  • Report:  #111930

Complaint Review: Brian McCottery - Tupper Lake New York

Reported By:
- tupper lake, New York,

Brian McCottery
211 Park Street Apt 1 Tupper Lake, 12986 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I don't seem to understand why Brian gets away with so much S--t. Brian held his kids a knife point for over 8 hours and nothing was done to him. Also Brian is a abusive parent. When his daughter told her teacher something that happen at home the night before she was punished when she got home. He made his daughter knee on blocks in a corner most of the night. His daughter was not dressed for the weather in the north country. She went to school in a summer jacket when it was -20 below.

If Brian would't spend all his money on pot he might beable to buy his kids the things they need. Now Brian has been going to court to try to get his kids back only for the child support so that he can buy more pot. If yhe ciurt awards Brian his kids back then there is something wrong with the system. I have seen his daughter in school this year and this is the best she ever looked. She has gained weight and looks a lot cleaner then she ever did living with Brian.

Also it would not be very good for a 7 year old to live above a bar oh ya thats alright she has seen her father drunk and high. Please don't let this kids go back to Brian. The foster parents that these kids are with really love them. KEEP SMOKING THAT SH-T Brian.


Tupper Lake, New York

18 Updates & Rebuttals


Tupper Lake,
New York,
For the foster parents

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, October 26, 2004

I am the mother to one of the children in this foster home. I am not going to respond to any of the senseless crap that everyone else wrote. My husband and I are the only ones that know the truth about the situation and for anyone else to have something to say about it without facts, well then, that says alot about you. One thing I do know is that the foster parents did not write the first comment which got all this started. We know who did and they are not the ones with the last laugh, we are. Another thing is that Brian and I wouldn't ask for our kids to be any where else. They are GREAT parents. Any child would be lucky to live there in thier home. We feel safe knowing where they are and that they are taken care of. The person who wrote the opening comment was trying to cause trouble for Brian. Well they didn't think past their own ignorance and think that this may cause chaos in the very home that her daughter is in. I think that anyone who wrote something negative about the foster parents should sincerely apologize and learn the lesson that you can't always believe what you read. Thank You to the people who do know us and stuck up for us.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Some people are just plain stupid

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 26, 2004

Just incase no one has caught on yet, it's not the foster parents who wrote the first comment. It was the ignorant Mikall family. For all those who don't know, the biological mother to the little girl that is mentioned and the mother's family. These people have nothing better to do than to cause trouble. Meghan (who is the little girl's mother) is the daughter of the well known narc of Tupper Lake, Ray Mikall. When he was ratting out people, he would tell them that he was buying the drug (coke or pot) for Meghan's boyfriend, who by the way runs is own pharmacy out of his own home with their own baby in the house. When Brian did have his kids, Meghan went 2 years without seeing her daughter. No birthday presents, no christmas presents, no phone calls, nothing! And she only lived between Tupper Lake and Lake Placid so she can't say she lived to far. Since her daughter has been in foster care, she has been there to visit less than 10 times in over a year. This little girl calls someone else mommy because her real one doesn't know how to be one. She has killed one 3 year old, abandoned her first child, and now is exposing her other baby to all these drugs. Not to mention all the abortions she has had. She appearently doesn't know the first thing about life or have one sense of responsability. So before any one else has any thing to write about Brian take a good look at where all the information came from. I know Brian and he'll be the first one to tell you that he and his wife messed up. It was all over a fight he and she had. I think we all know that if there was abuse as they say, then those kids would have been removed a long time ago without a chance at getting them back. So for all you people who have something to write about Brian McCottery just remember that you just put yourself in the same catagory as the Mikall family.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
What about the crack head mother?

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, October 26, 2004

What about Megan? No one mentioned her. Brian has taken care his kids very well for the last 4 years I have known him. We all have made mistakes, some more than others. But Brian is trying hard to make things right. He sees his kids all the time. Has Megan? Where the hell is she? Too busy with her crack and coke to remember her daughter. Megan, You dont know me but I know enough about you that you haven't had anything to do with your daughter for the past 4 years but a couple of visits. Is that enough to for her to consider that your her mother? NO NO NO Brian's wife is a better mother to "your" daughter than you could ever or try to be. If this hurts, it's only because the truth hurts. If this makes you mad, well than maybe you should have been there for her instead of you abusive boyfriends and crack.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
this is sick, slim pickings in franklin county their fast to yank the kids outta the home only to place them in foster care

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, October 15, 2004

i think this sick that this man is a foster parent and hes put this on the internet this makes me sick how could you put this crap on the net? i guess its slim pickings in franklin county their fast to yank the kids outta the home only to place them in foster care most the time they dont do enough back round checks on these foster parents this a good exsample right here this guy never should have posted this junk shows hes child like behavoir the jugde will freak out when he hears of this crap these childern been threw enough all ready!!!!!!!!! dont get me wrong im not sticking up for brian in anyway, this just makes me sick when i hear on the news that foster parents have molested or killed or negelcted the childern that was placed in thier care im not saying all foster care is a bad thing some case its wonderful thing but the county is to fast to break up homes and they should screen these people more better look at marry beth tinning who was munchhousen by proxy , and it makes me sick to hear this crap " takes a whole village to raise a child" what crap is that? i do belive that thiers cases were the childern should be permiently removed and placed with a good family , how ever it makes me sick to see this man expolting this kids on the net like this,trust me i dont not know this brian but i read enough crap about him in the news papers . im not sticking up for him but this so called foster parent dose not have the childerns best intrest posting tis crap on the site this kinda thing should be confiedcal and left up to the courts to decide , this storie is sad and this report could jepordize the chance of the foster parents to adopt these kids , he was trying be spiteful or maybe felt hopless and panic thinking this help him but realy he just hurt him self by posting this waite till the judge and all envolved see these reports they are gonna flip hope this all can be resovled for the kids sake , i will keep you all in my prayers gbu


Tupper Lake,
New York,
To all who wrote about Brian McCottery

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, October 13, 2004

All you people out there should back off. There is alote of lies out there to the point that you will belive them. For instance, how would this man go in for a drus test {wich is done in the DR. Office} have his little girl pee in the cup? It is imposible to bring your child in the exam room with you. The DR. is in the room whil you are in the little bathroom off the room, Think about it because you are the liar in that statment. I know the family and i also know that they are working hard to get the chilcren home. I also relize that there are things they need to do and take care of befor getting the children home. I would also like to coment on the person who wrote saing that the little girl was sent to school in a spring jacket in 20 below weather, you a a real nut case as that has never hapened. The parents alwas made sure that she was dreses in warm clothing and boots every day. So who ever you are that wrote that you need to pull your head out of your a*s. And last but not leas Brian is not a dead beat or an abusiv parent to his children. The only fault they had was thier fighting. So now i will close with this remark. You should not be writing about anebody if you do not have all the facts. I have more facts about this than any of yous ever will. I also hope that you are not the John that we think you are as that would be a very big let down for the foster home program.


New York,
A better understanding?

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, October 13, 2004

I just have a question. I have been reading this from the beginning and I have concluded that it is mostly about the father being abusive. What's going on with the mother? Does she have anything to do with it? Did she allow it?


Saranac Lake,
New York,
Who's thinking of the children?

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 13, 2004

I've read all the comments and all the responses. Individual say its about the good of the children but that is questionable. How could it be good for the children to have this kind of degrading of their parents going on for all the world to read? Adults talk, children listen, and children repeat. Have any of you thought about that? If Brian shouldn't have his children then the courts will not give them to him. No one is perfect including these parents. It is not "almost imposssible" to get your children removed by CPS. Just look at the number of children that have been removed in Franklin County. I'm not sure what John was trying to accomplish with his original report accept to attack Brian. He doesn't even sound like someone who is concerned for the children, just someone out to trash Brian. Children belong with THEIR parents whenever possible. Some of the responses sound like an advertisement for the foster parents. As a foster parent you know that children are only there for a while and that they will go home one day. If you can't deal with it you should not be a foster parent. The idea that foster parents are thorougly screened is not what it seems. There is screening but that does not tell how foster parents will treat the children when they have them 24/7. Abuse does occur in foster homes on occasion regardless of the screenings done before hand. I think that the solution to this is that the court should handle it and the adults in Tupper Lake should start acting like adults. This is not something to be argued in a public forum if the children are what everyone is really concerned about. Its easy to write lies when you stand behind a screen. Before you accuse get the facts right! Who will listen to someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.


Tupper Lake,
New York,

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

Brian is and will always be a DEAD Beat parent. When Brian went for his drug test he had his daughter pee in the cup for him so he would not fail the test. Ask his daughter. And as far as child suppot he has not paid any. That"s a joke that he pays 500.00 a month, of course Brian is a joke. Maybe he pays 500.00 amonth for his drugs. Right Brian you can't go a day wiyhout your pot.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Do you realize just how difficult it is for a child to be removed from a parents home?

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2004

I have to comment. Do you realize just how difficult it is for a child to be removed from a parents home?....Next to impossible. Second, how many times has Brian been arrested for various offenses? Third, how many times did Brian's children go to live with his Mother, a woman, who is loving and kind, however has some issues of her own? Fourth, would you want your children to live in the situation that Brian is living in? My last question goes to John, if by the way he is who we all think he is because let's face it there are many "Johns" in this world. If Brian allowed you to adopt these children, would you continue to expect support? I highly doubt it. Once an adoption is finalized, the adoptive parent takes on full financial responsiblity. And as far as the comment about having your own children...what a stupid thing to say. Don't you realize that being a foster parent is the most difficult job in the world. Just imagine taking abused children into your home, nurturing them and loving them knowing full well that they may end up back into the situation that got them there to begin with. How many children have returned to their parents home only to be found murdered? Not to mention all of the investigations that a family has to go through before they are even qualified. You are placed under a microscope. It takes a special family to do foster care, and I think that all of them should be admired and thanked for the job they do.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Brian I agree with John

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

Brian if you have one bit of love for your children, you will allow them to stay in the loving and supportive home that they are in. I too have seen these children out and they are so happy. They are living with people who love them unconditionally and with a family who is able to emotionally meet all of their needs. The only stress in their lives is the fear that may have to return to the "home" where they came from. A home where their birth parents are not prepared to take care of them. Brian you should be grateful that your children are living with the family they are. And if I were you, I would do what ever I could to get this family to adopt them permanently. If you get these kids back, this family may move on with their lives and adopt another child/children. When you lose these children again, you will have lost out on the one chance that they had in life, a chance that you refused to give them. You have already proven that you cannot handle the responsibilty required of a parent, and I don't foresee this changing. Why don't you act like a loving father for once in your life. John I agree with you. The foster system is the most messed up system in the world. In my opinion, they too should see what is going on in not just this case, but many others. Children are scared both physically and emotionally every single day due to the neglect of our system. The United States sends money to other countries every day, yet they can't keep their own children safe from their own parents!! I personally believe that as soon as a parent endangers the welfare of a child as blatantly as Brian did, the child should be removed from the home and placed up for adoption immediately, end of story, not only that, the parent should be sterilized...no second chances, you are playing with childrens lives here, not inanimate objects. If this was the case, perhaps we wouldn't see the cycles of abuse in families. It's a known fact that an abused child that doesn't receive treatment goes on to be an abusive parent. It's time to break the cycle!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Brian I agree with John

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

Brian if you have one bit of love for your children, you will allow them to stay in the loving and supportive home that they are in. I too have seen these children out and they are so happy. They are living with people who love them unconditionally and with a family who is able to emotionally meet all of their needs. The only stress in their lives is the fear that may have to return to the "home" where they came from. A home where their birth parents are not prepared to take care of them. Brian you should be grateful that your children are living with the family they are. And if I were you, I would do what ever I could to get this family to adopt them permanently. If you get these kids back, this family may move on with their lives and adopt another child/children. When you lose these children again, you will have lost out on the one chance that they had in life, a chance that you refused to give them. You have already proven that you cannot handle the responsibilty required of a parent, and I don't foresee this changing. Why don't you act like a loving father for once in your life. John I agree with you. The foster system is the most messed up system in the world. In my opinion, they too should see what is going on in not just this case, but many others. Children are scared both physically and emotionally every single day due to the neglect of our system. The United States sends money to other countries every day, yet they can't keep their own children safe from their own parents!! I personally believe that as soon as a parent endangers the welfare of a child as blatantly as Brian did, the child should be removed from the home and placed up for adoption immediately, end of story, not only that, the parent should be sterilized...no second chances, you are playing with childrens lives here, not inanimate objects. If this was the case, perhaps we wouldn't see the cycles of abuse in families. It's a known fact that an abused child that doesn't receive treatment goes on to be an abusive parent. It's time to break the cycle!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Brian I agree with John

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

Brian if you have one bit of love for your children, you will allow them to stay in the loving and supportive home that they are in. I too have seen these children out and they are so happy. They are living with people who love them unconditionally and with a family who is able to emotionally meet all of their needs. The only stress in their lives is the fear that may have to return to the "home" where they came from. A home where their birth parents are not prepared to take care of them. Brian you should be grateful that your children are living with the family they are. And if I were you, I would do what ever I could to get this family to adopt them permanently. If you get these kids back, this family may move on with their lives and adopt another child/children. When you lose these children again, you will have lost out on the one chance that they had in life, a chance that you refused to give them. You have already proven that you cannot handle the responsibilty required of a parent, and I don't foresee this changing. Why don't you act like a loving father for once in your life. John I agree with you. The foster system is the most messed up system in the world. In my opinion, they too should see what is going on in not just this case, but many others. Children are scared both physically and emotionally every single day due to the neglect of our system. The United States sends money to other countries every day, yet they can't keep their own children safe from their own parents!! I personally believe that as soon as a parent endangers the welfare of a child as blatantly as Brian did, the child should be removed from the home and placed up for adoption immediately, end of story, not only that, the parent should be sterilized...no second chances, you are playing with childrens lives here, not inanimate objects. If this was the case, perhaps we wouldn't see the cycles of abuse in families. It's a known fact that an abused child that doesn't receive treatment goes on to be an abusive parent. It's time to break the cycle!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Brian I agree with John

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

Brian if you have one bit of love for your children, you will allow them to stay in the loving and supportive home that they are in. I too have seen these children out and they are so happy. They are living with people who love them unconditionally and with a family who is able to emotionally meet all of their needs. The only stress in their lives is the fear that may have to return to the "home" where they came from. A home where their birth parents are not prepared to take care of them. Brian you should be grateful that your children are living with the family they are. And if I were you, I would do what ever I could to get this family to adopt them permanently. If you get these kids back, this family may move on with their lives and adopt another child/children. When you lose these children again, you will have lost out on the one chance that they had in life, a chance that you refused to give them. You have already proven that you cannot handle the responsibilty required of a parent, and I don't foresee this changing. Why don't you act like a loving father for once in your life. John I agree with you. The foster system is the most messed up system in the world. In my opinion, they too should see what is going on in not just this case, but many others. Children are scared both physically and emotionally every single day due to the neglect of our system. The United States sends money to other countries every day, yet they can't keep their own children safe from their own parents!! I personally believe that as soon as a parent endangers the welfare of a child as blatantly as Brian did, the child should be removed from the home and placed up for adoption immediately, end of story, not only that, the parent should be sterilized...no second chances, you are playing with childrens lives here, not inanimate objects. If this was the case, perhaps we wouldn't see the cycles of abuse in families. It's a known fact that an abused child that doesn't receive treatment goes on to be an abusive parent. It's time to break the cycle!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic ..You spread your lies thinking it will help you keep kids that aren't even yours.

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

Hey John! Isn't it bad enough that your trying to turn them kids into yours? I've seen you with them and your proffesionalism as a foster parent. I know Brian and if he has held his cool for this long knowing what You do to them kids then he has changed. You spread your lies thinking it will help you keep kids that aren't even yours. Any one that knows Brian also knows that he is very protective of his kids and the things you say are just as stupid as the person saying it. Everyone knows that those children were taken because Brian and his wife got into a fight. Not because of any "abuse" as you say. Don't you realize that if all that stuff happened then Brian wouldn't be able to get his kids back. But oh, what's that? He's currently going to court now to get them. And what's that again? You and your wife are making it hard for him? The only thing wrong with the system is that they believe people like you and your nosey wife. But just for the people reading this stupidity, I know for a fact, that's a fact, that there are no reports of abuse on Brian, never have been, never will be. "Political cover-up?" Don't you think that if the police ever had anything on Brian then they would've done something about it? Don't be dumb. So John, go ahead and tell anything you want. The only people that will believe you are the ones just as low as you. Grow up!!!!!!!!! If your going to write something about someone in the same town as you, make sure that the person doesn't have friends who will go back and tell them what they have read on the rip off report.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!! Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake?

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

John, Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake? Do you know what this site is suppposed to be used for? And you decide to slander someone over the whole internet with stupid allegations? Not just someone, but someone who you were "friends" with. Did you ever think that if those things were really done to her, that CPS would've taken them along time ago? As for being more clean than before, I've seen them kids more dirtier with you guys than with thier parents. He can't buy the things he needs for the kids? He pays over $500 a month in Child Support. You and your wife get that. Hey, I heard you have a new deck and thinking about a new roof. Maybe it's you who wants the kids for the money. I know the McCOttery's and I know them well. Hey yeah maybe they have done some screwwed up crap but we all have. They have paid for what they have done wrong, plus some. I know for a fact that he was never abusive to his kids! It's people like you that can't leave well enough alone. It's people like you that make this town how it is. "...held his kids at knife point for 8 hours..." Get the story straight. It was his girlfriend (wife now) and she already admitted to lying about it! "...his daughter was in a summer coat in -20 weather..." That's a joke! I stood out there everyday when that little girl got on the bus and there wasn't a day that she didn't have on her snow suit and complete gear. You should know the facts before you start slandering people and thier situation, but, seeing how you live in Tupper Lake, I guess it fits. Oh, and why don't you say these things to Brian if it's so true? And by the way, they are getting those kids back and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it! So keep buying them those expensive gifts. I hope you know that they just get to go home with them when they go back to their parents. P.S. Why don't you have your own kids instead of trying to steel someone else's!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!! Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake?

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

John, Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake? Do you know what this site is suppposed to be used for? And you decide to slander someone over the whole internet with stupid allegations? Not just someone, but someone who you were "friends" with. Did you ever think that if those things were really done to her, that CPS would've taken them along time ago? As for being more clean than before, I've seen them kids more dirtier with you guys than with thier parents. He can't buy the things he needs for the kids? He pays over $500 a month in Child Support. You and your wife get that. Hey, I heard you have a new deck and thinking about a new roof. Maybe it's you who wants the kids for the money. I know the McCOttery's and I know them well. Hey yeah maybe they have done some screwwed up crap but we all have. They have paid for what they have done wrong, plus some. I know for a fact that he was never abusive to his kids! It's people like you that can't leave well enough alone. It's people like you that make this town how it is. "...held his kids at knife point for 8 hours..." Get the story straight. It was his girlfriend (wife now) and she already admitted to lying about it! "...his daughter was in a summer coat in -20 weather..." That's a joke! I stood out there everyday when that little girl got on the bus and there wasn't a day that she didn't have on her snow suit and complete gear. You should know the facts before you start slandering people and thier situation, but, seeing how you live in Tupper Lake, I guess it fits. Oh, and why don't you say these things to Brian if it's so true? And by the way, they are getting those kids back and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it! So keep buying them those expensive gifts. I hope you know that they just get to go home with them when they go back to their parents. P.S. Why don't you have your own kids instead of trying to steel someone else's!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!! Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake?

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

John, Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake? Do you know what this site is suppposed to be used for? And you decide to slander someone over the whole internet with stupid allegations? Not just someone, but someone who you were "friends" with. Did you ever think that if those things were really done to her, that CPS would've taken them along time ago? As for being more clean than before, I've seen them kids more dirtier with you guys than with thier parents. He can't buy the things he needs for the kids? He pays over $500 a month in Child Support. You and your wife get that. Hey, I heard you have a new deck and thinking about a new roof. Maybe it's you who wants the kids for the money. I know the McCOttery's and I know them well. Hey yeah maybe they have done some screwwed up crap but we all have. They have paid for what they have done wrong, plus some. I know for a fact that he was never abusive to his kids! It's people like you that can't leave well enough alone. It's people like you that make this town how it is. "...held his kids at knife point for 8 hours..." Get the story straight. It was his girlfriend (wife now) and she already admitted to lying about it! "...his daughter was in a summer coat in -20 weather..." That's a joke! I stood out there everyday when that little girl got on the bus and there wasn't a day that she didn't have on her snow suit and complete gear. You should know the facts before you start slandering people and thier situation, but, seeing how you live in Tupper Lake, I guess it fits. Oh, and why don't you say these things to Brian if it's so true? And by the way, they are getting those kids back and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it! So keep buying them those expensive gifts. I hope you know that they just get to go home with them when they go back to their parents. P.S. Why don't you have your own kids instead of trying to steel someone else's!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!! Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake?

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, October 10, 2004

John, Did you really have to lower yoursef to the rest of the dirt-bags of Tupper Lake? Do you know what this site is suppposed to be used for? And you decide to slander someone over the whole internet with stupid allegations? Not just someone, but someone who you were "friends" with. Did you ever think that if those things were really done to her, that CPS would've taken them along time ago? As for being more clean than before, I've seen them kids more dirtier with you guys than with thier parents. He can't buy the things he needs for the kids? He pays over $500 a month in Child Support. You and your wife get that. Hey, I heard you have a new deck and thinking about a new roof. Maybe it's you who wants the kids for the money. I know the McCOttery's and I know them well. Hey yeah maybe they have done some screwwed up crap but we all have. They have paid for what they have done wrong, plus some. I know for a fact that he was never abusive to his kids! It's people like you that can't leave well enough alone. It's people like you that make this town how it is. "...held his kids at knife point for 8 hours..." Get the story straight. It was his girlfriend (wife now) and she already admitted to lying about it! "...his daughter was in a summer coat in -20 weather..." That's a joke! I stood out there everyday when that little girl got on the bus and there wasn't a day that she didn't have on her snow suit and complete gear. You should know the facts before you start slandering people and thier situation, but, seeing how you live in Tupper Lake, I guess it fits. Oh, and why don't you say these things to Brian if it's so true? And by the way, they are getting those kids back and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it! So keep buying them those expensive gifts. I hope you know that they just get to go home with them when they go back to their parents. P.S. Why don't you have your own kids instead of trying to steel someone else's!

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