  • Report:  #68435

Complaint Review: AT&T - Unknown Nationwide

Reported By:
- el paso, Texas,

2425 Commerce Ave Ste 10 Duluth GA 30096 Unknown, Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I activated my AT&T paper phone card Jan 1998 (my first mistake). I charged $40.00 and paid. It was an extremely expensive method of making long distance (or even)local calls.

Returned home in May 98, found a $2900 phone bill. Reported card stolen/lost. Card had been taken from daughter's wallet by an 18 year old high school student who knew my daughter and saw her dial PIN. He used it and lent it to others. About 300 phone calls were made at the highest posssible rates (AT&T Monopoly).

After tracing calls, we found the thief and filed a police report of credit card theft. AT&T said they did an investigation and because some of the (outrageous) phone charges were made back to our home, it was labled a domestic dispute and I was liable.

My daughter never gave permission for use of the card. AT&T never bothered to call me to notify of these extraordinary card charges. They said, "we are a big company, your charges could have reached hundred of thousands of dollars, we deal with big accounts."

Small residential consumers like myself cannot afford to take legal action against large giants like AT&T for their unscrupulous business practices. Let the buyer beware of them!!!


Midville, Texas
United States Minor Outlying Islands

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