  • Report:  #193697

Complaint Review: Bill Neilson Of High Falls Brewery/ Genny Beer - Rochester New York

Reported By:
- Spencerport, New York,

Bill Neilson Of High Falls Brewery/ Genny Beer
445 St. Paul Street Rochester, 14605 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This Is A Formal Complaint With The Improper Way I was Treated By The Ever Arrogant Narcissist Bill Neilson {(585) 265-9221}

*This Article Will Be Seen By 8 Million + Consumers Per Day (www.ripoffreport.com ? Type Bill Neilson Into Your Search)

About seven weeks ago my friend Toni Vitale informed me that her father had seen a job posting for a forklift position at High Falls Brewing Company, where he works. I immediately filled out an application and prepared my resume for submittal to High Falls Brewing Company, in hopes of landing the job, on either C-Shift (due to the fact that I had six weeks to go until I finished college ? with a 3.4 G.P.A.), or any other shift six weeks from now (which would have been obvious to anyone with a college level of reading comprehension ? and something Bill Neilson could not seem to realize without careful explanation - *paperwork enclosed/see the job application form, and enclosed copies of what was sent along with my resume; I.E.: letters of recommendation from my esteemed professor, Vince Rotella, and Christine Carpenter, my supervisor from my 15 week internship at Post Central {www.postcentral.com}; a congratulations letter from Senator George D. Maziarz; N.Y.S. Department Of Labor document #: LO 612.1 (3-00) detailing that I was laid off {from Heidelberg} and enrolled in the N.Y.S. Department Of Labors Section 599 Program ? which allows people laid off from their jobs to re-train and re-educate themselves if they are motivated enough to switch career paths; my G.P.A. Of 3.4*).

Mr. Neilson called me shortly after my submittal to High Falls Brewery of above the listed documents, requesting that I contact him concerning the job opening. From the phone call (I still have it save on my machine/*CD will be enclosed on the hard copy version on the way) it seemed as though he was very interested in my qualifications for the job. This is when I had to explain to Mr. Neilson the obvious fact (if he could comprehend the documents that I enclosed with my resume) that I had six weeks of classes left, and I would love a forklift job on C-Shift A.S.A.P. - or the chance to call him back in six weeks to see if anything of that nature came up. Mr. Neilson seemed upset that I could not take the job offer on the current A-Shift opening), yet he conveyed to me that it would be acceptable to call back when I am done with classes, to check if any new openings arose.

As soon as my classes ended, I called Mr. Neilsons number in hopes that there might be a need for my warehouse skills. Mr. Neilson said that he had a shipping clerk position open, and he would like me to come in at 3 p.m. On Monday, May 22, 2006. I arrived 30 minutes early, eager to land the job.

The tone of the interview initially began with a handshake and small talk from a supervisor from the shipping department. I'm not going to focus on this man, because he played 'The Good Cop' in the interrogation/roast, that was a cross between a B-Movie acted out cheese off of a N.Y.P.D Blue parody, where I was 'public enemy #1; I have bigger carp to fry.

As the job itself was described to me it seemed more like the type of position that was a cross between a supervisor, dispatcher, and truck driver psychologist/public relations liaison for irate and cantankerous drivers (and nothing like the generic name the job was described as ? a shipping clerk anywhere else I worked at was someone who shipped out product by means of computer, psychical labor, and or the aid of a forklift or palette jack) that may or may not be shaking off a mood swing from a long night of sleep deprivation, and possibly heavy drinking. Even though I more than qualified for this position due to my experience with dispatching at M.C.C College; my overseeing of the silver recovery program at Bld. 110 (8 months of 1998) that involved the photo lab silver recycling program ? where I trained and supervised one worker under me; along with my years of parts pulling, order filling, shipping and receiving; computer skills; chemical spill response training; involvement in the Kodak Safety Team, not to mention my O.S.H.A. Certified forklift certificate; I was given the harsh impression by Mr. Neilson that I did not even deserver the right to breath the same air as he did. If anything, I was over qualified for the position that was never truly offered to me.

The job was not a good fit for me ($11 per hour is decent for a forklift position, but for a multitasking 'yes man mule' responsible for three buildings, $11 per hour is a slap in the face), I had hoped for a shipping/receiving/forklift job so that I would not have to shell out $40,000 + for a B.A. - just so I can land a job as a video editor in two years. I did not want that job, yet I did not deserve the way that I was treated by those that represent the brewery.

I worked on a great number of temp jobs, in an attempt to learn many different skills that would make me more marketable, and move me up the food chain without college. When a contract ended, it was either due to the fact that the job was over (like when Bld. 607 sold the building off to another company, Bld. 110 sold off the silver recovery program to Hallmark, Bld. 502 outsourced its operations to another company), or it was not a job I saw myself doing for the rest of my life (like the 6 month assignment at Amplaco in 1997 ? pulling a plastic part out of a mold once every 15-30 seconds was not my forte ? yet had I never taken the job, I may have never known). There were many great experiences (and friends) gained from me by temping for over seven year; yet Mr. Neilson only saw it as a negative, and proceeded to verbally lambaste me about never being hired on by any of the companies that I worked for (which was an ignorant pre-judged guess insinuated by Mr. Neilson ? had he stopped slamming my credibility, work ethic, references, education level, etc. long enough to let me get a few sentences of rebuttal/explanation in; I might have been able to explain to both parties the fact that Kodak has laid off over 65,000 workers since the 1980's, and it was not my fault that they chose to outsource most of the jobs from Rochester, not to mention take advantage of the cost savings by perpetually hiring temps for 12-18 months ? and dumping them for 6 months and then asking them to come back for another 12-18 months for 1/3 of the pay & benefits that a Kodak employee would get for dong the same job). I held onto the hope that eventually that I would find a department that was hiring full time (many agencies B.S. you into the false hope of being hired as a full time Kodaker as a way to get you to bust your tail till the contract ends, or they knock the building that you are working in down, and find a foreigner to do your job for 10-50 cents per hour). The same could be said for Heidleberg.

If Mr. Neilson say such fault in my resume, job history, college education, and references ? then why did he waste my time and gas by inviting me to the brewery for a formal n**i style interrogation/incomprehensible excuse for an interview? The only thought comes to mind (and it is one that my psychology professor attested to, as a possible motive), as to Mr. Neilsons motivations for such an event is his obvious jealousy/contempt with people as, or more educated/intelligent as anyone in his entire genetic pool of ancestors, since the days of Adam and Eve (if you are an evolutionist ? I might have referenced his relationship/possible ancestry with primates as a forgivable excuse for his behavior and unprofessional treatment towards me) ? and/or his life is so boring and meaningless that his only fetish; the only thing that Mr Neilson gets his jollies from is the empty feeling of false self-empowerment flowing through his black heart when he can verbally attack and berate someone below his inflated and undeserved position of power to the point of harassment.

Yet without such cold had facts at hand, unlike Mr. Neilson, I, myself have the integrity enough not to prejudge anyone without having all the evidence available, and the proper witnesses questioned (I.E.: I would have checked an applicants references before I even bothered to call them for an interview). This venomous b*****d had the nerve to say ?if you have not landed a direct hire job from all those temp jobs by now, you never will?. If this sorry excuse for a man is any indication of the bar High Falls Brewerys core group of talent that is going to carry the company into future glory and profits, I pray to god that you have a plan B-Z for when that corrosive formula for success ends up like the Bush administrations approval ratings ? or the Fast Ferry scam that has left Rochester tens of millions in the hole.

Narcissistic, arrogant, self-richous bullies belong as bad examples of what the average person should aspire to be in America. No consumer with any compassion would support such a company as one that allows such people as Mr. Neilson to rise to a position of power.

I have many friends and family that enjoyed Genny beer over their lifetime. I will see to it that not only they are made aware of your hiring practices, but the many loyal listeners of my political/current events/comedic internet radio show of 1,500 strong and growing will be giving a weekly dose of why they should spend their money on a different malt beverage.

If by some great will of god, or the long shot that someone cares enough about my issue to make an attempt to make things right, by means of arbitration, I am all ears. If not, count on your market share to suffer. Bad news travels fast; just ask G.W. Bush.


Pete Helfrich

Spencerport, New York

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Bill Neilson Dances Around The Issue To The Division Of Human Rights

#2Author of original report

Tue, September 26, 2006

To fully understand where I was coming from at the time I wrote that letter to High Falls Brewery, you would have to step inside my shoes, and submit yourself to a 30 minute rip session by an ignorant redneck 'corporate fat cat'. I was so bent out of shape after the way I was repeatedly put down, harassed, and intimidated by this creep, that I was in shock. I had no idea that there was anything I could have done other than telling that arrogant, self righteous b*****d what I thought of him. That letter was my way of responding to his abuse, because at the time of the interview I was dealing with a violated expectation of what an interview should be (as opposed to what I was dealing with, which was an interrogation {as described by Mr. Neilson himself at the beginning of the situation}). Expectancy Violation Theory: Explains how individuals respond to and interpret communication behavior when it violates their expectations. If you took 100 males from the ages of 18 to 35 and subjected them to Mr. Neilson's version of an interview, my guess would be: 35 of them would have gotten up and left within five minutes 20 of them would have jumped up over the table and kicked his teeth in The rest of them would have sat there in utter shock until he was done getting his jollies (which was what I did) Basically, a simple way of explaining what occurred, we have two basic terms to chew on: Meaning Denial: Occurs when one meaning is both present in the interaction and denied as meant (read over some of the examples of the numerous negative comments he made towards me during the entire interrogation, that I have given your agency previously) Disqualification: Communication acts that attempt to deny others the right to speak based on their positions or identities (I.E.: Mr. Neilson was so busy ripping on me and discrediting me, my work ethic, college education, etc. that I was not allowed to speak more than two sentences the entire interrogation) Had I known at the time that there was something more positive that I could have done to bring this creep to justice, I would have saved my energy towards that goal. It was not until I ran into someone else that was subjected to a similar situation while interviewing at High Falls Brewery that I even gained the knowledge that I could file a complaint. Mr. Neilson's 'tap dance rhetoric' is nothing but a feeble attempt to sway his guilt away from the table, and use my rebuttal to his 30 minute rip session as a means to put me on the defense. Anyone that can not see this for what it is, is as simple minded as he. This situation reminds me of the Republican's response to President Clinton shooting back fire and brimstone after Clinton appeared on "Fox News Sunday" in a combative interview in which he defended his handling of the threat posed by Osama bin Laden and said he "worked hard" to have the al-Qaida leader killed. Attacking back due to the fact that he was verbally criticized, his character challenged; of course he was going to shoot back, any man with a spine would. He tossed the facts right back into all of their faces. The fact is he spent more effort to have Bin Laden taken care of than Bush did pre 9/11. All I did was shoot back the truth. If this agency can not see the truth for what it is, then you might as well call your department a waste of tax payers dollars. I also find it unnerving that Mr. Neilson has been allowed to use rhetoric to come out of this situation without some form of punishment for his actions. It leaves me disillusioned about our system of checks and balances. From now on, I am going to record every job interview. Had I done that with High Falls Brewery, I feel confident that this man would not be allowed to conduct his interrogation seminars for personal gratification.


New York,
Phone # Update

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, June 15, 2006

The proper # is (585)263-9221. Call him up to share your distaste for his behavior!!

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