  • Report:  #332089

Complaint Review: Belle Tire - Traverse City Michigan

Reported By:
- Traverse City, Michigan,

Belle Tire
2825 U.S. 31 S. Traverse City, 49686 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Lucky me, my wife ends up calling me before Belle Tire completely performed their rip-off of the century.

I can't remember the exact date of the incident, but it was fall when my wife blew out her tire in her car, and needed to get it replaced. My father-in-law had purchased the tires that were on the car from Belle Tire, so naturally she was going to go there to see what we could do. I told her that I didn't think it was covered by the warranty, but what the hey...might as well check right?

Well I am at work when she brings it in, and I told her that I don't trust places like that anyway, so she's a little wary. And then she's a lot wary when they inspect the car and tell her there's OVER 600 DOLLARS worth of work they have to do! Well she calls me at work, and I'm smelling something fishy so I tell her to wait there and I'll come over there. When I get over there they explain to me that the spring on the drivers side tire has broken, puncturing the tire. Now the springs need to be replaced along with the struts. They were about to replace 2 springs, 2 struts, and 1 tire. I tell them that only the one spring is broken right? Then they start feeding me a line of crap about stuff coming in packages, and if you buy this or that than you have to buy the whole package and right there I KNOW it's getting screwy.

So I tell them to get our car off that lift, and we'll take care of it else where. Well later that night, we're at the in-laws deciding what to do and me and my mother-in-law are online checking stuff out and find out that for the spring to break on these Ford Taurus's and blow out the tire is a KNOWN ISSUE! And they are being recalled or some such, and we go over to the dealership and have EVERYTHING DONE FOR FREE! That's right, Belle Tire was about to swindle 600 plus dollars from us from a KNOWN ISSUE that was being RECALLED!

Thanks Belle Tire, for trying to rip me and my wife off. Now you've lost business from me, and probably from countless others. Only difference here is that you didn't get a lick of money from me.


Traverse City, Michigan


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Bloomfield Hills,
United States of America
Common Sense

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, July 20, 2012

Kind Sir, please refrain from any further public writings.  It is ill-minded individuals such as yourself that create our nations impoverished and uneducated population. So, as a nation, we would appreciate your compliance in sheer tranquility.

Apart from your inarticulate sense of grammar being reason alone not to heed your aspersed remarks, Belle Tire bares no responsibility in knowing your impecunious cars recalls, they were just doing their job.

Please Sir, instead of writing bosh remarks about a credulous, well built, American company, get a decent education that can afford you a job to buy a car that won't be recalled and you won't have this problem.

Thank you,

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