  • Report:  #15201

Complaint Review: Bernard Haldane Associates - Arlington Virginia

Reported By:

Bernard Haldane Associates
Wilson Blvd Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The Haldane employee who submitted his rebuttal on February 23 is to be commended for his spirited defense of his employer. Unfortunately, he has chosen not to respond to the major complaints against Bernard Haldane Associates nor to address the fact that the company uses deceptive advertising and sales pitches to attract clients. Let us address each of his arguments one by one. He states that "most of these letters aren't from clients." I ask you sir, what basis do you have for making this statement? I am a client and can attest to the fact that I have been through the same experience as everyone who has posted a complaint on this Web site. Do you think people have nothing better to do than make up complaints against BH Associates? What about the people who were interviewed for the New York Times article entitled "Career Management Company Fights Complaints" (January 4, 2002 by Katy McLaughlin)? Were they making up their stories too? You guys all work from the same script, and this will be your undoing.

You also state in your rebuttal that BH Associates "doesn't proclaim to be a recruiter or empolyment agency," however, you do nothing to discourage that impression, either. For example, your ad in the Washington Post, and probably in other newspapers, states that "Most of the best, available, existing and newly-created jobs are not now being advertised.

If you are ready for a new, better position, and have at least 5 years work experience with earnings over $45,000, fax or email your resume or letter now. We will call you if we can help." The ad also makes the claim that Haldane is "The Nation's Job and Career Specialist." Nowhere on the ad does it state that BH Associates is not a recruiter or an employment agency. Even the e-mail address is [email protected].

Furthermore, on the sheet of "Professional Services" I received at my first appointment, it clearly states "Help you obtain interviews," and "Help you turn interviews into job offers." To the reader this implies more than merely "executive career training and development." Hiding behind the guise of "Career Counselor" means you can take money from people and you don't have to produce results, right? That was the purpose of all of those little "progress reports" I had to sign, wasn't it? What's to prevent me from hanging out a shingle on my front lawn and charging people for "career counseling" too? You know what networking advice I got from my Haldane counselor? "Why don't you ask your next door neighbor if he knows of any openings?" Seriously.

"...People don't stay with companies for the long haul, it just doesn't work like that anymore." Well, duh, why do you think most of us contacted you in the first place?

You also state in your rebuttal "I see articles mentioning the ridiculous prices Haldane charges..." and then you go on to mention some nonsense about considering how much college graduates paid for their degrees, and who decided the value of that degree. This is disingenuous, and you haven't responded to the numerous inquiries as to why Haldane charges different fees to different clients for the same services, based exclusivley on their ability to pay? I don't care what state you live in, I find it difficult to believe that this is legal anywhere.

"It's nice to live in a country where we can make our own choices and decision." I agree, as long as the choice and decision are made on the basis of complete and honest information, something Bernard Haldane Associates seems incapable of providing.


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