  • Report:  #1174896

Complaint Review: Calverts Express Auto Service and Tire - Manchester Missouri

Reported By:
Jayla - Ballwin, Missouri,

Calverts Express Auto Service and Tire
13642 Manchester Rd, St.louis Manchester, 63131 Missouri, USA
(314) 822-9995
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 I saw an ad in the paper for Calvert's Express Auto Service & Tire featuring their 59.99 Brake Special, so I decided to take my car their on May 22nd because it was making screeching noises. On May 23rd Calvert's Express called me and told me that the problem was my back rotors and they needed to be replaced right away. Because it was my back rotors they could not apply their 59.99 brake special coupon. I decided to go ahead and let them do the work anyway. After this my total came up to 301.65.


After I picked up my car, while I was driving I still heard noises coming from my brakes and on top of that my car started to smoke on the back right side. I dropped my car back off on May 30th and told Calvert's that I was STILL having problems with my brakes and that now it was smoking. They called me May 31st telling me the problem was the caliper. I was highly upset I had to come back a SECOND time when I thought that everything would be fixed the first time. My second total amounted to 174.58.


When I got my car back after the second trip I started to here a faint rattling sound coming from my brakes. I decided this time I would take it to my local Mazda dealer instead of going back to Calvert's a THIRD time. I ended up dropping my car off at my Mazda dealer on June 30th because I had to pay some money of my Discover card in order to afford the additional costs I would be charged at my Mazda dealer.


Mazda called me June 31st and asked me right away if I had taken my car somewhere else. I told them I did and that's when my Mazda dealer told me the mechanics at Calvert's put my back right brake hardware on wrong. I told Mazda I wanted to come in and see the problem. When I went in to the dealer the mechanics showed me the problem . When the mechanics showed me the problem the noise was the EXACT sound I was hearing from my brakes. I was highly upset with the unsatisfactory service I received from Calvert's express.


My father and I went to up to Calvert's Express Auto Service and Tire on July 2nd and spoke with the manager Tony Vitale. My father and I informed Mr. Vitale we were dissatisfied with the service, because after making TWO trips and spending 476.23 the job was still completed incorrectly. So we requested half the money, 238.11 back. Mr. Vitale took all my receipts copied them and told us he would contact the District manger and we should hear back from him that day.


We did not receive a call from the District Manager on July 2nd so my father and I called Mr. Vitale on July 3rd and informed him we did not hear from the District Manger. We wanted to hear back from the District Manager regarding the problem before the holiday July 4th. Mr. Vitale let us know he would contact the Distract Manger again and we would hear back from him. My father and I again did not hear back from the District Manager or Mr. Vitale concerning this matter on July 3rd. This led us to send a letter in the mail of our dissatisfaction with the service on July 5th, requesting a 50% refund of 238.11 to the owner Gary Calvert.


On July 9th my father had received an email from Stan Doss the District Manger stating he did not know he had to contact us by a certain time and he was going to discuss the matter with Gary Calvert and he would get back with us. On July 12 at 1:30 my father and I received a call from the District Manger Mr. Doss. He told us that the best they could offer us was the 78 dollars in labor I had paid Mazda.


This was not even close to satisfactory! I took my car in to have brake work done which should have been fixed on the first trip! INSTEAD I found out my brakes not only continued to make noise they started to smoke after the first trip. After having ADDITIONAL work and making ADDITIONAL payments, I STILL had problems. Why didn't the mechanics at Calvert's express test drive my car after the first time to make sure everything was corrected and there were no additional problems!? My Mazda dealer does this every time I get work done.


I was amazed with how quickly Mazda found the problem and showed me that the mechanics at Calvert's had put one side of the brake hardware on correctly, but not the other. This is really suspicious to me. If they put on one side correctly then why was the other side put on incorrectly!? I am sure they expected me to return a third time to get more money. It's their job as a mechanic to double check and make sure they put on their hardware right! Making TWO trips and having service done that was SUPPOSED to be corrected on the first trip and to STILL have problems; only be offered 78 dollars refunded is totally outrageous and unacceptable. I am a FULL time student and I only work part time! I pay most of my bills including this one; I can NOT afford to pay 476.23 for unsatisfactory service! I took them to court on September 3rd and the judge blatantly ignored my case and REFUSED to hear my side of the story and it won in Calvert's favor. I only get a refund of 78 dollars back. I have college texts books that cost more than that! But then again why would a judge, who makes more money than my whole family combine in his sleep care about a poor college kid. He basically let me know “That's not my problem.”



3 Updates & Rebuttals


Responce to tyg

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 08, 2014


This is in response to tyg. You needed to read the entire problem before making a comment. First how can you blame the dealer for switching the brake pads when the brakes were still making sounds before the car was eventually taken to the dealer??? That comment made no sense whatsoever!! And to say$500 for brake work was reasonable?? You are joking right? Where do you get your brakes repaired??? Brake work normally runs $200 or maybe $300 and that is at dealer cost!!

The advertisement by Calvert’s for $59 brake service in the paper is strictly a ploy to get people to come into their shop than they tell you how much more money they will charge you because additional work is needed. And then on top of that where do you get that mechanics can't drive your car if they are not on your insurance? That was one of the most STUPIDDEST comments you made.

The mechanic has to drive the car to place it inside their shop and our dealer drives our car all the time when we ask them to check out an unusual noise! And your last comment let Calvert's fix the brakes for free? Another STUPID comment! Do you honestly think after taking the car to them twice and being charge additional money the second time they would have been oh so kind to do a repair for free the third time? If you do you are naive! Sorry your comments were all invalid!


I understand BUT,

#3Author of original report

Sat, September 06, 2014

You see sir I DO understand that they are humans, I am not being self righteous! If anyone I understand how it is to be human, I make mistakes all the time. BUT THEY ARE MECHANICS! IT IS THEIR JOB TO FIX THE PROBLEM! Why would they know to put one side of the brakeware on right, but not the other? What am I paying them for if they make those kind of mistakes? A skilled mechanic should simply know better. And NO my dealership did NOT switch the brakepads, because they showed me the problem and the sound the brake pad was making was the EXACT same sound I heard leaving the mechanic the first time. I wouldn't expect you to understand being a full time student, because it was NOT an excuse, it is true. I can not offord to be ripped off like this. I know it's not the judges problem, but he didn't even want to hear my side of the story, let alone put his self in my shoes. Maybe I'd feel less anger for the judge if he would have just listened to me instead of refused my story. 



#4General Comment

Sat, September 06, 2014

 While I agree that PAYMENT should equal problem solving, many times it does not. As such it really sounds like YOU used your "full time student" excuse with them and they did everything they could to keep costs down. Under $500 for SOMEONE else to do brake work isn't bad actually. Once you factor in parts its actually quite reasonable. But I digress. The Judge was correct however, it is NOT his problem, it IS your problem. perhaps YOU should be a bit more understanding instead of so self righteous. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS!!! THEY MAKE MISTAKES!!!! The issue is that YOU wanted money BACK!!! While I agree that they should ensure the accuracy of the repair, it can be almost impossible as THEY would have to DRIVE your vehicle. If THEY are not on your insurance or covered by an insurance the shop has, then all they can do is put it together and THAT IS IT!!!! I also hate to say this but YOU were played by the dealership as well. As someone who has a few family members who work for auto dealerships I can tell you that "shadiness" is COMMON!!! Odds are that the dealership is the one who switched the brake pads. I can assume this simply from my own experience with brake work and dealerships. And the small fact that IF the brakes were attempted to be put on wrong, THEY JUST WONT FIT!!!! Not and stay together well. And definatly NOT long enough for you to drive any real distance. The BEST way to handle this is NOT to ask for money back, but to let THEM finish the repair for FREE. If you had asked for that, then you wouldn't have had to deal with DMs. But since you asked for MONEY back, THEY are going to say NO!!!

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