  • Report:  #233067

Complaint Review: Bobby Allen - Harmony Station - Greensboro Georgia

Reported By:
- Greensboro, Georgia,

Bobby Allen - Harmony Station
104 E. Broad Street Greensboro, 30642 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The Real Story Behind Harmony Station

107 E. Broad Street

Greensboro, Ga. 30642

The way I had grown up was to take a persons word for gold. Yes this is the western way and well according to city life a stupid way for there are to many people after your money, your personal possessions, and to screw you every which way they can think of.

Since I've moved to Georgia, I had a lot of money in my pocket but while living in Georgia since 92, I seemed to have done one mistake time and again. This is to listen to a sob story to make me feel sorry for the person, then they turn around and use me for all they can get out of me or plain out tell me lies.

Well those days are over for me, yes I have an ex boyfriend in my life, yes at one point and time I trusted him with whole heart, mind and soul and loved him dearly but since we opened Harmony Station, all I get from him is empty promises, lies and deceipt. Same with everyone else I've ever known.

In the latter part of November of 2006, Bobby has used me for all of his wants in life knowing how much I wanted to accomplish my dreams and goals, in which he promised to help me first upon opening up Harmony Station. He made me feel sorry for him, telling me about his hearing loss and that one day very soon he wont be able to hear any more and he would loose his job.

Well this very same day mind you we were talking to a publisher about publishing my book and I was $2,000.00 just shy of having enough money to publish my one of my books. (he is to afraid to go to the doctor and have surgury then makes excuses that he can not afford it for where he works he does have insurance. he says it crappy but I feel that I know better than that, that this too is a lie he is just to lazy or just to scared. But i've talked to doctors about this and they all say he can have his hearing corrected and he would be able to hear.

This very same day after finding out that I didnt have enough to publish one of my books, he kept on making me feel bad with his sob story about his hearing as we drove around looking at store fronts. It didn't dawn on me what I was doing, I was so madly in love with him and he kept promising how much money is in model trains and layout tables WE would make. That "He would make me a very rich woman."

So dummy me had taken all of my money that was in my savings including my tax cxheck and invested to get him started thinking that I would one day double my money to be able to support myself. Well putting trust into him I had just gotten my taxes back, now mind you I do not work. I am living on $520.94 a month alimony till March of 07.

What other money I had in my bank account I saved up by working here and there. Cleaning houses, writing articles and selling them, saving aluminum cans and getting paid to clean out my ex husbands rig, doing lawn that he paid me for, yard sales etc. which I had $2,000.00 saved in a three year time in my savings at the time of meeting Bobby at a rodeo in Shady Dale. Then Later on selling my horse bo and a few other objects to get the store going. I thought and was under the assumption I was owner at this time since I put all of my money into this store.

I didn't want to touch this money at all. In the mean time of leaving my ex husband, I was putting up food every time I went to Bj's warehouse or Sam's Club so when I moved out of my ex's house which I had planned to do to move by my self I would have enough food to carry me over until some job came along, my freezer was jam packed full of food, I estimate I had a little over 4,000.00 worth of food put up for me and my dog.

Any way I met Bobby in June of 06 at a rodeo where he told me he not only was a country boy, but a cowboy, we started going together and he wanted to marry me and wanted me to move in. I see now why. Any way I put a little over $4,000.00 of food in the house, I bought them both he and his son cloths, and now I opened up this store and paid a little over $8,000.00 to open up Harmony Station which was/is Bobby's dream up until August of 06. I kept putting more in until November of 06 when Bobby told me to stop putting my money into this store.

Well in November 06, Bobby needed money to purchase Christmas stock for the store. We both were flat broke for I went and used up not only every penny but nineteen dollars of my bank account, my taxes of $3,700.00, I sold my horse, my best friend Bo for $1,200.00 plus $1,800.00 in allimony checks on top of still purchasing food for he and Bj his son who eat like pigs might I add on top of the $4,000.00 of food I had brought into the house which by this time was almost gone.

Well Bobby had chipped in a little bit a grand total at this time of 3,000.00 until he fell behind in the bills where he was getting court summons's at the house plus falling behind in water bill, electric bills etc. and this included my camper payment were I am storing my camper that he so proudly promised to pay for (have a witness) when I moved in. So I caught this up finally on my camper payment and am making payments all though he promised he could take care of me. He promised that he would pay my camper rent etc. Yeah right.

Any way he tried to obtain a few of investors, who were well off to get them to invest. No one wanted to help him. Finally he went to a friend of his from highschool this man works for the GA Farm Buearu and the man took out some money from his retirement savings at work. This caused a bunch of problems with me and Bobby, and he and his wife, he wanted collateral.

Bobby called the house, wanting to use my pickup truck title for he was driving my pickup at the time and somehow had taken it over when we first had started going together and selling his jeep cause he said he could not afford the insurance on three vehicles. He called the house this day and threatened to kick me out if I didn't help him. oh I was furious. I kept telling him no, I was not going to sign over my truck title.

Bobby didnt want to put up the deed to his house, which is the only collateral he has but instead Bobby called me on the phone remembering what I had told him a few months ago but after seeing no customers in the store until just a few weeks ago (late November 06), well I had changed my mind in using my pickup truck.

Well this fellow I do not know from adam wanted some collateral, so Bobby promised his friend he had collateral my pickup truck that he so graciously took over since the day we met.

Bobby got on the phone with me wanted my pickup truck title, we argued and argued about it and I kept telling him NO I was not putting up my pickup for a failing store.

He then came home got the title to my pickup which I refused to sign. He told me to "Get the F out of his house if I didn't want to help him". This made me even more mad and more upset than I already was so I quickly scribbled my name on it which doesnt look like my hand writing and threw it at him and told him to well you know.

Now his friend has my title to my truck which is in my name, a bogus contract about being able to sell my pickup truck which he listed as "Bobby's (his) automobile title, and my name is not on contract nor did I sign any contract. All I signed sloppily was my truck title. Which is not my signature at all. Bobby's name is not on my pickup truck title. (Grand theft auto and theft here) then in the so- called contract it has two business names, harmony crossing and harmony station. So this contract is very much null and void. That this fellow can sell my business, I had put my life savings into.

I swear on my granddaddy's grave, if anything happens to my pickup I will file suit on both men and both will be sitting pretty in jail and loose everything they ever had or worked for plus their jobs and families. This I promise (We westerners keep our word on everything) all because someone I trusted someone to the max had betrayed me and lied to me. along with lying to others.

This is when I lost all love and respect for him but yet tell him I love him, and can not stand to be around him nor do I want to be around him. I do not like Liars, cheaters and theives. I do not care to be around them either.

So as of late I was contacted that I qualify for a federal grant which I will be getting. Then I will purchase my own land, make it into a ranch for sick and injured animals and a boarding stable etc. and leave Bobby and his son. I am hoping a home will be on it as well to where I can move out as quickly as possible. I do not enjoy living with him or his son any longer, I do not love him any longer so hey why not get rid of my problem by making me happy for a change. I certainly can not be happy where I am. Its like living and working in a prison free of charge. Heck I do not make an income nor will i be making an income on the initial investment i made in this business as i am supposed to be doing or was promised i would do. once again empty promises.

Bobby is not getting any of this money, he is not moving in with me, I am not building him a home on my ranch nothing like he wants me to do while he rents out his house, I am not helping him ever again. NEVER.

All I want is my pickup truck title back and my initial investment of $8,000.00 back, which Bobby only agrees to pay me $3700.00 in installments from layout table sales of $100.00 each time. He does not want to consider me as a partner or make me a partner nor give me any of the proceeds after the investments are paid but thinks we will still be together after I move onto my ranch, that I will be going to trade shows with him, and travel with him. He doesnt want to give me a wage for sitting in this store working for him either.

Bobby has promised to pay for my pickup but knowing Bobby, I will end up paying off this debt as well just to make sure my picup truck title is safely in my hands again. I know how Bobby does things if its not his, he will pay on it for two months then fall behind then I will end up paying his friend for my pick up truck title. No way, I am done giving and trusting any one. He's also told me to "sit back and collect the money from the store."

In all rights I own Harmony Station of 107 E. Broad Street, Greensboro which Bobby graciously moved over Christmas from 899 Harmony Rd, Eatonton, Ga, I've paid in a little over $9,000.00 while Bobby has only put in a grand total of $4,000.00 if that until he started making sales on trains and layout tables and now the store is supporting its self and paying its own bills. Little does he know I have all financal statements from his personal checking, my checking, my savings pass books, and the company checkbooks along with the books that I was keeping for taxes which he says he is not filing taxes on Harmony Station from last year. I am.

I also am not married to Bobby Allen as well thus making it illegal for Bobby to do any transactions with my personal property. He kept telling his customers I was his wife, back when we were engaged. I was not and didnt want to lie about that.

February 1st, 2007 is coming real fast which is the deadline I've given Bobby Allen to get my truck title back to me or I will pursue legal action against both men. Alot of people will be affected by his stupidity and greed.

UpDate on situation:

December 2nd, 2006

After reading what I had put on his old website which he had me delete (This should tell you all something. He's trying to hide the truth from not only possible customers but customers now) , he told me this morning that yes "after I am paid off he will still be sharing the profits for 20 years or how ever long Harmony Station will be in business. If it wasn't me who helped him get into business, and using my money he wouldn't have no business and it would only be fair for me to also make a profit off of this business since I've not only sat here in the store baby sitting it while he works another job but had helped him financially to build and acquire this store and his shop which he had also dreamed of doing all his life." Still no signed partnership agreement have we signed yet because he doesnt want to be legally bound to me in his empty promises, which I've been asking for.

He still is using my pickup truck and I told him that he has until February 1,

2007 ( This was at Christmas December 26th, 2006 after I kept asking for it back since November 2006 to get my title back or I will be going to the police. i will as well as Defax about his boy. Well 18 more days and I go to the police with this information then hire an attorney. He keeps telling me he will talk to the man next week. yeah right at first it was he was going to talk to the man this weekend 1/13/07 now its next week he will talk to this fellow. "Not to worry him with it."

He's since then moved my business from 899 Harmony Rd Eatonton, to 107 E. Broad Street In Greensboro Ga. and won't let me near the new building, i had to hunt it down today. He's taken off with my business, my money and now my truck. HOW STUPID COULD I HAVE BEEN GEESH....

For Model Train Enthusiasts::::::

If i were you, i would not deal with a person who not only lies all of the time, but steals others things for his benifit. the address is HARMONY STATION, 107 E. BROAD STREET, GREENSBORO, GA, 30642. Warning Please Stay away...

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS MY NEW EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] He basically as of today's date have stolen the sum of 13,000.00 in total including my truck title and 4,000 in food that i brought with me and put in his house. He has paid me since December 06 the grand total amount o f $400.00 that is it

heck the man cant even purchase breakfast food for his son bj but can purchase over $1,000 in MTH products to put in my store off his bonus check. and $100.00 in candy as a christmas preasent for BJ as well to eat and live on because he doenst have to fork over dental bills, the state of Georgia does.

"I will believe getting my money backwhen I see it." until then i do not accept lies. he's a liar and i am not falling for his crap any longer. again he pays on for so long then stops all payments cause he keeps telling me "I can't afford this and that."

Well I can forget about being paid back, there are new developments to this saga. two months ago he was served with papers from the Green County Sheriff's Dept. for non payment on his bedroom suit. He went to the court hearing and asked the judge to let him make payments.

1/9/07 He wants to get back together and get things the way they used to be. Yes I will play his lonely game but when I am able to get out of "His House" and get moved I will no longer wish or want to be near him, see him, etc. for I will have nothing ever to give him ever again. not even a shouldier to lean on since he can not be honest with me and has to sneak around moving my business and disallowing me near it to help out. So onward and up ward to a better life, not a trailer trash life.

Then on 1-9-07 he told me that "If I do not give him what he wants (and we all know what those two things are) that he is not going to help me around here or do things for me" This is considered Blackmale wouldn't you say? or a form of Blackmale.

I've been packing my things and putting them in my camper and purchasing my own food and not bringing it to the house here for them to eat. I took out what ever food of mine was left and put that up as well. I am getting ready to move and looking for a job besides.

Last Sunday 1-7-07 He had gotten served once again by Providian financial services and is due in court again. I personally took the summonds in hand when the sheriff's dept delivered it for he was gone to the new store. and people wants dealings with a man who can not pay his bills? if i would have known earlier what I know now would have never went out with the freak.


Well Bobby is at it again with lies. I guess he lives with in a lye. today while working at Oconee Sand and Gravel, his regular job, he went out and purchased a white dodge automobile, he called me up at noon or there after and then told me to take him down to get his new car which he is so proud of. I asked him where did he get the money, I thought he was broke. then I made the statement "must be nice to have money." He then told me he made the transaction on a signature promise". Now this is coming from a man who supposedly can not pay me my money back nor a 5,000.00 loan to his friend, but can pay 1,200.00 for a car.

He must think I am really stupid. No one does a signature loan any longer and him with a 1,600.00 judgement on his head well he has money he is not telling anyone about. where is my share of 13,000.00????? start paying me instead of paying me 100.00 everytime you sell a layout to locals.

So he spends most of his time at his new "Play house" trying to act the business man he is not. then has the nerve to take me to a movie on Sunday and out to eat just so he can get some hanky panky out of me. wrong no more. and when I find a job and am able to move out, I will make sure its 100 miles from here and after he moves me, I then will tell him that I want nothing to do with him ever nor see him ever again. Heck, he's used me for everything I've got, why not use him?

6:00 P.M. I could not hold back a lie any longer, Bobby kept on telling me that he would talk to his friend about my title, that he was going to talk to him last week, he didn't, he said he was going to talk to him this past weekend, didnt, so i sent his friend an email letting him know the conditions that if I do not have my truck title back by Feb 1, 07 I will go to the sheriffs dept. that if bobby goes down he will go down and i have all proof as to what I am saying a folder an inch thick of paperwork to give to the judge. Lets see if I do not get my pickup truck title back by next week.

Bobby doesnt know I've done this yet, but I could not hold back a lie any longer, was taught to be honest in everything I do. So well we will see what happens. I know one thing, Bobby will surly kick me out now for contacting his friend when he finds out. Hope I find a good job by then.

1/22/2007 7:20 PM

Well Bobby has 9 more days to get my truck title back to me which he has not mentioned a word to me and I had not bugged him in a while, I did however over the phone tell him how I felt once again and am not a happy camper that I do not have my truck title before now since the warning on December 26th, 06 that I had given him.

Marty has not responded to my email which I know he already received as of todays date, and its been a week.

While talking with Bobby, he promised me which I do not believe him until I see the title in my hands that he will have my truck title back in my hands to me by Friday the 26th of January of 2007 as long as I do not bring up the subject again and worry him with it. I told him topic is closed until then which now I am not going to say a word. He has until a week from this Thursday to get that title back in my hands or to the sheriffs department I go with proof and all paperwork in hand.

So again I will believe this when I see it. Am not in a good mood right at the moment for he is all promises and bull and no actions. I am so upset about all going on I don't want to cook for him and his son. He is pitching a fit about this thus telling me "I don't help him out". Heck why should I? I am not a slave, he doesn't do a thing for me. He is gone at that stupid store 6 days a week lying to me that he is working on a layout when this past Saturday, he finally built the layout thus telling me all week that he was going to deliver this layout to the customer this past weekend. Then he throws it up in my face that he is letting me stay here for free, I said "What? I've more than paid my rent here. I've brought 4,000.00 of food in this house and then he said I should be helping him while I am here and that he noticed that I have not been putting food in the house." Now I am on foodstamps and I am not supposed to be feeding neither one of them, I stopped and have been storing this food for when I move out. This he is not happy about. Tough tiddly winks. I support no man. Then he tells me that I never do anything for him or help him out, I replied, who was the one who helped you in the yard yesterday chopping wood, and helping you finally clean up the yard until it started pouring out? I don't do a thing around here. Ha yeah right. I do more than your lazy son who sits in his room playing video games all day while he and I are out there working until we are dead. That kid is so lazy and Bobby lets him get away with murder around here thus babying a 15 yr old boy who wants a car when he is sixteen. this is really a joke, the kid doesn't want to take responsability here at the house lord help us when Bobby gives him the new car he just bought when he is sixteen years old. remind me to stay off of the roads then

Well we will see if he keeps his promise but I know for a fact this is just words to get me off of his back about my pickup truck. But no more words will be said, if I do not next Thursday I will take action against him and his friend. Not caring what happens after this to his son or me. Lets give the kid anything he wants to buy his love instead of him earning his way and working for his own car like most of us have to do. hahaha that kid is going to end up in jail when he is older. i can see it already. he loves to do as daddy does and follow in daddies footsteps, he even copies everything that Bobby does the way he eats, etc. and sits next to his dad when we are watching tv like he is gay or something. makes me wonder what really goes on at Harmony Station lol.

01/23/2007 10:02 AM

More New developments

After me not being around Bobby all night for I went into a different rooms and I totally ignored him as if he weren't in the house telling him what goes on in this house is non of my business any longer unless it involves me and didnt even kiss him today goodby like normal when he went off to work. I just waved at him. While he was at home, I didn't pay him any attention etc.

He just called me. He says that "He got my truck title back from his friend that I will have it in my hands when he gets home from work this evening ." Ha this I will believe when I have the baby in my hands."

I told him I was happy that he got my truck title back but had researved myself to sound like I was happy but not over joyed. Not until I see my pick up truck title back in my hands then put into a safe deposit box where he can not get a hold of it ever again. Also why do I have to wait for it? Why not drop it off now? He picked it up at this time when he wanted it. Why do I have to wait? this is just like Bobby Allen. When he wants something its now, when others want something its later.

So we will see what happens later on when he gets home from work. This doesn't pay the $13,000.00 he owes me or gives me back my store, but I can take a loss on this and start all over financially. this way I can find a job with ease of mind that my grand fathers pickup truck that I had inherited is not going to get sold when Bobby fails at Harmony Station for lack of payment to his friend.

8:30 p.m.. Well Bobby Allen finally did something right for a change. He finally kept his word on one thing since I've known him. He did bring in my title and it is now in my hands and in a very safe place were no one can get to it except me.

I really can not afford to take a $13,000.00 loss but if i will, I will just to get out of this situation, but first I must find a job which I've been on three interviews thus far and have applied at 41 places thus far. in mean time I have one more allimony check coming and I can put most of that away but it won't be enough to get me on my feet. but well its a start and thats all I care about. Or until the paperwork for the grant comes in which I do hope its real soon, then I can move 100 miles away from here and start my own dreams that I have planned like my rescue ranch and such and then next year publish some of my books etc.

I then will be living my life instead of someone else's life for a change. never again will chance going out with a man again, I just assume be lonely by my self with my dog and my animals, this way its less problems in my life.

I will keep you all updated as to what happens next in this saga for its still going lol. but at least I now have my pickup truck title in my hands and hidden.

Thank you for reading this let the truth be known.


Greensboro, Georgia

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Bobby Allen & Harmony Station a BIIIIGGGGG FAKE

#2Author of original report

Sun, October 14, 2007

Bobby Allen and I have been in communication, he had given me a sob story that he had to go through bankruptcy. So I waited and waited, now his bankruptcy is supposedly over with and he supposedly owes no one. Says he didnt put me or another guy Marty on it. Bobby told me a month later that he is working a second job, I do not remember where it is but can find out. He also is trying to get layout jobs on the side from his home as well. Bobby now insists that he owes me nothing and is not going to pay me a dime at all, after promising to pay me in full of all the monies I put toward Harmony Station. I didnt take him to court because I do not have the gas, time or money with moving and renting to lease my home and now my own responsabilities and starting a new business myself to go down 100 miles and file suit. He had to close the store at 107 E Broad street Greensboro, Ga and now is just trying to get accounts to build layout tables from his home at 1410 pullman lane, in Greensboro.Dont do business with him. you will see his new white chevy blazer covered in Harmony Station Signs. Dont worry, now that I know he is done with bankruptcy, I can now send to my informaiton to my collections agency I have on this file, including but not limited to, bank statements from both him and I, receipts in my single name and in his name which he didnt want to let customers know that we were engaged a the time, a print out of the log Ive been keeping online that he wants me to take off line and I refuse, and other paperwork and receipts I told him I had that he doesnt believe me I do have. in my possession. My collections will then get all paperwork which has been sent in the amount now of $17,000.00 which he will either pay, or get garnisheed or go to jail. My collections does not play games and they are good. They will make his life unbarable. I had to hire them on another city slicker from VA at a place called General Fleet LLC who didnt pay my new business for the dispatch services that he contracted me for. They are shutting them down. Bobby well he will go to jail and that is the first place I want to see him. He has no money but is making big plans of us getting married, us getting a farm that he is saving for and us being together after I obtain some money that I am working hard for. FAT CHANCE. Abiding my time and now collections has all paperwork needed and bankruptcy has it as well now can sue him for the money he owes me, or else. he knows i am waiting on a big settlement and I want to get into other business's and thinks he's going to live an easy life with me when i get this money. No way. I cant believe he is insisting he doesnt owe me a dime. Right hahahaha he does and I have all paperwork to prove it. Cant also believe he thinks that he is going to sell layout tables at home or under the table and keep the money he owes me. Yeah right. Now going after everyone who owes me money tired of getting ripped off by this person and or that person. Time for me to fight back Hard.


Bobby Allen - Harmony Station ripoff Let The Truth Be Known Greensboro Georgia

#3Author of original report

Sun, October 14, 2007

Bobby Allen and I have been in communication, he had given me a sob story that he had to go through bankruptcy. So I waited and waited, now his bankruptcy is supposedly over with and he supposedly owes no one. Says he didnt put me or another guy on it. Found out a month later that he is working a second job on top of working Oconee sand and gravel, do not remember where it is but can find out. Bobby now insists that he owes me nothing at all after promising to pay me in full of all the monies I put toward Harmony Station. He had to close the store at 102 E main street and now is just trying to get accounts to build layout tables from his home at 1410 pullman lane, in Greensboro, ga on the side. Dont worry, now that I know he is done with bankruptcy, I have now sent this to my collections agency and all of the paperwork I have on this file, including but not limited to, bank statements from both him and I, receipts in my single name and in his name which he didnt want to let customers know that we weren't married, a print out of the log Ive been keeping online (((ROR removed because of security purposes))) that he wants me to take off line and I refuse, and other paperwork and receipts which I told him I had that he doesnt believe me .I do have these documents. My collections will then get all paperwork which has been sent in the amount now of 17,000.00 which he will either pay, or get garnisheed or go to jail. on monday of this week. My collections does not play games and they are good. Had to hire them on another city slicker who didnt pay my business whatsa with I'm now going after all of these city slickers and their cheatin ways? that I started in june 2007. They are shutting the other company down. Bobby well he will go to jail and that is the first place I want to see him for he has no money supposedly but is making big plans of us getting married, us getting a farm and us being together after I obtain some money that I am working hard for. FAT CHANCE. he told me that he is saving for this farm. hahahahaha yeah right. all he is wanting now is a 30,000 settlement that i am going to get soon. no way. Abiding my time and now collections has all paperwork needed and bankruptcy has it as well now can sue him for the money he owes me, or else. POUNCE LIKE A LITTLE CAT. :) I cant believe he is insisting he doesnt owe me a dime. Right hahahaha he does and I have all paperwork to prove it. He isn't getting any more either. cant wiat for monday 10/15/07... Cant also believe he thinks that he is going to sell layout tables at home or under the table and keep the money he owes me. Yeah right. a total amount of $17,000.00 when i had just gotten divorced, sold my horse, used my life savings on a business i really was leary of and used due to durress while going through a divorce. while being talked into "his dream" I',m now going after everyone who owes me money tired of getting ripped off by this person and or that person. Time for me to fight back. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


what the hell is taking you so long

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 31, 2007

Debbie,wow what a story ..first let me start by saying all Bobbys are not this terrible so dont take it out on all Bobbys,my name is also Bobby and im a single father also[had sole custody for 4yrs now]and my child has yet to see his mother for 3yrs,now...first what in the hell is taking you so long to get away from there,the moneys not that important your happiness is...:]..i to was in a [show we say a promised]future with what i thought were the womwan of my dreams also,but it turned out kinda like your story also,full of promises and decitful lies,and yes, my empty pockets,i ended up spending about 13,000 dollars [thanks to supportive family members]spending a couple nights in henry countys hotel[if u know what i mean] after false charges from her and her new boyfriend.after she violently stole our child from my driveway..i kept him after we split for 6mnts.and she just steals him[yes mothers can steal a child].i get out of the pokie after the weekend, she stole my child..to find my house ramsacked and hijacked for everything i had[even took the clothes in the washing machine and dryer].and a restraing order for me to have no contact with her ,him,our my child [who was in deplorabal conditions at this time]thats the worst part no contact with my child ive raised pretty much by my self since he was born in 2000,55 days not knowing were my child his or doing or eating,was the worst ever.but then came the court date from the restraining order,my chance to get my child back.time to see if 13000 dollars were well spent..after dragging babysitters,her parents my parents ,freinds,other family members to court that day,,making her look like the piece o s**t she was, i walk out with complete and sole custody of my son...she seen him again for her 3 court appointed weekend visits,and that was the last time in going on 4yrs ago since weve seen or heard from the dead bet mom..she refused to pay child support so the original divorce papers were destroyed by her.now i have to spend an additional 5000 for a divorce since i cant find her.even though i already have custody.o by the way shes listed in the deadbeat mom section of rip off report check it out [heather adams]..dont let someone else dictate your future thats for you to do,i suggest you read the book [your best life now]by joel osteen..im not a weekly attendee at church but that book changed my life it can help yours too...get out of that situation as sson as you can there are alot of true to the heart men out there...dont get hung up on a deadbeat, drag you down,life is to short... since you got your truck back LEAVE that dead beat and star living your best life now..you sound like a honest indiviule and should not have a problem finding what your looking for....dont forget to check out the dead beat mom section on the ripoff repot for h.adams....have a laugh with mee ....GOOD LUCK DEBBIE...there is more honest, to the heart guys out there for you to choose from...and i will tell my freinds not to go to the store and support this scumbag dead beat,we dont live to far away i know where it is... sorry for your situation,but it is up to you to make it better...live your best life now.........from Willamson GA


Use me for your benifit and then kick me out

#5Author of original report

Mon, January 29, 2007

01/28/2007 8:15 PM new developments in this situaion tonight at 6:00 p.m. Bobby came up to me and wanted to talk to me, he then called Bj into the room, told me that I had to leave and find somewhere to live. (I knew this was coming a long time ago) He wanted me to call my friends to see if I can live with them for a while, I do not ask friends to move in with then, besides my friends are not that close. I got mad and told him off, thus threatening to go to DEFAC about his son and stuff, along with hearing from my attorney which I am going to find one tomorrow. He then told me he would make an apartment on the other end of the house were I can stay for two months, I agreed to this and started moving everything out into the living room, well there is no where sleep in there so I will be forced to sleep in my car for the next couple of nights until I either get the other side of the house or find somewhere to go on 100.00. now he has kicked me out in mid winter and if its taken me a month to look for a job and nothing is out there then its going to take me longer to find a job since I am ?over qualified for any position. So another thing for me to worry about. I am due to get a grant but this grant is going to take a while to get for my own home and land. I have no where to go and well right now am very upset for I am worried as to this situation. Bobby keeps telling me how much he still has feelings for me and how much he loves me, he wanted to keep giving me hugs all night then told me ?maybe later on we can get back together. Hell no way. I'd be a fool. He says he has to think of his son yet has not fed his son supper all evening. BJ had gone to bed with out eating supper. ha some father. Plus they are laying in the master bedroom in same bed watching tv until 8:23 p.m. I will be calling DEFAC or going up there with proof of what is going on here. Then the Sheriffs for theft. it's 10:27 p.m. now, Bj is not sleeping in his own room, he is on a matteress on the floor of the master bedroom. Sleeping on the floor. what a joke. Good father Bobby really is, no food in house, no supper, and Bj sleeping on the floor.


Use me for your benifit and then kick me out

#6Author of original report

Mon, January 29, 2007

01/28/2007 8:15 PM new developments in this situaion tonight at 6:00 p.m. Bobby came up to me and wanted to talk to me, he then called Bj into the room, told me that I had to leave and find somewhere to live. (I knew this was coming a long time ago) He wanted me to call my friends to see if I can live with them for a while, I do not ask friends to move in with then, besides my friends are not that close. I got mad and told him off, thus threatening to go to DEFAC about his son and stuff, along with hearing from my attorney which I am going to find one tomorrow. He then told me he would make an apartment on the other end of the house were I can stay for two months, I agreed to this and started moving everything out into the living room, well there is no where sleep in there so I will be forced to sleep in my car for the next couple of nights until I either get the other side of the house or find somewhere to go on 100.00. now he has kicked me out in mid winter and if its taken me a month to look for a job and nothing is out there then its going to take me longer to find a job since I am ?over qualified for any position. So another thing for me to worry about. I am due to get a grant but this grant is going to take a while to get for my own home and land. I have no where to go and well right now am very upset for I am worried as to this situation. Bobby keeps telling me how much he still has feelings for me and how much he loves me, he wanted to keep giving me hugs all night then told me ?maybe later on we can get back together. Hell no way. I'd be a fool. He says he has to think of his son yet has not fed his son supper all evening. BJ had gone to bed with out eating supper. ha some father. Plus they are laying in the master bedroom in same bed watching tv until 8:23 p.m. I will be calling DEFAC or going up there with proof of what is going on here. Then the Sheriffs for theft. it's 10:27 p.m. now, Bj is not sleeping in his own room, he is on a matteress on the floor of the master bedroom. Sleeping on the floor. what a joke. Good father Bobby really is, no food in house, no supper, and Bj sleeping on the floor.


Use me for your benifit and then kick me out

#7Author of original report

Mon, January 29, 2007

01/28/2007 8:15 PM new developments in this situaion tonight at 6:00 p.m. Bobby came up to me and wanted to talk to me, he then called Bj into the room, told me that I had to leave and find somewhere to live. (I knew this was coming a long time ago) He wanted me to call my friends to see if I can live with them for a while, I do not ask friends to move in with then, besides my friends are not that close. I got mad and told him off, thus threatening to go to DEFAC about his son and stuff, along with hearing from my attorney which I am going to find one tomorrow. He then told me he would make an apartment on the other end of the house were I can stay for two months, I agreed to this and started moving everything out into the living room, well there is no where sleep in there so I will be forced to sleep in my car for the next couple of nights until I either get the other side of the house or find somewhere to go on 100.00. now he has kicked me out in mid winter and if its taken me a month to look for a job and nothing is out there then its going to take me longer to find a job since I am ?over qualified for any position. So another thing for me to worry about. I am due to get a grant but this grant is going to take a while to get for my own home and land. I have no where to go and well right now am very upset for I am worried as to this situation. Bobby keeps telling me how much he still has feelings for me and how much he loves me, he wanted to keep giving me hugs all night then told me ?maybe later on we can get back together. Hell no way. I'd be a fool. He says he has to think of his son yet has not fed his son supper all evening. BJ had gone to bed with out eating supper. ha some father. Plus they are laying in the master bedroom in same bed watching tv until 8:23 p.m. I will be calling DEFAC or going up there with proof of what is going on here. Then the Sheriffs for theft. it's 10:27 p.m. now, Bj is not sleeping in his own room, he is on a matteress on the floor of the master bedroom. Sleeping on the floor. what a joke. Good father Bobby really is, no food in house, no supper, and Bj sleeping on the floor.


Use me for your benifit and then kick me out

#8Author of original report

Mon, January 29, 2007

01/28/2007 8:15 PM new developments in this situaion tonight at 6:00 p.m. Bobby came up to me and wanted to talk to me, he then called Bj into the room, told me that I had to leave and find somewhere to live. (I knew this was coming a long time ago) He wanted me to call my friends to see if I can live with them for a while, I do not ask friends to move in with then, besides my friends are not that close. I got mad and told him off, thus threatening to go to DEFAC about his son and stuff, along with hearing from my attorney which I am going to find one tomorrow. He then told me he would make an apartment on the other end of the house were I can stay for two months, I agreed to this and started moving everything out into the living room, well there is no where sleep in there so I will be forced to sleep in my car for the next couple of nights until I either get the other side of the house or find somewhere to go on 100.00. now he has kicked me out in mid winter and if its taken me a month to look for a job and nothing is out there then its going to take me longer to find a job since I am ?over qualified for any position. So another thing for me to worry about. I am due to get a grant but this grant is going to take a while to get for my own home and land. I have no where to go and well right now am very upset for I am worried as to this situation. Bobby keeps telling me how much he still has feelings for me and how much he loves me, he wanted to keep giving me hugs all night then told me ?maybe later on we can get back together. Hell no way. I'd be a fool. He says he has to think of his son yet has not fed his son supper all evening. BJ had gone to bed with out eating supper. ha some father. Plus they are laying in the master bedroom in same bed watching tv until 8:23 p.m. I will be calling DEFAC or going up there with proof of what is going on here. Then the Sheriffs for theft. it's 10:27 p.m. now, Bj is not sleeping in his own room, he is on a matteress on the floor of the master bedroom. Sleeping on the floor. what a joke. Good father Bobby really is, no food in house, no supper, and Bj sleeping on the floor.

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