  • Report:  #788605

Complaint Review: Benton County Sheriff - Warsaw Missouri

Reported By:
Unheard Whispers - Rocky Mount, Missouri, United States of America

Benton County Sheriff
174 West Washington Street Warsaw, 65355 Missouri, United States of America
(660) 438-5252 ?
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
There is quiet some story here ,with a small town Local Sheriff Department .

The Sheriff ,The Officers.That has held many Years of Power being Abused with Police Misconduct ,that has gone unnoticed and abused ,over and over ,that so many people are severely afraid to rock the boat ,in speaking out ,as the threats from the police ,has became so real ,that has made many afraid to use their own voice.

There for ,this small town ,has created their own sort of Law and Let me speak out with my voice ,it is not a Law that is very Legal.

As for me ,as a person ,I am a Mother ,that Will admit that have Oldest son ,that got caught up in the chaos's of  Wrong direction and choices ,that Drugs seem to have that deeply affect in changing many people's lives in a blink of a Eye.

Though as this mother ,My son created a crime ,they found him guilty and He is paying the consequences,Doing his time in prison .

That is the correct manner ,this is not why I am writing this story at all .What this story is all about is much more deeper than even I understand or Realize .

as Don't think anyone has all the true facts upon all issues .

though I can honestly use my voice in speaking out ,What I do know and hold the facts ,in tape recordings ,Pictures,of many people and their families ,has gone through ,would make the hairs on your skin ,stand ,right up .

For having these Tape Recordings and Pictures and Video's ,Let me say this ,This has acquired me a name that goes out over the scanner ,as (paparazzi )

Also My Well being and Life ,has been completely harassed over and over ,for years ,as I refuse to offer up the facts I hold ,to the officers.

With this I have suffered the consequences too.

Here are few incidents ,that have occurred with the Benton County Sheriff Department ,Warsaw Missouri.

#1-Searching Homes ,without a Warrant.

#2-Removing Items from the homes that held no warrants ,That is never given a documentation of what was removed from the home ,as everything were removed out the homes in small paper lunch bags.

#3- Tail gating cars around Town ,parking down from resident ,all hours of the night-Parked across the street ,in front of a resident ,all hours of the night ,standing out by side of police vehicles ,smoking .

#4-pulling your car over to search inside ,the car and belongings ,leaving your purse tossed all over the car ,this could happen several times in short time frame too.

#5-Pulled over on the outside of town ,some place dark and secluded,by officer and asked to get out of your car ,as being held at gun point ,while the officer is speaking threats or deals to a person ,that this would stop ,if only the person ,wrote a statement against another.

#6-Being beaten down with clubs by officers ,as officers reports stated ,the person resisted arrest ,when in facts ,they never resisted arrest at all .

#7-People would be pulled into the Benton county Sheriffs Office,on a 24 or 48 hour hold ,for questioning,When in fact ,this person would be recorded during questioning,except the recordings stops ,when the officers are doing their own type of questioning. 

During these 24 or 48 hour holds ,people are questioned at long long hours at the time ,some cases have gone the whole 24 hour,without stopping .

Leaving the questioning turning into more a scare tactic ,pressure ,false admittance towards crimes that was ,never committed by the person ,in the first place.

Leaving scare tactics towards the questioning,that if did not sign the crime report ,how the officers ,will start harassing family -wives-husbands-girlfriends-charging them with a crime ,that once again was not committed ,the person was just plain guilty by association. 

Officers cruel abuse ,scare tactics ,sick,of need of medical attention,are a winner ,the recordings will then ,once again start up ,when the person is drained ,scared ,confused,and signs a crime report ,that they never committed in first place ,just to end everything ,to make them stop.

#8-Police officers will stop at Residents ,that may held a family member ,that dated ,someone the police ,were searching for ,to pull them in for one these 24 or 48 hour holds,the officer would stop at someone's home ,requiring about this person where about,and when officer is told ,that person is not there .

The officer starts to push his way ,through the entry of the screen door ,by placing his foot between the door,trying to open the door ,while resident owner ,was shutting the door.
Officer starts speaking louder in threats and a woman ,is at the door ,trying to shut the door ,when officer ,grabs the woman arm and twists it ,between the screen door ,while taking his foot on outside and applying pressure against the door ,squeezing this woman arm ,between the door.

The woman family and her children ,are watching this police officer ,hurt this woman ,as she is crying and yelling to stop.

The police officer yells how he will make one phone call and have DFS ,remove these children in foster care ,and this woman younger brother whom is disabled ,Police Officer ,makes threats in how her brother will be locked away,in a mental hospital.

The police officer ,kept making verbal threats to the woman and her family .
As to points ,that officer ,wanted to search the resident for this person ,without a warrant.

#9-Vehicles are tampered with during the night ,in the tail lights wires are cut-the light above plates are out as wires are cut.
Two vehicles from the same resident,held faulty lights,wires cut ,in one night ,received Tickets from Police officer ,waiting down the road.

Description:Missouri Case net
(Report:wires cut on back of car ,where light comes on above the plates -)
Operated Mtr Veh Without Operable License Lamps/Taillamps (Knowingly) { Misdemeanor Unclassified RSMo: 307.075 }
Date:12/28/2010----Code:4816300----Arresting Agency:SO BENTON COUNTY-WARSAW

Description:Missouri Case net
(Report Wires were cut -that created faulty tail lights -that went on and off -Year 2000 Chev s10 extreme pickup ,that just past Missouri Lic. Inspection ,just three days before this Incident)
Failed To Equip Mtr Veh/Mtr Drawn Veh With 2 Approved Red Tail Lamps On Proper Level (Knowingly) { Misdemeanor Unclassified RSMo: 307.075 }

both vehicles were tampered with and received tickets by same awaiting police officer-the same night -with police officer being Video ,that night ,Fact upon this video ,Police Officer stated to Driver ,that None of this would be Occurring ,only If You ,would of Allowed me ,just search ,your home that night .

#10-Location Head Waters Motel ,Warsaw Missouri-
Benton County Police Officer ,came to a motel room occupied by a woman and her four children.
Two of the children ,was visiting their father ,over the Weekend ,for visitations.
The oldest Girl 12 years old,very Intelligent Girl ,with access to cell phone and numbers ,also held Lic. permit in taking classes in baby sitting.

Was at the Motel room with younger brother ,When Benton County Officer ,knocked on the door ,the girl was talking to her mother on phone ,whom was gone at the time ,The girl told her mother ,that Police officer ,was knocking at the door .

The mother ,told the girl ,to open the door .
The girl ,opened the motel door ,the police officers ,asked for one the girls parents ,The girl told them ,they were not at home .
The Benton County Officer ,placed his hand on the door ,pushing the door open ,as He enter the room ,without a warrant .

The police officer ,held a discussion with the mother on the phone ,as he stood in her motel room.

The Benton county officer ,started searching the motel room ,for stolen items or drugs ,he told the young Girl.

Once again without a warrant.

The Girl ,was scared of the behavior of the Police officer.
As the officer ,started pulling personal belongings out onto the floor and sniffing medication bottles that the girl spoke was her mother antibiotics for a abscess tooth.

The Benton County Officer ,searched the motel Room ,for almost two hours ,not finding anything .
The same officer ,started asking questions to the girl ,about her parents and drugs and stolen issues.

The same police officer ,stated that this girls mother was going to be going to prison for a long time .That all the children were going into foster care ,that the girl should ,speak up with any truth ,to save her mother ,from going away to jail.

After two hours ,a Woman came into the motel room ,never introduced her self ,or showed any ID.

The woman ,bent down to whisper to the girl ,if your parents have any drugs ,weed ect. like that hidden ,please tell her and she will get rid of it ,before the police locate it ,together she told the young girl ,they can try to protect ,the girls mother or father.

This woman ,called few numbers off the young girls cell phone ,contacted the grandma and spoke with her about ,the parents held warrants for their arrest for theft and arson ,and was going away for a long time ,that as soon as the parents arrive at motel ,they were to be arrested .

The woman introduced herself as case worker for DFS.
That she wanted the woman ,to come pick up the children at the motel before parents arrive back.
That the DFS woman ,could not transport them, plus DFS woman spoke to grandma ,that she needed to remove all things from motel room ,as manager stated ,a bill was owed of $400. that anything left in room ,would be motels property in payment due.

Needless to speak here ,as Their is extreme facts to back up this issues in more detail areas.
The Mother was not arrested .
The Warrants for theft and arson was not reality.
The motel bill was not a reality.
Many Statements held no existing reality at all ,from this DFS woman and Benton county police officers .

Though a Fact was ,these parents ,had their children ,taken from them and returned back the next day .
The fact was ,the mother ,lost custody of her two children ,visiting their father over the weekend ,as The mother was threaten ,in several manners ,written form and verbal form ,that she would be arrested if ,she held any contact with those two children.

The Fact are ,The children's father and Benton county Officer ,were Friends.
The fact are ,the day the father ,went to court on custody on the two children.
This Benton county Officer ,Arrested The Mother ,on receiving stolen property ,The same moment ,Court was being in process ,without the mother's acknowledgment.

The fact is still remaining =DFS case worker =There is no evidence or filing or paper trail ,that The parents ever had ,their children taken away in this incident.

Though the Mother ,lost Two of her children ,still remains .
Missouri Case Net
Disposition:Tried by Court-Civil
Date Filed:07/20/2011
SO BENTON COUNTY-WARSAW; Served Date - 02-AUG-11; Served Time -
00:00:00; Service Type - Sheriff Department; Reason Description -
Fact Still remains -The Mother has NEVER been served These Papers .

There are still so many Facts ,that remain here .
Benton County Police Department .
That holds no Reality of Existence .

#11-Benton County has court cases ,that are two years old pending ,as it never gets settled ,as more cases unsettled ,over time ,court cases can build up ,towards a more steeper prison term ,to sending someone off ,for longer times.

#12- Benton County Sheriff  department ,officers can create false crimes appear and at the same time ,they can make deals and create crime and drugs ,completely disappear too.

Examples -a couple got arrested in a motel in Sedalia ,Missouri.
As outstanding warrant was on the man .
As for the woman ,she got arrested and fined for aid and bedian.
Inside the motel of the man suitcase ,drugs were found.

The woman was arrested and released with a charge ,as existence is reality as the fine charges of the paper work ,that Benton sheriff officer gave ,is a fact ,that the charge existed .

The man was arrested and not released out on bond till later date.
While the man ,was in custody of the jail.
The Benton County Sheriff Officers,started making Threats with clear extreme pressures upon ,this man.

The man Girlfriend was Pregnant,due to have a baby in few months.
The police applied extreme pressures upon this man with several threats ,upon the safety and well being of his pregnant girlfriend. 
By telling this man ,that he shall not be able see his girlfriend ,deliver their baby ,as the officer stated ,they will make sure ,this man goes to prison for a long time .
The officer stated ,they will once again be pressing charges upon his girlfriend in other issues .

Unless this man ,corporates with the Benton County Sheriff Department .

By Signing to the charges ,admitting that this man ,committed this crime ,pleading Guilty ,right there at that moment .

The Officer stated to the man .
They can Assure with a promise ,that all charges against his girlfriend ,Will be Dropped ,
Plus the Drugs found at the motel in the man ,suitcase ,will disappear and no charges will be filed.

The man ,under extreme pressure and interrogated at extreme long time,
Admitted and signed the documents and pleaded guilty ,to

A Crime
The man did not Commit

The Benton County Sheriff Deputy ,Kept his promise and the drugs disappeared .
All charges against the girlfriend ,disappeared .

#13- At Benton County Sheriff Department .
Those being bonded out of Jail ,by using a bail bonds company .
Are Abused by the Officers ,as Laughter is something ,you can view ,at any given time .
A Bail bonds company calls the Sheriffs department ,up and clear the way upon ,bonding out a person ,Everything gets cleared and settled ,before the Bonds Company ,travels to the Jail.

By the Time
All the forms are signed .
The person is dressed -thinking they are getting out of Jail.
Right at the Last Second .

The officer steps out the room and says wait ,I see that this person ,has a out standing warrant ,that must of been over looked .
All fails to bond that person out ,that moment of time.

The person ,gets handcuffed and returned back to the cell.

All ,travel back home .
Thirty min. later
Recieve a Telephone call from the Benton County Sheriff Department .
The Police Officer ,says They are sorry ,they made a mistake ,it was not a out standing warrant ,it was already one they were being bonded out on .
Officer says ,to family .
You can ,return to bond the person out .

The next night
The family tries to bond this person out again.
Noticed that the person was not dressed ,was kept in jail clothes.
The officers were laughing and making jokes ,they didn't want to jinx ,having the poor person ,change clothes and something happen and They don't get bonded out.

The Bail Bonding Company .
Fills out all the proper Documents and everything is Signed .
Last Call .
The officer steps out with a piece of paper ,looks on the wall at this list of bail bonding companies.
States He does not see ,his company upon the wall in the list .
Officer states ,that he can not let the person be bonded out with this company ,until bail bonding gets approved by Judge in the morning .

The Bail Bonding Company ,States Why Didn't the Police Department ,state this over the telephone ,before he traveled 2 hours away to come to the jail.
The officer stated ,it must of slipped his mind .

Conclusion ,The police officers amuse themselves at the expense of many families .
During times of bonding someone out of jail.

#14-Benton County Sheriff Department ,Officers
Will Impound Your Vehicle ,with probable cause .
It was used during a Crime .

A Wrecker is called ,to tow the vehicle away to police impound.
The vehicle is police impounded .

Then Police Officers state to family
They can ,pick up their vehicle ,out police impound .
There will be no charge from the Benton County Police Department upon Impounding Storage fee.
Though ,the family will have to pay the wrecker fee.

The reality of this.
The family ,pays the wrecker Bill.
Gets the Original Ticket returned that was Signed by the Police Officer ,that day of vehicle being impounded.
The reason it was Impounded was not probably cause .
The vehicle was used at a crime .

On the Ticket
Stated the vehicle was Abandon .

Conclusion of facts .
How was the vehicle abandon .
When it was parked in the drive way of the families Home.

#15- The Benton County Sheriff Officers.
Have used a method against any one person or persons ,that have a disabilities,such as Depression ,Bi Polar ,any form of disabilities.

The police officers ,use this extremely against the person .
By placing upon written form ,upon a motion Discovery papers ,that in that police officers best abilities,That person is a Danger to Society and To Them Self .

When it is clearly noted medical by any Doctor .
That person is far from being any type of Danger .

Conclusions :
How can a Police Officer Ever create This upon ,someone's Life .
By using Complete False Statements
Using a Persons Disabilities Against Them in complete Discrimination upon the disabled.   

The Reality of this Report that I am Writing Here ,hold Facts and Documents .
The Benton County Sheriff Department (Officers)
Use Their Power as a Law Officer ,To Harass ,Abuse,Threaten,Coerced,Create False Crimes,Create Crimes and Make Crimes Disappear ,Mistreat .
This is only a small area of Issues that has been happening for many years and getting over looked .
The Police officers are the ones that are Danger To Society and To themselves with their unprofessional improper behavior ,upon those that commit a crime and those that are just labeled bad name ,are those that are innocent ,Most of all .
The Many Families that suffer at the Hands and Actions of these Police Officers Misconduct .

Drugs ,There should be outstanding Drug Test Done ,upon officers not just for Drugs but for a Drug ,called Oxycontin.

The Benton County Sheriff Department Jail ,Should be investigated in Health Department .
The Sewer
The well being care of those in jail .

Might find some not so pleasing environment.

The Benton County Prosecutor Attorney ,Is Quiet Aware of many Issues ,that the Police officers are allowed to commit .
As she allows many Things ,that is brought to Her Attention ,that she looks the other way.

Those that commit a crime ,pay the consequences .
Though in Benton County Sheriff Department .
Will never Stop misconduct upon certain People that paid their consequences and did their time.
As to the police department its not the crimes .
More Important .
It's the Name of the Person ,that they will ensure never leaves that county ,until They are spending the rest of their lives in Prison .

Some people are just proven guilty by only a Name .


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