  • Report:  #1117315

Complaint Review: Bennet Kelley Internet Attorney Breeds Hate on the Internet Hatchet Man for hire - Santa Monica California

Reported By:
L.MaryDaganFoxman aka - British Columbia,

Bennet Kelley Internet Attorney Breeds Hate on the Internet Hatchet Man for hire
100 Whilshire Blvd. Suite 950 Santa Monica, 90401 California, USA
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 Bennet G. Kelley breeds hate on the Internet with online slander that he professes to oppose.  Bennet G. Kelley, Internet Attorney promotes hate on the internet. "Bury de hate"


Bennet G. Kelley is an unethical  Internet Attorney who has used the Internet as a personal manipulation tool against those he opposes, harming his opponents any way he can.  While at the same time has carved out a slick PR campaign for his own background that omits many professional shortcomings:


Shamelessly uses his wife’s name Wanda J. Rudd on declarations of proof of service filed with the courts.  But uses fair game and attacks his opponent’s family members, even trying to use them against the person as having “contempt” for that person.   Gee Bennet why don’t you try to get a statement with their name instead of hearsay.  Not half as bad as what other attorneys, and your siblings have to say about you. 

Will use online monikers like “Steamroller” to put harmful documents about someone online, then doctors up the document by forging filled in information.  Hence the reason why Bennet G. Kelley uses the moniker because he is ashamed he is using his law degree/license  to stoop to such a low immature level.

Has more than 3 complaints filed at the California Bar Association, and some are filed by other attorneys.  NOTE: California Bar Association rarely makes any kind of de barring actions but rather will act as a complaint board with recommendations to the Attorney on corrective behavior. 

Manipulates the courts with bending of the law, straddling the law and highly unethical maneuvers like late filed paperwork so the opposition cannot prepare.  Yet cries “foul” when others expose the truth. Stacking up accusations against the opponent that don’t mean anything to the outcome of the case, resorting to personal attacks. This is known as Bennet Kelley’s p***s in the File, see a video that someone put together about him: youtube.com/watch?v=zsgSxnogtO4

Remember anyone with money can file a lawsuit over anything, Bennet G. Kelley’s causes of action are always a stretch of the imagination of a non creative writer.  Like “Computer Fraud and Abuse Act”  or my plaintiff was called a name “odar” by the defendant.  It would be so comical if it wasn’t pathetically sad how Bennet G. Kelley mocks the courts with his clever flair for writing, but most judges have critical eyes and know Bennet G. Kelley is trying to stack up nonsense against an opponent with veracity of his claims. Stalled and delayed the case to fleece $210,000+ in legal fees from his client a human trafficker americancyberreport.wordpress.com/2013/03/ 

The same Adoption Agency that had adoption services in non Hague Signatory countries like Morocco where the clients shamelessly convert to Islam to adopt a child.  The Moroccan Government has STOPPED this and adoptions are shut down, even though this same Agency Hopscotch Adoptions has resumed Adoption ADVERTISING in this country for “Moslem families only”  pamelageller.com/2011/05/want-to-adopt-a-child-convert-to-islam.html/#axzz2r4DQsVT0

Attacks the ethnic background of one defendant, tweeted out “Armenian Mafia” While at the same time falsely claims his opposition is guilty of ethnic slander and accuses them of putting swastikas out. 

Truth and Justice mean nothing to Bennet G. Kelley; he is about appearing to win at all costs or having his name front and center.  Bennet wants to be famous so bad he attempted to hire Jacquie Jordan as an agent for speaking engagements.  We liked his appearance on the Brian Whately Paranormal Show (another freebie radio web blogger) who specializes in the “Paranormal”

Comes from an Irish Catholic family of 7 siblings from Maine, (he no longer speaks to his siblings moved to California to become famous celebrity attorney at the cost of harming others.

Don’t bother hiring Bennet G. Kelley unless you are a spam marketer or human trafficker with deep pockets.  Bennet Kelley for extra money will write articles on his sleazy blogs that defame people

Cyber squatting on an opposing Attorney’s web site, Bennet’s remark was “I did it on a lark to tweak him” huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/27/daniel-balsam-spam-email_n_801433.html

Defending Spam Marketers, one that was fined $2.8 million for identity theft.  Yet in Bennet’s smug, arrogant, indignant attitude parades his one time legal counsel for Value Click as some sort of “victory” even though it was over 6 years ago he was their “counsel”

Unethically convinced an adoption agency owner who has wrongful adoption lawsuits under her belt to speak about a former clients personal information, where she gave him erroneous information and breached confidentiality laws that she is bound by Health and Human Services under (additionally is adopting out children from Mexico and one didn’t have proper immunization – Yes “Mexico” when the American foster care programs are full of Mexican American Children longing for a home this pig sells children out of a Jalisco orphanage)

Stealing opponent’s photos off the Internet and writing slanderous, defaming articles in an immature and unprofessional manner.  Yet when you reveal the truth about Bennet G. Kelley, goes into a full blown hissie fit melt downs like a school yard punk not picked for a team.

Stealing the Federal Court Seal off the Internet and utilizing it in his slandering web sites where he was admonished by a Judge and Bennet’s lame answer was “it was removed and I put it up as a mosaic” WTF? 

Not giving the full disclosure information surrounding a case till the last very minute and sometimes not without a Motion to Compel.  Thereby hiding key information that would exonerate someone

Abusing online PR sites, to continuously write “glowing remarks” about his victories and success as an Internet Attorney.  While at the same time using the Internet as a weapon to harm others.

Maintains over 4 facebook accounts, 4 twitter accounts and numerous e mail addresses while accusing others of the very same thing. 

Humorously poses on Facebook as St. Izzy of the Internet.  As though he has the right to police, control, and censor the Internet to his own beliefs.

Snarky remarks toward politicians that are Republican, even writing slanderous web sites and books on former President Bush. Without so much of a mention as to the obvious shortfalls of the current Democratic administration.  Was ordered to remove http://www.bushlies.net  Learn his hatchet reputation while working on the Democratic committee.  Bennet truly believes no Democratic politician could do wrong while this former Democrat knows that all politicians cannot be trusted.

No longer a writer for the Santa Monica Free Press where he claims to have won the bulk of his “Awards”    hence he declares himself “Award Winning Writer”  You can’t have it both ways Bennet, writing slanderous defaming things about people then claim to be “award winning” no publisher will touch you and your libelous tone.

Lacks fair balance in his tone and method of writing one-sided slanderous articles that are predictable (kill the opponent, bash the republican, and if you oppose you are crazy and the personal attacks start)

Bennet Kelley still manages to maintain a FREE writing blog for Huffington and has a FREE radio web Blog.  There are over 10,000 people that do this as well and Huffington lately has been under fire for not vetting all the people they allow to write on their blog. 

Has a multitude of e mail addresses, web sites, twitter accounts and facebook accounts but seems to think this is a problem if others have the same.

Lowly contacting an Islamic Cult that is currently under investigation by the FBI to harm one of his opponents that was brave enough to let Americans know of the theft of billions $$ of American tax money wired to this Cult’s home country which itself has had multitude of protests over freedom of speech and the Internet restrictions they have.

Sadly is now trying to carve a niche into writing about INDIE films which Bennet G. Kelley knows nothing about or has any friends or clout in the industry.  Bennet realizes that his career as some sort of “Internet Attorney” is clearly over as spam marketers no longer have laws that protect them from slaming our e mails with “how to grow your p***s longer” junk.  Additionally there is a whole new breed of young very tech savvy Internet Attorneys popping up all over the country.  Same have very high profile cases with celebrities and other well known people. 

When it comes to freedom of speech and the Internet Bennet G. Kelley believes he has cornered the market on both.   Your opinion or facts don’t matter, as such now there is a plether of so called “Internet Attorneys” etching out some great reputations.   Nevertheless Huffington should be more cautious with the 10,000 or so freebie amateur writers they allow on the Huffington Blog.   .   


Report Attachments

1 Updates & Rebuttals

AnotherVictim of Bennet Kelley's poison pen

Santa Monica,
Bennet Kelley online pollution must be removed

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 10, 2014

It seems that Bennet Kelley is still using his law license to harm people.  All of Bennet Kelley's fake charges have been dropped there is no "criminal charges" and no protective order for Bennet Kelley aka "Terrorist Barbie" or "St. Izzy of the internet" or whatever fake alias he choses to use.  http://www.bennetkelleyinternetlawyer.blogspot.com

Bennet Kelley the hotshot attorney should take ripoff report to court to remove comments.  He has but again EPIC FAILURE. 

Bennet Kelley is a failure at law, or creating his psuedo laughable law firm (a one man show) with such false claims as "We wrote the book on Cyber Law" Mr. Bennet Gerard Kelley has been exposed for his online fraud and local court rooms and District Attorney offices grow tired of his paltry and baseless claims.  He lost his child trafficker clients case without so much of a summary judgment so his next resort was to use his hatchet stlyle and try to destroy the reputation of the defendant.  Bennet Kelley thought that filing baseless claims in federal court (causes of action all unactionable) it would financial bankrupt or harm the defendant.  Not so folks, the defendant represented herself for 15 months and her past insurance company paid for the last 5 months with an excellent and high powered law firm...dancing circles around the 1 man dog and pony show of Bennet Kelley.

Bennet Kelley is not a "super star internet attorney" as his amateur self marketing would have you believe.  He is nothing more than an online criminal using his law license to perform Identity Theft, which was the basis for him being fired at Value Click and their FTC fine for $2.8 million.  While you are at it- please research the amount of distrust and contempt fellow Attorneys have for this sad joke of a walking billboard for himself.  

Mr. Bennet Kelley is not among the top Internet Attorneys in the USA, he is a liar.  Armed with a free radio talk show blog and his snarky entries on Huffington Blog, it is doubtful his online antics will ever lead to a paying job.  Hopefully he hasn't spent the $209,000 in legal fees he fleeced out of a human trafficking client, Hopscotch Adoptions.  It's not like we all don't know about International Adoptions and why they have decrease 70%.  Human trafficking is such an ugly but lucrative business. 

Bennet Kelley cannot make it as a radio jock or joke, a writer or a Internet Attorney trying desperately to drum up business with start up Internet based companies.  Would you trust a clown like Bennet Kelley who spends 12 hours a day maintaining his Internet with his 5 twitter accounts 30 G gmail accounts and other online nonsense with your start up business?  Just read his online self advertising it is horrible, poor Bennie is so insecure.  He really wants people to think he is some sort of success when he is a failure online or off line.  Bennet Kelley doesn't have time to dedicate to paying clients he is too busy with the free self promotion of himself while at the same time harming innocent people.

Get a life Bennie, maybe you should just move back to Rhode Island since no one in California is going to take you seriously except maybe Poggi and Wanda. The dog and the wife or is that the wife and the dog.

Bennet Kelley was the hatchet guy for the Cliniton Democratic party, even they have cut him loose after his overtheboard

online harassment of President George W. Bush, the online "bushlies.net" and the book he co authored "Bush Lies" (prime examples of award winning literary work?) LMAO

Bennet Kelley, aka Terrorist Barbie, aka St. Izzy of the Internet, aka Radio blog online joke / jock aka Huffington blog contributor aka Internet Attorney "who wrote the book on cyber law" is a sad man who will never make it- we will make sure of that. 

Bennie tried to be appointed to the City Planning of Santa Monica, but luckily the City Manager Ms. Gorman was diligent and researched his pathetic reputation.  Californians watch this snake we cannot have him in our politics, or near policy making. 



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