  • Report:  #1484096

Complaint Review: Care Credit Synchrony Bank - Dorinda Florida

Reported By:
Freda - Chicago, Illinois, United States

Care Credit Synchrony Bank
Box 965033, Orlando, FL 32896-5033. Dorinda, 32896-5033 Florida, United States
866) 893-7864
synchrony financial www.carecredit.com
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

SYNCHRONY FINANCESCARE CREDIT charges Usurous Interest It is a credit card used for various health proceedures..supplies etc. They offer to cover fees that insurances or non insurers will not. They offer a promo period to pay off those charges.

Fine print balloons the finance charges into usury 27-30% on the ORIGINAL unpaid balance ( regardless of payment history or credit score) and they switch promo periods without notice lopping un believable one time charges.. HUGE CHARGES. Ex; On an original charge of $6,000 paid in a little over a year to $2800..I received a one time interest charge of $2700.

I didn't read the fine print..so I accepted the punishement and paid it down. Had another procedure..two years later for $2800.They switched (shortened) the promo period and delayed interest,(without notice) ,lopping on $1400 more.

Each time I caught it..they refused to settle. I paid them off and asked them to send a complete reconciliation..they said it tooks take weeks.. and the history is no longer available online. Their mercurious practices and lack of online transparency in additon to muddled call in assistance with structured inflexibilty and hidden charges are unsafe to consumers.

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Robert is a well paid Care Credit person- Caveat Emptor

#2Author of original report

Thu, September 12, 2019

Caveat Emptor - Robert  please not the writing style and redundancy in his comments.. he may change names..but it's the same idiotic repeat. Notice No one else has attacked the Rip Off report with this diligence except this one. 

More evidence to the average consumer. There are much better companies to extend credit for your needs. Don't this company.  That's all..make wiser consumer decisions.. this would be a dumb choice.  Let my error be your lessons..and remember there are much better companies out there. 



United States

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, September 09, 2019

Yes the typical response...Oh I don't like what was said so I am going to accuse you of working for the company.   Sorry, to burst  your bubble but no one here works for them.  We are just regular consumers.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally know I am not going to change your mind.  You will continue to think they are the worst company ever for the rest of your life. 

I am posting this so that other people can see the mistakes that were made, and how to keep them from happening.  As this goes beyond just this company.  Reviewing your statements and reconcilling your accounts is something you should be doing regardless of the bank.

The admission of that mistake was stated in the initial report.

- Yes you admit you made a mistake. But there is two parts to that. Admitting you made a mistake, and taking responsibility for your actions.  Saying you accepted the "punishment"(which is just paying based on the terms you agreed to), but then complain that they wouldn't "settle" shows you really didn't accept responsibility....TWICE.

If you had done that second part and accepted the responsibility, that would have been the end and I doubt anyone would have posted. But you turned your mistake into how they were ripping you off. Basically complaining that they are holding you to the agreement you signed. But again you didn't just make the mistake one time...You made it TWICE.

Be careful...and if you do use them..pay as quickly as possible. You will deeply regret it if you do not.

- That's the only thing in your post that makes sense. Yes, they have very high interest rates that you have to be very careful to pay off the amount before the promotional period is over. But they give you that information EVERY month, all you needed to do was read your statements.


United States
There are much better companies than CARE CREDIT..check others out first!

#4Author of original report

Thu, September 05, 2019

FOLKS DO NOT USE CARE CREDIT....by now you can tell that even the defense errs on the side of "something is wrong"..right?   When a person wastes time on a complaint saying the same thing over and over again..the original complaint apparently had some validity. 

A few words is usually the norm..but in this case it is a single person..who has to be paid to defend their practices.  Just wait until the next post..it'll be the same schpiel.  Bottomline is that there are FAR BETTER CHOICES.  Choose wisely.. CARE CREDIT is not for everyone.  Be careful...and if you do use them..pay as quickly as possible. You will deeply regret it if you do not.



Beverly Hills,
United States
You've Made Several Mistakes...

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, September 04, 2019

Let me list them for you because there are quite a few:


1.  Coming here to complain with a ridiculous story of not once but TWICE failing to read an agreement, and then blaming your failure to read any agreement on the financing company.  Once I can understand.  Twice is moronic and stupid.

2.  Claiming that you failed twice to read an agreement was simply an oversight.  In the real world, we call that negligent behavior.

3.  Assuming people like me must work for the company.  This is a public website.  From what I can see, all of the people who've responded have used this service without an issue - including me.

4.  Continuing to not only defend your negligent behavior, but then to continue that negligence in your own responses.

The reality is that all of what you're complaining was avoidable - all of it.  Had you simply read the terms and conditions - and they appear on every statement you receive - you would have (a) never paid a dime of interest, or (b) never complained about the interest because you accepted that you'll have to pay it.  In other words, this complaint would never exist had you done even a LITTLE reading.

Continuing to come here and defend yourself is why you're stupid and moronic.  You paid the interest - not us.  You were the one that was negligent - not any of us.  You keep coming here to defend yourself - there is no defense to what you claim.  Had you simply read the agreement, this would never have happened.  There would be no complaint.


United States

#6Author of original report

Wed, September 04, 2019

Period. Dot. You are an insider. anyone can list any state. You respond and belittle berating a mistake that I made.  The admission of that mistake was stated in the initial report. You can't seem to move past that as you defend you client.

You spend A LOT of time demeaning a complaint. Too much time. You are paid to rebut, demean and defend Care Credit. Keep talking..the more you say..the more you reveal the shoddiness of this company.


Beverly Hills,
United States
Wanda/Freda is a Moron

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2019

No, Wanda I'm not an employee and the company is exactly what they claim to be.  They provide you cheap money at 0% if you can pay off the balance within the promotional period.  If you don't, then you will pay the interest costs. 

If you need the advance in cash, and you abide by the terms of the agreement, it actually works pretty well.  If you can't, then it sucks for you.  All of the terms are pretty black and white in the agreement - you simply chose to not read the agreement - TWICE - so your negligence here is obvious.

A company like this can only operate in areas where there are no caps on interest rates.  So if you received such a loan, then there is no cap on rates.  It doesn't make them unscrupulous.  It provides someone without access to capital to be able to receive a loan for medical work done, and pay off the balance within a certain timeframe, or promotional period - as they put it.  I think many people take advantage of it and for consumers, it can be a good way of using financial leverage to get medical work taken care of.

BTW, the only reason I know you as the author happen to be in Illinois is because THIS website clearly points out you are in Illinois.  When I talk about your obvious lack of detail and failing to read anything, this is what I mean.  You make the assumption I must be an employee if I know where you are - except you already let everyone know where you are.  Hilarious!!  This is just another example of your overall negligent behavior.  Please try not to keep making a fool of yourself by responding - each time you respond, you keep proving you had no business taking out a loan in the first place.

This website is a place for people with legitimate ripoffs to post their complaint.  Your complaint is not a legitimate one.


Beverly Hills,
United States
Looks Pretty Clear to Me

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, August 27, 2019

I always chuckle when someone claims usurious interest rates.  There is no such thing as usury any longer on the books in the vast majority of states, and those that still have the legal concept on the books are states in which you could NOT have secured credit from this company.  If you received credit from this company, then yes, there is no such concept as usury in your state.  The interest rate they charged is their rate - it has nothing to do with credit score or payment history, so referencing your credit score or your payment history is totally irrelevant.  If you want the credit, then you have to agree to their terms.


Now to the rest of the complaint.  I used them for health stuff before and I got tacked on with all of the interest with the first payment...LOL, I can laugh about it now.  They admitted it was an oops and they removed the interest.  I paid the balance several months before the promo period expired, so no interest was charged.  If you don't pay within the promo period, then yeah, you're going to get nailed with the full amount of interest on the original balance.  Like you said, you accept that deal the first time it happened, and paid it down.  A lesson learned....


What I don't understand is that after the last experience, why would you NOT ask what the promo period was?  Why would you not read the fine print of the new agreement?  You refer to it as a shortcoming.  The correct term here is negligence.  Being negligent means you allowed the rip off to occur.  To do it once...I get it.  Stuff happens.  To do it twice is negligent.


Each time I caught it..they refused to settle.  Why would you think they might settle?  That's another really baffling statement in your narrative.  Did they correctly charge you the interest per the terms of your agreement?  The first time, yes since you paid it off - the 2nd I have no idea but it sounds like the answer to that is yes as well.  So now why would they consider settling?  The only way they might consider settling with you is if you were in danger of declaring bankruptcy and a reduced payment is better than no payment.


I get you don't like them - there are a lot of complaints about them.  But most of those are from people who don't abide by their terms and conditions - they want the credit company to abide to their terms, or they don't like the interest rate, or something else.  It doesn't work that way.  If you take their money, then it's their way, or you pay.  Always read the fine print on every agreement that involves money.


Your monthly statements also represent  the reconciliation of your account; it would take you much less time to do this, than to have them provide it.  If you discarded your statements, then that's also a problem.  You should keep 7 years of your financial records around.


United States
Jim thank you for proving that Care Credit is borderline inscrupulous

#9Author of original report

Tue, August 27, 2019

Thank you for being redundant. You know what state I'm in? Guess a good employee WOULD know that huh?  In fact you know quite a bit about an accounting that you have no witness to..or do you because you represent/work for them? 

Keep posting continue to reveal who you really are..certainly not a consumer advocate.All you've done is subtantiate the shifty organization.Whatever you said in the blah blah blah was already stated. Care Credit is a PAY DAY loan like sham. Period. You are proof!


United States
Sorry you ASSumed what wasn't there!

#10Author of original report

Tue, August 27, 2019

Some of your statements are true. But a few of them are not. I addressed my pwn shortfalls aand failure to read the FINE print. But some of statements are as erroneous as the arrogance and strident reprimands that authored them.. 

I was charged for the ENTIRE ORIGINAL BALANCE to the sum of $2733. And don't tell ME what they did and did not do. I am upset but certainly not stupid. You do not have the facts and your suppositions are fallacious.


United States
I see your problem

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, August 27, 2019

Fine print balloons the finance charges into usury 27-30% on the ORIGINAL unpaid balance

- Incorrect. The Interest is calculated and accrues based on the UNPAID balance.

I didn't read the fine print.

- There is your problem.  However, you have a bigger problem.   Not only did you miss the "fine print", you failed to read your MONTHLY statements.  As per FEDERAL law they must separate out any promotional rates and when those rates expire.  They must show how much interest will accrue if not paid off.  

And don't say that their statements don't show this.  I have used a couple other of their Store Branded cards(that I use strictly for the Promotional Rate) and EVERY single statement has had this information. All you need to do is READ.

They switched (shortened) the promo period and delayed interest,(without notice)

- No...you had notice, and again you were reminded of this EVERY month when you received your statement either a paper statement through the mail, or electronic statement online.

Each time I caught it..they refused to settle. I paid them off and asked them to send a complete reconciliation.

- Why would you need a complete reconcilliation? Your monthly statements show all of this information.

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