  • Report:  #1122388

Complaint Review: Candida Cleanser - Ko Samui Select State/Province

Reported By:
Steph Milner - LOS ANGLES, California,

Candida Cleanser
PO Box 34 Maenam Post Office Maenam, Koh Samui Sur Ko Samui, Select State/Province, Thailand
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Candida Cell Wall Suppressor review: Scam!

Candida Cell Wall Suppressor is Chinese pesticide-grade Lufenuron, shipped from Thailand by a criminal. The Thai or Chinese person behind the site claims that all cancer is caused by Candida:

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“Candida Cell Wall Suppressor” scares people into the idea that they will get cancer if they don’t quickly cure their Candida (with Candida Cell Wall Suppressor of course):

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Ripoffreport Report ImageIt is apparent that the person behind this site is neither a responsible person, nor a native speaker of English. The site is rife with basic errors such as using “Copywrite” instead of “Copyright”. But the real problem with Candida Cell Wall Suppressor is not that it tries to scare people into buying this expensive product. The real problem is that there is no publicly available source for human/veterinary grade Lufenuron. None of the producers on Ali Baba, in spite of what they sometimes claim, produce veterinary grade. It’s all pesticide grade, made in China for agricultural use. We know this because we have been selling this product for nearly a decade and we’ve spent thousands of dollars testing the output of all manufacturers we could find. They all submit fake analysis reports and when you do an analysis in a Western lab, the results are always the same:  Heavy metals, fluoride residues and organic solvents. Heavy metals may cause neurological damage, the fluorides cause osteoporosis and the organic solvents can cause cancer. The levels in pesticide-grade Lufenuron vary with the batch and manufacturer and won’t kill a person – if the contaminant levels were that high, the substance wouldn’t even pass China’s pesticide-grade certification. But usually, people who buy Lufenuron are ill and the last thing they need is more poison in their bodies. The spelling mistakes made all over the site show that the person behind it does not have a western background. The person obviously does no quality control, not even on his own site where he sells an extremely expensive product:

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Now, with all that cheap Chinese pesticide-grade Lufenuron around, do you trust an anonymous Chinese or Thai person with no interest in quality with your health and money? Someone who claims that all cancer is caused by Candida? This person claims that Mesothelioma is caused by Candida, not asbestos. This person claims that infant Leukemia in Iraq is caused by Candida, not Depleted Uranium. This person claims that chain smoker’s lung cancer is caused by Candida, not by cigarettes. This person suggests you are at great risk of getting cancer if you have Candida and you do not buy his Candida Cell Wall Suppressor for $117,-. Absolutely disgusting!

Because we sell veterinary grade Lufenuron, tested to be EU-veterinary grade, conforming to identical requirements as human grade medicines, and because we are much cheaper as well as being the only ones that have non-toxic Lufenuron, he does his best to hide what’s in his capsules. But it’s Lufenuron:

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Candida Cell Wall Suppressor Review

The person behind this product is a criminal and the product is a scam. There is no email address, phone number, (company) name or address on that amateuristic site, so there is no way of knowing the identity of the person behind that site. They do not publish test results from a reputable lab and the customer testimonial video they put on YouTube is produced by one of those shady Internet marketing companies, offering their services on the “Make Money Online” part of the web. Those companies offer people money to record a fake review. In the nearly a decade we’ve been selling Lufenuron, we’ve hardly ever seen a review video, positive or negative. It’s extremely rare that people bother with that. But CandidaCellWallSuppressor is bombarded by them! In reality, such fake video reviews are made by companies such as vustudios.com. Here you can see an example of their service. By using such unethical marketing tricks, the person behind the site can uphold a veneer of legitimacy. They must be making a bundle because their ads cost thousands of dollars a month. That Rense ad for example runs for around $1800,- a month. The shady character behind CandidaCellWallSuppressor can afford to pay top dollar for advertizing because his gullible customers are paying through the nose for pesticide grade Lufenuron:

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Pesticide-grade Lufenuron costs between 1 and 10 dollars a kilo.

Do you trust an anonymous, provably lying Chinese or Russian guy with your health?

Our Lufenuron is made for us only, in a western production facility. We ship from Europe. We pay very much more than the price for Chinese pesticide grade. Every batch of our Lufenuron is tested by a reputable, independent western lab such as Exova. We do not want Lufenuron getting a bad name due to the many unethical copycats out there.

Candida Cleanser review: Same scam!

All online scammers work with affiliates because it is the fastest way to make as much money as possible. It makes the product much more expensive for the customer, because the affiliate wants a hefty commission, and of course the supporting advertising infrastructure costs a lot of money as well. The only way to make this pay off is to have a two dollar product and sell it for a hundred dollars.

The SE Asian scammer behind the Candida Cell Wall Suppressor has found a few experienced, English-speaking online marketeers to drive sales to him. CandidaCleanser is such an affiliate, and they use the same “Cancer is a fungus” scam:

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Source: CandidaCleanser.com

The big danger with these kind of lies is that the FDA will act against those people. When you claim that all cancer is caused by Candida and that Lufenuron cures Candida and thus cancer, you’ve made yourself guilty of just about the most severe crime in the eyes of the FDA, and they will shut you down and you will go to jail, as Kevin Trudeau can attest to. Cancer is not caused by Candida and anyone who says so is out for your money. I do not exclude the possibility that a vanishingly small percentage of cancer is caused by Candida, but I have seen no evidence or logic reasoning of any cancer ever been caused by Candida.

Also these affilliate sites have great difficulty with the English language, writing “irradicate” instead of “eradicate” and using an apostrophe behind the word “diets”, which would mean: “Of the diets”:

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Candida Cleanser does not shy away from bold-faced lies to make their customer feel safe:

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Natural oils have nothing to do and can not have anything to do with any Lufenuron synthesis process! This lie alone fully exposes “Candida Cell Wall Suppressor” as a scam.

Clare Davidson does not exist

As with CandidaCellWallSuppressor, it is impossible to ascertain the identity of CandidaCleanser’s site owner. No address, a fake name “Clare Davidson”, no phone number, no email. All we have is the same lies about Candida and Cancer, and the same infantile spelling mistakes, mixed with information cut & pasted from our site. If the “make money online” scammers keep claiming that “Cancer is caused by Candida” and that Lufenuron thus prevents cancer, the FDA will shut down all Lufenuron imports – especially because the scammers sell pesticide-grade – and Candida sufferers will again be left without real options. Selling things on the Internet is an uphill struggle and honest vendors don’t stand a chance if they don’t fight back.

Candida Cell Wall Suppressor’s useless “test”

The scammers published a “test” but it only shows the purity – not what the impurities are:

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The whole point of testing is to analyze what the impurities are. What is that remaining 0.7%? When you look at OwnDoc’s Lufenuron test, you’ll see that the substance was subjected to more than half a dozen tests to exclude all possible harmful impurities from the production process. The test we obtained certified our Lufenuron as acceptable veterinary quality for the EU. And EU veterinary standards are identical to human standards. Our tests tell us that our impurities are harmless ashes and not heavy metals, organic solvents or fluorides (Lufenuron has Fluor in its molecule where is is totally harmless but residual fluorides should not remain in the final product. For pesticide purposes in China, noone cares).

Candida Cell Wall Suppressor lies about trials

A customer forwarded us this email, in which this fake persona “Clare Davidson” claims that multiple clinical trials with Lufenuron against Candida are close to completion in the US:

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The funny thing is that one single clinical trial can take ten years and cost hundreds of millions of dollars. And this dodgy company with a dispatch center in Thailand, spelling mistakes all over their site and “testing” done in China claims they’ve spent the past years and countless millions of dollars on US clinical trials – wow! For a company that can’t even spell, that’s an amazing feat! The good thing is that all clinical trials in the US must be approved by the FDA. Let’s see what the FDA says about where we can verify approval status for clinical trials. The “trial” is at the moment of writing still ongoing, claims “Clare”:

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