  • Report:  #341543

Complaint Review: Calfornia Supreme Court - San Diego California

Reported By:
- Anonymous, Georgia,

Calfornia Supreme Court
www.calfornia.gov San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The people of calfornia voted agaisnt gay marriage. They are more people in deserving of rights the gay people. Gay people are nasty & sick. There is a don't ask don't tell policy but these gay people wont to alarm the whole world.

The courts do not care about the voters, the people of calfornia voted agaisnt gay marriage Its also my right to speak out agaisnt it. I say let all the gay people move to calfornia.

Soon calfornia will be nothing but gays. I will never visit calfornia. Marriage is only between man & women god did not create adam & steve. This will be my only response people can comment & debate to my report.

I just think the supreme court treated the people of calfornia unfairly.

I do not support gay marriage.


Anonymous, Georgia


42 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 07, 2016

Cain had a wife, but not Abel.   Answer is simple:    The sons of god  { NOT the LORD } went in to humans:  Genesis 6:2, 4;  1John 3:12, John 6:70-71, Ephesians 6, etc.   If you had read your King James Bible, you would realize that there are devils walking the earth, creating all types of deep misery.   Been that way since Adam and Eve fell.  It was inevitable.   Nothing said about Abel getting married in the King James Bible.   Something went on there when Eve sinned and fell:   Genesis 3:1-7 1John 3:12.  So there were devils and they went in to some of the women, creating giants on the earth, and the thoughts of man were only evil continually:   Genesis 6:5.


New York,
Wrong forum

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, March 12, 2009

People, this is a place to discuss RIP OFFs, not social concerns. There are plenty of websites out there where this dicussion can take place. Charles, let the people of California worry about their Supreme Court. It's not a consumer issue!



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 12, 2009

Marriage is just a contractual arrangement in the legal world anyway so what difference as to who the people are who are involved. I think gay and l*****n people can have their weddings wherever they want and the same for the straight people. If a kid had loving parents who were able to provide great emotional and financial support and a non-abusive home life, it shouldn't really matter if there are two moms or two dads. WHY IS BEING GAY OR l*****n SUCH A BIG DEAL ANYWAY? If all you have to do is fixate on gays and lesbians when the economic life of this country is going to hell faster than the speed of sound, YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TO DO... Why should the hell of marriage just be reserved for STRAIGHT PEOPLE anyway? I think GAYS and LESBIANS have the right to be MISERABLE too!


I would like the Thumpers to answer one simple question for me

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

This is very simple, so even Charles can handle it. The basic premise is this...God created Adam, and from Adam came Eve. Cloning be damned, this is some crazy sh*t already. They had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel had wives. Ummm. Where did the wives come from? See if you can guess why I became an Atheist at the age of 5.


Rhode Island,
My 2 Cents and then some

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

First and Foremost The contents of my response that are not fact are purely my opinion (But if you agree, it's always nice to know): My first comment to ROR after reading reports for months! Although I had hoped that my first ever response would be to something a little more intelligent than a bigoted post that should be reported to ROR in itself, but I had to respond to this post. Because this drives probably anyone with a high school education nuts let me start with this (Granted, nobody's perfect and there will be a few errors in my own posted comments, but not repeatedly and not as bad as I've seen some of these posts): They're = They are As in They're going to the market. There = a place . As in Where are the cars? Over there, under the garage. Their = Is a possessive case of They, possessive pronoun. Noun person, place, or thing As in Mom and her Partner took a drive in their new car. OR Where are the candy bars? In their pockets! Know Many definitions, some are to be able to distinguish or recognize as different, to have intimate knowledge of, to have firsthand knowledge of.. As in I know my rights! OR I know how to use the correct words for my intended meaning. Know does not mean Now or No. Buy = to purchase something As in I'm going to buy new shoes. By = multiple definitions, a couple are: preposition meaning "Near to", a subsidiary. As in By the way, are you going to the dance? OR They ran by her house too fast to catch. Some examples from above postings: Charles on 11/13/08: ".like they are doing in cali right know just cause they didn't get there way." should be "now" "when people started doing q***r stuff know this nation Is fallen." should be "now" Charles on 11/15/08: "right not to support gay marriage, & know this Is not like with the black civil." should be "no" Charles on 3/7/09: "listen to them anymore, their Is a don't ask don't tell policy." should be "there" Charles on 6/22/08: "to alarm the whole world about there rights." should be "their" "men leave there own family & embarass there family & there kids they only think" again, should be their, their, and their Charles on 12/11/08: "not getting anyones attenting buy saying the things they" should be "by" Not to pick directly on Charles (from Alabama), but you're (as in you are) the primary poster with this issue. Also, learn how too properly (or at least well enough to fake it with MS Word) punctuate what is written. Way too many examples to list. Now to the Post and some of the response posts: First off to avoid any confusion, I am a straight male and a Non-Denominational Christian, but not an active member of a church. The whole "Don't ask, don't tell policy" vomit that's dribbling out in several posts is what exactly? I've never heard of this absurd policy except when I enlisted into the military and to the best of my knowledge, it does not affect civilians in anyway, including you Charles. To think otherwise is just plain idiotic. They can tell if you do or don't ask. Everyone has a right to their beliefs and what they support, including gay marriage. However, if you present your point of view, opinion, or belief in an unintelligent and bashing manner, nobody will listen to your rants. Same goes for the all CAPS RANTS I completely skip those posts most of the time. The OP needs to sit down and attempt to read the post and ask "Is this what I wanted to tell people?", because frankly, I've read better postings on bathroom stalls. The OP doesn't make since if read as is, which leads the reader to interpret what was meant, and most of what can be read without interpretation is basically hate speech. As for the individuals that claim to know God and his will. Wow. As with other posts and posters on ROR, this report has several pompous, presuming, judgmental, hateful "Christians". I'm a Christian and I'm so sick of hearing about Christian rights being violated and Christian this and Christian that and how everybody needs to live the Christian way and if you don't you're going to Hell. For Example: Steph "these gay people are doomed to go to hell unless they change" Did you know "Hell" was invented/dreamed up by people of the newly Christian faith when they were being persecuted by the Romans? There are other "Hells" from other religions too, all equally amusing. - Sound's like a sinner who shall be judged (not not yet judged), is judging. Steph "You can read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and see how god feels about homosexuality." - I've read it, I didn't get his "feelings" from it as much as what he was commanding. - "You can read the story" it's a story alright, unless of course you can prove it (and the bible isn't proof no matter how much intelligent design you put into it) - Also, God is spelled with a capital G just like in the bible. Consult The Rock again, Wow. Lots of religious websites posted You're a dangerous nut. Anyone ever seen the movie "The Mist" that just came out? Remember the religious nut in the store that worked the people up to a frenzy causing the crowd to hurt people? That actor must have received the inspiration from this poster - 10 to 1. I'm not going to expend the energy needed to show that "Consult The Rock" is religiously over the edge, his post does that quite well for him, and so does the way the quotes flow from "abusers of themselves" and the "effeminate" into drunkards, strippers, gamblers, liars, sodomite serial murderer, kidnapper, murderer, and on, and on, and on.. I would not let my kids play on the same block that Consult "The Rock" lives on. And Charles from PC Alabama: "The devil Is not getting his way & he never will" - Okay, first, it should be "The Devil will not get his way and never will" - You seem to know the devil quite well, are you the "Wolf in sheep's skin"? Charles from PC Alabama "This Is a battle between god & satan" - Again, G in God is capitalized and I believe the S in Satan is too. - Kind of presumptuous aren't you? I don't remember seeing this quote in the bible. I seriously do not think that they're (the homosexual community) rebelling against God, to even imply that you're assuming that Your God is only God beyond the religious context in which it should stay. This is America, and not everyone believes in your "god". There are many religions in this great country so stop assuming that your belief is the only one and try to force others into you belief structure. In other words, get outta my face with your Jesus Juice induced rhetoric, if I want to hear it I'll go to church. How would you like it if your community was suddenly Muslim? (Not that I have anything against Muslims). If they were as pushy as some of these bible thumpers on ROR are, you'd have people knocking at your door telling you to convert or you're going to Hell for your disbelief in the true faith of Islam. Okay, I'm done with the religious points from the response postings. Except for this last comment: The bible thumpers that have posted in this ROR and others need to take a good hard look at themselves in relation to what they know to be the "truth" and really examine their lives, because as I mentioned earlier, there are some who sound very pompous, presuming, judgmental, and hateful yet they call themselves "Christians". I sorry, but I don't want any of "your" religion, your "god" scares me. I would rather keep my loving God near me. I really feel for the children of the individuals that post the neurotic nonsense pertaining to "I would never want my kids to see that" or "The kids always look at me when they see these different people". Why would I say such a thing? Well, for starters children who hear bigoted remarks about someone or a group of people, who are different, generally grow up to harbor the same unintelligent garbage they've heard their parents rant about. That alone limits the opportunity for growth in various aspects of life. How about teaching the children understanding, compassion, and empathy towards the fellow people who are different instead of using them as a shield against your own biased bigotry? And what kid would want two moms or dads was asked.. How about the kids whose parents abandoned them in Nebraska under the "Safe-Haven law"? Or how about the many children waiting to be adopted? What about the children with a single parent? The whole "What kid would want two dads or two moms" question is absurd at best. Children that have been raised in an environment with two parents are more stable and productive members of society, regardless of the sexual orientation of the parents and regardless if they had two moms or two dads. Also, generally speaking, when a child has two parents of the same sex, they are both referred to as "Dad" if it's two men, "Mom" if it's two women, or the children call them by their names. The children as also taught why there is a difference between their gay parents and straight parents. The point regarding how the children will be treated by other children is also moot and is just another false way to point the finger at the gay community and spout out uninformed and completely biased opinions. I've known children and grew up with children who had two parents of the same sex and they were more balanced that the rest of us. Those kids were not made fun of that I saw or ridiculed as some would like to think, in fact, those kids had an excellent support group among their peers who supported them. Regardless, however you slice it, it's just another sad excuse to try and deny a group of people equality. If a child has straight parents, guess what, those children are ridiculed. It can be for anything, i.e. red hair, too short or to tall, too poor, too rich, too pimply faced, and even too scared to stand up for themselves. Don't you as a reader remember what it was like? It's all a part of growing up. The whole "God created Adam and Eve" Christian dribble, is just that, Christian dribble. Stop beating people over the head with your beliefs, what if someone was atheist? To them, there was no Adam and Eve. And no, of course having a child naturally for homosexual couples cannot occur between the partners, procreation has nothing to do with morals OR beliefs. Would you say the same thing if a man and a woman were married and the woman could not bear children due to an injury/birth defect/illness/etc? I know you wouldn't. People who spout the garbage about "they can't have kids, so it's not natural, they should be banned" are the most hypocritical morally, spiritually, and emotionally that I have ever heard. And you call yourselves Christians, ha! Compassionless frauds at best. And why should homosexual people have behavior restrictions placed on them in public? Why can't they hold hands? Why can't they show their affection for one another in the same manner I see heterosexual people show their affection in public? For the ones that just got a huge ball in their panties after reading those last few rhetorical questions, yes, I'm talking to you. Have you ever stopped to think that they may find heterosexual public display of affection just as disgusting? Homosexual people are people, and are entitled to the exact same freedoms and a way of life that everyone else has, including being able to hold the hand of the person that they care the world for. Imagine for just a moment (because I'm afraid that any longer than a moment you'll have a heart attack) that the normal sexual orientation is homosexual people and heterosexual people are the minority wanting equal rights. While you're imagining this, also put any negative thoughts and comments that you've ever had about homosexuals into the imaginary homosexual's minds about heterosexuals and since you're heterosexual, those thoughts would be about you too. And everyone knows exactly (or at least an idea) what homosexual people and heterosexual people do behind closed doors, has anyone seen people doing what they do behind closed doors do in the Blockbuster Checkout line (Heterosexual OR homosexual)? How about when waiting to cross the street (Heterosexual OR homosexual)? The answer is no, so stop with the "What they do behind closed doors is their business, but don't bring it into the public" ignorant babble, because they don't. What "they" do bring into public is the same thing heterosexual people bring into public, A.K.A. Public Display of Affection PDA. If you cannot handle PDA, there are Mormon sects that have their own little segregated communities that you may be able to get into.. Go Puritan so we'll never have to hear from you again and you'll never have to hear from the world again, including equal rights for homosexuals. The next point I would like to bring up in my response is people who are homosexual, or has homosexual tendencies, ARE born "that way". There are genetic and fetal development studies that show that sexual orientation are a consequence of genetic factors, fetal development and hormones produced by the mother, or both. I'm not going to do the leg work for anyone though, so look it up if you disagree. Actually, I dare you to. It's not about the sins of the flesh and wanting to explore new and exciting ways to please ones self. Nobody chooses to be persecuted just to be a certain way because it feels good. And to the straight individuals that are ready to burn me, think about this Let go of all the restrictions you place upon yourself regarding sexuality and sex. Ready? Now, imagine you're wanting to play for the same team That's right, imagine that you want to explore homosexuality and the "sinful pleasures" that homosexuality offers. For all the guys imagine bending over and taking a big one in the rear and one in the mouth at the same time, imagine the textures, the flavors, the way it feels going in and out of your body. For the Women imagine eating a nice juicy, drippy taco and the way it tastes and the how much you enjoy performing this act. Okay, now stop imagining and come back to the world. How many straight individuals enjoyed just imagining being with someone that is of the same sex? Would you want to willingly participate in the described homosexual activities? What about being forced into those homosexual acts? Think really hard about the answers you as the reader have too the questions just listed. Here's a wakeup call for those of you who are so bashing against this group of people, in general, homosexual people find heterosexual acts just as "disgusting", "gross", and "wrong" and would not want to do it willingly. Their orientation is not a choice; it's who they are, just like heterosexual people are who they are. Homosexual people are not homosexual to be mean, selfish, or to fulfill any desires. People who divorce their significant other because they're gay are trying to be free to be who they are (or they've discovered who they really are during the marriage), they usually get married to avoid the stigma that bigoted mongers looking down their noses place on them. If the majority of people spoke of heterosexually like homosexuality is talked about today, would you break your back to let your neighbors know you're hetero? Maybe, maybe not. Just like there are some people who protest for homosexual rights and there are people who choose not to go into the public out of fear. I want to know just how many nations have fallen because of homosexuality within recorded history. And don't spout bible nonsense; the bible is not considered recorded history. Really? Which ones? That's just as bad as saying that Iran is going to fall because they are not Christians, or Afghanistan is where it is because all the women cover their entire bodies. Nations falling for that reason sounds like uninformed, bigoted babble too me. And my favorite quote, "Because america will not accept homosexuality, the sad thing Is america Is starting to accept It & god will bring horrible judgements on this country & we have lost his protection. Why do you think this country has so many problems because the country started to accept homosexuality. Nations have fallen because of homosexuality, and the united states Is starting to fall!. This country will be ruined because of the gay people & the trouble they cause." - First off, "america" starts with a capital "A", already pointed out that "god" starts with a capital "G" - The greatest contradiction of all "Because america will not accept homosexuality" "the sad thing Is america Is starting to accept It". Which is it??? If "Y" will not do "X" how can "Y" start to do "X"? - And the biggest of them all "The trouble they cause".. What trouble do they cause? Are "they" toilet papering your house with pink, double ply, and flower printed toilet paper? Drive by for the q***r guy? The only trouble "they" cause is all in your head. Regarding the posts referring to "attack innocent mortorized like they are doing in cali right know", I'm in California (I know, not really something to brag about, but neither is Alabama) and I'm not too familiar with what is being mentioned and I'm not going to bother to look it up. If there were protesters for gay rights that did indeed "attack" someone or property, then I think that is completely out of line, wrong and illegal. But guess what, how many times has the T.V. news stations reported the same thing, people "attacking" other people, and the groups involved are straight heterosexuals? Way more than a pointed news story or a twisted version of the truth. Also, if this is referring to what I'm thinking about, there's way more to discuss regarding that, i.e. the church should not fund political policy, but I'm sure there's a ROR for that somewhere. Also, and I feel that this must be pointed out: Charles from Phenix City Alabama on 11/13/08 posted, "If those queers get around my car & start attacking me & pounding my car I would just run over them." Can be used in a court of law if you hurt a homosexual and it can change the charges held against you to include Hate Crime And that was a quote from a poster that seems to put the bible in everyone's face, you're talking about hurting people Some Christian. Charles, Alabama 11/15/08: "Anyone who speaks out agaisnt gay marriage is the bad guy" - No, I'm afraid you're mistaken. Anyone who opposes the rights of others is the bad guy. @55 - And your posts (the content and the way it's presented) show that you're uneducated And also that you're a racist, gay basher. Why do homosexual people want to get married? Because the federal and local government does not treat a homosexual civil union the SAME as a heterosexual marriage, that's why. Partners are being denied visitation rights to their significant other in the hospital because they're not family, partners who are entitled to their departed significant others federal retirement funds are being denied those funds, and on and on. Wake up call! Homosexuals get have and are getting married right now, just without federal rights and without government recognition like heterosexual people. And yes, homosexuals who are getting married can do it in the religion of their choice, and then they trot on down to the court house to file a civil union. So, I'll close my really long reply post with this: - Keep in mind, there are homosexual people everywhere, some let everyone know, others marry women to cover up their homosexuality, regardless, they serve your food, collect your garbage, issue your paycheck, tailor your suits, run corporations, help secure this nation, are involved in this nations politics, and they secure your ATD protected home while you're away.. In other words, you will and do encounter homosexual people every day of your life, you just might not know it when you're out and about spouting off ignorant, uneducated babble. - Stop trying to force people into believing what your faith dictates, especially when you are not following the "Word" yourself. - Homosexual couples who are allowed to marry spurn economic growth. Something really good to have during an economic recession. - And if you don't like hearing about it on the t.v. and internet.. Turn it all off. There are some people that believe that technology is the tool of the Devil, wonder what they would have to say about you? Probably nice things revolving around pity.


Phenix City,
People get tired of hearing about It

#7Author of original report

Sat, March 07, 2009

People get tired of hearing about It. Their civl rights are not being violated these gay people live with each other anyways, why are they bitching having marriage license. I don't even listen to them anymore, their Is a don't ask don't tell policy. These gay people chose to tell people they are gay, & then they get mad @ how people respond. Well they don't have to tell people why don't they keep It to themselves. They are trying to force to accept their lifestyle & we do not have to accept It.


Why not let anyone live like they want to live I thought this was a Free Country

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, March 07, 2009

I thought this country is supposed to be free, sure don't look like it as anyone tells anyone what you can and cannot do. Why not let the kids decide for once what they want or do kids have no rights at all. sure don't look like it. as for guys leaving the wives i don't think that is right at all as it hurts the wife and the kids but sometimes the wife will support her husband. anyhow ive seen so many people be victims of crimes where there is never any justice for them when there should be. there are gays everywhere just look online anywhere at "Famous Gays" and then look at how many countries are free for allowing to let gays, straight and bi people marry, now that is free where there is no oppression and where people actually get everything everyone else gets. Heck gays just like straights pay taxes and file taxes and use the post office they do everything straight people do except one thing which is normal just like anyone else doing it is normal. so stop all this hate because america is being looked at by other countries as a country of hate and where people lie and the fight over presidency now that was the day the world was laughing at the usa. i have a right to say this due to the first amendment that our forefathers wrote, if they were alive now they would be shocked to the core to see how it is now. Heck even some presidents were either gay or bisexual. so just stop this nonsense of teaching anyone that is not gay to be guilty of hate crimes and crimes against humanity.


Why not let anyone live like they want to live I thought this was a Free Country

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, March 07, 2009

I thought this country is supposed to be free, sure don't look like it as anyone tells anyone what you can and cannot do. Why not let the kids decide for once what they want or do kids have no rights at all. sure don't look like it. as for guys leaving the wives i don't think that is right at all as it hurts the wife and the kids but sometimes the wife will support her husband. anyhow ive seen so many people be victims of crimes where there is never any justice for them when there should be. there are gays everywhere just look online anywhere at "Famous Gays" and then look at how many countries are free for allowing to let gays, straight and bi people marry, now that is free where there is no oppression and where people actually get everything everyone else gets. Heck gays just like straights pay taxes and file taxes and use the post office they do everything straight people do except one thing which is normal just like anyone else doing it is normal. so stop all this hate because america is being looked at by other countries as a country of hate and where people lie and the fight over presidency now that was the day the world was laughing at the usa. i have a right to say this due to the first amendment that our forefathers wrote, if they were alive now they would be shocked to the core to see how it is now. Heck even some presidents were either gay or bisexual. so just stop this nonsense of teaching anyone that is not gay to be guilty of hate crimes and crimes against humanity.


Why not let anyone live like they want to live I thought this was a Free Country

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, March 07, 2009

I thought this country is supposed to be free, sure don't look like it as anyone tells anyone what you can and cannot do. Why not let the kids decide for once what they want or do kids have no rights at all. sure don't look like it. as for guys leaving the wives i don't think that is right at all as it hurts the wife and the kids but sometimes the wife will support her husband. anyhow ive seen so many people be victims of crimes where there is never any justice for them when there should be. there are gays everywhere just look online anywhere at "Famous Gays" and then look at how many countries are free for allowing to let gays, straight and bi people marry, now that is free where there is no oppression and where people actually get everything everyone else gets. Heck gays just like straights pay taxes and file taxes and use the post office they do everything straight people do except one thing which is normal just like anyone else doing it is normal. so stop all this hate because america is being looked at by other countries as a country of hate and where people lie and the fight over presidency now that was the day the world was laughing at the usa. i have a right to say this due to the first amendment that our forefathers wrote, if they were alive now they would be shocked to the core to see how it is now. Heck even some presidents were either gay or bisexual. so just stop this nonsense of teaching anyone that is not gay to be guilty of hate crimes and crimes against humanity.


Phenix City,
Here we go again

#11Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

Know these gay people want to prevent others from getting married just because they don't get there way. They can't do that. They all have chosen to believe satan & his lies. Know none of us can make the judgement where they will spend for eternity only god makes that judgement on judgement day. All these gay people want to do Is start trouble. If they keep It up nobody will never consider & they will turn away people, they have turned me away & I will never listen to them. What gives them the right to say others can't marry. I just ignore what they have to say because they are not getting anyones attenting buy saying the things they do or causing riots or attacking church people which they have no right to do.


Phenix City,
Here we go again

#12Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

Know these gay people want to prevent others from getting married just because they don't get there way. They can't do that. They all have chosen to believe satan & his lies. Know none of us can make the judgement where they will spend for eternity only god makes that judgement on judgement day. All these gay people want to do Is start trouble. If they keep It up nobody will never consider & they will turn away people, they have turned me away & I will never listen to them. What gives them the right to say others can't marry. I just ignore what they have to say because they are not getting anyones attenting buy saying the things they do or causing riots or attacking church people which they have no right to do.


Phenix City,
Here we go again

#13Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

Know these gay people want to prevent others from getting married just because they don't get there way. They can't do that. They all have chosen to believe satan & his lies. Know none of us can make the judgement where they will spend for eternity only god makes that judgement on judgement day. All these gay people want to do Is start trouble. If they keep It up nobody will never consider & they will turn away people, they have turned me away & I will never listen to them. What gives them the right to say others can't marry. I just ignore what they have to say because they are not getting anyones attenting buy saying the things they do or causing riots or attacking church people which they have no right to do.


Phenix City,
Here we go again

#14Author of original report

Thu, December 11, 2008

Know these gay people want to prevent others from getting married just because they don't get there way. They can't do that. They all have chosen to believe satan & his lies. Know none of us can make the judgement where they will spend for eternity only god makes that judgement on judgement day. All these gay people want to do Is start trouble. If they keep It up nobody will never consider & they will turn away people, they have turned me away & I will never listen to them. What gives them the right to say others can't marry. I just ignore what they have to say because they are not getting anyones attenting buy saying the things they do or causing riots or attacking church people which they have no right to do.

Dr.greenwell R. Springs

Denham Springs,
Please, People. Really?

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

I am a 18 year old gay male student, i go to a catholic school in louisiana and i am in many christian ministry groups in my community and school. I would like to say that anybody who opposes gay marrage is entitled to their own opinion. But please, take this matter from the persons in which you are cruely harassing and oppisings point of view. You say your tired of seeing the gay comunity is making you sick, that there always complaining. Look at yourselves, this post is a complaint on gays. Jesus said once " Thou without sin may cast the first stone" Tell me you have never "sinned" before. If you havent then i will gladly force myselfe to abandon this "sick" "sinful" lifestyle i was BORN WITH. i dont care what any of you say, it is not a choice, if i had the choice to be hetrosexual i would, but Id dosent work no matter hard i try. Men who have left their wives for other men were gay before, they were opressed by white trash biggoting and uneducated belifs and finally got to balls to live their life the way they must. I can read most of these gay hating posts and honestly that they are mainly composed of people who still have square wheels made of rock attached to their car because their too uneducated to realize round wheels work beter. I say you should legalize marrage for everyone. or make it illegal for anyone. There is a seperation of church and state. Get your bible out of the constitution, god gave us all free will, his will shall not take part in this earth, it is the people who inhabit it who shall affect any major political outcome. Religious reasons to banning gay marrages is obcile and out-of-date. I am a faithful christian, I love God, I want everyone to love god. I have morals, I have a faimly who has accepted me that i am thankful for, I love everyone on this earth. Leave judgment to god. if what you say is true then stop worrying about what is going on in your mortal life and think about how your life in the kingdom of god will be compleatly homo-free.

Dr.greenwell R. Springs

Denham Springs,
Please, People. Really?

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

I am a 18 year old gay male student, i go to a catholic school in louisiana and i am in many christian ministry groups in my community and school. I would like to say that anybody who opposes gay marrage is entitled to their own opinion. But please, take this matter from the persons in which you are cruely harassing and oppisings point of view. You say your tired of seeing the gay comunity is making you sick, that there always complaining. Look at yourselves, this post is a complaint on gays. Jesus said once " Thou without sin may cast the first stone" Tell me you have never "sinned" before. If you havent then i will gladly force myselfe to abandon this "sick" "sinful" lifestyle i was BORN WITH. i dont care what any of you say, it is not a choice, if i had the choice to be hetrosexual i would, but Id dosent work no matter hard i try. Men who have left their wives for other men were gay before, they were opressed by white trash biggoting and uneducated belifs and finally got to balls to live their life the way they must. I can read most of these gay hating posts and honestly that they are mainly composed of people who still have square wheels made of rock attached to their car because their too uneducated to realize round wheels work beter. I say you should legalize marrage for everyone. or make it illegal for anyone. There is a seperation of church and state. Get your bible out of the constitution, god gave us all free will, his will shall not take part in this earth, it is the people who inhabit it who shall affect any major political outcome. Religious reasons to banning gay marrages is obcile and out-of-date. I am a faithful christian, I love God, I want everyone to love god. I have morals, I have a faimly who has accepted me that i am thankful for, I love everyone on this earth. Leave judgment to god. if what you say is true then stop worrying about what is going on in your mortal life and think about how your life in the kingdom of god will be compleatly homo-free.

Dr.greenwell R. Springs

Denham Springs,
Please, People. Really?

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

I am a 18 year old gay male student, i go to a catholic school in louisiana and i am in many christian ministry groups in my community and school. I would like to say that anybody who opposes gay marrage is entitled to their own opinion. But please, take this matter from the persons in which you are cruely harassing and oppisings point of view. You say your tired of seeing the gay comunity is making you sick, that there always complaining. Look at yourselves, this post is a complaint on gays. Jesus said once " Thou without sin may cast the first stone" Tell me you have never "sinned" before. If you havent then i will gladly force myselfe to abandon this "sick" "sinful" lifestyle i was BORN WITH. i dont care what any of you say, it is not a choice, if i had the choice to be hetrosexual i would, but Id dosent work no matter hard i try. Men who have left their wives for other men were gay before, they were opressed by white trash biggoting and uneducated belifs and finally got to balls to live their life the way they must. I can read most of these gay hating posts and honestly that they are mainly composed of people who still have square wheels made of rock attached to their car because their too uneducated to realize round wheels work beter. I say you should legalize marrage for everyone. or make it illegal for anyone. There is a seperation of church and state. Get your bible out of the constitution, god gave us all free will, his will shall not take part in this earth, it is the people who inhabit it who shall affect any major political outcome. Religious reasons to banning gay marrages is obcile and out-of-date. I am a faithful christian, I love God, I want everyone to love god. I have morals, I have a faimly who has accepted me that i am thankful for, I love everyone on this earth. Leave judgment to god. if what you say is true then stop worrying about what is going on in your mortal life and think about how your life in the kingdom of god will be compleatly homo-free.

Dr.greenwell R. Springs

Denham Springs,
Please, People. Really?

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

I am a 18 year old gay male student, i go to a catholic school in louisiana and i am in many christian ministry groups in my community and school. I would like to say that anybody who opposes gay marrage is entitled to their own opinion. But please, take this matter from the persons in which you are cruely harassing and oppisings point of view. You say your tired of seeing the gay comunity is making you sick, that there always complaining. Look at yourselves, this post is a complaint on gays. Jesus said once " Thou without sin may cast the first stone" Tell me you have never "sinned" before. If you havent then i will gladly force myselfe to abandon this "sick" "sinful" lifestyle i was BORN WITH. i dont care what any of you say, it is not a choice, if i had the choice to be hetrosexual i would, but Id dosent work no matter hard i try. Men who have left their wives for other men were gay before, they were opressed by white trash biggoting and uneducated belifs and finally got to balls to live their life the way they must. I can read most of these gay hating posts and honestly that they are mainly composed of people who still have square wheels made of rock attached to their car because their too uneducated to realize round wheels work beter. I say you should legalize marrage for everyone. or make it illegal for anyone. There is a seperation of church and state. Get your bible out of the constitution, god gave us all free will, his will shall not take part in this earth, it is the people who inhabit it who shall affect any major political outcome. Religious reasons to banning gay marrages is obcile and out-of-date. I am a faithful christian, I love God, I want everyone to love god. I have morals, I have a faimly who has accepted me that i am thankful for, I love everyone on this earth. Leave judgment to god. if what you say is true then stop worrying about what is going on in your mortal life and think about how your life in the kingdom of god will be compleatly homo-free.


Phenix City,
Anyone who speaks out agaisnt gay marriage is the bad guy

#19Author of original report

Sun, November 16, 2008

Hey scott get over It we have a right not to support gay marriage, & know this Is not like with the black civil rights In the 1960's, you are so blinded. Also you can harass the christian people but god always wins scott not the devil, ya'll can hold your protest & complain but It will not do you any good. Also scott I am not uneducated so your q***r comments don't bother me, ya'll are kind of like the black people screaming ya'lls rights are being violated. I just turn the station when I see the gay people harassing people. Yeah these queers say we are uneducated, they sure have the nerve to tell us these things look @ the sick things they do. Anyone who speaks out agaisnt gay marriage is the bad person & they are being discriminated agaisnt & there rights being violated. Hey scott have you ever heard of the don't ask don't tell policy you have that right, but If people make fun of you scott you will have yourself to blame. Because there Is a don't ask don't tell policy, we can't even watch t.v. anymore scott cause you gays have your protesting demanding marriage rights. So scott you can say I am uneducated.

Don & Wanda Reed

About Banning Gay Marriages

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, November 16, 2008

It is my opinion that "gays and lesbians" are sick, sick people.."God created Adam & Eve..Not Adam and Steve or Eve and Ellen!!"...One man, one woman..Plain and simple..If gays/lesbians don't think their actions are wrong, then try and have a baby naturally.."They can't..Why?"..Because it takes a male and female..Not two males together nor two females together..I think "gay/lesbians" wanting to have children/adopt, whatever sets a bad example of the true term of "parenting" for a child, because who is the mother or the father, when you have same sex relationships?..I guess on the male side the most "feminine male" would be regarded as the mother..While on the female side, the most "masculine female" would be regarded as the male..No matter how you slice the cake the actions of "gays/lesbians are wrong!!!!"..And those that allow children to think it is alright to be a gay/l*****n are pathetic to say the least..Final say..If the gays/l*****n don't like being banned from same sex marriage, then find an island (out of the U.S.) where no one else lives and start your own colony..You can name it "Queers Island!!.. "Home Of The Misfits!!!"..



#21Consumer Comment

Sun, November 16, 2008

I don't usually comment on this site but I had to after reading Charles' and Steph's posts. It's obvious from their posts that these people are uneducated, uninformed and sorry to say perhaps a bit mentally challenged. They are only repeating what they hear in the media and from their church and probably couldn't come up with an original thought if they had to. So please people treat them with the same respect and dignity that they show to others. What is a positive and you can tell that from their posts, is that they are not the most intelligent individuals in the world and most likely their family will die out from all the inbreeding. Remember the bible is not the Constitution and eventually, just like in the 60's with the African Americans, the gays will receive the rights and privileges for which they are entitled under the Constitution of the United States of America. And that people, will be the outcome of this issue and no bible thumper or hate group will ever change that no matter how hard they try.


Phenix City,
I really don't care anymore

#22Author of original report

Sun, November 16, 2008

Forget what stacy has to say, all she wants to do Is bash people for no reason. I don't care what she thinks about me she Is just like everyone else on this site. I really don't care If her or anyone else doesn't like me on this site, just look @ how the republican party has turned all americans agaisnt each other. Well stacy doesn't have the right to talk to people like the way she does, she thinks she Is better then everyone else so her & others feel like they have the right to judge people. I really don't care anymore why don't these queers just live with each other besides harassing & bothering the united states citizens with there rights. People will always be q***r rather If Its legal or not so I don't know why they are bitching about needing to marry each other they live with each other anyways.


Phenix City,
This nation Is already fallen

#23Author of original report

Sun, November 16, 2008

I don't support gay marriage anyone who supports It Is a q***r also, these q***r's are nothing but trouble they have the same civil rights has the rest of us. This Is a battle between god & satan & satan will never win god did not create adam & eve, If you don't support gay marriage you are a bad person just like with black people. I & others have the right to say what we feel like of course stacy supports gay marriage & all the other wrongs things people support. Queers make me sick. Men leave there wives & family for a man how sick Is that. If I was that family & wive they should kick him out of the house & not give them anything. Today we have to put up with the crying from the q***r people just like we had to about the blacks in the 1950's & 1960's. I guess all strait people are bad cause we don't support gay marriage, nations have fallen when people started doing q***r stuff know this nation Is fallen. Well these queers don't care all they care about Is there lust & filth. But we should let them do what they want they all will suffer the consequences saten turned agaisnt god know he Is trying to get has many souls he can.


Phenix City,
The devil Is not getting his way & he never will

#24Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

Hey brent you gay people have no right to attack innocent mortorized like they are doing in cali right know just cause they didn't get there way. Marriage Is between man & woman I don't if ya'll don't like It or not, If those queers get around my car & start attacking me & pounding my car I would just run over them. The police should arrest them for hate crimes, also brent you can see how frustrated we are have to listen to all the bitching from the q***r about there rights. Also I feel sorry for the familys when these meen leave there wives & kids for another man its pure sick & filth. All ya'll gay people care about is your needs & sick lusts. The devil Is not getting Is way & he never will.


Once again Charles has raised his bigoted head

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

I support gay marriage - I see no problem with it Gay people should have all the rights that heteros have including marriage It is so stupid to think that if a gay couple wants to have a child then God forbid the child will be scarred for live - Wake up - happens every day with heteros abusing and killing their biological children Forget about what Charles has to say - he has no children, still lives with his dead beat mom and sucks the taxpayers dry with his "I can't work cause I have a disability" crap


How to solve the Gay Marriage issue

#26Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 12, 2008

Personally I think what's really sick is how hateful and judgmental people can be concerning something they really know nothing about and never could. I could never know what it's like to be straight and until straight people started attacking me for being gay and trying to prevent me from having equal right, I wouldn't dare do anything like that to them. However, as I gay man I think I am finally sick of it. So I would like to propose that we illegalize all marriage. You can see my full explanation of this at youtube.com/legalmonopoly If all marriage is illegal then everyone is equal and marriage is will never be threatened again.


What kid wants two moms or two dads

#27Author of original report

Tue, November 11, 2008

What kid wants two moms or two dads I sure wouldn't, but these queers are trying to make people believe there lifestyle Is normal Its not!. If those queers ganged around my car starting beating my car I would just run over them, queers shouldn't be able to foster or adopted kids because they to will think its normal its not!. Those queers in calfornia should be arrested & jailed for attacking people the people of calfornia voted twice to ban gay marriage. The devil will not win. These queers should be ashamed of themselves these kids are the ones who are going to have to pay the price for there sin, they leave there families abandon there wives for another man. You would think they would find another woman but its shocking they rather want a man then a woman. But this gay crap gets old & hearing them on t.v. I just turn It!. They are rebellion agaisnt god cause they want things there way, god Is not protecting this nation because of these gay people & these states who are accepting this gay crap. Because america will not accept homosexuality, the sad thing Is america Is starting to accept It & god will bring horrible judgements on this country & we have lost his protection. Why do you think this country has so many problems because the country started to accept homosexuality. Nations have fallen because of homosexuality, and the united states Is starting to fall!. This country will be ruined because of the gay people & the trouble they cause. God did not create adam & steve. This great nation Is falling already just look on the news!.


What kid wants two moms or two dads

#28Author of original report

Tue, November 11, 2008

What kid wants two moms or two dads I sure wouldn't, but these queers are trying to make people believe there lifestyle Is normal Its not!. If those queers ganged around my car starting beating my car I would just run over them, queers shouldn't be able to foster or adopted kids because they to will think its normal its not!. Those queers in calfornia should be arrested & jailed for attacking people the people of calfornia voted twice to ban gay marriage. The devil will not win. These queers should be ashamed of themselves these kids are the ones who are going to have to pay the price for there sin, they leave there families abandon there wives for another man. You would think they would find another woman but its shocking they rather want a man then a woman. But this gay crap gets old & hearing them on t.v. I just turn It!. They are rebellion agaisnt god cause they want things there way, god Is not protecting this nation because of these gay people & these states who are accepting this gay crap. Because america will not accept homosexuality, the sad thing Is america Is starting to accept It & god will bring horrible judgements on this country & we have lost his protection. Why do you think this country has so many problems because the country started to accept homosexuality. Nations have fallen because of homosexuality, and the united states Is starting to fall!. This country will be ruined because of the gay people & the trouble they cause. God did not create adam & steve. This great nation Is falling already just look on the news!.


What kid wants two moms or two dads

#29Author of original report

Tue, November 11, 2008

What kid wants two moms or two dads I sure wouldn't, but these queers are trying to make people believe there lifestyle Is normal Its not!. If those queers ganged around my car starting beating my car I would just run over them, queers shouldn't be able to foster or adopted kids because they to will think its normal its not!. Those queers in calfornia should be arrested & jailed for attacking people the people of calfornia voted twice to ban gay marriage. The devil will not win. These queers should be ashamed of themselves these kids are the ones who are going to have to pay the price for there sin, they leave there families abandon there wives for another man. You would think they would find another woman but its shocking they rather want a man then a woman. But this gay crap gets old & hearing them on t.v. I just turn It!. They are rebellion agaisnt god cause they want things there way, god Is not protecting this nation because of these gay people & these states who are accepting this gay crap. Because america will not accept homosexuality, the sad thing Is america Is starting to accept It & god will bring horrible judgements on this country & we have lost his protection. Why do you think this country has so many problems because the country started to accept homosexuality. Nations have fallen because of homosexuality, and the united states Is starting to fall!. This country will be ruined because of the gay people & the trouble they cause. God did not create adam & steve. This great nation Is falling already just look on the news!.

Consult The Rock

China, People's Republic of

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, June 25, 2008

THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS. Sodomite abominables are not born that way, any more than any sinner is born a drunkard, a cowardly bully, a thief, a sodomite mass murderer, a date rapist, a stripper, a gambler, a liar, a fighter, an adulterer, a sodomite serial murderer, a CPS kidnapper, a murderer of the mind sorcerer shrink, a fornicating dopehead rock noise singer, a denier of the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, a religionist or a sodomite murderer threatening to contaminate the blood supply unless a cure is found for his or her sodomite abomination. All evil thoughts and evil behavior come from the heart: Proverbs 23:7, Jeremiah 17:5, 9; Romans 3, Mark 7:21-23, Galatians 5:16-24, Isaiah 59:12, etc. Know ye not that the unighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [ sissy sodomite abominables}, nor abusers of themselves with mankind { the mean q***r or "butch" sodomite}, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor revilers, nor drunkards hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of God and of Christ. -1Corinthians 6:9-11. It is temptation, the mulling, then the fall. There is no fear of God before their eyes. Read Genesis 19. This describes the obscenities, the law breaking and the fierce, vile, venomous hate of the sodomite today. The Lord would not create any one foredoomed to scream and roast in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. If you go to the Lake of Fire, it will be because you choose to go there. You chose to do evil; you hardened your face, refused to repent of your murderous, evil thoughts, unspeakable acts, child molestations and rejected the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. The Lord makes no mistakes. He made a way out of your abominations and lust for filth. You must repent. ... and the abominable {queers and dykes} shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. -Revelation 21:8 http://nextaxpro.spaces.live.com/ http://www.chick.com/bc/2007/fightback.asp MANY LANGUAGES http://www.drjudithreisman.com http://www.jesus-is-savior.com http://www.biblebelievers.com/jmelton/sodom.html http://www.biblebelievers.com/Sodomites.html www.christiananswers.net/dictionary/sodomites.html http://www.endtimeprophecy.org/Content/Articles/Articles-AKJV/sodomite.html http://www.deeptruths.com/treasures/doom-sodomites.html http://christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c040.html http://www.conservapedia.com/Sodom http://www.samgipp.com/ http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/sinners.htm http://www.repentamerica.com/notebook/2005/12/homosexual_activists_target_ch.html http://nextaxpro.spaces.live.com Pyle, The Truth About the Homosexuals {20th Century Sodomites!} http://www.swordofthelord.com/osb/itemdetails.cfm/ID/549 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1278746/posts http://www.officialstreetpreachers.com/RubensDesk/FANTASY%20FEST.htm http://americansfortruth.com/news/labarbera-challenges-larry-handlin-aka-archpundit-why-not-criticize-gay-public-sex-enablers-rather-than-me.html Get Lively, THE PINK SWASTIKA, SODOMY IN THE n**i PARTY. FIGHT SODOMITE LIES!! THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO LIE ABOUT PROVEN, FACTUAL HUMAN HISTORY, AS IS THE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM, PBS AND ALL THE LYING, ENVIRONMENTALIST LYING, LIBERAL, GLOBALIST SODOMITE PRESS. http://www.officialstreetpreachers.com/RubensDesk/FANTASY%20FEST.htm http://www.stonewallrevisited.com/softcopy/marco2.pdf http://www.swordofthelord.com/osb/itemdetails.cfm/ID/549 http://www.endtimeprophecy.org/Content/Articles/Articles-AKJV/sodomite.html http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1278746/posts http://www.chick.com/bc/1999/apa.asp http://shieldoftruth.org/truth_gaypride.htm http://www.chick.com/bc/2000/media.asp http://www.newswithviews.com/Stang/alan50.htm http://www.fightcps.com/pdf/expose4.pdf http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_042507WABteachersexSW.988d3e3.html http://www.av1611.org/rockdead.html http://www.av1611.org/kjv/fight.html#fight3 Don't go to school on April 25. Also, get in to the day of truth on Apr 28: http://www.dayoftruth.org/about/default.aspx (Holocaust Survivor: molested by Guards,The Massachusetts News, April 5, 2000 C:\DocumentsandSettings\ROCKYDRAKE.PC159072786310\TemporaryInternetFiles\Content.IE5\WBHJAYR5\pinkswastika.pdf[1].zip http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20Government/AIDS%20and%20Population%20Elimination/holocaust_wish.htm My profile: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-GN8MB_08fLK8uLqngFNBGmBz http://www.balaams-a*s.com


Phenix city,

#31Author of original report

Tue, June 24, 2008

I have a right to comment about it if I want to. The voters of calfornia voted agaisnt gay marriage we should do away with all supreme courts in all states, cause they only care about gay peoples rights. Why don't these gay people just live with each other they do not need a marriage license, also john these gay men leave there wives & kids for another man. Gay people should not be allowed to adopt kids either because it will be the kids who will have to suffer. The supreme courts have to just have there way because the voters of calfornia didn't vote the way they wanted. I think all gay people should move to calfornia, then we wouldn't have to put up with there mess. It gets on peoples nerves hearing those gay people wanting to get married. They do not need a marriage license they live togather anyways.


Saint George,
Please, do what you promised OP!!

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2008

"This will be my only response people can comment & debate to my report." You just couldn't resist the temptation could you. LOL. Have a great day!


Phenix city,
John strikes again

#33Author of original report

Tue, June 24, 2008

It was only a matter of time before john sent me another abusive comment. I don't know what is problem is he tries to protect these bad businesses. I guess he is agaisnt consumer rights he has abused every single poster on this site including me. John can sprew all the hate he please. Other people might take his abuse but I don't have to. John is agaisnt consumer rights & fairness why else would he be defending these bad businesses, sounds to me like john is a business advocate. The reason why john is a business advocate is because he abuses consumers on this site & call them a liar like he has treated me he does not bother me. John does has much has he can to protect these bad businesses, & he tries to attack me every chance he gets & abuses me.


Forget U,
South Carolina,
gays do not choose to be gay anymore than you choose to be straight

#34Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2008

get a grip charles....apparently you do not read the studies on off twins where one is straight and the other is gay...if what you say is true, then why did only one become gay? I personally did not choose to be gay, I was born this way and frankly I am here for a reason and I was made by God and god does not make mistakes. or are you saying he made a mistake with gay people? we are here for a reason and the reason is not for you charles or anyone else to change or interrept his word now are you? Charles did you read my earlier post about some states not allowing interracial couples to marry? it was the vote and the will of the people but they changed that or did you not know that? Sometimes the will of the people is not right and never will be....


New Jersey,
Thanks for proving me right again.

#35Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

This will be my only response people can comment & debate to my report.' Everyone knew this was yet another of your lies the minute it hit the net. Don't be upset that another state had the chance to vote on something you have been waiting your whole life for, only to vote it down. You can still go to Mass. and get hitched. You really need to stop stealing and go get a job. This legislation has absolutely nothing to do with you so there is no ripoff and just another fraudulent report by you.


Phenix city,
Adrian In Dallas must have a problem with people who don't support gay marriage

#36Author of original report

Sun, June 22, 2008

Adrian In Dallas must have a problem with people who don't support gay people or gay marriage. I also need to point this out people where not born gay. People chose to be gay later in life because they wont to be. Gay people are selfish & mean they only care what is between there legs & there desires. The people of calfornia already decided to vote agaisnt gay marriage, the supreme court says they violated there rights. Courts sure give rights to these gay people but they sure violated the voters rights, buy over turning there vote.


Piney Flats,
I forgot to say this too!

#37Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

What do you think of "Arnold" you know the governor. I thought he was against gay marriage. I don't see him getting elected governor again! I could be wrong - time will tell. There are probably so many angry people over this decision. If he is elected again, it will probably be the gay people that vote for him. Homosexuality is still going to go on whether it is on a marriage certificate or not and people will still see it. Gay marriage is not legal in Tennessee but I still see homosexual couples when I go places. My kids always look at me because they know it is not right or should I say "normal". Me personally, I don't like to have to look at this kind of stuff when I go places. Bottom line, these gay people need prayer! I don't hate gay people either! I would be nice to them just like I would everybody else. Tell you the truth, I used to go to school with a guy that was gay and he was so fun to be around. He always made me laugh! I never did see him holding hands with any other guy or anything like that though. What gay people do behind closed doors is their business but please don't bring it into public!


Phenix city,
Its funny how people defend these people

#38Author of original report

Sun, June 22, 2008

These gay people want to alarm the whole world about there rights. I don't know about other people but I get sick & tired of hearing about it. Its all about them. These gay men leave there own family & embarass there family & there kids they only think of themselves I have a right to speak agaisnt this to. I do not support gay marriage. If you don't support gay people you are a bad person this is a lie strait from hell. Satan is working overtime these days. If the supporters of gay marriage don't like it cause I speak agaisnt it its my right just like it is there right to comment.

Adrian In Dallas

Georgia's "anonymous" hater is oddly concerned about California straight people...

#39Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

It's telling that some ignorant hater from Georgia should go about the trouble of registered at this site and then go on to provide we members with a hilarious diatribe against gay folks and the (excellent) idea of gay marriage, trying to pass off his or her bare-faced bigotry as "concern" for (straight) voters in California. Sir or Madam: The Supreme Court of California isn't some retail business, it's the beating heart of the state constitution, whose job it is to protect ALL citizens in that state from the likes of you. Nobody's civil rights should be reduced to a popularity contest. You will have better results, sir or madam, if you simply returned to burning crosses on the lawns of black families or working against women's suffrage. Perhaps the return of prohibition or the teaching of creationism in your high schools would also set your little stone heart afire...?

Adrian In Dallas

Georgia's "anonymous" hater is oddly concerned about California straight people...

#40Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

It's telling that some ignorant hater from Georgia should go about the trouble of registered at this site and then go on to provide we members with a hilarious diatribe against gay folks and the (excellent) idea of gay marriage, trying to pass off his or her bare-faced bigotry as "concern" for (straight) voters in California. Sir or Madam: The Supreme Court of California isn't some retail business, it's the beating heart of the state constitution, whose job it is to protect ALL citizens in that state from the likes of you. Nobody's civil rights should be reduced to a popularity contest. You will have better results, sir or madam, if you simply returned to burning crosses on the lawns of black families or working against women's suffrage. Perhaps the return of prohibition or the teaching of creationism in your high schools would also set your little stone heart afire...?


Piney Flats,
I agree!

#41Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

I agree totally! I do not want my kids to see this kind of stuff - as these gay people are doomed to go to hell unless they change. I don't want to be anywhere with my kids and they see a man and a man holding hands or a woman and a woman holding hands. They should not be able to do this stuff in public - do it behind closed doors. California will be just as bad as San Francisco, and I have no desire to go to either place either. In the bible, god destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the homomsexuality. I don't think god would be pleased if our world became mostly homosexuals. You can read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and see how god feels about homosexuality. And you are right, god made a man and a woman - not man and man or woman and woman. This gay stuff is starting to get on my nerves too. I feel sorry for any kids that gay people have or adopt because these kids will suffer for it - I mean by getting ridiculed at school and stuff like that. These kids will probably grow up and repeat the cycle they seen with their gay parents to make it an ongoing generation. Before you know it, our world will be full of gay people - like we don't have enough of them now. I don't hate gay people or anything like that because you are suppose to love everybody. They just need change in their life.


Charles strikes again!

#42Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

As a Libertarian, I really have no problem with homosexuals getting married. Marriage is nothing more than a legal issue between two(or more) people. How EXACTLY do two men/2 women being married violate YOUR rights? They do not. While it is not my choice, I do not see a downside to it. Let them get a taste of marriage I say! They'll rue the day it happened. It's interesting Charles has an opinion on marriage...something he will never experience. No woman wants to compete with the man's mother. They also want a man who earns a living. "This will be my only response people can comment & debate to my report." Anyone want to place bets on that statement?


Forget U,
South Carolina,
marriage between a man and woman interesting you say that

#43Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 22, 2008

I dont recall the forefathers speaking of marriage between a man and woman. The bible does but we also have something called the separation of church and state that the people voted into the constitution or did you forget that? And did you know the people in some states voted in to not allow different races to marry even though they are man and woman? Guess you did not hear of that either. You have the right to speak out all you like and I will support you on that however try to be a little more informed and a lot less bible oriented. The bible is filled with too many holes and it was coming from one person speaking to another and probably embellishing the story as it was handed down to the next person. And I do believe it states in the Bible that you should not judge another which you have done but you probably dont remember that either...

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