  • Report:  #1220913

Complaint Review: Bishop Inspection Services - Liberty Hill Texas

Reported By:
refusetogivein - Any City, Other, U.S.A.

Bishop Inspection Services
Liberty Hill, Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Interested in doing preservation inspection work??  AVOID this company at all costs.

 I started working for Bishop over the summer.  I worked in a fairly busy area, had several hundred inspections per month.  Keep in mind, if you are going to start up this kind of work, you will have to wait to get paid your first pay.  When I started, Bishop paid out twice per month.  All of a sudden, it was changed to once per month.  It took three months before I finally received a "normal" deposit into my account.  At that point, things were moving along fairly well, and it looked promising.  Then, at the end of August, I was given inspections to complete that were outside of the area that I was contracted to work.  These inspections were few at first, but the number grew at a steady pace, and so did the distance I had to drive. WARNING--Bishop Inspection has NO CLUE where these jobs are located, and they are not farmed out to inspectors with anything resembling rational thought.  For example, Bishop assigned me inspections that were two hours to the west of my normal assigned area.  Those same inspections were THIRTEEN MILES away from the next inspector's territory.  No, I'm not kidding.  I repeatedly asked about this because these far-away inspections were causing me increasing difficulty in trying to complete my own work on time.  Several times, I brought this up, on the phone with Paul and in emails.  I was never taken seriously, Paul's response was, "You just need to get organized".  It got so bad that one time, Bishop had to bring in another inspector from outside my area to complete about 70 inspections that were in my area because they would have me running all over the place to get other inspections done.  I literally had to drive through another inspector's working area to get to jobs that are 90 miles to the south of me.  The routing is garbage, it makes no sense whatsoever.  One would think that some simple planning could fix that, but Paul was clearly not interested. 


I finally sent an email, telling him that I wanted to continue doing inspections, but something had to change.  I asked for some time to discuss these issues with him.  He set up a day and time with me that he would call.  what a surprise, I never heard from him and could not reach him at that time.  I had had enough.  I sent an email in which I stated that I was giving my 7 day's notice, which they tell me is required.  In this notice, I stated clearly to them that I would work out my 7 days.  That was on a Friday night.  The following Monday morning, the very next business day, I log onto the phone app to set up my day, and Paul had already taken all of the work out of my queue.  No notice, nothing.  This violates Bishop's own contract, which states that written notice of termination is required by any party wishing to terminate.  I followed the agreement.  Bishop clearly does not care about following their own contract themselves.  But the fun was just beginning.


This all happened the week of payday.  You get paid around the 12th of the month.  So, having just been screwed out of the chance to complete the work I had, I got screwed again.  Bishop kept my entire month's pay.  They back-charged me for work completed in October.  Bishop's contract clearly states that a back-charge can only happen when you leave and do not complete the work before you do.  But this was December, and I was being back-charged for inspections done two months prior.  I repeatedly questioned this, and Paul Bishop told me in email that I was back-charged for those because they had to send another inspector to complete them.  That's not what the contract allows.  Then again, in the next two months, Paul Bishop changed his claims completely, and told me in another email that I was never back-charged for October, but instead the charge was for December.  Now, the numbers were all figured based upon the October jobs.  Also, I was back-charged for nearly 100 inspections that were NEVER ONCE assigned to me.  They are well north of the area I worked, and I had never seen them before until I saw the list of back-charges they sent me.  I have asked repeatedly why I was charged back for those jobs, and Bishop has refused to answer that question. 

 Since pay periods run a month and a half behind, I did not see the rest of the outcome until February 2015.  I completed work in November and December that Bishop refuses to pay me for.  Paul Bishop claimed that those inspections were all completed by someone else.  Last I heard from him, he claimed that he was waiting for BCConnect to finish compiling the data so he could see which inspector completed the work.  I went onto the Trakscape website myself(this is the app you use in the field to complete jobs, it's ridiculously bad).  I was able to pull a report showing completed inspections on the list I sent him, showing as completed on time, and as completed by me.  I then asked Paul why I could go onto the website and see this myself, since he claimed he could not find any info.  I got no response.  To this day, I have the phone app still installed, and all of the photos for each inspection are there, with time and date stamps.  I have the jobs showing as completed on time.  That could not possibly happen if someone else had done these.

 All told, I am out roughly $1,700 thanks to these crooks.  At every turn, Paul would respond by sending an email with "you really just need to read the contract again" as his explanation.  There are plenty of companies in this field that you can do work for....before you sign with scammers like these, do your homework.  Don't let them take money out of your pocket too. 


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