  • Report:  #208025

Complaint Review: Apple Vacations - Oasis Akumal - Oasis Cancun - Internet

Reported By:
- Paulden, Arizona,

Apple Vacations - Oasis Akumal - Oasis Cancun
applevacations.com/index Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is a letter I sent to my travel agent, last year. To this day, we have not heard from Apple Vacations, nor can I find the travel agent who sold me the package to Cancun. He was working on contacting Apple Vacations and sending this letter to them, since it is inpossible for anyone, that is not an agent, to contact them personally. If any one knows how to contact them, please send info. Thanks

Dear Mr XXXXXXX July 24, 2005

This letter is in regards to the Apple Vacation we booked with you and your travel agency. We usually book one or two vacations a year with you and have been completely satisfied. We have used Go Go Tour Co, and Apple Vacations and when going to Mexico, you expect a few problems to arise, but we never expected what we got on this trip.

Once arriving at the Cancun airport and being attacked by all the tour companies, cab drivers etca man asked us who we were looking for. We told him we were with Apple Vacations and he grabbed our luggage and said follow him. I knew we were suppose to look for the guy in the flower shirt, which he was not wearing, nor did he have a badge or identivication stating he was with Apple. He did however take us to the guys with the flower shirts from Apple and we were off to our resort promptly.

The shuttle was jam packed and my husband was up front with the driver where I was clear in the back with 3 other people on one seat. We were going to the Rivera Mayan and a 2 hour drive from the airport, with about 4 inches of seat to sit on. It was the most uncomfortable ride I had ever had.

After arriving at the Oasis Akumal resort and checking in, we were told nothing about the resort, but given a envelope with a small map of the property. Ok, now your on your own. We were told that it was VERY important to contact the Apple rep at the hotel ASAP to arrange our ride back to the airport, book tours and get information about the area.

We arrived on Thursday the 14th, and after unpacking went to see the Apple rep. We were told at the desk that he was not there right then, but to come back in 20 min. and he would be there. We left and returned in a half hour to find out that he still was not there but would be there shortly.

We returned a couple hours later and still no rep. We were asked if we wanted to speak to someone on the phone and we told them yes. After trying that for over a hour and not ever getting anyone, we told them we would come back tomorrow and try.

Friday morning the whole process started over. We spent the entire day going back and forth looking to speak to anyone from Apple Vacations. My husband tried over and over by phone and never reached anyone from Apple. It was like Apple Vacations did not exists.

Saturday morning was no different, we were told he would be there time and time again, but we never spoke or saw anyone from Apple. Now as you know, hurricane Emily was fast approaching the area where we were staying. Since non of the resort personal would tell us what was going on, we were desperately demanding to speak to anyone from Apple at this point. And after three days, and never getting to see or speak to a Apple Rep, we gave up.

The personnel at the resort were telling everyone to relax, get a drink, there is no problem, you will be safe, don't worry. And never informed anyone there of what was happening. People were starting to panic.

The resort brought in a bunch of men in jumpsuits, and they started moving all the pictures in the lobby area. They were moving potted plants into doorways and removing lights from walls, putting all the pool and beach chairs away, but we were told not to worry.

By Saturday evening we found out that all the resorts in the area had been evacuated except ours. Not an easy feeling knowing that. The wedding party (we had gone for a wedding) next door at the Akumal Beach Resort, had called our resort and left a message that they were being evacuated and we never received the message. We did not know where anyone was, or if they were safe until today.

Late Saturday night, people were demanding to be evacuated and taken somewhere safe. My husband and I had been trying to get a flight out of Cancun for hours, with no help from the resort or Apple rep, which at this point, was still missing. My husband insisted we be moved after a bartender at the resort told us, you need to go now, anyway you can.

All the workers at the resort were told NOT to tell us anything, and to keep quiet about the storm. We were completely kept in the dark. My husband finally insisted we be moved, so the manager told us to pack our things and come back to the lobby. We did and were bused to the Oasis Cancun Resort. After arriving at 1:00 am, and standing in line for 4 hours, we were sent to our room.

My husband and I thought, now that were at a larger Resort, we should go see the Apple Rep there and get things settled for our return flight on the following Friday. We went to the office where all the tour companies were located, and every tour company was represented, except, Apple.

People standing around, taking about how the Apple people had said they would be there on Sunday to help them. They never showed up until Monday after noon. At that point, they had no information on who we were, where we came from or anything.

Our families were desperately trying to find us to see if we were ok after the hurricane and Apple had no information. And of course the phone lines were down for some time and then it was impossible to get a open line to call home, causing a lot of stress for our loved ones and friends.

We talked to the Apple rep on Tuesday about what was going to happen as far as us going back to our resort in Akumal. They told us that our resort was completely gone and the entire town of Akumal was also gone. So when we asked if we were staying there at the Oasis Cancun, we were told not to unpack, they did not know what was going to happen with us. They said we needed to talk to the hotel people and find out if we were staying or not.

All of our cloths were wet from water rushing into our room when the hurricane hit, so we had wet smelly cloths crammed into our wet suitcases and didn't know if they were letting us stay or kicking us out. And talking to the hotel people is like talking to a brick wall. They didn't know either if we were going somewhere else or staying there.

This was the most stressful vacation, or should I say nightmare, we have ever experienced in our life. The stress of not knowing what was happening before and during the hurricane, the stress of not having the Apple rep to help answer questions or help in any way, was totally unacceptable. All the other tour reps were there informing people of what was happening and what to do, and we had nobody to help us.

Now that I am done complaining about the Apple Vacation Company, let me tell you about the resorts Apple represents. I started a list of complaints, a lot of little things that all added up to a horrible experience.

At check in at the Oasis Akumal, we were taken to our rooms and told nothing. We saw other people getting tours of the resort and information. Our room was located in a smelly swamp area. When we complained, we were informed it was a mangrove.

Our room was full of mosquito's, and when you walked outside you were completely covered with them. The dinning room was full of them, making dinning miserable. The hotel did not do any spraying around the grounds to keep them under control.

The food was un-edible, everything tasted like fish, the eggs, the pasta, and you couldn't chew or cut the meats they served. The same food was served day after day. People were so pissed off that they would scream at the waiters and workers in the restaurant. People ate fruit and salads and that was mostly it.

There is always things people don't like, but there is also something's people can manage to find that is good. There was nothing at this place that was good.

The restaurant never had plates. You would have to wait on numerous occasions for 20 minutes just to get a plate to put the lousy food on. We were asked to come back for dinner in a hour on 2 occasions because there was no tables left to sit at. Lucky for us, we had to leave the resort to eat sometimes.

After being sent to the Oasis Cancun, the food on Sunday morning was 100% better. We thought, maybe things were going to start to improve. Sunday by noon, the food went in the toilet. Of course they were getting ready for Hurricane Emily to hit that night, and we understand that.

Monday morning, there was no plates, silverware, or glasses. We were served tuna with no mayo, between wet bread. And that was it. Monday through Weds. was tuna and wet bread for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We spent a fortune on cabs, going to and from town for meals. By Thursday they were starting to get things back to normal, but the food never did improve much.

There were a couple of things that we were thankful for, being at the Oasis Cancun. We did get clean sheets, towels, and toilet paper on the 4th day we were there. This was after complaining for days. We had used our towels and blankets in front of our door when water was rushing in during the hurricane.

And two days after the hurricane, maintenance came to open the metal shutters across our sliding glass door and to see if we were ok. It was heart warming to know they cared so much. There was no water to the rooms for 4 days, so my husband hiked down 2 floors to get water in a trash can, just to flush the toilet, yet they had plenty of water to water plants all around the resort.

Well our 34th wedding anniversary will certainly be a very memorable one. We have always trusted your advise and appreciate your services, and will continue to use you for all our travel plans. But please be advised, we will never use Apple Vacations again.



Paulden, Arizona

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Cancun Hurricanes and Apple Vacations

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 14, 2008

Sorry to hear so many people have problems with Apple Vacations. My first trip to Cancun was an Apple Vacation. I was trepid about the whole "we dont tell you where you are staying till it's too late" tactic. Our hurricane was Katrina. We had a cruise lined up and FEMA stole our cruise ship to house idiots who refused to leave New Orleans and shot at the military helicopters when help arrived. So our travel agent switched us over to Apple Vacations to Cancun. All we were told is that it would be an All-Inclusive resort. When we got to DFW Airport, the flower shirt guy gave is a little pamphlet for the Royal Solaris resort. Apparently this is where we would be staying. We flew Sun Country to Cancun and caught the shuttle to the resort. That was easy enough. We got to the hotel and the sales pitches started.... We didnt buy so that was good enough. The one problem - my in-laws were assigned a Lagoon view room instead of OceanView like the rest of us. This was a scam on the hotel's part. They'll claim there are no more rooms left on the ocean-side. Then, when they suspect you are buying into that line of BS, they change their story to "It will cost $120 per night to UPGRADE." Then, our friendly staffer meets with us in the lobby - kinda hush-hush style like he's breaking the rules or something... All part of the act. You see, if you go to his ripoff timeshare sales presentation, he'll upgrade the in-law's room for nothing. Well, we figured we could endure a 90minute presentation as long as the alcohol was flowing and the AC was on, which to their credit, it was indeed. lol After 2 1/2 hrs of mind-numbing timeshare presentations(which by the way are a great deal if you have $40000 to spare and endless free time. It's a practical steal. I just didnt have 40 grand or time to vacation 26 weeks a year), we were released back into the humid climate that is Cancun, free to drink our asses off for the rest of our stay. The rest of the vacation is a blur... An alcohol induced blur... But the video indicates we had a great time. The food was great. Apple Vacations was great. We all had a wonderful time in Cancun and we now go back every summer. There is no other place on earth you can indulge in the all-inclusive, fine wine, luxurious (in a middle-class kind of way), champagne lifestyle ---- all on a beer budget. You cant be the price. As for others who complain relentlessly about food, service, hotel smells, transportation woes.... a little advice. You are in Mexico... That should explain the smell. You are in Mexico, I live in Texas, so Food is pretty close to normal for me. Spending a fortune on cab rides? Ride the bus. It's like 60 cents and you can ride from your hotel to New York City practically. The service? Only needy and greedy need service all the time. I had no service issues because I require no service. I need a beer, a shot, a drumstick and snorkel... I found all these things myself. I dont need a resident servant to provide all these things for me. Hurricane? Dont go to Mexico when a Hurricane is coming. To even suggest you were caught off guard by an approaching storm that takes 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic to get to you is, at most, indicative of your extremely low IQ. Reschedule your vacation and just go when the storms are not there. Easy as that. Dont like the food? Dont eat.. YOu only need alcohol to sustain life in Cancun. Dont like kids running around constantly? They have adult only resorts... Try not trying to inflict your own will upon the other 500000 visitors. Dont like Mexicans? Should've gone to Jamaica. Don't like drunks? Should've gone to Utah. You like to complain about every little thing? Say hello to my wife. You two should get along fine.

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