  • Report:  #680781

Complaint Review: Bank of America - arlington Texas

Reported By:
dionisia - waukesha, Wisconsin, United States of America

Bank of America
2000 E Lamar Ave arlington, 76011 Texas, United States of America
817) 261-1481
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I moved to Texas for a while, opened an account with BOA and signed up for the leave the change program. after one year and a halfmy family and Idecided to move back to Wisconsin, since in WI there's no BOA we decided to close the account when my husband and I went to the branch they didnt explain to me nothing other than thank you. When my husband and I came back to wisconsin we opened and account with Chase.

I started working in a temp job until I found a job on my career wich is as a mortgage loan officer. Six months later I found a job and the bank runs a chexsystems report and finds out that bank of america reported me as owing them $1070.00 on overdraft fees!!

I called BOA they said that American General which is a company that I owe a loan which I have NEVER PAID them late.. that american general "tries" everymonth to withdraw money from the account and because the account doesn't have any money obviously because the account should be closed they charge me $35/month overdraft fees and $35/month for NSF fees!!!!

When I called American general they said they have no authorizations from me to withdraw money from BOA that I have being making my payments on time and they can't stop something that they are not doing... however they are also charging me $75/month for NSF's!!!!

my life has being misserable, because no one does anything and the months are passing by and no one seems to care orstop this fees! I don't know what to do, Bank of america says that I have to pay them... I have to fix this problem because my job is contingent on clearing the chexsystems report...

Bank of America has being a real nightmare has ruined my credit report, my job situation is a nightmare because if I loose my job I will not have enough money to pay my rent.

13 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

has recently become available at this website!

*Just type in 2416 and it appears as 'Consumer Comment #11' at Ripoff Report #2416.

Thank You

Write a poem- they'll all know 'em.


Highlands Ranch,
Dionisia, I believe that Bank of America was....

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

selected by the ones who run the Federal Reserve to take the "fall", and become the villain in an elaborate scheme to defraud as many innocent account holders and shareholders as possible.

Here's why: For some odd reason, Bank of America purchased Countrywide and Merrill Lynch, even though both of these companies were in deep financial trouble. I believe that the Federal Reserve forced the marriage of Merrill Lynch onto Bank of America when the system was 'melting down', so much of the blame could be put onto Bank of America.

If you 'Google' the following documentaries and watch them on the web, you will be able to better understand-



Consider this; Bank of America is one of the largest banks in the world, right? They have millions of account holders. Bank of America also owes the Federal Reserve a lot of money, according the following interview that is available on the web. Simply 'Google' this- BIG BANKS RESUME FORECLOSURE PAPERWORK PBS, and watch it.

***To sum it all up, it appears to me that the Federal Reserve wanted to "load-up" Bank of America with as much of the toxic debt as possible, and then force Bank of America to pay them back. One way for Bank of America to pay back the Fed is to take money from the millions of account holders it has. Keep in mind that Chase is part of the Fed. Just 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, and go to the site with the 5 charts and you'll see that J.P. Morgan is listed in 'Chart 1'.

P.S. The former CEO of Bank of America also testified in front of Congress, along with Ben Bernanke, sometime after the 'meltdown'. I watched a portion of it. The CEO of Bank of America seemed very scared, and it appeared to me that he was holding some things back. I believe that that he did hold some things back. Maybe this 'mortgage mess' that we have in America is a lot bigger than we're being told and millions of account holders at many of the banks in America are being targeted, just like you.

Good luck, and you might want to consider canceling your Chase bank account and opening up an account with a locally owned & operated credit union in your town.


NEVER just "close" an account abruptly.

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 12, 2011

The way to avoid this problem is to never just close an account.

Keep an account active for a few months after you open your new account so you can slowly transfer all automatic payments, etc.

Zero out the account in this manner to avoid problems.

Another way to avoid problems is to never set up any automatic payments. I don't authorize anyone to take money from my bank account. Ever.

The original story doesn't add up. You say a full 6 months went by before you found out of the NSF's? I find that hard to believe. I dealt with BofA and know for a fact they generate a mailed NSF notice the next business day that an NSF situation occurs.

You did forward your mail, right? If not, WHY not? It appears that you were running away and hiding from your obligations, and got caught. That is my educated guess.

If you forwarded your mail, you would have gotten all of the NSF fee notices from BofA AND the notices of non-payment on your American General loan.

Just common sense here, really. The problem is obvious. You had a long unemployment situation, could no longer afford things, and left the state. But, unexpectedly, things followed you, and now you scream "rip off".

No rip off here. Just your own irresponsibility.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Upon review...

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

.I would have to agree, something is not adding up. Granted I do think the complaint is legit...if BofA could have notified you and did not. However, where did you expect the payments to American General to come from? If you can answer this with any integrity, it can lead to a conclusion of who is really at fault here.


Tell the truth

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011


How did BofA know you had an account with American General unless you set up payments? Why is American General charging you $75 a month on an account that is current? Because you set up payments and those payments are NSF, that's why. Your story is full of holes.


Highlands Ranch,
Dionisia, Is it possible....

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2011

that you had a monthly bill that you forgot about, which was set-up to be automatically debited from your BOA checking account in Texas?

Example: I know someone who closed their Wells Fargo checking account last year and forgot that there was a $19 monthly bill, from their online computer service provider, that they forgot to switch over to the new checking account. If this person hadn't caught the mistake prior to the $19 being debited from the old Wells Fargo checking account, which was closed, it would have created an overdraft.

People do make honest mistakes. Simply take a look at the ones running our government. If you 'Google' this- U.S. NATIONAL DEBT CLOCK: REAL TIME, and go to that website, you'll see that the U.S. National debt is over $14 Trillion, right?

It appears that the ones controlling our country are making mistakes that are jeopardizing almost everyone in the USA, wouldn't you agree?

Good luck to you.

P.S. If you can prove that you didn't do anything wrong, then put all of the info together and mail a certified letter, along with copies, to the CEO of Bank of America. Maybe he'll help you. You can also send a copy of your letter to President Obama and let him know what's going on, right? Just type in 529757 at this website and his address appears at the end of 'Consumer Comment #29'.


Highlands Ranch,

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2011


Over three bucks a gallon

Across our fine nation

Gas prices are rising

Some say it's inflation

The big-shots don't care

Most have constipation

Food prices will rise

Prepare for inflation

Our system is broken

Here's my declaration

Speak-out every day

Gotta fight for our nation

This poem is over

Just passed my gas station

$3.15 for unleaded

I say that's inflation!


**************************** LAUGH ALERT ****************************

*It's good to laugh every day. Sometimes a song can make us laugh. So just stay at this site and type in 661037 and sing the latest song that appears in 'Consumer Comment #21' at Ripoff Report #661037, and maybe it will make you laugh.

Thank You


South Carolina,
A couple of things...

#9General Comment

Tue, January 11, 2011

For Steve: The new "opt out" program is for debit card transactions only not for automatic drafts. So even if they had opted out it would have had no effect on these transactions.

For the OP: When you close an account, there's a period of time that transactions can still be presented against it that may force the account back open. This is to prevent someone from making purchases by check or automated debit and then withdrawing all the money in an attempt to not pay th merchant. If the first AD came through within a few days of your close request it should have been returned unpaid but the accessment of the return fee would force the account reopen. However each time an item was paid into overdraft or returned unpaid BOA would have had to send notice out to you. Probably by postcard. Additionally statements would have been sent out monthly. If you put in a change of address, the statements certainly would have gone to your new home and the notices should have. Did you receive anything from BOA in the mail after your move? If so did you not open it figuringit didn't matter? Did you have these payments setup through BOA's online billpay? If so then the payment authorization should have been stopped before you closed the account. And this would explain American General not being able to find any authorizations in their system.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I got my information here..

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2011

Report: #666536

Report: First Premier Bank


Print Email Reported By: Steve (Bradenton Florida U.S.A.First Premier Bank Premier)

First Premier Bank

P.O. Box 5524

Sioux Falls South Dakota 57117

United States of America

Phone: 800-987-5521

Web Address: www.mypremiercreditcard.com

Category: Banks

Submitted: Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last posting: Monday, January 10, 2011

Look, I am not here to judge you or publically verify your personal finances. But I can say this. On this very website I have posted reports, and I have replied to many. I have been "accused" of being almost everything you can imagine...I have been accused of being a bleeding heart Liberal, a Republican (BTW I have stated time and time again here that I am a registered Independent and consider myself a Libertarian), an alcoholic, drug addict, employee/owner of PayPal, employee owner of eBay, a "plant" put here by ROR, an employee of BestBuy, an employee of Walmart, an employee/owner of car dealerships, and employee owner of towing companies..well just to name a few off the top of my head. The ironic thing?? When I post what I really do, or have done I am called a lair. So welcome the ROR if you so chose to troll or voluntarily moderate here.

First Premier Bank is the inventor of the almost 80% APR in 2009. ANYONE who would sign up for this card is either the BIGGEST loser, sucker, or idiot on EARTH, or is very, very desperate for credit.

But once again, I am not here to judge you personally. But how can you in good conscience come here and condemn/criticize/belittle/insult other VICTIMS of shady bank tactics and policies, and claim you are so perfect?

Are you coming to this website to say every person who submits a report against a bank is wrong and an idiot..but the ONLY report EVER on this site that is legit against a bank..is yours?

How do you sleep at night? Or maybe you don't due to all the crack smoking?


Actually Ronny G, I have a 770 Experian, and PLENTY of cash in the bank

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2011

Ronny G,

Where did you get your information?????

As of Dec 1st I have a 770 Experian score, and I have more money in just 1 of my 3 checking accounts than you make in 2 years at Best Buy!

And, everything I have is paid for, so no borrowing at all for me, especially sub-prime. I owe money on 1 credit card just to maintain my credit.

I made $167,000 in 2009, and less this year, havent figured it out yet.

Trust me, YOU are the loser here, not me.


North Carolina,
Steve Pegged It!

#12General Comment

Tue, January 11, 2011

Steve has got you pinned down to the floor.

I couldn't have put it any better or added anything more.

I second his opinion.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
"comprehension" indeed...

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2011

Steve..what are you on now? Meth or crack? What was so hard to understand about this report? I know you are a sub prime borrower and had problems with your account in a previous report..but what did this poster do wrong?

Allow me to break it down for you..

"Idecided to move back to Wisconsin, since in WI there's no BOA we decided to close the account when my husband and I went to the branch they didnt explain to me nothing other than thank you."

So this is the customers fault. Are you such a professional on closing accounts that you know it takes more then a trip to the bank to inform them you are closing the account??

"Six months later I found a job and the bank runs a chexsystems report and finds out that Bank of America reported me as owing them $1070.00 on overdraft fees!!"

Why didn't the bank try to contact them? Oh, I will tell you why..so they can rack of fees behind the customers back. Over $1000.00..so was this bank going to wait until it was $10,000? Or $100,000..comon Steve you KNOW these banks are scoundrels and scumbags..why would you defend them? Why? WHY?

" When I called American general they said they have no authorizations from me to withdraw money from BOA that I have being making my payments on time and they can't stop something that they are not doing... however they are also charging me $75/month for NSF's!!!!"

You don't get it Steve do you? What is your MOTIVE? You are a LOSER sub-prime borrower and you have the nerve to attack, insult and criticize this poster?

You are a sick man..you need treatment. For a 47 year old you act like a bitter decrepit 75 year old but with the brains of a 12 year old. Sad really.


This appears to be your fault for several reasons

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, January 10, 2011

After enduring the pain of reading your "report", I feel the main problem may be an English language comprehension and communications barrier. That is the first problem you face, as maybe you never actually read and understood the terms and conditions on your account.

Your first mistake was thinking that closing your account was all you had to do. You are still legally responsible for any outstanding transactions including pre-scheduled ACH transfers after you close your account.

You took the lazy, easy way out and just figure closing the account would do, and as you have found out, that is not the case.

Also, under the new federal laws, you had the right on that account to opt out of allowing NSF items to be paid, or nor. You obviously opted in to this.

Now you say you owe a loan to American General. You obviously had that set up for automatic withdrawal from your checking account, or they could not attempt to take payments from your account. You either did or you didn't. Which is it?

You really should learn how to stay off the phone. Phone calls do not protect your rights under the law. All disputes MUST be in writing to protect your rights under the law, and should be sent via certified mail, return reciept requested.

All you need to do was challenge American General in wriring on the withdrawals from your account, then you needed to do a written dispute with BofA on those "unauthorized" withdrawals. Really very simple.

But in reality, you ignored the situation and figured it would just go away on its own, and it didn't. Now, due to your lack of action, you are on Chexsystems.

$1070.00 in overdraft fees? That is more than 30 NSF charges! Which leads me to believe there is much more to the story here.

Your story just doesn't add up. No rip off here, just another case of account mismanagement.

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