  • Report:  #66400

Complaint Review: Center Point West Apts. - Bensalem Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

Center Point West Apts.
2290 Galloway Rd. Bensalem, 19020 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I went to this apartment complex and filled out an application for a one bedroom apt. I was notified that I qualified and paid the security deposit to hold the apartment, at this point I was not asked to sign a lease.

About a week later I found out that my job was going to be eliminated so I went back to Center Point West and explained that I would not be able to take the apt. and asked to have my security deposit refunded. Well they gave me the run around, didn't want to return my money despite the fact that I never signed a lease. After a period of arguing with these people I finally got my deposit back... minus $100.

After some more arguing I got nowhere with the woman at the office. I should have taken them to small claims court but I didn't have the time with all that was going on (losing job, moving out of current apt., placing my belongings in storage, moving in with friend, etc.)

Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, or maybe because these are beautiful apartments (the nicest in Bucks County for the money) about a year later I went back to Center Point West to apply again, I had just started a new job making a little more money than my previous job.

Anyway.. short story: after paying $25 for the credit check they turned me down! Their excuse was the owner wanted to see at least 6 months employment before they would consider me. Funny, but I had no such problem getting a different apt in Bensalem in the same price range about 6 years earlier after just starting a new job. Oh they also told me I would be rejected from another complex they own called Hunters Creek, which are less expensive apartments. Hmmmm.

These snobs don't have to worry about me again, I wouldn't live in their apts if they paid ME to stay there.

RENTERS BEWARE: As mentioned above, the owner of Center Point West Apts also owns the following apt complex in Bensalem:

Hunters Creek Apartments

2835 Century Lane

Bensalem, PA 19020


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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