  • Report:  #1471521

Complaint Review: Cal-American Corporation - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Janet - Riverside, California, United States

Cal-American Corporation
1109 Westwood Blvd Los Angeles, 90024 California, United States
Telephone: (310) 277-6318
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have lived here for almost 24 years, it will be in March, 2019.  During these last 24 years, I have been cheated, I have had food and personal items including watches and other jewelry stolen from my apartment.  On November 1, 2017 I was brutally assaulted by one of my neighbors who was a "friend" of the manager Sylvia Garcia, and suffered a severe concussion, damage to my hips, right arm and shoulder, a bruised and injured sciatica, a pinched nerve in my left hip, and a brutal stomp to my left shin bone by a known alcoholic, drug addict, and alleged drug dealer.

I spent time in the hospital and a rehab facility where I had to learn how to walk again from the damages to my body.  The suspect left the apartments without getting arrested but has kept in touch with the Manager.  Since March of 2018, I have been harassed by my next door neighbor, and bullied and harassed by my downstairs neighbor and the manager has done nothing to these people and they continue to bully and harass me today. 

I finally sent certified letters to Cal-American and the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside regarding the constant marijuana smoking and the bullying and harassment on December 3, 2018, the 30 days for them to reply in writing was January 3, 2019 and to date I have not received any letters from those 2 companies. 

The manager Sylvia Garcia came illegally into my apartment and stole my printed copies of those signed letters, in an attempt to force me to drop my complaint, however, unbeknown to Sylvia Garcia, I had scanned copies of those signed letters and have family members and personal friends holding copies of those scanned and signed letters. 

Tonight at 6:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, I faxed Cal-American about the corrupted manager and demanded compensation, and let them know of the theft. I am positive that Sylvia Garcia was acting on behalf of her company when the letter copies were stolen from my apartment. Even though I have reported corrupted behavior over the past 24 years to Cal-American, they have never even attempted to "make right" any of the thefts, and/or damages to my person in the past and they are a shady and corrupted corporation making millions and millions of dollars robbing disabled people and seniors like myself. 

I want to have them exposed once and for all for the dirty, shameful and disgusting practices that they have shown these tenants in a 72 apartment complex.  They continually raise the rent until there is no way that anyone, including myself, can try to save up money to move out.  I strongly believe that the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside works hand in hand for these corrupted management companies, as the Housing Authority allows the management companies to "hike up" the rent every other year and today I am at the point that this last $50.00 monthly rental increase and all future increases will be fully paid by me because the Housing Authority will never increase their portion to help disabled, poverty-stricken people and seniors have a place to live in this hell-hole of an apartment complex.

I am going to try to make these 2 companies and Sylvia Garcia answer for their corrupted dealings and inhumane treatment with every tenant in this 72 apartment complex.  Please, tell everyone you know that these two corrupted companies, Cal-American and The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside are corrupted and their employees are corrupted too.  Please let everyone know about these corrupted dealings so nobody ever will trust them again.

I am seeing an attorney for this problem, but if any attorneys that are experienced in Federal Law and Housing and Corporate law read this and are interested, please respond to this report and/or contact me.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Cal-American Corporation and The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside, California

#2Author of original report

Thu, April 25, 2019

Ripoff Report Update 4 dated April 24, 2019

These statements are true and have been experienced by me while

living in The Golden Oak Apartments and dealing with The Housing

Authority of the County of Riverside, California

Here is the most ridiculous Mission Statement for Cal-American

Corporation I have ever seen. Just by being alive and living in the

Golden Oak Apartments I am living proof of the falsification of their



Real Estate Management


Since 1971, Cal-American and its affiliates have invested in and

managed commercial and residential properties throughout California &

Washington State. Today, we manage neighborhood shopping centers,

apartment communities, and office and industrial buildings within

California and in Kirkland, Washington.

Headquartered in Westwood, California, Cal-American has an

outstanding team of professionals in the fields of real estate,

marketing, property management, and leasing, which has concentrated

its talents on these properties. With its well-diversified portfolio,

Cal-American has the capabilities to meet most of your objectives.

If you are looking for leasing, property management, an ideal suite

for your first business, or fifteen locations for your chain, Cal-

American can provide you with many benefits.

Our website is periodically updated so be sure to visit us again for

new information regarding the properties we manage and the services

we provide.

Mission Statement

We commit to fulfilling the investment objectives of our investors,

to optimizing profit, and to providing an environment for our

employees that encourages professional and personal growth. The goal

is to be outstanding in the field of property management, and we

realize that only through continued innovation in service and

management will we remain competitive. To meet this goal, we pledge

the following:

-We strive to move each property towards its highest and best use

-We aim to maintain each property efficiently and economically

-We have a long-term plan of preventative maintenance in place

-We treat owners, tenants, vendors, and co-workers with respect and


-We fully-screen applicants to ensure responsible tenants and

qualified personnel

-We employ sound business principles

-We make decisions with the same care as we use in our personal


-We recognize the value of honesty and integrity in all phases of

our business relationships. We will conduct ourselves in the most

professional and ethical manner

People are our most important resource. We understand that fair and

honest relationships with tenants, vendors, investors, and co-workers

are the keys to our success.

What a joke. This is more like them to have written their Mission

Statement like this:

Are you a corrupted Manager or tenant, do you want to know how a

neighbor can harass his/her neighbor: You play a radio on the lowest

volume, so it won’t be able to be recorded by normal recorders, but

your neighbor can hear it, and you play it anytime you want to

irritate and harass your neighbor. This way, the manager can call

the "victim" "crazy" and "imagining" that there is a problem at all.

And so stands Cal-American, it is the "second time" that the so-

called radio it is being

used against me. The manager even told me that I was imagining the

radio like I did with Mary Vega. Funny, the Mary Vega incident was

ended and closed long before Sylvia Garcia came to work here as

manager, however yes, that was thrown at me by this manager. How

did she get that information, I must assume from Mary Vega herself,

she is still living here and had to move to another apartment away

from me, because she damaged my car because I wouldn’t driver her

wherever she wanted. Or this manager could have heard the story from

one of Mary’s friends, Lourae or Janine (yes, the person who lives

next door to me).

Previously, I had a downstairs’ neighbor that played a radio in the

bathroom all day and night, on the lowest level which was heard by

me, but, unfortunately, couldn’t be recorded, and I certainly was not

going to purchase an expensive recording device when I needed to buy

food instead. The manager told me that I was "crazy" and imagining

the radio. That music ended when the downstairs’ neighbors got


One time the manager, Sylvia Garcia came to my apartment and I

showed her and explained how I can hear the radio and I asked the

manager if she wanted to try lying down on my bed with her head on

the pillow, however, she quickly refused and she stated that she

walks past Enos’ bedroom window and she never hears his radio.

Didn’t I explain to her that it’s "on the lowest volume that Enos has

on his radio". Now, the police listened to me, and we even did a

volume test and when I told them I could hear the radio, the

instructed Enos "Never play your radio again", but of course Enos did

because the manager gave him permission to play his radio!

The want me out of here very bad. The manager insists that any

problems between neighbors is the neighbors’ problem and management

does not get involved. Doesn’t that sound like how the wild west

was? Drug addicts, rough men, or should I say children

that pretend to be adults threatening and harassing and bullying

other people in the apartment complex. How can any company that

spreads false claims that they are interested in their tenants keep

raising the rent just because other apartments of the same size have

a value over $1000.00? Please, come to see my apartment. I have

lived here 24 years of paying my rent every month, and the apartment

has not once been painted since I moved in, the carpet is

disgustingly filthy and I was told that the only way I could get a

new carpet was to move all of my furniture outside on the landing and

that was the last manager’s statement, not this one. Oh yes,

repairs have been done, but these apartments were supposed to be 50

years old when I moved in, so now might be 74 years old. Something is

always breaking, and I do not think these apartments are worth

$1,019.00 a month. Of course I am on Housing, so right now I pay

$429.00 a month and I think that is too much money to pay for these.

-We strive to move each property towards its highest and best use

Yes, they really do, they keep raising the rent of all the tenants.

-We aim to maintain each property efficiently and economically

Honestly, that’s not true, they pay more for landscaping than they

do to maintain and

keep these apartments running electricity, water, and gas without


-We have a long-term plan of preventative maintenance in place

Yes, they might have their plan, but they work their maintenance man

hard, draining

him of his skill and probable good nature

-We treat owners, tenants, vendors, and co-workers with respect and


This is an absolute lie, they might treat the owners and co-workers

with respect and

courtesy, although I do know that the last maintenance man quit

because he was treated very badly.

-We fully-screen applicants to ensure responsible tenants and

qualified personnel

This is an absolute lie, they do not screen anyone, how can drug

addicts and drug dealers get into an apartment here if they were


-We employ sound business principles

The only way they employ sound business principles is to raise the

rent and make their below-poverty income tenants pay higher and

higher rent.

-We make decisions with the same care as we use in our personal


If this statement is true, I feel sorry for all other business and

personal people they are gyping right now.

-We recognize the value of honesty and integrity in all phases of

our business relationships. We will conduct ourselves in the most

professional and ethical manner

This is probably the most "blatant and lying statement" in the whole

document. There is no honesty and integrity in the manager and her

corrupted management company.

I am old and I’m tired, but I am being forced to endure harassment,

bullying, threats and cruelty from 3 of my neighbors, the manager and

the management company. I would love to just be able to go to sleep

and sleep all night without radio playing, and it would be a lovely

day indeed if I didn’t have to smell someone’s marijuana smoke.



United States
Cal-American Corporation and The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside

#3Author of original report

Tue, April 23, 2019

UPDATE April 23, 2019

There was supposed to be a meeting this morning in the manager's office with the Woman from Fair housing listening on the phone, however, the manager had sent me a text stating the meeting was for Tuesday April 23, 2019 and that she will be eposting the meeting.

  Last night I had my front door open until about 11:00 p.m. and this morning I get 3 posts from the manager that where am I, the she, Enos and the Fair Housing Council are all at the meeting but I am not there so the meeting was cancelled!  With posts back and forth between me and the manager, I find out that a written note was placed on the doorframe last night, confirming the meeting,  however it was placed there without anyone telling me it was there. 

Where was the confirming epost?  Never sent to me. So someone other than the manager placed the note there on the outside doorframe part, I could have been in the bathroom, but no one told me the note was there! Do you think like I do that the note wasn't supposed to be seen by me at all?

And of course, Enos played his radio this morning.  He doesn't listen to music, he listens to either a news channel or a sports channel. Why is it so important for him to be given permission to play a radio in his bedroom disturbing his upstairs neighbor?

It is now going on 1:00  p.m. in the afternoon, I wonder what more will happen today?


United States
Cal-American Corporation and The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside

#4Author of original report

Tue, April 23, 2019

Second Update April 22, 2019

Cal-American Corporation and The Housing Authority of the County of


Well, all day today Ken sent his marijuana second-hand smoke directly into my apartment, so I guess the harassment is on again. Since  Enos played his radio yesterday until 2:30 a.m., I'm expecting him to play his radio tonight too.

I have sent a total of 7 lettters to the management company and of course not one word in response to any of my letters. Of course, when I text the manager, she never replies either. They cringe from contacting me so  everything is one-sided.

I sent a text to the manager telling her about Ken sending his marijuana into my apartment all day and I asked is this by your instructions? She never responded, but I hope she stops Ken from continuing to send his smoke up here. Once, he sent it into my bedroom and I was sleeping but came violently awake as I was choking so much from his smoke.

It is hard to understand that I was friends with all 3 of these neighbors, but for some reason, on March 17, 2018 these 3 neighbors turned into hate machines. The 2 African Americans are chomping at the bit to start harassing me again, they are like horses in the starting gate

just rearing and snorting to start their harassment again. I have to admit I have never known such hate as I see here in this Apartment complex. Is it from Sylvia? Yes I do think she has a lot to do with it, but these 2 men are exceptionally hateful and are enjoying harassing me so much

I think of them as animals and not human beings. They seem to get such a rush from harassing women. I will continue to update this report until and if it gets settled.


United States
Golden Oak Apartments and The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside

#5Author of original report

Mon, April 22, 2019

These statements are true and have been experienced by me while

living in The Golden Oak Apartments and dealing with The Housing Authority

of the County of Riverside

I have been personally harassed by 3 of my neighbors, and counting the

manager, that makes 4.

The manager told me that she was mad at me, so she let Ken (last name

unknown) a big African American blow his marijuana second-hand smoke into

my apartment. I don't know if Ken found out to do it on his own, but the

manager, Silvia Garcia is so devious and evil that she should have told him

how to do it.

Ken doesn't live below me, he lives below me and one

apartment over, his marijuana smoke should be going to the apartment above

him, but he found out how to send it to my apartment and he has been

harassing me since March 17, 2018 with his pollution. I'm allergic to

Marijuana smoke, and I break out in hives all over my body from this.

The polluting smoke also gives me a severe headache, and makes me throw up. Ken

has many pot parties because, in my believe, he is doing a favor for the

manager, and she does favors for him. This is still going on today.

The neighbor who lives below me is also a 6 foot African American buddy

of the manager, and she lets him play his radio all night which I can hear

and which keeps me from being able to fall asleep, or Enos (last name

unknown) plays it at 6 a.m. to wake me up in the morning just in case

I was able to sleep. Again, she explains that she was mad at me so she

let both these African American men harass me with their problems. The

radio problems are still being done today.

The neighbor next door is Janine and she is a severe Alcoholic and comes

home many nights at about 2:30 a.m. drunk as a skunk and her favorite word

for me is "you fu*cking Schizophrenic - Take your meds." I am neither a

schizophrenic nor am I f*cking.

There you have it 3 absolutely mean and crazy pals of the manager who

love to harass people and are having a wonderful time harassing me.

You see, I have called the police many times, and while the police want

to help, the manager refuses to take any of their advice.

I blew up this weekend, because I saw Enos leave to go spend the night

with his ex-wife, and he "deliberately" left his radio on. I wrote letters

to the management company who doesn’t give a hoot, and even sent certified

letters to them which they ignored. They don't care, believe me, Hitler is

alive and is the manager of our apartment complex.

Really, the manager is Hispanic and I won't go into detail about her, but she has rented

apartments to at least 4 big and bulky African American men who she does

favors for, like walking their dog, and then she wants them to do her a

favor, like harass me! Now, I sent a text and also left a voicemail to the

manager about Enos leaving and wasn't home but he left his radio on. About

2:30 a.m. here comes Enos home from his ex-wife's place, and enters his

apartment and turns off the radio.

Too late, I have to take medication

in order to help me sleep and by then it was worn off and I can't take

any more. These men are loyal to her, why, I have no idea, because I don't

know what favors she does for each of them. This has been my life since

March 17, 2018, marijuana pollution and radios. One time I told the

manager I was upset because I had to try to sleep in the living room, and

by golly the next day Enos was playing his radio in the bedroom "and" the

living room. This happens every night.

You would think that a big management company like Cal-American would care

what is going on and what their manager is doing harassing tenants, but

this isn't the first "Hitler" they have hired. They like the mean ones.

Someone entered my apartment illegally, without my permission and stole

letter copies, damaged my computer and stole all of my important computer

installation disks. The manager tells me I'm "crazy" and "imagining" all

of these problems. It cost me $180 to get my computer fixed, and the

repairman told me that it was very strange, my hard disk had been

completely erased which should not have happened.

I consider myself a

computer nerd, and I have a degree in Computer Science. Believe me, I

have the best anti-virus program that is on the market, and I have malware

programs too. There is no way a virus could have entered my computer unless

it was directly put into my computer.

So I ended up faxing 5 letters to the management company, will they respond

I'm sure they won't I'm not important to them. The keep raising the rent

which the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside always approves, and

we are told if we can't afford the increase, we will be given a "Request to

vacate" and lose our apartment. Everyone that lives here under Section 8, is

confirmed that their income is "below poverty level", however every increase

is approved and they just had a $50 rent increase in December 2018. I had to

take $50 away from my food budget to pay for the increase and when I

complained to the manager, she said "It's only $50" I wonder if she gets a

bonus for raising the rent.

Well, will I get evicted for complaining about the harassment? I don't know.

Will the management company fire the manager for the harassment, I doubt

any disciplinary actions will be taken against her. Will the 3 neighbors

be punished or evicted because of their harassment, I doubt it, I have lived

here 24 years and I have seen many managers come and go, and only once

did I see a manager disciplined and that was by me with the help of Fair

Housing Council. I'm trying to do that again with this manager, but

it's not doing very well.

Will Sylvia's army of big bulky African

American men continue to grow? I'm sure it will because no one is stopping

this rotten manager and her evil. Oh wow, I'm being inundated with marijuana

smoke coming from Ken's apartment. I will be getting more hives now. I would

just love it if some attorneys read this and help us to fight against this. I am nobody

Important, I am just a 74 year-old lady trying to live peaceably to the end time of

of my life.

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