  • Report:  #1177311

Complaint Review: AutoNation Inc. - Nationwide

Reported By:
az7footer - Gilbert, Arizona,

AutoNation Inc.
Nationwide, USA
(480) 461-4300
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Auto Nation Ford - Scottsdale, Arizona
I wish to express to you my disgust with the Auto Nation Ford dealership. We have had nothing but issues and have been disrespected on more than one occasion. Let me spell out the situation so it is in writing as well. 

My fiancé and I went to this dealership to buy a Ford Explorer on August 18th, 2014. I worked with Juan in sales to show me some new Explorers. Before I got to the dealership I gave credit information, income information, etc. to another sales person who was not in at my appointment time (I don't remember his name). I expressed the situation that we are in and that this is a difficult deal to make so I did not want to drive all the way from Gilbert to the Scottsdale location to go through a car deal only to have it not approved. So we did all of the work before I got there. Juan greeted me and took over the deal because the original guy missed the appointment. 

Juan had me redo all of the credit apps and income sheets. We went through it all and he showed me several Explorers. He started working with Chris Ross (sales manager) to get the deal done. We were able to get the deal written up on the perfect truck for us, ensuring that this would get done. Jeff did all of the financing and was incredible (so far). We drove off in our new 2015 Explorer XLT, with everything that we wanted on it. It was perfect. 

5 days later (August 22, 2014) my fiancé received a phone call from Chris Ross who let us know that we need to immediately bring the car back and that there was no way the bank would finance this. She was at work so expressed to Chris to call me because I was home. I never received any calls from Chris. He called her back and left a voice mail saying that he called me several times and it went straight to voice mail (not true). He stated that he would need us to get to the dealership to go over our options. She after called me in tears saying that Chris Ross was completely rude to her and scolded her several times after she stated to Chris that we were leaving to California for a special occasion and couldn't come by until Monday after we return. He was very rude and when she addressed it to him saying, "there is no need to be rude" he responded saying "I'm not being rude, I am being blunt." He then said that if we left with the car or drove it any more then we would be charged mileage. She then hung up the phone because she could not stand to be scolded anymore.

After I got off the phone with my fiancé, I called our finance manager Jeff. He didn't answer several times, I kept trying. I finally got a hold of him right before he left on vacation. I told him that we got a call from Chris Ross saying that the deal didn't get done and we have to roll back the truck. He expressed that this is the first he has heard of this and that he was in disbelief. He told me that he would dive into this, call Ford Financing and let me know asap. I expressed our short time schedule and stressed the need to leave for California immediately. 

Jeff called me back and said that Chris told him that the deal needed $16 thousand and change down to get approved. I told him that there was no way. He apologized and said to come in and get into a used one. So he said he worked with Chris directly on this and set it all up for an approval, he said that Ford told him exactly what it is going to take to get approved, mileage, year, price point, etc. So we had an approval, just not on the new one. 

My fiancé and I rushed down to the dealership on our way out to California, it is around 4pm. I was greeted by Juan, who was shocked to see us. He wondered why we were here. I told him that the deal didn't get financed, and he said "what?" He sat us down, offered us water, and went to Chris Ross. Jeff was already gone for vacation. 

Juan said that Jeff had given Chris all of the details that Ford Financing needed to get the approval. So he pulled up a 2012 Explorer with 40,000 miles on it. It was the wrong color, used, but was equipped very similarly to the 2015 that we "bought" before. We drove it and asked if they had any others to show us, they said no. That this was the only car that they could get us in. While Chris Ross wrote up the deal and numbers, Juan said that customer service would like to talk to us.

Natasha met us and was very nice. We told her the story of the phone calls from Chris Ross, the rudeness, the back and forth, etc. She apologized and said that there was no way it was Chris Ross, that it was Christ in Finance. It wasn't, but they kept saying that it was him and not Chris Ross, that Chris Ross is the nicest guy ever. Well, he is not and we know it was him. We even have him on voice mail still. She dismissed it and said that she would like to give us a free tank of gas. I expressed that I would like to write a formal complaint and she said that we already did because she handles this. It went no where. She did explain that she could personally guarantee that this next car deal would happen and there would be no call to bring it back. She said that the only way this deal wouldn't get done is if "lightning struck the building and we needed to fill out paperwork again".

The numbers came back and we made another car deal. They told us that they moved all of the warranties and everything that we bought in finance over to this new deal. Because Jeff was out on vacation, they had another finance manager (with glasses) help us, he sat next to Jeff's office, don't remember his name. We rushed through paperwork, until we got to warranties and he starts trying to sell us on another warranty. We expressed that all of this should be in the price that we were given. He said no Chris Ross didn't put any of that in there. He only put a standard warranty in. I flipped. We were lied to yet again. I said we have no deal then. He called Chris Ross, because he left as soon as we went to finance, and told him this deal is blowing up and that we wanted all of the warranties. They went back and forth for a min or two and then he said, "I got it, I'll take care of it". And he hung up the phone. Then he goes to explain that Chris didn't put those in there but that he would do it and it would raise our payment $7 per month. We agreed because by now it is almost 9pm and we need to get on the road to California. 

We go to get in the car and hit the road when we notice that it really smells like smoke. Juan stated and put in the deal that you guys would deodorize the car and take the smell away when we got back and they would give us free tank of gas. We had little fight in us by now as this is getting ridiculous. So we left. Forced to drive through the night now instead of being in California by then because of all of this mess. 

When we returned to the state, we scheduled time with the dealership service department (Shane) to get it all taken care of. I dropped the car off and they put me in a rental car. We didn't hear from anyone so we called at 5pm asking if the car was done or what the deal is, Shane said that it is not done and that they would need $1,000 to fix the broken door panel that I told them about. I expressed that it is under warranty seeing as though we bought the appearance warranty and all of the extended ones too. The two front windows also wobbled and we had them "fix" that also. I was pissed, I told Shane about the warranty and he said that it is not covered. So I called Jeff, who was still on vacation and left voice mail. 

When we got to the dealership to pick up the car the next afternoon, it smelled better, but the door panel wasn't fixed (as I mentioned earlier), the windows which they said were repaired, were still wobbling and broken. Further, I noticed that the Disneyland antenna ball was broken. My son was very upset as we just got this in Disneyland that weekend. We told Shane about it, and he said that he would fix it somehow. They went back with the car and came back with it back on the antenna. I asked the man dropping car off if he just glued it on there, he said no. He lied. I pulled it off with force and it was all over the antenna, glue was dripping. I told Shane who was very apologetic.

I was so pissed I went inside to find Jeff (who was still on vacation), or some manager to help. One other finance manager came out once Juan found him. He saw me, said that this is Chris Ross' deal, and he turned and walked away, very rude. Juan was confused. Juan went up to Chris Ross and he didn't acknowledge me. I went and sat and waited for him to come talk to me. He never did. In fact, he walked right by me. 

I then went to the receptionist and asked if I could speak with the GM. They told me that it was Martin Peters, but that he were gone. I asked for a cell number or email. She said that she could get another manager to help, I said no I need someone above Chris Ross. He does nothing and is extremely rude. She said ok and gave me an email address. She couldn't give me a number but said if I picked up the phone over on the wall that it would connect directly to the GM and that he always answers. He didn't of course and I left a voice mail to not be returned yet again. 

We left pissed off yet again. 

It has now been since the 22nd of August and we have been getting hounded by Santander (who is the trade in car loan we had). They have heard nothing from anyone at the dealership on the trade and are calling daily for a payment. We have been calling Jeff in finance over 15 times (no exaggeration) to get an update, no response, no return calls, no answer. It has been black. Dead. We decide to call Ford Finance and speak to them on the car loan and what to do because not a single person at your dealership will help us... and they have zero record of her in the system or any record of any deal ever being submitted approved or not approved. Which leads me to believe that the new 2015 wasn't even submitted. They told us to contact the dealership right away as that is very wrong. We did and got no response. 

We waited and waited. Finally after over 30 calls and several emails, we hear a response from Martin the GM. His email is short and says "what is a good number to call you on?" Keep in mind that he has all of our numbers in the contracts and the several emails that we have sent. We respond immediately and wait... nothing. No call. Several days later we get a call from the dealership. No it's not the GM Martin, it is Chris Ross. He says that they didn't get an approval and we have to get the car back. We are pissed. They lied AGAIN!

This dealership is a complete joke. They completely disregard the customer's needs, feelings, and wants. They shuffle around and put people off. They do not deal with issues, they pass it along and blame other people. NO ONE TAKES ACCOUNTABILITY! I would never want anyone I know or don't know to go through the hassle of dealing with these people. They are a complete joke and from service department to sales to the GM, they are all dishonest and unprofessional. 

DO NOT USE THIS DEALERSHIP!!! Trust me, you will regret it.

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