  • Report:  #416102

Complaint Review: BlueGreen Resort - Gatlinburg Tennessee

Reported By:
- Christiana, Tennessee,

BlueGreen Resort
Mountain Loft Gatlinburg, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My former husband and I purchased 10,000 points in 2003 - paid cash, we were promised ability to get in any of their resorts anytime - promised sure fire income if we put in rental program - promised maintenance fees never increase - now after divorce it's taking me 6 months so far, to change the title to my name only and every time i call to ask where the documentation is i'm promised a return call - as of today - nothing (as usual from BlueGreen).

Have registered with two different agencies (claiming no connection to BlueGreen - HA HA) to list my points for sale at the nice sum of $595.00 each. As of today either company has no record of my listing. I can't sell them, i can't trade them (Lord knows i've tried everything) only thing left to do is give them away but no one wants the astronomical yearly maintenance fees. Somehow i feel like the remains of Enron!!!!!!!!! (with no vaseline)


Christiana, Tennessee


6 Updates & Rebuttals

M Melendez

New York,
Mike is just too funny!

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, June 02, 2009

Donna, I totally agree with you. I, too, was lied to, out and out. It's like one of the oldest tricks in the book. My mother taught me not to sign something I didn't agree with, yet I still let myself be had by Bluegreen. I was trying to read as many complaints as I could to see if anyone had experienced a situation like mine when I came across this page. What a GREAT laugh I had after reading both of Mike's interesting rebuttals. So won't you laugh with me while I dissect his colorful responses? First, he says that maybe you are calling the wrong department. I don't care what department I call, they should be able to connect me to the CORRECT department, or give me the CORRECT number to call. I couldn't understand what he was talking about when he said YOU were "ignorant if you think a company is going to offer you $595 for each of your 10,000 points..." (**EXPLANATION FOR MIKE*** Mike, the $595 was in reference to the listing fee paid to the TWO agencies; hence, the need for the word "each." [because there is more than one agency]) He asks what agencies you are using. What difference does it make? One of the selling pitches of Bluegreen is the ease of selling your timeshare. I didn't even know you had to list through an agency, much less multiple. He questions "What does this have to do with Bluegreen?" regarding the agencies not having a record of your listing, since you said they are not connected. (**EXPLANATION FOR MIKE*** Mike, that was the "reason for the 'childish' HAHA." Donna was implying that perhaps these agencies DO in fact have a connection to Bluegreen.) He insists you purchased something you couldn't afford, and that people like you are the ones who ruined the economy. That makes no sense since the very beginning of your complaint states that you paid in cash. (**EXPLANATION FOR MIKE*** Mike, people who pay in cash and made good on their bills didn't ruin this economy. It was corporate greed. They were the ones encouraging those who couldn't afford it to buy things they couldn't afford.) (NOTE: I, too, paid off my timeshare. So I also purchased what I could afford.) He complains that you use "childish" language while he points out a misspelled word; all the while misspelling the words "spell check." (**EXPLANATION FOR MIKE*** Yes, Mike, spell check is TWO words.) He tells you not to come to a site like this to complain if you don't want anyone to respond. My question is, if he doesn't work for this company and has no complaint of his own, why does HE come to this site? Donna, sorry for the length of my comment, but it was too tempting for a disgruntled consumer like myself to pass up. It's like EVERYTHING he said was ludicrous. I, like Teresa, am also interested in joining your class action lawsuit. Now, remember, (since Mike doesn't have much faith in successful litigation) there's always the attorney general... and, of course, the media! TTFN

Totally Disgusted

Donna Bluegreen

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, March 18, 2009

i agree with Donna, this company is a total ripoff, Donna email me at my personal email address which is (((link redacted))) i will join your lawsuit, Teresa CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Pigeon Forge,
Donna, Donna, Donna

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

No, I am not an employee of the company, however, I am in sales. Even if I was an employee, I would have just as much right to comment on here as you do. What is my ignorance?? I just commented on what you posted, and you spelled colossal incorrectly, and this website even has spellcheck!!! How were you ripped off? You probably failed to read your contract. The maintenance of your car and home have most likely increased since 2003. How do you expect the maintenance of your timeshare not to increase??? Yes, you can file a class action law suit against the company. They have already had several already. The company's stock is not worth anything at this time, and they cannot get anyone to underwrite their loans. If you do not want anyone to comment on your complaints, then stop writing them on here.


Here's a suggestion

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 10, 2009

Sorry about your situation (Divorce). But I do hava couple of suggestions for you... 1. Go to Yahoo groups, type in bluegreen, and join the bluegreen groups and let them know about your situation, they can offer some ways to sell your timeshare. 2. there's a website that does sell timeshares and is very responsible-be careful not to give to those who say they can sell for a high price if you pay them money-don't everr pay them. If you join yahoo group, you'll learn about the website. 3. you can donate and write off on your taxes if you desire. 4. Use it for barter, maybe you need a good used car, or home repairs. Would be a great bartering tool. I hope some of this will help.


Mike-Pigeon Forge - All Ticked Off Bluegreen Owners

#6Author of original report

Mon, March 09, 2009

If you as a Bluegreen Owner have filed a complaint on this web site - check your rebuttals - seems Mike in Pigeon Forge is rebutting more than just my complaint and showing his IGNORANCE in collassal form! Odds are he's an employee (you think). I am sick to death of that entire organization (even down to an ignorant flunky) ripping myself and obviously many many others off! I am pursuing a Class Action Law Suit - anyone interested please contact me thru this web site! By the way Mike in Pigeon Forge - i can certainly afford it!!!!!!


Pigeon Forge,
A Little Over The Top Don't You Think!!

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, January 30, 2009

If you have changed the title to your name, you should have made copies of your paperwork before sending it back to bluegreen. What number are you calling? Maybe you are calling the wrong department. Wha agencies are you using? What is the reason for the childish HAHA?? You are ignorant if you think a company is going to offer you $595 for each of your 10,000 points (that would be 5,950,000). You stated that Bluegreen is not connected to these companies, but you are complaining that these companies don't have a record of your listing. What does this have to do with Bluegreen? What is your maintenance fee? If you are complaining about a fee, you need to state the fee. This is nothing at all like Enron. - You cannot afford what you purchased. People like you are the ones who got our economy in the shape that it is in. Next time you complain about something, make sure you actually give the information you are complaining about rather than just saying that a company is like enron. Also, next time, don't buy something you cannot afford.

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