  • Report:  #757856

Complaint Review: Care Credit - Costa Mesa California

Reported By:
BG - , Nationwide, United States of America

Care Credit
2995 Red Hills Ave Costa Mesa, 92626 California, United States of America
(866) 893-7864
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Just got ripped of for $3415.xx! Anyone who has a problem with this company needs to inform the consumer protection agencies listed below.

Better Business Bureau

Federal Trade Commission

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Your state's Attorney General

NY's Attorney General (because they already investigated them or currently still are)

Ca's Attorney General (because that's where their office is located)

If you have a problem with this company -- ANY PROBLEM -- please turn this company's unethical, fraudulent practices in. Please and thank you!

27 Updates & Rebuttals

PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF!! Care Credit agrees IN WRITING to reverse charges!!

#2Author of original report

Tue, August 16, 2011

I think it is appropriate that I update my original post to inform anyone reading this thread that Care Credit has agreed, in writing, to reverse more than half of the charges I disputed. I have decided that it is in my best interest to accept their offer to settle the dispute rather than continue to fight the entire balance of disputed charges. I do not believe this outcome would have been reached had I not protected my rights and insisted that all communication regarding my account be documented in writing. Likewise, I do not believe I would have reached this outcome had I not gotten some of the agencies I did involved.

For anyone else out there that continues to have disputes with Care Credit, do not fall prey to the claims "oh, you signed a contract" or "but you agreed to these terms". I do not know about any other Care Credit customer, but I have yet to see that 'contract' that contains the 'terms' I 'agreed' to. If that's what they want to claim, make a request in writing for them to produce that 'contract'.

Also, regarding balance disputes -- keep copies of your statements and make sure you review them. Even if you do not have possession of a physical contract, you should know the general terms you agreed to when you applied for their services. Their statements that they claim are so straight forward, are not. There are four different areas where your account balance is displayed on your statements. Make sure you know how those balances were reached, how they differ, and why they may differ. Make Care Credit explain the balances to you and how they were reached. Tell them to send it to you in writing.

If you have a promotional plan, review your statements to ensure you were not charged interest on balances within that promotional period. You can find this information under the "interest charge calculation" section of your statement. Any balance charged interest within a billing cycle where interest should have been deferred may cause you to be billed more interest later on, especially if the promotional period has expired. This is important because I believe what Care Credit is doing is nickel and dimming their customers in small, incremental amounts that easily go unnoticed. Then, if you allow your promotional period to expire, they retroactively apply a 24.99% interest rate or higher to your account from the date of the original purchase. If you are familiar with the mathematical method of 'daily balance' (which should not to be confused with 'average daily balance') and how it works in calculating interest, then you will understand how much extra one will pay when this type of scenario occurs.

So, just some thoughts on the different situations I have come across, not necessarily my own, but nonetheless, information I think is helpful to know for anyone experiencing issues with care Credit.



mr rik

I dunno

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, August 08, 2011

Jim, why don't you read em all and come back and tell us?

You've probably been shilling on all of em anyway.

Report Attachments


Had Care Credit

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 08, 2011

For extensive dental surgery that could not be avoided - yeah it sucked to pay that interest and money but I payed it.  Guess the OP did not therefore you have to suffer the consequences of your actions.  Grow up.


How Many Complaints???

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, August 07, 2011

How many of those complaints are from people who don't pay their bills on time?????

Same old story...the borrower fails to pay on time, thus TURNING ON the collections efforts.  The borrower doesn't like the collections efforts so he/she jumps up and down, cries and whines, shakes their rattle and suddenly the lender is illegal, predatory, unfair, fraudulent, and on and on and on.  Just like a broken record!!!

If they are so illegal then get an attorney to fight them on a contingent fee basis.  If you have so-o-o much of a case, an attorney will take the case on a contingentcy which means they get paid only if they win.  They won't take your case that way because they know THERE IS NO CASE...its just a bunch of crying, whining deadbeats who don't have the integrity to pay their bills!

No babies, I don't work for them either.  Sorry.

mr rik

I just did a search

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, August 06, 2011



Oh yeah, as far as the "witch hunt", they're all the same person.

Good Luck!


Good Luck

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, August 05, 2011

I am submitting my original post, along with all of its comments, to the regulatory agencies I have listed.
So you are going to send your original post which just said to report Care Credit to various agencies to these same agencies?  You are also going to add in the comments everyone else has left that basically are all asking the same thing "What is the RipOff".   Well when you do report it I am sure that they will want to know the same thing.

So, let us know how that goes.  Oh wait you said you are not going to respond.  Oh well I guess we will never find out.


This City,
Go ahead

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, August 05, 2011

Go ahead, turn me into anyone you want. My real name is Susan.

I sure wouldn't complain here only saying "Specific details of my experience with Care Credit really don't matter here on RipOffReport.com."

You are just another crazy who complains but wont back it up with facts.


United States of America
Feel free to leave a comment.

#9Author of original report

Fri, August 05, 2011

Just so everyone posting on this thread knows (not just 'Susan'), I am submitting my original post, along with all of its comments, to the regulatory agencies I have listed. That does not include the BBB because they are not a regulatory agency. (That one was for you Orlando Jim!) I will no longer respond to comments being made on this thread, but of course, feel free to continue to post as you wish (because it is a "PUBLIC" forum afterall in case any of you "dishonest" "deadbeat" "moochers" who "[lack] integrity" out there didn't realize). In posting, do keep in mind that your right to remain anonymous is, for the most part protected on this site, but not necessarily guaranteed as detailed by RipOffReport.com themselves. Nice talking to you all! (Not really.)       


This City,
Go ahead

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, August 05, 2011

Go ahead, turn me into anyone you want. My real name is Susan.

I sure wouldn't complain here saying "Specific details of my experience with Care Credit really don't matter here on RipOffReport.com."

You are just another crazy who complains but wont back it up with facts.


United States of America
God forbid I provide information that might help another consumer!

#11Author of original report

Fri, August 05, 2011

What is this? A witch hunt? Are you all preparing to burn me at the stake unless I detail my discrepancy with Care Credit? Seriously, you all need to just calm down. I have my reasons for posting what I posted, and they have already clearly been stated whether you like it or agree with it. I do not care if anyone dislikes the fact that I have not divulged the details of my own discrepancy with Care Credit. I do not care if anyone thinks that what I posted here on RipOffReport.com therefore "carries no weight". My intent was never to have my complaint, per se, on this site 'carry weight', or perhaps I just might have... oh jeez, I don't know -- explained my complaint.

Because I did not detail my discrepancy, that does not mean that I am a "deadbeat", nor is it evidence that I have a "delinquent bill". Similarly, it does not indicate that I am a "moocher", or any of the other derogatory conclusions you all have reached. If I was to leave out that Care Credit ripped me off would you all still be hounding me in the manner which you are? Because if that is the case, then just pretend I did not say that and move on with your lives. My intent in posting was to inform other consumers who had issue with this company of additional avenues to receive help in seeking resolution. And on that note, I did say report discrepancies to the regulatory agencies, but no, I did not distinguish that the BBB is not a government regulated agency. They do, however, contact the company when complaints are made through them in an attempt to resolve the matter. If you are someone who thinks their services suck or are a scam, tell them. I do not care to know because, just like there is nothing you all can do about my discrepancy with Care Credit, there is not a d**n thing I am able to do about them or their services. Not to mention that I already posted on that topic.

Harass, belittle and taunt me all you want with your fallacious accusations. My position stays the same. 


United States of America
Go ahead, keep talking.

#12Author of original report

Thu, August 04, 2011

You think you are anonymous on here, 'Susan', but that might not necessarily be so. I will allow the regulatory authorities to make the determination on who you are.


boo hoo

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

Amongst all your tears you still refuse to provide details about the alleged "unethical, fraudulent practices", "deceptive business practices", "predatory lending", "bullying" and getting ripped off $3415. Anybody can cry but it requires an adult attitude to justify allegations.

You have no case or you would have posted it.


BBB Is NOT An "Agency" and Funny Thing...

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

The BBB is NOT a part of ANY government body.  The BBB has ZERO enforcement powers.  The BBB SELLS phoney accreditations and is a king size scam.

However...a funny thing noticed...those who pay their bills on time as they agreed to aren't complaining. 

The deadbeats who don't have the honesty or integrity to pay AS THEY AGREED TO are the whiners and complainers.  Its like a broken record!

Before the mooch misses a payment, the lender is the best thing since sliced bread.  When the mooch starts missing payments, oh well, the lender is crooked, the lender is using illegal means, the lender is this and the lender is that.  Sounds just like spoiled little children.  Sorry, adult children.



#15Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

Seriously if people posting asking you post details on a post you did on a PUBLIC web site is "Bullying" and "Harassment"  in your mind, I highly suggest you seek "professional" help.

If you would take a step back and actually looked you would see that the people you say MUST work for Care Credit post on various reports from various companies.  It is basically SOP around this site when someone says something the OP doesn't like the OP goes down the "They must be an employee" route.  I actually wish I was employed by all of the companies I have been accused of working for, because it would be a nice chunk of change.

If you do look around at the many other posts on the many other companies you will see that anyone you think is an employee isn't, and the people you think aren't the trolls actually are.


This City,

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

" 'Susan', I found you commenting on consumer complaints in defense of Care Credit as far back as 2009."

What did I say? Probably something like it isn't a creditors fault if you don't pay your bill?

If you are so sure I am an employee, get on them and demand that they pay me something. Enough to pay the electric bill would make me happy.


United States of America

#17Author of original report

Thu, August 04, 2011

After discovering what 'Coast' was doing, I decided to continue reviewing past complaints against Care Credit that are documented here on RipOffReport.com. 'Susan', I found you commenting on consumer complaints in defense of Care Credit as far back as 2009. In fact, with the exception of myself and mr rik, I think every user who has commented in response to my original post has indeed been an employee of Care Credit. And in considering what has corresponded here, and is clearly documented, I do believe I have identified several other user names who are also associated with Care Credit by means of employment. There is nothing that stops Care Credit in their wantonness (and I suggest you look that definition up) to continue to prey upon and victimize their customers, is there? Do you all know what I am going to do with this information now? 


I STRONGLY suggest that you not discuss ANY consumer complaints with Care Credit via telephone communications, especially after their initial refusal to assist in resolving your discrepancy (which is very likely given their identifiable pattern of behavior). 

Document ALL correspondence made with Care Credit IN WRITING.

If a phone conversation does occur, make sure you RECORD THE CONVERSATION. Different state's have different laws regarding the recording of telecommunications. Make sure you are familiar with them before holding the conversation you wish to record as you may need to inform them upfront that you are recording the call. However, do begin recording immediately so that introductions and company identification can be captured in the communication. Press 'record' even before they or you answer the phone (depending on who is calling who). Even if you must initially advise their representatives at the start of the communication that you are recording the conversation, they cannot refuse to allow you to document your communications with them. If one of their representatives does not authorize you to record your conversation with them in particular, inform them that it is your right to document your communications with them and request they locate a representative that will allow you to do that. If all the representatives refuse to allow you to document your communications with them, they were all immediately informed upon initial contact with you that the call was being recorded and that you were exercising your right as a consumer to do so. If they all refuse to allow you to document your conversation with them, you now have their refusal to discuss your account documented.

Again, I cannot stress it enough, REPORT YOUR PROBLEMS WITH CARE CREDIT TO THE REGULATORY AGENCIES WHO WILL INVESTIGATE YOUR CLAIM. Doing so also allows regulatory authorities to identify patterns of conduct that may be in violation of the law. Make your complaint count. 


United States of America
Funny you mention it, 'Coast'.

#18Author of original report

Thu, August 04, 2011

As I was reading through other complaints against Care Credit on this site, low and behold, guess who I found posting on Care Credit complaints (defending them) as far back as at least a year ago? YOU! There are few reasons why anyone who is not personally invested in that company would do that. I think it is clear that you know -- even better than I do -- all about Care Credit and the techniques the company and its employees use to bully, berate, and intimidate their own customers. I do believe you are employed by Care Credit, and I believe what you are doing only provides evidence of the trashy techniques Care Credit uses.  


Tell us

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, August 03, 2011

"you seem to display the same bullying characteristics many of their reps do"

Tell us about the bullying displayed by their reps.


United States of America

#20Author of original report

Wed, August 03, 2011

'Bull', do you work for Care Credit? Because you seem to display the same bullying characteristics many of their reps do. Your attack on my reasons for posting what I posted IS the real bull sh*t. Maybe you should re-name your post.

My response is far from a 'cop-out', as you so erroneously claim. I posted what I posted for a reason, and my reason has been stated whether you like it or agree with it. And I am sorry to disappoint you in your assumption, but no, my account is not delinquent in any way, and never has been. I filed my complaint against Care Credit with agencies that will actually investigate my claim, and again, I am here to recommend that anyone who has an issue with Care Credit do the same.

Thank you! :)


New York,

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, August 03, 2011

Since the OP refuses to explain exactly how he was ripped off, I'm going to go out on a limb and take a wild guess....

I've used Care Credit before, and never had a problem. They frequently have 0% financing provided the bill is paid IN FULL before the end of the financing period.  If you don't pay in full before that date, they add the accrued interest which can be substantial.   Since the amount owed to the company is $3415, I'll assume the OP made a major purchase, failed to pay in full by the due date, and was hit with interest.  Must have been a big purchase for that amount of interest.

mr rik

Bunch of CROOKS!

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, August 03, 2011

I will be reporting to the agencies you listed.


Report Attachments



#23Consumer Comment

Wed, August 03, 2011

"my situation cannot be rectified by me outlining those details on this site"

That remark is a cop-out. Your refusal to offer any details to substantiate your claim of "unethical, fraudulent practices" and "predatory lending" indicates you are just crying because you are being pursued due to a delinquent loan repayment.


United States of America

#24Author of original report

Wed, August 03, 2011

Read the comment right before yours.


This City,
As others asked...

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, August 02, 2011

As others asked, what is your complaint here about?

My guess is you are mad that they want you to pay your "$3415.xx" bill


United States of America
Unless you're refunding my $$, details don't matter. Turn these suckers in!

#26Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2011

Specific details of my experience with Care Credit really don't matter here on RipOffReport.com. Why? Because my situation cannot be rectified by me outlining those details on this site. It will not fix anything. If you are really that interested in knowing what they did to me, just read the reasons the NY Attorney General decided to launch an investigation against them and you will, in general, have the answer to your question.

My initial post was posted in an attempt to get unsatisfied Care Credit customers to submit their grievances with the agencies that will actually look further into their discrepancies with Care Credit, versus simply venting their unhappiness with Care Credit here online; hoping that it may one day lead to a class action lawsuit. The more people who submit their grievances directly to regulatory agencies, the greater the chances are that the company will be investigated, sued, fined and/or shut down.

With that said, I should again point out that the NY Attorney General's office has already launched an investigation into fraudulent and deceptive business practices, as well as predatory lending. Here is the link to their official announcement in the launch of that investigation:


I should also note that since my original post, I discovered that Care Credit is an "accredited member" of the Better Business Bureau with a supposed 'A+' rating. I also learned that the Better Business Bureau will give any company an 'A+' rating as long as that company pays them the necessary fees to do so. See the report: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo8kfV9kONw.

The BBB has numerous complaints against Care Credit documented on their own website that detail the exact practices that led to the NY Attorney General's decision to launch an investigation against Care Credit. I still say submit your complaints against Care Credit to the BBB, and every other regulatory agency applicable, to bombard Care Credit with complaints that they must respond to.

And if anybody is wondering, yes, I have contacted the BBB about the deception of Care Credit's 'A+' rating. I also contacted the Attorney General about it, forwarding my online conversation with the BBB to them.  

Again, anyone who has problems with Care Credit - REPORT THEM TO THE REGULATORY AUTHORITIES!


Tell us more

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, July 29, 2011

Specifically, why should they be investigated? Tell us about the unethical & fraudulent practices.

You complaint carries no weight without details.


New York,

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, July 29, 2011

How, exactly, were you ripped off?

Reports & Rebuttal
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