  • Report:  #696980

Complaint Review: Bentonville Sheriff's Department - Bentonville Arkansas

Reported By:
John - Rogers, Arkansas, U.S.A.

Bentonville Sheriff's Department
Bentonville, 72751 Arkansas, United States of America
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Bentonville Sheriff’s Department as well as many police groups need a good HOUSE CLEANING! Police/sheriff/state are here to serve as well as protect, not to abuse as so many of our police do today. I suggest many that read this information as to my first arrest ever in my life. Listen to this broadcast from a sheriff. http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/audioPop.jsp?episodeId=421753&cmd=apop Then on Saturday at 1:30PM listen to what the new updates are. I am afraid that a lot of sworn officers have forgot what they have sworn to. In fact many police don’t even know what the Constitution stands for. Many never have even read it. If they did then they would not be abusing their powers as they do. After all if they read the Constitution then there would be no police abuse. The oath of all police officers take the oath to up hold the Constitution. Did you citizens know that if the police do not have the right to take your home or even your car when pulled over. Why do they do this? To increase their incomes to run their departments. All monies collected on tickets is tax revenue and just stealing from you. What I did was just offend this bad eleven veteran for the Bentonville Sheriff’s office in refusing to answer questions.

This cop is a bad cop, and had no right to arrest me on my own property. Those of you feel he had every right to do so, because of my attitude are going to be in for a real shock one day. Because if you continue to allow dishonest cops to do things which are also against the law. I expect an apology as well a complete erase of my file with this corrupt sheriff’s department, and if it is not done so with then a certain amount of time then I will bring a suite against the department. After all it’s the training of this officer that has no understanding of the law. He abuses his powers, as well as knows he is doing it. Problem is this time he has run into someone that fights these corrupt cops. After listening to the above then watch the videos below again. Then think about what your rights are and put yourself in my place. Would you like what this officer did? Oh, I have one bonding agent that writes a lot of stupid stuff because I am so rude and should go to jail and even prison. But, that is another story. As I stated I never attack people until they have did something really wrong. Abuse of power is even worst than this bonds person. Even she understands she is wrong and if not then we will be at war in the future. I never take a fight unless I am right. Are you ready to have police officers take your cars and homes and even children away? Well, if you don’t get these bad cops trained correctly and to know that they are hired to protect our rights, not take or abuse them. Do you even know what your rights are? Then look them up as a free man/woman and you’ll be surprised as to what you have given up.

Smile for the camera The shades of Benton County REMEMBER WHEN sunglasses protected you only from the sun’’s glare? These days they can protect a citizen in other ways. Consider the case of officer Dana Winn, the Benton County deputy who found himself a star on YouTube the other day after arresting a man with whom he’’d argued a short time before. Result: The sheriff is now investigating his deputy’’s conduct to determine whether Deputy Winn stayed within professional bounds in his exchange with a man who was secretly taping their confrontation on a video camera built into his sunglasses. From what can be seen on the video, an investigation would seem fully justified. The flap began when Deputy Winn, in search of a fugitive, confronted John Lewis, who was seated in a chair in his front yard. The officer asked Mr. Lewis if he knew the whereabouts of the wanted man, who once lived at that address. In a response recorded by the hidden camera, Mr. Lewis says he doesn’’t know where the suspect is, adding, ""That’’s the end of it. I’’m not answering any more questions."" On the tape, Deputy Winn seems to grow increasingly agitated as he continues to ask about the fugitive and about Mr. Lewis himself. All too soon the officer starts to chide Mr. Lewis for not addressing him by his proper title. The deputy then walks Mr. Lewis to his patrol car, where he arrests and cuffs him. Then it’’s off to the county jail. Mr. Lewis was released, but not before being charged with obstructing governmental operations, a misdemeanor. Now he wants the charges dropped. The video recorded by Mr. Lewis’’ cinematic shades raises a relevant question: Just which man was acting improperly? Laurent Sacharoff, a professor of criminal law at the University of Arkansas, says that in general police can’’t arrest people on their own property without a warrant unless they see a crime being committed. Therefore, those investigating Deputy Winn’’s actions will have to decide whether the officer saw a crime in progress. And on first viewing the video, says the professor, he didn’’t detect any obvious crime being committed. The investigation will have to determine whether Deputy Winn had sufficient cause to believe Mr. Lewis was lying about knowing where the fugitive was. ""Some of the questions he refused to answer,"" the professor points out, ""were about [Mr.] Lewis and not about the fugitive, and it was unclear how that related to the investigation."" Rita Sklar, who directs our state’’s ever-vigilant branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, has been heard from, too. Naturally. It’’s her job to issue a warning when she detects a danger to any American’’s rights. Her conclusion/accusation: The deputy showed ""somewhat typical bullying behavior."" She also opines that the arrest appeared unlawful. Ms. Sklar offered a bit of advice for those who might find themselves in Mr. Lewis’’ shoes: ""Get themselves some good sunglasses."" As she put it, ""You can get witnesses, but there’’s nothing like a good tape recording."" Which man acted improperly in this heated encounter? Neither? Both? Did the one in the all-seeing shades bait the deputy into over-reacting for the camera? Those are the kinds of questions a good investigation will dig into——and should. When the founding fathers said eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, they could hardly have envisioned just how vigilant an ordinary citizen wearing a not-so-ordinary pair of sunglasses could be. In today’’s high-tech world, anybody who acts out in plain view——whether in uniform or out——risks appearing on the evening news or on tomorrow’’s front page. It’’s a new development——and a new safeguard for the good old Bill of Rights. Not all progress may be good, but some of it, like these shades-c*m-camera, ain’’t bad. Not bad at all. First off, let me add a few thing to the above. If there was a set up, of this police officer as stated, then I am sure there would have been a lot more to get this dishonest police officer even more angry. Second, police officers are trained to not pay attention to any type of verbal or body abuse as it is given daily in there line of work. As for not having any type of video what so ever, then who’s word would have been above approach? The police officers, after all there sworn officers of the courts and the Constitutional rights of all citizens. Ah, but a police officer is allowed to lie anytime in order to get a conviction. But, if a citizen does this and it’s going to be jail time. How many people before Mr. Lewis was approached and taken to jail falsely, because the officer had that feeling the citizen was not telling all he really knows? This video showed that we had not only a bad sheriff’s deputy, but also a training officer teaching others how to be corrupt officers and step all over everyone’s rights. A training officer, and he received two days suspension without pay and a years probation? Because he did not find a hidden camera that really was not hidden, after all they were just sunglasses and should not have those sunglasses been moved in the first place before putting Mr. Lewis in the back of the car? When this goes to court and if there was no video then Mr. Lewis as well as many others in the past would have to pay court costs as well as fines and even jail time because of a corrupt bad cop. Who by the way has trained how many others the same way as him with the blessing of the sheriff who already states that he is the main one that hires as well as fires. Mr. Furgerson may be head pig at the trough, but condones this deputies practice after all he didn’t fire him. American Citizens you best understand that your rights are being taken daily and if afraid to fight for them then your going to end up in jail like Mr. Lewis and taken from your property even where you should be safe. You don’t have to commit a crime even and still be told what to say and do or get yourself into a lot of problems. Mr. Lewis was lying about knowing where the fugitive was. ""Some of the questions he refused to answer,"" the professor points out, ""were about [Mr.] Lewis and not about the fugitive, and it was unclear how that related to the investigation."" How is it that this bad police officer has that night to judge who is telling the truth? Oh, eleven years of experience. Well, I seen the complete video many times, and could not see where he was telling any lie’s. He didn’t wish to answer any questions an also asked this corrupt officer to leave his property. The officer said how do I know you own this property. It matters not if a stranger or a police officer or anyone for that matter comes on to your property. You do not have to answer any questions what so ever. But, trespassing is something that this officer did as well as broke a few laws if this Laurent Sacharoff, a professor of criminal law at the University of Arkansas would look into. Peace officers are above all the laws in Arkansas is what I read into this. Everyone asks where they can get a pair of glasses like Mr. Lewis. I goggled and found many as well as lots of other great protection devices from bad cops. America is really in a downfall when citizens have to protect themselves from those that are hired to serve as well as protect. But, no there called bullies and power hungry and abusive jerks. That should be terminated as well as caught years ago. If not for Mr. Lewis how long could have this gone on? Till retirement. Again how many have since been trained by this bad cop? All I can say is if you have a run in with Officer Dana Winn, and remember to call him officer because he doesn’t work for the city, he works for the county. County? Oh that means Sheriff Furgerson the one that hires as well as fires. Winn a training officer? Oh you citizens I feel sorry for all of you if you don’t have at lease a hand held recorder on you at all times. Really bad to have to protect yourself from bad cops. Hopefully this is not the end of this corruption in our area and things will become better before they get worst. But, from what has taken place, keep that recorder at lease on the ready at all times. View this video, and see if you can understand what I have stated!


Bentonville Sheriff Bad Cop of The Year!


Part # 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnY_XfeeEeM&feature=related

Part # 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOlVfmcr4Lw&feature=related

Part # 3 Also go to policeabuse.com for more information if your having problems with bad cops that have sworn to up hold the Constitution of The United States, as well as protect and serve the Public. These officers that break the laws of the state as well as county need to have complaints filed against them. It’s because of bad cops like this that has the citizens against law enforcement. Remember there’s still many that do a good job, but the bad apples make it worst for the good ones.
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#2Consumer Comment

Fri, February 18, 2011

These "bad cop" stories always seem to have another side that when the OP writes it they just briefly mention as if they went into detail it would probably not help their claims. 

This cop is a bad cop, and had no right to arrest me on my own property.


Oh, I have one bonding agent that writes a lot of stupid stuff because I am so rude and should go to jail and even prison. But, that is another story

I am sure that the FULL story on your arrest and the "another story" would explain alot.

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