  • Report:  #1141573

Complaint Review: Bright Now Dental - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
DentalFail - Tampa, Florida,

Bright Now Dental
11725 W. Hillsborough Avenue, Suite 205 Tampa, 33635 Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


The office staff is extremely dismissive, ignorant and unprofessional. When you ask about their sanitation methods they scoff at you and act as though you are speaking nonsense. (there have been cases of dentists infecting patients with HIV and hepatitis) So sanitation is a huge factor to anyone going into a dental office, and rigtifully so.
The staff here seem to think that you are insulting them by asking about the sanitization of equipment. They are Very rude and dismissive.  You will be left waiting for an hour after your scheduled appointment time. Then you can look forward to waiting even longer once you have your x rays done.
It seems to me that they are more tuned toward a Business Model (assembly-line) way of "treating" patients (customers) rather than treating their patients with respect and as individuals with different needs. I say this because You can overhear them talking to other patients (There is no privacy or closing doors...just open to waiting room area, you can see patients from the waiting room) They seem to tell every patient the same thing "You have gingivitis" ...And this is where their upsell comes in....  
Remember the $29 (special they have in window for exam-xray and cleaning) Well by them saying you have "gingivitis" you are no longer eligible for that $29 (which seems like a loss leader startegy) A "Loss Leader" is a pricing strategy where a product or service is sold at a price below its market cost to stimulate other sales of more profitable goods or services.
What it seems like to me is they  waste your time and don't do a decent job even with a basic cleaning then because they claim you have "gingivitis" they want to see you back in 2 weeks for Another cleaning (more $$$).
This is where a second opinion from an ethical dentist comes into play. If you go to another dentist you will more than likely find that Bright Now's claims of "gingivitis" are without merit, or are exaggerated. 

While you wait to get your teeth cleaned by the hygenist they put on a video that they have conveniently set up in the room in front of your chair then leave you. The video is talking about.....you guessed it.."Gingivitis" (seems to be a common theme with them doesnt it?) Then it goes on to show you scary looking images of damaged teeth/gums and talk about how you could lose your teeth if not treated (which is true, but each case is different and although some may lose their teeth in worst scenario, not everyone will). 
They seem to apply a "One Size Fits All" approach to dentistry. Treating each patient from the time they walk in the door, to the time they leave like an assembly line product and then proceed to  run you through the gamut of scary things that may or may not be happening in your mouth.
My friends, this is no different than a shady unscrupulous used car salesman trying to lure you in with $99 down payment (loss leader advertising) then once you waste your time and they hook you in, you find out that you are not eligible for that $99 due to ____(fill in blank with excuse) Then thats where the upsell comes in. (using shady tactics and worst case ...but unlikely scenario to try and convince you to make irrational hurried decisions and part with your money at their dealership) 
My opinion and impression is that these people don't take pride in their work and are just there to pass time and get a check. If you go to a dental office where the dentist actually owns the office and hires the staff you can see the pride they take in their work, the results they give you and also in showing you the cleanliness and the sanitation procedures they implement.  
The hygenist  at Bright Now is rough and if you let them know beforehand that you have anxiety at dental offices (as many people do) they dont care and will be rough with the instruments in your mouth anyway. The hygenist carrys on side conversations with other staff about what pictures they posted on their social media instead of concentrating on cleaning your teeth (Yes, that actually happened). This is maybe why the results are poor at best. Worst I have ever seen...no kidding.  
If you let the office personnel know that you have an issue with the way you were treated they wont care and will act arrogant and make it seem like its your problem and then they will act dismissive,  give trashy attitudes and get defensive.

This is NOT an isolated incident (Here are some links that have similar grievances of time wasting, sub-par dental work etc....so these people have been mistreating people for a while. If you read the reviews a pattern of incompetence begins to emerge consumeraffairs.com/dentists/dds_co_bright_now_dental.html citysearch.com/profile/2677562/tampa_fl/bright_now_dental.html   (read Shantia M. review and it gives great insight as to how incompetent and ridiculous this is)  
This report was based on my experience and my opinion of Bright Now Dental location in Tampa FL. located at 11725 W. Hillsborough Avenue Suite 205. These are my experience and opinions that I am sharing so that others can avoid making the same mistake that I did (trusting these unprofessional people with your dental health).
Especially considering there are many dental practices in the area to choose from that may not have issues like this and will respect their patients. I encourage you to use your own judgement with regards on who you trust and choose to provide you with dental care. Its important to note that Not all dentists act this way and its unfortunate that certain ones (like the ones at this Bright Now Dental) make it hard to trust other dentists.
Have a great day

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