  • Report:  #262567

Complaint Review: Blue World Pools - Carson City Nevada

Reported By:
- NILES, Ohio,

Blue World Pools
25330 North Carson Street Suite 4925 Carson City, 89706 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My story is the same as all the others, We contacted Blue World looking for a Good deal on a new pool. First off the Sales Manager named "Benny" as they call him, set the appointment for a Saturday (Seemed odd but I thought it was dedication) As that Saturday approached he called me to rescedule for the following Saturday! (No appointments during the week he said really I think it was because that would give people a change to cancel if they had my appointment during the week.) He said his salesmen went on a last minute vacation to Flordia and need to reschedule for the following Saturday, Then I questioned that he only had one salesmen in my area and he said yes otherwise he would have to send someone from Cinncinatti Ohio area. Being a reasonable person I didn't want to make anyone drive that far so I rescheduled for the following Saturday (July 7th).

The Salesmen (Jim Cook) gets to my home....Late I might add, Then tells me he is late due to selling someone a pool and wanted to stay to make sure they were happy. (Crap) He then went into his pitch on purified water and value and how there pools will "Blow away" any other pool in my neighborhood. he was at our home for 5 hours for the 90 minute appoinmtment.

During this time we covered EVERYTHING in detail! (My wife is very hard to impress and get to buy anything) He made several calls to "Benny" during this time covering price and Payments, at one point giving the phone to me and having me talk to Benny reguarding what my payment would be, (This sure sounds like a Finance agreement to me) in the end I decided on a 15 X 24 Oval pool at the price of $9400.00 installed. Benny informed me that my payment would be $198.00 per month for 48 months. This was later confirmed again by Jim Cook. We were told our pool would be installed in 21 to 28 days.

After that 5 hours we thought we had everything covered. i even asked who paid for the Permit to put the pool in. After all the question's we asked we had everything covered with the salesmen. Having NO IDEA what so ever that nothing he said was actually written in the contract. We signed the contract having no reason to believe that anything was worded different in the contract then what we were told. WOW were we wrong. Again learning the value of reading the contract. Upon leaving our home my wife was asked to talk to Jim's wife to verify that he was actually at this appointment! (Thats professional)

A week later I have heard nothing about the financing or install date I called them and was told by install that my account was still in finance. I then called Benny to see what was going on he assured me it would be takin care of. I told them if I didn't hear anything that I would call him the following Wednsday. (now we are into week#2) Of course nothing was done by Wednsday so I called them again. At this point I was told I was approved for finacing and my payment would be $242.00 a month for 120 months. I did the math while the girl was talking and that is $29000.00. I told her that was not what I agreed to. She said they had to add a Deluxe package to my pool to get the finance! (You can't finance 9000 but you can 15000 that makes NO SENSE) At any rate I told her I was not interested and she said there would be a cancellation fee of $4900.00. I told her she was crazy to think that I was going to pay her $4900.00 for not putting a pool in at my house. At that point I told her I would call Benny. After talking to my wife, She decided that she wanted to call them. She did and was put on the phone with Kevin Fisher, who told her that she "lived in a fairy tale land" and in the "real world "he could do what ever he wanted. He asked several time's if we read the contract then called my wife a Liar and claimed that Benny did not agree to anyting we said he did. He kept asking my wife if she thought he was a liar. He called her names such as ignorant and a idiot for not reading the contract. He continued with some other comments that I am not completely sure what was said however my wife called me back Hyper ventalating she was so upset.

I then called Benny myself, He wouldn't talk to me. He immediatly sent me to Kevin Fisher who tld me the same story that if I didn't pay it he would put a lien on my house. I fought with him for a while and in the end hung up wondering what to do about this!

Since then they have attempted to get us to agree to terms for a pool that is thousands more that it will ever be worth!

I will not have my family treated this way and will not go down without a fight. I have made contacts with the BBB in Ohio, Neveda and GA, Filed a complaint with the FTC, I am currently working with an attorney and have made contact with Dateline NBC, 60 Minutes, and Inside edition. I have also contacted several of my local television stations that are inquireing about running stories as well as removing any commercials they may be running for Blue World Pools. There is a Station in Atlanta GA that did a 2 day story on them I wm working on locating that station and hoping to get them to re-run the story!

Anyone who wants to get on board I would certainlly like the help. This is a lot of work for one person to try and handle. However the Marine Corp didn't teach me to back down from any fight and I will NOT be backing down from this one. I will NOT stop until I have some kind of reasonable agreement with them or until they close their doors! I am looking to file a lawsuit for a variety of different complaints! Anyone who wishes to get on board lets bring the heat to this company as HOT as we can get it! Hopefully soon they will realize they messed with the wrong Marine this time! I am making my promise right now publically that I WILL NOT STOP until these issues with this company have been resolved for all. They need to be stopped and made to stand tall for their actions! I WILL DO THAT! Anyone looking to get on board this freight train headed straight for BLue World please contact me, I'm not sure how though this site that we can get in touch, but lets try!

Thanks to all that respond,

One VERY angry U.S. Marine




11 Updates & Rebuttals


Boy they change their tune quick under pressure

#2Author of original report

Mon, August 27, 2007

I'm not sure what happened I started to write this and it got sent automatically before I was done. At any rate they have released me from my contract. They have returned my money to me (my deposite) I did the following in order to get this done; 1.Sent a certified letter both Blue world locations saying that I did not want there product at all. 2. Called my local Police and made a complaint against them. 3. Files a complaint with the FTC 4. Filed a complaint with the Ohio state BBB 5. Called the Ohio state Attorney General and filed a complaint with him. (In the end He was the one who got it done) 6. Called everyone news station local and nationwide that I could and gave up my story. 7. Called a lawyer and found out that without having a pool on your property the only lein that can put on a property is a Judgment lein at which they will have to take you to court and prove they deserve it. You could destroy them in court. 8. I called the Ohio Secretary of state and discovered that they don't have a license in Ohio nor have they ever paid taxes in Ohio on any sale under the name Blue world pools. 9. I gave all this information to the Ohio Attorney general and his office took it from there. Several weeks later I got a letter from Blue world saying that I had to pay them or they would persue the Lein approach. I ignored that letter! A weel after that I got a phone call from the Attorney generals office saying they responded to them and would allow us to get out of out contract. We (my wife and I) of course took that option. About 1 week after that I got a letter from blue world nice as pie saying they were happy to let me out of my contract and sent a check for my intial deposite. So for all of you that are concerned that is how to get it done. Reguadless of weither they have a license or not your attorney general will not tolerate this kind of business in their state. Follow my lead and you will have the same end result. I have not yet decided weither I will continue my quest against them. There was a gentlemen down in Atlanta that called my wife some pretty horrible names for someone in his position and I really want to see him pay for that however she is happy with the outcome so far. So while I am in transition making my decision my recomendation for all is to file a complaint with the FTC and if you get enough of them in to the FTC they will trigger a class action suit in all of our names. I will update you on what I decided as far as persuing this any further. It's really up to my wife if she says "GO" then i will contact a lawyer and go from there! My wifes character as well as my own was severelly challenged by this company and that is VERY hard for me to let go! I will try to keep everyone updated. In the mean time do what I did and you will surely get the same result!


Boy they change there tune quick with some pressure

#3Author of original report

Mon, August 27, 2007

OK I got out of it! I was realeased from all possible contract or Fee's.It took me about a Month, However I got a letter the other day from Blue world that released me from my contract and they refunded my 200 deposite that I gave them. Here's how it went. 1st and most important I sent certifies letters to both locations of Blue world telling them I was no longer interested in there product and if they were to come to my property I would immediatly call the Police and file charges.


I'm more than willing to jump on board.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, August 21, 2007

I signed the contract on Saturday and changed my mind right after the sales lady left. I mailed my notice to cancel on a Monday. I couldn't take time off from work to have the letter delivered certified so I mailed the letter off at the post office that morning before the post office even opened. Blue World Pools states thay didn't receive any cancellation letter from me, which tells me that they received the notice in time and because I didn't send it certified, I have no way of proving I sent the letter. If the letter had been late they would have been able to use the excuse they didn't receive the notice in the time limit specified on the contract. I have contacted the Better Business Bureau. Their response is the same; did not receive cancellation notice. I have contacted the Attorney General in my state. Blue World Pool is trying to charge me $4550.00 just for late cancellation. I am willing to do anything to put them out of business.


Where They Think We Are Dumb,
Some wording for your letter

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 29, 2007

They tried intimidation practices and even the outright threat to put a lien on our home if we did not buy the pool that they were forcing on us (UNAUTHORIZED BY US, neither verbally nor in writing). In our case, it was a matter of them trying to sell (force on us) us a pool for many thousands more than what we agreed to. This was done with deceptive practices and verbal intimidation that included shrieking and screaming matches by 'Kathleen'. There is much more to our story, but this statement is to help with yours I don't know the rules in your state as far as taping your phone conversations, go to this website: http://rcfp.org/taping/ to find out. It is a state by state guide that shows the laws on taping phone conversations. ( I can in mine) and I DID. YOu can get a recorder at Radio Shack for less than $20. Contact your Attorney General, Contact every single network's (in your area) troubleshooter reporter (by phone and in writing). Chances are, they are already familair with this company, I am certain that the Atty Gen. will also be familiar with them. I believe that Fox News in Atlanta (sorry I do not have the link) did a two- day story on them, you can probably find it on the internet. Contact the Better Business bureau (in both Nevada and Georgia) and the FTC. Now. most important of all: Write a certified letter to the president Michael Warren and the secretary Sean Warren and even Kathleen and word it to say that you forbid them to lay even one brick or one grain of sand on your property and you demand your money back immediately. They have not kept up with what they promised. You have an attorney so that is good. That letter will be even better if penned by the attorney, but just fine if it comes from you. Also make sure you register this with your clerk of court and your sherriff's office. If they do set foot on your property, this will be considered felony trespassing. Do this immediately. Get to the post office and get the letters out NOW. IMPORTANT NOTE: Address your letters to the Blue world offices in both Nevada and GEORGIA. GEORGIA is where the 'meat' of there business is conducted . Make sure the letters are certified or UPS or FedEX. Do the same with the Better Business Bureaus. Be ready to be badmouthed and called a remorseful consumer and all kinds of things. It's okay. The bullet you might dodge will all be worth it. And remember you can always sue for defamation if it comes to it and you feel they are really assasinating your character. I did dodge the Blue world pools 'bullet' they did cancel the contract as null and void after all noise I made (but not without trashtalking myself and my husband as I said above.) They did confirm that to the BBB, Atty Gen and FTC (I think) it's up to you if you choose to shut up and leave it at that or go after them for the lies they pile on, all of which they cowardly did in writing to the BBB, certainly not in the apologetic message to us which was recorded of course). Finally, be sure to read EVERY report on this site.. It is rather enlightening. GOOD LUCK TO YOU Semper Fi From one Marine Family to another


Another GOOD question

#6Author of original report

Tue, July 24, 2007

Has anyone out there actually got a Lein put on their property, Everyone has said how they threaten to do it but I have not seen anyone say that it has happened. So I'm wondering are these hallow threats or has it happened to someone! Please respond. I am checking the backrounds of the individuals who respond so make sure your telling the truth! These guys would do anything!


Thanx Marc glad to have you on board

#7Author of original report

Tue, July 24, 2007

Did your Lawyer tell you anything as far as what needed to be said in that letter? Does it have to be worded specific? Let me know I need to let some other people know. I hae done this but I'm not sure if mine was worded the best. thanks again for the support.


Thanx Marc glad to have you on board

#8Author of original report

Tue, July 24, 2007

Did your Lawyer tell you anything as far as what needed to be said in that letter? Does it have to be worded specific? Let me know I need to let some other people know. I hae done this but I'm not sure if mine was worded the best. thanks again for the support.


Thanx Marc glad to have you on board

#9Author of original report

Tue, July 24, 2007

Did your Lawyer tell you anything as far as what needed to be said in that letter? Does it have to be worded specific? Let me know I need to let some other people know. I hae done this but I'm not sure if mine was worded the best. thanks again for the support.


Thanx Marc glad to have you on board

#10Author of original report

Tue, July 24, 2007

Did your Lawyer tell you anything as far as what needed to be said in that letter? Does it have to be worded specific? Let me know I need to let some other people know. I hae done this but I'm not sure if mine was worded the best. thanks again for the support.


My story plus a lady in knoxville Tn.

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, July 24, 2007

My Attorney told me to cancel with a certified letter, and said that was the worst contract for a consumer she had ever seen. The contract itself is hard for a consumer to fully understand everything in it.Another Attorney i talked with said it's pretty much saying after you sign they can treat you like crap,and its hard to do anything about it. I have a lot of stuff on this company if Ripoff report would respond to my e-mail.I have done most of the work instead of my attorney to save money. Does it have to actually be my attorney to e-mail this site?? Heres another news story from knoxville Tn. A lady there said she signed a 9,000 dollar contract,she contacted the company 5 days later to find out about her financing, and they told her it fell through. when she asked what happen they said the lender would not finance a basic pool package for 9,000, but would finance a deluxe package for 14,000, and if she canceled she would have to pay 5,000. She sat where her pool was marked off to be put, and cried for hours. So they basically told her if she cancelled on a contract that they could not even get financed she still had to pay.. thats a load of B>S.! I will send one more e-mail to the classaction of this site and if i cant get a response i will tell my attorney this web sites on her to get one. I'm with you Niles


New update

#12Author of original report

Mon, July 23, 2007

I have uncover further severally damaging information reguarding Blue world pools for all Ohio residence. The freight train is building speed!

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