  • Report:  #16151

Complaint Review: Benard Haldane Associates - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Hilliard, OH,

Benard Haldane Associates
111 W. Rich Str. 4th Fl. Suite 480- Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
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I've sent a letter to the Equal Employement Opportunity Commission concerning these questions asked during my first interview with Haldane.

I was contacted by the employment-recruiting agency Bernard Haldane Associates (111 W Rich Str. 4th Floor / Suite 480 Columbus, Ohio), for an interview with their VP. Mr. Kurt Reph on March 5, 2002. I was contacted for the interview because I filled out an application and provided my resume via their web site (http://jobhunting.com);I scheduled an interview for Wednesday March 6, at 3:00PM.

At the beginning of the interview Mr. Reph informed me that he would perform and evaluation on me and if he felt that their company could be of service to help me find employment he would tell me at the end of the interview and if I were he would schedule another interview. During the interview with Mr. Reph he asked several personal questions that I felt were strange, but towards the end of the interview I began to wonder if they were even legal. Here are some of the questions he asked me. He asked how old I was. Although I provided my home address he asked specifically where I lived, what neighbor hood, how would he get there from the major highway. If I were married, had I ever been married, do I have any children, do I plan to have any children. Do I have a significant other in my life, how long have we been together, what is his name, where does he work and how much money does he make? Is my currently being unemployed causing any strain on our relationship. Is he supportive of me? Do I have any credit cards, and how many carry a balance. I then took a short writing test. He then said that I have a lot of assets and named several qualities about me. Then he said I do have some liabilities too though, being a woman is one, and that he would classify me as a job hopper since I worked for the last employer for 5 years and only 2 years at the two companies prior to that. After that he said that he thinks that he can help me, but he was leery about scheduling another appointment with me because he has spoke to others in my previous field of employment, specifically the company I previously worked for (Qwest) and they never show up for the second interview. He said that he would need to schedule an appointment for about an hour and half and that his policy is that I must bring my significant other with me. I told him that I did not agree with that, I would not bring my boyfriend to a job interview with any company, I didn't feel that it was appropriate. He said that is his policy, he insists that anyone he meets with a second time bring his or her spouse or significant other. He should be involved in my decision making process and there are fees associated with their service and he should be aware of them. If he is supportive of me there shouldn't be a problem. I told him that I did not agree with that practice and am wondering why he asked so many personal questions at the beginning of the interview, I felt that it wasn't pertinent to ask if I were married or had children or any of the other questions asked. He became a little flustered and said that it is important information for employers to know and it does matter, a company isn't going to hire someone that is going to have a baby in six months. I then told him that I am not interested in his services and do not want to schedule a second interview and thanked him for his time.


Hilliard Ohio

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