  • Report:  #3138

Complaint Review: Best Data Products Inc. - Chatsworth California

Reported By:
- Port Alberni, BC,

Best Data Products Inc.
19748 Dearborn St. Chatsworth, 91311 California, U.S.A.
(818) 773-9600
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On May 21, 1997, I bought a Best Data 336F modem from Costco, and, on May 22, sent in everything required to receive a $20 rebate: completed coupon, original sales slip, UPC code cut from the carton - you know the drill. And made photocopies of EVERYTHING. After 5 months, I contacted Costco about my not receiving a rebate. Then I got a call from "Audrey" at 818-773-9600 ext.139 in California, saying that they had the "wrong" address, and that was the reason for my not receiving the rebate. Sure. Remember: I have photocopies. Finally, I received the $20 check, which they'd mailed on Dec. 29, 1997. Seven months.

"So," you say, "what's your problem? You got your check!"

They're doing it AGAIN.

I bought another Best Data modem from Costco on March 27, 2000, and sent everything off on the 28th. It has again been 5 months, and I have not received the rebate. This time, though, I'm not contacting the vendor, or Best Data Products. And, yes, I have photocopies of EVERYTHING.

Two times running is more than coincidence. What if they only send out rebates to those who complain?

I'm a firm believer in the power of the Internet. And fine sites like Rip-Off Report. They empower us, and level the playing field. Individually, we can't take on Corporate America, but we can post these warning signs along The Consumer's Highway, that say, "Hey, I drove into this pot-hole, but you don't have to!" We can say, "I'm not big enough to sue you. Why don't you sue me?" (Oscar Wilde received this sage advice.) And let's see who has his ducks in a row.

I haven't read any submissions here, at Rip-Off Report, where consumers appear to have made egregious distortions of the events. Most seem to have dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's, and kept very good records. It's the corporations that haven't held up their part of the contract. What I don't understand is: If they don't want to be crucified on the Internet, why don't they stop supplying us with nails?

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