  • Report:  #179278

Complaint Review: Axia College - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Little Rock, Arkansas,

Axia College
4150 S. Riverpoint Parkway Phoenix, 85040 Arizona, U.S.A.
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I am currently attending the University known as Axia College. When I first started my first block of classes, the process went smooth. I felt that it was to good to be true that I was in a college that I enjoyed attending.

I was approved for a $2600 pell grant that was to be split up into two dispursements of $1300 per every 2 blocks of classes. I also was approved for a loan of about $6700 that was also split up into two dispursments per every 2 blocks of classes.

Here is where the whole thing gets confusing. I did notice this in the beginning but I thought of it as just a process. In a traditional college, the pell grant is applied to the tuition first and then the loan. With Axia College, they applied the student loan first and told me that the pell grant was an incentive for me.

During the first block, I did received the first dispursement as promised by the University. I passed the classes with four A's. I received a letter of guarentee in the mail that this money would definately be rewarded to me as long as I stay above the 2.0 GPA. I did this with a 4.0 GPA.

This is where the con comes into play. When I first started, the Enrollment Counselor told me that 1 out of every 3 students are chosen randomly to send in their tax information. During my 5th block of classes, my financial aid advisor told me the same thing.

I was told that I could not receive my 2nd dispursment of Pell because I had to send in my taxes again. The thing is, I have the letter from the government, in writing, guarenteeing me this pell money. What is also ackward, is that the loan money was sent to the school with no problem and it was just sitting in the account because I told them to put a hold on my classes until everything was settled.

They put a hold on my account for a period of 29 days to attempt to fix the problem with pell. Keep in mind that they have already received that loan portion of my financial aide.

When I finally sent everything in again dealing with my taxes, the fiancial aide advisor told me that I was only approved for $450. I was in awe. Where did the rest of my money go. They made up many excuses about my paperwork being lost. The finacial aide advisor misplaced or mishandled my paperwork at least 4 times and said that he had to resubmit the forms.

On top of all that, he continued to have me fax him different paperwork. This process was going on while I was on my 29 day wait. The paperwork still was not finished when it was time for my next block of classes.

I was then told by my academic advisor that I had to enroll in my next block of classes or my loan would be sent back to the bank. This would not happen if my pell grant is first applied and I receive the remaining balance from my loans. Their process is completely backwards from the traditional college.

After all of this took place, I was manipulated by my academic advisor to continue with the classes because I did not want to lose my financial aid. I later learned, which he failed to tell me, that I could reapply for finacial aid and receive the funds again.

When I asked him why did he not tell me, he told me that it was because it would be a long process and extra fees would apply. I was outraged. So now, he did place me in those classes that started on Janurary 23, 2006.

The problem with this is that I constantly told my academic advisor that I was not ready to start these classes due to problems that I was dealing with and I was also moving to another location. I told him that I would not be able to post. He continued to disregard my statements and continued to tell me that I must remain in the class or I would lose my financial aide.

I was able to start my classes during week 3 of my initial enrollment. This meant that I was two weeks behind in two classes and my academic advisor knew this from day one. All I asked of him is that he help me pass the classes due to the fact that he enrolled me in the classes when I was not ready to take them.

He told me that policy states that he could not talk with my instructors to let them know about the problems that was taking place. He said that there was nothing he could do about it. We proceeded with several shouting matches which later involved mediators and conference calls with me, my enrollment counselor, my financial aide advisor, and my academic advisor.

We all had several conference calls about how I was going to complete the courses with a passing grade due to the miscommunication methods of my academic advisor. He then proceeded to give me a proposal.

By this time I have hit week 5 in my classes and I was doing all of my work to catch up with the rest of the class. The academic advisors proposal was for me to email my teachers and ask them what I needed to do to move further with the class to get a passing grade. He told me to let them know everything that happened and to let him know what was going on. I did.

Well, one of my teachers did agree to let me make up the work and one of my teachers did not. I told my academic advisor this and he said that the teacher that allowed me to make up the work should not have because it is against policy and he was going to report the incident.

Well, the teacher that decided to give me the credit ended up not posting for the next week or so of class. I then found out that we had a new instructor for that class. Coincidence?

My academic advisor told me that due to policy an instructor is not supposed to contact an academic advisor. Well, my instructor that did not accept any of my credit was the one that contacted my academic advisor about what was going one. He later emailed me back stating the information on policy that my academic advisor just told me. Coincidence?

My instructor also broke policy by emailing me the answer to my question 6 days later after he talked with my finanial aide advisor, which is also against policy. The instructor has to contact the student with 24 hours of the question being asked, which was not done.

All of this evidence in within the posts. The problem is that, with everyone breaking policy rules, the policy must be changed in my favor because rules were broken by the financial aide advisor, the academic counselor, and both of the instructors. All I wanted was a passing grade but I want to make sure that this abuse of authority does not happen to one more student.

I am now in week 6 of my classes and there is still caos. I have no idea which way to turn because everyone is sending me in huge circles. This school has been a total disaster since I first started.

Is there anyone out there that can advise me on this!!


Little Rock, Arkansas

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3 Updates & Rebuttals


Clarifications on your Financial Aid and procedures

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 09, 2006

Tyrone, First, let me extend my apologies to you for your experience. It appears that you have been through a series of miscommunications. Based on what you have presented here, I can offer a likely explanation of what went on for you.... First, your Financial Aid. I can tell you have had some experience with FA in the past, but there are some areas that are unclear. You wanted to know why your PELL award was reduced, why you had to present your tax information for Verification, why you did not get as many disbursements, how the funding arrived to the school and was applied to your account. These are the items I will answer here first. The Academic issues I am going to look into. Those may be a problem due to FERPA regualatory issues... I first suggest that you download a copy of ALL FAFSA student aid reports that you have on file through the FAFSA web sitte (fafsa.ed.gov). After you download a copy of EACH transaction for the aid year in question (2005-2006?), you need to go to the comments section. This will tell you if you were selected by the Department of Education for Verification through a University (any one you may have sent the info to...) Financial Aid office. Verification is the procedure of checking to make sure that the data entered on a student's FAFSA matches the information on file with the IRS. If the verification process finds that the tax documentation DOES NOT match the correcponding spots on a FAFSA, then changes will be made to your FAFSA. Verification changes may/ may not alter your aid awards for PELL grants. PELL grant funding is based on Financial need established by the US Department of Education and corresponding rules for a given school's costs. For more info about how this works, please refer to www.studentaid.ed.gov. It also sounds like your Verification process was a bit messy. You should have been able to file part of your Verification Online and then faxed in copies of requires tax/ income documents to the Financial Aid Office. I suggest to my students that they copy me on this step just in case documents get lost. This is a bending of the rules due to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (apologies on the speling) dealing with financial documents, but I made certain that the materials reach the proper office for processing. Now, Financial Aid disbursements. When a student goes to a University or College that uses Title IV funding, the studnet is going to have to a*s through a process called Certification. A simplified summary of Certification is when the school verifies student attendance in approved programs to have Federal Financial Aid funding released. This typically occurs after 12 class days. This is why all Colleges and Universities are VERY icky about students being in class no later than the 12th calendar class day. Then there is a process that occurs to monitor continued attendance or completion of additional steps, such as D. of Ed. selection of FAFSA Verification, for Aid to be disbursed. FA is typically disbursed (at semester credit institutions) on a 12/12 schedule. That is, you have to complete 12 credits hours with a "C" or better to "earn" your aid. At Axia, this means the successful completetion of 2 blocks. Then your second disbursement is scheduled for release shortly after you make your attendance for your third block. If you do not meet the grade requirements, drop out, or exceed the 29-day non-attendance rule WITHOUT a "Leave of Absence Request" on file, you could have your funding returned to your Lender for loans and your grant money sent back to the Department of Education. PELL grant monies are disbursed TWICE an Aid Year and previous award totals are not allowed to go beyond the Aid Year switch on July 1. How funding is applied to your account. funding is applied to a student's account based on "First-come, first-applied". This is not always guaranteed to be PELL/ SEOG grants first. This applies to traditional schools as well. Often, but not always, Student Laon funding arrives at a College or University a few days/ weeks before grant funding. This is applied first. Anything else that arrieves lter shows as a credit on a student account and is snet as an Aid refund to the student. this refund is to be used on "school related expenses only". Books, fees, supplies, boarding... If you have "earned" your aid, I recommend to my students that they either save the excess for future school costs, or pay down any loans they have had applied to their account. I hope that this helps. I know this is long and detailed, but I have done my best from ten years experience as an Undergraduate student who attended four college (public) in texas and had his share of FA fun. Also, I provide this information along with the public sources for ALL of my students and those who ask.


Clarifications on your Financial Aid and procedures

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 09, 2006

Tyrone, First, let me extend my apologies to you for your experience. It appears that you have been through a series of miscommunications. Based on what you have presented here, I can offer a likely explanation of what went on for you.... First, your Financial Aid. I can tell you have had some experience with FA in the past, but there are some areas that are unclear. You wanted to know why your PELL award was reduced, why you had to present your tax information for Verification, why you did not get as many disbursements, how the funding arrived to the school and was applied to your account. These are the items I will answer here first. The Academic issues I am going to look into. Those may be a problem due to FERPA regualatory issues... I first suggest that you download a copy of ALL FAFSA student aid reports that you have on file through the FAFSA web sitte (fafsa.ed.gov). After you download a copy of EACH transaction for the aid year in question (2005-2006?), you need to go to the comments section. This will tell you if you were selected by the Department of Education for Verification through a University (any one you may have sent the info to...) Financial Aid office. Verification is the procedure of checking to make sure that the data entered on a student's FAFSA matches the information on file with the IRS. If the verification process finds that the tax documentation DOES NOT match the correcponding spots on a FAFSA, then changes will be made to your FAFSA. Verification changes may/ may not alter your aid awards for PELL grants. PELL grant funding is based on Financial need established by the US Department of Education and corresponding rules for a given school's costs. For more info about how this works, please refer to www.studentaid.ed.gov. It also sounds like your Verification process was a bit messy. You should have been able to file part of your Verification Online and then faxed in copies of requires tax/ income documents to the Financial Aid Office. I suggest to my students that they copy me on this step just in case documents get lost. This is a bending of the rules due to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (apologies on the speling) dealing with financial documents, but I made certain that the materials reach the proper office for processing. Now, Financial Aid disbursements. When a student goes to a University or College that uses Title IV funding, the studnet is going to have to a*s through a process called Certification. A simplified summary of Certification is when the school verifies student attendance in approved programs to have Federal Financial Aid funding released. This typically occurs after 12 class days. This is why all Colleges and Universities are VERY icky about students being in class no later than the 12th calendar class day. Then there is a process that occurs to monitor continued attendance or completion of additional steps, such as D. of Ed. selection of FAFSA Verification, for Aid to be disbursed. FA is typically disbursed (at semester credit institutions) on a 12/12 schedule. That is, you have to complete 12 credits hours with a "C" or better to "earn" your aid. At Axia, this means the successful completetion of 2 blocks. Then your second disbursement is scheduled for release shortly after you make your attendance for your third block. If you do not meet the grade requirements, drop out, or exceed the 29-day non-attendance rule WITHOUT a "Leave of Absence Request" on file, you could have your funding returned to your Lender for loans and your grant money sent back to the Department of Education. PELL grant monies are disbursed TWICE an Aid Year and previous award totals are not allowed to go beyond the Aid Year switch on July 1. How funding is applied to your account. funding is applied to a student's account based on "First-come, first-applied". This is not always guaranteed to be PELL/ SEOG grants first. This applies to traditional schools as well. Often, but not always, Student Laon funding arrives at a College or University a few days/ weeks before grant funding. This is applied first. Anything else that arrieves lter shows as a credit on a student account and is snet as an Aid refund to the student. this refund is to be used on "school related expenses only". Books, fees, supplies, boarding... If you have "earned" your aid, I recommend to my students that they either save the excess for future school costs, or pay down any loans they have had applied to their account. I hope that this helps. I know this is long and detailed, but I have done my best from ten years experience as an Undergraduate student who attended four college (public) in texas and had his share of FA fun. Also, I provide this information along with the public sources for ALL of my students and those who ask.


Clarifications on your Financial Aid and procedures

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 09, 2006

Tyrone, First, let me extend my apologies to you for your experience. It appears that you have been through a series of miscommunications. Based on what you have presented here, I can offer a likely explanation of what went on for you.... First, your Financial Aid. I can tell you have had some experience with FA in the past, but there are some areas that are unclear. You wanted to know why your PELL award was reduced, why you had to present your tax information for Verification, why you did not get as many disbursements, how the funding arrived to the school and was applied to your account. These are the items I will answer here first. The Academic issues I am going to look into. Those may be a problem due to FERPA regualatory issues... I first suggest that you download a copy of ALL FAFSA student aid reports that you have on file through the FAFSA web sitte (fafsa.ed.gov). After you download a copy of EACH transaction for the aid year in question (2005-2006?), you need to go to the comments section. This will tell you if you were selected by the Department of Education for Verification through a University (any one you may have sent the info to...) Financial Aid office. Verification is the procedure of checking to make sure that the data entered on a student's FAFSA matches the information on file with the IRS. If the verification process finds that the tax documentation DOES NOT match the correcponding spots on a FAFSA, then changes will be made to your FAFSA. Verification changes may/ may not alter your aid awards for PELL grants. PELL grant funding is based on Financial need established by the US Department of Education and corresponding rules for a given school's costs. For more info about how this works, please refer to www.studentaid.ed.gov. It also sounds like your Verification process was a bit messy. You should have been able to file part of your Verification Online and then faxed in copies of requires tax/ income documents to the Financial Aid Office. I suggest to my students that they copy me on this step just in case documents get lost. This is a bending of the rules due to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (apologies on the speling) dealing with financial documents, but I made certain that the materials reach the proper office for processing. Now, Financial Aid disbursements. When a student goes to a University or College that uses Title IV funding, the studnet is going to have to a*s through a process called Certification. A simplified summary of Certification is when the school verifies student attendance in approved programs to have Federal Financial Aid funding released. This typically occurs after 12 class days. This is why all Colleges and Universities are VERY icky about students being in class no later than the 12th calendar class day. Then there is a process that occurs to monitor continued attendance or completion of additional steps, such as D. of Ed. selection of FAFSA Verification, for Aid to be disbursed. FA is typically disbursed (at semester credit institutions) on a 12/12 schedule. That is, you have to complete 12 credits hours with a "C" or better to "earn" your aid. At Axia, this means the successful completetion of 2 blocks. Then your second disbursement is scheduled for release shortly after you make your attendance for your third block. If you do not meet the grade requirements, drop out, or exceed the 29-day non-attendance rule WITHOUT a "Leave of Absence Request" on file, you could have your funding returned to your Lender for loans and your grant money sent back to the Department of Education. PELL grant monies are disbursed TWICE an Aid Year and previous award totals are not allowed to go beyond the Aid Year switch on July 1. How funding is applied to your account. funding is applied to a student's account based on "First-come, first-applied". This is not always guaranteed to be PELL/ SEOG grants first. This applies to traditional schools as well. Often, but not always, Student Laon funding arrives at a College or University a few days/ weeks before grant funding. This is applied first. Anything else that arrieves lter shows as a credit on a student account and is snet as an Aid refund to the student. this refund is to be used on "school related expenses only". Books, fees, supplies, boarding... If you have "earned" your aid, I recommend to my students that they either save the excess for future school costs, or pay down any loans they have had applied to their account. I hope that this helps. I know this is long and detailed, but I have done my best from ten years experience as an Undergraduate student who attended four college (public) in texas and had his share of FA fun. Also, I provide this information along with the public sources for ALL of my students and those who ask.

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