  • Report:  #846679

Complaint Review: CCP (EVE Online) - Stone Mountain, GA., New York, NY Internet

Reported By:
Knight_Shyft - Acton, Massachusetts, United States of America

CCP (EVE Online)
Stone Mountain, GA., New York, NY, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is very lengthy and I apologize for that but I want to make sure I provide as much information as possible so that at the very least hopefully, someone else will monitor their accounts so they don't become victims of the same type of overcharges.

I am an avid online gamer and stumbled onto this very interesting game called Eve Online. I immediately signed up for a 30 day trial and convinced my wife to purchase a recurring subscription. She agreed and gave me the necessary information to activate my account, paying 3 months in advance. I made my first quarterly payment in June which paid for my access through September when I received another notice saying that my account had been charged the quarterly subscription fee and that I was paid up through 12.21.11. A week or so after this payment I decided that I was not really into the game and decided to cancel my subscription.

I logged into their website, went to account management and cancelled my subscription for which I received notification through email and my account was now flagged with an end of service date. On 02.27.2012 I had accessed my wifes checking account for other reasons and jut happened to notice a charge for Eve Online. I didn't think much of it at first since I was preoccupied with something else but once I was finished with the business at hand I redirected my attention to the discovered charges which according to my account interface on their website, should not be happening. 

I started digging further into my wifes checking account estatement archive and found that not only have they continued to charge her account for a service that they are not providing but they have been double billing her account from the inception of the contract. I will not post personal information but I have taken the liberty of posting the transaction history below. If you pay particular attention to 06/21 you will see a charge for $38.85 which is the cost of a 3 month subscription plan. However, the very next month on 07/11 there is an additional charge of $19.95 which is the fee for a standard monthly payment. I have never authorized these charges nor have I ever used another account so these additional charges along with the "foreign currency fees" were made without mine or my wifes permission. Once I total the complete amount of overcharges (every $19.95 payment and associated foreign currency fee) they have  overcharged my wifes account for a total of $127.88.

I have already filed 2 online petitions with this company and as of yet have not gotten any response and from the various searches I have done, am not overly hopeful that they will make any attempt at fixing this problem. Furthermore, the only telephone number they provide on their contact site is for their primary offices in Reykjavik, Iceland

I found a telephone number to their affiliate company White Wolf Publishing, Inc. in Stonemountain, GA.(404)292-1819 but due to their hours of operation, have been unable to contact these people either. If anyone has any additional information that might be useful to me in pursuing a refund please post so I can hopefully find a way to get this fixed.

Below is the payment history from my wifes checking account along with the petition ID numbers from my attempts to contact.....

06/21 1.08 Foreign Currency Fee - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

06/21 38.85 6393 Dbt Purchase - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

07/11 .55 Foreign Currency Fee - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

07/11 19.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

08/09 .41 Foreign Currency Fee - 700160 Eve Online Slough

08/09 14.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 700160 Eve Online Slough

09/07 .41Foreign Currency Fee - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

09/07 14.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

09/21 1.08 Foreign Currency Fee - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

09/21 38.85 6393 Dbt Purchase - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

10/07 .41 Foreign Currency Fee - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

10/07 14.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

11/08 .41 Foreign Currency Fee - 700086 Eve Online Slough

11/08 14.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 700086 Eve Online Slough

12/06 .41 Foreign Currency Fee - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

12/06 14.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

01/05 .41 Foreign Currency Fee - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

01/05 14.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 000004 Eve Online Reykjavik 101

02/06 .41 Foreign Currency Fee - 700160 Eve Online Slough

02/06 14.95 6393 Dbt Purchase - 700160 Eve Online Slough

Total Overcharges = $127.88

Petition Submitted  Your petition has been submitted, the petition tracking id is 2790051.Your petition has been submitted, the petition tracking id is 2791428.

And posted below is the unedited contents of my payment history according to the EVE Online Account management page with the exception of removing of personally identifiable information.

15320255 9/19/2011 3:41:06 AM CreditCardRecurring Payment for 3 Month EVE Subscription $38.85                    Paid               

14508750 6/20/2011 2:04:34 AM CreditCard Eve-Online Account: xxxxxxxxx  $38.85     Paid   

3:37:37 AM FreeCCP Promotional Game Time30 Days    Paid               

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