  • Report:  #48709

Complaint Review: Blue World Pools | Ripoff Report Verified Safe. Blue World Pools customers can feel safe confident & secure when doing business with Blue World Pools commitment to total customer satisfaction receives a positive report in customer support and product quality assurance. - Reno Nevada

Reported By:
- ocala, Florida,

Blue World Pools | Ripoff Report Verified Safe. Blue World Pools customers can feel safe confident & secure when doing business with Blue World Pools commitment to total customer satisfaction receives a positive report in customer support and product quality assurance.
Reno, Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

REVIEW UPDATE: March 18 2019 : Blue World Pools remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Blue World Pools is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Blue World Pools has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, Blue World Pools has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Blue World Pools remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected]

Rip-off Report Review:

EDitor's UPDATE: Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to Blue World Pools for its Commitment to Excellence in customer service.

After an investigation by Rip-off Report, we found that Blue World Pools is actively resolving complaints and addresses contractor issues. This EDitor has reviewed the Reports regarding Blue World Pools and has found a real and dedicated effort by Blue World Pools' management team to effectively resolve past, present, and future complaints. Many of which were just misunderstandings and have now been resolved. Rip-off Report found that the number of Reports is so very small in comparison to its total number of customers. We did find some reports that may have been posted by a competitor. Some complaints came from people who did not even purchase a pool from Blue World Pools. Blue World Pools has worked with Rip-off Report to make the changes necessary to give consumers additional confidence and trust to purchase Blue World Pools' swimming pool packages. The truth is, no matter how hard any company may try, including Blue World Pools, there are bound to be a certain number of complaints. No company or individual can ever satisfy everyone, All companies will get complaints How those companies handle those complaints is what separates good businesses from the bad ones.

Rip-off Report Investigation found that Blue World Pools is fully committed to resolving all complaints quickly and doing everything possible to satisfy its customers, whatever it takes. . Blue World Pools also takes appropriate action against any of its contractors who are found to have broken Blue World Pools policies and procedures. We believe that the number of complaints against this company, whether through the Internet or other channels, is very small when put into context of its size.

More importantly, Blue World Pools executives recognizes that complaints posted on Rip-off Report (true or not) are issues that need to be addressed and if handled correctly can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Rip-off Report's Investigation Blue World Pools has made many changes allowing their customers a smooth approach to a complete satisfying experience when purchasing a fun and enjoyable pool. Blue World Pools has great purchasing power because they buy in such a large volume, passing on those savings to their clients the best selection at an affordable price.. ..

Most businesses would never commit themselves like Blue World Pools has to the Rip-Off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. They are a unique shining example of commitment to customer service/satisfaction in their industry.

Read more about Blue World Pools Commitment to Excellence and Total Consumer Satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.



The Pool Depot / Global Sun Pools Atlanta Georgia

I have wrote to many sites to warn as many people as possible this bussiness is a major scam. I have much paper work and documentation on this bussiness, if I had money I would take this much further. I would love to get many together and all take this company down. feel free to contact me if intrested. (Use Rebuttal Box) To begin I have had nothing but problems from this company from poor products, to lies, to no shows, inproper products, the whole 9 yards. I had to even call and order the sand when they came to my home, not to mention they broke the main water line to our home and in order for them to fix I had to buy the pieces and buy them lunch to fix their screw up. They also told me it was chemical free pool - no chemicals, the ionizer system automaticly takes care of the pool blah, blah.....I was worried about the ionizer since it had copper and whatever else it has because I have blond hair, he assured me my hair would not turn green. Well the 3 times I ever got to swim in this $8000 pool was to recieve green hair. Went 2 weeks with green hair and much money to try to resolve the hair issue, finally had to bleach it out which, destroyed my hair and caused hair loss. Pinch a penny had advised me that the copper in the ionizer is what turned the hair green. 6 mos. later a beetle had come through our INDESTRUCTABLE liner (lol). The whole thing goes on. I was forced to file bankrupcty because of them, but they have a lein on my home. This company is a major rip off as you will see all over the internet. They are now on their 5th name change that I know off. hmmmmm. Why so many name changes?? Crystal Ocala, Florida

90 Updates & Rebuttals


Mount Eden,
Who Manufactures the structure of the 2002 Premier Pool

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2007

I am a consumer who has purchased this overpriced product. with all the promises and such as described by so many. I just dont want to deal with this company for any more business. but my pool is in shambles, I would like to know where I can buy the caps and structural pieces as my liner has fallen off and almost all caps are broke causing tearing of winter cover. and the possibility of someone being cut by the sharp metal top edges due to the caps being broke. Do you have any information on who the manufacturer of the pool structure is. I have tried locally with no availability of the caps. it is a 2002 Premier 48 inch wall 24 ft round pool "elite series". the broken cap caries a usa part#13348 any help is appreciated.



#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 25, 2007

I haven't read comments yet from anyone who has sold for this company, so that's why I'm responding... Two years ago, I answered an ad promising a fortune selling pools. MORE ABOUT PROMISES TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IN A MINUTE. I thought it'd be great to sell something that would bring people "backyard joy" and make myself some badly needed cash so I attended the 2 day pool sales crash course. Two days is a joke to try to train someone on a product as complex as pools, pumps, filters, etc. and that should have been my 1st clue. The promises they made were amazing. All the sales material called the company Aloha Pools by the way. That was the name they went by last year, they said. I'm not a gullible person but the 2 trainers could have been holding a revival. We salespeople couldn't lose. They sell on a what's called a "par" system. Sell the pool at the top price of $9600 and you make $2700. Not bad for 2 hours work. Sell the pool for the next price-break ($1000 less) and you make $1700 -- still not bad. Sell it for the minimum they'll take -- at that time $7600 -- and make $700. Not too shabby a failure. The thing that impressed me the most was that they didn't require us to know all the ins-and-outs because if people didn't buy you'd hand the call over to a guy at the Pool Depot call center under the excuse that you had to use their phone to find out where your next appointment was -- these babies going like hotcakes and all. He was to try one last ditch offer of $6600 and when it worked I'd still get $300. So I tried it. The appointments were all over the place and they were all rural. There's reason for that -- I'll get to it in a minute. The main thing about this outfit is that it's a bait-and-switch operation. They run summer ads showing a fantastic backyard paradise, flashing a price of $385 while the very brief and impossible to read disclaimer saying that the pool you're viewing "Elite series starts at $9600." I saw the tv ads and, to be honest, didn't have a problem with them. I figured adults were wise enough to figure you don't get that kind of pool for a measley $385. Turns out I was wrong. I wasted gallons of gas and none of the first 3 people I met with fell for the pitch but the disturbing thing was that before I was allowed to go I did the hand-off they told us about at the training. I didn't know what the guy was saying on the other side of the phone but I was practically kicked out of the houses afterward. The hand-off was nothing more than an ultra high-pressure shakedown. The fourth sales call I sold the guy at the bottom price. Turns out he thought he'd screwed the company out of thousands by getting me to go down to $7600! After the fifth appointment and no-close I asked to listen on a 2nd phone to what the hand-off guy had to say. They told the prospect that he must've not wanted his family to have nice things, that he had wasted my and the company's valuable time and then it got real ugly from there. The prospect wanted to beat my a*s when it was over. The $385 pool is what he insisted on. That $385 pool is, of course, a mirage. Fine print says you must have a "prepared site" (prefectly level, properly sanded.) The salesperson makes nothing on these sales and I found out later that you can't even get the company to come out to approve your site. When I finally got back from the boondocks, knowing I was dumping the job, I passed a pool company in the city I live in. They sold an identical pool as the "Elite" for $2999!


I just don't get it

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, April 21, 2007

I saw the commercial for these pools many years ago but did not own my own home at the time. A few days ago the commercial reappeared and this time I DO own my own home. Not only that but I WANT a pool! I called, they asked for my social but I declined to give it until I could review the company a bit more. I found myself here and have found all of these responses and hoped to see some actual feedback. what I see is a ton of reports on people who are in collections because of not paying for whatever reason. I would love to hear from someone who did actually GET the econoline. For $399 I don't expect a permanent structure! And if I signed for an $8000 pool and then didn't pay I would EXPECT to be chased after. that's what companies do! If they extend credit to you and you don't pay they COME AFTER YOU! So maybe SOMEONE could let me know how difficult it is to get the Econoline? Will it last me five or more years? Do I need a credit check to GET the Econoline? I don't want to hear from a bunch of people who stopped paying and the company tried to collect. I want to know how hard it is to get the advertised pool. because from what I see the pool is definitely WORTH 400 bucks! Thanks in advance.



#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 20, 2006

First of all I have to say that I am sorry to all of you who have fallen victim to this company! But, I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad I remembered to come and check out RipoffReport.com (THANKS FAIRBANKS CAPITAL for the intro a few years back,LOL) Anyway, I did just make the intial phone call about an hour ago and then I came here. (I figured it was to good to be true the $299.00 pool deal, but was just curious to see what the catch was, now I know!). I immediately called the number back telling the woman that I would like to cancel. She was like for what company. Anyway, I just got the phone call from BWP and it was an automated recording telling me to call a 1800 number and extension, I didn't. Just wait until they call back! I am going to let them have it. And they think southerners are suckers. Well, not this proud southern gal! I hope all those who have been burned by this bad company can get some resolvement.


And more..

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, June 18, 2006

Most Home Improvement companies anymore use contractors to run their leads. They do this as not to have to pay gas, car insurance, no benefits to contribute into, just a contract between them and the salesman. They look for experienced as they can find, this way it's less training time involved for them and their income is out in the field, not in a classroom. Many will use a sales manager to run a few first leads with the salesman, but what they do not tell the new salesman is that if together they do make a sale, then the full commissions belongs to the sales manager or it is a 50/50 split! Pool sales are included. There are some home improvement companies,(remember these are just sales companies), that sell siding, windows and in spring sell above ground pools as well. If for whatever reason the company wants to "ditch" the saleman, the easiest way is they stop sending him leads as they know he will quit soon on his own and that releases their libility. Salesmen need to read their contracts carefully and remember if YOU sign your name on the customers contract as well YOU collect the downpayment, then YOU ARE LIABLE as well that company in any lawsuit with the homeowner. The company has it's lawyers and bank accounts and the pool salesman is on his own. Many of these companies contracts will include "arbitration", the reason they use this is most have been sued before and seen other contracts out here that use it,(this is a copy cat business) it's just cheaper for them to do this and no suits normally will follow the decision. In other words, if you paid $100 down and they paid the installation crew $500 to install your pool and the pool cost them $2,000, then the most they should have to repay is $100 to you. That's a lot better that $10,000 your lawyer may sue for. But, they have a signed contract from you, and show their out of pocket costs, and more often THEY win in arbitration than a customer. If you live in Alabama for example and sue, then your signed contract reads, at the "Home Office" of their company do you have to go to court at, now where is their main office? Oh, in Nevada?, gee how much money do you have Mrs. Homeowner? Never, ever buy a pool or any home improvement with ANY OUT OF STATE, company and the above tells you why. If you live in Alabama, and the installer came out of Ga, and in 2 weeks your liner seam leaks, tell me where will the crew come from to repair/replace that liner? Hey, does that crew that installed your pool, repair as well? Now if they do and I own that company, I have to pull at least 2 men off to install another liner, but wait I have a long list this crew can install me pools so the lender will pay me, now let's see. I must pay a days wages to 2 men and their truck to drive to Alabama from Georgia to re install a bad liner? Or ignore you so my crew can make me a lot more money? Hmm, which do you think will happen? The manufacturer honors the warranty, not the dealer, and the installer will say it's a manufacturer problem, not theirs, oh, the installer who is a contractor quit? hmm, now what? Remember too, YOU the pool owner must drain the pool and then refill it, read your contracts. Retail, I could buy these pools of theirs I have seen, depending on the size for about $2,000 each with filter, skimmer etc. Oh, by the way, the reason these companies like the South is fewer codes and restrictions, remember your contract reads,YOU are responsible for Permits, and site location, not them, if now permits means less headaches for them and faster intalls to be paid on.



#7Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006

The woman that wrote about her friend that use to sell for this company is pretty much acurate as what happens. These type of companies use old fashion "greed" to get people to buy/fall for their "Show pool" close. The ones that fall for it think they are getting a good deal and better them than the salesmans next appointment. The "hook" or "crook" usage is acurate too. They advertise a too cheap to be true "economy" pool they won't sell you unless threat of a lawsuit. Ask where you can see one of these cheap pools when the salesman shows up. In fact that salesman has never seen one installed. The economy pool is the bait and yes it is bait n switch, but as long as they do offer you that pool then it's a hard thing to prove and do anything about it. Car dealers use it everyday to get you to come in as well others advetise cheap items or too good to be true and of course there is always a catch. Most ot these economy pools you can't locate or buy unless you go through one of these companies, you can go to Taiwan and can't find a pool priced this low. There is a centralized manufacturer where all these companies and buy a similar cheap pool that no one else can. You can normally tell this pool because of the ugly brown wall. Some add a plywood deck with a fence to intice you as well and increase the price still far less than anyone else can locate. The wall is so thin is the reason it comes without a wall skimmer. It is a dangerous pool to install as well a good wind will take it down. Tne liner is very thin and will freeze and crack in winter and must be taken down. The idea is, if any idiot will buy this pool then they get what they deserve. They pull out and use a "special" conract for this pool alone if the salesman has to write it up. It states that you "must" take it down each winter and a very restricted warranty of 30- 90 days or whatever they want to say. If they do sell it and you still want it, most people in this price range will pay cash, since the payments is high because most are never financed over 18 months. The salesman is instructed to have them initial each statement in the supposed contract that the pool must be taken down, a 30 day warranty etc.Once that check is back in the office, the addage is buy once and you will perhaps buy twice. The salesman makes 0 commissions, now it belongs to the office. They will wait for your call or call you back later and make excuses for example, Oh the salesman made a mistake, we can't deliver that pool in your area until next year, but if you want we have other pools you will love and we can do this right over the phone, your credit was pre- approved already and we have your deposit. We know he already showed you this pool, it is the _____model, etc. The salesman wasted his time, skill and gas, the company makes all the profits and used the salesman as always. Most salesmen never hear of re hash people in the office that call the prospect up the next day after the salesman has left using excuses like, Mrs. Smith,that salesman is very inexpierenced and made a mistake,I can put you in that pool for only $_____, normally this is much less than the salesmans bottom line/ par price. Again the salesman looses. They do not expect most salesmen to return after the first season anyway, unless he is a great salesmen and they want him around they will cheat the good ones too as much as possible perhaps. What many companies do as well is increase the par price of what the salesman can sell his pools for, especially those that have no office contacts/ in the office area. They may increase his costs many ways and times, but the salesmanin another state may make more on the same pools. It's like a science, the customer and salesman looses as the company retires rich and hidden.



#8Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006

The woman that wrote about her friend that use to sell for this company is pretty much acurate as what happens. These type of companies use old fashion "greed" to get people to buy/fall for their "Show pool" close. The ones that fall for it think they are getting a good deal and better them than the salesmans next appointment. The "hook" or "crook" usage is acurate too. They advertise a too cheap to be true "economy" pool they won't sell you unless threat of a lawsuit. Ask where you can see one of these cheap pools when the salesman shows up. In fact that salesman has never seen one installed. The economy pool is the bait and yes it is bait n switch, but as long as they do offer you that pool then it's a hard thing to prove and do anything about it. Car dealers use it everyday to get you to come in as well others advetise cheap items or too good to be true and of course there is always a catch. Most ot these economy pools you can't locate or buy unless you go through one of these companies, you can go to Taiwan and can't find a pool priced this low. There is a centralized manufacturer where all these companies and buy a similar cheap pool that no one else can. You can normally tell this pool because of the ugly brown wall. Some add a plywood deck with a fence to intice you as well and increase the price still far less than anyone else can locate. The wall is so thin is the reason it comes without a wall skimmer. It is a dangerous pool to install as well a good wind will take it down. Tne liner is very thin and will freeze and crack in winter and must be taken down. The idea is, if any idiot will buy this pool then they get what they deserve. They pull out and use a "special" conract for this pool alone if the salesman has to write it up. It states that you "must" take it down each winter and a very restricted warranty of 30- 90 days or whatever they want to say. If they do sell it and you still want it, most people in this price range will pay cash, since the payments is high because most are never financed over 18 months. The salesman is instructed to have them initial each statement in the supposed contract that the pool must be taken down, a 30 day warranty etc.Once that check is back in the office, the addage is buy once and you will perhaps buy twice. The salesman makes 0 commissions, now it belongs to the office. They will wait for your call or call you back later and make excuses for example, Oh the salesman made a mistake, we can't deliver that pool in your area until next year, but if you want we have other pools you will love and we can do this right over the phone, your credit was pre- approved already and we have your deposit. We know he already showed you this pool, it is the _____model, etc. The salesman wasted his time, skill and gas, the company makes all the profits and used the salesman as always. Most salesmen never hear of re hash people in the office that call the prospect up the next day after the salesman has left using excuses like, Mrs. Smith,that salesman is very inexpierenced and made a mistake,I can put you in that pool for only $_____, normally this is much less than the salesmans bottom line/ par price. Again the salesman looses. They do not expect most salesmen to return after the first season anyway, unless he is a great salesmen and they want him around they will cheat the good ones too as much as possible perhaps. What many companies do as well is increase the par price of what the salesman can sell his pools for, especially those that have no office contacts/ in the office area. They may increase his costs many ways and times, but the salesmanin another state may make more on the same pools. It's like a science, the customer and salesman looses as the company retires rich and hidden.



#9Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006

The woman that wrote about her friend that use to sell for this company is pretty much acurate as what happens. These type of companies use old fashion "greed" to get people to buy/fall for their "Show pool" close. The ones that fall for it think they are getting a good deal and better them than the salesmans next appointment. The "hook" or "crook" usage is acurate too. They advertise a too cheap to be true "economy" pool they won't sell you unless threat of a lawsuit. Ask where you can see one of these cheap pools when the salesman shows up. In fact that salesman has never seen one installed. The economy pool is the bait and yes it is bait n switch, but as long as they do offer you that pool then it's a hard thing to prove and do anything about it. Car dealers use it everyday to get you to come in as well others advetise cheap items or too good to be true and of course there is always a catch. Most ot these economy pools you can't locate or buy unless you go through one of these companies, you can go to Taiwan and can't find a pool priced this low. There is a centralized manufacturer where all these companies and buy a similar cheap pool that no one else can. You can normally tell this pool because of the ugly brown wall. Some add a plywood deck with a fence to intice you as well and increase the price still far less than anyone else can locate. The wall is so thin is the reason it comes without a wall skimmer. It is a dangerous pool to install as well a good wind will take it down. Tne liner is very thin and will freeze and crack in winter and must be taken down. The idea is, if any idiot will buy this pool then they get what they deserve. They pull out and use a "special" conract for this pool alone if the salesman has to write it up. It states that you "must" take it down each winter and a very restricted warranty of 30- 90 days or whatever they want to say. If they do sell it and you still want it, most people in this price range will pay cash, since the payments is high because most are never financed over 18 months. The salesman is instructed to have them initial each statement in the supposed contract that the pool must be taken down, a 30 day warranty etc.Once that check is back in the office, the addage is buy once and you will perhaps buy twice. The salesman makes 0 commissions, now it belongs to the office. They will wait for your call or call you back later and make excuses for example, Oh the salesman made a mistake, we can't deliver that pool in your area until next year, but if you want we have other pools you will love and we can do this right over the phone, your credit was pre- approved already and we have your deposit. We know he already showed you this pool, it is the _____model, etc. The salesman wasted his time, skill and gas, the company makes all the profits and used the salesman as always. Most salesmen never hear of re hash people in the office that call the prospect up the next day after the salesman has left using excuses like, Mrs. Smith,that salesman is very inexpierenced and made a mistake,I can put you in that pool for only $_____, normally this is much less than the salesmans bottom line/ par price. Again the salesman looses. They do not expect most salesmen to return after the first season anyway, unless he is a great salesmen and they want him around they will cheat the good ones too as much as possible perhaps. What many companies do as well is increase the par price of what the salesman can sell his pools for, especially those that have no office contacts/ in the office area. They may increase his costs many ways and times, but the salesmanin another state may make more on the same pools. It's like a science, the customer and salesman looses as the company retires rich and hidden.


From a pool sales professional

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006

Tony, since your rebuttal is the latest here as the others seem 2 years or so old, I will address this to you or anyone about pool sales in home in general. I came across this website as I was considering calling this company as I saw their ad today for sales people. First, all people should know the waranties on above ground pools are pro rated and limited by the manufacturer. Next, know that "all steel wall pools, eventually will rust", resin pools included and as all things you get what you pay for. If you want a lifetime pool, then get an aluminum one that will not rust out. The word "lifetime" in some states is said to be just "7" years in general. Most above ground pools warranty does NOT cover rust, just manufacturer's defects and they were just fine when they left the factory, right? All pools if financed are considered "Home Improvement loans" after all they must call them something and it's to be installed on your property. If normally the amount financed is over $10,000, then there is an attachment to your property, but this varies by state. Since installation is part of the price you are paying for your pool then it's normally not taxed and I have not seen this companies contract but I notice on their website tax is mentioned, then this is one way to contest legally with your states attorney generals office. Above ground pools are sold as kits, and normally "No Ionizer" comes with them. This seems a way to get more profits especially if financed with interest. If you use Bacqacil, then you need not add any appliances to your filtration system and no cholrine smell. The "show pool" trick is used across the country by several compamies still. It can make sense, since you can't pull a pool behind your car, or have pool lots out in the countryside. Most of these tactics are copied from about 1960,out of Pittsburg, when aluminum was so popular and cheaper, a bunch of rich sales companies got together and manufactured aluminum pools cause the price was right and increased pool life. Now this company uses it on basis steel wall pools I see. Tony, if a company pays for advertisments and you run a lead for them then legally if you do not sell it,then it reverts back to the office and they can sell it for whatever they decide. Now since you sold the pools and they didnt obtain outside financing , heck that's not your problem and if they pay you just $150 for it, then you ask them to produce a copy of your contract, the lenders copy of denial, you see the outside lender must mail to that household their denial letter. Most sales organizations fax at their own office the credit reports and if they did this before they sent you on that lead, then they as well knew it was a "House deal". You were cheated my friend. Most home improvement companies, pool companies etc were mostly all started with salesmen that got some cash and papers, then a business license if at all. Most of these companies use cpas, and have a lawyer on payroll. The 3 day receision law is a federal law and you don't have to do anything more than call or fax it with it stamped time. You don't have to drive into their office as one woman did or have a postmarked letter. Companies that offer next day installation are looking to stop any cancellation on good business. Some of these are flooring, pool, roofers etc. If they break ground for 10 minutes and leave then your work began on a very timely basis and they got you. The calls some got here threatening is harrsement pure and simple. Pools should be filled the same time they are installed as well so the liner doesn't shrink, however part of the reason as well is it's proof the pool was installed correctly and if you refuse to sign the completion paper, then they as well got you as that's in many contracts. it verifies you can use the pool. Most people buy above ground pools beacause they are cheaper and they need it professionally installed, after all it's not easy and a lot of water weight. Many are first time eager buyers as well, if you were not eager, then why would you give your ssi# on the phone to strangers? Most installers are contractors and many work for more than one pool company. You better be sure they are experienced in pool installtion and licensed before they begin. A lot of the slowness of installation is as any sub contractors, it rains too much, workers don't show up etc. The pool company is not paid by outside lenders until you sign that work completion certificate, so if it's in house financed then the company does not have to wait. Most payments never begin until 30 days "after" the pool is installed. Most home inprovement loans run from 7.9% - 15%, in general if your are higher than that, you won't get approved and remember , no blank lines left on contracts nor do you pay interest on taxes and any company that charges you tax on labor is only bleeding you. Well hope this maybe helps..


Something needs to be done!

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 23, 2006

I am also an ex-employee of Blue world pools. I ran all over the contryside of missouri selling pools and thermospas to what I thought was pre-qualified buyers. I was told that there was about a 4% turndown and in-house financing rate. I have sold over 10 pools and spas averarging about $1500ea in what i thought my commision should be. Only to here that they all went to in-house financing. I spent hundreds of dollars in fuel, and spent time in other cities away from my family. Only to not get paid what I have coming to me. This is their actual ad on Careerbuilder.com OUR LEAD/SALES PROGRAM IS THE BEST BECAUSE: CREDIT CHECK ON CUSTOMERS PRIOR TO SETTING **PREVENTS MOST TURNDOWNS WE SET ALL THE APPOINTMENTS FOR YOU **ALL YOU DO IS CLOSE THE DEAL FAST COMMISSION TURN AROUND **GET MONEY BEFORE IT'S EVEN INSTALLED ALL LEADS ARE CONFIRMED HOME OWNERS **MUCH EASIER TO SELL, BECAUSE IT'S A GREAT INVESTMENT ALL LEADS ARE PRE-QUALIFIED AND RECONFIRMED **NO ONE LEG SETS TO WASTE YOUR TIME PAID TRAVEL OPTIONS PUTS YOU IN CONTROL **STAY LOCAL OR HAVE US PAY FOR OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL FREE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING **WE INVEST IN YOU YOU DON'T INVEST IN US 7-NIGHT CARIBBEAN CRUISE FOR 2 BONUSES **A LITTLE SOMETHING TO KEEP YOUR SPOUSE HAPPY THIS IS A REAL AND PROVEN CHANCE TO MAKE BIG MONEY! NO SMOKE LIKE SO MANY OTHER ADS! WE NEED YOU NOW! CALL NOW: 800-706-0907 EXT. 3101 Please do not fall for this. I worked for them for two months I am now in danger of losing my new house because of these lies! They cover thier butts and there is nothing else for me to do but spred the word that they not only cheat customers they cheat their sales people. Quote"NO SMOKE LIKE SO MANY OTHER ADS!" No it's worse.


Jody has a magic pool - This company is obviously crappy and is nothing more than a place that lies, cheats and swindels consumers out of their money.

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

Jody, In your response you mentioned that you didn't have to change your liner until you had it 5 years. I am sorry to tell you that most "good" liners will last between 7-8 years, or more. Your neighbors are obviously idiots, or their liner is made out of paper towels. "I get angry when people talk down a company that if they read the contracts or follow instructions on running their pools, maybe they wouldn't have had issues." 99% of the issues that have been discussed in this report has been about how the salesmen and/or pool company themselves have bait and switched them. They are not complaining about a problem "running" their pools. What a bonus that you can't put your head in the water!! A magic pool, it turns your hair green. I am going to run out right now and buy that pool, too. WHAT A JOKE. This company is obviously crappy and is nothing more than a place that lies, cheats and swindels consumers out of their money. But then again maybe their not, because you haven't had any problems. It is absolutly sad that you are apathetic enough to think it is OK to still be making payments on a pool that you purchased in 1999. You, by the end of the contract, will have probably paid $15,000.00, or more, for a pool that isn't even worth $3,000.00. SAD, SAD, SAD!! Grow up and see that you have been taken for a ride on a crappy above-ground (HA) pool.


over 6 years has been fantastic

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, May 23, 2005

We purchased our Pool in June of 1999. We carefully read the contract and understood all terms. Yes it was an $8000 pool and yes we pay interest and monthly payments. But, they were on time to our home, installation was excellent. The Ionizer system does put copper in your pool and yes I am blonde........I know copper turns your hair green, when the salesman said "clorine pools turn blondes green" I corrected him and told him the truth. He was surprised and said he didn't know that..........but, he was still an honest salesman and was straight up with us on everything. I don't get my hair wet most of the time, or if I do I simply immediately use a "green out" shampoo, no problem. I love the ionizer, our pool is alway spotless, the need for chemicals is almost NONE, while our neighbors constantly spend a fortune all season, I spend nothing. Our alk levels and PH levels stay the same for up to 4 weeks with no correcting. It is the most maintenance free pool we have ever owned. We had some minor things break on our pump and I called the company, they sent new product replacement within 2 days, no question asked. Whenever I need new "testing" tablets they send immediately. When our ionizer coils were not longer working, they sent a replacement as well. This pool is the most well made I have ever seen, nothing like it I have seen at any "store". Our neighbors are constantly replacing liners every couple of years, ours is super strong and beautiful design. The interior bulb lighting is a plus, lights at night in the water is cool. We will be paying for this pool for a long time, but the high price you pay in interest to us is very well worth it. Because, of the kind of value we got........and the "no expense" over 6 years has been fantastic. We got everything with this pool too......winter cover, solar cover, fountain, and a years worth of chemicals, which I barely needed. The covers were very well made, while most people need to replace their covers every 2 years ours lasted 5 before we had to replace. No stones or weeds have grown up under our liner, the base the installers put in was amazing, with about an 8 inch sand base, the liner is perfectly straight and smooth, the self cleaning Polaris system is fantastic (our neighbors can't believe we don't have to vacuum). After closing for the winter, and opening in the Spring......if you follow all of Pool Depot's instructions, it is always crystal clear upon opening. I get angry when people talk down a company that if they read the contracts or follow instructions on running their pools, maybe they wouldn't have had issues.



#14Consumer Comment

Sat, March 26, 2005



The Pool Depot/Global-Sun Pools Response

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 28, 2005

Please remember every company has disatisfied customers or salespeople. Just since this report began on our company we have dealt with approximately 203,183 customers. Of our management team the President has 24 years of pool experience, the Service Manager has 22 years of pool experience, the General Manager has 21 years of pool experience, the Credit Manager has 15 years of pool experience, and the Installation Manager has 9 years of pool experience. WE advertise and sell pools priced from $299.00 to over $10,000.00. The customer chooses the pool that best fits their needs. We have sold, installed, and serviced thousands and thousands and thousands of pools. We have hired thousands of salespeople, associates, and installation crews. We have been told by our vendors that we are one of the largest pool dealers in the whole country and we have more safeguards to protect our customers and associates than any other pool company anywhere. No company, including but not limited to, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, General Motors, Bank of America, and Delta Airlines have 100% happy customers or associates. Even the Better Business Bureau has tons of complaints, (See badbusinessbureau.com). After adding up all the negatives contained in this report we still have over a 99.99% success rate. In comparison to the number of customers and associates we deal with our complaints are minuscule. No company is perfect, but we are trying to be. We wish Crystal - Ocala, Florida the very best, however Global-Sun Pools, Inc. a Nevada Corporation was not responsible for Crystal's green hair, her hair loss, or her bankruptcy. Pinch a Penny gave her bad advise, the ionization system did not turn her hair green. Also no vinyl liner pool can withstand a beetle. We will be glad to go to Binding Arbitration and let Crystal present her side, we will present our side and let a neutral third party decide who is right and who is wrong. We lool forward to the abritrator's ruling being published on this Rip-Off Report. We are ready when you are Crystal. Call us as soon as possible to arrange Binding Arbitration. Binding Arbitration is cost efficient, fast and fair.

Paul And Patricia

Ocean Springs,
Lets Take Down Global Sun Pools, now going by Blue World Pools

#16Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 14, 2005

Everyone who has been ripped-off by Global Sun Pools, they have had their 6th name change in 2005 as Blue World Pools. I too am a victim and my family. This company has been calling our neighbors, my husband's work, constant home phone harassment calls saying they have never received payments for their pool. Our bank says otherwise. Global Sun Pools has been posting double payments from our checking account without our permission, stealing funds from the account. We had to cancel the account to put a stop to it. They used the spot where the pool sits in our backyard to place a unknown UCC claim on our land without our knowledge which prevented us from closing on a loan to refinance our home and land together. They claimed the pool was chemical-free. The ionizer thing is total bull. The pool was not installed right. We've had problems with the pool liner at the bottom of the pool. They charged us twice the amount for what a 24 ft. round pool is worth. This is what we need to do. We are Americans. We do not need crooks in our nation. We, the people need to speak out, so here is what we're going to do: Here is a personal fax number to the White House to Mrs. Bush. 202-456-2461 Address: President Bush White House Washington D.C. 20500 Also contact your State Attorney General. Georgia: 404-656-3790 Flordia: 850-922-2966 Louisiana: 1-800-351-4889 For Jackson, Mississippi: Contact Attorney General Rodenbaugh at 601-359-4230. If Mr. Rodenbaugh receives enough complaints (from any state) on Global Sun Pools/Blue World Pools, charges will be filed against Global Sun/Blue World Pools. This is very important for you to respond or Global Sun Pools aka Blue World Pools will continue to prey on unsuspected individuals and families nationwide. All responses will be forwarded to the White House and the above listed states' Attorney Generals. Also contact Lawyers if you already haven't concerning lawsuits. We can fight this if we pull together as Americans. Thank you.

Paul And Patricia

Ocean Springs,
Lets Take Down Global Sun Pools, now going by Blue World Pools

#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 14, 2005

Everyone who has been ripped-off by Global Sun Pools, they have had their 6th name change in 2005 as Blue World Pools. I too am a victim and my family. This company has been calling our neighbors, my husband's work, constant home phone harrassement calls saying they have never recieved payments for their pool. Our bank says otherwise. Global Sun Pools has been posting double payments from our checking account without our permission, stealing funds from the account. We had to cancel the account to put a stop to it. They used the spot where the pool sits in our backyard to place a unknwon UCC claim on our land without our knowledge which prevented us from closing on a loan to refinance our home and land together. They claimed the pool was chemical-free. The ionizer thing is total bull. The pool was not installed right. We've had problems with the pool liner at the bottom of the pool. They charged us twice the amount for what a 24 ft. round pool is worth. This is what we need to do. We are Americans. We do not need crooks in our nation. We, the people need to speak out, so here is what we're going to do: Here is a personal fax number to the White House to Mrs. Bush. 202-456-2461 Address: President Bush White House Washington D.C. 20500 Also contact your State Attorney General. Georgia: 404-656-3790 Flordia: 850-922-2966 Lousianna: 1-800-351-4889 For Jackson, Mississippi: Contact Attorney General Rodenbaugh at 601-359-4230. If Mr. Rodenbaugh recieves enough complaints( from any state) on Global Sun Pools/Blue World Pools, charges will be filed against Global Sun/Blue World Pools. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO RESPOND TO THIS RESPONSE OR GLOBAL SUN POOLS aka BLUE WORLD POOLS WILL CONTINUE TO PREY ON UNSUSPECTED INDIDVUALS AND FAMILIES. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. CLICK AND READ MORE.. Also contact Lawyers if you already haven't concerning lawsuits. We can fight this if we pull together as Americans. Thank you. Sincerely,


North Carolina,
Who's liable? our pool is located on an easement

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, January 10, 2005

I'm an owner of a Global-Sun pool, I have no issue with my pool just where they put it. After two years of enjoyment we now find out our pool is located on an easement. This is by the way where the salesman and installers suggested locating the pool for better installation. Now the township is telling me it is located directly on top of the easement. Which is in violation of Town and State regulations and must be moved.I read the contract an with all the jargon can't really tell who's liable. any comments?


Former Employee Speaks Out

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 29, 2004

Thanks for looking at my response... I've read ALL the different posts and to be quite honest, I'm not surprised that these shysters are still at it. What I'm about to post is what I can remember from the my employment there. A lot of it will be ancient history compared to the recent events that have taken place, but I feel it necessary so you can see this isn't exactly a fly-by-night, fly-by-night company. These cats have been at it for YEARS!!! From 1995 to 1998, I worked for then Hawaiian Pools, which, in 1996 or 1997 would come to be known as The Pool Depot. When that happened, we were told to deny that The Pool Depot, Inc. was once Hawaiian Pools. Why? Hawaiian Pools was told by several state goverments they were not allowed to do business within their borders anymore. So they changed their name... seems to be their MOD, huh? The name Global Sun is relatively new to me but the Secretary of State for the State of Georgia also reports the same principles for Blue World Pools at the same address as Global Sun - Michael Warren, President, John Carbone, VP & Frank Loureiro, Secretary. During my almost three years there, I primarily worked for the in-house collections - Peachtree Investments. Not one of us used our real names there - being young and naieve, not knowing this was illegal, I followed suit. I was actually known by several different names, with each persona holding different positions within the company. I'm not proud of it but we threatened, cajoled, strong-armed and downright lied to our customers. I think we only followed one Federal law when it came to collections. Why? To get our money for something that was overpriced, never worked and mostly we knew that our customers were tricked into buying these God awful pools but they had no idea they had ways out of it. I was paid wages that even now would be considered well below poverty for the State of Georgia, that I wonder how I survived as long as I did. Eventually, I would transfer to The Pool Depot, Inc. side of things to work in the Funding Department. I would take on the Assistant Manager responsibilities, but I would see no increase in pay for my added duties nor any other form of compensation. As it was, the company didn't offer even the most basic of benefits to its employees. Mike Warren would see all that money go to building him a new house in Alabama, if I remember correctly... I *knew* from working in Peachtree Investments and Funding that laws and ethics codes were being bent or skirted altogether to further the ill-gotten gains that The Pool Depot would realize. If I remember correctly, it was the VP, John Carbone or the Secretary, Frank Loureiro that would adopt the name Mr. Papaseno (sp? I'm surprised I remember how to spell Frank's messed-up last name!) Anyway, this character quite possibly doesn't even exist. Even as late as 1999, one of our local investigative teams did a story on The Pool Depot and caught them red-handed. The company paid over a million dollars in resitution but apparently that haven't stopped them from doing what they do best: conning honest, decent folk out of their money. This must be stopped!!! I, personally, would like to see this company put out of business once and for all and the head honchos behind bars and NEVER allowed to start even a club within the continental United States.


Lets see what happens this summer....

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, November 12, 2004

Well, my Mid-line pool was installed on August third, I believe it was, with no complications except my dog bit a worker, in under 4 hours. My pool is level, my yard was not destroyed, and it did not cost me a dime more than they had quoted-$5652.00. I received everything I was promised-solar blanket, winter cover, ladder, start up kit, bottom and side sucker. We used it about 2 months, less several unseasonally cold days and a hurricane, but the water was always clear and soft. I added pH lowering stuff twice, and Clorox, 1 gallon, every Friday. We are constructing a beautiful deck this winter that will make my pool appear as if it is in-ground. I can't wait til summer! Paid cash for the pool, so we are not being hasselled for money or the deeds to our land or our first born son. So far, I am thrilled with my pool, but, you know, things can happen. I WILL keep you informed.


Glad to see this site

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2004

I also considered purchasing a Global Sun Pool because my friend got one, but after I heard about the shabby way they treated her then I definitely decided against it.. I am sure she will be writing something to you about it as well as she gave me this site to look at.. They also threatened to put a lein on their home and threatened wage garnishment as well.. the only thing I could think of though to tell her was if they wanted to take her to court to definitely go and talk to the judge... Judges around here will not put up with the crap that the judges in big cities do.. Thanks for this site so my friend will know she is not alone and be able to see the options that she has regarding this scam...


they're the worst company ever!!!

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2004

Hi my name is Shelley. My husband and I decided to buy a pool, and we saw the commercial on t.v on how the econoline was only $299, we did not know how big of a hasle it would be. Well we sighned to contract, and the very same nightmy husband went to work and discovered he was going to be getting laid off. The next day i called the company and told them we needed to cancel becuase my husband was loosing his job, and they told me they were taking care of it. I called back EVERY day the third day when i called them the man whom i had talked to said it would be taking care of dont worry about it. I called back the next day and the same man told me he didnt know what i was talking about and there was no way he could cancel the pool i was supposed to send something in, well the contract does say that, but they hid the contract in an enveolpe and we didnt think about it. WE assmed since he said he was taking care of it that he would. So now that they told us they had a lean on our house, we decided to get the pool well that has been a month ago and we do not have a pool yet. I call everyday, and everyday they tell me the installer is going to call me well no one has called me. Swimming season is almost over, and they know that. They knew what they were doing the whole time. If any one is considering to buy from this company i would strongly suggest they dont. And whom ever has the Class action suit going please count me in.


Shady is right - Also - website is new

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, August 06, 2004

They must have just gotten that website up - in the past they refused to do one - maybe since their credibilty has been so questioned recently they did this as a result. Gonna try to explain this one more time here- they WILL sell you that $399 pool (which I think drops to $349, then $299 in July) - there are major caveats though. In order to buy one you must have a rep call on you. In order to have a rep call on you, you MUST provide your ss# and pass a credit check. The reason they do all this is because in the case of 10 out of 16 rep calls, the rep sells one of their more expensive pools - the $399 (econoline) is the hook that gets the rep into your house to sell to 10 out of 16 of you. The rep does NOT sell the Econoline - if, after the presentation (3 hours worth) is through, AND all possible deal offers have been turned down exhausted, the customer still wants to purchase the econoline, the rep will leave a form with the customer. The customer has to meet 7 (I think) requirements in order to purchase this pool. One is a picture of the site, then one of the site prep (sand down), a release of liability to Global Suns, proof of property ownership and I can't remember what else my friend told me (my friend that sold for them). The shipping on this pool is $395.00 If the customer is willing to drive to Global-Sun office in Atlanta, there is no shipping charge. My friend was told by one of the principals of the company early on that if the pool sold most was Econoline, the company would go out of business. The Econoline is the 3rd pool presented in their canned presentation. It comes after the Midline and Classic - by the time the rep gets to the Econoline, the customer has already heard how wonderful the other two lines are - no chemicals to speak of, lifetime warranty, complete installation, heavy duty galvanized steel contstruction, sand filter, etc. The Econoline has a smaller filter and pump - filter is changeable cartridges (no sand) - Econoline requires chemicals (or for the buyer to purchase an ionization system from an out side source. AND, the rep is already prepared to show the customer how much they will have to spend on filters and chemicals over a 10 year period. These people are NOT stupid - they have it all down to a science.... now - as to the Econoline - you can do a little more digging online and find a report that a Fox station in Atlanta did several years back. They found some people that had purchased the Econoline that seemed to be happy with it - and it had lasted longer than what the company claimed it would - so - if you really really really want to hurt this company, buy Econolines and nothing else - lots and lots and lots of Econolines...


North Carolina,
Fat chance! Stay away! Their business practices are indeed shady.

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

I found the website of this company. I called the toll-free number on their site. The people were very friendly to me. They got a sales rep on the phone and went over the product, and then started asking questions. As expected, he asked for my social security number. I promptly told him that I would be a cash customer, and that there was no need to get my social security number for a cash transaction. He told me that there were cases where they sold pools to people that were not the actual land owner, and that they were required to come and remove the pool afterwards, so they needed to verify that I was the actual land owner prior to the rep coming out for a no-obligation survey of the property. I told him that there is a website that the state of North Carolina has set up for real estate records and offered the url to him. He refused and said that since they serve 13 states (again, the south only) that it was "more convenient for them to check things out with a social security number". I told him that from a legal standpoint, the only people I am required to provide this information to are the IRS, the bank, and my employer. He told me that he understands, and that a rep will not be able to come out to visit without me first giving the social security number to him. I asked him if I could just buy the pool, and pay for shipping on it. He told me "No. We don't do business that way". The excuses they use to get your social security number are just that: EXCUSES! Don't give them this information no matter what! I have surfed the Internet and called local dealers alike. The price for an above ground pool of the same size is no less than $1200.00. There is no way anyone will sell you one for $300.00. Also, it is not a violation of federal law for a company to require you to give them your social security number before doing business with you. It is up to you to find a company that you are comfortable doing business with. Although I have not been ripped off by this company, I am still inclined to report them to my state's attorney general. Their business practices are indeed shady.


I got my contract canceled

#25REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 03, 2004

Hi again, i am here to let everybody know that i sent a letter to the BBB and they contacted gsp. the secretary Mike Smith contacted me to let me know that they would go ahead and concel my contract since i was having so many problems. i still went a head and sent my letters and proff to the attorney general of ga and also a letter to the state bar. Did you know that Ken Papacena is NOT an attorney nor is he allowed to threathen people the way he Does? he works in the legal Dept not as an attorney but as an employee. maybe that's why hes so mad. anyways good luck to everyone


Might Be Possible to Void Your Contract

#26Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 30, 2004

Reading this thread got me so angry I couldn't beleive it! It blew my mind that a company could be so blatently fraudulent and has ruined so many people's lives yet there is nothing in place that can stop this company from continuing to exist. After doing hours of research on the internet, I have found a few cases where people have beat Pool Depot/Global Sun Pools. David Brown vs. Pool Depot, Inc. David Brown was able to have his contract with Pool Depot considered void due to Alabama's door-closing statute, 10-2B-15.02, Ala. Code 1975. The statute voids the pool contract and bars Pool Depot from enforcing the pool contract and its arbitration provision. You should look this case up as it has a copy of the standard letter Pool Depot sends to notify/threaten lawsuits. Mississippi and South Carolina are two other states that have this statute. I couldn't find a list of all states with it. Also, I am not sure if the new company "Global Sun Pools" was set up so that the statute doesn't apply anymore. Mario Nery Posadas vs. Pool Depot This one was out of Lousiana. Mario's abritration agreement was ruled "unenforceable" because the print size of the clause was so small that "the court was unsure that any buyer would have noticed it, and the 'relative positions' of the buyer and seller made enforcement unreasonable." This is all I could find. It really sickens me that this company is destroying people's lives and savings. There HAS to be something in place on a federal level that will step in and stop this. This isn't a busines, it is a blatent scam. I hope this info helps someone. If not, I wasted a lot of time! ha ha!


Yes - Adeana they are the same company

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, July 28, 2004

Global Sun in Atlanta and Global Sun in Nevada are one and the same company. For some reason they decided to incorporate in Nevada - and they have a very small office there - all the contracts and deposit money is sent there - HOWEVER - all of their operations are out of Atlanta - it IS one and the same.


Yes - Adeana they are the same company

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, July 28, 2004

Global Sun in Atlanta and Global Sun in Nevada are one and the same company. For some reason they decided to incorporate in Nevada - and they have a very small office there - all the contracts and deposit money is sent there - HOWEVER - all of their operations are out of Atlanta - it IS one and the same.


Yes - Adeana they are the same company

#29Consumer Comment

Wed, July 28, 2004

Global Sun in Atlanta and Global Sun in Nevada are one and the same company. For some reason they decided to incorporate in Nevada - and they have a very small office there - all the contracts and deposit money is sent there - HOWEVER - all of their operations are out of Atlanta - it IS one and the same.


Yes - Adeana they are the same company

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, July 28, 2004

Global Sun in Atlanta and Global Sun in Nevada are one and the same company. For some reason they decided to incorporate in Nevada - and they have a very small office there - all the contracts and deposit money is sent there - HOWEVER - all of their operations are out of Atlanta - it IS one and the same.


i believe it is the company, changed to global sun pool out of atlanta

#31Consumer Comment

Wed, July 28, 2004

the pool depot changed to global sun pool out of atlanta ga. which now on the very same commercial they showed for the last 3 years, it now says under global sun pools, a nevada corporation which i am sure is something else to cover up their crap, but i believe they are the same company. and too adena, the price i signed for was 7800$ and thought it was through them , did not even know there was a bank involved untill the rest of the lame surprises. however, there is much more to my story then you know and unfortunatly the scam of a company changes name so often how can you research. congrats, on your lucky expeirences because there doesn't seem to be that many of them.


Global Sun Not All The Same Company, there are two Global Sun Pools!

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, July 27, 2004

Please be advised that there are two Global Sun Pools! The one in Georgia seems to be the one "on the chopping block". People in Louisiana are being serviced by the Nevada company. They are in no way affiliated. I would like confirmation that the dissatisfied ones are all the ones from the Georgia company. See, I too have purchased a Global Sun Pool. Yes, it was expensive. It was a "spur of the moment" purchase. But, I have yet to be "ripped-off". The contract is extensive and has many clauses that are very definate. I knew the price when I signed the contract as did you all. And my sales person was honest. Buyer beware: READ THE CONTRACT BEFORE SIGNING SO THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING INTO. A little research goes a long way.


thanks for all the back up

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, July 25, 2004

it really baffles me to see all the stories people have written in concerns to the 1st letter i wrote in references to the pool depot. i thought maybe it was just me and i really screwed up but now i know with all this back up it's not all me. i can not believe the can still continue to create this problem it seems so ilegal, as i said before i tried with all my will to take this company down because of the arbitration is where i fell with the problem, i have pics. and much documentation of the wrong of this comp. it just boils me to no point that i can't do anything, so i just look at it as EVERY DOG HAS THEIR DAY if i could be of any help too any one please contact me. I'M READY!!! [Place your comments below and be sure to include your FULL contact information so Rip-off Report can contact you.]


thanks for all the back up

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, July 25, 2004

it really baffles me to see all the stories people have written in concerns to the 1st letter i wrote in references to the pool depot. i thought maybe it was just me and i really screwed up but now i know with all this back up it's not all me. i can not believe the can still continue to create this problem it seems so ilegal, as i said before i tried with all my will to take this company down because of the arbitration is where i fell with the problem, i have pics. and much documentation of the wrong of this comp. it just boils me to no point that i can't do anything, so i just look at it as EVERY DOG HAS THEIR DAY if i could be of any help too any one please contact me. I'M READY!!! [Place your comments below and be sure to include your FULL contact information so Rip-off Report can contact you.]


I agree with you Renee

#35Consumer Comment

Sat, July 24, 2004

Again, to Laura from Louisiana and any others that are placing Global in a positive light.......there ARE intelligent folks on the other side of the fence - I'm one of them. And, again, there are pools that are just as high quality as you claim Global Sun to be - and there are sanitation systems that involve minimal chemical use (similar to Global Sun's) - and FOR A LOT LESS MONEY. And, with the same lifetime warranties, and, and, and.............. Laura, even if yours is a legitmate comment - I will say this again - the installers and sales personnel are independent contractors - just because one held your hand through installation does not mean that this is policy or typical of the other installers. EVERY single pool ever pitched is pitched as a show pool - when the seller arrives at the house, the seller calls the office to check in. The seller is told then that there is a need for a show pool in the area. This is so the seller can respond by saying something like this: "this would (or could) be a great place for one". Sound familiar to anyone? The show pool discount can be anything the seller chooses; the seller has a 4000-5000 range with which to work. You see, the commission paid (or supposedly paid) the seller goes something like this - if the pool is sold for the price the company says they have to have (5,000 less than the top price for that model) the seller gets $200. Any difference between this minimum amount and what the seller sells it for is split between seller and company. If the seller cannot close the sale for this amount, the seller turns it over to the company to try via phone. If the price goes below the minimum the seller gets $150 for commission (if the pool is sold). Now the sellers don't always get paid their commissions - you've seen reports of this on this site. It's cheaper for the company to continue training sellers than it is for the company to pay the commissions. The sellers are told that ALL appointments are credit approved. NO TURN DOWNS. Yet, when it comes time to pay the commissions, nearly every one is recorded as a turn down (even though some of those really do get the pools installed). It seems to take about 2 months for the sellers to find out that they are not going to get paid. The employment ads in the paper even say that all appointments are credit pre-approved. So the company is scamming on both ends - with their own employees as well as with the consumers.(Remember, my friend was taken for at least $15,000 in commissions, plus no reimbursement for driving all over the state). DO NOT think there is anything at all positive about this company - there is not.


But WHAT is wrong with the pool?

#36Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 23, 2004

I understand there are a lot of problems with the contracts and the installers messing up the yards. but WHAT is wrong with the pool? I have seen probably 4 reports of actual problems with the pool itself. Most are contractural or financial problems. Please. I have a lot of money riding on this. Unfortunately, my contract had been signed 4 days before I found this web-site, therefore, my pool IS ON THE WAY! I can only get out of it with 3500 dollars I don't want to just give away! And no, Loretta,(I hope its Loretta, my memory fails me) you spell well compared to someone else I saw in here that cannot even spell their own spouses name, spelled it two different ways, and was throwing off on us southerners because we're stupid. Back to the pool. I read the contract from end to end, and there were some things in there that I did not care for, but I ran across the same clauses buying my house. I just felt that most all major purchases would have clauses like that in them, clauses I didn't like. I am scared to death, now. I was so excited and almost euphoric to finally be getting a pool. You see, I have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, and my doctor has recommended water therapy. The local pool where adults can go and not be ran over by little kids charges $96 a month membership fee, and I know I could have taken the cash I paid for my pool and paid for the treatment, but when the money is gone, so would the treatment be. I thought I was doing the right thing and making an investment in my health. Please keep your fingers crossed for me to be one of the few who has a good experience with my pool. I don't particularly want to wind up in a wheelchair.


South Carolina,
Don't be fooled

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 23, 2004

My boyfriend and I were almost dooped by Global but thank GOD we were able to get out of our contract...with alot of aggrivation and money spent to do so but we got out of it. We have kept in contact with our representative and we have come to find out that this man had just recently went to work for Global to make extra money during the "season" and was not aware of Globals' wrong doings. He has since quit. I have to say that I agree with Gary that a lot of people are trying to make this into a North vs. South thing. Hey..just because I talk slow doesn't mean that I am. People that war was over a long time ago. To those who like to knock how others spell and type, keep your opinions to yourself this rip-off website is to help people not to make people look stupid or belittle them OK!! As for my experience with Global Sun Pools it is over and done and everyone I know now knows to stay away from their company. My boyfriend and I have talked with a local pool company in our area who can give us the same pool that Global said was a "Show Pool" for a lot less money AND they install the pool, NO MIDDLE MAN. We plan on getting it next year. I am so glad that this site is available for all of us to come and put our two cents in and warn people about rip off artists like Global. For those who are trying to turn it into a North vs. South issue...people get a life...we are all AMERICANS, who fell for the same scam.



#38REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 22, 2004



People Wake up ..company can easily come in here and double as a satified customer

#39Consumer Comment

Thu, July 22, 2004

I cant beleive this rebutle has everyone arguing about the north and south. This is not what this is about. Just remember, This company can easily come in here and double as a satified customer and tell all about the good experience they had with global. Dont let yourselves get sucked into this. After reading about all these complaints I will not believe for one minute that even if somone did have a good experience with them that they would even be looking for a rebutle on the internet about them. Let alone report any good thing about them. Think about it. these good reports are bogus. Global sun pools are scam artists. Dont beleive anything else you read in the contrary. Global and all coniving constituents - You make me sick and I promise you will get yours soon. Its comming I promise. PS..... PLease DO NOT give aout your social over the phone with Global!!!!!!!!!!


Global Sun Pool Is not all Bad!!!!?? That is Funny!!!

#40Consumer Comment

Thu, July 22, 2004

Denise I just want to let you know that you need to make sure that the law in your state as well as the state that the person that you are talking to states that you are legally allowed to record a phone conversation. And second of all you need to know that most states will not allow a tape to be used in court. I hope that you got what you needed the legal way. I have been ripped off by this company and I plan on fighting them to the fullest. And I am not sure who you was refering to about not knowing how to spell. I hope that you was not refering to me. We all know that SOme people may like the product and some people will not fight for what is right. Also you should check at your local malls for a better deal on pools. Also if you do go with Global then you may want to vidio tape your yard before they start to install it because you will end up with an inground pool, and look at the back of the contract and read all the fine print it will tell you things that will make you understand why all of us have posted our stories on here. I myself have contacted the local news and they have already been to my house to tape the story and called global and now global has offered me a deal in which i refuse because i will not stand for being threatened and blackmailed. I have my 100.00 deposit back in my hands right now but I refuse to cash the check because i plan on fighting for what is right and it is not right to try to rip someone off then try to blackmail them. if you would like to hear all of my story and see what kind of contract you have to sign i would gladly send you a copy of it to read so you know to look somewhere else for a pool. You will find my number in my report. I hope and pray you know what you are getting into as far as the legal aspect of it. May God Bless and be with you on your purchase.


Baton Rouge,
Thank you Denise from Alabama

#41Consumer Comment

Wed, July 21, 2004

Denise, Thank you. Yet another person from the SOUTH knows how to handle sales people. The pool is wonderful. The install was hard to manage due to all the rain we had in the beginning of June, but the installer was wonderful. He didn't stop working even if it rained on him and he knew what he was doing. They take pictures and walk you thru the whole process of installation. Good luck and I hope you enjoy yours like I am enjoying mine. Maybe one day people in the NORTH will figure out that us SOUTHERN folks do not just sit around with a piece of hay hanging out of our mouths and date our cousins. Maybe one day they will learn we SOUTHERNS are just as smart as then there NORTHERNS. Until then we can only pray for them.


Global Sun Pool is not ALL bad!

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, July 21, 2004

I have been interested in having a pool for quite some time. The expense of an inground pool and the shoddy workmanship of most above ground models have kept me at bay for several years. I have asked several people about their pools, the manufacturer, service after sale, etc, and the best I can come up with is Global Sun Pools. I asked in excess of 20 people who have had a Global Sun Pool installed every question I could come up with, and the only bad things they could say about their experience had to do with financing. I opted then to save my money and pay cash for my pool. This cuts out the controversy. I had my salesman (yesterday) put in writing everything I would receive, how long the installation would take, what I would need to do to prepare my site, and I had him to include my lifetime warranty, and the exact amount of CASH I would hand over when my pool is comleted. He did not balk for 1 second. Last night a manager called me to ask some questions. He then asked if he could record our conversation. I told him sure, if I too might record it! He agreed. When he asked his first question, I stated that I did agree, but the entire agreement would be null and void without a reciprocal q&a session. After he completed his questions, I asked 'does Global Sun Pools agree to install a 25 foot round chemical free mid range pool in blah blah yard at the final price of $$$$$$ with a lifetime replacement warranty?' And so on. I had him repeat his name and position with the company, just as he had me. I may not have covered my a*s, but I really want this pool badly. The only complaints I have are that the TV ad was for a $299.00 pool. When the salesman started his pitch, he never said anything bad, directly, about the Econoline, but he let us know it was a piece of crap. It was our intention all along to get the mid range, but in order to get the price as low as possible, we made him sell his product. Notice in the above complaints, most are about the financial end of the deals, and a few in another site were about the copper turning the hair green. Same as chlorine. I suppose I'm right for being a little apprenhensive, but we presented ourselves as very intelligent SOUTHERNERS, not gullible, stupid, trailer trash rednecks. And I can spell! I'll just keep my fingers crossed, and hope for the best!


Keystone Heights,
so happy to find this web site

#43Consumer Comment

Fri, July 16, 2004

I saw the ad on tv this morning about the specail offer for the $299.00 special on the above ground pool.I came to the computer to find thier web site and thanks to you all I am not going to be another victim of global sun pools.Thanks and I am from the south and david your comment about people in the south being stupid and gullible makes you one very small minded person.You are not suppose to group people in catagories like that.Thats like saying all dogs will bite you or all cats have rabies.Get your head on straight david.You are so lame.


HA HA HA... I am available for discusions anytime

#44Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

Well, The internet saves me again. Who ever said the internet was no good should read all this. Thank you all for your interesting stories. I saw the ad, and called, and to was beeing snowed. Only this time they were picking on a northener. Ok, I admit, I just moved here from Ms. This is so funny. I cant beleive that clown wanted to know where I lived before and what my social was. He said it was for security due to 911. What the %$@#%$@. Now these people have sunk so low to use our countries worst memories for conning people. Ok everyone. Does anyone know how to get ahold of Jefery Figger? Hehe. I would love to see an attack dog like him get ahold of that company. If you are new to all this I guess I dont have to tell you STAY AWAY FROM THESE &^&^ HOLES!!!!!!!!!!! I am available for discusions anytime. Thank you - goodnight


HA HA HA... I am available for discusions anytime

#45Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

Well, The internet saves me again. Who ever said the internet was no good should read all this. Thank you all for your interesting stories. I saw the ad, and called, and to was beeing snowed. Only this time they were picking on a northener. Ok, I admit, I just moved here from Ms. This is so funny. I cant beleive that clown wanted to know where I lived before and what my social was. He said it was for security due to 911. What the %$@#%$@. Now these people have sunk so low to use our countries worst memories for conning people. Ok everyone. Does anyone know how to get ahold of Jefery Figger? Hehe. I would love to see an attack dog like him get ahold of that company. If you are new to all this I guess I dont have to tell you STAY AWAY FROM THESE &^&^ HOLES!!!!!!!!!!! I am available for discusions anytime. Thank you - goodnight


HA HA HA... I am available for discusions anytime

#46Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

Well, The internet saves me again. Who ever said the internet was no good should read all this. Thank you all for your interesting stories. I saw the ad, and called, and to was beeing snowed. Only this time they were picking on a northener. Ok, I admit, I just moved here from Ms. This is so funny. I cant beleive that clown wanted to know where I lived before and what my social was. He said it was for security due to 911. What the %$@#%$@. Now these people have sunk so low to use our countries worst memories for conning people. Ok everyone. Does anyone know how to get ahold of Jefery Figger? Hehe. I would love to see an attack dog like him get ahold of that company. If you are new to all this I guess I dont have to tell you STAY AWAY FROM THESE &^&^ HOLES!!!!!!!!!!! I am available for discusions anytime. Thank you - goodnight


Yes, Laura, there are other pools with warranties

#47Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 13, 2004

Laura - The pools to which you are referring from Sam's and Walmart are very cheaply constructed pools - most folks don't expect them to last more than a season or two - and we're talking price ranges of $200-$800 (generally). As far as other pool dealers - when my friend was working with Global, my friend stopped by several local pool dealers. There WERE pools with warranties on them - and some of the warranties better that the one offered by Global Sun, and the pools are a lot less expensive. ($4,000 top end for a larger pool than Global Sun offers). And, you can purchase a ionization system similar to the one that Global Sun uses. (This is used instead of chemicals). The Global Sun sales staff is trained to say "lifetime warranty", in fact, they are trained to say that there are 2 warranties on the products: a manufacturers warranty and a Global Sun Warranty. And, whichever is the most beneficial to the customer is the one that will be used. What is not stated here (but is implicated by the "most favorable" comment)is that it is a pro-rated warranty. I think that if 3 years from now you have a problem you will find that the warranty is not what the sales person led you to believe. And, what happens when Global Sun has shut down and re-opened under another name (as has been their history every 3-4 years or so) - will the warranty even be honored (since Global Sun will not exist any longer). I appreciate that you probably need to justify an $8,000 above ground pool purchase, however, I would not like to see folks led astray. If anyone in your geographic area would like to verify what I am saying here regarding other above ground pools and warrantys I'll be glad to provide them with some dealer names in Mississippi. One more note - some of the local pool dealers DO have their own installers. Others use independent contractors. The people that installed your pool are NOT Global Sun employees -the are independent contractors as well - they may only do work for GS, but they are contractors. So, though you've had a very responsive contractor, this may not be the case in other areas (since they are not employees of the company).


Baton Rouge,
Not everyone is stupid

#48Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

I have had a pool from walmart, sams, and even one of those pool dealers. My Walmart pool broke by the end of the summer. My Sam's pool never made it throught the summer. As far as the pool dealer well their pools run around 3000 to 4500 for a good pool. I paid 3500 for my pool and nothing has a warranty. Also most pool dealers do not have on site pool installers and you have to find someone. That costs anywhere from 2000 to 3500 all in itself. The pool from the dealer had problems with the pump by the end of the summer. Not to mention the chemicals were out of this world. By the end of the summer I must ofpaid close to 10000 for a dealer pool. I called Global Sun. I know the wicked things companys do to get you hooked. Hey I worked for two alarm companys who did the same. Global Suns customer service and installation department are not the brightest people in the world if your smart (I hate it when people say people in the "deep south" are stupid, which I know you are you can pull the wool over their eyes like I did. I got one of their pools and let me add it isn't that bad of a pool. It doesn't cost soo much to keep it up. I think so far this summer I've put a total of ten dollars of bleach in the pool and I have dyed hair and nothing has happened to mine and I have been in my pool everyday since I've gotten it. It doesn't turn green like those pools you get from pool dealers do. Yes you can get scamed. I am sorry for those who did. If you have proof of the scam sue them. By as far as their product. I paid 8000. I have a simple interest loan. I read all the paperwork. I had an attornery look at it. I am not being ripped off. I have had to have the installer come out once due to the fact that when installed the pool the glue didn't have enough time to dry before the rain came. I don't hold that against them it was not his fault. He came out the very next day. I had several phone calls reguarding my problem and several different people apologized for it. Once again I do feel for those who have been scamed, but the product in my opinion is the same if not a little better than the pool dealers pools. Once again I sugguest that you stand up for yourself and no one will be able to take advantage of you. It's a rough world out there and everyone needs to get along in it.


Bossier City,
almost customer

#49Consumer Comment

Mon, July 12, 2004

I am embrassed to say I called the 800# and yes we have a sales rep coming thurse. 7-15-04 but to her surprise when I show her these complaints filed on "global" thank for sharing america you have save me more money than you know!


we got screwed too

#50REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 11, 2004

my husband and i had a salesprson to come to our house and feed us a bunch of bs we didnt read the contract until the next day it also said you had three buisness days to cancel we signed friday night so now we have to make a trip to atlanta ga to cancel yes they do put alien on your home my dad has a pool from them and my brother got screwed too dont buy anything from global sun pools the salesman also said he could not take cash but he did but i do have areciept with his signature i dont see how people can do another person that way he told us a story about why the owner started the buisness because chlorine caused his kids to get cancer and two of his three children died from it if that is true he should have died too. my # is 931-858-6070 today is july 11 2004


southern heat

#51Consumer Comment

Wed, July 07, 2004

I have been seeing this ad on tv since last summer. I decided to look up information on the net about global sun pools. And I would have to say, I'm happy I did. I never did call the 800#. Now I see there is no point in doing so. Anybody that lives in Louisiana knows how hot it can get here and in any other southern state. To David I would have to say that you are gullable if you think we are. We have what people call manners for other people, we say yes mam and no mam. We respect people and We are not DUMB! I looked up info before even calling the # and now I see that it is a total RIP OFF. YOU need to think about what YOU put in writing first and look how DUMB it makes YOU look. As for everyone that has been ripped off, I'm sorry. I'm glad there is a web site that Us southern people can come to and check things out for ourselves. And you know, those good notherners too. :)


3132 Buford Hwy,
I had no idea!!!!! working there- witch

#52UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 30, 2004

I work for Global Sun pools and I had no idea until I started working there witch was recently that there was something going on. I dont know what to do at this time I need to work because I have 3 kids. I think there even scamming us we get a 1099 each year and they take out no taxes it's 8.00 an hour and our checks say commision. Somethings not right. I HAD NO IDEA AND ALOT OF US THERE DON'T HAVE A CLUE!!!



#53Consumer Comment

Wed, June 30, 2004



Pine Prairie,
self - ended up

#54Consumer Comment

Tue, June 29, 2004

i called for a $395 pool a ended up buying a $12000.00 pool


Thanks a million for the info to everyone turning them in.

#55Consumer Comment

Mon, June 28, 2004

I just want to say thank you for all this information. I saw their add this morning on TV advertising their $349 pool and thought it would be a good idea to check up on it and ran across this web site. Unfortunately my mother and my elderly aunt also saw it and thought it would be a good idea, but have not researched it at all. I am still trying to reach them to stop them from making a big mistake. Thanks again to everyone turning them in.


Los Angeles,
Just and FYI about the initial call, not always aware of the controversy behind this store

#56UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 19, 2004

Greetings All: Just as an FYI, the person that you get when you initially call the phone number on the Global Sun Pools advertisements, is not a Global Sun Pools employee. Please don't take out your frustrations on them. The company contracts with an answering service to take the initial call, name/phone and pass it on to Global Sun Pools. I am one of those people who answers the initial call. When someone stated to me, "any company but them," I decided to check it out on the web as so many of you have. Like several of you, I was surprised to see this website as the hit in my search engine. I am happy that I've been able to read all these reports because living in the heat of California, I've actually been considering checking into this deal since so many customers call for it. I think I'll not take my chances and instead seek information from a local, reputable company without all the controversy. Unfortunately, the answering service employees do not get to choose which companies they will answer calls for and which ones they won't -- so please don't respond that I should not take their calls. I just wanted to remind you that the first person you're speaking to may not always be aware of the controversy behind this store, so please be kind to them :)


North Carolina,
Thanks for the heads up!! just because we live in a certain part of the country doesn't make us stupid

#57Consumer Comment

Fri, June 18, 2004

I too, like many of you, saw the commercial on TV for the $349.00 pool. I called the 800#, and received a call back. I stupidly did give the lady my SS# "for verification purposes only"...Lord, I hope she can't do anything else with it!! My husband and I have been wanting to buy a pool for our children for quite some time, luckily he stumbled across this website. I will definitely be cancelling my interview and I will NOT be buying a pool from Global Sun! I commend all of you who have posted here to warn others about this rip off. I hope each and every one of you get your just rewards from this company! PS...I am from North Carolina...and I am not ignorant nor gullible....in fact those who think that just because we live in a certain part of the country makes us stupid...those are the ignorant ones. At least people in the south, for the most part, are nice and friendly


North Carolina,
Thanks for the heads up!! just because we live in a certain part of the country doesn't make us stupid

#58Consumer Comment

Fri, June 18, 2004

I too, like many of you, saw the commercial on TV for the $349.00 pool. I called the 800#, and received a call back. I stupidly did give the lady my SS# "for verification purposes only"...Lord, I hope she can't do anything else with it!! My husband and I have been wanting to buy a pool for our children for quite some time, luckily he stumbled across this website. I will definitely be cancelling my interview and I will NOT be buying a pool from Global Sun! I commend all of you who have posted here to warn others about this rip off. I hope each and every one of you get your just rewards from this company! PS...I am from North Carolina...and I am not ignorant nor gullible....in fact those who think that just because we live in a certain part of the country makes us stupid...those are the ignorant ones. At least people in the south, for the most part, are nice and friendly


North Carolina,
Thanks for the heads up!! just because we live in a certain part of the country doesn't make us stupid

#59Consumer Comment

Fri, June 18, 2004

I too, like many of you, saw the commercial on TV for the $349.00 pool. I called the 800#, and received a call back. I stupidly did give the lady my SS# "for verification purposes only"...Lord, I hope she can't do anything else with it!! My husband and I have been wanting to buy a pool for our children for quite some time, luckily he stumbled across this website. I will definitely be cancelling my interview and I will NOT be buying a pool from Global Sun! I commend all of you who have posted here to warn others about this rip off. I hope each and every one of you get your just rewards from this company! PS...I am from North Carolina...and I am not ignorant nor gullible....in fact those who think that just because we live in a certain part of the country makes us stupid...those are the ignorant ones. At least people in the south, for the most part, are nice and friendly

Calvin & Avae

South Carolina,
How do stop someone who seems nice.

#60Consumer Comment

Sat, June 12, 2004

We thought that this company had a good reputation but I see that they really don't. How can I protect what is mines, and give them what's theirs back.Global-Sun Pools,Inc.tells me that they don't have a way to accept money orders or cashiers check,personal checks only your ATM,Debit or Creditcard will be accected, what do think about that.


A little helpful info for victims of Global-Sun Pools.

#61Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 09, 2004

I have been reading about all the bad things that this company has done. I too was considering a pool from this company, but because of this web-site have been saved the headache. I will suggest to all those who have been ripped off by them to go straight to the better business bureau website and lodge a compaint with them. I looked up this company with the BBB and found out that there have been many, many, many complaints that the BBB has had to investigate and then prompted the company, Global sun pools, to clear up the matter in a satisfactory way. The BBB is there to serve you and if they receive many complaints, then just maybe the scoundrels will be shut down. I would also suggest contacting the company and telling them that you have hired a lawyer that is very interested in this case due to the many complaints lodged against them with the BBB. It may help to just tell a little white lie like that.


Thanks for saving me a big headache

#62Consumer Comment

Mon, June 07, 2004

I also was about to order a pool from this company. I usually check the internet for a web-site before ordering. AM I ever glad I did. I am so sorry for y'all that have been ripped off. As a Southerner...I say we aren't so dumb are we??? If we were...there wouldn't be so many of us checking the web-site first. I am very proud to be from the south and do resent being considered dumb. Thanks to all of y'all for the responses.


To Renee in Varnville

#63Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 05, 2004

First of all, there is no website for Global Sun -it is highly possible that your sales rep was told there was one. Either that or your sales rep added this little nugget to their pre-rehearsed speel. No need to look for email addresses either.There are none. You say you were trying to cancel the contract - you should see a place on the contract (on the bottom of the front page) where you sign (and if you both signed the contract, you must each sign in one of the designated cancellation places). The sales rep should have put a date in both of the boxes (again, if you both signed the contract) - you have 72 hours (3 business days) after signing to cancel - this is a FEDERAL LAW. Keep in mind that this company considers Saturdays a business day. You must sign this and send to the company - do not give it to your rep -send it directly to the company. I would suggest making copies after you sign and using an overnight service for proof of receipt. As far as the financing goes, it is my understanding that the interest rate quoted in your home is equal to a very high interest rate credit card - somewhere between 18 and 21%. This company does not do business in Arkansas because of the usery laws in Arkansas - that should tell you something. Your suggestion of a local pool company is excellent - the ones I've seen in this part of the world sell very nice above ground pools, same size or larger, for about 1/5 the cost. And, I would imagine that they can arrange financing if needed. Good luck. Rachel


Kindom City,
they figure they got another sucker from the south

#64Consumer Comment

Sat, June 05, 2004

Thanks....I caught an advertisement for this company on the television yesterday so I decided to call in reference to the $349.00 Econo-line pool with decking. Limit one per household (HA!) I called the 1-800 and was told there was no one currently available and I will be getting a call back from a salesman soon. I'm chomping at the bit for this call now! Perhaps they figure they got another sucker from the south. Figuring any respectable company these days has a website, I figured I would take a look at what they have to offer. Instead of finding a website for this company I found this one instead! All I can say is thank you to everyone for taking the time to post here. I have not given anyone my social security number (because they haven't called me back yet) nor will I be duped by these crooks, thanks to you all. Now I must decide how to properly handle a rip-off company like this. Perhaps a taste of their own medicine would be good. If any one has a good idea please post it and I will check this listing while on hte phone. Thanks and sorry to all of you who got ripped off. It really stinks being a dupe.


Kindom City,
they figure they got another sucker from the south

#65Consumer Comment

Sat, June 05, 2004

Thanks....I caught an advertisement for this company on the television yesterday so I decided to call in reference to the $349.00 Econo-line pool with decking. Limit one per household (HA!) I called the 1-800 and was told there was no one currently available and I will be getting a call back from a salesman soon. I'm chomping at the bit for this call now! Perhaps they figure they got another sucker from the south. Figuring any respectable company these days has a website, I figured I would take a look at what they have to offer. Instead of finding a website for this company I found this one instead! All I can say is thank you to everyone for taking the time to post here. I have not given anyone my social security number (because they haven't called me back yet) nor will I be duped by these crooks, thanks to you all. Now I must decide how to properly handle a rip-off company like this. Perhaps a taste of their own medicine would be good. If any one has a good idea please post it and I will check this listing while on hte phone. Thanks and sorry to all of you who got ripped off. It really stinks being a dupe.


Kindom City,
they figure they got another sucker from the south

#66Consumer Comment

Sat, June 05, 2004

Thanks....I caught an advertisement for this company on the television yesterday so I decided to call in reference to the $349.00 Econo-line pool with decking. Limit one per household (HA!) I called the 1-800 and was told there was no one currently available and I will be getting a call back from a salesman soon. I'm chomping at the bit for this call now! Perhaps they figure they got another sucker from the south. Figuring any respectable company these days has a website, I figured I would take a look at what they have to offer. Instead of finding a website for this company I found this one instead! All I can say is thank you to everyone for taking the time to post here. I have not given anyone my social security number (because they haven't called me back yet) nor will I be duped by these crooks, thanks to you all. Now I must decide how to properly handle a rip-off company like this. Perhaps a taste of their own medicine would be good. If any one has a good idea please post it and I will check this listing while on hte phone. Thanks and sorry to all of you who got ripped off. It really stinks being a dupe.


Kindom City,
they figure they got another sucker from the south

#67Consumer Comment

Sat, June 05, 2004

Thanks....I caught an advertisement for this company on the television yesterday so I decided to call in reference to the $349.00 Econo-line pool with decking. Limit one per household (HA!) I called the 1-800 and was told there was no one currently available and I will be getting a call back from a salesman soon. I'm chomping at the bit for this call now! Perhaps they figure they got another sucker from the south. Figuring any respectable company these days has a website, I figured I would take a look at what they have to offer. Instead of finding a website for this company I found this one instead! All I can say is thank you to everyone for taking the time to post here. I have not given anyone my social security number (because they haven't called me back yet) nor will I be duped by these crooks, thanks to you all. Now I must decide how to properly handle a rip-off company like this. Perhaps a taste of their own medicine would be good. If any one has a good idea please post it and I will check this listing while on hte phone. Thanks and sorry to all of you who got ripped off. It really stinks being a dupe.


North Carolina,
I would have lost more if I did not find this site.

#68Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 05, 2004

Thank You For Speaking Out...I was looking for the Global Sun Pools Website to order our own pool (we had a pool until two weeks ago when it was destroyed in an accident)and ran across this site instead. The heartbreak you all are going through infuriated me. I will NOT be purchasing a pool from them. In the meantime, may I suggest calling your local news and seeing if they have any kind of "on your side" consumer view? In my area WRAL TV5 has "Five on your side" and they are pretty scary...you do NOT want to be investigated by them. Maybe a news program in your local area can help you. And if you are from the Raleigh-Durham-Cary-Sanford-Fayetteville area and have been ripped off by GSP, call 5 on your side, WRAL-TV5, and get Monica Laliberte to tear a new whole in GSP's pool liner! I wish you all the best...and I hope this helps. Meanwhile, thank you for helping keep me from having to go through the same...you are doing a great service. I do believe GSP will go down...with your help!


South Carolina,
Global-SUn Pools ARE a rip off! We were suckered!

#69Consumer Comment

Fri, June 04, 2004

My boyfriend and I just signed a contract with these poeple. Needless to say we a scurrying around like mice trying to get it cancelled. The salesman gave a good speel about how fantastic the pools are and the quality. We were suckered. My boyfriend went online to see the companies webpage but to his surprise and mine later, we only found this rip off site . As of yet I can not find the www.global-sunpools.com website as given to us by our sales rep. We were given a great discount because of this being a "Show Pool" in our area. BUT we were led to believe that financing was threw Global-Sun Pools which it isn't. ALso the payments set up for us when we sat down and figured it out would wind up being over $17,000 for an above ground pool. WAAAAAY more than we were told. My boyfriend called the company and got the run around about there were NO managers avaiable to take his call, BUT when I called and told them I just wanted some information I was put directly threw to a manager...magically appeared I guess. I got some information and then my boyfriend called back and asked for the same manager and got the same he's not in and "please hold". HE then got shuffled around to multiple people...never a manager mind you and then after about 10 minutes of the shuffle ans wait game he finally talked to manager he was no help and told my boyfriend that he would have to speak to a Mr. Passaseno or something like that. My question is...DOES this guy exist??? OUr Sales Rep. DID get back in touch with my boyfriend after one or two messages left on his answering machine and he told us that he would take care of it.....in the mean time we have written a letter, trying to find an email address, and I got a fax number by tricking them into thinking I was interested in information and was sending them some. (Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do). So far our dreams of having a pool have been crushed and we are trying to make sure we get out of this thing they call a fantasy come true. My advice is to stay FAR AWAY from Global-Sun Pools, Inc. Also make sure you read your contract..EVERY WORD!!!! Thats' where they stick it to you in the long run. If you want a good pool...go to Wal-Mart or SAm's CLub or a local pool dealer in your area. That way you know where they are and how long they have been in business without having to take some guys word for it.


Thanks for the heads up!

#70Consumer Comment

Thu, June 03, 2004

Thank you all for writing in here. We were just about to buy from them. You all have changed our minds. Thanks again for the heads up!


Clorissa and D in Quinlan

#71UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 26, 2004

Clorissa - there are several things I would suggest you do. First is to file a report with the Better Business Bureau online. I think it's bbb.org. When asked for the company name use Global Sun Pools, Atlanta, GA. The other thing that I would suggest is to call your state's attorney general office - they usually have a consumer fraud division - ask them what to do about this fraudulent activity. They may even have you file a report with their office via mail or internet. If not, they can certainly direct you to the correct agency. Keep us posted - if enough people would do this, perhaps the company can be shut down permanently. Now - to D, Quinlan: I was not going to respond to your post, but since this opportunity presented itself I've decided to. There is absolutely no need for you to be rude and condescending to people that have expressed frustration about these problems. You suggest gathering "evidence" and contacting the Dept of Labor or an attorney. Even sales person for this company is an independent contractor, not an employee. The Dept of Labor has no jurisdiction over this. As far as hiring attorneys, my friend HAS, as one of her best friends, a very good litigation attorney - she asked him about a class action and his reply was that a class action in this case would be federal (multi-state) and it's very very hard to get a class action approved by the courts. He is willing to help her because they're such good friends - BUT - he also told her that most attorneys won't take cases that involve the amount of money to which we're referring here (in the case of consumers here 10-15 thousand). People are already feeling quite stupid by the time they file a report here - there is no sense in a comment like yours that only rubs salt into the wounds.


Ten Mile,
our credit has been run. I am furious

#72Consumer Comment

Tue, May 25, 2004

My kids are desperately wanting a pool and the add on TV seemed justified to me after just moving here from FL where everyone has inground pools, I assumed above ground was much less expensive and thought $399 was a good deal but the catch was you probably had to set it up yourself and a large delivery charge. When I called and they returned my call asking for my SS# they assured me it was not to run credit but rather to verify that we own our land. I thought they had a special program that maybe did this. By reading these letters posted I just found out our credit has been run. I am furious at this in that we are hoping to refinance but are waiting until some inquires fall off from our move. Permission was not given to do this so I would like to act if anyone knows how I can do so. Also, the salesman who came out came all the way from Chatanooga. A good hour drive and then had to leave because my husband was not present. I knew then for sure there was a bait a switch that existed or something so I was no longer interested but got online just to check out the company. To many fishy things had happened. Sorry to hear so many are getting hurt by this company.


"Buyer Beware" & Are you due wages from Global Sun Pool?

#73Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 16, 2004

Buyer Beware - Whine, whine, whine. Have you people never heard of the saying: "If it's too good to be true it probably is"? How about, "Buyer beware"? It is the consumer's job to educate themself not the seller's. If you don't read what you sign, well, (like the song says) I've got some ocean front property in Arizona. Interested? Wake up and smell the roses. If you got scammed, it's nobodies falt but your own. Are you due wages - Duh. If you are an employee of Global Sun Pools get your documentation (proof of sales, comission payments and % of commission due) together and go to the Labor Board in your area. If you are a contractor, read your contract. Talk to an attorney or contact the Dept. of Labor in your area to learn your options, if any. In the future remember - 1. A salesperson's job is to sell, by hook or by crook. 2. A business exists to make money not give away goods or services. 3. People are generally greedy. And from the look of this website, gullible.


I SCREWED UP, please advise

#74Consumer Comment

Mon, May 10, 2004

I made the call, and got the same response. I received the call back and I think I screwed up, I give them my social security number. I hope there is nothing they can do with it. It was late and I was thinking straight. My husband scolded me for giving out my number. He said there is too many scams going these days. It was too late because I scheduled an appointment for Saturday. When they call back Friday to confirm I am going to cancel. I just hope they can not use my social security number for anything but a credit chek. Someone please advise me on that.


experience has been the exact same

#75Consumer Comment

Fri, April 23, 2004

I have a very close friend that has been working very hard for this company. My friend's experience has been the exact same as the person above who ended up with very little commission. My friend was due about $15,000 on commissions, but has received a tiny portion of that and all of my friend's large commissions have been credit refusals (just as above). And my friend told me that the company indicated that all people the company sends them to see are 100% preapproved for credit. My friend is one of the most honest people that I've ever known and is feeling very badly about these credit refusals, my friend feels as though he/she unknowingly deceived the clients about being preapproved. My friend has had to leave the company and is very deeply in debt as a result of not receiving two months worth of commissions. I am trying to convince my friend to take action against this company. I think that between former employees that have been ripped off and consumers that have been ripped off, there might be a chance to at least recover some damages. My friend has a lot of media contacts and also is friends with several litigation attorneys - two of which have won precedent setting state Supreme Court decisions. I would ask anyone that is interested (customers, employees, ex-employees, would be customers) to contact me at [email protected]. I've already contacted the attorney general's office for this state, but perhaps with a group there might be an attorney willing to help on a contigency basis.


experience has been the exact same

#76Consumer Comment

Fri, April 23, 2004

I have a very close friend that has been working very hard for this company. My friend's experience has been the exact same as the person above who ended up with very little commission. My friend was due about $15,000 on commissions, but has received a tiny portion of that and all of my friend's large commissions have been credit refusals (just as above). And my friend told me that the company indicated that all people the company sends them to see are 100% preapproved for credit. My friend is one of the most honest people that I've ever known and is feeling very badly about these credit refusals, my friend feels as though he/she unknowingly deceived the clients about being preapproved. My friend has had to leave the company and is very deeply in debt as a result of not receiving two months worth of commissions. I am trying to convince my friend to take action against this company. I think that between former employees that have been ripped off and consumers that have been ripped off, there might be a chance to at least recover some damages. My friend has a lot of media contacts and also is friends with several litigation attorneys - two of which have won precedent setting state Supreme Court decisions. I would ask anyone that is interested (customers, employees, ex-employees, would be customers) to contact me at [email protected]. I've already contacted the attorney general's office for this state, but perhaps with a group there might be an attorney willing to help on a contigency basis.


experience has been the exact same

#77Consumer Comment

Fri, April 23, 2004

I have a very close friend that has been working very hard for this company. My friend's experience has been the exact same as the person above who ended up with very little commission. My friend was due about $15,000 on commissions, but has received a tiny portion of that and all of my friend's large commissions have been credit refusals (just as above). And my friend told me that the company indicated that all people the company sends them to see are 100% preapproved for credit. My friend is one of the most honest people that I've ever known and is feeling very badly about these credit refusals, my friend feels as though he/she unknowingly deceived the clients about being preapproved. My friend has had to leave the company and is very deeply in debt as a result of not receiving two months worth of commissions. I am trying to convince my friend to take action against this company. I think that between former employees that have been ripped off and consumers that have been ripped off, there might be a chance to at least recover some damages. My friend has a lot of media contacts and also is friends with several litigation attorneys - two of which have won precedent setting state Supreme Court decisions. I would ask anyone that is interested (customers, employees, ex-employees, would be customers) to contact me at [email protected]. I've already contacted the attorney general's office for this state, but perhaps with a group there might be an attorney willing to help on a contigency basis.


experience has been the exact same

#78Consumer Comment

Fri, April 23, 2004

I have a very close friend that has been working very hard for this company. My friend's experience has been the exact same as the person above who ended up with very little commission. My friend was due about $15,000 on commissions, but has received a tiny portion of that and all of my friend's large commissions have been credit refusals (just as above). And my friend told me that the company indicated that all people the company sends them to see are 100% preapproved for credit. My friend is one of the most honest people that I've ever known and is feeling very badly about these credit refusals, my friend feels as though he/she unknowingly deceived the clients about being preapproved. My friend has had to leave the company and is very deeply in debt as a result of not receiving two months worth of commissions. I am trying to convince my friend to take action against this company. I think that between former employees that have been ripped off and consumers that have been ripped off, there might be a chance to at least recover some damages. My friend has a lot of media contacts and also is friends with several litigation attorneys - two of which have won precedent setting state Supreme Court decisions. I would ask anyone that is interested (customers, employees, ex-employees, would be customers) to contact me at [email protected]. I've already contacted the attorney general's office for this state, but perhaps with a group there might be an attorney willing to help on a contigency basis.


Global Sun .... Major rip-off

#79Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 20, 2004

I too have purchased a pool from global sun, and what I was told (either verbally or in contract) and what has actually happened is 2 different things. They told me that my purchase price would be lower if I was to put in a pool for a show pool, which means they can show the pool to prospective buyers. Come to find out, they had jacked up the price, to make the offer sound better, and I ended up paying the same as everyone else. Also, somehow or another they got my checking acct. info and did 2 illgal drafts on my account. I had never made a payment using personal check or a check by phone, so how did they even get this? Then they took out 2 payments at once on 2 different occasions without authorization which caused severe overdraft charges, yet they have no record of this. It is on my bankstatement though. When I told them this and sent them a copy of it, they then had no idea of how or who had got the acct # and withdrew the money. Since there was no name as to who it was, they said they could not give back the money and then sold the account. How convenient. And David, as for you you half-baked wimp, if you think that us southerners are gullible and naive, why don't you bring it on down here and tell us to our face? I would love to address this with you personally. And Crystal, I will do anything I can to help you in your quest with global sun pools.


Biggest Rip Off I have Ever Seen

#80Consumer Comment

Thu, April 15, 2004

Yesterday was my birthday and Global Sun pools legal department called me about me not agreeing with there terms and conditions. Needless to say I informed them it was my Birthday and would prefer them call me back in regards to the matter and he said he would see me in court and hung up so I called Mr. paapaseno or what ever his name is back I was in tears. I also have all of this on tape how they are threatening to take my home and attach my husbands checks if i dont take the pool. I let him know that the only reason i was agreeing to the terms and conditions was because i was scared to death that they was going to take my home and withdraw money out of my checkings account by using a copy of the electronic filing because i have the aregional copy. so i told him i felt that i had to accept the terms because i was scared and i was crying on the phone with him and he still did not care. he said they would enforce the contract and that they have not lost a case in 20 years. so i have all these tapes if anyone wants to listen to them and how he talked to me like i was a dog and also he was caught up in his on lies on the tape. The sales lady has quite her job because of the lies that they have told me. so people please dont blame your salesperson they are only doing what they are told to do and this rip off sight was not found before she took the job she did not know about it until i told her. so we need to figure out a way to make it easier for people to find this sight. the sales person was at my house from 9:45a.m until 4:15p.m. and they also made her go to the bank with me to try to refinance my home. I really feel sorry for the salespeople they are getting ripped off just as bad as we as the buyers of this pool. I plan on taking this to court. anyone who has worked for them or has been treated unfair please contact me by phone or email.at 865-993-5616 or [email protected]. I am one who will not stand for this. I have also had to start back on my nerve medication as a result to this. I am not good at writting or spelling or expressxing my thoughts in words so if some one would like to call me and rewrite what i tell them happened to me and email it to me so it can be posted her in better words and more detail I would apprechiate it deeply. The basics is that i was promised one purchase price and they are trying to charge me more and i was promised one monthly payment and now they are trying to charge me more. I was promised 48 month and now it is more. i was promised low interest rates and now am being charged more. and was told it would up my property value and i found out through an appraiser it is considered personal property and will not up my property value. i also called within the three days to cancel and ask for the electronic filing paper back and the man told me i did not have to send it in writing and he did send the electronic filing back but did not cancel the pool order as he promised. and all they have to have is that copy not the areginal to take out of my account. so i was lied to all the way around and back again. so do not buy this pool. it is a rip off. and please do not blame your sales person. most of them did not know what a rip off this was until they heard about this sight. in no way shape or form did my sales lady make these agreements they was all made by the sales rep that she had to call back to. when i told them i had read things on this sight they told me that one of the sales reps that have things listed on this sight was taking a case of beer to the person house getting them drunk and getting them to sign the contract and they did state his name to me and i am looking for that tape that it is recorded on. i feel that this was slander to this ex sales rep. I hope this helps some one to steer clear of Global sun pools and i hope to get some responses that may help me in my case against them as of today the pool still is not installed


I agree, they needed it to make sure I owned my home

#81Consumer Comment

Mon, March 29, 2004

I called Global Sun Pools to ask about the $399 pool special they had advertised, they promptly called me back. I explained, that I wanted to pay the pool off in full, that I didn't need financing, they told me that it was procedure and that they needed it to make sure I owned my home and to make sure I wasn't in forecloser. I declined to give my social, and the sales person was adamant about getting it. I told them that I really thought that it was a good deal but I didn't see a need to give out social security number. After a few minutes of talking, I told him I would think about and call them back. Thanks to all of you I've made my final decision.


Southeast Texas,
Global-Sun Pools: Is it really legit???

#82Consumer Comment

Mon, March 29, 2004

In response to David from Atlanta, Georgia. I to was thinking about purchasing a pool from Global-Sun pools. I saw the ad on T.V. and called the 800#. My name and phone number was taken and I was told that a sales rep. would call me soon. Several hours later a sales rep called me. He asked me if I was the home owner because I needed to be the home owner (on the deed) to make the appointment. He also said that they needed my social security number to run a credit check. I though how strange a credit check for a $399.00 pool?? That was the first bell that went off in my head. After me questioning him about several things that he was saying, he still went ahead and schduled me an appointment and said that the salesman could answer my questions in person. The next day a lady called and told me that there was no sales rep in my area and they were not sure when they would have one so they would mail me the information that I needed to purchase the pool. I asked her if there would be a brochure on the pool and all the accessories so that I could look at what I was buying. Her response was yes. O.K. fine even thought after I hung up a second bell went off. How strange, why would they advertise in area that they did not have a sales rep? I knew that it was not a credit issue or a land owner issue, because I was the sole land owner and my 14 acres of land plus house was paid off free and clear. When I received the information in the mail, it was just a one page contract/instruction on what I had to do to purchase the pool. I read EVERY word front and back on this page and several bells went off as I was reading. Also no brochure as promised. I did not want to buy someting that I did not know what it truely looked like, brand names and etc. so I went on line (even though several bells had gone off, I was still thinking about purchasing this pool) to find the companies web site (every honest company now days has a web site). I looked for Global-Sun Pools in Carson City, Nevada (as listed on the contract) and in Atlanta, Georgia (since the contract said that is where it would ship from or where I had to pick it up at) No web site to be found (another bell went off), but I did find this web site and thank God I did. After reading several posting and especially after reading David's posting from Atlanta, Georgia I was convienced. NO WAY was I going to pay my hard earned money, just to get ripped off. David your letter was the topper. It gave me an insight on how the company and the employees think about their potinental customers. Especially the ones in the SOUTH!!! See David I am from the South and proud of it! I live on the Texas/Louisiana border. I have family and friends that live in both states and no we are not as DUMB, GULLIBLE, AND TRUSTING as you think. I did my home work. I read my frigging contract and I was convienced that there was something wrong with this company. I did it BEFORE I signed on the dotted line! Whether it is $399.00 or $8000.00 a rip off is a rip off. O, and by the way (since we are so dumb in the south) I just thought I would let you know. My father has owned an honest business for 43 years. He is 70 years old and the oldest of 12 kids. Those 12 kids all now have older "home owning" kids and grand kids. You stop and do the math on how fast word will spread about this company when I send them "all" an e-mail with this web site and when I post this web site at my fathers business telling other "dumb people in the south" about Global-Sun Pools. Now, who is the DUMB one now??


North Carolina,
Not going to deal with Global Sun-Pools

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, March 15, 2004

I have been wanting to get a pool for sometime and recently contacted Global Sun-Pools. They took my name and number down and said a representative would shortly get back with me. Well two days later they did. They asked a few questions and said they had to do a credit check, well we have PERFECT credit, and I didn't feel comfortable about them requesting our Social Security Numbers. Esp. over the phone, so I denied, asked if there were any other ways around it. ANd they said no that it was a way to show if the person was really the homeowner and that the house was not a foreclosure. Well I told them that we were very interested in a pool and would most likely get one if there was anyway we didn't have to give our numbers out and just have someone come to our home for the inspection first, they said no that it was their policy.. so I said I was sorry but I would have to not do it. And so after reading all of these complaints, I am glad I did not! Mindy


South Carolina,
Why do global sun try to trick people

#84Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 10, 2004

dear david, I have not tried global sun pools myself but i was considering it, and now im not so sure. I started on the internet to find there web site to find out there deals and was planning on buying a pool from them but sense i read these rip off reports and your insite I have pritty much changed my mind. i dont think i want to deal with a company that likes to play tricks on there consumers. why would they even want to play tricks? to me that means that the whole company is dishonist all the way around.


South Carolina,
Why do global sun try to trick people

#85Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 10, 2004

dear david, I have not tried global sun pools myself but i was considering it, and now im not so sure. I started on the internet to find there web site to find out there deals and was planning on buying a pool from them but sense i read these rip off reports and your insite I have pritty much changed my mind. i dont think i want to deal with a company that likes to play tricks on there consumers. why would they even want to play tricks? to me that means that the whole company is dishonist all the way around.


South Carolina,
Why do global sun try to trick people

#86Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 10, 2004

dear david, I have not tried global sun pools myself but i was considering it, and now im not so sure. I started on the internet to find there web site to find out there deals and was planning on buying a pool from them but sense i read these rip off reports and your insite I have pritty much changed my mind. i dont think i want to deal with a company that likes to play tricks on there consumers. why would they even want to play tricks? to me that means that the whole company is dishonist all the way around.


South Carolina,
Why do global sun try to trick people

#87Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 10, 2004

dear david, I have not tried global sun pools myself but i was considering it, and now im not so sure. I started on the internet to find there web site to find out there deals and was planning on buying a pool from them but sense i read these rip off reports and your insite I have pritty much changed my mind. i dont think i want to deal with a company that likes to play tricks on there consumers. why would they even want to play tricks? to me that means that the whole company is dishonist all the way around.


Global Sun is not a rip-off from

#88UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 09, 2004

Greetings, I am an ex-employee of Global Sun. I worked as a customer service representative so I was one of the people who set the appointments and fielded complaints. I have had the opportunity speak with ex-employees, salesperson, installers and customers. I began getting complaints when I first starts so i started asking questions. One thing I noticed is that many of the customers never read their contracts. Many of the salespersons are dishonest (as most salespeople are) and told them something different than was on the contract. People who ACTUALLY read the contracts had no problem. In fact, they were very pleased or cancelled the deal. Whenever you buy anything, get everything in writing and know who is accountable. What I told my clients is to get the name of the salesperson and read the contract. Understand that these salespeople do not try to trick people who are educated and know how to sue. They know that they can be personally sued and not the company. When they know that you will personally sue them, the will tell the truth and give you a good deal. You can even talk down the price. I actually got a lot of sales because I let the people who called me know all the tricks that Global Sun plays. See, if you get a loan from the bank first and THEN pay in advance, you kill the company. Global Sun sells the pools for the same price they pay for them andif you are smarteven less. They make their money on the loans, which have a high rate of interest. That is why we do a credit report. They cry when someone buys a $10,000 pool with cash. They loose $2000 because they sell it at the invoice price. that mean they payed a person to take the call and a person to make the trip with ZERO profit. (Not good business). So the next time you buy something, actually READ the contract, get some names, and threaten to sue if you are ripped off. Predators do not mess with people who know and exercise their rights. It is not just Global Sun who does this but most companies. I let my clients know all this information when they call but common sense says that the consumer should ask. As a result, I recieved many referrals and praises from happy customers who actually beat Global Sun at their own game and got a pool at a half price. Global Sun does its biggest business in the South. It is not because it is hotter there. It is because the people there are gullible and trusting. Arizona is a hot state but we do not do business there because the people there are too smart. they make their money in FL, MS, AL, and LA (IE the Deep South) where the most gullible people live. Read the frigging contract. Wake up!


still out there scamming and getting away with it

#89Author of original report

Thu, June 19, 2003

too all who has een scammed fro this pool depot- global sun pools, i feel for you. i have tried for amost 2 years to do something about this company and can't seem to find the right help. it really !@#$%^ me off they can do this to so many people and continue to get away with it. i have much proof and documentation and now many people to prove this scam just can't find someone wlling to take them down. i wish someone would could contact me and gie me some help or tell me where to go. tanks for all the info.---------- crystal


Another ex-employee ripped off

#90UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 18, 2003

I, too, am an ex-employee of Global Sun Pools, and I, too, lost a chunk of money that I was suppose to get from the sale of a pool. The pool was installed shortly after I sold it, even though the company kept telling me that they had not received the financing on it and could not release the commission check until then. Two months later I was still waiting on my check, and when it finally came, it was labeled for 'Travel' and was only $150. When I called the company back and asked Kevin Fisher, the sales manager, what the $150 was for, he said it was my commission for selling the pool. When I questioned him about the $1450, he responded that it was in-house financing because 3 lending institutions turned the customer down, and as my contract states, $150 is the total commission on in-house financing deals. The problem is that all appointments are advertised as credit pre-approved, so why do so many deals become in-house financing, and how can they afford to install a pool so quickly if they are not sure they are going to get paid for it? Is it possible that they do this to avoid paying us our commissions, and then bundle up a few deals a week or so later and sell them to a lender, thus legally avoiding paying out high commissions that they sucker sales people with? Thankfully, circumstances prevailed that kept me from running any other appointments for a few days, and then they asked me to send back my kit. I thought this was strange, since they had spent the money on sending me to training in Atlanta, but little did I know they would recoup their expense by not paying me my $1450 commission on the pool. My question is: how many other sales people have they robbed of big commissions by using the excuse of "in-house financing"? I would love to join in a suit to take this company down, and I know of another ex-employee who would, also.


South Carolina,
investigating on our own and have documented proof that they are royally screwing us.

#91UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 18, 2003

I have currently been employed with the company since mid february. since i have been selling the product for the company i have spent over 600.00 in gas and have travelled over 6000 miles to see potential customers, and have sold approximately 15 pools ranging in price from $5495 to $12306. the company told me that they have a nationwide credit turndown rate of 4% however my turndown rate is 26%. Mysteriously the only turn downs i've had are on big commission deals. I took it upon myself to contact some of my customers that had been turned down and got permission from them to run their credit myself to see exactly what the deal was. two of the customerrs that were supposedly turned down had impecable credit and have actually scheduled the installation of their pools. I have also been in contact unbeknownst to the company with two other sales persons who went through the same training class with me in atlanta, both of which are having the exact same situation i'm having. We have gotten our heads together and done some investigating on our own and have documented proof that they are royally screwing us. I would loooooovvvvee to take down global sun. they now owe me by my calculation in excess of $10,000 in unpaid commissions and since i've been with the company I've been paid a total of $900. I've spent over two months hoping against my better judgement that they were not a scam and in the process with no income to speak of and my time, effort, and money invested in this have been sent straiaght to the poor house. I am a husband and father of four children and because of global sun ripping me off am virtually unable to support my family. If you would like to talk to me personally please contact me via telephone I can be reached 24 hours a day at 803-467-2761. If any one can tell me what if any recourse i have it would be greatly appreciated. further I would be more than happy to help you with any information i can give.

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