  • Report:  #937812

Complaint Review: Armando Montelongo Seminars - San Antonio, Texas Internet

Reported By:
electrons - Westminster, California, United States of America

Armando Montelongo Seminars
2935 Thousand Oaks Dr., #6-285 San Antonio, Texas, Internet, United States of America
877 217 2124
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
please do your home and investigate this further.  Every step you take, they will ask you for more money, and give you very little in return.  This company and the people who work there could have easily worked for Enron or Madoff.  This education is like following sheep and chickens to the slaughter house.  Make no mistake about this,  very few will be successful at this, however, they will be a few who will discover the light at the end of the tunnel.  They love to advertise these people.  i actually have my doubts about most of these advertised claims because i have tried this system and its not only extremely hard, but it's a ton of work and countless hours.  

Armando know that about 4 people, give or take a few, out of the more than 300+ students, every 6 wks will be successful with this concept.  They will never tell you this, and it's their great secret. They withhold and side step or outright lie about this fact.  It's not about working smart, or working harder or listening to them or working with your mentors, or even about effort. They are just flat out deceptive and will never tell you this.  They will however, paint a dream that all of us will swallow.  

The life of rags to riches, it's easy to do, anyone can do this, and look at where i came from?  Now he's making more money from ripping people off than flipping homes or his real estate deals.  Isn't this obvious?  So if you want to contribute to his jet rental fees, his lavish lifestyle, his endless and countless thirst for deceptively luring people into his trap.  Than by all means, go ahead and give him more money. He does these seminars, 2 of them actually, every 6 week.  The current LV bus tours is to lure you into emptying you 401k or IRA or other retirement account with the lure of more buying into a rental investment.  

They will again paint a beautiful picture, your money will double in 5 yrs, if you purchase these LV rental properties, and again i'm sure, he's profiting with either commissions because this bus tour is again an expensive carrot. They mislead me into thinking that these properties can be purchase through creative real estate financing.  The creative financing is pay for the properties by cash from your IRA, 401k or other means, but no financing is offered.  The real money is made from getting gullible people to buy into these extremely expensive seminars.  

We are all lured into his TV fame, his Magazine endorsement. (I now have absolutely no respect for this Magazine any longer)  The education is very limited and very general. they teach you certain things but the best way to describe this brief education, is like child going through our educational system. In this case, it's as if you graduated from elementary school, and then kicked out of school system and expected to compete in this harsh world.  Sure they have a call in mentors that you can call, but they are almost worthless, not totally, but close.  

Their words of wisdom and guidance are again so general and vague that you are almost always left with these thoughts. 'Tell me again, why did i pay $40k for this course?'  most of what you learn is on your own.  if you truly think you are 1 out of 300+ people every 6 weeks, plus the thousands of previous students your also competing against, than by all means go for it.  Only about 3 to 5% of distressed properties fall in this concept, so again, you are lead to believe that the market is huge and that if he pumps more students through this system it won't matter.  

In the end, this is not an easy system nor is it a quick rags to riches story.  Sure they will tell you about the very successful people who have made it, but they are ones who have dug through the haystack and have come back with the needle, they have continued to dig the hole and have found China.  For every successful student, there are hundreds of non successful students who are kicking themselves for falling for this scam.  They will paint a beautiful picture, that you too can be enjoying easy money--as if it grows on trees.  

It will seem that it's within your grasp, with just hard work and little effort, and the tons of money you pay them are for insider secrets, but there are no guarantees with this journey, and then try to exercise your guarantee from them?  You will definitely feel even more pain and the curve balls and the obstacles will fall even further in front of you.  At this point, your feeling horrible, you've been told, put all of this on your credit card, go ahead, by the 3rd payment, you will be paying this down.  "Go ahead, no problem." The pressure and the financial burden with the high interest rates and nothing is working.  Now try to exercise your $1495 guarantee?  

In fact, try to get the cs person whose job is to refund all of the 3 day seminar students to call you back?  i think she's more in demand than the water bottle person while running a marathon.  Sorry, at this point you've fallen for the great american scam.  in order to get back your money you have to send them 25 fax of your offers, 25 comps of at least 3 homes within that offers area, and finally the most absurd request yet, 25 rejection letters that your offer wasn't accepted.  

Do you more evil here?  yet they say, they are "here to help and they care about their students."  yeah right, help them with not returning your money, with stealing your money with very deceptive phrases, withholding facts, and even giving you value for this very general and arguably vague but very expensive education into really stupid you were to fall for this scam hook line and sinker or that you've over extended yourself because they painted a rainbow dream.  Sorry but run don't walk from this, unfortunately for most of us, they won't return calls, nor give back any money, probably because they care more about "their money" than your money, regardless of bad they've affected your life for the worse.  This is a money grubbing, give little in return company with a heartless mentality that has a gain for making money at all costs attitude.  once they have your money, sorry to say but it's gone for good.

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