx:::, Dat>2.' Arnou;;t 118!27!2013 $625.50 1216331997 This is an image of a check, ~lJb5ut,f{e check, or deposit ticket. Reier 10 your posted transactions to llelify the status of the item. For more information about image deliw.i)' ci:ck here or (0 speak With a representa1iWl call: 1-88S-PNC-8ANK (1-8llB-762-2265) Monday• Friday: 7 a.m .• 1() p.m. ET, Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. •5 p.m. ET. FOR 37. DOLlARS 'oil! f.awO Jj£~t)J o:!-lj DfailLt E. 1~),tri,UI.!Z, I.LC 5300 IV ,itlalltir. Ikl!.'>te 591 Dt-fray lime", PI, .1j~~4 (51J[J5!J~•16,~7 tI;ur.c.I.~Il1I!15't_clJ'" PHCSAN~ G-Q 17 \~o.:;t Au'ar.~1C Av~nua ilo!fA'J 604ch, FL~4 F ex: 1;<l1.541,!• i7.6S 6;)'8~1;1:aa7(! 010121 8/8/2013 PAY:;: r:i A_n_to_fl_Io_D_iat _ _ $ •.• 825.50 _ Antonio Diaz 7403 Heath:ey Or Lake Worth, FL 33467 Pay Perice: 07i20l2013 • 07126/2013 ~•O],O" 2 ~~. I: 21; 70S!. ~qql: ••• - .. ~ ...•. ----.-- .. -,-~ .~ --, " ,,", .',. '"0 I- ~ •••••• '~, '~,",.. • '\ .""' .". ,-, ~ ,- - >". " .- - ,- ,. •• I' .t,: .:; .s. ~~~ :.J t: Ij :: ::. ~ ~"(; ...• , 'J L. t.: ~) .:. U r.! :: -: '.: :..~ ._, .!. !~ .:; :.: ~ .:~ ~ - ... -.-._------------------------------ 1/1 1Ot'24i13 0812712013 Amount $825.50 PNC Online BanJ4ng ,4cr:cunl 1215331997 This is an image of a check, ."ubst':ul" r:;'i";:C;', or deposit ticket Refer to your posted transactions to >e1ify the status of the item. For more information about image deli;ery c!;ck h8C;, or to speak \lAth a rspresentatbe call: 1-888-PNC-8ANK (1-888-762-2265) Monday - Friday: 7 a.m .. 10 p.rn. ET, Saturday & Sunday: a a.m. - 5 p.rn. ET. 38. 39. _________ ._. $_•...:;•8::;:2"'-5:..:;:.5;.::.0 _ 40. 'pit VIW 0 d'.4! ~l f {I,?-/.1 l)i.,.UlLl I:. l{!"hi!}llCZ, u.c, .S.~(jO W ,I/lnnl iJ; ,1"" Sit SO, f)"lra!l B.;ar.il, p'/, jJ~84 (56l) S!}4•1';Si :lJww.!'(l.ifJf!l~:J.c"m AntomoOiaz 7403 Heathiey Dr Lake Worth, FL 33467 Pay Period: Q8t12i2013 - 08/1612013 • ,-0 ~Q l. :iaU" i: 2 b 7081., j, '1 '11: mCBAHK 5017 We.1 ':l!"'n~Q4~ena& CGlr.y 58.",.., Ft. ~~,; Fu: 511 !oS\)4- 175S 63-a~IO;2al0 010138 8i22/2013 .,;;....,..;---- DOLLARS •.. 41. ,', .~. ",'.,1, ,~ .• "C.::r-i;~j ! \ t I  

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