  • Report:  #300326

Complaint Review: Carolyn Gibson - Short Hills New Jersey

Reported By:
- Elizabeth, New Jersey,

Carolyn Gibson
Pingry School, 50 Country Day Drive Short Hills, 07078 New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Kudos to whoever had the good sense and the guts for putting a Ripoff Report on this website concerning a New Jersey private school "teacher" from the Pingry School called Carolyn Dow Gibson.

I had the misfortune as a child to be subjected to the grotesque unprofessionalism of Mrs. Gibson. I am writing this now as a fully grown woman and I can say definitively that Mrs. Gibson was the worst, most

vicious, most two-faced, hypocritical, passive-aggressive freak I have ever known anywhere. Gibson was sociopathic. To be subjected to her in a school setting was beyond unconscionable on the part of the school I attended, another private prep school called Vail-Deane, which went bankrupt (and deserved to). Gibson absolutely thrived when it came to targeting certain children to use as depositories for her verbal abuse and total obnoxiousness, and she even told enormous, ludicrous lies about those she did not personally likein the hopes that she could get us thrown out of school. In my case she lied about me on the one hand, then would laugh in my face about it when no adults from the teaching staff or the administration happened to be around on the other. How convenient. At one point I was even threatened by her outside against the brick wall of the school building.

It was disgusting.

There I was, a private school kid whose parents were paying a lot of money for me to attend Vail-Deane, being threatened up against a brick wall. Literally. By Gibson.

I remember her mocking kids in front of other kids, too. Her worst comment was about a shy little girl named Missy. Gibson was sitting there and sneering, "Missy - SHE'S the one with buck teeth, braces and glasses," and then laughing uproariously about that, as though it was funny. What kind of a sicko would sit there, as a TEACHER, and say such a thing, which only served to encourage kids to be cruel to a child who was totally harmless but just physically plain, like Missy was? At the time of that incident, Missy was eight (8) years old! And Carolyn Gibson was about 35. Watching Gibson was like watching a case of arrested development in action. How many people in their 30's need to mock kids the way that schoolyard bullies in grammar school do?

But there was a major flaw in Carolyn Gibson's little game plan: she did not seem to realize that, bully certain children though she might, the day eventually dawns when those children grow up. Some of us even grow up and have no problem whatsoever with blowing the whistle on people like her. And then what happens to Mrs. Gibson's little house of cards? Like the fabled walls of Jericho, it comes a-tumblin' down!

Carolyn Dow Gibson is a complete disgrace to teaching and to humanity. I think she works exclusively in private schools because she knows on some level that the public schools would never tolerate her emotional problems; she would not be able to fly under the radar as easily in a public school with an active PTA looking out for the children's interests. The Pingry School must be run by people who are either too cheap to pay teachers of a higher caliber than Gibson or too stupid to see what kind of a "woman" is standing before them when they look at her, because there's no other explanation as to why anybody in their right mind would hire Carolyn Dow Gibson.

I caution parents against sending their children to Pingry or to any other school that would hire this strange and deeply sick woman. To paraphrase an old Vietnam era anti-war poster, "Carolyn Gibson is not healthy to children and other living things."

Caesar's wife

Elizabeth, New Jersey


25 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
The Putin of Private Schools!

#2General Comment

Sat, March 12, 2022

These Gibsons were such ridiculous people that they even lied and claimed to be married a year before they actually were. If you don't believe me you can look up the date of their wedding since it's information available on the Internet. They were in trouble with the headmaster of their school for living outside of wedlock many many years ago when this was not done (unlike now).

Parents didn't like it that their children were being exposed to these two hippies and their creepy lifestyle, the parents were paying for the kids to be around classy individuals and thought they'd have that at a private school, but no, not at a school with the Gibsons in it. So they told everyone they were married and they WEREN'T. They lied about themselves.

The Gibson concubine lied about me when I was just a child, too, and is it no wonder? Those who lie about themselves will lie about anything. She harassed me on a regular basis. She caused me no end of grief at the school and at home with my family until my parents learned the truth about her. She remains the most horrific individual I have ever met to this day, the Putin of private schools.

She should have been arrested for drug abuse way back when, at the very least, and stopped from teaching and put in a jail cell, but private schools hire trash to teach children and have no conscience or accountability about what they put us through. EVERY school involved in hiring this monster ought to be avoided like the plague and that's all there is to it!

Bloomer Girl

United States
Private Schools: Where Criminals Can Access Your Kids

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, July 05, 2020

Private school:  Where easily duped parents blindly pay thousands and thousands of dollars a year so that criminals, drug users and perverts can gain access to their kids.  Wake up, parents!  If you subject your children to these places, and they wind up hating you for it, you're getting what you paid for. Oh, speaking of drug users, who supplied the drug-using kids in the Pingry School in the first place? 


United States
Gibson's Lies

#4General Comment

Tue, May 05, 2020

I just wanted to say that Gibson told vicious lies about me when I was a child.  My parents figured out later that she had something against them and we think that was the reason behind it.  Her lies caused me to be brough to a child psychologist.  The psychologist was a pervert of the worst order, a pedophile who was trying to talk me into doing things I would not do (thank God).  

I hold Gibson completely responsible for the entire chain reaction of events that she put into motion.  There was nothing harmless in what she did and I don't know how such a vile creature can live with herself.  


United States
Of COURSE Pingry Hired a Drug User!

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, April 12, 2018

It makes perfect sense to me that a school like The Pingry School would hire a drug abuser and put her on the staff. Carolyn Gibson was probably one of many. It's been found that Pingry had a whole RING of pedophiles on the staff and there's litigation against them for that. Who better to aid and abet pedophiles than drug users, since both are violating the law?

Of course they'd hire such sketchy people. Mrs. Gibson in particular took the same job as the most prolific pedophile there, Assistant Head of the Lower School, where kiddies could be found. That entire faculty needs to be investigated, by law enforcement and by DYFS. Whoever aided and abetted the pedophiles of Pingry should be in jail and not allowed back out again.  


United States
Lackluster Gibson's Nasty Verbal Abuse

#6General Comment

Wed, January 17, 2018

I remember Gibson very well.  She was verbally abusive to me and several others.  I think it was because she was such a dull and lackluster person herself.  So inapporpriate.  So plain looking, so pathetically immature, so nasty.  So nothing-special.  Hated free spirits because she could not, was not capable, of being one herself.  I can't think of one single thing she had going for her.  She couldn't stand out, so wouldn't let anyone else shine.  It's great to hear she's retired.


She's retired. Good riddance!

#7General Comment

Mon, August 07, 2017

I was another student Mrs. Gibson treated abusively.  Her methods should have been looked into a long time ago.  I am happy to say she's retired to San Diego.  In my opinion, he best thing she's ever done for students is stop teaching.  Good riddance, and God save California!


Basking Ridge,
New Jersey,
The Report is True

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, February 09, 2016

The report is true, unfortunately.  I remember Mrs. Gibson making remarks about the child, as described above.  She made them behind the little girl's back to other children.  I also recall her calling another child an "it," also behind that child's back. She made a lot of vicious remarks to me also, to my face.  Mrs. Gibson, as I recall, had some major issues.

My parents complained but nothing was done.  That was Vail-Deane for you.  Wrong was allowed and right was discounted.

Sad that Mrs. Gibson is still teaching.  I'm sure she's also still causing more harm.  You can't get a leopard to change its spots.


Emerald City,
Mr. Morgan's Dead!

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2015

Mr. Morgan who ran the Vail-Deane School into the ground is dead, he's gone, he is no more!  Let any student who suffered as a result of his interference in your life know that he has been neutralized at last and can not hurt you ever again.  It's a beautiful day today, knowing he is off the planet!  I bet where he is now, if indeed he landed anywhere, it's mighty hot.


New Jersey,
Gibson the Dissipated

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 12, 2013

She's got to be let go sometime! Whoever is protecting her at Pingry it can't go on forever.  Sooner or later it's all going to catch up with her.  Why they don't fire her or send her to a hospital for drug abuse and child abuse I do not know!

Malibu cliffs

Los Angeles,
I Still Want Some Reparations!

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, July 17, 2011

I still think the students who were made to suffer by the inept Vail-Deane faculty deserve, and are owed, yes, owed, reparations from those who treated us like crap.

Missy, what you are describing is awful.  I'm so sorry to hear you were treated like that.  So was I.  I remember that there were a lot of teachers who would say nasty things behind kids' backs when certain kids would leave the room or were absent or something like that.  I don't know who Cesar's Wife is or what may have gone on with Gibsen but I do remember a lot of teachers talking very inappropriately about kids to other kids.  The psycho math teacher all but drove one of my friends there straight over the edge.  None of us should have been treated like that. 

Most of the faculty weren't fully qualified, state certified teachers.  I know for a fact another member of their sick faculty was fired from a public school for being a drunk.  It's funny, she was kind of nice, the fired drunk one, but the point is that no public school wanted her near their students.  They didn't want to be liable.  What did Vail-Deane do?  Vail-Deane took her on with no qualms. 

Maybe they should have had a few.

It just shows what kind of a place that was.  They tried to destroy a lot of student's self worth.  This is probably no comfort, Missy, but you're not alone.  They did this to a whole lot of us. 

Living well is the best revenge!



New Jersey,
This Is Not The Carolyn Gibson I Knew At Vail Deane

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 09, 2011

I was horrified to read that slanderous article concerning Carolyn Gibson's conduct at Vail-Deane.  I was a "Lifer" at Vail-Deane, from K-12. During those 13 years I was targeted by bullies repeatedly about my overbite I had as a child. This abuse you would think would never be tolerated by an exclusive private school who's parents pay a hefty tuition so their children get a quality education in a safe, nurturing environment. However, many students and teachers alike took sadistic pleasure in treating me so cruelly that the trauma haunts me to this day.

I have a vivid memory of the perpetrators. For example, a certain art teacher who is now at Wardlaw-Hartridge School. I was in her class for many years. She always told me all my work was worthless and thus made me feel I was worthless. Then there was the 2nd grade teacher who knew I was a poor math student.  Many times she called me to go to the blackboard to do an equation she knew I couldn't solve. She would shout at me "Just do it!" repeatendly and let classmates laugh at me. I would be so humiliated that I ran to the bathroom in tears. This was sadistic, pure and simple. Finally, there was a female math teacher in midlle/upper school who also thought I was a hopeless student and didn't conceal her contempt for me. None of these women should ever have been put in charge of teaching children. When I was being bullied by other students at Vail Deane. Often, in full view of my teachers, virtually all of them would do nothing to stop it. Now over 20 years later, the scars of my Vail Deane past never fully healed. Thanks to "Caesar's wife" these painful memories were brought back to life.

Now to the subject of Carolyn Gibson. She was not among the teachers who abused me. On the contrary, she was one of the few faculty members who always showed me kindness and compassion. She was also an excellent 3rd grade teacher. I never witnessed her bully anyone. 3 years ago I saw Carolyn Gibson at the funeral of a mutual friend. She was as kind and warm to me as she always had been when I was a child. Not at all the person described by others in this article. The portrayal of Carolyn Gibson as "sociopathic", a "sicko" who "thrived when it came to targeting certain children to use as depositories for her verbal abuse" is a pack of lies. The coward who claims to have seen and heard her mock and laugh at students like "Missy" must have motives to fabricate these lies about Carolyn Gibson. "Caesar's wife" should feel free to write a rebuttal. 

 BTW, I am Missy as mentioned in "Caesar's wife" Rip-off Report of Carolyn Gibson.


United States of America
Discrediting Kids: Does The Pingry School Have a Faculty of Child Predators?

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, May 11, 2011

I have been reading over these reports about The Pingry School and think the common denominator of the complaints is that the kids were discredited and not taken seriously and then isolated too - all by staff members.  Well, I suggest the school do a little research on child predators because that is exactly the sort of techniques that child predators use!  They discredit kids, they isolate kids, they tell the kids they're crazy, tell the parents there's something wrong with the kids, and then they take advantage of and rape the kids!  So I don't know what's going on in that school, but I should think whatever obtuse idiots run the place might want to start paying attention to what all of these ex-students and current students keep trying to tell you.  It sounds like you've got total degenerates on your faculty and it sounds like your school's comeuppance has been a long time coming!  They should probably arrest half of the teachers there at least and question all of the others.  Allowing kids whose parents are paying a lot of money for tuition to be treated like that, isolating them, discrediting them, wow, how dare you????


New Jersey,
If the School is All So Full of HONOR then Why Can't They Apologize?

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, April 12, 2011

Enquiring minds want to know: if this school is run on "honor" as they all claim they are then why can't they apologize?  Why can't the teachers who DELIBERATELY went out of their way to hurt kids at the very least stand up and say they're SORRY for what they did? 

I'll tell you why.  They're not sorry, they're sociopaths, and honor is not what they're full of!

All the best to the kids who are still stuck in, and suffering, in such private "schools."  It gets better once you leave, kids.  Hang tough.  Oh, and if you see her, say "high" to Mrs. Gibson! 


North Plainfield,
New Jersey,

#15General Comment

Thu, March 31, 2011

First of all to the Pingry School girl here. There is nothing 'wrong' with 'honor'  problem is there is too little of it in this country today.  Being Honorable is actually a 'positive' trait and has basically the same meaning as 'having a good character' another positive trait.  Don't ever forget that.

As far as everyone else here why are you not writing to the school? Complain to a director at the school?  Or there must be a 'commission' that 'oversees' private schools in New Jersey. Just be sure you have documentation/pics/recording/witnesses to back up your accusations... Get a petition together?

If you don't do that, I can only assume you have been harboring resentments which you need to let go of because they work like a cancer eating you from the inside out... Pray for Ms Gibson  - sounds like she needs them.  Then forgive her for her ignorance your forgiveness will set 'you' free. Warning this is not an easy thing to do...it takes courage.

To the person telling a kid at school to not do her homework - ever - so she can get expelled/suspended? What kind of message is that to give to a kid? 'You' are the grown up  - or are you? 

The school kid should advise her parents how miserable she is, if they are supportive parents, they will help her through this... If she cannot go to her parents she should find another adult who she can trust to talk to. They can either have her finish out the year or perhaps the kid has a problem with going to school and is miserable for 'other' reasons.  Besides weren't we all miserable with school at one time or another? 

Good luck to all of you I hope you can move on past this, you deserve to be happy...

Malibu cliffs

Los Angeles,
Institute Mandatory URINALYSIS!

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, February 02, 2011

If I were running this school that hired a known drug abuser and lets her teach, I would insist on her being subjected to MANDATORY URINALYSIS on a weekly basis to ensure she was not still using drugs! Let her pee in a jar once a week! Let the medical professionals find out what illegal substances she does or doesn't have running through her bloodstream! If the school doesn't get on top of a potential disaster like this, they are going to wind up sued, sued, and sued some more if anything happens to one of the kids because of that loser coming to work stoned. Go look at her webpage. She's still bragging about the 1960's on it. Read between the lines and face what she is. If anything ever does happen to a kid because the teacher's coming in high, on your head be it, Pingry!

Miami Mama

Additional Information on Carolyn and Toshi Gibson

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, November 10, 2008

I just realized there were a few things I left off my initial reports on this site on the two messed up Gibsons. One is that when the faculty member Leboff leaked the info to the parents about the Gibson's drug abuse she said that the reason they were doing their drugs at night in the same school bus in which they drove the Vail-Deane students in the mornings was so that their landlord in Plainfield, NJ wouldn't smell the pot and call the cops. Leboff also said Carolyn Dow Gibson came from a very nice family, which I find almost impossible to believe, that her parents were "appalled" at her lifestyle, living at first unmarried with the bus driver in a hovel in Plainfield furnished with orange crates, doing drugs all the time, and that her parents had wanted to "do something" about her. But her parents DID NOT do anything about her. They did not do one single thing to stop their sick, irresponsible daughter. Instead, children like mine had to suffer through being the recipients of her drug-induced paranoia and abuviseness. My daughter reports that Gibson was consistently paranoid and thought kids were "out to get her," would even spy on them, which is a drug abuse symptom, and that it was terrifying to watch this play out. Keep in mind that as a parent I was paying Vail-Deane for the "honor" of sending my kid into this bad situation. Carolyn and Toshi Gibson, if you are reading this, you are TOTALLY REPREHENSIBLE, and I am delighted to have the Internet provide me with a forum for saying so to the world. You're like two cockroaches who do your dirty work in the dark, when nobody is able to see, but thanks to the Internet, the rest of us can shed and shine the light on your sick activities and illuminate them in all their sordid glory for other parents of kids you come in contact with. The kids really should be paid reparations for dealing with you.

Malibu Cliffs

Los Angeles,
You'd Be Better Off Expelled

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, November 09, 2008

Oh Ravenwood53, you poor kid! Tell your parents you want to get out of there. If that doesn't work, just don't do your homework - ever. With any luck they'll throw you out by Christmas.


Basking Ridge,
New Jersey,

#19Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

I just started going to Pingry and I hate it. All they talk about is their honor code honor code honor code how we kids are all suppose to be living with honor. Then I find this. So they let in teachers who do drugs!! Practice what you preach why don't you!!

Miami Mama

Pingry Should Have the Good Sense to Issue an Ultimatum

#20Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 08, 2008

I believe the administration of The Pingry School need to have the good sense to issue a definitive ultimatum: the Gibson creature should be told that she needs to seek psychiatric help or get another job. Period. Drug abuse is the hallmark of cowards with emotional instability and bad judgment issues, and to allow such a person to remain on the Pingry staff, untreated, and in a position to influence children, particularly elementary school children, is irresponsible in the extreme. Step up to the plate, here, Pingry. Get her into treatment or tell her to get another job.

Malibu Cliffs

Los Angeles,
NJ Private Schools should Pay the Kids Reparations

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, June 28, 2008

Hello again, Ripoff Report. I just found the report on here about the Oak Knoll School. As if Vail-Deane wasn't bad enough, Oak Knoll sounds equally atrocious. Wouldn't it be fun to take some action? I have a consumer suggestion that I'm certain Vail-Deane, Pingry and Oak Knoll all won't like, which is why I am going to gleefully mention it: the bastions of impropriety involved with running all three less-than-lovely places should seriously think about finding all the kids whose lives they messed up, every single one of us, and paying us all REPARATIONS. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, reparations! What a delightful little concept that would be: to be PAID BACK. After all, our parents trusted you fruit loops with our educations, paid hefty piles of tuition money to you, and sent us to your "schools" in good faith, and how much good faith were we treated with in return? Absolutely none whatsoever! So I'd like my hefty pile of tuition money back. That's what I'd like. Adjusted upwards to account for the inflation of the intervening years, of course. Give it back. I may never get it, but I'd like it. After all, you may have taken it, but you assuredly did not earn it, and every kid who was there at the time knows it. Give it back, Vail-Deane and Oak Knoll! Give it back.


State College,
NJ PRIVATE SCHOOLS--similar to Oak Knoll School, Summit New Jersey

#22Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

As a former NJ resident, now living in Pennsylvania (thank God!), I read with interest the reports on Pingry School and Vail-Deane. I grew up in Summit NJ and our church junior youth choir, of which I was a member, gave a joint concert at Pingry School every year. I remember this was when it was located in Union NJ, before it moved elsewhere. It was formerly located off of Morris Avenue in Union; I was familiar with the location because it was by Kean College, now Kean University, where my father taught in the Education dept for over 30 years. I went through similar experiences at Oak Knoll School in Summit, NJ. It was close to our house, so I was able to walk there. My parents did not want me attending the junior-high school in Summit NJ, which was probably a mistake. It could not have been any worse than that place. Because we weren't wealthy, many of these s****.. As a former education faculty member for 10 years, who supervised student teachers and taught future teachers, and who has now returned to school to become a registered nurse (career change at age 42), I have the following suggestions for parents who are considering private school for their children: 1) Find out the average income of the parents who send their children to school there. If they are all driving Mercedes Benz SUVs, and you can't even begin to afford one, your children will have trouble fitting in, because they've been raised to see the value of a dollar. For these rich kids, a dollar is never enough; it's not even in the equation. 2) Spend time at the school observing. The principal should allow a parent or parents to spend a few days at the school, and the prospective student should go as well. If my parents had allowed me to observe the way things went at Oak Knoll, I would NEVER have gone there! 3) Interview the faculty. Ask questions about their qualifications and how they feel about students with special needs. If they seem disinterested, uncaring or don't want to give you any of their time, this place is not for you or your child. I hope the above suggestions are helpful to those parents considering private school placement for their children. Sometimes people get carried away because they assume that it's a private school and it has a fancy name, it must be good. There are plenty of reputable schools around, not necessarily private, which can provide an excellent education, and not cause students grievous harm in the process!

Malibu Cliffs

Los Angeles,
Vail-Deane: A Faculty of Fruit Loops

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, May 10, 2008

Amazing to find this report on here, mentioning the Vail-Deane School, which had all the charm and appeal of a Golgotha for private school kids. As an alumni, I wanted to add this. Vail-Deane's faculty was more like a menagerie in an animal pound than a staff of teachers. The older I get the more astounded I am about them. Where, I've often speculated, did the headmaster find such people? How many rocks did he have to look under? For among others, I can recall vividly an addlepated Latin teacher whose breath reeked of alcohol; a Southern teacher who once cried real tears during class because her formerly rich family had "lost money" when they were forced to free the slaves, about a hundred years previously (and this in front of Black students); and last but certainly not least a vicious WASP music teacher who was also a choir leader at the Presbyterian Church and who made us sing hymns during music class, behaved like the Church Lady on Saturday Night Live, tried to pass herself off as the bastion of propriety, and wound up, I later heard, fired from Vail-Deane for having an affair with a teenaged male student...from Haiti, yet. I've heard it said that most pedophiles strike child victims from within their own race, but that music teacher was an interracial pedophile, added to everything else. So nothing, and I do mean nothing, that I ever hear surface about that school shocks me at all. All I will say is that after my Vail-Deane experience, no child of mine will ever be setting foot in a private school, and that anyschools that subsequently hired Vail-Deane faculty assuredly belong right here on Ripoff Report.

Queen Guenevere

Rio Rancho,
New Mexico,
It's True

#24UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 13, 2008

I am a former Vail-Deane School teacher and former colleague of Carolyn Gibson. I want to offer my most heartfelt apology to the child of Vail-Deane who wrote this report. It's all true about Carolyn and Toshi Gibson's drug usage. It's also true that Carolyn most clearly and certainly fits the profile of a sociopath. When I read "The Sociopath Next Door" it gave me chills because it reminded me so frighteningly of Carolyn Gibson. I wish I had had the courage of the Vail-Deane student who published this report. Those of us who knew what was going on should have spoken up, and we didn't. I, for one, am just so sorry.


New Jersey,
Has Pingry's Diversity Policy Expanded to Include Hop Head Faculty Members?

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, February 16, 2008

I am aghast at what I have found here on Ripoff Report. For years Pingry was a WASP bastion an all-white Protestant school. Recently they have been obsessed with the latest idea "diversity." Students who apply to Pingry are subjected to a whole up hill battle of a process with interviews, letters of recommendation, visits to the school, application fees, it's easier to get into grad school than into Pingry. But special favoritism is given to any student who is not a WASP and who can allow the Pingry administration to feel good about themselves if they accept them so they feel they are creating more "diversity." So I have to wonder. Is having an addict on the faculty part of their diversity policy too? Definitely an addict would qualify as "different" and "diverse." But diverse or not why do they have this woman on their staff? Once an addict always an addict. Addicts are emotional weaklings they can't face normal daily stress and there is a lot of daily stress in a classroom. One day she might get stressed, get high, get behind the wheel of her car and run down some kids in the parking lot. It could happen. And if it happens Pingry will be liable. It is right here on the Internet that she has a major problem. So the Pingry administration must already know and they are doing nothing about her. The Pingry parents should grab their kids and vote with their feet. Get the kids out of Pingry until they stop hiring addicts.

Miami Mama

Carolyn and Toshi Gibson: Every Parents' Worst Nightmare Come True

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

Carolyn Gibson and her husband Toshi were every parents' worst nightmare come true. They drove my daughter's school van. They were disrespectful to me as a parent and hideous to my daughter, but their attitude alone was not their only problem: Mrs. Doris Leboff, a teacher at Vail-Deane, told me that both Carolyn and Toshi Gibson were habitual drug abusers. They would even sit in the school van every night, close all the windows, and smoke their pot in there, with the windows all shut, the better to "concentrate" the pot, be surrounded by the smoke, and get higher from it. They invited another teacher, who flatly refused, to do the same, and then the story made its way around the Vail-Deane Faculty Lounge, and finally to some of the parents. Doris Leboff was hesitant in telling this to anyone until her daughter Barbara, who went to the school for free because she was a faculty member's child, had graduated. To protect her daughter Barbara, Doris Leboff allowed other people's children, including mine, to be driven around on that school bus by those two fouled-up hippies and to risk being killed on a daily basis by their irresponsibility as they drove under the influence of illegal substances. This story was later confirmed by not one, not two, but three other former Vail-Deane faculty members. Everyone knew what those two Gibsons were about but nobody did a single thing about stopping them. They were stopped by the cops for speeding with the van full of children a few times. The school was called by the police about it. The Headmaster did absolutely nothing. I don't know just what was going on there but there was no accountability from the Headmaster, the Board of Trustees, or from the faculty. I believe the Gibsons should have been placed under arrest for reckless endangerment as well as for buying, using, possessing and driving under the influence of illegal drugs. It's to protect the rest of us that such street drugs are illegal in the first place, but nothing was done to protect the children against this disgusting duo, Carolyn and Toshi Gibson. Obviously there's no accountability present at the Pingry School either or the likes of the Gibson woman would not be permitted to remain on their staff. Then again Vail-Deane was Pingry's sister school, so why am I surprised at their lack of ethics?

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