  • Report:  #97961

Complaint Review: Centex - DALLAS Texas

Reported By:
- 85053, Arizona,

PO BOX 199400 DALLAS, 75219 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On April 20th 2004 I found myself a single parent with all the bills and everything that comes with that. I found out My mortgage payments were behind , so I called to make arrangements to bring my account current. Centex made agreements with me but never kept them. For example They made a agreement with me to send a extra 200$ a month to put aside till it made a full payment. They miscalculated the fund and instead of catching up listed me another month behind. I Do not what their people do all day but its definitely not communication within there own company.

So again we made another agreement to put my past due at the back of my loan and that I would be current and only owe the upcoming month on time. Well they did not put the full amount of past due to the back of the loan , and failed to inform me that i still owed the prior month then drafted a payment from my account causing my bank account to over draft and cost me over 600$ in fee's. When I called the district supervisor spoke with me it took me over 10 min to figure out what they had done. She would not give me her name only said she was the district supervisor , she yelled at me the hole call. I asked her to send a letter stating the draft was in error so that I would be able to make my payment and she refused.

This was a unauthorized draft also. She said it was part of the agreement but it is not listed on the agreement anywhere nor was I informed of such at any time. She was trying to make me feel like I'm a bad person and it was all my fault that I didn't know even though I was not informed by them of the truth. There motto is 'if they are behind they are scum to us"

The truth is they don't give a d**n about anyone if your payments are not ahead of time and if your not their customer anymore , they just blow you off and treat you like ####. I will never deal with this company again. Hell is more pleasant then there customer service is. So I will be refinancing shortly. I also have filed a small claims action for the bank fee's they caused and pursuing the hole fraud issue for drafting my bank without authorization.


85053, Arizona

29 Updates & Rebuttals


Don't Feel Bad, Centex sent me to (to do the closing) did not exist

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 19, 2004

Jim, The 1st title company that Centex sent me to (to do the closing) did not exist. The second one rushed me through and then after they told me that their weren't any closing costs, they made me leave and go and get a money order because there were closing costs after all. Centex never did explain to me that I would not have insurance or that I would be responsible for my own taxes.


FIGHT BACK! File Complaints

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 19, 2004

Priscilla White has really helped me a lot. If you will read some of her posts she has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to dealing with Centex. We are all in the same boat with Centex. There are a number of agencies that are currently investigating them. First off start filing complaints. File with your Attorney General's office, the Federal Trade Commission, The Better Business Bureau, go to the MSFraud.org site they will give you a lot of information to start filing complaints and grievances. File also with HUD. Document everything, even your phone calls take names and dates, record conversations if you can. And don't listen to them they lie so much. They had me do post dated checks and they would put them in the bank before time. They will also ask you to let them draft your next payment out of your checking account, if you let them do that then without your knowledge they will be trying to do it the months after that, when you only authorized for one month. They are sneaky and slimy.


Centex Lies and Steals Your Homes, Consumers - Start Acting Now!

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, August 19, 2004

Hi Jim, Welcome to the long list of Centex Victims. First off, I would like to say that I am not an attorney nor am I able to give legal advice. I can only try to point you in directions to hopefully help you resolve your issues. I too am a victim of Centex and am fighting like crazy to make sure they don't take my home. First, I'd like to say that Centex did a bait and switch on you just like the have done to all of use. Offer you one interest rate and at closing you get an entirely differen amount. None of us should have signed the papers, but we all were under some pressure to do so. I won't bore you with my story, but will try to help in any way I can. Second, the statement that Centex made about not holding an escrow account is a complete lie. I'm not surprised as they lie to all of us. I have an escrow account with Centex who is suppose to pay my taxes. They kept the taxes current, but charged fees to that escrow account and they never paid my past water bill upon the refinancing of my home. I have to pay a water bill for 2002. Centex lies and steals your home. Now, not knowing exactly what stage of foreclosure you are at, I can only say this. Contact ACORN in your area (and hopefully you have one), contact National Community Reinvestment Coalition in Washington DC (you can find them on the net) and ask to speak with a Ruth Dickey. She is one of the loan officers there who can help rescue your home from pending foreclosure. The have a consumer rescue fund and they are away of Centex's tactics from me and all the others. If you fight the criteria, she might be able to help you obtain a loan through them that is not predatory. Also, there are other forums which I cannot mention here, but search on the net and you might be able to find them and if you do, you will see us there and there is more help available to you. There is also a place in Texas called the Coalition for Mortgage Reform who can look at your documents. I can be contacted through this site and maybe you can e-mail the editor of this site and see if he will give you my e-mail address. You have been taken by a predatory lender who also services their loans and then takes your home. This is what their business really is. They are in the business of foreclosure instead of mortgage lending. You have alternatives, but I can't tell you what they are unless I have more information. Try to find me on the other forums as there are a few and then I can give you some information as it's posted on those forums. Take care and good luck! Hopefully this has helped in some way.


as the pages were turned...

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2004

Melody - Austin, Texas ... ...20 minutes... 4/98 when i was signing the papers i only had the time it took to turn them...


5 long years... Now I am facing forecloser on my home

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2004

In March'99 I was looking to refinance my first and second mortgage's. The best deal (I thought ) was with Centex. What a chump I turned out to be... A bit of history, I have been working in the autobody (Painter) field since '78...and have done well in it thru the years. The house I was refinancing was my family's home. Anyway, Centex approved me for the loan and I was happy with the rates and PROMISED local service ...and suprised by the amount of the appraisal ( more than I expected!) As fate would have it (and sometimes happens in my business) I found myself unemployed just days before the signing. I told the local Centex rep this and also told him that seldom did it take more than a week or two to find new work as a auto-painter... he said "don't worry about it!" so I didn't . When I went in for the signing nothing was mentioned so I started singing papers. The first time I walked out was when I noticed (no one told me) the rate had gone up over nite by 4 points ... well beein over the barrel (paperwerk streched so that the first and second were late) , so to speak, I came back in ...this rate increase ment that I wouldn't be saving any money over payin a first and second seperately but at least I had a local office where I could walk in and pay (I had been having problems with my first mortgager's sayin that they were getting payments late ...they were in Utah) The second time I walked out was after I ("doh") signed the escrow sheet and flipped to the next...something wasn't rite so back I went ...there was no escrow amount listed...so I asked and was told that "We don't hold escrow...taxes and insurance are your problem"...aaarrrgghhh... still over the barrel, I came back in and finished. Only after all was said and done did the centexRep tell me that there was no REAL local service...that I had to send my payments to Dallas.. if you had stuck a paper match to my head it would have ignighted... should-a, could-a ,would-a.. (P.T. Barnum's ole sayin comes to mind here...) so what I found in the years since is that even if I mail a check from Memphis to Dallas 2 weeks in advance it won't post till it's late (and there go the late fees)... if I try to speak with anyone there they are immeadiate as*h*le's and attempt to get me very angery from the get-go , check by phone payments end up being for more than what I make them for , postdated checks (i know now. these are illegal)are run before the date they are postdated for. In the NOW.. I have been unemployed since 11/2/04...the economy is BAD...and even the premier Bodyshop in town is slower than ever in its history. I managed to keep things paid untill 6/04 when the well (all of them )ran dry. Now I am facing forecloser on my home, the place where my family lived...my Son grew up. I don't want to lose this place like this but am not sure what to do. Wife's been gone for 10 years,My son died 6/02... hell I still owe on his funeral... there is light ahead as I have a job that will be available by the end of August ,First of September at the latest... a good one with folks I know... sorry to ramble... It's just good to find somewhere other folks gather because of the scam/scum that is Centex. this is my story...If I can be of help in anyway , I am Here...if there is good advice (or legal action!! ) available, I am listening Thanks., jim


Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt Centex is Corrupt

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, August 10, 2004

I am a victim of Cenetx from the same great state and never in my life again do I want to ever have to put up with or go through the hell that I am going through with Centex. I wouldn't even wish this torment on my worse enemy. Falsified information on documents, false appraisals, rude and arrogant so called no-customer service reps. They are bad news, bad business, bad bad bad management. When you have a lot of people making complaints about a company that are so similar in nature as a rep of Centex I would just sit down and shut up or try my best to make the company reputable. If Centex doesn't want our houses, then why do they lie and cheat and change information. FYI I was given 20 minutes to go over my documents at closing, I received my appraisal documents a year later, and I ended up with documents in my contract that Centex can't explain. They are SLIMY!


I Understand a lot, do you?

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

I now see that there are several insiders from Centex posting on this. You obvously can't read or understand anything I am saying. Just trying to bait me and reel me in. Well, we can debate this issue forever and we will never see eye to eye. The one fact you fail to understand is that Centex/CTX Mortgage underwrites loans to people who have no ability to repay the loan for the sole purpose of foreclosing.

If you read the earlier posts about how lenders make money on foreclosures, you would understand, however, you refuse to see that. That is not something me and the others make up, that came from a major law firm who works on the consumer side fighting you lenders like you. Wake-up!!!

I also don't have to defend myself to you or anyone else, I will in court however. I will not explain my debts or lack thereof to you or anyone else. My credit reports reflects no debts and I am proud of that. I do not accummulate debt. So, that said, yes, I signed those GD documents and I shouldn't have, but the reasons I did are just that my reasons and my attorney's. Again, do you understand the word forced? Evidently, you have not read anything I have said previous to this. Read please, but I doubt you will understand anything that is said here.

I am not debating the fact of reading the loan docs. Not discussing whys, just saying that the loan I have never should have been changed to what it is.

Centex lies, cheats and steals, something you refuse to see. I never commented on the fact that CHEC owns and services my loan, that was never discussed in this forum whatsoever. Wouldn't want my loan sold. However, I wouldn't want my loan serviced by CHEC either.

I will do whatever I can to help bring this company down. Will not sign any agreement they have given me until they resign themselves to the fact of rescinding my loan. I am not at fault with any of this, Centex is and Centex needs to be held accountable.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!


New York,
Centex destroyer of homes and people How Dare you insult us like this

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

Tonight a dear friend of mine, who is a fighter and a victim of Centex, Priscilla. She has received the biggest injustice in the conspiracy of mortgage and lending fraud.

This is their socalled settlement. Notice in particular that she will need to never comment or talk about anything.

Now Centex I beg to differ, it is obvious that you are covering up something, do you really think we are all fools, especially us women. This is discrimination big time and I will continue to post about your fraud no matter what I am not a victim of your criminal company but another.

So get ready now everyone will know what you are trying:


Agreement MADE THIS ____ DAY OF August 2004, by and among Priscilla A. ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (hereinafter Piscilla), CTX Mortgage Company, LLC of 2328 N. Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas (hereinafter CTX), and Centex Home Equity Company, LLC of 350 Highland Drive, Lewisville, Texas (hereinafter CHEC); and
WHEREAS, on or about October 11, 2002, Pricilla obtained a loan in the principal amount of $210,000.00 from CTX (Loan), which loan was secured by a mortgage in favor of CTX on Pricilla's property at ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (Property); and
WHEREAS, CTX subsequently sold the Loan to CHEC, which continues to hold and service the Loan; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has on numerous occasions defaulted on her obligations pursuant to the Loan and as of the date hereof, the Loan is in default, and
WHEREAS, CHEC has asserted that in addition to the outstanding principal balance due on the Loan in the amount of approximately $209,400.04, CHEC is owed accrued interest of approximately $23,796.01 through July 31, 2003, additional interest deferred to the end of the Loan of approximately $1,702.20, escrow advances of approximately $2,266,76, late charges of approximately $996.30, plus additional legal fees and costs; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has asserted certain claims against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan, including, without limitation, that CHEC and/or CTX has violated various Federal and State consumer laws, entitling her to rescind the Loan; and
WHEREAS, CHEC and CTX have denied and continue to deny that they have violated any law with respect to the Loan, and furthermore, denies that they have any legal obligation whatsoever for any of the claims asserted by Pricilla against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan or otherwise; and WHEREAS, the parties realize the cost and time consuming nature of foreclosure and potential litigation and desire to avoid spending substantial additional time and incurring additional expense in litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a compromise agreement in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC, and CTX arising out of the Loan.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants set forth herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. Pricilla shall pay to CHEC on or before August 31, 2004, and CHEC has agreed to accept the sum of $210,000.00 in good funds (bank or certified check) in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC and/or CTX, including, without limitation, all claims with respect to the Pricilla's obligations to CHEC and/or CTX pursuant to the Loan, which amount Pricilla recognizes and confirms is less than the full amount required to pay off the loan. The check shall be delivered and made payable to James B. Fox, as Attorney for CHEC. Time shall be strictly of the essence with regard to this payment.

2. Upon the execution of this Agreement, Pricilla shall forthwith execute and deliver to CHECK and CTX, a General Release in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

3. Upon payment of the $210,000.00 strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the Agreement, CHEC and CTX shall deliver to Pricilla, a General Release for attached hereto as Exhibit B.

4. In the event that Pricilla fails to make the entire payment to CHEC strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, CHEC is entitled to foreclose on its mortgage and otherwise exercise its rights under the note and mortgage without any interference from Pricilla or anyone else on her behalf.

5. In the event of any breach of any provision of this Agreement, in addition to such other remedies available in equity or at law, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover fees incurred in obtaining legal redress for such breach, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs.

6. CHEC agrees that for purposes of reporting to any credit bureau or agency, CHEC will indicate only that the Loan is delinquent (and not in foreclosure) and will report the account settled per agreement.

7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

8. The facts of this case, the nature and terms of this Settlement Agreement, all of the discussions leading to this Settlement Agreement, or any subsidiary undertaking required by this Settlement Agreement, shall not be disclosed by Pricilla or her attorney, representatives, agents, or assigns, without the prior written consent of CHEC and CTX. Pricilla and her attorney expressly covenant that the terms of this Settlement Agreement are strictly confidential, and expressly agree not to discuss or disclose any of the terms of this Settlement Agreement with or to any person other than Pricilla's accountant for purposes of preparing tax returns, except in response to a subpoena or court directive. Furthermore, Pricilla agrees that she will not disparage (verbally or in writing) CHEC and/or CTX including any of their officers, directors, employees, attorneys, affiliates and/or subsidiaries, or any policies, procedures, practices, actions, or inactions of such individuals and/or entities.
9. The parties hereby acknowledge that they have consulted with their respective attorneys concerning this Agreement and the Exhibits and further confirm that they understand the Agreement, agree to all of its terms, and enter into this Agreement voluntarily.
10. The terms and provisions of this Agreement may be modified or amended only by written agreement executed by all parties hereto.
11. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all such counterparts shall constitute one instrument.
Signed as a sealed instrument this day and year above written.
Centex Home Equity Company, LLC

, its
CTX Mortgage Company, LLC

, its



New York,
Centex destroyer of homes and people How Dare you insult us like this

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

Tonight a dear friend of mine, who is a fighter and a victim of Centex, Priscilla. She has received the biggest injustice in the conspiracy of mortgage and lending fraud.

This is their socalled settlement. Notice in particular that she will need to never comment or talk about anything.

Now Centex I beg to differ, it is obvious that you are covering up something, do you really think we are all fools, especially us women. This is discrimination big time and I will continue to post about your fraud no matter what I am not a victim of your criminal company but another.

So get ready now everyone will know what you are trying:


Agreement MADE THIS ____ DAY OF August 2004, by and among Priscilla A. ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (hereinafter Piscilla), CTX Mortgage Company, LLC of 2328 N. Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas (hereinafter CTX), and Centex Home Equity Company, LLC of 350 Highland Drive, Lewisville, Texas (hereinafter CHEC); and
WHEREAS, on or about October 11, 2002, Pricilla obtained a loan in the principal amount of $210,000.00 from CTX (Loan), which loan was secured by a mortgage in favor of CTX on Pricilla's property at ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (Property); and
WHEREAS, CTX subsequently sold the Loan to CHEC, which continues to hold and service the Loan; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has on numerous occasions defaulted on her obligations pursuant to the Loan and as of the date hereof, the Loan is in default, and
WHEREAS, CHEC has asserted that in addition to the outstanding principal balance due on the Loan in the amount of approximately $209,400.04, CHEC is owed accrued interest of approximately $23,796.01 through July 31, 2003, additional interest deferred to the end of the Loan of approximately $1,702.20, escrow advances of approximately $2,266,76, late charges of approximately $996.30, plus additional legal fees and costs; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has asserted certain claims against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan, including, without limitation, that CHEC and/or CTX has violated various Federal and State consumer laws, entitling her to rescind the Loan; and
WHEREAS, CHEC and CTX have denied and continue to deny that they have violated any law with respect to the Loan, and furthermore, denies that they have any legal obligation whatsoever for any of the claims asserted by Pricilla against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan or otherwise; and WHEREAS, the parties realize the cost and time consuming nature of foreclosure and potential litigation and desire to avoid spending substantial additional time and incurring additional expense in litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a compromise agreement in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC, and CTX arising out of the Loan.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants set forth herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. Pricilla shall pay to CHEC on or before August 31, 2004, and CHEC has agreed to accept the sum of $210,000.00 in good funds (bank or certified check) in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC and/or CTX, including, without limitation, all claims with respect to the Pricilla's obligations to CHEC and/or CTX pursuant to the Loan, which amount Pricilla recognizes and confirms is less than the full amount required to pay off the loan. The check shall be delivered and made payable to James B. Fox, as Attorney for CHEC. Time shall be strictly of the essence with regard to this payment.

2. Upon the execution of this Agreement, Pricilla shall forthwith execute and deliver to CHECK and CTX, a General Release in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

3. Upon payment of the $210,000.00 strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the Agreement, CHEC and CTX shall deliver to Pricilla, a General Release for attached hereto as Exhibit B.

4. In the event that Pricilla fails to make the entire payment to CHEC strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, CHEC is entitled to foreclose on its mortgage and otherwise exercise its rights under the note and mortgage without any interference from Pricilla or anyone else on her behalf.

5. In the event of any breach of any provision of this Agreement, in addition to such other remedies available in equity or at law, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover fees incurred in obtaining legal redress for such breach, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs.

6. CHEC agrees that for purposes of reporting to any credit bureau or agency, CHEC will indicate only that the Loan is delinquent (and not in foreclosure) and will report the account settled per agreement.

7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

8. The facts of this case, the nature and terms of this Settlement Agreement, all of the discussions leading to this Settlement Agreement, or any subsidiary undertaking required by this Settlement Agreement, shall not be disclosed by Pricilla or her attorney, representatives, agents, or assigns, without the prior written consent of CHEC and CTX. Pricilla and her attorney expressly covenant that the terms of this Settlement Agreement are strictly confidential, and expressly agree not to discuss or disclose any of the terms of this Settlement Agreement with or to any person other than Pricilla's accountant for purposes of preparing tax returns, except in response to a subpoena or court directive. Furthermore, Pricilla agrees that she will not disparage (verbally or in writing) CHEC and/or CTX including any of their officers, directors, employees, attorneys, affiliates and/or subsidiaries, or any policies, procedures, practices, actions, or inactions of such individuals and/or entities.
9. The parties hereby acknowledge that they have consulted with their respective attorneys concerning this Agreement and the Exhibits and further confirm that they understand the Agreement, agree to all of its terms, and enter into this Agreement voluntarily.
10. The terms and provisions of this Agreement may be modified or amended only by written agreement executed by all parties hereto.
11. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all such counterparts shall constitute one instrument.
Signed as a sealed instrument this day and year above written.
Centex Home Equity Company, LLC

, its
CTX Mortgage Company, LLC

, its



New York,
Centex destroyer of homes and people How Dare you insult us like this

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

Tonight a dear friend of mine, who is a fighter and a victim of Centex, Priscilla. She has received the biggest injustice in the conspiracy of mortgage and lending fraud.

This is their socalled settlement. Notice in particular that she will need to never comment or talk about anything.

Now Centex I beg to differ, it is obvious that you are covering up something, do you really think we are all fools, especially us women. This is discrimination big time and I will continue to post about your fraud no matter what I am not a victim of your criminal company but another.

So get ready now everyone will know what you are trying:


Agreement MADE THIS ____ DAY OF August 2004, by and among Priscilla A. ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (hereinafter Piscilla), CTX Mortgage Company, LLC of 2328 N. Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas (hereinafter CTX), and Centex Home Equity Company, LLC of 350 Highland Drive, Lewisville, Texas (hereinafter CHEC); and
WHEREAS, on or about October 11, 2002, Pricilla obtained a loan in the principal amount of $210,000.00 from CTX (Loan), which loan was secured by a mortgage in favor of CTX on Pricilla's property at ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (Property); and
WHEREAS, CTX subsequently sold the Loan to CHEC, which continues to hold and service the Loan; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has on numerous occasions defaulted on her obligations pursuant to the Loan and as of the date hereof, the Loan is in default, and
WHEREAS, CHEC has asserted that in addition to the outstanding principal balance due on the Loan in the amount of approximately $209,400.04, CHEC is owed accrued interest of approximately $23,796.01 through July 31, 2003, additional interest deferred to the end of the Loan of approximately $1,702.20, escrow advances of approximately $2,266,76, late charges of approximately $996.30, plus additional legal fees and costs; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has asserted certain claims against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan, including, without limitation, that CHEC and/or CTX has violated various Federal and State consumer laws, entitling her to rescind the Loan; and
WHEREAS, CHEC and CTX have denied and continue to deny that they have violated any law with respect to the Loan, and furthermore, denies that they have any legal obligation whatsoever for any of the claims asserted by Pricilla against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan or otherwise; and WHEREAS, the parties realize the cost and time consuming nature of foreclosure and potential litigation and desire to avoid spending substantial additional time and incurring additional expense in litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a compromise agreement in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC, and CTX arising out of the Loan.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants set forth herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. Pricilla shall pay to CHEC on or before August 31, 2004, and CHEC has agreed to accept the sum of $210,000.00 in good funds (bank or certified check) in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC and/or CTX, including, without limitation, all claims with respect to the Pricilla's obligations to CHEC and/or CTX pursuant to the Loan, which amount Pricilla recognizes and confirms is less than the full amount required to pay off the loan. The check shall be delivered and made payable to James B. Fox, as Attorney for CHEC. Time shall be strictly of the essence with regard to this payment.

2. Upon the execution of this Agreement, Pricilla shall forthwith execute and deliver to CHECK and CTX, a General Release in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

3. Upon payment of the $210,000.00 strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the Agreement, CHEC and CTX shall deliver to Pricilla, a General Release for attached hereto as Exhibit B.

4. In the event that Pricilla fails to make the entire payment to CHEC strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, CHEC is entitled to foreclose on its mortgage and otherwise exercise its rights under the note and mortgage without any interference from Pricilla or anyone else on her behalf.

5. In the event of any breach of any provision of this Agreement, in addition to such other remedies available in equity or at law, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover fees incurred in obtaining legal redress for such breach, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs.

6. CHEC agrees that for purposes of reporting to any credit bureau or agency, CHEC will indicate only that the Loan is delinquent (and not in foreclosure) and will report the account settled per agreement.

7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

8. The facts of this case, the nature and terms of this Settlement Agreement, all of the discussions leading to this Settlement Agreement, or any subsidiary undertaking required by this Settlement Agreement, shall not be disclosed by Pricilla or her attorney, representatives, agents, or assigns, without the prior written consent of CHEC and CTX. Pricilla and her attorney expressly covenant that the terms of this Settlement Agreement are strictly confidential, and expressly agree not to discuss or disclose any of the terms of this Settlement Agreement with or to any person other than Pricilla's accountant for purposes of preparing tax returns, except in response to a subpoena or court directive. Furthermore, Pricilla agrees that she will not disparage (verbally or in writing) CHEC and/or CTX including any of their officers, directors, employees, attorneys, affiliates and/or subsidiaries, or any policies, procedures, practices, actions, or inactions of such individuals and/or entities.
9. The parties hereby acknowledge that they have consulted with their respective attorneys concerning this Agreement and the Exhibits and further confirm that they understand the Agreement, agree to all of its terms, and enter into this Agreement voluntarily.
10. The terms and provisions of this Agreement may be modified or amended only by written agreement executed by all parties hereto.
11. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all such counterparts shall constitute one instrument.
Signed as a sealed instrument this day and year above written.
Centex Home Equity Company, LLC

, its
CTX Mortgage Company, LLC

, its



New York,
Centex destroyer of homes and people How Dare you insult us like this

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, August 07, 2004

Tonight a dear friend of mine, who is a fighter and a victim of Centex, Priscilla. She has received the biggest injustice in the conspiracy of mortgage and lending fraud.

This is their socalled settlement. Notice in particular that she will need to never comment or talk about anything.

Now Centex I beg to differ, it is obvious that you are covering up something, do you really think we are all fools, especially us women. This is discrimination big time and I will continue to post about your fraud no matter what I am not a victim of your criminal company but another.

So get ready now everyone will know what you are trying:


Agreement MADE THIS ____ DAY OF August 2004, by and among Priscilla A. ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (hereinafter Piscilla), CTX Mortgage Company, LLC of 2328 N. Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas (hereinafter CTX), and Centex Home Equity Company, LLC of 350 Highland Drive, Lewisville, Texas (hereinafter CHEC); and
WHEREAS, on or about October 11, 2002, Pricilla obtained a loan in the principal amount of $210,000.00 from CTX (Loan), which loan was secured by a mortgage in favor of CTX on Pricilla's property at ((redacted)) Street, Peabody, Massachusetts (Property); and
WHEREAS, CTX subsequently sold the Loan to CHEC, which continues to hold and service the Loan; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has on numerous occasions defaulted on her obligations pursuant to the Loan and as of the date hereof, the Loan is in default, and
WHEREAS, CHEC has asserted that in addition to the outstanding principal balance due on the Loan in the amount of approximately $209,400.04, CHEC is owed accrued interest of approximately $23,796.01 through July 31, 2003, additional interest deferred to the end of the Loan of approximately $1,702.20, escrow advances of approximately $2,266,76, late charges of approximately $996.30, plus additional legal fees and costs; and
WHEREAS, Pricilla has asserted certain claims against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan, including, without limitation, that CHEC and/or CTX has violated various Federal and State consumer laws, entitling her to rescind the Loan; and
WHEREAS, CHEC and CTX have denied and continue to deny that they have violated any law with respect to the Loan, and furthermore, denies that they have any legal obligation whatsoever for any of the claims asserted by Pricilla against CHEC and/or CTX in connection with the Loan or otherwise; and WHEREAS, the parties realize the cost and time consuming nature of foreclosure and potential litigation and desire to avoid spending substantial additional time and incurring additional expense in litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a compromise agreement in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC, and CTX arising out of the Loan.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants set forth herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

1. Pricilla shall pay to CHEC on or before August 31, 2004, and CHEC has agreed to accept the sum of $210,000.00 in good funds (bank or certified check) in full settlement of any and all claims among Pricilla, CHEC and/or CTX, including, without limitation, all claims with respect to the Pricilla's obligations to CHEC and/or CTX pursuant to the Loan, which amount Pricilla recognizes and confirms is less than the full amount required to pay off the loan. The check shall be delivered and made payable to James B. Fox, as Attorney for CHEC. Time shall be strictly of the essence with regard to this payment.

2. Upon the execution of this Agreement, Pricilla shall forthwith execute and deliver to CHECK and CTX, a General Release in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

3. Upon payment of the $210,000.00 strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the Agreement, CHEC and CTX shall deliver to Pricilla, a General Release for attached hereto as Exhibit B.

4. In the event that Pricilla fails to make the entire payment to CHEC strictly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, CHEC is entitled to foreclose on its mortgage and otherwise exercise its rights under the note and mortgage without any interference from Pricilla or anyone else on her behalf.

5. In the event of any breach of any provision of this Agreement, in addition to such other remedies available in equity or at law, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover fees incurred in obtaining legal redress for such breach, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs.

6. CHEC agrees that for purposes of reporting to any credit bureau or agency, CHEC will indicate only that the Loan is delinquent (and not in foreclosure) and will report the account settled per agreement.

7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

8. The facts of this case, the nature and terms of this Settlement Agreement, all of the discussions leading to this Settlement Agreement, or any subsidiary undertaking required by this Settlement Agreement, shall not be disclosed by Pricilla or her attorney, representatives, agents, or assigns, without the prior written consent of CHEC and CTX. Pricilla and her attorney expressly covenant that the terms of this Settlement Agreement are strictly confidential, and expressly agree not to discuss or disclose any of the terms of this Settlement Agreement with or to any person other than Pricilla's accountant for purposes of preparing tax returns, except in response to a subpoena or court directive. Furthermore, Pricilla agrees that she will not disparage (verbally or in writing) CHEC and/or CTX including any of their officers, directors, employees, attorneys, affiliates and/or subsidiaries, or any policies, procedures, practices, actions, or inactions of such individuals and/or entities.
9. The parties hereby acknowledge that they have consulted with their respective attorneys concerning this Agreement and the Exhibits and further confirm that they understand the Agreement, agree to all of its terms, and enter into this Agreement voluntarily.
10. The terms and provisions of this Agreement may be modified or amended only by written agreement executed by all parties hereto.
11. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all such counterparts shall constitute one instrument.
Signed as a sealed instrument this day and year above written.
Centex Home Equity Company, LLC

, its
CTX Mortgage Company, LLC

, its




#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 06, 2004

"In addition, if the loan is guaranteed (by private mortgage insurance or the government), a mortgage company may find it more profitable to foreclose and make a claim on the guarantee."

Centex Home Equity does not charge private mortgage insurance. Most sub-prime lenders do not charge it. These would be the people taking on the "higher risk" consumers.


Underwriting...you seem to fail to understand ...The vendor management company

#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 05, 2004

What you seem to fail to understand on appraisals is that there are vendor management companies that set up the appraisals and receive, and check the appraisals before we have any clue as to the value provided. The vendor management company is the one that receives the payment from the consumer, then the vendor management company contacts the appraiser which in turn contacts the borrower....not the lender. At no point does the lender even know who the appraiser until the appraisal is back or the borrower relays the information. Appraisers are also bound under their own guidelines to give accurate values unswayed by borrowers and lenders. So if they give a poor appraisal it is THEM who errored, not the lending company.

As far as charging people $2100 on a mortgage payment when they have $2200 gross monthly income, there would have to be false documentation sent over by the borrower or manipulation by the lender on the documents. Sure there are loan originators that will try to bait and switch, but before the close there is always a pre-close that is read directly off the HUD giving the details of the loan. Should that not happen and despite all the time it took for paper work...who the hell would sign a document saying they will pay $2100 a month when they only make $2200? Yeah you may have gone through a lot of work to close it but now you would sign something that you know will jeapordize everything? If you are such an amazing repayer of debt why would it be so hard to decline, you have all your documentation together, have a new appraisal....why not refuse to sign and switch to a new lender? The process would be fast being that you have everything together and you are such an upstanding borrower. I am sure everyone wants to lend you thousands of dollars.

I can see where during signing you can overlook a fee here and there, or a pre-pay penalty, but to miss the monthly payment is a BS excuse....it is simply plain ignorant for someone to not look at that portion prior to signing.

***Some people actually like the fact the lender services their loan (for its duration) instead of having their loan sold off every 2 years and having to wait weeks and make numerous phone calls to track down old information.


Foreclosures Are a Profit to Lenders

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

Lesa, just to educate you a little bit and all the insders who post here, this is what I found out about foreclosures and how lenders make their profits. See below:

Just happened across a comment from one of the law firms who's main interest is predatory mortgage foreclosure:

"There is a common assumption (among judges, borrowers, and the public) that mortgage companies do not desire to foreclose and acquire real estate. This assumption is no longer well founded."

"There are an increasing number of "scavengers" that buy bad debts, including mortgages, for a fraction of face value and attempt to enforce them. Such entities profit by foreclosure. "Mortgage sources confide that some unscrupulous lenders are purposely allowing certain borrowers to fall deeper into a financial hole from which they can?t escape. Why? Because it pushes these consumers into foreclosure, whereupon the lender grabs the house and sells it at a profit." Robert I. Heady, The People?s Money, "Foreclosure, You Must Avoid It," South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Feb. 25, 2002. In addition, if the loan is guaranteed (by private mortgage insurance or the government), a mortgage company may find it more profitable to foreclose and make a claim on the guarantee."

Now, take a look at Centex's foreclosure rate and that should tell you what business they are in. I personally have checked the site of our Registry of Deeds and see that Centex has infiltrated us by holding at least 354 mortgages just over a short period of time and a lot of them have been bought by Centex and others are in the first stages of foreclosure. This is on the Registry of Deeds website, so take a look at each county's website and see who is in foreclosure and how many are owned by Centex. I think you will be surprised. Centex is making money on foreclosing and not lending. Like I have been saying all along, Centex is in the business of foreclosure and not lending.


New York,
Centex, Litton Loan, Ocwen and the rest How stupid do you think we all are, foreclosure is not profitable read it and weep!

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

This is for that Lesa; you made a comment in your first post noting that no company wants foreclsoure. You even went to justify this by stating that in the interim there are no payment and us homeowners live there for free and you Centex, etc. make no money.

Well I beg to differ, here is just one comment on why FORECLOSURE IS PROFITABLE:

There is a common assumption (among judges, borrowers, and the public) that mortgage companies do not desire to foreclose and acquire real estate. This assumption is no longer well founded.

There are an increasing number of "scavengers" that buy bad debts, including mortgages, for a fraction of face value and attempt to enforce them. Such entities profit by foreclosure. "Mortgage sources confide that some unscrupulous lenders are purposely allowing certain borrowers to fall deeper into a financial hole from which they can't escape. Why? Because it pushes these consumers into foreclosure, whereupon the lender grabs the house and sells it at a profit." Robert I. Heady, The People's Money, "Foreclosure, You Must Avoid It," South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Feb. 25, 2002. In addition, if the loan is guaranteed (by private mortgage insurance or the government), a mortgage company may find it more profitable to foreclose and make a claim on the guarantee.

This is from a well known law firm that has been heavily involved with taking you to court to prove their statement, Edleman, Combs, Latturner & Goodwin, LLC.

Try if you will, but we know the truth there is money in stealing homes. So now what do you have to say?


New York,
To Lesa Centex employee and the rest of their employees

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, August 01, 2004

To Lesa the Centex Employee: wondering how you sleep at night. Not really but thought that maybe you would at least take the time to review if able some of the victims comments and complaints.

In any situation there are 2 sides to any story and then what actually happened. So as a loyal employee I think you had better check things out for yourself instead of just spouting words that Centex is such a great and reputable company.

Start checking out the other sites at rip off and you will see that we as mortgage and servicer victims are not alone. We all don't pay our mortgage and many of us take for granted that the contracts signed are in compliance with the state's statutes. But as we all know they slip things in and many do not realize what the future holds from companies like Centex or the numerous so called servicer/collection agencies, like Litton Loan or that notorious settlement for Fairbanks.

Then your comment on high priced don't you mean rape, which in all states is a crime and I quote;

" AND I'm also sure there are good people out there with good explanations for not paying their debts. AND I'm sure there are collectors out there that are on a power trip. But that does not make us all bad, or stupid, or uneducated. I can't respond for "loan-officers" that intentionally rip-off good people".

Would like to propose a question to you Lesa why don't you take the time to check out Centex issues, look at the rate of late fees are they in compliance with not only contract requirements but state statutes. Also check out the early threats that if a victim of Centex does not comply they always face foreclosure.

In particular many of those Centex Victims have equity and we all know Centex is in business to make money, and it is to their advantage to foreclose, read the stats. Maybe the IRS should look into this for all victims and see how much is really a right off.

Then there is a moral issue as a Christian we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, Lesa can you face your maker and know you did your best?

Lesa are you reporting your comments to Centex or is this something you are doing on your own, be careful sometimes miss guided loyalty can get you fired!


Centex is a Predatory Lender and Will Be Brought Down

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, July 31, 2004

Oh, in response to your comment about centex not loaning money to someone that only has $100 left over to pay bills, Centex did just that and I have the paper proof on that one. That is why they are considered to be a predatory lender. No other REAL bank or nonpredatory lender would not do that, but Centex does and has consistently done that. Just look at the victims documents. You will see the hard proof in that as it's on paper. Centex changes figures. If you can't come to grips with that one, you never will. One day, you will see when Centex is brought down that I was right. Maybe then, you will open up your eyes to this predatory lending/servicing world. Centex lends money and services the loans as well, so you are hit with a double whammy. They strip the equity out of your home that you have worked so hard to maintain. I also had no debt and that my friend was on my credit report. I to this day still have no debt but the house. I was a great target for Centex.


Yes, You Are Missing the WHOLE Point!!!

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, July 31, 2004

Thank you S from Arizona for sticking up for us victims. Let me try to give you some more facts. I feel this may be a fishing expedition as Centex and I are in settlement negotiations to rescind my loan. Having said that, you now know there were problems with my loan. Are you not familiar with a bait and switch deal? Centex reels you in with a great promise and then the loan documents come back with something different. If you are backed up against a wall and FORCED, again forced (do you not know the meaning of that word yet?) to sign those documents because in my case I would have been found in contempt of court for not refinancing as stated in my divorce settlement agreement. I had only 90 days to find a lender and sign the docs so that I would not be found in contempt of court. Now, tell me is that not pressure enough? YES I SIGNED THOSE DOCUMENTS!!!! Have told you that and you know that. If I had not then I would have had lots of fees charged to me as a direct result of me not signing those documents. Centex knew they had me. I did not get this loan, nor did I seek out Centex. That company was affiliated with my divorce attorney who now no longer reprents them as a direct result of the broker leaving Centex because of the issues with the company. THE BROKER DIDN'T LIKE WHAT WAS GOING ON!!! Now that I was signed, I was locked in. How, is what you're asking right? Well, when I tried to refinance, Centex added on fees that were never disclosed to me in the beginning. Undisclosed prepaid finance charges are a direct violation of the Truth In Lending Act. The HOEPA Violation comes in when you give a loan to a person who has no ability to repay that loan(I won't quote the direct site for that one, but can if you want), along with high fees to underwrite the loan. THAT my friend is the definition of a predatory lender. I never realized that interest rate was very high, extremely high because that fact was hidden. Also, you state that Centex doesn't deal with appraisers? You are definitely wrong on that. Centex does in fact deal with appraisers as they called the appraiser I had and I talked with the appraiser and he told me what Centex asked him to do. Now, if I were to go to court on this one, I believe I might be able to persuade the appraiser into telling the truth about the inflated amount. The loan to value ratio told Centex I did not qualify for the loan, so they did their dirty deed in making the loan qualify by inflating the appraisal by $60,000, by changing my salary on my loan documents, etc. Do you need more? The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) is now underwriting my loan and they are also investigating for a possible suit against Centex. Now, having the proper entities involved, do you think they would do that if I did not have a predatory loan? The answer to that is quite simple, NO. There are many factors to figuring out if a person has been hit by a predatory lender and believe me, all of us victims have been hit with this and the name of that lender is CENTEX. The NCRC is helping a lot of us and I would like a lot more to call them so that they can get help too. If we were not with a predatory lender do you think they would go out of their way to help? Again, the answer to that is simply, NO they wouldn't. You need to come down from you high horse and look at the facts. The facts are within our loan documents. Our loan documents have many errors on them and Centex needs to be held accountable for those errors. You can't just clairfy them as, "oh, I made a mistake", that doesn't cut it in the banking world. If there are errors, then there are violations of TILA and maybe HOEPA. My advice to everyone who is a victim of this company is to get an audit done on your loan documents. Do a RESPA letter and get copies of your files from Centex and take it to someone else to figure out what is wrong. Then, call NCRC and get help. That is exactly what I did and now I am going to be helped. Then, a class action suit will commence. There are too many of us fighting to save our homes and Centex is not getting them. Again, insider, start looking at documents of victims and see for yourself. Then maybe you might think on our side, or even help us. That is another option for you, help us bring Centex down.


- Orginal Poster- missing the hole point...THE POINT IS!

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, July 30, 2004

Sorry , but you seem to be missing the hole point. Yes , she signed it , but why? The same thing happen to me , they changed the numbers several times for Centex. Why do they keep changing the numbers till they get it exepted? Because , they know centex will take it sooner or later and they will get paid. why do we the consumer take it? Well after hours of BS and hours of reading BS , finaly they say ok we can sign! What you think we will do? after all that BS and effort , walk out? Not to mention how bad the people make you feel for questioning anything. Oh i spent all this time on this and im only getting half the pay I was expecting etc.... It is all BS. We are used by them then by Centex. USed abused, then we get kicked out onto the street with nothing. All this time everyone else makes out big time, all that interest all thoes fee's. Please why did she sign? She signed because the same reason we all do, we are put through the wash over and over till we puke , and say OK OK , and sign. Centex knows this well. After all thats what Centex is all about , taken everything they can , then cleaning up on it later too... Centex never comes out anywhere close to even , they always come up way on top, and watch us get steped on and laff, because we got taken, just like the rest.....


Some Facts

#21UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 29, 2004

"They over-appraised my house and then locked me into a mortgage that I can't afford"
Did you not sign the paper work? How exactly did they lock you into the mortgage? The appraisals are done by 3rd parties and Centex is never in contact with the appraiser themself. The appraiser would be the only one accountable for the appraised value. I do believe you signed the papers...maybe you didn't look at the payment amount before you signed?

Mortgage payment of $2100 and total income of $2200?

Why did you sign the loan? Considering the underwriting caps at 50% DTI (debt to income) then my guess would be there were things on the credit report that didn't show and you didn't bring to their attention, or you accumulated the debt post closing. There is no underwriter nor lender that would loan 50k+ to someone that has $100 a month for all extra bills.

I am sure there are some faults at Centex, but please try to post something that is legitimate and logical.


Centex is a Predatory Lender and You Need to Realize that

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, July 29, 2004

Well Lesa,I can see you are reading this board quite frequently. Thank you for your response and I can see you have toned it down a little. Let me explain from the consumer side of things just how Centex does exploit us "little" people, the "high-risk" loans as you call them.

If you haven't noticed, Centex tends to give loans to women who have been divorced and awarded their homes through divorce. Their money and lifestyle has changed drastically. They are also people who are disabled, lost their jobs, etc.

These are the so-called "high-risk" loans you are talking about. We are put in this position by different forces which are totally out of our control and Centex comes along and promises one loan and gives us another, a typical "bait and switch". I for one was in a position of being divorced where I had to pay alimony to my ex along with trying to maintain my home.

Because I had to pay-off my ex to get rid of him, I was FORCED, yes forced, into refinancing my home to get that money to get rid of him. Centex was the one that was used because of the promises and the quickness for which that could have been achieved.

Yes, we all need to read our documents, however, Centex is very clever, they put the important things at the end of the documents and by the time we get to that we are tired of reading. Also, they don't fill in everythning correctly. They use wrong figures and how would we know that unless we had another loan officer with another company point it out or have an audit done of our loan documents?

The average person going through difficult times are the ones who have no clue as to how to figure out the correct APR or other figures on the loan documents. You have an advantage by working in the lending field, so you can understand the lingo of the lenders. Also, Centex will get an appraiser to appraise your home and if the appraisal comes back at a low figure, instead of refusing to do the loan because a person doesn't qualify, Centex tells the appraiser to change the figures.

That is done consistently with any loan from Centex. I have had my appraisal increased by $60,000 to qualify my loan. In my situation, I was told to do the loan for 6 months and then refinance and get away from Centex. That is what was told to me by the closing attorney who was working for Centex. I did exactly that, but Centex refused to let me out of the loan by not giving a correct payoff figure.

Once the loan is written and Centex services the loan, then that's when you run into problems. Centex told me that I would never refinance my home ever again with another company. Is that what you are being paid to say to us? That tactic is illegal. Centex does everything to NOT work with people. The also seem to lend to people who have equity in their house. Once they have established you have equity they will write a loan for you one way or another as they can strip that equity out of you just as easy as that. They will underwrite a loan and charge you fees that shouldn't be charged.

I for one and I know from the others that Centex needs to be held accountable for everything they have done. Their servicers need to be fired because they have no idea how to treat people and they have no idea what the laws are. They just charge you fees after fees after fees. They are the "mafia" of the mortgage companies and they need to be stopped. It will be my quest to do just that.

I certainly hope that I can make a difference by getting the attention of the appropriate entities to bring a suit against them. They will come down, believe me. One way or another. These illegal practices that Centex uses will be found out and they will be held accountable. If you are a loan officer, then start looking back at other loans and talking to all these victims and hear their stories. Also, you need to look at all our documents to see what we are saying is true.

I have a bunch of documents from other victims and have presented all of them to the proper authroties. I can only wish that one day a consumer law firm will bring Centex down. Stay tuned Lesa and keep your eyes open. Centex is not what you think it is. They definitely have you brainwashed like I said before. If you are really interested in knowing the truth seek out the other forums we are all at and you will see.


St. Clair Shores,
Centex is a "high-risk" lender

#23UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 28, 2004

I know as an employee, that Centex does not want our customers homes. Check with your attorney, he will tell you the same thing. We are a high-risk lender. We are tough to get payments, anyone in high-risk lending is tough. Foreclosure is not a win situation for either party involved.

When a home is foreclosed, the bank is not receiving payments until the home sells. If the person lives in the home for a year, that is one year of no payments. Then when the person is put out by the sheriff, that home could sit vacant for another year before it sells. Then it goes for the amount owed to the bank.

If the home is valued less than what is owed, that is all the bank can get. If the bank had to pay years of unpaid taxes to stop foreclosure on the state level, they are out of that also. In the meantime, the homeowner either has trashed the home, and pocketed 1 years worth of payments.

AND I'm also sure there are good people out there with good explanations for not paying their debts. AND I'm sure there are collectors out there that are on a power trip. But that does not make us all bad, or stupid, or un-educated. I can't respond for "loan-officers" that intentionally rip-off good people.

I agree, that is not right. Title companies close the loans. Why didn't you ask them to explain the terms. Their job is to do just that. All of us at Centex are not wolves, as I'm sure all of you are not "Scum" as stated in the letter. And the statement is correct, "you signed the documents".

I hold a mortgage. I read the documents, and what I didn't understand I asked a real estate attorney to explain for me. That is the reason for the 3 day "cool-down". If you didn't like the terms of your loan, then why would you sign it? I know I wouldn't sign for something that I didn't want. If you couldn't afford the payments, then why did you sign for them?


Here is another Centex victim

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, July 27, 2004

I too have been a victum of Centex. Pricilla is real and has helped us with our fight with Centex. I am a widow that had my house paid off when Centex contacted me. I have a mortgage and was hours away of losing my house at a sheriff sale. I also suggest ACORN. Centex is a predatory lender praying on the poor and elderly. I too have violations.


I'm sure Lesa doesn't want to hear about us at all, she's an insider and has no clue

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, July 27, 2004

Thanks Sheila,

Thanks for your response! I'm sure Lesa doesn't want to hear about us at all, she's an insider and has no clue. She doesn't think we are all talking and I'm sure Centex doesn't think we are all talking, however, we are talking. I can name more names, but will not unless they come forward. See, Lesa, we are real and no one is going to understand it until Centex is brought down. We all plan on doing that. We know what Centex is doing and we plan on fighting. It's apparent to me that Centex has not listened nor have they learned from all the other suits filed. I guess they will have to learn the hard way. Wake-up people, fight for your homes, don't let this company get away with taking your home. Please, if you have had your house already taken, let us all know. Lesa, you better start paying attention to all of us as we are not going away.


St. James,
How many people do you want to hear from that Centex has taken advantage of?

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, July 27, 2004

I'm a victim of Centex Home Equity. They over-appraised my house and then locked me into a mortgage that I can't afford. As of today, my house is in the Foreclosure process. I have written letters of complaints to the FTC, the Dept. of Commerce, the Texas Better Business Bureau, the Texas Attorney General's office, the MN Attorney General's office, attorneys in Minnesota, and others. all of which I am still waiting for help. All I get is "you shouldn't have signed the mortgage papers."

I was lied to by the loan officer of Centex, that I could refinance after I made a few payments on time for a few months. When I managed to borrow the mortgage payments, I called the loan officer back and asked to refinance. He said, "We don't refinance until you've made your payments on time for a year or more." Then, he hung up on me. Every time I call the company to try to work out a payment arrangement, their staff is extremely rude, similar to talking to the TV Mob. I heard that real life mob's are nicer. Centex is not. They locked me into the mortgage, the house is only worth $40,000 but they had it appraised for $50,000.

After I complained about the over appraisal, Centex let my loan officer go, and the original appraiser has left Minnesota. Plus, I sent Centex an RESPA letter of complaints, and all they answered with was: "you signed the mortgage papers." All my attention went to fighting the mortgage, and wondering why they won't refinance, as I've managed to keep up with the payments for 3-years.

My marriage ended. He's living in the house and I moved out. Centex bills come to my apartment, instead of going to the house! That's really messed up. And, Centex knows that I'm not working but my ex-husband is. So, why are they sending me the bill?

Does this sound like a respectable company?


New York,
to the insider take your own advice Get Real !

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, July 16, 2004

This is for Lesa the insider. What position do you hold to have this attitude. I suggest you start looking at some of the past settled lawsuits that explain how you and yes Centex try to steal out homes and ruin our lives for the money.

Maybe Centex is paying you? You said and I quote;

"Priscilla, who are these "bunch" of you. I seriously doubt if you are even real. Your response is IDENTICAL to another one on Ocwen's list, only thing different is the company name. GET REAL!"
Lesa - St. Clair Shores, Michigan U.S.A.

If you own a home better watch your back, since no company and even Centex gives a d**n about anyone, nor do the rest like Litton, Ocwen, Fairbanks, and on and on.

By the way try visiting some of the other forums
just do a search on any of your names and you will be surprised that we are real and you are the one who needs to look at herself in the mirror. Start to think before you speak.


Comment to Lesa....The DOJ is already involved

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, July 16, 2004

It's obvious Lesa that you are brainwashed by Centex. Yes, Centex is in the business of foreclosing as they lend money to people who have no ability to repay for the sole purpose of foreclosing on their property to make a profit. For instance, my loan with Centex is $2100/month and my pay is $2200/month, how is that not predatory???? I am real, are you???

Centex threatens, and does NOT work with people. I have proof of this and am currently working with Centex's attorneys for a rescission of my loan as they VIOLATED - (do you know what the word means?) TILA and RESPA. Centex is good in getting people like you to stick up for them, but in reality, they are a predatory lender and prey on people like myself and all the others I am currently in contact with.

I do not have to give you names as you are with the enemy and we have a large firm looking into a class action suit against Centex. YOU GET REAL!!! Please do your homework and investigations yourself. Centex is like the Ocwen, Fairbanks, and all the others.

They have been caught and one day Centex will be caught then what will you say???? Hmmmm??? I have proof of what I am saying and that's why I have an attorney for my situation and that's why Centex is negotiating a rescission of my loan. You obviously know nothing. Yes, Centex extracted money out of my checking account without my approval and I have a letter verifying that, Centex was forced to put that money back into my account.

Why don't you educate yourself and read these complaints and talk to some of these victims instead of walking with blinders on your eyes. Start reading and paying attention. Centex is scared because of a possible suit. I will make sure that my message and these victims messages gets out to the proper authority.

The DOJ is already involved and the FTC and NCRC is investigating these allegations. So, Lesa, what do you have to say to this? I'm sure nothing!!! Good luck with your job at Centex as they certainly found an uneducated person to do their dirty work.


St. Clair Shores,
Priscella from Mass. is wrong and is not an attorney

#29UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 15, 2004

first off, Centex is not a beast and we are Not in the business of foreclosing home loans. Make sure you read the RESPA documents priscilla is telling you to get. Centex does not want your homes. This makes any banks portfolio perform poorly. Centex cannot take payments directly out of bank accounts with out authorization from the customer. Centex works directly with Fannie Mae. If Priscilla knew anything about what she was talking about, her comment would not be identical to the response made to the numberous other complaints against Ocwen, Household, etc. As an employee of Centex, we are bound by the R.E.S.P.A. laws and are subject to being either terminated or sued if we do not follow compliance. According to the housing laws, banks cannot "put a payment" to the end of the loan. I'm sure this was discussed with the customer. I know that Centex works with their customers, and I know that they do set up payment arrangements, and do what ever they can to help. If the customer does not pay then the arrangement is off. Priscilla, who are these "bunch" of you. I seriously doubt if you are even real. Your response is IDENTICAL to another one on Ocwen's list, only thing different is the company name. GET REAL!


Maybe some help for you...Don't give up!! That's what Centex wants you to do.

#30Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 09, 2004

Well, you are right, Centex is a rotten company to be with. They are in the business of foreclosures rather than mortgage lending. You need to contact your state's attorney general's office and file a consumer complaint. Then file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. You can do this online.

If you want to get out of the loan, call the National Community Reinvestment Coalition in Washington, CD (NCRC), they have a Consumer Rescue Fund and a bunch of us who are victims of Centex are getting our loans refinanced through them and the NCRC is keeping tabs on how many victims there are and may file a suit against them. Not sure if that is a definite, but they are now looking into it.

Since you are also a victim like all the rest of us, you need to start the fight of your life, to save your home from the beasts (Centex). There is an agency called ACORN, who helps consumers who are with predatory lenders like Centex. Centex makes their money by not crediting your payments on time, charing you an extra late fee.

They obviously didn't learn from all the lawsuits filed against Fairbanks, Ocwen, Litton, Household, etc. The list goes on and on. Centex will get caught one of these days as they are now on the HUD Watch List for their activities. Also, visit the HUD website and get information on the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.

They will tell you what the responsibilities are of the consumer, what laws are available to you and what the responsibilities of the lender/servicer. There is a sample Qualified Written Request to get a copy of your loan file from Centex. Do that, get a copy of your file.

Centex will have 20 days to respond to that letter and then they have 60 days to give you a copy of your file/account. You need to ask for a acomplete accounting of how your money is being applied. Then, contact a consumer law attorney one who is well versed in Truth in Lending and get advice.

If you can't afford an attorney, go to the Bar Association in your area or contact your legal aid, every state has one. Centex is stealing from you and all of us. The will keep doing this unless we all do the same thing.

Please realize that I am a consumer like you who is a victim of Centex and cannot provide any legal advice because I'm not a lawyer. There are many of us who are communicating with one another and are victims of Centex. We are working to hopefully get the Federal Government involved in bringing this company down.

Hoepfully this has helped. Don't give up!! That's what Centex wants you to do. If they are yelling at you, they are violating laws. Make them accountable for what they are doing.

Good luck! I'd like to hear how you make out!!

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